def image_menu(imdata,scan_pnt=None): """ Interactively inspect/integrate images in ScanData or a ImageScan object Parameters: ----------- * imdata is either an ImageScan or ScanData object * scan_pnt is an integer value for a point to integrate None indicates start at the first point """ #if isinstance(imdata,data.ScanData): if hasattr(imdata,'get_positioner'): imdata = imdata.image #elif isinstance(imdata,image_data.ImageScan): elif hasattr(imdata,'image'): pass else: print "Invalid image data" prompt = 'Select option >' ret = '' roi = [] #bad_points = [] im_max = None # make menu if scan_pnt == None: short = False npts = len(imdata.image) scan_pnt = 0 m = Menu(labels=IMG_LABELS, descr=IMG_DESCR, sort=False,matchidx=True) else: short = True npts = 1 scan_pnt = int(scan_pnt) m = Menu(labels=IMG_LABELS_SHORT, descr=IMG_DESCR_SHORT, sort=False,matchidx=True) # local plot fun def _implot(imdata,scan_pnt): rotangle = imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt] im_max = imdata.im_max[scan_pnt] roi = imdata.rois[scan_pnt] figtitle = "Scan Point = %i" % (scan_pnt) image_data.image_plot(imdata.image[scan_pnt],fig=1,verbose=True, figtitle=figtitle,im_max=im_max, rotangle=rotangle,roi=roi) # check init and plot first if imdata._is_init() == False: imdata._init_image() _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) # loop while ret != 'done': roi = imdata.rois[scan_pnt] rotangle = imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt] if short: header = IMG_HEADER_SHORT % (str(roi),str(rotangle)) else: header = IMG_HEADER % (str(npts),str(scan_pnt), str(roi),str(rotangle)) m.header = header ret = m.prompt(prompt) if ret == 'display': _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) elif ret == 'imax': print 'Image max intensity = ', imdata.image[scan_pnt].max() im_max = get_int(prompt='Enter maximum intensity value for image plot', default=imdata.im_max[scan_pnt],min=-1) imdata.im_max[scan_pnt] = im_max _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) elif ret == "rotangle": rotangle = get_flt(prompt='Enter rotation angle in degrees ccw', default=imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt], min=-360.,max=360.) imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt] = rotangle _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) elif ret == 'setroi': pyplot.figure(1) (x1,x2,y1,y2) = pyplot.axis() roi = [int(x1),int(y1),int(x2),int(y2)] imdata.rois[scan_pnt] = roi elif ret == 'plotsums': roi = imdata.rois[scan_pnt] rotangle = imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt] image = image_data.clip_image(imdata.image[scan_pnt],roi, rotangle=rotangle) bgr_par = imdata.bgrpar[scan_pnt] image_data.sum_plot(image,fig=2,**bgr_par) elif ret == 'selectroi': image = imdata.image[scan_pnt] bgr_par = imdata.bgrpar[scan_pnt] image_data.sum_plot(image,fig=2,**bgr_par) c = cursor(fig=2) (c1,y) = c.get_click(msg="Select left col sum") (c2,y) = c.get_click(msg="Select right col sum") (r1,y) = c.get_click(msg="Select left row sum") (r2,y) = c.get_click(msg="Select right row sum") roi = [int(c1),int(r1),int(c2),int(r2)] imdata.rois[scan_pnt] = roi elif ret == 'background': bgr_par = imdata.bgrpar[scan_pnt] bgr_par = bgr_menu(bgr_par) imdata.bgrpar[scan_pnt] = bgr_par elif ret == 'copyall': roi = imdata.rois[scan_pnt] rotangle = imdata.rotangle[scan_pnt] bgr_par = imdata.bgrpar[scan_pnt] # imdata.rois = [] imdata.rotangle = [] imdata.bgrpar = [] # for j in range(npts): imdata.rois.append(copy.copy(roi)) imdata.rotangle.append(rotangle) imdata.bgrpar.append(copy.copy(bgr_par)) elif ret == 'integrate': imdata.integrate(idx=[scan_pnt], plot=True,fig=3) elif ret == 'intall': yn = get_tf("Plot all images",default=False) imdata.integrate(plot=yn) # pyplot.figure(5, figsize = [5,4]) pyplot.clf() # x = num.arange(len(imdata.image)) pyplot.plot(x,imdata.peaks['I'],'b',label='image sum') pyplot.errorbar(x,imdata.peaks['I'],imdata.peaks['Ierr'],fmt='bo') # pyplot.plot(x,imdata.peaks['I_c'],'r',label='col sum') pyplot.errorbar(x,imdata.peaks['I_c'],imdata.peaks['Ierr_c'],fmt='ro') # pyplot.plot(x,imdata.peaks['I_r'],'g',label='row sum') pyplot.errorbar(x,imdata.peaks['I_r'],imdata.peaks['Ierr_r'],fmt='go') # pyplot.semilogy() pyplot.legend(loc = 9) pyplot.xlabel('Point') pyplot.ylabel('Integrated Intensity') #elif ret == 'flag': # if int(scan_pnt) in bad_points: # bad_points.remove(scan_pnt) # print "Data point removed from bad list" # else: # bad_points.append(int(scan_pnt)) # print "Data point added to bad list" elif ret == 'point': scan_pnt = get_int(prompt='Enter scan point', default=scan_pnt,min=0,max = npts-1) _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) elif ret == 'next': if scan_pnt + 1 < npts: scan_pnt = scan_pnt + 1 _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) elif ret == 'previous': if scan_pnt - 1 > -1: scan_pnt = scan_pnt - 1 _implot(imdata,scan_pnt) else: pass
def rasd_menu(rasddata, cell = None, bulk_file = None, sur_file = None, f1f2_file = None, E0 = 0.): """ Interactively create RasdList object and inspect/analyze data in it """ if cell == None: ok = False while not ok: cell = get_flt_list(prompt='Enter unit cell [a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta1,delta2]') if len(cell) != 8: print 'invalid unit cell' else: ok = True if bulk_file == None: ok = False while not ok: bulk_file = get_str(prompt='Enter path and\or name of your bulk file (ROD .bul file without header and cell definition)') if not os.path.exists(bulk_file): print bulk_file+' not found' else: ok = True bulk = [] f = file(bulk_file,'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) bulk.append([tmp[0],float(tmp[1]),float(tmp[2]),float(tmp[3]),float(tmp[4])]) if sur_file == None: ok = False while not ok: sur_file = get_str(prompt='Enter path and\or name of your surface file (ROD .sur file without header and cell definition)') if not os.path.exists(sur_file): print sur_file+' not found' else: ok = True surface = [] f = file(sur_file,'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) surface.append([tmp[0],float(tmp[1]),float(tmp[2]),float(tmp[3]),float(tmp[4]),float(tmp[5])]) if f1f2_file == None: ok = False while not ok: f1f2_file = get_str(prompt='Enter path and\or name of your f1f2 file (HEPHAESTUS or experimental f1f2 file)') if not os.path.exists(f1f2_file): print f1f2_file+' not found' else: ok = True f = file(f1f2_file, 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() f1f2 = num.ndarray((0,3),float) for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) f1f2 = num.append(f1f2, [[int(float(tmp[0])),float(tmp[1]),float(tmp[2])]], axis = 0) f1f2 = f1f2.transpose() if E0 == 0: E0 = get_flt(prompt='Enter E0 in eV') allrasd = rasd_ana.read_RSD(cell, bulk, surface, database, rasddata, f1f2, E0) prompt = 'Select option >' ret = '' # make menu m = Menu(labels=RASD_LABELS, descr=RASD_DESCR, sort=False, matchidx=True) scan_pnt = 0 norm = True # loop while ret != 'done': allrasd.list[scan_pnt] = rasd_ana.RASD_Fourier(allrasd,scan_pnt) header = RASD_HEADER % (str(allrasd.dims),str(scan_pnt), str(allrasd.list[scan_pnt].AR),str(allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR), str(allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift)) m.header = header allrasd.list[scan_pnt].plot(norm = norm, fig = 1) ret = m.prompt(prompt) if ret == 'plot_norm': norm = get_tf(prompt = 'Plot normalized or not (True/False)', default = norm) elif ret == 'setE0shift': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift = get_flt(prompt = 'Enter e0 shift for this scan', default = allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift) allrasd.list[scan_pnt].E = allrasd.list[scan_pnt].Eorig + allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift allrasd.list[scan_pnt].E0 = allrasd.E0 + allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift elif ret == 'setPRstart': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR = get_flt(prompt = 'Enter PR start (0-1)', default = allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR, min = 0, max = 1) elif ret == 'useInFourier': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Fourier = get_tf(prompt= 'Use this scan in Fourier synthesis (True/False)?', default = allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Fourier) elif ret == 'useInRefine': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Refine = get_tf(prompt= 'Use this scan for Structure Refinement (True/False)?', default = allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Refine) elif ret == 'FourierParams': allrasd.ZR = get_int(prompt= 'Atomic number of resonant element', default = allrasd.ZR) allrasd.xf = get_flt(prompt= 'number of unit cells along a', default = allrasd.xf) allrasd.yf = get_flt(prompt= 'number of unit cells along b', default = allrasd.yf) allrasd.zf = get_flt(prompt= 'number of unit cells along c', default = allrasd.zf) = get_int(prompt= 'number of datapoints along a', default = = get_int(prompt= 'number of datapoints along b', default = = get_int(prompt= 'number of datapoints along c', default = allrasd.Plusminus = get_tf(prompt= 'calculate rho(e-) above and below surface', default = allrasd.Plusminus) elif ret == 'runFourier': allrasd.Fourier = [] data = [] for rasd in allrasd.list: if rasd.use_in_Fourier: allrasd.Fourier.append([rasd.Q[0],rasd.Q[1],rasd.Q[2],rasd.AR,rasd.PR]) data.append(rasd.file) if allrasd.Fourier == []: print 'No scans specified for use in Fourier' else: rasd_ana.Fourier_synthesis(allrasd.Fourier, allrasd.cell, allrasd.ZR,allrasd.xf,allrasd.yf,allrasd.zf,,,,allrasd.Plusminus) print 'Scans used for Fourier synthesis: \n'+str(data) elif ret == 'RefinementParams': allrasd.natoms = get_int(prompt = 'How many atoms in structure model?', default = allrasd.natoms) if allrasd.Rmin == None or len(allrasd.thetamin) != allrasd.natoms: allrasd.Rmin = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms,3),float) allrasd.Rmax = num.ndarray((0,3),float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmax = num.append(allrasd.Rmax, [[allrasd.cell[0],allrasd.cell[1],allrasd.cell[2]]],axis = 0) allrasd.thetamin = num.ones((allrasd.natoms),float) *0.05 allrasd.thetamax = num.ones((allrasd.natoms),float) *0.999 allrasd.DWmin = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms,6),float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmin[i] = [0.001,0.001,0.001,0.,0.,0.] allrasd.DWmax = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms,6),float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmax[i] = [1.,1.,1.,0.,0.,0.] for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmin[i] = get_flt_list(prompt = ('Rmin of atom '+str(i+1)+' [xmin,ymin,zmin] (Angstroem)'), default = allrasd.Rmin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmax[i] = get_flt_list(prompt = ('Rmax of atom '+str(i+1)+' [xmax,ymax,zmax] (Angstroem)'), default = allrasd.Rmax[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.thetamin[i] = get_flt(prompt = ('min. occupancy of atom '+str(i+1)), default = allrasd.thetamin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.thetamax[i] = get_flt(prompt = ('max. occupancy of atom '+str(i+1)), default = allrasd.thetamax[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmin[i] = get_flt_list(prompt = ('min. DW-factor for atom '+str(i+1)+' [b11,b22,b33,b12,b13,b23]'), default = allrasd.DWmin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmax[i] = get_flt_list(prompt = ('max. DW-factor for atom '+str(i+1)+' [b11,b22,b33,b12,b13,b23]'), default = allrasd.DWmax[i]) allrasd.Tstart = get_flt(prompt = 'Startimg Temperature for simmulated annealing', default = allrasd.Tstart) allrasd.Tend = get_flt(prompt = 'End Temperature for simmulated annealing', default = allrasd.Tend) = get_flt(prompt = 'cooling factor for simmulated annealing (usually 0.7 - 0.95)', default =, min = 0.1, max = 0.99) allrasd.maxrun = get_flt(prompt = 'max. repeats at one Temp.', default = allrasd.maxrun) allrasd.MC = get_flt(prompt = 'max fractional parameter change at T = 100', default = allrasd.MC) allrasd.RMS_count_max = get_flt(prompt = 'max. annealing (T) steps without improvement', default = allrasd.RMS_count_max) allrasd.factor = get_flt(prompt = 'some factor (Boltz. = exp(d(RMS)*factor/T)) in decision process (~1e4 - 1e7)', default = allrasd.factor)
def bgr_menu(bgr_params=IMG_BGR_PARAMS): """ Get background options """ prompt = 'Select option >' # make menu m = Menu(labels=BGR_LABELS,descr=BGR_DESCR,sort=False,matchidx=True) ret = '' while ret != 'done': header = BGR_HEADER % (bgr_params['bgrflag'], bgr_params['cnbgr'],bgr_params['cwidth'], bgr_params['cpow'],str(bgr_params['ctan']), bgr_params['rnbgr'],bgr_params['rwidth'], bgr_params['rpow'],str(bgr_params['rtan'])) m.header = header ret = m.prompt(prompt) # if ret == 'bgrflag': bgr_params['bgrflag'] = get_int(prompt='Enter bgrflag', default=bgr_params['bgrflag'], valid=[0,1,2,3]) # elif ret == 'cnbgr': bgr_params['cnbgr'] = get_int(prompt='Enter col nbgr', default=bgr_params['cnbgr'], min=0) elif ret == 'cwidth': # could use flt?? bgr_params['cwidth'] = get_int(prompt='Enter col width', default=bgr_params['cwidth'], min=0) elif ret == 'cpow': bgr_params['cpow'] = get_flt(prompt='Enter col pow', default=bgr_params['cpow'], min=0.) elif ret == 'ctan': bgr_params['ctan'] = get_tf(prompt='Enter col tan flag', default=bgr_params['ctan']) # elif ret == 'rnbgr': bgr_params['rnbgr'] = get_int(prompt='Enter row nbgr', default=bgr_params['rnbgr'], min=0) elif ret == 'rwidth': # could use flt?? bgr_params['rwidth'] = get_int(prompt='Enter row width', default=bgr_params['rwidth'], min=0) elif ret == 'rpow': bgr_params['rpow'] = get_flt(prompt='Enter row pow', default=bgr_params['rpow'], min=0.) elif ret == 'rtan': bgr_params['rtan'] = get_tf(prompt='Enter row tan flag', default=bgr_params['rtan']) elif ret == 'info': show_more(BGR_INFO) get_yn(prompt="Continue",default='y') return bgr_params
def rasd_menu(rasddata, cell=None, bulk_file=None, sur_file=None, f1f2_file=None, E0=0.): """ Interactively create RasdList object and inspect/analyze data in it """ if cell == None: ok = False while not ok: cell = get_flt_list( prompt='Enter unit cell [a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma,delta1,delta2]' ) if len(cell) != 8: print 'invalid unit cell' else: ok = True if bulk_file == None: ok = False while not ok: bulk_file = get_str( prompt= 'Enter path and\or name of your bulk file (ROD .bul file without header and cell definition)' ) if not os.path.exists(bulk_file): print bulk_file + ' not found' else: ok = True bulk = [] f = file(bulk_file, 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) bulk.append([ tmp[0], float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), float(tmp[4]) ]) if sur_file == None: ok = False while not ok: sur_file = get_str( prompt= 'Enter path and\or name of your surface file (ROD .sur file without header and cell definition)' ) if not os.path.exists(sur_file): print sur_file + ' not found' else: ok = True surface = [] f = file(sur_file, 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) surface.append([ tmp[0], float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2]), float(tmp[3]), float(tmp[4]), float(tmp[5]) ]) if f1f2_file == None: ok = False while not ok: f1f2_file = get_str( prompt= 'Enter path and\or name of your f1f2 file (HEPHAESTUS or experimental f1f2 file)' ) if not os.path.exists(f1f2_file): print f1f2_file + ' not found' else: ok = True f = file(f1f2_file, 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() f1f2 = num.ndarray((0, 3), float) for i in range(len(data)): if '#' not in data[i]: tmp = str.rsplit(data[i]) f1f2 = num.append( f1f2, [[int(float(tmp[0])), float(tmp[1]), float(tmp[2])]], axis=0) f1f2 = f1f2.transpose() if E0 == 0: E0 = get_flt(prompt='Enter E0 in eV') allrasd = rasd_ana.read_RSD(cell, bulk, surface, database, rasddata, f1f2, E0) prompt = 'Select option >' ret = '' # make menu m = Menu(labels=RASD_LABELS, descr=RASD_DESCR, sort=False, matchidx=True) scan_pnt = 0 norm = True # loop while ret != 'done': allrasd.list[scan_pnt] = rasd_ana.RASD_Fourier(allrasd, scan_pnt) header = RASD_HEADER % (str( allrasd.dims), str(scan_pnt), str( allrasd.list[scan_pnt].AR), str(allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR), str(allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift)) m.header = header allrasd.list[scan_pnt].plot(norm=norm, fig=1) ret = m.prompt(prompt) if ret == 'plot_norm': norm = get_tf(prompt='Plot normalized or not (True/False)', default=norm) elif ret == 'setE0shift': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift = get_flt( prompt='Enter e0 shift for this scan', default=allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift) allrasd.list[scan_pnt].E = allrasd.list[ scan_pnt].Eorig + allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift allrasd.list[ scan_pnt].E0 = allrasd.E0 + allrasd.list[scan_pnt].e0shift elif ret == 'setPRstart': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR = get_flt( prompt='Enter PR start (0-1)', default=allrasd.list[scan_pnt].PR, min=0, max=1) elif ret == 'useInFourier': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Fourier = get_tf( prompt='Use this scan in Fourier synthesis (True/False)?', default=allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Fourier) elif ret == 'useInRefine': allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Refine = get_tf( prompt='Use this scan for Structure Refinement (True/False)?', default=allrasd.list[scan_pnt].use_in_Refine) elif ret == 'FourierParams': allrasd.ZR = get_int(prompt='Atomic number of resonant element', default=allrasd.ZR) allrasd.xf = get_flt(prompt='number of unit cells along a', default=allrasd.xf) allrasd.yf = get_flt(prompt='number of unit cells along b', default=allrasd.yf) allrasd.zf = get_flt(prompt='number of unit cells along c', default=allrasd.zf) = get_int(prompt='number of datapoints along a', = get_int(prompt='number of datapoints along b', = get_int(prompt='number of datapoints along c', allrasd.Plusminus = get_tf( prompt='calculate rho(e-) above and below surface', default=allrasd.Plusminus) elif ret == 'runFourier': allrasd.Fourier = [] data = [] for rasd in allrasd.list: if rasd.use_in_Fourier: allrasd.Fourier.append( [rasd.Q[0], rasd.Q[1], rasd.Q[2], rasd.AR, rasd.PR]) data.append(rasd.file) if allrasd.Fourier == []: print 'No scans specified for use in Fourier' else: rasd_ana.Fourier_synthesis(allrasd.Fourier, allrasd.cell, allrasd.ZR, allrasd.xf, allrasd.yf, allrasd.zf,,,, allrasd.Plusminus) print 'Scans used for Fourier synthesis: \n' + str(data) elif ret == 'RefinementParams': allrasd.natoms = get_int( prompt='How many atoms in structure model?', default=allrasd.natoms) if allrasd.Rmin == None or len(allrasd.thetamin) != allrasd.natoms: allrasd.Rmin = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms, 3), float) allrasd.Rmax = num.ndarray((0, 3), float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmax = num.append( allrasd.Rmax, [[allrasd.cell[0], allrasd.cell[1], allrasd.cell[2]]], axis=0) allrasd.thetamin = num.ones((allrasd.natoms), float) * 0.05 allrasd.thetamax = num.ones((allrasd.natoms), float) * 0.999 allrasd.DWmin = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms, 6), float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmin[i] = [0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0., 0., 0.] allrasd.DWmax = num.zeros((allrasd.natoms, 6), float) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmax[i] = [1., 1., 1., 0., 0., 0.] for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmin[i] = get_flt_list( prompt=('Rmin of atom ' + str(i + 1) + ' [xmin,ymin,zmin] (Angstroem)'), default=allrasd.Rmin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.Rmax[i] = get_flt_list( prompt=('Rmax of atom ' + str(i + 1) + ' [xmax,ymax,zmax] (Angstroem)'), default=allrasd.Rmax[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.thetamin[i] = get_flt( prompt=('min. occupancy of atom ' + str(i + 1)), default=allrasd.thetamin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.thetamax[i] = get_flt( prompt=('max. occupancy of atom ' + str(i + 1)), default=allrasd.thetamax[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmin[i] = get_flt_list( prompt=('min. DW-factor for atom ' + str(i + 1) + ' [b11,b22,b33,b12,b13,b23]'), default=allrasd.DWmin[i]) for i in range(allrasd.natoms): allrasd.DWmax[i] = get_flt_list( prompt=('max. DW-factor for atom ' + str(i + 1) + ' [b11,b22,b33,b12,b13,b23]'), default=allrasd.DWmax[i]) allrasd.Tstart = get_flt( prompt='Startimg Temperature for simmulated annealing', default=allrasd.Tstart) allrasd.Tend = get_flt( prompt='End Temperature for simmulated annealing', default=allrasd.Tend) = get_flt( prompt= 'cooling factor for simmulated annealing (usually 0.7 - 0.95)',, min=0.1, max=0.99) allrasd.maxrun = get_flt(prompt='max. repeats at one Temp.', default=allrasd.maxrun) allrasd.MC = get_flt( prompt='max fractional parameter change at T = 100', default=allrasd.MC) allrasd.RMS_count_max = get_flt( prompt='max. annealing (T) steps without improvement', default=allrasd.RMS_count_max) allrasd.factor = get_flt( prompt= 'some factor (Boltz. = exp(d(RMS)*factor/T)) in decision process (~1e4 - 1e7)', default=allrasd.factor) elif ret == 'runRefine': if allrasd.Rmin == None: print 'Please define simmulated annealing parameters first' else: allrasd.reflist = [] for rasd in allrasd.list: if rasd.use_in_Refine: allrasd.reflist.append(rasd) if allrasd.reflist == []: print 'No scans specified for use in refinement' else: rasd_ana.simulated_annealing(allrasd) elif ret == 'select': scan_pnt = get_int(prompt='Enter scan number', default=scan_pnt, min=0, max=allrasd.dims - 1) elif ret == 'next': if scan_pnt + 1 < allrasd.dims: scan_pnt = scan_pnt + 1 elif ret == 'previous': if scan_pnt - 1 > -1: scan_pnt = scan_pnt - 1 else: pass