Пример #1
    def insert(self, hash_code, succ_node):
        # create a client for this operation
        client = Simple_Client(self.host, self.port)
        # the insert request is like lookup
        msg = "INSERT|{0}|{1}|{2}".format(hash_code, self.host, self.port)

        # the server at succ is contacted, response is the pred node of our
        # node
        response = client.attempt_to_connect(succ_node.host, succ_node.port,
        # the server returned the predecessor
        if response == "":
            print("NO INSERT RESPONSE ERROR!")
        # the response should be a string of strings, separated by ':', but
        # there is no type checking, sorry
        # the response contained the pred node after the coord in the network
        # was complete
        pred_hash, pred_host, pred_port_str = response.split(':')
        # pred_port_str was sent as a string and now is converted to an int
        pred_port = int(pred_port_str)
        # we create a remote node for this pred
        pred_node = NetNode(pred_host, (int(pred_port)))
        # then we stop and return the remote node
        return pred_node
Пример #2
 def __init__(self, host, port, peer_sock, local_sock, start_port, port_range):
     self.node = NetNode(host, port)
     self.router = Router(self.node)
     self.data = Data()
     self.peer_server = Simple_Server(peer_sock, self)
     self.local_listener = Simple_Listener(local_sock, self)
     self.start_port = start_port
     self.port_range = port_range
Пример #3
    def lookup(self, hash_code, net_node):
        # create a client for this operation
        client = Simple_Client(self.host, self.port)
        # the lookup request is always the same
        msg = "LOOKUP|{0}|{1}|{2}".format(hash_code, self.host, self.port)

        succ_node = NetNode("None", 0)

        # since this implementation of lookup is iterative, so we need to keep
        # track of the nodes we've queried the last hash inits as the code we
        # are looking for, but is updated as the last node we checked
        last_hash = hash_code
        # our successor's hash inits as the entry node of the lookup
        succ_hash = net_node.hash
        succ_host = net_node.host
        succ_port = net_node.port
        # if the pred and succ hashes ever are equal, it means that the node we
        # are going to check next is the same node as the one we just checked,
        # which means we are done searching
        while not (last_hash == succ_hash):
            # the server at succ is contacted, response is the succ node to the
            # hash
            response = client.attempt_to_connect(succ_host, succ_port, msg)
            # print ("Lookup:" + response)
            # since we just checked succ, we can copy that info to last_hash
            last_hash = succ_hash
            # the response should be a few strings, separated by ':', but there
            # is no type checking, sorry
            if not response == "":
                # the response contained the next node to check, so it is
                # assigned to the current successor
                succ_hash, succ_host, succ_port_str = response.split(':')
                # succ_port_str was sent as a string and now is converted to an
                # int
                succ_port = int(succ_port_str)
                return ("NO LOOKUP RESPONSE ERROR!")

        # we create a remote node for this succ
        succ_node = NetNode(succ_host, (int(succ_port)))
        # the server returned self or its succ, if it returned self, then we
        # will exit the loop and return
        return succ_node
Пример #4
    def find_peer(self, target_host, min_port, port_range):
        # the concept is to start at a random port, loop around until we get to a host that will respond
        max_port = min_port + port_range  # find the max range
        random_offset = 0  # = random.randint(min_port, self.port) # choose a random port in range
        # create a client for this operation
        client = Simple_Client(self.host, self.port)

        # instruct the client to 'broadcast' and loop through all peer addresses
        response = client.iterative_broadcast(target_host, min_port,
                                              random_offset, port_range,
        if response == "":
            return (NetNode("None", 0))
        # the response should be a tuple, separated by ':', but there is no type checking, sorry
        r_host, r_port = response.split(':')
        # we create a remote node for this
        r_node = NetNode(r_host, (int(r_port)))
        # then we stop and return the remote node
        return r_node
Пример #5
    def performAction(self, msg):
        m = msg.split('|')

        if (m[0] == "FIND_PEER"):
            #return this nodes info, easily done
            return self.host + ":" + str(self.port)

        if (m[0] == "LOOKUP"):
            code = m[1]  #hash_code being sent as a lookup
            host = m[2]  #host of the requester
            port = int(m[3])  #port of the requester

            mine = self.head.node.hash  #my hashed ID
            succ = self.head.router.succ.hash  # my succ's hashed ID
            pred = self.head.router.pred.hash  # my pred's hashed ID

            # 4 ways that the lookup returns my node (SELF RESPONSES INDICATE Completion)
            # 1: if pred = mine = succ: (one node network)
            if (pred == mine) and (mine == succ):
                #send succ(hash_code) = mine ID back to client
                return (mine + ":" + self.host + ":" + str(self.port))
            # 2: if pred < hash_code and hash_code <= self and pred < self:
            # (no boundary check, if my node is the last, but not the first)
            if (pred < code) and (code <= mine) and (pred < mine):
                #send succ(hash_code) = mine ID back to client
                return (mine + ":" + self.host + ":" + str(self.port))
            # 3: if pred < hash_code and hash_code > self and pred > self:
            # (pred is last node before flip, id first after, hash is before the flip)
            if (pred < code) and (code > mine) and (pred > mine):
                #send succ(hash_code) = mine ID back to client
                return (mine + ":" + self.host + ":" + str(self.port))
            # 4: if pred > hash_code and hash_code <= self and pred > self:
            # (pred is last node before flip, id first after, hash is after the flip)
            if (pred > code) and (code <= mine) and (pred > mine):
                #send succ(hash_code) = mine ID back to client
                return (mine + ":" + self.host + ":" + str(self.port))

            # ALL OTHER CASES Return the successor (which implicitly indicates non completion)
            # Alternate implementations could have server call lookup on successor (recursive)
            # But this implementation returns the succ for the client to do next lookup (iterative)

            return (succ + ":" + self.head.router.succ.host + ":" +

        if (m[0] == "INSERT"):
            code = m[1]  #hash_code being sent in insert
            host = m[2]  #host of the requester
            port = int(m[3])  #port of the requester
            # we need to save the old pred info in case we overwrite the object
            old_pred_code = self.head.router.pred.hash
            old_pred_host = self.head.router.pred.host
            old_pred_port = self.head.router.pred.port
            #creating the new predecessor object from the message
            new_pred = NetNode(host, port)

            #if this is a new network, set all to the new node, return self info
            if ((old_pred_code == self.head.node.hash)
                    and (self.head.router.succ.hash == self.head.node.hash)):
                return (old_pred_code + ":" + old_pred_host + ":" +

            #INSERT is the 1st of 3 messages, the 2nd is sent to the pred
            # we need a temp client for that
            temp_client = Simple_Client(self.host, self.port)
            # craft a message for the old_pred server to update its successor to the new pred
            msg = "UPDATE_SUCC" + "|" + code + "|" + host + "|" + str(port)

            # connect to the current predecessor to update pointer to succ
            response = temp_client.attempt_to_connect(old_pred_host,
                                                      old_pred_port, msg)
            # if the response was "UPDATED_SUCC_OK" then we set the new_pred and return the old one
            if (response == "UPDATED_SUCC_OK"):
                # update the new predecessor
                # return info on the old predecessor
                return (old_pred_code + ":" + old_pred_host + ":" +
            return ""

        if (m[0] == "UPDATE_SUCC"):
            code = m[
                1]  #hash_code being sent in update_succ is that of the new succ
            host = m[2]  #host of the new succ
            port = int(m[3])  #port of the new succ
            #creating the new successor object from the message
            new_succ = NetNode(host, port)
            #updating the app_support node
            #no error checking yet
            return "UPDATED_SUCC_OK"

        if (m[0] == "WRITE_DATA"):
            key = m[1]  #hash_code being sent in write
            value = m[2]
            host = m[3]  #host of the requester
            port = int(m[4])  #port of the requester

            self.head.data.write(key, value)
            return "OK"

#Implement these handlers
        if (m[0] == "READ_DATA"):
            key = m[1]
            return self.head.data.read(key)

        #not using this, just write("0")
        if (m[0] == "DELETE_DATA"):
            return self.host + str(self.port) + " Reading Data..."

        return "CMD NOT FOUND"