def sqlite_format(items, filepath): db = SqliteDatabase(filepath.as_posix()) db_proxy.initialize(db) db.create_tables((Hotel, )) with db.atomic(): Hotel.delete().execute() for batch in chunked(items, 900): Hotel.insert_many(batch).execute()
def _db_store_enc_stream_in(self, file_entry: Files, stream_in: BinaryIO, db: SqliteDatabase) -> None: """ Store stream as encrypted chunks in Chunks table.""" n_chunks = 0 with db.atomic(): for chunk_group in self._chunked( self._generate_enc_chunks(stream_in, file_entry.file_id), 20): Chunks.bulk_create(chunk_group) n_chunks += len(chunk_group) file_entry.n_chunks = n_chunks
def load_tags_db(): ''' load user tags data from uploaded db file Args: file: io.BufferedRandom -> uploaded db file stream ''' db_name = get_data_path('uploaded.db') try: db_upload = SqliteDatabase(db_name) db_upload.get_tables() except DatabaseError: raise DBError() db_is_old = False tag_data = [] missed_fanhaos = [] tag_file_added = 0 sql_old = '''select item_rate.rate_value, item.fanhao from item_rate inner join item on item_rate.item_id = where item_rate.rate_type=1 ''' sql_new = '''select item_rate.rate_value, item.fanhao from item_rate inner join item on item_rate.item_id = item.fanhao where item_rate.rate_type=1 ''' cursor = db_upload.execute_sql(sql_old) res = cursor.fetchone() if res: db_is_old = True if db_is_old: cursor = db_upload.execute_sql(sql_old) else: cursor = db_upload.execute_sql(sql_new) for row in cursor.fetchall(): tag_data.append(row) with db_upload.atomic(): for rate_value, fanhao in tag_data: item_rate = ItemRate.saveit(RATE_TYPE.USER_RATE, rate_value, fanhao) if item_rate: tag_file_added += 1 if not Item.get_by_fanhao(fanhao): # add to get from spider missed_fanhaos.append(fanhao) logger.debug(tag_data)'added user tag rate: {tag_file_added}')'added fanhao to download: {len(missed_fanhaos)}') return tag_file_added, missed_fanhaos
def create_bulk_ratings(rows): fields = [Rating.udemy_id, Rating.created, Rating.rating_score] count = len(rows) print('creating {} rows'.format(count)) database = SqliteDatabase('ratings.db') with database.atomic(): step_range = 250 #scale down as needed for step in range(0, count, step_range): Rating.insert_many( rows[step:step+step_range], fields=fields ).execute() print('done creating rows')
class DatabaseHandler(Handler): TIME_FORMAT = "%Y.%m.%d. %H:%M:%S" _persons_select: Select = None _unknown_persons_select: Select = None _known_persons_select: Select = None _images_select: Select = None _encodings_select: Select = None valid = False database: SqliteDatabase = None def __init__(self, app, db_location): super().__init__(app) DBModel._handler = self self.database = SqliteDatabase(db_location, pragmas=(('foreign_keys', 'on'), )) self.database.connect() self.init_tables([UserEvent, Encoding, Person, Image, User]) # db.close() self.refresh() def init_tables(self, tables: List[DBModel]): # for some reason, changing the meta database on the DBModel doesn't inherit to the model implementations # so we have to set it on each table manually for table in tables: table._meta.database = self.database self.database.create_tables(tables) def add_person(self, name: str, unknown: bool = True, thumbnail: Image = None) -> Person: new_person = Person() = name new_person.first_seen = new_person.last_seen = new_person.first_seen new_person.unknown = unknown new_person.thumbnail = thumbnail with self.database.atomic(): self.refresh()"A new {} person was added with the name {}".format( 'unkown' if unknown else 'known', name)) return new_person def get_person_by_name(self, name: str) -> Person: return Person.get( == name) def get_user_by_name(self, name: str) -> User: return User.get( == name) def get_image_by_name(self, name: str) -> Image: return Image.get( == name) def get_all_events(self) -> List: return def log_event(self, text: str): new_event = UserEvent.create(, event=text) def invalidate(self): self.valid = False def refresh(self): self._persons_select = # peewee doesn't work with an equality check in the format of Person.unknown is False # instead we should use Person.unknown == False self._known_persons_select = Person.unknown == False) # NOQA self._unknown_persons_select = Person.unknown == True) # NOQA self._images_select = self._encodings_select = self.valid = True def get_persons(self) -> List[Person]: """ Returns all persons, known and unknown both """"Getting all persons") if not self.valid: self.refresh() return prefetch(self._persons_select, self._images_select, self._encodings_select) def get_known_persons(self) -> List[Person]:"Getting known persons") if not self.valid: self.refresh() return prefetch(self._known_persons_select, self._images_select, self._encodings_select) def get_unknown_persons(self) -> List[Person]:"Getting unknown persons") if not self.valid: self.refresh() return prefetch(self._unknown_persons_select, self._images_select, self._encodings_select) # loads the face_recognition_settings table from the database into a dictionary def load_face_recognition_settings(self): with open(Path("Data/FaceRecSettings.json")) as json_file: sett = json.load(json_file) return sett # loads the notification_settings table from the database into a dictionary def load_notification_settings(self): with open(Path("Data/NotificationSettings.json")) as json_file: sett = json.load(json_file) return sett
def chaperone_internal(item, fun, db, db_fun, save, force=False): fname = fun.__name__ meta = None if db_fun == 'sqlite': db = SqliteDatabase(db) database_proxy.initialize(db) if db_fun == 'postgres': db = PostgresqlDatabase(db['dbname'], user=db['user'], password=db['password'], host=db['host'], port=db['port'], autorollback=True, autocommit=True) database_proxy.initialize(db) db.connect() try: with db.atomic(): # Here we create an instance instead of a record # If save=False, we need not create a record in the # db if save is False: check = QueueCheck(item=item, complete=False, function=fname) else: check = QueueCheck.create(item=item, complete=False, function=fname) except IntegrityError: check = QueueCheck.get(QueueCheck.item == item, QueueCheck.function == fname) try: if check.complete is False or force is True: meta = fun(item) if save is True: # Data is expected to be in a pandas data frame or # a dictionary, in both cases ready to be converted # to json. We use json to take advantage of postgres check.meta = dumps(meta) check.complete = True check.error = '' # Reset error message for posterity else: return meta except Exception as e: if save is True: check.item = item check.complete = False check.error = str(e) else: return e db.close()
class MsgDb: def __init__(self, name, sql_dir = 'db/'): = str(name) self.SQL_DIR = sql_dir # 连接数据库 db_name = '{:s}.db'.format( path = os.path.join(self.SQL_DIR, db_name) self.db = SqliteDatabase(path, pragmas=( ('cache_size', -1024 * 64), # 64MB page-cache. ('journal_mode', 'wal'))) # Use WAL-mode (you should always use this!). self.db.connect() self.db.bind(MODELS) self.db.create_tables(MODELS) def close(self): self.db.close() def __user_medal(self, msg): ''' 格式化信息中的牌子 ''' if msg['cmd'] == 'DANMU_MSG': if msg['info'][3]: if msg['info'][3][11] == 1: return { 'n': msg['info'][3][1], #牌子名 'l': msg['info'][3][0], #牌子等级 'c': msg['info'][3][10], #舰长类别 } else: if msg['data']['medal_info']: if msg['data']['medal_info']['is_lighted'] == 1: return { 'n': msg['data']['medal_info']['medal_name'], #牌子名 'l': msg['data']['medal_info']['medal_level'], #牌子等级 'c': msg['data']['medal_info']['guard_level'], #舰长类别 } return { 'n': None, #牌子名 'l': None, #牌子等级 'c': None #舰长类别 } def __insert_msg(self, msg, insert_list): ''' 向列表插入一条信息 识别并格式化 ''' if msg['cmd'] == 'DANMU_MSG': medal = self.__user_medal(msg) insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'captain': medal['c'], #舰长类别 'content': msg['info'][1], #弹幕文本 'medal_level': medal['l'], #牌子等级 'medal_name': medal['n'], #牌子名 'timestamp': msg['info'][0][4], #时间戳 'uid': msg['info'][2][0], #用户id 'username': msg['info'][2][1], #用户名 }) elif msg['cmd'] == 'SEND_GIFT': medal = self.__user_medal(msg) insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'captain': medal['c'], #舰长类别 'gift_coin_type': msg['data']['coin_type'], #货币类型 'gift_name': msg['data']['giftName'], #礼物名 'gift_num': msg['data']['num'], #礼物数量 'gift_price': msg['data']['price'], #礼物单价 'gift_total_price': msg['data']['total_coin'], #礼物总价 'medal_level': medal['l'], #牌子等级 'medal_name': medal['n'], #牌子名 'timestamp': msg['data']['timestamp']*1000, #时间戳 'uid': msg['data']['uid'], #用户id 'username': msg['data']['uname'], #用户名 }) elif msg['cmd'] == 'USER_TOAST_MSG': insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'captain': msg['data']['guard_level'], #大航海类别 'captain_num': msg['data']['num'], #数量 'captain_total_price': msg['data']['price'], #真实花费价格(RMB) 'timestamp': msg['data']['start_time']*1000, #时间戳 'uid': msg['data']['uid'], #用户id 'username': msg['data']['username'], #用户名 }) elif msg['cmd'] == 'SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE': medal = self.__user_medal(msg) insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'captain': medal['c'], #舰长类别 'medal_level': medal['l'], #牌子等级 'medal_name': medal['n'], #牌子名 'superchat_content': msg['data']['message'], #醒目留言文本 'superchat_price': msg['data']['price'], #价格(RMB) 'timestamp': msg['data']['ts']*1000, #时间戳 'uid': msg['data']['uid'], #用户id 'username': msg['data']['user_info']['uname'], #用户名 }) elif msg['cmd'] == 'VIEW': insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'timestamp': msg['timestamp'], #时间戳 'view': msg['data'], #人气值 }) elif msg['cmd'] == 'WATCHED_CHANGE': insert_list[msg['cmd']].append({ 'timestamp': msg['timestamp'], #时间戳 'watched': msg['data']['num'], #看过的人数 }) else: return None def commit_msgs(self, msgs): ''' 向数据库提交信息列表 ''' # 绑定model self.db.bind(MODELS) # 列表分类 insert_list = {} for t in MSG_TYPE: insert_list[t] = [] # 创建插入列表 for msg in msgs: self.__insert_msg(msg, insert_list) # 插入数据 with self.db.atomic(): Danmu.insert_many(insert_list['DANMU_MSG']).execute() Gift.insert_many(insert_list['SEND_GIFT']).execute() Captain.insert_many(insert_list['USER_TOAST_MSG']).execute() SuperChat.insert_many(insert_list['SUPER_CHAT_MESSAGE']).execute() View.insert_many(insert_list['VIEW']).execute() WatchedChange.insert_many(insert_list['WATCHED_CHANGE']).execute() def live_action(self, timestamp, action): ''' 向数据库提交直播状态(开始、结束) ''' # 绑定model self.db.bind(MODELS) # 插入数据 LiveStatus.insert(timestamp=timestamp, action=action).execute() def get_live_time(self, date): ''' date为datetime.date对象 获取当天直播开始和结束时间列表 将北京时间第一天4:00到第二天4:00作为分界线 若不存在,则返回[[None, None]] ''' t = datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0) start_t = datetime.datetime.combine(date, t) dt = datetime.timedelta(days=1) time_range = [int(start_t.timestamp()*1000), int((start_t+dt).timestamp()*1000)] data = (LiveStatus .select() .where(LiveStatus.timestamp>=time_range[0], LiveStatus.timestamp<=time_range[1]) .order_by(LiveStatus.timestamp)) if len(data) == 0: return [[None, None]] # 核心逻辑: # 第一个判断是start还是end,end就把开头设为start # 最后一个判断是start还是end,是start且边界在当前时间之前(说明不是没播完)就把结尾设为end # 上一个是start,下一个就去找end,如果是start就无视掉,反之同理 action_list = list(data.dicts()) if action_list[0]["action"] == "end": action_list.insert(0, {"action": "start", "timestamp": time_range[0]}) if action_list[-1]["action"] == "start" and time_range[1]<time.time()*1000: action_list.append({"action": "end", "timestamp": time_range[1]}) rst = [] last = "end" for d in action_list: if d["action"] == last: continue if d["action"] == "start": rst.append([d["timestamp"], None]) last = "start" elif d["action"] == "end": rst[-1][1] = d["timestamp"] last = "end" # 筛选每个时间段 太短(小于1min)不要 rst_filtered = [] for x in rst: if x[-1] != None: if x[1]-x[0]<60*1000: continue rst_filtered.append(x) return rst_filtered def query_table_on_live(self, model, date, idx): ''' 取出当天在开播时间段内的一个表格 若没有结束时间就到最新的为止 date为datetime.date对象 idx为直播次序编号 ''' start, end = self.get_live_time(date)[idx] # 如果没有结束时间就持续到下一天4点 if end == None: dt = datetime.timedelta(days=1) end = int(datetime.datetime.combine(date+dt, datetime.time(4, 0, 0, 0)).timestamp()*1000) # 绑定model self.db.bind(MODELS) data = None if start: if end: data = >= start, model.timestamp <= end).dicts() else: data = >= start).dicts() return list(data) def query_msg(self, date, idx): ''' 取出本数据库在开播时间段内的所有弹幕和sc date为datetime.date对象 idx为今天直播次序编号 从0开始 ''' return ( self.query_table_on_live(Danmu, date, idx), self.query_table_on_live(SuperChat, date, idx) )
#!/usr/bin/env python import os from datetime import datetime from peewee import DateTimeField, IntegerField, SqliteDatabase from playhouse.migrate import SqliteMigrator, migrate db = SqliteDatabase(os.getenv("DATABASE_FILE", "omegabot.db")) migrator = SqliteMigrator(db) with db.atomic(): migrate( migrator.add_column("user", "xp", IntegerField(default=0)), migrator.add_column("user", "xp_last_update_time", DateTimeField(, )