Пример #1
def abstrips_solve_from_task(sas_task, temp_dir=TEMP_DIR, clean=False, debug=False, hierarchy=[], **kwargs):
    # Like partial order planning in terms of precondition order
    # TODO: add achieve subgoal actions
    # TODO: most generic would be a heuristic on each state
    if not hierarchy:
        return solve_from_task(sas_task, temp_dir=temp_dir, clean=clean, debug=debug, **kwargs)
    start_time = time()
    plan, cost = None, INF
    with Verbose(debug):
        print('\n' + 50*'-' + '\n')
        last_plan = []
        for level in range(len(hierarchy)+1):
            local_sas_task = deepcopy(sas_task)
            prune_hierarchy_pre_eff(local_sas_task, hierarchy[level:]) # TODO: break if no pruned
            add_subgoals(local_sas_task, last_plan)
            write_sas_task(local_sas_task, temp_dir)
            plan, cost = parse_solution(run_search(temp_dir, debug=True, **kwargs))
            if (level == len(hierarchy)) or (plan is None):
                # TODO: fall back on standard search
            last_plan = [name_from_action(action, args) for action, args in plan]
        if clean:
        print('Total runtime:', time() - start_time)
    return plan, cost
Пример #2
def plan_subgoals(sas_task, subgoal_plan, temp_dir, **kwargs):
    full_plan = []
    full_cost = 0
    for subgoal in subgoal_plan:
        sas_task.goal.pairs = subgoal
        write_sas_task(sas_task, temp_dir)
        plan, cost = parse_solution(run_search(temp_dir, debug=True, **kwargs))
        if plan is None:
            return None, INF
        full_cost += cost
        for sas_action in parse_sas_plan(sas_task, plan):
            apply_sas_operator(sas_task.init, sas_action)
    return full_plan, full_cost
Пример #3
def solve_from_task(sas_task, temp_dir=TEMP_DIR, clean=False, debug=False, hierarchy=[], **kwargs):
    # TODO: can solve using another planner and then still translate using FastDownward
    # Can apply plan constraints (skeleton constraints) here as well
    start_time = time()
    with Verbose(debug):
        print('\n' + 50*'-' + '\n')
        write_sas_task(sas_task, temp_dir)
        solution = run_search(temp_dir, debug=True, **kwargs)
        if clean:
        print('Total runtime:', time() - start_time)
    #for axiom in sas_task.axioms:
    #    # TODO: return the set of axioms here as well
    #    var, value = axiom.effect
    #    print(sas_task.variables.value_names[var])
    #    axiom.dump()
    return parse_solution(solution)