def aStar(mazeObject, start, end, verbose=False): if verbose: pen = Pen() pen.color("yellow") q = PriorityQueue() g_cost = 0 h_cost = manhattan_distance(start, end) startNode = Node(start, g_cost, h_cost) f_cost = startNode.g + startNode.h q.put((f_cost, startNode)) closed = set() while not q.empty(): checkNode = q.get() current_F = checkNode[0] node = checkNode[1] # g_cost = 1 # h_cost = how far it is from the end node # f_cost = g_cost + h_cost if node.point == end: if verbose: pen2 = Pen() pen2.color("red") retracePath(node.parent, pen2) print("Retraced Path") return closed.add(node.point) if verbose and node.point != start: pen.draw(node.point[0], node.point[1], 300) for neighbor in mazeObject.getNeighbors(node.point[0], node.point[1]): if neighbor in closed: continue g_cost = node.g + 1 h_cost = manhattan_distance(neighbor, end) f_cost = g_cost + h_cost # print(f"Test: {f_cost}") childNode = Node(neighbor, g_cost, h_cost, node) if f_cost < current_F or neighbor not in [ element[1].point for element in q.queue ]: if neighbor not in [element[1].point for element in q.queue]: q.put((f_cost, childNode)) return 0
def dijkstra(mazeObject, destination_i, destination_j, verbose=False): if verbose: pen = Pen() pen.color("yellow") maze = np.asarray(mazeObject.maze) dmaze = [[None for _ in range(len(maze))] for __ in range(len(maze))] unvisited = set() # print(dmaze) for i in range(len(maze)): for j in range(len(maze)): if maze[i, j] == 0: if i == 0 and j == 0: dmaze[i][j] = Node(i, j, 0) unvisited.add((i, j)) else: cell = Node(i, j, math.inf) dmaze[i][j] = cell unvisited.add((i, j)) current_spot = (0, 0) while not dmaze[destination_i][destination_j].visited: x = current_spot[0] y = current_spot[1] for neighbor in mazeObject.getNeighbors(x, y): cell = dmaze[neighbor[0]][neighbor[1]] if not cell.visited: if verbose and not (x == 0 and y == 0) and not ( x == destination_i and y == destination_j): pen.draw(x, y, 300) distance = 1 + dmaze[x][y].distance if distance < cell.distance: cell.distance = distance dmaze[x][y].visited = True unvisited.remove((x, y)) min_distance = math.inf for nodes in list(unvisited): x = nodes[0] y = nodes[1] # print(f"Get Next Node{x}:{y}") if dmaze[x][y].distance < min_distance: current_spot = nodes min_distance = dmaze[x][y].distance # print(f"Next Neighbor{current_spot[0]}:{current_spot[1]}") # print(f"Done: {dmaze[destination_i][destination_j].distance}") return dmaze[destination_i][destination_j].distance, dmaze