Пример #1
def test_rotated():
    # given an image that has been rotated
    image = PIL.open("tests/rotated.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0) == "Rotated Image Test"
Пример #2
def test_upside_down():
    # given an image that is upside down
    image = PIL.open("tests/upside_down.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0) == "Upside Down Test"
Пример #3
def test_multiple_barcodes():
    # given an image that has multiple barcodes
    image = PIL.open("tests/multiple_barcodes.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then multiple barcodes should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 2
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0) == "Multiple"
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(1) == "Barcodes Test"
Пример #4
def test_missing_data():
    # given an image that is upside down
    image = PIL.open("tests/missing_data.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(
        0) == "Barcode with missing data codewords."
Пример #5
def test_against_zxing():
    test_number = 0
    success = 0
    failure = 0
    zxing_success = 0
    zxing_failure = 0
    while (True):
        test_number += 1
        # Randomize barcode settings
        columns = 10 #random.randint(5,15)
        security_level = 3 #random.randint(2,5)
        scale = 2 #random.randint(2,5)
        ratio = 2 #random.randint(2,4)
        # With random text valid for a PDF417 barcode
        text_length = 300 #random.randint(1, 5) * 50
        text = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "&,:#-.$/+%* =^;<>@[\\]_'~!|()?{}", k=text_length))
        # and Create the barcode.
        barcode = BarcodeTest(text, columns, security_level, scale, ratio)

        # Start decoding
            reader = zxing.BarCodeReader()
            decodedZxing = reader.decode("barcode.png", possible_formats="PDF_417").parsed
            decodedZxing = ''
            decoder = PDF417Decoder(barcode.CrappifiedImage)
            barcode_count = decoder.decode()
            if (barcode_count == 0):
                decoded = ''
                decoded = decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0)
            decoded = ''

        if (decoded == barcode.EncodedData):
            success += 1
            failure += 1
        if (decodedZxing == barcode.EncodedData):
            zxing_success += 1
            zxing_failure += 1
        print(f"Success: {success} - Failure: {failure} - ZXing Success: {zxing_success} - ZXing: Failure {zxing_failure} - Total: {test_number}")
Пример #6
def test_byte_mode_data():
    # given an image that has a barcode with a byte mode block
    image = PIL.open("tests/byte_mode.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should match the expected binary data block
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_binary_data == bytearray(
Пример #7
def test_binary_data():
    # given an image that has a barcode with binary data
    image = PIL.open("tests/binary_data.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(
    ) == "Pdf417DecoderDemo - Rev 1.0.0 - 2019-05-01 © 2019 Uzi Granot. All rights reserved."
Пример #8
def test_blurred():
    # given an image that has errors due to blurring
    image = PIL.open("tests/blurred_error_correction.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(
    ) == "Blurred Image Test: Additional data is being added to this test increase error count. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"
Пример #9
def test_character_decodes():
    # given an image that has a barcode with each character type transition
    # permutation (Upper, Lower, Mixed and Punctuation)
    image = PIL.open("tests/character_type_transitions.png")

    # when we decode the image
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(image)
    barcode_count = decoder.decode()

    # then the message should be decoded
    assert barcode_count == 1
    assert decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(
    ) == "Character Type Switches Test: AaAAA1A@bbbBb1b@1c1C1111@@d@D@1@@A aA AA 1A @b bb Bb 1b @1 c1 C1 11 1@@ d@ D@ 1@ @"
Пример #10
def test_image(filepath, expected_decode):
    barcode = Image.open(filepath)
    decoder = PDF417Decoder(barcode)
        barcode_count = decoder.decode()
        if (barcode_count > 0):
            decoded = decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0)
            if (decoded == expected_decode):
                print("Failure: Mismatch")
                print("Expected: " + expected_decode)
                print("Decoded : " + decoded)
            print("Failure: No barcode detected")
        print("Failure: Exception occurred")
Пример #11
def fuzz_testing():
    # Collection of test result successes, failures and decode time for this test run.
    fields = ['Columns', 'Security Level', 'Scale', 'Ratio', 'Length', 'Successes', 'Failures', 'Average Decode Time'] 
    test_results = list()
    test_number = 0

    while (True):
        test_number += 1
        # Randomize barcode settings
        columns = random.randint(5,15)
        security_level = random.randint(2,5)
        scale = random.randint(2,5)
        ratio = random.randint(2,4)
        # With random text valid for a PDF417 barcode
        text_length = 300 #random.randint(1, 5) * 50
        text = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "&,:#-.$/+%* =^;<>@[\\]_'~!|()?{}", k=text_length))
        # and Create the barcode.
        barcode = BarcodeTest(text, columns, security_level, scale, ratio)
        # Search for existing configuration of above settings in test results.
        test_result = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.0)
        for result in test_results:
            if (result[0] == columns and result[1] == security_level and result[2] == scale and result[3] == ratio and result[4] == text_length):
                test_result = result
        # Create a new one if not found or remove it from the list if it was found.
        if (test_result[0] == 0):
            test_result == (columns, security_level, scale, ratio, text_length, 0, 0, 0.0)

        # Start decoding
        decode_start_time = time.perf_counter()
            decoder = PDF417Decoder(barcode.CrappifiedImage)
            barcode_count = decoder.decode()
            if (barcode_count == 0):
                decoded = ''
                decoded = decoder.barcode_data_index_to_string(0)
            decoded = ''
        decode_stop_time = time.perf_counter()
        decode_time = round(decode_stop_time - decode_start_time, 2)

        # Record Success or Failure of decoding
        if (decoded == barcode.EncodedData):
            successes = test_result[5] + 1
            failures = test_result[6]
            total = successes + failures
            total_decode = test_result[7] + decode_time
            avg_decode = round(total_decode / total, 2)
            print(f"SUCCESS #{successes} out of {total}: Columns: {columns} Security: {security_level} Scale: {scale} Ratio: {ratio} Length: {text_length} Average time to Decode: {avg_decode} seconds")
            # Add updated test result for this random barcode configuration back to the test results.
            test_results.append((columns, security_level, scale, ratio, text_length, successes, failures, total_decode))
            successes = test_result[5]
            failures = test_result[6] + 1
            total = successes + failures
            total_decode = test_result[7] + decode_time
            avg_decode = round(total_decode / total, 2)
            print(f"FAILURE #{failures} out of {total}: Columns: {columns} Security: {security_level} Scale: {scale} Ratio: {ratio} Length: {text_length} Average time to Decode: {avg_decode} seconds")
            # Add updated test result for this random barcode configuration back to the test results.
            test_results.append((columns, security_level, scale, ratio, text_length, successes, failures, total_decode))
            # Save out failure image if necessary for debugging.
            #barcode.CrappifiedImage.save("errors/failure-" + str(failures) + "_columns-" + str(columns) + "_security-" + str(security_level) + "_ratio-" + str(ratio) + ".png")

        # Export test run results every 20 tests.
        if (test_number % 20 == 0):
            with open('test_results.csv', 'w') as f:
                # using csv.writer method from CSV package
                write = csv.writer(f)