def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., cell_surface=1., iterations=15, logging=logging, order=0): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments dem_norm = hand - dem_min # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch) * pcr.areaaverage( cell_surface, subcatch) # area_multiplier error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) depth_catch = volume_catch / surface # meters water disc averaged over subcatchment # ilt(depth_catch, 'depth_catch_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) #, 'volume_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0)) # bizarre high inundation depth dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): logging.debug('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max) / 2 # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch - average_depth_catch) / depth_catch, depth_catch * 0) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) pcr.setglobaloption('unittrue') return inundation
def downscalePrecipitation(self, currTimeStep, useFactor=True, minCorrelationCriteria=0.85): preSlope = 0.001 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.precipLapseRateNC, 'precipitation',\ currTimeStep.month, useDoy = "Yes",\ cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) preSlope = pcr.cover(preSlope, 0.0) preSlope = pcr.max(0., preSlope) preCriteria = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.precipitCorrelNC, 'precipitation',\ currTimeStep.month, useDoy = "Yes",\ cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) preSlope = pcr.ifthenelse(preCriteria > minCorrelationCriteria,\ preSlope, 0.0) preSlope = pcr.cover(preSlope, 0.0) if useFactor == True: factor = pcr.max(0., self.precipitation + preSlope * self.anomalyDEM) factor = factor / \ pcr.areaaverage(factor, self.meteoDownscaleIds) factor = pcr.cover(factor, 1.0) self.precipitation = factor * self.precipitation else: self.precipitation = self.precipitation + preSlope * self.anomalyDEM self.precipitation = pcr.max(0.0, self.precipitation)
def downscaleTemperature(self, currTimeStep, useFactor=False, maxCorrelationCriteria=-0.75, zeroCelciusInKelvin=273.15): tmpSlope = 1.000 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.temperLapseRateNC, 'temperature',\ currTimeStep.month, useDoy = "Yes",\ cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) tmpSlope = pcr.min(0., tmpSlope) # must be negative tmpCriteria = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(\ self.temperatCorrelNC, 'temperature',\ currTimeStep.month, useDoy = "Yes",\ cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap,\ LatitudeLongitude = True) tmpSlope = pcr.ifthenelse(tmpCriteria < maxCorrelationCriteria,\ tmpSlope, 0.0) tmpSlope = pcr.cover(tmpSlope, 0.0) if useFactor == True: temperatureInKelvin = self.temperature + zeroCelciusInKelvin factor = pcr.max(0.0, temperatureInKelvin + tmpSlope * self.anomalyDEM) factor = factor / \ pcr.areaaverage(factor, self.meteoDownscaleIds) factor = pcr.cover(factor, 1.0) self.temperature = factor * temperatureInKelvin - zeroCelciusInKelvin else: self.temperature = self.temperature + tmpSlope * self.anomalyDEM
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., cell_surface=1., iterations=15, logging=logging, order=0, neg_HAND=None): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use neg_HAND -- if set to 1, HAND maps can have negative values when elevation outside of stream is lower than stream (for example when there are natural embankments) Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments dem_norm = hand - dem_min # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*pcr.areaaverage(cell_surface, subcatch) # area_multiplier error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) depth_catch = volume_catch/surface # meters water disc averaged over subcatchment # ilt(depth_catch, 'depth_catch_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) #, 'volume_{:02d}.map'.format(order)) if neg_HAND == 1: dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(-32.)) # bizarre high inundation depth☻ dem_min = pcr.scalar(-32.) else: dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0.)) # bizarre high inundation depth☻ dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): logging.debug('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2 # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) pcr.setglobaloption('unittrue') return inundation
def downscaleReferenceETPot(self, zeroCelciusInKelvin=273.15): temperatureInKelvin = self.temperature + zeroCelciusInKelvin factor = pcr.max(0.0, temperatureInKelvin) factor = factor / \ pcr.areaaverage(factor, self.meteoDownscaleIds) factor = pcr.cover(factor, 1.0) self.referencePotET = pcr.max(0.0, factor * self.referencePotET)
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., area_multiplier=1., iterations=15): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments #, '') dem_norm = hand - dem_min #, '') # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch) * area_multiplier, '') error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) #, '') depth_catch = volume_catch / surface, '') dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0)) # bizarre high inundation depth dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): print('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max) / 2 #, 'dem_av00.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) #, 'depth_c0.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch - average_depth_catch) / depth_catch, depth_catch * 0) #, 'error000.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) # error_abs = np.abs(error) # TODO: not needed probably, remove inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) return inundation
def spatialInterpolation2PCR(fieldArray, pcrType, MV): #-interpolates the field array to the full extent field = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcrType, fieldArray, MV) cellID = pcr.nominal(pcr.uniqueid(pcr.defined(field))) zoneID = pcr.spreadzone(cellID, 0, 1) if pcrType == pcr.Scalar: field = pcr.areaaverage(field, zoneID) else: field = pcr.areamajority(field, zoneID) return field
def sample(self, expression): """ Sampling the current values of 'expression' at the given locations for the current timestep """ arrayRowPos = self._userModel.currentTimeStep( ) - self._userModel.firstTimeStep() #if isinstance(expression, float): # expression = pcraster.scalar(expression) try: # store the data type for tss file header if self._spatialDatatype == None: self._spatialDatatype = str(expression.dataType()) except AttributeError as e: datatype, sep, tail = str(e).partition(" ") msg = "Argument must be a PCRaster map, type %s given. If necessary use data conversion functions like scalar()" % ( datatype) raise AttributeError(msg) if self._spatialIdGiven: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.areaaverage(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) else: tmp = pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) col = 0 for cellIndex in self._sampleAddresses: value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, cellIndex) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos][col] = value col += 1 else: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.spatial(expression))\ / pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.scalar(pcraster.defined(pcraster.spatial(expression)))) else: tmp = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression),\ pcraster.spatial(pcraster.nominal(1))))) value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, 1) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos] = value if self._userModel.currentTimeStep() == self._userModel.nrTimeSteps(): self._writeTssFile()
def xyzWAQUA2Pcr(xyzFile, gridIDMap, cloneFile): """read an WAQUA .xyz file into a raster map xyzFile: x,y,z,m,n,id column file with a one line header gridIDmap: pcraster map with the rgf grid cell IDs cloneFile: pcraster clonefile to be used in col2map """ xyz = np.loadtxt(xyzFile, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) xyzPointMap = col2map(xyz, cloneFile, args='-S -a -m -999999') xyzAreaMap = pcr.areaaverage(xyzPointMap, pcr.nominal(gridIDMap)) return xyzAreaMap
def sample(self, expression): """ Sampling the current values of 'expression' at the given locations for the current timestep """ arrayRowPos = self._userModel.currentTimeStep() - self._userModel.firstTimeStep() #if isinstance(expression, float): # expression = pcraster.scalar(expression) try: # store the data type for tss file header if self._spatialDatatype == None: self._spatialDatatype = str(expression.dataType()) except AttributeError as e: datatype, sep, tail = str(e).partition(" ") msg = "Argument must be a PCRaster map, type %s given. If necessary use data conversion functions like scalar()" % (datatype) raise AttributeError(msg) if self._spatialIdGiven: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType() == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.areaaverage(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) else: tmp = pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) col = 0 for cellIndex in self._sampleAddresses: value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, cellIndex) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos][col] = value col += 1 else: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType() == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.spatial(expression))\ / pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.scalar(pcraster.defined(pcraster.spatial(expression)))) else: tmp = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression),\ pcraster.spatial(pcraster.nominal(1))))) value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, 1) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos] = value if self._userModel.currentTimeStep() == self._userModel.nrTimeSteps(): self._writeTssFile()
def volume_spread(ldd, hand, subcatch, volume, volume_thres=0., area_multiplier=1., iterations=15): """ Estimate 2D flooding from a 1D simulation per subcatchment reach Input: ldd -- pcraster object direction, local drain directions hand -- pcraster object float32, elevation data normalised to nearest drain subcatch -- pcraster object ordinal, subcatchments with IDs volume -- pcraster object float32, scalar flood volume (i.e. m3 volume outside the river bank within subcatchment) volume_thres=0. -- scalar threshold, at least this amount of m3 of volume should be present in a catchment area_multiplier=1. -- in case the maps are not in m2, set a multiplier other than 1. to convert iterations=15 -- number of iterations to use Output: inundation -- pcraster object float32, scalar inundation estimate """ #initial values pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") dem_min = pcr.areaminimum(hand, subcatch) # minimum elevation in subcatchments #, '') dem_norm = hand - dem_min #, '') # surface of each subcatchment surface = pcr.areaarea(subcatch)*area_multiplier, '') error_abs = pcr.scalar(1e10) # initial error (very high) volume_catch = pcr.areatotal(volume, subcatch) #, '') depth_catch = volume_catch/surface, '') dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(volume_catch > volume_thres, pcr.scalar(32.), pcr.scalar(0)) # bizarre high inundation depth dem_min = pcr.scalar(0.) for n in range(iterations): print('Iteration: {:02d}'.format(n + 1)) #####while np.logical_and(error_abs > error_thres, dem_min < dem_max): dem_av = (dem_min + dem_max)/2 #, 'dem_av00.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) # compute value at dem_av average_depth_catch = pcr.areaaverage(pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0), subcatch) #, 'depth_c0.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) error = pcr.cover((depth_catch-average_depth_catch)/depth_catch, depth_catch*0) #, 'error000.{:03d}'.format(n + 1)) dem_min = pcr.ifthenelse(error > 0, dem_av, dem_min) dem_max = pcr.ifthenelse(error <= 0, dem_av, dem_max) # error_abs = np.abs(error) # TODO: not needed probably, remove inundation = pcr.max(dem_av - dem_norm, 0) return inundation
def interpolategauges(inputmap, method): """" Interpolate time series gauge data onto a grid using different methods inputmap: map with points data for a single timestep method: string indicating the method inv pol input: inputmap, method returns: interpolated map """ if method == "inv": result = pcr.inversedistance(1, inputmap, 3, 0, 0) elif method == "pol": Unq = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(inputmap + 1)) result = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.ordinal(pcr.cover(Unq, 0)), 0, 1) result = pcr.areaaverage(inputmap, result) else: Unq = pcr.uniqueid(pcr.boolean(inputmap + 1)) result = pcr.spreadzone(pcr.ordinal(pcr.cover(Unq, 0)), 0, 1) result = pcr.areaaverage(inputmap, result) return result
def areastat(Var, Area): """ Calculate several statistics of *Var* for each unique id in *Area* Input: - Var - Area Output: - Standard_Deviation,Average,Max,Min """ Avg = pcr.areaaverage(Var, Area) Sq = (Var - Avg) ** 2 N = pcr.areatotal(pcr.spatial(pcr.cellarea()), Area) / pcr.cellarea() Sd = (pcr.areatotal(Sq, Area) / N) ** 0.5 Max = pcr.areamaximum(Var, Area) Min = pcr.areaminimum(Var, Area) return Sd, Avg, Max, Min
def area_percentile(inmap, area, n, order, percentile): """ calculates percentile of inmap per area n is the number of points in each area, order, the sorter order of inmap per area (output of areaorder(inmap,area)) n is the output of pcr.areatotal(pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(1.0)),area) Input: - inmap - area map - n - order (riverorder) - percentile Output: - percentile map """ i = pcr.rounddown((n * percentile) / 100.0 + 0.5) # index in order map perc = pcr.ifthen(i == order, inmap) return pcr.areaaverage(perc, area)
def getParameterFiles(self,currTimeStep,cellArea,ldd,\ initial_condition_dictionary = None,\ currTimeStepInDateTimeFormat = False): # parameters for Water Bodies: fracWat # waterBodyIds # waterBodyOut # waterBodyArea # waterBodyTyp # waterBodyCap # cell surface area (m2) and ldd self.cellArea = cellArea ldd = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, ldd) # date used for accessing/extracting water body information if currTimeStepInDateTimeFormat: date_used = currTimeStep year_used = currTimeStep.year else: date_used = currTimeStep.fulldate year_used = currTimeStep.year if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True: date_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition year_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition[0:4] # fracWat = fraction of surface water bodies (dimensionless) self.fracWat = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.fracWat = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'fracWaterInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.fracWat = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.fracWaterInp+str(year_used)+".map", self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) self.fracWat = pcr.cover(self.fracWat, 0.0) self.fracWat = pcr.max(0.0, self.fracWat) self.fracWat = pcr.min(1.0, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.nominal(0) # waterBody ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.boolean(0) # waterBody outlets self.waterBodyArea = pcr.scalar(0.) # waterBody surface areas # water body ids if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyIds = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyIds', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.waterBodyIds = vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.waterBodyIdsInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir,False,None,True) # self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyIds)) # water body outlets (correcting outlet positions) wbCatchment = pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.scalar(1), ldd) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(wbCatchment ==\ pcr.areamaximum(wbCatchment, \ self.waterBodyIds),\ self.waterBodyIds) # = outlet ids # This may give more than two outlets, particularly if there are more than one cells that have largest upstream areas # - make sure that there is only one outlet for each water body self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.areaorder(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), \ self.waterBodyOut) == 1., self.waterBodyOut) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # TODO: Please also consider endorheic lakes! # correcting water body ids self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.subcatchment(ldd,self.waterBodyOut)) # boolean map for water body outlets: self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut) > 0.,\ pcr.boolean(1)) # reservoir surface area (m2): if self.useNetCDF: resSfArea = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resSfAreaInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: resSfArea = 1000. * 1000. * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resSfAreaInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) resSfArea = pcr.areaaverage(resSfArea, self.waterBodyIds) resSfArea = pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.) # water body surface area (m2): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.max(pcr.areatotal(\ pcr.cover(\ self.fracWat*self.cellArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds), pcr.areaaverage(\ pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0) , self.waterBodyIds)) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyArea) # correcting water body ids and outlets (exclude all water bodies with surfaceArea = 0) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0., self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyOut) # water body types: # - 2 = reservoirs (regulated discharge) # - 1 = lakes (weirFormula) # - 0 = non lakes or reservoirs (e.g. wetland) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.nominal(0) if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyTyp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyTypInp+str(year_used)+".map",\ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir,False,None,True) # excluding wetlands (waterBodyTyp = 0) in all functions related to lakes/reservoirs # self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.areamajority(self.waterBodyTyp,\ self.waterBodyIds) # choose only one type: either lake or reservoir self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyTyp) # correcting lakes and reservoirs ids and outlets self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, self.waterBodyOut) # reservoir maximum capacity (m3): self.resMaxCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.resMaxCap = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resMaxCapInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) else: self.resMaxCap = 1000. * 1000. * vos.readPCRmapClone(\ self.resMaxCapInp+str(year_used)+".map", \ self.cloneMap,self.tmpDir,self.inputDir) self.resMaxCap = pcr.ifthen(self.resMaxCap > 0,\ self.resMaxCap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.areaaverage(self.resMaxCap,\ self.waterBodyIds) # water body capacity (m3): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.cover( self.resMaxCap, 0.0) # Note: Most of lakes have capacities > 0. self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyCap) # correcting water body types: # Reservoirs that have zero capacities will be assumed as lakes. self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodyCap > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp,\ pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2,\ pcr.nominal(1),\ self.waterBodyTyp)) # final corrections: self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have surface areas self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that only types 1 and 2 will be considered in lake/reservoir functions self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyIds) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have outlets # for a natural run (self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True) # which uses only the year 1900, assume all reservoirs are lakes if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True and date_used == self.dateForNaturalCondition: "Using only natural water bodies identified in the year 1900. All reservoirs in 1900 are assumed as lakes." ) self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(1)) # check that all lakes and/or reservoirs have types, ids, surface areas and outlets: test = pcr.defined(self.waterBodyTyp) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyArea) &\ pcr.defined(self.waterBodyIds) & pcr.boolean(pcr.areamaximum(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), self.waterBodyIds)) a, b, c = vos.getMinMaxMean( pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(test), 1.0) - pcr.scalar(1.0)) threshold = 1e-3 if abs(a) > threshold or abs(b) > threshold: logger.warning( "Missing information in some lakes and/or reservoirs.") # at the beginning of simulation period (timeStepPCR = 1) # - we have to define/get the initial conditions # if initial_condition_dictionary != None and currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1: self.getICs(initial_condition_dictionary) # For each new reservoir (introduced at the beginning of the year) # initiating storage, average inflow and outflow # PS: THIS IS NOT NEEDED FOR OFFLINE MODFLOW RUN! # try: self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.cover(self.waterBodyStorage, 0.0) self.avgInflow = pcr.cover(self.avgInflow, 0.0) self.avgOutflow = pcr.cover(self.avgOutflow, 0.0) self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyStorage) self.avgInflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgInflow) self.avgOutflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgOutflow) except: # PS: FOR OFFLINE MODFLOW RUN! pass # TODO: Remove try and except # cropping only in the landmask region: self.fracWat = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyOut) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyArea) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyCap)
def complexreservoir( waterlevel, ReserVoirLocs, LinkedReserVoirLocs, ResArea, ResThreshold, ResStorFunc, ResOutflowFunc, sh, hq, res_b, res_e, inflow, precip, pet, ReservoirComplexAreas, JDOY, timestepsecs=86400, ): mv = -999.0 inflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), inflow) prec_av = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(precip, ReservoirComplexAreas) ) pet_av = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(pet, ReservoirComplexAreas) ) np_reslocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(ReserVoirLocs, 0.0) np_linkedreslocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(LinkedReserVoirLocs, 0.0) _outflow = [] nr_loop = np.max([int(timestepsecs / 21600), 1]) for n in range(0, nr_loop): np_waterlevel = pcr.pcr2numpy(waterlevel, np.nan) np_waterlevel_lower = np_waterlevel.copy() for val in np.unique(np_linkedreslocs): if val > 0: np_waterlevel_lower[np_linkedreslocs == val] = np_waterlevel[ np.where(np_reslocs == val) ] diff_wl = np_waterlevel - np_waterlevel_lower diff_wl[np.isnan(diff_wl)] = mv np_waterlevel_lower[np.isnan(np_waterlevel_lower)] = mv pcr_diff_wl = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, diff_wl, mv) pcr_wl_lower = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_waterlevel_lower, mv) storage_start = pcr.ifthenelse( ResStorFunc == 1, ResArea * waterlevel, lookupResFunc(ReserVoirLocs, waterlevel, sh, "0-1"), ) outflow = pcr.ifthenelse( ResOutflowFunc == 1, lookupResRegMatr(ReserVoirLocs, waterlevel, hq, JDOY), pcr.ifthenelse( pcr_diff_wl >= 0, pcr.max(res_b * (waterlevel - ResThreshold) ** res_e, 0), pcr.min(-1 * res_b * (pcr_wl_lower - ResThreshold) ** res_e, 0), ), ) np_outflow = pcr.pcr2numpy(outflow, np.nan) np_outflow_linked = np_reslocs * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if np_outflow[np_outflow < 0] is not None: np_outflow_linked[ np.in1d(np_reslocs, np_linkedreslocs[np_outflow < 0]).reshape( np_linkedreslocs.shape ) ] = np_outflow[np_outflow < 0] outflow_linked = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_outflow_linked, 0.0) fl_nr_loop = float(nr_loop) storage = ( storage_start + (inflow * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (prec_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * ResArea - (pet_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * ResArea - (pcr.cover(outflow, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (pcr.cover(outflow_linked, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) ) waterlevel = pcr.ifthenelse( ResStorFunc == 1, waterlevel + (storage - storage_start) / ResArea, lookupResFunc(ReserVoirLocs, storage, sh, "1-0"), ) np_outflow_nz = np_outflow * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): np_outflow_nz[np_outflow > 0] = np_outflow[np_outflow > 0] _outflow.append(np_outflow_nz) outflow_av_temp = np.average(_outflow, 0) outflow_av_temp[np.isnan(outflow_av_temp)] = mv outflow_av = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, outflow_av_temp, mv) return waterlevel, outflow_av, prec_av, pet_av, storage
def simplereservoir( storage, inflow, ResArea, maxstorage, target_perc_full, maximum_Q, demand, minimum_full_perc, ReserVoirLocs, precip, pet, ReservoirSimpleAreas, timestepsecs=86400, ): """ :param storage: initial storage m^3 :param inflow: inflow m^3/s :param maxstorage: maximum storage (above which water is spilled) m^3 :param target_perc_full: target fraction full (of max storage) - :param maximum_Q: maximum Q to release m^3/s if below spillway :param demand: water demand (all combined) m^3/s :param minimum_full_perc: target minimum full fraction (of max storage) - :param ReserVoirLocs: map with reservoir locations :param timestepsecs: timestep of the model in seconds (default = 86400) :return: storage (m^3), outflow (m^3/s), PercentageFull (0-1), Release (m^3/sec) """ inflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), inflow) prec_av = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(precip, ReservoirSimpleAreas) ), pcr.scalar(0.0), ) pet_av = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(ReserVoirLocs), pcr.areaaverage(pet, ReservoirSimpleAreas) ), pcr.scalar(0.0), ) oldstorage = storage storage = ( storage + (inflow * timestepsecs) + (prec_av / 1000.0) * ResArea - (pet_av / 1000.0) * ResArea ) percfull = ((storage + oldstorage) * 0.5) / maxstorage # first determine minimum (environmental) flow using a simple sigmoid curve to scale for target level fac = sCurve(percfull, a=minimum_full_perc, c=30.0) demandRelease = pcr.min(fac * demand * timestepsecs, storage) storage = storage - demandRelease # Re-determine percfull percfull = ((storage + oldstorage) * 0.5) / maxstorage wantrel = pcr.max(0.0, storage - (maxstorage * target_perc_full)) # Assume extra maximum Q if spilling overflowQ = (percfull - 1.0) * (storage - maxstorage) torelease = pcr.min(wantrel, overflowQ + maximum_Q * timestepsecs) storage = storage - torelease outflow = (torelease + demandRelease) / timestepsecs percfull = storage / maxstorage return storage, outflow, percfull, prec_av, pet_av, demandRelease / timestepsecs
pcr.max(0.0, lake_reservoir_volume - reservoir_capacity), 0.0) #~ pcr.aguila(lake_reservoir_overbank_volume) # # transfer 75% of overbank volume to the downstream (several cells downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.cover(\ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(water_body_outlet) > 0., lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * 0.50), 0.0) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) extreme_value_map = transfer_to_downstream + \ pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(water_body_id), 0.0) > 0.00, 0.00, extreme_value_map) # # the remaining overbank volume (50%) will be distributed to the shores lake_reservoir_overbank_volume = lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * 0.50 land_area = cell_area * pcr.max(0.0, 1.0 - fracwat) land_area_average = pcr.areaaverage(land_area, water_body_id) land_area_weight = pcr.ifthenelse( land_area < land_area_average, 0.0, land_area_average) distributed_lake_reservoir_overbank_volume = pcr.cover(\ lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * land_area_weight / pcr.max(0.00, pcr.areatotal(land_area_weight, water_body_id)), 0.0) extreme_value_map = pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(water_body_id), 0.0) > 0.00, distributed_lake_reservoir_overbank_volume, extreme_value_map) # # - cover the rests to zero (so they will not contribute to any flood/inundation) extreme_value_map = pcr.cover(extreme_value_map, 0.0) # # - make sure that we have positive extreme values - this is not necessary, but to make sure extreme_value_map = pcr.max(extreme_value_map, 0.0) # # - make sure that extreme value maps increasing over return period - this is not necessary, but to make sure if i_file > 0: extreme_value_map = pcr.max(previous_return_period_map, extreme_value_map) previous_return_period_map = extreme_value_map #
class TimeoutputTimeseries(object): """ Class to create pcrcalc timeoutput style timeseries """ def __init__(self, tssFilename, model, idMap=None, noHeader=False): """ """ if not isinstance(tssFilename, str): raise Exception( "timeseries output filename must be of type string") self._outputFilename = tssFilename self._maxId = 1 self._spatialId = None self._spatialDatatype = None self._spatialIdGiven = False self._userModel = model self._writeHeader = not noHeader # array to store the timestep values self._sampleValues = None _idMap = False if isinstance(idMap, str) or isinstance(idMap, pcraster._pcraster.Field): _idMap = True nrRows = self._userModel.nrTimeSteps() - self._userModel.firstTimeStep( ) + 1 if _idMap: self._spatialId = idMap if isinstance(idMap, str): self._spatialId = pcraster.readmap(idMap) _allowdDataTypes = [ pcraster.Nominal, pcraster.Ordinal, pcraster.Boolean ] if self._spatialId.dataType() not in _allowdDataTypes: raise Exception( "idMap must be of type Nominal, Ordinal or Boolean") if self._spatialId.isSpatial(): self._maxId, valid = pcraster.cellvalue( pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.ordinal(self._spatialId)), 1) else: self._maxId = 1 # cell indices of the sample locations self._sampleAddresses = [] for cellId in range(1, self._maxId + 1): self._sampleAddresses.append(self._getIndex(cellId)) self._spatialIdGiven = True nrCols = self._maxId self._sampleValues = [[Decimal("NaN")] * nrCols for _ in [0] * nrRows] else: self._sampleValues = [[Decimal("NaN")] * 1 for _ in [0] * nrRows] def _getIndex(self, cellId): """ returns the cell index of a sample location """ nrCells = pcraster.clone().nrRows() * pcraster.clone().nrCols() found = False cell = 1 index = 0 while found == False: if pcraster.cellvalue(self._spatialId, cell)[1] == True and pcraster.cellvalue( self._spatialId, cell)[0] == cellId: index = cell found = True cell += 1 if cell > nrCells: raise RuntimeError( "could not find a cell with the index number %d" % (cellId)) return index def sample(self, expression): """ Sampling the current values of 'expression' at the given locations for the current timestep """ arrayRowPos = self._userModel.currentTimeStep( ) - self._userModel.firstTimeStep() #if isinstance(expression, float): # expression = pcraster.scalar(expression) try: # store the data type for tss file header if self._spatialDatatype == None: self._spatialDatatype = str(expression.dataType()) except AttributeError, e: datatype, sep, tail = str(e).partition(" ") msg = "Argument must be a PCRaster map, type %s given. If necessary use data conversion functions like scalar()" % ( datatype) raise AttributeError(msg) if self._spatialIdGiven: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.areaaverage(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) else: tmp = pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression), pcraster.spatial(self._spatialId)) col = 0 for cellIndex in self._sampleAddresses: value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, cellIndex) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos][col] = value col += 1 else: if expression.dataType() == pcraster.Scalar or expression.dataType( ) == pcraster.Directional: tmp = pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.spatial(expression))\ / pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.scalar(pcraster.defined(pcraster.spatial(expression)))) else: tmp = pcraster.mapmaximum(pcraster.maptotal(pcraster.areamajority(pcraster.spatial(expression),\ pcraster.spatial(pcraster.nominal(1))))) value, valid = pcraster.cellvalue(tmp, 1) if not valid: value = Decimal("NaN") self._sampleValues[arrayRowPos] = value if self._userModel.currentTimeStep() == self._userModel.nrTimeSteps(): self._writeTssFile()
def set_river_package(self, discharge, currTimeStep):"Set the river package.") # - surface water river bed/bottom elevation and conductance need_to_define_surface_water_bed = False if currTimeStep == None: # this is for a steady state simulation (no currTimeStep define) need_to_define_surface_water_bed = True else: # only at the first month of the model simulation or the first month of the year if self.firstMonthOfSimulation or currTimeStep.month == 1: need_to_define_surface_water_bed = True self.firstMonthOfSimulation = False # This part becomes False as we don't need it anymore. if need_to_define_surface_water_bed:"Estimating the surface water bed elevation and surface water bed conductance.") #~ # - for lakes and resevoirs, alternative 1: make the bottom elevation deep --- Shall we do this? #~ additional_depth = 500. #~ surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, \ #~ self.dem_riverbed - additional_depth) # # - for lakes and resevoirs, estimate bed elevation from dem and bankfull depth surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, self.dem_average) surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.areaaverage(surface_water_bed_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) surface_water_bed_elevation -= pcr.areamaximum(self.bankfull_depth, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) # surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.cover(surface_water_bed_elevation, self.dem_riverbed) #~ surface_water_bed_elevation = self.dem_riverbed # This is an alternative, if we do not want to introduce very deep bottom elevations of lakes and/or reservoirs. # # rounding values for surface_water_bed_elevation self.surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.roundup(surface_water_bed_elevation * 1000.)/1000. # # - river bed condutance (unit: m2/day) bed_surface_area = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, \ self.WaterBodies.fracWat * self.cellAreaMap) # TODO: Incorporate the concept of dynamicFracWat # I have problem with the convergence if I use this one. bed_surface_area = pcr.min(bed_surface_area,\ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, \ pcr.areaaverage(self.bankfull_width * self.channelLength, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds))) bed_surface_area = pcr.cover(bed_surface_area, \ self.bankfull_width * self.channelLength) #~ bed_surface_area = self.bankfull_width * self.channelLength bed_conductance = (1.0/self.bed_resistance) * bed_surface_area bed_conductance = pcr.ifthenelse(bed_conductance < 1e-20, 0.0, \ bed_conductance) self.bed_conductance = pcr.cover(bed_conductance, 0.0)"Estimating outlet widths of lakes and/or reservoirs.") # - 'channel width' for lakes and reservoirs channel_width = pcr.areamaximum(self.bankfull_width, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) self.channel_width = pcr.cover(channel_width, self.bankfull_width)"Estimating surface water elevation.") # - convert discharge value to surface water elevation (m) river_water_height = (self.channel_width**(-3/5)) * (discharge**(3/5)) * ((self.gradient)**(-3/10)) *(self.manningsN**(3/5)) surface_water_elevation = self.dem_riverbed + \ river_water_height # # - calculating water level (unit: m) above the flood plain # TODO: Improve this concept (using Rens's latest innundation scheme) #---------------------------------------------------------- water_above_fpl = pcr.max(0.0, surface_water_elevation - self.dem_floodplain) # unit: m, water level above the floodplain (not distributed) water_above_fpl *= self.bankfull_depth * self.bankfull_width / self.cellAreaMap # unit: m, water level above the floodplain (distributed within the cell) # TODO: Improve this concept using Rens's latest scheme # # - corrected surface water elevation surface_water_elevation = pcr.ifthenelse(surface_water_elevation > self.dem_floodplain, \ self.dem_floodplain + water_above_fpl, \ surface_water_elevation) # - surface water elevation for lakes and reservoirs: lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.ifthen(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyOut, surface_water_elevation) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.areamaximum(lake_reservoir_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.cover(lake_reservoir_water_elevation, \ pcr.areaaverage(surface_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds)) # - maximum and minimum values for lake_reservoir_water_elevation lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.min(self.dem_floodplain, lake_reservoir_water_elevation) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.max(self.surface_water_bed_elevation, lake_reservoir_water_elevation) # - smoothing lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.areaaverage(surface_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) # # - merge lake and reservoir water elevation surface_water_elevation = pcr.cover(lake_reservoir_water_elevation, surface_water_elevation) # # - covering the missing values and rounding surface_water_elevation = pcr.cover(surface_water_elevation, self.surface_water_bed_elevation) surface_water_elevation = pcr.rounddown(surface_water_elevation * 1000.)/1000. # # - make sure that HRIV >= RBOT ; no infiltration if HRIV = RBOT (and h < RBOT) self.surface_water_elevation = pcr.max(surface_water_elevation, self.surface_water_bed_elevation) # # - pass the values to the RIV package self.pcr_modflow.setRiver(self.surface_water_elevation, self.surface_water_bed_elevation, self.bed_conductance, 1)
# make sure that the clone of input DEM is consistent with the aforementioned clone: ids_3sec = output_file dem_3sec = output_folder + "/" + tile_code + ".map" cmd = "mapattr -c " + ids_3sec + " " + dem_3sec print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - check cmd = "mapattr -p " + ids_3sec + " " + dem_3sec print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # do the upscaling/averaging from 3 arc second DEM to 30 arc second values: pcr.setclone(ids_3sec) msg = "Upscaling in progress for the tile " + tile_code print(msg) dem_30sec = pcr.areaaverage(dem_3sec, ids_3sec) output_file = output_folder + "/" + tile_code + "", output_file) # - The cell size will be still 3 arc second. # then resample (using gdalwarp) to 30 arc second file: input_file = output_file output_file = output_folder + "/" + tile_code + ".30sec.tif" cmd = "gdalwarp -tr " + cellsize_30sec + " " + cellsize_30sec + " " + input_file + " " + output_file print(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - this is still a tif file # convert it to pcraster input_file = output_file output_file = output_folder + "/" + tile_code + ""
def getParameterFiles( self, currTimeStep, cellArea, ldd, initial_condition_dictionary=None ): # parameters for Water Bodies: fracWat # waterBodyIds # waterBodyOut # waterBodyArea # waterBodyTyp # waterBodyCap # cell surface area (m2) and ldd self.cellArea = cellArea ldd = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, ldd) # date used for accessing/extracting water body information date_used = currTimeStep.fulldate year_used = currTimeStep.year if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True: date_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition year_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition[0:4] # fracWat = fraction of surface water bodies (dimensionless) self.fracWat = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.fracWat = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "fracWaterInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.fracWat = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.fracWaterInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) self.fracWat = pcr.cover(self.fracWat, 0.0) self.fracWat = pcr.max(0.0, self.fracWat) self.fracWat = pcr.min(1.0, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.nominal(0) # waterBody ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.boolean(0) # waterBody outlets self.waterBodyArea = pcr.scalar(0.0) # waterBody surface areas # water body ids if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyIds = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "waterBodyIds", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.waterBodyIds = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyIdsInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, False, None, True, ) # self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyIds) ) # water body outlets (correcting outlet positions) wbCatchment = pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.scalar(1), ldd) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( wbCatchment == pcr.areamaximum(wbCatchment, self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyIds, ) # = outlet ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, self.waterBodyOut ) # TODO: Please also consider endorheic lakes! # correcting water body ids self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, pcr.subcatchment(ldd, self.waterBodyOut), ) # boolean map for water body outlets: self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut) > 0.0, pcr.boolean(1) ) # reservoir surface area (m2): if self.useNetCDF: resSfArea = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "resSfAreaInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) ) else: resSfArea = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resSfAreaInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) ) resSfArea = pcr.areaaverage(resSfArea, self.waterBodyIds) resSfArea = pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0) # water body surface area (m2): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.max( pcr.areatotal( pcr.cover(self.fracWat * self.cellArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds ), pcr.areaaverage(pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds), ) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyArea) # correcting water body ids and outlets (exclude all water bodies with surfaceArea = 0) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyOut ) # water body types: # - 2 = reservoirs (regulated discharge) # - 1 = lakes (weirFormula) # - 0 = non lakes or reservoirs (e.g. wetland) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.nominal(0) if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "waterBodyTyp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) else: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.readPCRmapClone( self.waterBodyTypInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, False, None, True, ) # excluding wetlands (waterBodyTyp = 0) in all functions related to lakes/reservoirs # self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.areamajority( self.waterBodyTyp, self.waterBodyIds ) # choose only one type: either lake or reservoir self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp) ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyTyp ) # correcting lakes and reservoirs ids and outlets self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, self.waterBodyIds ) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, self.waterBodyOut ) # reservoir maximum capacity (m3): self.resMaxCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.resMaxCap = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone( self.ncFileInp, "resMaxCapInp", date_used, useDoy="yearly", cloneMapFileName=self.cloneMap, ) ) else: self.resMaxCap = ( 1000.0 * 1000.0 * vos.readPCRmapClone( self.resMaxCapInp + str(year_used) + ".map", self.cloneMap, self.tmpDir, self.inputDir, ) ) self.resMaxCap = pcr.ifthen(self.resMaxCap > 0, self.resMaxCap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.areaaverage(self.resMaxCap, self.waterBodyIds) # water body capacity (m3): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.cover( self.resMaxCap, 0.0 ) # Note: Most of lakes have capacities > 0. self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyCap ) # correcting water body types: # Reservoirs that have zero capacities will be assumed as lakes. self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthenelse( self.waterBodyCap > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp, pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2, pcr.nominal(1), self.waterBodyTyp ), ) # final corrections: self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( self.waterBodyArea > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have surface areas self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyTyp ) # make sure that only types 1 and 2 will be considered in lake/reservoir functions self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, self.waterBodyIds ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, self.waterBodyOut ) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have outlets # for a natural run (self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True) # which uses only the year 1900, assume all reservoirs are lakes if ( self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True and date_used == self.dateForNaturalCondition ): "Using only natural water bodies identified in the year 1900. All reservoirs in 1900 are assumed as lakes." ) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.0, pcr.nominal(1) ) # check that all lakes and/or reservoirs have types, ids, surface areas and outlets: test = ( pcr.defined(self.waterBodyTyp) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyArea) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyIds) & pcr.boolean( pcr.areamaximum(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), self.waterBodyIds) ) ) a, b, c = vos.getMinMaxMean(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(test), 1.0) - pcr.scalar(1.0)) threshold = 1e-3 if abs(a) > threshold or abs(b) > threshold: logger.warning("Missing information in some lakes and/or reservoirs.") # at the beginning of simulation period (timeStepPCR = 1) # - we have to define/get the initial conditions # if currTimeStep.timeStepPCR == 1: self.getICs(initial_condition_dictionary) # For each new reservoir (introduced at the beginning of the year) # initiating storage, average inflow and outflow # self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.cover(self.waterBodyStorage, 0.0) self.avgInflow = pcr.cover(self.avgInflow, 0.0) self.avgOutflow = pcr.cover(self.avgOutflow, 0.0) # cropping only in the landmask region: self.fracWat = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyOut) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyArea) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyCap) self.waterBodyStorage = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyStorage) self.avgInflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgInflow) self.avgOutflow = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.avgOutflow)
def main(): """ :ivar masterdem: digital elevation model :ivar dem: digital elevation model :ivar river: optional river map """ # Default values strRiver = 8 masterdem = "" step1dir = "step1" step2dir = "step2" workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" recreate = False snapgaugestoriver = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f",['version']) except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True if o == "--version": import wflow print("wflow version: ", wflow.__version__) sys.exit(0) pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) masterdem = configget(config, "files", "masterdem", "") pcr.setclone(masterdem) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder", "4")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") # upscalefactor = float(config.get("settings","upscalefactor")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) initialscale = int(configget(config, "settings", "initialscale", "1")) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1")) ) lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") pcr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") # X/Y coordinates of the gauges the system X = np.fromstring(gauges_x, sep=',') Y = np.fromstring(gauges_y, sep=',') tr.Verbose = 1 # make the directories to save results in if not os.path.isdir(step1dir + "/"): os.makedirs(step1dir) if not os.path.isdir(step2dir): os.makedirs(step2dir) if initialscale > 1: print("Initial scaling of DEM...") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + masterdem + " " + step1dir + "/" ) print("Reading dem...") dem = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") ldddem = dem else: print ("Reading dem...") dem = pcr.readmap(masterdem) ldddem = dem try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask...") else: print("clipping DEM with mask.....") mask = pcr.readmap(catchmask) ldddem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), ldddem) dem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), dem) # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print("river file specified.....") try: outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5), step1dir + "/") # rivshpattr = config.get("files","riverattr") * 0.0, step1dir + "/") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/ " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) os.system(thestr) rivshpattr = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") # demregional=pcr.windowaverage(dem,100) ldddem = pcr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem - 1000, dem) pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") upscalefactor = int(csize / pcr.celllength()) print("Creating ldd...") ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step1dir + "/", ldddem, recreate, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) print("Determining streamorder...") stro = pcr.streamorder(ldd), step1dir + "/") strdir = pcr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro), step1dir + "/") >= strRiver, stro)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") # outlet (and other gauges if given) # TODO: check is x/y set if not skip this print("Outlet...") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to nearest river cells..."), step1dir + "/") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, strdir) # noutletmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,XX,YY,0.5) #,''), step1dir + "/") # check if there is a pre-define catchment map try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask, finding outlet") # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet), step1dir + "/") else: print("reading and converting catchment mask.....") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + catchmask + " " + step1dir + "/" ) sub = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") print("Scatch...") sd = tr.subcatch(ldd, pcr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") print("Upscalefactor: " + str(upscalefactor)) if upscalefactor > 1: gc.collect() print("upscale river length1 (checkerboard map)...") ck = tr.checkerboard(dem, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/"), step1dir + "/") print("upscale river length2...") fact = tr.area_riverlength_factor(ldd, ck, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/") # print("make dem statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaaverage(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") print("Create DEM statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaminimum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") dem_ = pcr.areamaximum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") # calculate percentiles order = pcr.areaorder(dem, ck) n = pcr.areatotal(pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(1.0)), ck) #: calculate 25 percentile perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 25.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 10.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 50.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 33.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 66.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 75.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 90.0), step1dir + "/") else: print("No fancy scaling done. Going strait to step2...."), step1dir + "/") Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) gdalstr = ( "gdal_translate -projwin " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " + str(Xlr) + " " + str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " ) # gdalstr = "gdal_translate -a_ullr " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " +str(Xlr) + " " +str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " print(gdalstr), step1dir + "/") # Now us gdat tp convert the maps os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/" ) if lu_water: os.system(gdalstr + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/") if lu_paved: os.system(gdalstr + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/") try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") # clone=pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/" )
def getParameterFiles(self, date_given, cellArea, ldd): # parameters for Water Bodies: fracWat # waterBodyIds # waterBodyOut # waterBodyArea # waterBodyTyp # waterBodyCap # cell surface area (m2) and ldd self.cellArea = cellArea ldd = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, ldd) # date and year used for accessing/extracting water body information date_used = date_given if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True: date_used = self.dateForNaturalCondition year_used = date_used[0:4] # fracWat = fraction of surface water bodies (dimensionless) self.fracWat = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.fracWat = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'fracWaterInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) self.fracWat = pcr.cover(self.fracWat, 0.0) self.fracWat = pcr.max(0.0, self.fracWat) self.fracWat = pcr.min(1.0, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.nominal(0) # waterBody ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.boolean(0) # waterBody outlets self.waterBodyArea = pcr.scalar(0.) # waterBody surface areas # water body ids if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyIds = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyIds', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyIds)) # water body outlets (correcting outlet positions) wbCatchment = pcr.catchmenttotal(pcr.scalar(1), ldd) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(wbCatchment ==\ pcr.areamaximum(wbCatchment, \ self.waterBodyIds),\ self.waterBodyIds) # = outlet ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # TODO: Please also consider endorheic lakes! # correcting water body ids self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ pcr.subcatchment(ldd,self.waterBodyOut)) # boolean map for water body outlets: self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut) > 0.,\ pcr.boolean(1)) # reservoir surface area (m2): if self.useNetCDF: resSfArea = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resSfAreaInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) resSfArea = pcr.areaaverage(resSfArea, self.waterBodyIds) resSfArea = pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.) # water body surface area (m2): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.max(pcr.areatotal(\ pcr.cover(\ self.fracWat*self.cellArea, 0.0), self.waterBodyIds), pcr.areaaverage(\ pcr.cover(resSfArea, 0.0) , self.waterBodyIds)) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyArea) # correcting water body ids and outlets (exclude all water bodies with surfaceArea = 0) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0., self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyOut) # water body types: # - 2 = reservoirs (regulated discharge) # - 1 = lakes (weirFormula) # - 0 = non lakes or reservoirs (e.g. wetland) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.nominal(0) if self.useNetCDF: self.waterBodyTyp = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'waterBodyTyp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) # excluding wetlands (waterBodyTyp = 0) in all functions related to lakes/reservoirs # self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.areamajority(self.waterBodyTyp,\ self.waterBodyIds) # choose only one type: either lake or reservoir self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(\ pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0,\ pcr.nominal(self.waterBodyTyp)) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyTyp) # correcting lakes and reservoirs ids and outlets self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen( pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0, self.waterBodyOut) # reservoir maximum capacity (m3): self.resMaxCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.scalar(0.0) if self.useNetCDF: self.resMaxCap = 1000. * 1000. * \ vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(self.ncFileInp,'resMaxCapInp', \ date_used, useDoy = 'yearly',\ cloneMapFileName = self.cloneMap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.ifthen(self.resMaxCap > 0,\ self.resMaxCap) self.resMaxCap = pcr.areaaverage(self.resMaxCap,\ self.waterBodyIds) # water body capacity (m3): (lakes and reservoirs) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.cover( self.resMaxCap, 0.0) # Note: Most of lakes have capacities > 0. self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(self.waterBodyIds), self.waterBodyCap) # correcting water body types: # Reservoirs that have zero capacities will be assumed as lakes. self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthenelse(self.waterBodyCap > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp,\ pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) == 2,\ pcr.nominal(1),\ self.waterBodyTyp)) # final corrections: self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.waterBodyArea > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have surface areas self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyTyp) # make sure that only types 1 and 2 will be considered in lake/reservoir functions self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyIds) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have ids self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyIds) > 0.,\ self.waterBodyOut) # make sure that all lakes and/or reservoirs have outlets # for a natural run (self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True) # which uses only the year 1900, assume all reservoirs are lakes if self.onlyNaturalWaterBodies == True and date_used == self.dateForNaturalCondition: "Using only natural water bodies identified in the year 1900. All reservoirs in 1900 are assumed as lakes." ) self.waterBodyTyp = \ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyTyp) > 0.,\ pcr.nominal(1)) # check that all lakes and/or reservoirs have types, ids, surface areas and outlets: test = pcr.defined(self.waterBodyTyp) & pcr.defined(self.waterBodyArea) &\ pcr.defined(self.waterBodyIds) & pcr.boolean(pcr.areamaximum(pcr.scalar(self.waterBodyOut), self.waterBodyIds)) a, b, c = vos.getMinMaxMean( pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(test), 1.0) - pcr.scalar(1.0)) threshold = 1e-3 if abs(a) > threshold or abs(b) > threshold: logger.warning( "Missing information in some lakes and/or reservoirs.") # cropping only in the landmask region: self.fracWat = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.fracWat) self.waterBodyIds = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyIds) self.waterBodyOut = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyOut) self.waterBodyArea = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyArea) self.waterBodyTyp = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyTyp) self.waterBodyCap = pcr.ifthen(self.landmask, self.waterBodyCap)
def dynamic(self): """ dynamic part of the water use module init water use before sub step routing """ settings = LisSettings.instance() option = settings.options binding = settings.binding maskinfo = MaskInfo.instance() if option['wateruse']: # ************************************************************ # ***** READ WATER DEMAND DATA ***************************** # ************************************************************ if option['TransientWaterDemandChange']: if option['readNetcdfStack']: if option['useWaterDemandAveYear']: # using average year in NetCDF file format self.var.DomesticDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['DomesticDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest', averageyearflag=True) * self.var.DtDay self.var.IndustrialDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['IndustrialDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest', averageyearflag=True) * self.var.DtDay self.var.LivestockDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['LivestockDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest', averageyearflag=True) * self.var.DtDay self.var.EnergyDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['EnergyDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest', averageyearflag=True) * self.var.DtDay else: # Read from stack of maps in NetCDF format. Get time step corresponding to model step. # added management for sub-daily model time steps self.var.DomesticDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['DomesticDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest') * self.var.DtDay self.var.IndustrialDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['IndustrialDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest') * self.var.DtDay self.var.LivestockDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['LivestockDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest') * self.var.DtDay self.var.EnergyDemandMM = readnetcdf( binding['EnergyDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), timestampflag='closest') * self.var.DtDay else: # Read from stack of maps in Pcraster format self.var.DomesticDemandMM = readmapsparse( binding['DomesticDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), self.var.DomesticDemandMM) * self.var.DtDay self.var.IndustrialDemandMM = readmapsparse( binding['IndustrialDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), self.var.IndustrialDemandMM) * self.var.DtDay self.var.LivestockDemandMM = readmapsparse( binding['LivestockDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), self.var.LivestockDemandMM) * self.var.DtDay self.var.EnergyDemandMM = readmapsparse( binding['EnergyDemandMaps'], self.var.currentTimeStep(), self.var.EnergyDemandMM) * self.var.DtDay # ************************************************************ # ***** LIVESTOCK ******************************************** # ************************************************************ self.var.LivestockAbstractionMM = self.var.LivestockDemandMM self.var.LivestockConsumptiveUseMM = self.var.LivestockAbstractionMM * self.var.LivestockConsumptiveUseFraction # the amount that is not returned to the hydrological cycle LivestockAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = np.where( self.var.GroundwaterBodies > 0, self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed * self.var.LivestockConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) LivestockAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 = self.var.FractionNonConventionalWaterUsed * self.var.LivestockConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 LivestockAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = self.var.LivestockConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 - LivestockAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 - LivestockAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 self.var.TotalLivestockAbstractionM3 += LivestockAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 + LivestockAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + LivestockAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 # ************************************************************ # ***** DOMESTIC ********************************************* # ************************************************************ self.var.DomesticAbstractionMM = self.var.DomesticDemandMM * self.var.DomesticWaterSavingConstant * self.var.DomesticLeakageConstant # Domestic Water Abstraction (mm per day), already taking into account water saving in households and leakage of the supply network # Domestic water abstraction is larger if there is leakage, but is smaller if there is water savings self.var.LeakageMM = ( self.var.DomesticLeakageConstant - 1 ) * self.var.DomesticDemandMM * self.var.DomesticWaterSavingConstant # Leakage in mm per day self.var.LeakageLossMM = self.var.LeakageMM * self.var.LeakageWaterLossFraction # The leakage amount that is lost (evaporated) self.var.LeakageSoilMM = self.var.LeakageMM - self.var.LeakageLossMM self.var.DomesticConsumptiveUseMM = self.var.DomesticDemandMM * self.var.DomesticWaterSavingConstant * self.var.DomesticConsumptiveUseFraction + self.var.LeakageLossMM # DomesticConsumptiveUseMM is the amount that disappears from the waterbalance # Assumption here is that leakage is partially lost/evaporated (LeakageWaterLoss fraction) DomAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = np.where( self.var.GroundwaterBodies > 0, self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed * self.var.DomesticConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) DomAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 = self.var.FractionNonConventionalWaterUsed * self.var.DomesticConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 DomAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = self.var.DomesticConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 - DomAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 - DomAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 # ************************************************************ # ***** INDUSTRY ********************************************* # ************************************************************ self.var.IndustrialAbstractionMM = self.var.IndustrialDemandMM * ( 1 - self.var.WaterReUseFraction) self.var.IndustrialConsumptiveUseMM = self.var.IndustrialAbstractionMM * self.var.IndustryConsumptiveUseFraction # IndustrialAbstractionMM = scalar(timeinputsparse(IndustrialAbstractionMaps)) * (1-WaterReUseFraction); # Industrial Water Demand (mm per day) # WaterReUseFraction: Fraction of water re-used in industry (e.g. 50% = 0.5 = half of the water is re-used, used twice (baseline=0, maximum=1) # IndustrialConsumptiveUseMM is the amount that evaporates etc # only 1 map so this one is loaded in initial! IndustrialWaterAbstractionM3 = self.var.IndustrialConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 IndustrialAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = np.where( self.var.GroundwaterBodies > 0, self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed * IndustrialWaterAbstractionM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) IndustrialAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 = self.var.FractionNonConventionalWaterUsed * IndustrialWaterAbstractionM3 IndustrialAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = IndustrialWaterAbstractionM3 - IndustrialAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 - IndustrialAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 # ************************************************************ # ***** ENERGY *********************************************** # ************************************************************ self.var.EnergyAbstractionMM = self.var.EnergyDemandMM self.var.EnergyConsumptiveUseMM = self.var.EnergyAbstractionMM * self.var.EnergyConsumptiveUseFraction # EnergyConsumptiveUseMM is the amount that evaporates etc EnergyAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = self.var.EnergyConsumptiveUseMM * self.var.MMtoM3 # all taken from surface water # ************************************************************ # ***** IRRIGATION ******************************************* # ************************************************************ # water demand from loop3 = irrigated zone self.var.Ta[2] = np.maximum( np.minimum(self.var.RWS[2] * self.var.TranspirMaxCorrected, self.var.W1[2] - self.var.WWP1[2]), maskinfo.in_zero()) IrrigationWaterDemandMM = ( self.var.TranspirMaxCorrected - self.var.Ta[2]) * self.var.IrrigationMult # a factor (IrrigationMult) add some water (to prevent salinisation) # irrigationWaterNeed assumed to be equal to potential transpiration minus actual transpiration # in mm here, assumed for the entire pixel, thus later to be corrected with IrrigationFraction # IrrigationType (value between 0 and 1) is used here to distinguish between additional adding water until fieldcapacity (value set to 1) or not (value set to 0) IrrigationWaterDemandMM = np.where( self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, maskinfo.in_zero(), IrrigationWaterDemandMM) # IrrigationWaterDemand is 0 when soil is frozen IrrigationWaterAbstractionMM = np.where( (self.var.IrrigationEfficiency * self.var.ConveyanceEfficiency) > 0, IrrigationWaterDemandMM * self.var.IrrigationFraction / (self.var.IrrigationEfficiency * self.var.ConveyanceEfficiency), maskinfo.in_zero()) self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3 = np.maximum( IrrigationWaterAbstractionMM * self.var.MMtoM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) # irrigation efficiency max 1, ~0.90 drip irrigation, ~0.75 sprinkling # conveyance efficiency, around 0.80 for average channel # multiplied by actual irrigated area (fraction) and cellsize(MMtoM3) in M3 per pixel IrrigationAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = np.where( self.var.GroundwaterBodies > 0, self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed * self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = np.maximum( self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3 - IrrigationAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) # ************************************************************ # ***** TOTAL ABSTRACTIONS (DEMANDED) ************************ # ************************************************************ self.var.TotalAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = IrrigationAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 + DomAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 + LivestockAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 + IndustrialAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + self.var.PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + DomAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + LivestockAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + IndustrialAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + EnergyAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterMM = self.var.PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 * self.var.M3toMM # taken from paddy rice routine self.var.TotalDemandM3 = ( self.var.LivestockAbstractionMM + self.var.DomesticAbstractionMM + IrrigationWaterAbstractionMM + PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterMM + self.var.IndustrialAbstractionMM + self.var.EnergyAbstractionMM) * self.var.MMtoM3 self.var.TotalIrrigationAbstractionM3 += IrrigationAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 + IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 self.var.TotalPaddyRiceIrrigationAbstractionM3 += self.var.PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 # totals calculated for reporting, for comparing with national reported values and possible calibration # ************************************************************ # ***** ABSTRACTION FROM GROUNDWATER ************************* # ************************************************************ self.var.LZ = self.var.LZ - self.var.TotalAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 * self.var.M3toMM self.var.IrriLossCUM = self.var.IrriLossCUM + self.var.TotalAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 # Abstraction is taken from lower groundwater zone # for mass balance calculation also summed up in IrrilossCUM (in M3) # *********************************************************************** # ***** ABSTRACTION SUPPLIED BY NONCONVENTIONAL SOURCES (DESALINATION) ** # *********************************************************************** self.var.NonConventionalWaterM3 = DomAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 + LivestockAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 + IndustrialAbstractionFromNonConventionalWaterM3 # Non conventional water producted is not abstracted from surface water # ************************************************************ # ***** ABSTRACTION FROM LAKES AND RESERVOIRS **************** # ************************************************************ if option['simulateReservoirs']: # PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 = np.minimum(0.02 * self.var.ReservoirStorageM3, 0.01*self.var.TotalReservoirStorageM3C) #original PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 = np.minimum( 0.02 * self.var.ReservoirStorageM3, 0.01 * self.var.TotalReservoirStorageM3C) * self.var.DtDay PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 = np.where( np.isnan(PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3), 0, PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3) else: PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 = maskinfo.in_zero() if option['simulateLakes']: # CM # PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 = 0.10 * self.var.LakeStorageM3 #original PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 = 0.10 * self.var.LakeStorageM3 * self.var.DtDay PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 = np.where( np.isnan(PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3), 0, PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3) else: PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 = maskinfo.in_zero() if option['simulateReservoirs'] or option['simulateLakes']: PotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3 = PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 + PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 # potential total m3 that can be extracted from all lakes and reservoirs in a pixel else: PotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3 = maskinfo.in_zero( ) AreatotalPotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3 = np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=PotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) # potential total m3 that can be extracted from all lakes and reservoirs in the water region AreatotalWaterAbstractionFromAllSurfaceSourcesM3 = np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) # the total amount that needs to be extracted from surface water, lakes and reservoirs in the water region # self.var.FractionAllSurfaceWaterUsed = np.maximum(1 - self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed - self.var.FractionNonConventionalWaterUsed,maskinfo.in_zero()) # self.var.FractionSurfaceWaterUsed = np.maximum(1 - self.var.FractionGroundwaterUsed - self.var.FractionNonConventionalWaterUsed-self.var.FractionLakeReservoirWaterUsed,maskinfo.in_zero()) # AreatotalWaterToBeAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3 = np.where( (self.var.FractionSurfaceWaterUsed+self.var.FractionLakeReservoirWaterUsed)> 0, (self.var.FractionLakeReservoirWaterUsed / (self.var.FractionSurfaceWaterUsed+self.var.FractionLakeReservoirWaterUsed)) * AreatotalWaterAbstractionFromAllSurfaceSourcesM3,maskinfo.in_zero()) AreatotalWaterToBeAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3 = self.var.FractionLakeReservoirWaterUsed * AreatotalWaterAbstractionFromAllSurfaceSourcesM3 self.var.AreatotalWaterAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3 = np.minimum( AreatotalWaterToBeAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3, AreatotalPotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3) # total amount of m3 abstracted from all lakes and reservoirs in the water regions FractionAbstractedByLakesReservoirs = np.where( AreatotalWaterAbstractionFromAllSurfaceSourcesM3 > 0, self.var.AreatotalWaterAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3 / AreatotalWaterAbstractionFromAllSurfaceSourcesM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 * ( 1 - FractionAbstractedByLakesReservoirs) # the original surface water abstraction amount is corrected for what is now already abstracted by lakes and reservoirs FractionLakesReservoirsEmptying = np.where( AreatotalPotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3 > 0, self.var.AreatotalWaterAbstractedfromLakesReservoirsM3 / AreatotalPotentialAbstractionFromLakesAndReservoirsM3, maskinfo.in_zero()) self.var.LakeAbstractionM3 = PotentialAbstractionFromLakesM3 * FractionLakesReservoirsEmptying if option['simulateLakes']: self.var.LakeStorageM3 = self.var.LakeStorageM3 - self.var.LakeAbstractionM3 self.var.ReservoirAbstractionM3 = PotentialAbstractionFromReservoirsM3 * FractionLakesReservoirsEmptying if option['simulateReservoirs']: self.var.ReservoirStorageM3 = self.var.ReservoirStorageM3 - self.var.ReservoirAbstractionM3 # subtract abstracted water from lakes and reservoir storage # ************************************************************ # ***** Abstraction from channels **************************** # ***** average abstraction taken from entire waterregion **** # ***** limited by available channel water and e-flow minimum* # ************************************************************ AreaTotalDemandedAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = np.maximum( np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), self.var.WUseRegionC), 0) PixelAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3 = np.maximum( self.var.ChanM3Kin - self.var.EFlowThreshold * self.var.DtSec, 0) * (1 - self.var.WUsePercRemain) # respecting e-flow AreaTotalAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3 = np.maximum( np.take( np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=PixelAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3), self.var.WUseRegionC), 0) AreaTotalDemandedWaterFromChannelsM3 = np.minimum( AreaTotalAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3, AreaTotalDemandedAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3) self.var.FractionAbstractedFromChannels = np.where( AreaTotalAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3 > 0, np.minimum( AreaTotalDemandedWaterFromChannelsM3 / AreaTotalAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3, 1), 0) # IS THE DEFINITION OF AreaTotalDemandedWaterFromChannelsM3 REDUNDANT WITH np.minimum(...) ABOVE? # fraction that is abstracted from channels (should be 0-1) self.var.WUseAddM3 = self.var.FractionAbstractedFromChannels * PixelAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3 # pixel abstracted water in m3 self.var.WUseAddM3Dt = self.var.WUseAddM3 * self.var.InvNoRoutSteps # splitting water use per timestep into water use per sub time step self.var.wateruseCum += self.var.WUseAddM3 # summing up for water balance calculation # If report wateruse if (option['repwateruseGauges']) or (option['repwateruseSites']): self.var.WUseSumM3 = accuflux( self.var.Ldd, decompress(self.var.WUseAddM3) * self.var.InvDtSec) # totalAdd = areatotal(decompress(WUseAddM3),self.var.WUseRegion); self.var.totalAddM3 = np.take( np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.WUseAddM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) self.var.WaterUseShortageM3 = self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 - self.var.WUseAddM3 # amount of M3 that cannot be extracted from any source, including the channels self.var.PotentialSurfaceWaterAvailabilityForIrrigationM3 = np.maximum( PixelAvailableWaterFromChannelsM3 - self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + self.var.PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3, 0.0) # available water excluding the surface water irrigation needs # ************************************************************ # ***** Water Allocation ************************************* # ***** average abstraction taken from entire waterregion **** # ***** limited by available channel water and e-flow minimum* # ************************************************************ # totalAbstr = areatotal(decompress(TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3),self.var.WUseRegion) self.var.AreaTotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 = np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.TotalAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 - self.var.WUseAddM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) self.var.AreaTotalAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 = np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.TotalAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) # demand self.var.AreaTotalDemandM3 = np.take( np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.TotalDemandM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) # totalEne = areatotal(decompress(self.var.EnergyConsumptiveUseMM*self.var.MMtoM3),self.var.WUseRegion) AreatotalIrriM3 = np.take( np.bincount( self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + self.var.PaddyRiceWaterAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) # AreatotalDomM3 = np.take(np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=DomAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), # self.var.WUseRegionC) # AreatotalLiveM3 = np.take(np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=LivestockAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), # self.var.WUseRegionC) # AreatotalIndM3 = np.take(np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=IndustrialAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), # self.var.WUseRegionC) # AreatotalEneM3 = np.take(np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=EnergyAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3), # self.var.WUseRegionC) # Allocation rule: Domestic -> Energy -> Livestock -> Industry -> Irrigation self.var.AreatotalIrrigationShortageM3 = np.take( np.bincount(self.var.WUseRegionC, weights=self.var.WaterUseShortageM3), self.var.WUseRegionC) self.var.AreatotalIrrigationUseM3 = np.maximum( AreatotalIrriM3 - self.var.AreatotalIrrigationShortageM3, 0.0) with np.errstate(all='ignore'): fractionIrrigationAvailability = np.where( AreatotalIrriM3 > 0, self.var.AreatotalIrrigationUseM3 / AreatotalIrriM3, 1.0) self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3 = fractionIrrigationAvailability * IrrigationAbstractionFromSurfaceWaterM3 + IrrigationAbstractionFromGroundwaterM3 # real irrigation is percentage of avail/demand for waterregion * old surface + old groundwater abstraction IrrigationWaterDemand = self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3 * self.var.M3toMM IrrigationWaterDemand = np.where( self.var.IrrigationFraction > 0, IrrigationWaterDemand / self.var.IrrigationFraction, 0.0) # for mass balance calculate the loss of irrigation water # --------------------------------------------------------- # updating soil in loop3=irrigation # --------------------------------------------------------- Wold = self.var.W1[2] IrrigationDemandW1b = np.maximum( IrrigationWaterDemand - (self.var.WFilla - self.var.W1a[2]), 0) self.var.W1a[2] = np.where( self.var.W1a[2] >= self.var.WFilla, self.var.W1a[2], np.minimum(self.var.WFilla, self.var.W1a[2] + IrrigationWaterDemand)) self.var.W1b[2] = np.where( self.var.W1b[2] >= self.var.WFillb, self.var.W1b[2], np.minimum(self.var.WFillb, self.var.W1b[2] + IrrigationDemandW1b)) self.var.W1[2] = np.add(self.var.W1a[2], self.var.W1b[2]) # if irrigated soil is less than Pf3 then fill up to Pf3 (if there is water demand) # if more than Pf3 the additional water is transpirated # there is already no water demand if the soil is frozen Wdiff = self.var.W1[2] - Wold self.var.Ta[2] = self.var.Ta[2] + IrrigationWaterDemand - Wdiff self.var.IrriLossCUM = self.var.IrriLossCUM - self.var.IrrigationWaterAbstractionM3 * self.var.IrrigationEfficiency * self.var.ConveyanceEfficiency - Wdiff * self.var.MMtoM3 * self.var.IrrigationFraction # Added to TA but also # for mass balance calculate the loss of irrigation water # AdR: irrigation demand added to W1 and Ta; so assumption here that soil moisture stays the same # we could also abstract more water equivalent to satisfy Ta and bring soil moisture to pF2 or so, for later consideration# # self.var.Ta[2] = np.where(self.var.FrostIndex > self.var.FrostIndexThreshold, maskinfo.in_zero(), self.var.Ta[2]) # transpiration is 0 when soil is frozen # --------------------------------------------------------- # E-flow # --------------------------------------------------------- self.var.EFlowIndicator = np.where( self.var.ChanQ <= self.var.EFlowThreshold, maskinfo.in_zero() + 1.0, maskinfo.in_zero()) # if ChanQ is less than EflowThreshold, EFlowIndicator becomes 1 # ************************************************************ # ***** update state variables *** # ************************************************************ # CM Update state variables for changes to W1a[2] and W1b[2] self.var.Theta1a[2] = self.var.W1a[2] / self.var.SoilDepth1a[2] self.var.Theta1b[2] = self.var.W1b[2] / self.var.SoilDepth1b[2] # ************************************************************ # ***** smooth lower zone with correction *** # ************************************************************ if option['groundwaterSmooth']: LZPcr = decompress(self.var.LZ) Range = self.var.LZSmoothRange * celllength() LZTemp1 = ifthen(self.var.GroundwaterBodiesPcr == 1, LZPcr) LZTemp2 = ifthen(self.var.GroundwaterBodiesPcr == 1, windowtotal(LZTemp1, Range)) LZTemp3 = windowtotal(LZTemp1 * 0 + 1, Range) LZSmooth = ifthenelse(LZTemp3 == 0, 0.0, pcrDiv(LZTemp2, LZTemp3)) LZPcr = ifthenelse(self.var.GroundwaterBodiesPcr == 0, LZPcr, 0.9 * LZPcr + 0.1 * LZSmooth) diffCorr = 0.1 * areaaverage(LZSmooth - LZTemp1, self.var.groundwaterCatch) # error of 0.1 LZSmooth operation (same factor of 0.1 as above) LZPcr -= cover(diffCorr, 0) # correction of LZ by the average error from smoothing operation self.var.LZ = compressArray(LZPcr)
# transfer 75% of overbank volume to the downstream (several cells downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.cover(\ pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(water_body_outlet) > 0., lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * 0.50), 0.0) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) transfer_to_downstream = pcr.upstream(ldd_map_low_resolution, transfer_to_downstream) extreme_value_map = transfer_to_downstream + \ pcr.ifthenelse(pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(water_body_id), 0.0) > 0.00, 0.00, extreme_value_map) # # the remaining overbank volume (50%) will be distributed to the shores lake_reservoir_overbank_volume = lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * 0.50 land_area = cell_area * pcr.max(0.0, 1.0 - fracwat) land_area_average = pcr.areaaverage(land_area, water_body_id) land_area_weight = pcr.ifthenelse(land_area < land_area_average, 0.0, land_area_average) distributed_lake_reservoir_overbank_volume = pcr.cover(\ lake_reservoir_overbank_volume * land_area_weight / pcr.max(0.00, pcr.areatotal(land_area_weight, water_body_id)), 0.0) extreme_value_map = pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.cover(pcr.scalar(water_body_id), 0.0) > 0.00, distributed_lake_reservoir_overbank_volume, extreme_value_map) # # - cover the rests to zero (so they will not contribute to any flood/inundation) extreme_value_map = pcr.cover(extreme_value_map, 0.0) # # - make sure that extreme value maps increasing over return period if i_file == 0: previous_return_period_map = extreme_value_map if i_file > 0: extreme_value_map = pcr.max(previous_return_period_map,
def set_river_package(self, discharge):"Set the river package.") # specify the river package # # - surface water river bed/bottom elevation # # - for lakes and resevoirs, make the bottom elevation deep --- Shall we do this? #~ additional_depth = 500. #~ surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, \ #~ self.dem_riverbed - additional_depth) #~ surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.cover(surface_water_bed_elevation, self.dem_riverbed) # surface_water_bed_elevation = self.dem_riverbed # This is an alternative, if we do not want to introduce very deep bottom elevations of lakes and/or reservoirs. # # rounding values for surface_water_bed_elevation self.surface_water_bed_elevation = pcr.roundup( surface_water_bed_elevation * 1000.) / 1000. # # - river bed condutance (unit: m2/day) bed_surface_area = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) > 0.0, \ self.WaterBodies.fracWat * self.cellAreaMap) # TODO: Incorporate the concept of dynamicFracWat bed_surface_area = pcr.cover(bed_surface_area, \ self.bankfull_width * self.channelLength) bed_surface_area = self.bankfull_width * self.channelLength bed_conductance = (1.0 / self.bed_resistance) * bed_surface_area bed_conductance = pcr.ifthenelse(bed_conductance < 1e-20, 0.0, \ bed_conductance) self.bed_conductance = pcr.cover(bed_conductance, 0.0) # # - 'channel width' for lakes and reservoirs channel_width = pcr.areamaximum(self.bankfull_width, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) channel_width = pcr.cover(channel_width, self.bankfull_width) # # - convert discharge value to surface water elevation (m) river_water_height = (channel_width**(-3 / 5)) * (discharge**( 3 / 5)) * ((self.gradient)**(-3 / 10)) * (self.manningsN**(3 / 5)) surface_water_elevation = self.dem_riverbed + \ river_water_height # # - calculating water level (unit: m) above the flood plain # TODO: Improve this concept (using Rens's latest innundation scheme) #---------------------------------------------------------- water_above_fpl = pcr.max( 0.0, surface_water_elevation - self.dem_floodplain ) # unit: m, water level above the floodplain (not distributed) water_above_fpl *= self.bankfull_depth * self.bankfull_width / self.cellAreaMap # unit: m, water level above the floodplain (distributed within the cell) # TODO: Improve this concept using Rens's latest scheme # # - corrected surface water elevation surface_water_elevation = pcr.ifthenelse(surface_water_elevation > self.dem_floodplain, \ self.dem_floodplain + water_above_fpl, \ surface_water_elevation) # - surface water elevation for lakes and reservoirs: lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.ifthen( self.WaterBodies.waterBodyOut, surface_water_elevation) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.areamaximum( lake_reservoir_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.cover(lake_reservoir_water_elevation, \ pcr.areaaverage(surface_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds)) # - maximum and minimum values for lake_reservoir_water_elevation lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.min( self.dem_floodplain, lake_reservoir_water_elevation) lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.max( surface_water_bed_elevation, lake_reservoir_water_elevation) # - smoothing lake_reservoir_water_elevation = pcr.areaaverage( surface_water_elevation, self.WaterBodies.waterBodyIds) # # - merge lake and reservoir water elevation surface_water_elevation = pcr.cover(lake_reservoir_water_elevation, surface_water_elevation) # # - pass values to the river package surface_water_elevation = pcr.cover(surface_water_elevation, self.surface_water_bed_elevation) surface_water_elevation = pcr.rounddown( surface_water_elevation * 1000.) / 1000. # # - make sure that HRIV >= RBOT ; no infiltration if HRIV = RBOT (and h < RBOT) self.surface_water_elevation = pcr.max( surface_water_elevation, self.surface_water_bed_elevation) # # - pass the values to the RIV package self.pcr_modflow.setRiver(self.surface_water_elevation, \ self.surface_water_bed_elevation, self.bed_conductance, 2)
def naturalLake( waterlevel, LakeLocs, LinkedLakeLocs, LakeArea, LakeThreshold, LakeStorFunc, LakeOutflowFunc, sh, hq, lake_b, lake_e, inflow, precip, pet, LakeAreasMap, JDOY, timestepsecs=86400, ): """ Run Natural Lake module to compute the new waterlevel and outflow. Solves lake water balance with linearisation and iteration procedure, for any rating and storage curve. For the case where storage curve is S = AH and Q=b(H-Ho)^2, uses the direct solution from the Modified Puls Approach (LISFLOOD). :ivar waterlevel: water level H in the lake :ivar LakeLocs: location of lake's outlet :ivar LinkedLakeLocs: ID of linked lakes :ivar LakeArea: total lake area :ivar LakeThreshold: water level threshold Ho under which outflow is zero :ivar LakeStorFunc: type of lake storage curve 1: S = AH 2: S = f(H) from lake data and interpolation :ivar LakeOutflowFunc: type of lake rating curve 1: Q = f(H) from lake data and interpolation 2: General Q = b(H - Ho)^e 3: Case of Puls Approach Q = b(H - Ho)^2 :ivar sh: data for storage curve :ivar hq: data for rating curve :ivar lake_b: rating curve coefficient :ivar lake_e: rating curve exponent :ivar inflow: inflow to the lake (surface runoff + river discharge + seepage) :ivar precip: precipitation map :ivar pet: PET map :ivar LakeAreasMap: lake extent map (for filtering P and PET) :ivar JDOY: Julian Day of Year to read storage/rating curve from data :ivar timestepsecs: model timestep in seconds :returns: waterlevel, outflow, prec_av, pet_av, storage """ mv = -999.0 LakeZeros = LakeArea * 0.0 waterlevel_start = waterlevel inflow = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), inflow) prec_av = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), pcr.areaaverage(precip, LakeAreasMap) ) pet_av = pcr.ifthen( pcr.boolean(LakeLocs), pcr.areaaverage(pet, LakeAreasMap) ) ### Modified Puls Approach (Burek et al., 2013, LISFLOOD) ### #ResOutflowFunc = 3 #Calculate lake factor and SI parameter LakeFactor = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, LakeArea / (timestepsecs * (lake_b) ** 0.5), mv ) storage_start = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, LakeArea * waterlevel_start, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, waterlevel_start, sh, "0-1"), ) SIFactor = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, ((storage_start + (prec_av-pet_av)*LakeArea/1000.0) / timestepsecs + inflow), mv ) #Adjust SIFactor for ResThreshold != 0 SIFactorAdj = SIFactor - LakeArea * LakeThreshold / timestepsecs #Calculate the new lake outflow/waterlevel/storage outflow = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, pcr.ifthenelse( SIFactorAdj > 0.0, (-LakeFactor + (LakeFactor**2 + 2*SIFactorAdj) ** 0.5) ** 2, 0.0), LakeZeros ) storage = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, (SIFactor - outflow) * timestepsecs, LakeZeros ) waterlevel = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, storage / LakeArea, LakeZeros ) ### Linearisation and iteration for specific storage/rating curves ### np_lakeoutflowfunc = pcr.pcr2numpy(LakeOutflowFunc, 0.0) if ((bool(np.isin(1, np.unique(np_lakeoutflowfunc)))) or (bool(np.isin(2, np.unique(np_lakeoutflowfunc))))): np_lakelocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(LakeLocs, 0.0) np_linkedlakelocs = pcr.pcr2numpy(LinkedLakeLocs, 0.0) waterlevel_loop = waterlevel_start _outflow = [] nr_loop = np.max([int(timestepsecs / 21600), 1]) for n in range(0, nr_loop): np_waterlevel = pcr.pcr2numpy(waterlevel_loop, np.nan) np_waterlevel_lower = np_waterlevel.copy() for val in np.unique(np_linkedlakelocs): if val > 0: np_waterlevel_lower[np_linkedlakelocs == val] = np_waterlevel[ np.where(np_lakelocs == val) ] diff_wl = np_waterlevel - np_waterlevel_lower diff_wl[np.isnan(diff_wl)] = mv np_waterlevel_lower[np.isnan(np_waterlevel_lower)] = mv pcr_diff_wl = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, diff_wl, mv) pcr_wl_lower = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_waterlevel_lower, mv) storage_start_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, LakeArea * waterlevel_loop, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, waterlevel_loop, sh, "0-1"), ) outflow_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 1, lookupResRegMatr(LakeLocs, waterlevel_loop, hq, JDOY), pcr.ifthenelse( pcr_diff_wl >= 0, pcr.max(lake_b * (waterlevel_loop - LakeThreshold) ** lake_e, 0), pcr.min(-1 * lake_b * (pcr_wl_lower - LakeThreshold) ** lake_e, 0), ), ) np_outflow = pcr.pcr2numpy(outflow_loop, np.nan) np_outflow_linked = np_lakelocs * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): if np_outflow[np_outflow < 0] is not None: np_outflow_linked[ np.in1d(np_lakelocs, np_linkedlakelocs[np_outflow < 0]).reshape( np_linkedlakelocs.shape ) ] = np_outflow[np_outflow < 0] outflow_linked = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, np_outflow_linked, 0.0) fl_nr_loop = float(nr_loop) storage_loop = ( storage_start_loop + (inflow * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (prec_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * LakeArea - (pet_av / fl_nr_loop / 1000.0) * LakeArea - (pcr.cover(outflow_loop, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) + (pcr.cover(outflow_linked, 0.0) * timestepsecs / fl_nr_loop) ) waterlevel_loop = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeStorFunc == 1, waterlevel_loop + (storage_loop - storage_start_loop) / LakeArea, lookupResFunc(LakeLocs, storage_loop, sh, "1-0"), ) np_outflow_nz = np_outflow * 0.0 with np.errstate(invalid="ignore"): np_outflow_nz[np_outflow > 0] = np_outflow[np_outflow > 0] _outflow.append(np_outflow_nz) outflow_av_temp = np.average(_outflow, 0) outflow_av_temp[np.isnan(outflow_av_temp)] = mv outflow_av = pcr.numpy2pcr(pcr.Scalar, outflow_av_temp, mv) #Add the discharge/waterlevel/storage from the loop to the one from puls approach outflow = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, outflow, outflow_av ) waterlevel = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, waterlevel, waterlevel_loop ) storage = pcr.ifthenelse( LakeOutflowFunc == 3, storage, storage_loop ) return waterlevel, outflow, prec_av, pet_av, storage
def dynamic(self): # re-calculate current model time using current pcraster timestep value self.modelTime.update(self.currentTimeStep()) msg = "\n\n\n Processing the date " + self.modelTime.fulldate + "\n\n\n" # read netcdf file"Reading netcdf file.") # - set the clone to the necdf file extent pcr.setclone(self.inputClone) # - read netcdf file input_pcr = vos.netcdf2PCRobjClone(ncFile = self.netcdf_input_file, \ varName = "automatic", \ dateInput = self.modelTime.fulldate, \ useDoy = None, \ cloneMapFileName = self.inputClone, \ LatitudeLongitude = True, \ specificFillValue = None) # reprojection"Reprojection.") # # - save it to a pcraster file in the temporary folder tmp_input_pcr_file = self.tmpDir + "/" + "", tmp_input_pcr_file) # - convert it to tif tmp_input_tif_file = self.tmpDir + "/" + "tmp_input_pcr.tif" cmd = 'gdal_translate ' + tmp_input_pcr_file + " " + tmp_input_tif_file logger.debug(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - re-projection to the outputProjection tmp_reprj_tif_file = self.tmpDir + "/" + "tmp_reprj_tif.tif" bound_box = self.x_min_output + " " + self.y_min_output + " " + self.x_max_output + " " + self.y_max_output cell_size = self.cell_length + " " + self.cell_length cmd = 'gdalwarp '+\ '-s_srs ' + '"' + self.inputProjection +'" '+\ '-t_srs ' + '"' + self.outputProjection +'" '+\ '-te ' + bound_box + " " +\ '-tr ' + cell_size + " " +\ '-r '+ self.resample_method + " " +\ '-srcnodata -3.4028234663852886e+38 -dstnodata -3.4028234663852886e+38 '+\ tmp_input_tif_file + " "+\ tmp_reprj_tif_file logger.debug(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - convert it back to pcraster map tmp_reprj_map_file = self.tmpDir + "/" + "" cmd = 'gdal_translate -of PCRaster ' + tmp_reprj_tif_file + " " + tmp_reprj_map_file logger.debug(cmd) os.system(cmd) # - make sure that it has a valid mapattr cmd = 'mapattr -c ' + self.outputClone + " " + tmp_reprj_map_file logger.debug(cmd) os.system(cmd) # read the re-projected file "Read the re-projected file, including unit conversion/correction." ) # - set the clone to the output clone pcr.setclone(self.outputClone) output_pcr = pcr.readmap(tmp_reprj_map_file) # - unit conversion output_pcr = output_pcr * self.unit_conversion_factor + self.unit_conversion_offset #~ pcr.aguila(output_pcr) #~ raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") # perform area operation"Performing area operation.") output_area_pcr = pcr.areaaverage(output_pcr, self.area_class) #~ pcr.aguila(output_area_pcr) #~ raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") # save it to a daily tss file"Saving daily value to a tss file.") self.tss_daily_reporting.sample(output_area_pcr) # calculate 10 day average # - initiate/reset counter and accumulator if == 1 or == 11 or == 21: self.day_counter = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.cummulative_per_ten_days = pcr.scalar(0.0) self.average_per_ten_days = pcr.scalar(0.0) # - accumulating self.day_counter = self.day_counter + 1.0 self.cummulative_per_ten_days = self.cummulative_per_ten_days + output_area_pcr # - calculate 10 day average and reporting if == 10 or == 20 or self.modelTime.isLastDayOfMonth( ): 'Calculating/saving 10 day average value to a tss file.') average_per_ten_days = self.cummulative_per_ten_days / pcr.ifthen( self.landmask, self.day_counter) #~ pcr.aguila(average_per_ten_days) #~ raw_input("Press Enter to continue...") if self.report_10day_pcr_files:'Saving 10 day average value to pcraster file.') cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.mapDir), "dcd") os.chdir(cwd) else: average_per_ten_days = pcr.scalar(-9999.99) self.tss_10day_reporting.sample(average_per_ten_days) # clean the temporary folder cmd = 'rm -r ' + self.tmpDir + "/*" print cmd os.system(cmd) # change directory to the output folder so that the tss file will be stored there os.chdir(self.output_folder)
def main(): """ :ivar masterdem: digital elevation model :ivar dem: digital elevation model :ivar river: optional river map """ # Default values strRiver = 8 masterdem = "" step1dir = "step1" step2dir = "step2" workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" recreate = False snapgaugestoriver = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f") except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) masterdem = configget(config, "files", "masterdem", "") pcr.setclone(masterdem) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder", "4")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") # upscalefactor = float(config.get("settings","upscalefactor")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35")) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float( configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) initialscale = int(configget(config, "settings", "initialscale", "1")) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1"))) lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") pcr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") # X/Y coordinates of the gauges the system exec("X=tr.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=tr.array(" + gauges_y + ")") tr.Verbose = 1 # make the directories to save results in mkoutputdirs(step1dir, step2dir) ldddem = readdem(initialscale, masterdem, step1dir) dem = ldddem try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask...") else: print("clipping DEM with mask.....") mask = pcr.readmap(catchmask) ldddem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), ldddem) dem = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(mask), dem) # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") outletpointX = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print("river file specified.....") try: outletpointX = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5), step1dir + "/") rivshpattr = config.get("files", "riverattr") * 0.0, step1dir + "/") thestr = ("gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/ " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif") os.system(thestr) os.system("gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif") thestr = ("gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/") os.system(thestr) riverburn = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") demregional = pcr.windowaverage(dem, 100) ldddem = pcr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, demregional - 1000, dem) pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") upscalefactor = int(csize / pcr.celllength()) print("Creating ldd...") ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step1dir + "/", ldddem, recreate, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) print("Determining streamorder...") stro = pcr.streamorder(ldd), step1dir + "/") strdir = pcr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro), step1dir + "/") >= strRiver, stro)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") # outlet (and other gauges if given) # TODO: check is x/y set if not skip this print("Outlet...") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to nearest river cells..."), step1dir + "/") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, strdir) # noutletmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,XX,YY,0.5) #,''), step1dir + "/") # check if there is a pre-define catchment map try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask, finding outlet") # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = pcr.subcatch(ldd, outlet), step1dir + "/") else: print("reading and converting catchment mask.....") os.system("resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + catchmask + " " + step1dir + "/") sub = pcr.readmap(step1dir + "/") print("Scatch...") sd = pcr.subcatch(ldd, pcr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap)), step1dir + "/") pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") print("Upscalefactor: " + str(upscalefactor)) if upscalefactor > 1: gc.collect() print("upscale river length1 (checkerboard map)...") ck = tr.checkerboard(dem, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/"), step1dir + "/") print("upscale river length2...") fact = tr.area_riverlength_factor(ldd, ck, upscalefactor), step1dir + "/") # print("make dem statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaaverage(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") print("Create DEM statistics...") dem_ = pcr.areaminimum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") dem_ = pcr.areamaximum(dem, ck), step1dir + "/") # calculate percentiles order = pcr.areaorder(dem, ck) n = pcr.areatotal(pcr.spatial(pcr.scalar(1.0)), ck) #: calculate 25 percentile perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 25.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 10.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 50.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 33.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 66.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 75.0), step1dir + "/") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 90.0), step1dir + "/") else: print("No fancy scaling done. Going strait to step2...."), step1dir + "/") Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) gdalstr = ("gdal_translate -projwin " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " + str(Xlr) + " " + str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster ") # gdalstr = "gdal_translate -a_ullr " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " +str(Xlr) + " " +str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " print(gdalstr), step1dir + "/") # Now us gdat tp convert the maps os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/" + " " + step2dir + "/") if lu_water: os.system(gdalstr + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/") if lu_paved: os.system(gdalstr + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/") try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") # clone=pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/") try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/") ################################## # Step 2 starts here ################################## pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/") strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder_step2", "4")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35")) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float( configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) lddmethod = configget(config, "settings", "lddmethod", "dem") lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") pcr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) nrrow = round(abs(Yul - Ylr) / csize) nrcol = round(abs(Xlr - Xul) / csize) mapstr = ("mapattr -s -S -R " + str(nrrow) + " -C " + str(nrcol) + " -l " + str(csize) + " -x " + str(Xul) + " -y " + str(Yul) + " -P yb2t " + step2dir + "/") os.system(mapstr) pcr.setclone(step2dir + "/") lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") if lu_water: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/") if lu_paved: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/") # try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") clone = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/") try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") clone = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/ " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/") resamplemaps(step1dir, step2dir) dem = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") demmin = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") demmax = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") catchcut = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") # now apply the area of interest (catchcut) to the DEM # dem=pcr.ifthen(catchcut >=1 , dem) # # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") riverburn = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") else: print("river file speficied.....") rivshpattr = config.get("files", "riverattr") * 0.0, step2dir + "/") thestr = ("gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step2dir + "/ " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif") os.system(thestr) os.system("gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif") thestr = ("gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif " + step2dir + "/") os.system(thestr) riverburn = pcr.readmap(step2dir + "/") # ldddem = pcr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem -1000 , dem) # Only burn within the original catchment riverburn = pcr.ifthen(pcr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1, riverburn) # Now setup a very high wall around the catchment that is scale # based on the distance to the catchment so that it slopes away from the # catchment if lddmethod != "river": print("Burning in highres-river ...") disttocatch = pcr.spread(pcr.nominal(catchcut), 0.0, 1.0) demmax = pcr.ifthenelse( pcr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1.0, demmax, demmax + (pcr.celllength() * 100.0) / disttocatch, ) pcr.setglobaloption("unitcell") demregional = pcr.windowaverage(demmin, 100) demburn = pcr.cover( pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(riverburn), demregional - 100.0), demmax) else: print("using average dem..") demburn = dem ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step2dir + "/", demburn, True, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = pcr.subcatch(ldd, outlet), step2dir + "/"), step2dir + "/") # make river map strorder = pcr.streamorder(ldd), step2dir + "/") river = pcr.ifthen(pcr.boolean(strorder >= strRiver), strorder), step2dir + "/") # make subcatchments # os.system("col2map --clone " + step2dir + "/ gauges.col " + step2dir + "/") exec("X=tr.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=tr.array(" + gauges_y + ")") pcr.setglobaloption("unittrue") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5), step2dir + "/") if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to river"), step2dir + "/") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, river) outlmap = pcr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap), step2dir + "/") scatch = pcr.subcatch(ldd, outlmap), step2dir + "/")