Пример #1
def to_pdb_ccd_cif_file(path, component: Component, remove_hs=True):
    """Converts structure to the PDB CIF format. Both model and ideal
    coordinates are stored. In case ideal coordinates are missing, rdkit
    attempts to generate 3D coordinates of the conformer.

        path (str): Path to save cif file.
        component (Component): Component to be exported.
        remove_hs (bool, optional): Defaults to True.
    if not isinstance(component.ccd_cif_dict, dict):
        component.ccd_cif_dict = _to_pdb_ccd_cif_dict(component)

    cif_copy = copy.deepcopy(component.ccd_cif_dict)

    _add_2d_depiction_cif(component, cif_copy)
    _add_fragments_and_scaffolds_cif(component, cif_copy)
    _add_rdkit_properties_cif(component, cif_copy)
    _add_unichem_mapping_cif(component, cif_copy)
    _add_rdkit_conformer_cif(component, cif_copy, remove_hs)

    if remove_hs:
        h_indices: List[int] = [
            i for i, x in enumerate(cif_copy['_chem_comp_atom']['type_symbol'])
            if x == "H"
        h_names: List[str] = [
            cif_copy['_chem_comp_atom']['atom_id'][i] for i in h_indices

        hb_indices = []
        for key in ('atom_id_1', 'atom_id_2'):
            indices = [
                i for i, k in enumerate(cif_copy['_chem_comp_bond'][key])
                if k in h_names
            hb_indices += indices

        hb_indices = list(set(hb_indices))

        # scrap hydrogen atoms
        for key in cif_copy['_chem_comp_atom']:
            cif_copy['_chem_comp_atom'][key] = ([
                k for i, k in enumerate(cif_copy['_chem_comp_atom'][key])
                if i not in h_indices

        # scrap bonds to hydrogen atoms
        for key in cif_copy['_chem_comp_bond']:
            cif_copy['_chem_comp_bond'][key] = ([
                k for i, k in enumerate(cif_copy['_chem_comp_bond'][key])
                if i not in hb_indices

    cfd = mmcif.CifFileWriter(path)
    cfd.write({component.id: cif_copy})
Пример #2
    def test_plain_cif_write(component: Component, tmpdir, rem_hs):
        path = tmpdir.join(f"{component.id}.cif")
        to_check = must_have_categories.copy()

        component.ccd_cif_dict = None
        ccd_writer.write_molecule(str(path), component, remove_hs=rem_hs)
        json_obj = reader.read(path)

        if component.id == "NA":  # Na is an atom!
            to_check.pop(2)  # remove "_chem_comp_bond"

        if component.id == "D3O" and rem_hs:  # D3O has single heavy atom

        assert json_obj
        assert component.id in json_obj

        for c in to_check:
            assert c in json_obj[component.id]