async def ag(animu): try: await animu.delete() except: pass text = if not text: if animu.is_reply: text = (await animu.get_reply_message()).message else: await edit_or_reply("`No text given`") return animus = [20, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 58] sticcers = await bot.inline_query( "stickerizerbot", f"#{random.choice(animus)}{(deEmojify(text))}" ) await sticcers[0].click( animu.chat_id, reply_to=animu.reply_to_msg_id, silent=True if animu.is_reply else False, hide_via=True ) await animu.delete() CMD_HELP.update({"ag": ".ag : Anime girl will show ur text."})
async def stickfun(animu): # """Creates random anime sticker!""" text = if not text: if animu.is_reply: text = (await animu.get_reply_message()).message else: await edit_or_reply( animu, "`You haven't written any article, Waifu is going away.`" ) return animus = [1, 3, 7, 9, 13, 22, 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 52, 53, 55] sticcers = await bot.inline_query( "stickerizerbot", f"#{random.choice(animus)}{(deEmojify(text))}" ) await sticcers[0].click( animu.chat_id, reply_to=animu.reply_to_msg_id, silent=True if animu.is_reply else False, hide_via=True, ) await animu.delete() CMD_HELP.update({"stickfun": ".waifu : Anime that makes your writing fun."})
else: os.remove(required_file_name) required_file_name = required_file_name + ".opus" end = ms = (end - start).seconds await borg.send_file( event.chat_id, required_file_name, # caption="Processed {} ({}) in {} seconds!".format(text[0:97], lan, ms), reply_to=event.message.reply_to_msg_id, allow_cache=False, voice_note=True, ) os.remove(required_file_name) await event.edit("Processed {} ({}) in {} seconds!".format( text[0:97], lan, ms)) await asyncio.sleep(5) await event.delete() except Exception as e: await event.edit(str(e)) CMD_HELP.update({ "voice": " Google Text to Speech\ \nAvailable Commands:\ \n.voice LanguageCode as reply to a message\ \n\n.voice LangaugeCode | text to speak\ " })
return results async def scam(results, lim): single =["similar_images"]).read() decoded = single.decode("utf-8") imglinks = [] counter = 0 pattern = r"^,\[\"(.*[.png|.jpg|.jpeg])\",[0-9]+,[0-9]+\]$" oboi = re.findall(pattern, decoded, re.I | re.M) for imglink in oboi: counter += 1 if not counter >= int(lim): imglinks.append(imglink) else: break return imglinks CMD_HELP.update({ "reverse": ".simg\ \nUsage: Reply to a pic/sticker to revers-search it on Google Images !!" })
await borg( functions.account.UpdateProfileRequest( # pylint:disable=E0602 first_name=name)) except FloodWaitError as ex: logger.warning(str(e)) await asyncio.sleep(ex.seconds) # else: # # await borg.send_message( # pylint:disable=E0602 # Config.PRIVATE_GROUP_BOT_API_ID, # pylint:disable=E0602 # "Successfully Changed Profile Name" # ) await asyncio.sleep(DEL_TIME_OUT) await sed.edit(f"Auto Name has been started Black Pearl") CMD_HELP.update( {"autoname": ".autoname\nUsage - Auto changing profile name, with time."})
if songs is None: await lyric.edit(f"Song **{artist} - {song}** not found!") return if len(songs.lyrics) > 4096: await lyric.edit("`Lyrics is too big, view the file to see it.`") with open("lyrics.txt", "w+") as f: f.write(f"Search query: \n{artist} - {song}\n\n{songs.lyrics}") await lyric.client.send_file( lyric.chat_id, "lyrics.txt",, ) os.remove("lyrics.txt") else: await lyric.edit( f"**Search query**: \n`{artist} - {song}`\n\n```{songs.lyrics}```") return CMD_HELP.update({ "lyrics": ".lyrics song name \ \n USAGE: Searches A Song Lyric and sends you if Song name doesnt work try along with artist name" "**Usage:** .`glyrics <artist name> - <song name>`\n" "__note__: **-** Is neccessary when searching the lyrics to divided artist and song \n" "Genius lyrics plugin \n" "Get this value from \n" "Add:- GENIUS_API_TOKEN and token value in Heroku app settings \n" "Lyrics Plugin Syntax: .lyrics <aritst name - song nane>" })
def is_gif(file): # ngl this should be fixed, telethon.utils.is_gif but working # lazy to go to github and make an issue kek if not is_video(file): return False if DocumentAttributeAnimated() not in getattr(file, "document", file).attributes: return False return True CMD_HELP.update( { "anime": ".anime <anime>\ \nUsage: Returns with Anime information.\ \n\n.manga <manga name>\ \nUsage: Returns with the Manga information.\ \n\n.akaizoku or .akayo <anime name>\ \nUsage: Returns with the Anime Download link.\ \n\n.char <character name>\ \nUsage: Return with character information.\ \n\n.upcoming\ \nUsage: Returns with Upcoming Anime information.\ \n\n.scanime <anime> or .sanime <anime>\ \nUsage: Search anime.\ \n\n.smanga <manga>\ \nUsage: Search manga.\ \n\n.whatanime Reply with media.\ \nUsage: Find anime from media file." } )
afk_since = "**Yesterday**" elif days > 1: if days > 6: date = now + datetime.timedelta( days=-days, hours=-hours, minutes=-minutes) afk_since = date.strftime("%A, %Y %B %m, %H:%I") else: wday = now + datetime.timedelta(days=-days) wday.strftime("%A") elif hours > 1: f"`{int(hours)}h{int(minutes)}m` **ago**" elif minutes > 0: f"`{int(minutes)}m{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" else: f"`{int(seconds)}s` **ago**" msg = None message_to_reply = ( f"**Hi. I'm not here right now..but maybe i am..or maybe it's a program..or maybe I'm a program in the Matrix..omg help!!** \n**AFKT** : `{total_afk_time}`\n**Reason** : `{reason}`" + f"\n\n**BEEP BEEP..PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE!**" if reason else f"**You Didn't Give Me A Quarter, THerefore I Dont't Give A Crap**\n AFK : `{total_afk_time}` Hold Up.. will come back if any change in plans" ) msg = await event.reply(message_to_reply) await asyncio.sleep(5) if event.chat_id in last_afk_message: # pylint:disable=E0602 await last_afk_message[event.chat_id].delete() # pylint:disable=E0602 last_afk_message[event.chat_id] = msg # pylint:disable=E0602 CMD_HELP.update( {"afk": " `.afk` <optional reason>\nUsage - Sets your status to Offline."})
import asyncio from pearl.utils import pearl_on_cmd from pearl import CMD_HELP # @command(pattern="^.cmds", outgoing=True) @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd(pattern=r"cmds")) async def install(event): if event.fwd_from: return cmd = "ls pearl/modules" process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_shell( cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() o = stdout.decode() _o = o.split("\n") o = "\n".join(_o) OUTPUT = f"**List of Plugins:**\n - {o}\n\n**HELP:** __All commands are can be viewed by, doing:-__ \n `.help <plugin name>` **without the < > brackets.**\n__All modules might not work directly__" await event.edit(OUTPUT) CMD_HELP.update( {"cmd_list": ".cmds\nUsage - Get the list of all plugins in Black Pearl."})
await event.edit("```Reply to any user message.```") return reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() chat = "@QuotLyBot" reply_message.sender if await event.edit("```Reply to actual users message.```") return await event.edit("```Making a Quote```") async with bot.conversation(chat) as conv: try: response = conv.wait_event( events.NewMessage(incoming=True, from_users=1031952739)) await bot.forward_messages(chat, reply_message) response = await response except YouBlockedUserError: await event.reply("```Please unblock @QuotLyBot and try again```") return if response.text.startswith("Hi!"): await event.edit( "```Can you kindly disable your forward privacy settings for good?```" ) else: await event.delete() await bot.forward_messages(event.chat_id, response.message) CMD_HELP.update( {"quotly": ".q \ \nUsage: Enhance ur text to sticker."})
r = random.randint(1, 100) input_str = if input_str: input_str = input_str.lower() if r % 2 == 1: if input_str == "Heads": await event.edit("The coin landed on: **Heads**. \n K You Win .") elif input_str == "Tails": await event.edit( "The coin landed on: **Heads**. \n Sed Laife, You weren't correct, try again ..." ) else: await event.edit("The coin landed on: **Heads**.") elif r % 2 == 0: if input_str == "Tails": await event.edit("The coin landed on: **Tails**. \n K You Win.") elif input_str == "Heads": await event.edit( "The coin landed on: **Tails**. \n Sed Laife, You weren't correct, try again ..." ) else: await event.edit("The coin landed on: **Tails**.") else: await event.edit("¯\_(ツ)_/¯") CMD_HELP.update( { "coinflip": ".coin\nUsage : This plugin flips the coin to land on heads or tails." } )
u, t, g, o, s, n = inp.split(), "🗑", "<(^_^ <)", "(> ^_^)>", "⠀ ", "\n" h = [(u[0], u[1], u[2]), (u[0], u[1], ""), (u[0], "", "")] for something in reversed( [ y for y in ( [ "".join(x) for x in ( f + (s, g, s + s * f.count(""), t), f + (g, s * 2 + s * f.count(""), t), f[:i] + (o, f[i], s * 2 + s * f.count(""), t), f[:i] + (s + s * f.count(""), o, f[i], s, t), f[:i] + (s * 2 + s * f.count(""), o, f[i], t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(""), o, t), f[:i] + (s * 3 + s * f.count(""), g, t), ) ] for i, f in enumerate(reversed(h)) ) ] ): for something_else in something: await asyncio.sleep(0.3) try: await message.edit(something_else) except MessageIdInvalidError: return CMD_HELP.update({"dumpster": ".waste\nUsage - useless."})
await event.edit( '`"What is the most important change that should be made to your country’s education system?"`' ) if x == 56: await event.edit('`"Send your favourite sticker pack."`') if x == 57: await event.edit('`"Send your favourite animated sticker pack."`') if x == 58: await event.edit('`"Send your favourite video or gif."`') if x == 59: await event.edit('`"Send your favourite emojies"`') if x == 60: await event.edit( '`"What’s something you misunderstood as a child and only realized much later was wrong?"`' ) CMD_HELP.update( {"conversationqt": ".qt\nUsage - Helps starting a conversation."})
user_object = await event.client.get_entity(input_str) user_id = replied_user = await event.client( GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e elif event.is_private: try: user_id = event.chat_id replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e else: try: user_object = await event.client.get_entity(int(input_str)) user_id = replied_user = await event.client(GetFullUserRequest(user_id)) return replied_user, None except Exception as e: return None, e CMD_HELP.update({ "clone": ".clone <reply to user who you want to clone>.\ \nUsage - clone the replied user account.\ " })
img = ImageEnhance.Sharpness(img).enhance(randint(5, 300)) return img async def check_media(reply_message): if reply_message and if data = elif reply_message.document: if (DocumentAttributeFilename(file_name="AnimatedSticker.tgs") in return False if (reply_message.gif or or or reply_message.voice): return False data = else: return False else: return False if not data or data is None: return False else: return data CMD_HELP.update( {"deepfryer": ".df <reply to pic>\nUsage - Deepfry the picture."})
if group == "all": lim = 0 elif group.isdigit(): lim = int(group) else: lim = 1 pfplist = await delpfp.client( GetUserPhotosRequest(user_id=delpfp.from_id, offset=0, max_id=0, limit=lim)) input_photos = [] for sep in input_photos.append( InputPhoto(, access_hash=sep.access_hash, file_reference=sep.file_reference, )) await delpfp.client(DeletePhotosRequest(id=input_photos)) await edit_or_reply( delpfp, f"`Successfully deleted {len(input_photos)} profile picture(s).`") CMD_HELP.update({ "delfp": ".delpfp <profile pictures count>\nUsage : This plugin deletes requested number of profile pictures." })
PM_IMG = Config.ALIVE_IMAGE pm_caption = "➢ **BLACK PEARL IS:** SAILING\n\n" pm_caption += "✪༺ ──•◈•───•◈•──༻✪\n" pm_caption += "➢ **SYSTEMS STATS**\n" pm_caption += "➢ **Telethon Version:** `1.15.0` \n" pm_caption += "➢ **Python:** `3.7.4` \n" pm_caption += f"➢ **Uptime** : `{uptime}` \n" pm_caption += "➢ **Database Status:** `Functional`\n" pm_caption += "➢ **Current Branch** : `master`\n" pm_caption += f"➢ **Version** : `1.0`\n" pm_caption += f"➢ **My Captian** : {DEFAULTUSER} \n" pm_caption += "➢ **Heroku Database** : `AWS - WORKS LIKE A CHARM`\n" pm_caption += "➢ **License** : [GNU General Public License v3.0](\n" pm_caption += "➢ **Copyright** : By [Github](\n" pm_caption += "➢ **Check Stats By Doing** `.stat`. \n" pm_caption += "✪༺ ──•◈•───•◈•──༻✪\n\n" pm_caption += "➢ **[Deploy Black Pearl](** \n" @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd(pattern=r"alive")) @pearl.on(sudo_cmd(pattern=r"alive", allow_sudo=True)) async def pearl(alive): await alive.get_chat() """ For .alive command, check if the bot is running. """ await borg.send_file(alive.chat_id, PM_IMG, caption=pm_caption) await alive.delete() CMD_HELP.update( {"alive": "`.alive`\nUsage - Check if Black Pearl is working."})
else: color_scheme = str(random.randint(1, 29)) driver.find_element_by_id(("downshift-0-item-" + color_scheme)).click() driver.find_element_by_id("export-menu").click() driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(text(),'4x')]").click() driver.find_element_by_xpath("//button[contains(text(),'PNG')]").click() await e.edit("`Processing..\n75%`") # Waiting for downloading sleep(2.5) color_name = driver.find_element_by_xpath( "/html/body/div[1]/main/div[3]/div[2]/div[1]/div[1]/div/span[2]/input" ).get_attribute("value") await e.edit("`Done Dana Done...\n100%`") file = "./carbon.png" await e.edit("`Uploading..`") await e.client.send_file( e.chat_id, file, caption="<< `Here's your carbon!` \n **Carbonised Using** [Black Pearl](>>\n**Colour Scheme: **`{}`".format( color_name ), force_document=True, reply_to=e.message.reply_to_msg_id, ) os.remove("./carbon.png") driver.quit() # Removing carbon.png after uploading await e.delete() # Deleting msg CMD_HELP.update({"carbon": ".carbon <text/reply to text>\nUsage - Generate a carbon for the text."})
try: mg = div.p.a["href"] magnets.append(mg) except Exception: pass print("Found Magnets...") shorted_links = dogbin(magnets) print("Dogged Magnets to") msg = "" try: search_str = search_str.replace("+", " ") except BaseException: pass msg = "**Torrent Search Query**\n`{}`".format( search_str) + "\n**Results**\n" counter = 0 while counter != len(titles): msg = (msg + "⁍ [{}]".format(titles[counter]) + "({})".format(shorted_links[counter]) + "\n\n") counter = counter + 1 await event.edit(msg, link_preview=False) CMD_HELP.update({ "torrent": ".ts Search query.\ \nUsage: Search for torrent query and post to dogbin.\ \n\n.tos Search query.\ \nUsage: Search for torrent magnet from query." })
if not event.is_channel and event.is_group: # for user_id in to_add_users.split(" "): try: await borg( functions.messages.AddChatUserRequest( chat_id=event.chat_id, user_id=user_id, fwd_limit=1000000)) except Exception as e: await event.reply(str(e)) await event.edit("Invited Successfully") else: # for user_id in to_add_users.split(" "): try: await borg( functions.channels.InviteToChannelRequest( channel=event.chat_id, users=[user_id])) except Exception as e: await event.reply(str(e)) await edit_or_reply(event, "Invited Successfully") CMD_HELP.update({ "add": "\ \n\nSyntax :.invite <user_id or user-name>\ \nUsage : Adds User To Group" })
f"**Error**\nusage `.dealyspam <time in seconds> <count> <text>`") CMD_HELP.update({ "spam": "⚠️ Spam at your own risk !!\ \n\n`.spam/.sp` <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** Floods text in the chat !!\ \n\n`.scam/.sc` <time in seconds> <action>\ \n**Usage:** Scam by fake actions like typing, sending photo......!!\ \n\n`.cspam/.csp` <text>\ \n**Usage:** Spam the text letter by letter.\ \n\n`.rspam/.rsp` <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** Repeats the text for a number of times.\ \n\n`.wspam/.wsp` <text>\ \n**Usage:** Spam the text word by word.\ \n\n`.mspam/.msp` <count> <reply to a media message>\ \n**Usage:** As if text spam was not enough !!\ \n\n`.delayspam/.dsp` <delay> <count> <text>\ \n**Usage:** spam with custom delay.\ \n\n`.dmspam/.dmsp` <delay> <count> <reply to a media message>\ \n**Usage:** mspam with custom delay.\ \n\n**Spam_protect**\ \n**Usage:** Protect your groups from scammers.\ \nFor on `.set var SPAM_PROTECT True` , for off `.del var SPAM_PROTECT`\ \n You need to set up api key for that\ \n More information click [here](\ \n\n**All commands support sudo , type .help sudo for more info**\ " })
return user_obj CMD_HELP.update({ "admin": ".promote <username/reply> <custom rank (optional)>\ \nUsage: Provides admin rights to the person in the chat.\ \n\n.demote <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Revokes the person's admin permissions in the chat.\ \n\n.ban <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Bans the person off your chat.\ \n\n.unban <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the ban from the person in the chat.\ \n\n.mute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in the chat, works on admins too.\ \n\n.unmute <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Removes the person from the muted list.\ \n\n.gmute <username/reply> <reason (optional)>\ \nUsage: Mutes the person in all groups you have in common with them.\ \n\n.ungmute <username/reply>\ \nUsage: Reply someone's message with .ungmute to remove them from the gmuted list.\ \n\n.delusers\ \nUsage: Searches for deleted accounts in a group. Use .delusers clean to remove deleted accounts from the group.\ \n\n.admins\ \nUsage: Retrieves a list of admins in the chat.\ \n\n.users or .users <name of member>\ \nUsage: Retrieves all (or queried) users in the chat.\ \n\n.setgppic <reply to image>\ \nUsage: Changes the group's display picture." })
await hazmat.edit("`Can't handle this GIF...`") await hazmat.client.delete_messages( conv.chat_id, [,,,]) return else: downloaded_file_name = await hazmat.client.download_media(, TEMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY) await hazmat.client.send_file( hazmat.chat_id, downloaded_file_name, force_document=False, reply_to=message_id_to_reply, ) """ - cleanup chat after completed - """ if msg_reply is not None: await hazmat.client.delete_messages( conv.chat_id, [,,,]) else: await hazmat.client.delete_messages(conv.chat_id, [,]) await hazmat.delete() return os.remove(downloaded_file_name) CMD_HELP.update({ "hazmat": ".hz or .hz [flip, x2, rotate (degree), background (number), black]" "\nUsage: Reply to a image / sticker to suit up!" "\n@hazmat_suit_bot" })
SPOTIFYCHECK = True await sleep(4) await update_spotify_info() @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.enablespotify$") async def set_biostgraph(setstbio): setrecursionlimit(700000) if not SPOTIFYCHECK: environ["errorcheck"] = "0" await setstbio.edit(SPO_BIO_ENABLED) await get_spotify_token() await dirtyfix() else: await setstbio.edit(SPO_BIO_RUNNING) @register(outgoing=True, pattern="^.disablespotify$") async def set_biodgraph(setdbio): global SPOTIFYCHECK global RUNNING SPOTIFYCHECK = False RUNNING = False await bot(UpdateProfileRequest(about=DEFAULT_BIO)) await setdbio.edit(SPO_BIO_DISABLED) CMD_HELP.update({"enablespotify": "Usage: Enable Spotify bio updating."}) CMD_HELP.update({"disablespotify": "Usage: Disable Spotify bio updating."})
""".admin Plugin """ from import ChannelParticipantsAdmins from uniborg.util import pearl_on_cmd from pearl import CMD_HELP @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd(pattern="admins")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return mentions = "@admin: **Spam Spotted**" chat = await event.get_input_chat() async for x in borg.iter_participants(chat, filter=ChannelParticipantsAdmins): mentions += f"[\u2063](tg://user?id={})" reply_message = None if event.reply_to_msg_id: reply_message = await event.get_reply_message() await reply_message.reply(mentions) else: await event.reply(mentions) await event.delete() CMD_HELP.update({ "calladmin": ".admins\nUsage : use this plugin to mention all the admins in a group." })
import random from pearl.util import pearl_on_cmd, edit_or_reply from pearl import CMD_HELP RUNSREACTS = [ "`Congratulations and BRAVO!`", "`You did it! So proud of you!`", "`This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!`", "`I knew it was only a matter of time. Well done!`", "`Congratulations on your well-deserved success.`", "`Heartfelt congratulations to you.`", "`Warmest congratulations on your achievement.`", "`Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”`", "`So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.`", "`Feeling so much joy for you today. What an impressive achievement!`", ] @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd(pattern="congo")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return bro = random.randint(0, len(RUNSREACTS) - 1) reply_text = RUNSREACTS[bro] await edit_or_reply(event, reply_text) CMD_HELP.update({"congratulations": ".congo\nUsage - Congratulate a person."})
""" .bye """ import time from import LeaveChannelRequest from pearl.utils import pearl_on_cmd, edit_or_reply, sudo_cmd from pearl import CMD_HELP @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd("bye", outgoing=True)) @pearl.on(sudo_cmd("bye", allow_sudo=True)) async def leave(e): pearlgang = await edit_or_reply(e, "Bye Kek") if not e.text[0].isalpha() and e.text[0] not in ("/", "#", "@", "!"): await pearlgang.edit("`F**k This I'm Out.....!`") time.sleep(3) if "-" in str(e.chat_id): await borg(LeaveChannelRequest(e.chat_id)) else: await pearlgang.edit( "`You Think This Is A Chat?... Then F**k You Its Not!!`") CMD_HELP.update({"bye": ".bye\nUsage - Leave the group."})
response += f"**Unread:** {unread} \n" response += f"**Unread Mentions:** {unread_mentions} \n\n" response += f"__It Took:__ {stop_time:.02f}s \n" await event.edit(response) def make_mention(user): if user.username: return f"@{user.username}" else: return inline_mention(user) def inline_mention(user): full_name = user_full_name(user) or "No Name" return f"[{full_name}](tg://user?id={})" def user_full_name(user): names = [user.first_name, user.last_name] names = [i for i in list(names) if i] full_name = " ".join(names) return full_name CMD_HELP.update({ "count": ".count\nUsage : This plugin shows detailed stats about your account." })
await event.edit("`Uploading Glitched Media...`") c_time = time.time() nosave = await event.client.send_file( event.chat_id, Glitched, force_document=False, reply_to=event.reply_to_msg_id, progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task( progress(d, t, event, c_time, "[UPLOAD]")), ) await event.delete() os.remove(Glitched) await bot( functions.messages.SaveGifRequest( id=types.InputDocument(,,, ), unsave=True, )) os.remove(glitch_file) CMD_HELP.update({ "glitch": ".glitch <1-8>\ \nUsage: Reply a sticker/image and send with cmd.\ \nvalue is range 1-8 if doenst it will give default value which is 2" })
"""Quickly make a decision Syntax: .decide""" import requests from pearl.utils import pearl_on_cmd from pearl import CMD_HELP @pearl.on(pearl_on_cmd("decide")) async def _(event): if event.fwd_from: return message_id = if event.reply_to_msg_id: message_id = event.reply_to_msg_id r = requests.get("").json() await borg.send_message(event.chat_id, r["answer"], reply_to=message_id, file=r["image"]) await event.delete() CMD_HELP.update( {"decide": ".decide\nUsage : Use this plugin to quickly make a decision."})