Пример #1
def export_fig(fig,
    """Does a proper export of a figure handle to all kind of image files.
    import datetime as dt
    from os.path import join, split
    from pencilnew.io import exists, mkdir

    ######## parse filepath and filename
    if not filename:
        filepath = split(filepath)
        filename = filepath[-1]
        filepath = filepath[0]

    if filepath == '': filepath = '.'

    filename = filename.strip()
    filepath = filepath.strip()
    complete_filepath = join(filepath, filename)


    ######## generate timestamp if demanded
    if (not timestamp):
        timestamp = str(dt.datetime.now())[:-7]
        timestamp = timestamp.replace(" ", "_").replace(":", "-")
        complete_filepath = complete_filepath + '_' + timestamp

    ######## do the export
    if PNG:
        fig.savefig(complete_filepath + '.png',
    print('~ .png saved')

    if PDF:
        fig.savefig(complete_filepath + '.pdf',
    print('~ .pdf saved')

    if EPS:
        fig.savefig(complete_filepath + '.png',
    print('~ .eps saved')

    if not PNG and not EPS and not EPS:
        print('~ Plots saved to ' + complete_filepath)

    return fig
Пример #2
def export_fig(fig, filepath, filename=False,
                    PNG=True, PDF=False, EPS=False, DPI=300, EXPORT_BBOX_INCES='tight', transparent=True,
    """Does a proper export of a figure handle to all kind of image files.
    import datetime as dt
    from os.path import join, split
    from pencilnew.io import exists_file as exists
    from pencilnew.io import mkdir

    ######## parse filepath and filename
    if not filename:
        filepath = split(filepath)
        filename = filepath[-1]
        filepath = filepath[0]

    if filepath == '': filepath = '.'

    filename = filename.strip()
    filepath = filepath.strip()
    complete_filepath = join(filepath, filename)


    ######## generate timestamp if demanded
    if timestamp == True:
        timestamp = str(dt.datetime.now())[:-7]
        timestamp = timestamp.replace(" ", "_").replace(":","-")
        complete_filepath = complete_filepath+'_'+timestamp

    ######## do the export
    if PNG:
        	bbox_inches = EXPORT_BBOX_INCES,
        	dpi = DPI, transparent=transparent)
        if verbose: print('~ .png saved')

    if PDF:
        	bbox_inches = EXPORT_BBOX_INCES,
        	dpi = DPI, transparent=transparent)
        if verbose: print('~ .pdf saved')

    if EPS:
        	bbox_inches = EXPORT_BBOX_INCES,
        	dpi = DPI, transparent=transparent)
        if verbose: print('~ .eps saved')

    if not PNG and not EPS and not EPS:
        if verbose: print('? WARNING: NO OUTPUT FILE HAS BEEN PRODUCED !!')
        if verbose: print('~ Plots saved to '+complete_filepath)

    return True
Пример #3
    def copy(self,
        """This method does a copy of the simulation object by creating a new directory 'name' in 'path_root' and copy all simulation components and optionals to his directory.
        This method neither links/compiles the simulation, nor creates data dir nor does overwrite anything.

        Submit Script Rename:
            Name in submit scripts will be renamed if possible! Submit scripts will be identified by submit* plus appearenace of old simulation name inside, latter will be renamed!

            path_root:      Dir to create new sim.-folder(sim.-name) inside. This folder will be created if not existing!
            name:           Name of new simulation, will be used as folder name. Rename will also happen in submit script if found. Simulation folders is not allowed to preexist!!
            optionals:      Add list of further files to be copied. Wildcasts allowed according to glob module! Set True to use self.optionals.
            quiet:          Set True to suppress output.
            rename_submit_sripts:   Set False if no renames shall be performed in subnmit* files
            OVERWRITE:      Set True to overwrite no matter what happens!
        from os.path import exists, join, abspath
        from shutil import copyfile
        from glob import glob
        from pencilnew.io import mkdir
        from pencilnew.sim import is_sim_dir
        from pencilnew import get_sim

        # set up paths
        if path_root == False or type(path_root) != type('string'):
            print('! ERROR: No path_root specified to copy the simulation to.')
            return False
        path_root = abspath(path_root)  # simulation root dir

        # name and folder of new simulation
        if name == False:
            name = self.name + '_copy'
                '? Warning: No name specified, will alter old simulation name to '
                + name)
        path_newsim = join(path_root, name)  # simulation abspath
        path_newsim_src = join(path_newsim, 'src')

        if optionals == True: optionals = self.optionals
        if type(optionals) == type('string'):
            optionals = [optionals]
        if type(optionals) != type(['list']):
            print('! ERROR: optionals must be of type list!')
        optionals = self.optionals + optionals  # optional files to be copied
        tmp = []
        for opt in optionals:
            files = glob(opt)
            for f in files:
        optionals = tmp

        ## check if the copy was already created
        if is_sim_dir(path_newsim):
            if not quiet:
                    '? WARNING: Simulation already exists. Returning with existing simulation.'
            return get_sim(path_newsim, quiet=quiet)

        ## expand list of optionals wildcasts

        # check existance of path_root+name, a reason to stop to not overwrite anything
        if OVERWRITE == False and exists(path_newsim):
                '! ERROR: Folder to copy simulation to already exists!\n! -> '
                + path_newsim)
            return False

        # check existance of self.components
        for comp in self.components:
            if not exists(join(self.path, comp)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find component ' + comp +
                      ' from simulation ' + self.name + ' at location ' +
                      join(self.path, comp))
                return False

        # check existance of optionals
        for opt in optionals:
            if not exists(join(self.path, opt)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find optinal component ' + opt +
                      ' from simulation ' + self.name + ' at location ' +
                      join(self.path, opt))
                return False

        # create folders
        if mkdir(path_newsim) == False and OVERWRITE == False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation directory ' +
                  path_newsim + ' !!')
            return False

        if mkdir(path_newsim_src) == False and OVERWRITE == False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation src directory ' +
                  path_newsim_src + ' !!')
            return False

        # copy files
        files_to_be_copied = []
        for f in self.components + optionals:
            f_path = abspath(join(self.path, f))
            copy_to = abspath(join(path_newsim, f))
            copyfile(f_path, copy_to)

        # modify name in submit script files
        if rename_submit_sripts:
            for f in self.components + optionals:
                if f.startswith('submit'):
                    system_name, raw_name, job_name_key, submit_scriptfile, submit_line = pencilnew.io.get_systemid(

        # done
        return get_sim(path_newsim)
def get_value_from_file(filename, quantity, change_quantity_to=None, sim=False, filepath=False, DEBUG=False, silent=False):
    """ Use to read in a quantity from
        - *.in
        - *.local
        - submit*, i.e. submit.sh, submit.csh, files, only works if computer is readily specified in pencilnew.io.get_systemid

    Please add further functionallity by yourself!

        filename:   can be "run.in", "start.in", "cparam.local", path to that file is extraced from filepath or sim object
        quantity:   variable to read in from file
        sim:        put simulation object here, file will be found by filename automatically
        filepath:   normally not needed, specify here where to find the file with filename, can be a list of paths if unshure
        DEBUG:      make dry run, tell me what you would do but dont change anything!
        silent:     suppress certain output by setting True

        Returns None if not successful

    import os, pencilnew
    import numpy as np
    from os.path import join, abspath, exists, split, isfile
    from pencilnew.math import is_number, is_float, is_int
    from pencilnew.io import timestamp, debug_breakpoint, mkdir

    def string_to_tuple(s):
        q = s.split(',')

        if is_number(q[0]):
            q = np.array([float(t) for t in q])
            q_type = 'TUPLE_FLOAT'
            return q, q_type

        if q[0] == 'T' or q[0] == 'F':
            q = np.array([bool(t=='T') for t in q])
            q_type = 'TUPLE_BOOL'
            return q, q_type

        if type(q[0]) == type('string'):
            q = [t.replace('"','').replace("'", '') for t in q]
            q_type = 'TUPLE_STRING'
            return q, q_type

        print('! ERROR: Could not parse string '+s+' into a tuple!')
        print('! DEBUG_BREAKPOINT AKTIVATED - check out the following variables: string s, tuple q, first entry in tuple q[0]')
        debug_breakpoint(); return None, None

    def tuple_to_string(t, q_type):
        return ','.join([str(a) for a in t])

    ######## prepare filename and quantity
    filename = filename.strip()                                             # get rid of whitespaces
    quantity = quantity.strip()
    q_type = False                                                          # q_type will store the type of the quantity value once found and identified

    split_filename = split(filename)
    if sim == False and split_filename[0] != '' and filepath == False:
        filepath = split_filename[0]
        filename = split_filename[1]

    ######## find correct file
    # prepare search_path list to search filename in
    if filepath == False:
        if sim == False:
            sim = pencilnew.get_sim()
            filepath = sim.path
        search_paths = [sim.path, join(sim.path, 'src')]                    # add other search paths here!!

    elif type(filepath) == type('string'):
        if filepath.endswith(filename): filepath = filepath[:-len(filename)]    # clean filepath if filename occures to be in there at the end
        search_paths = [abspath(filepath.strip())]                              # correct path format

    elif type(filepath) == type(['list']):
        search_paths = filepath

        print('! ERROR: Filename '+str(filename)+' could not be interprated or found!'); return None

    absolute_filepath = None
    for search_path in search_paths:
        tmp_path = join(search_path, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(tmp_path):
            absolute_filepath = tmp_path

    # Traps the case of not being able to find the file
    if absolute_filepath is None:
        if DEBUG:
            print('~ DEBUG: File {0} not found in {1}!'.format(filename, search_paths))
        return None

    ######## open file
    # now having absolute filepath to file, lets check that file and find quantity inside!
    if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Found file {0} in {1}'.format(filename,filepath))

    with open(absolute_filepath, 'r') as f:
        data_raw = f.readlines()

    ######## find line in file which quantity in
    line_matches = []
    # scan through file for differently for different files
    if filename.endswith('.in') or 'cparam.local' in filename :
        FILE_IS = 'IN_LOCAL'
        SYM_COMMENT = '!'
        SYM_ASSIGN = '='
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ','

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.strip().startswith('&'): continue                           # filter out lines with &something, e.g. &density_run_pars
            if quantity in line.split(SYM_COMMENT)[0]: line_matches.append(ii)

    elif filename.startswith('submit') and filename.split('.')[-1] in ['csh', 'sh']:
        FILE_IS = 'SUBMIT'
        SYM_COMMENT = False
        SYM_ASSIGN = '='
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ','

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.replace(' ', '').startswith('#@') and quantity in line: line_matches.append(ii)

        print('! ERROR: Filename unknown! No parsing possible! Please enhance this function to work with '+filename)

    if len(line_matches) > 1: print('! ERROR: Found more than one line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside!'); return None
    if len(line_matches) == 0:
        if silent == False: print('! ERROR: Found no line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside '+join(filepath, filename)+'!')
        return None

    filename = os.path.basename(filename)

    ######## get line with quantity inside
    line = data_raw[line_matches[0]]

    ######## do separation of quantity from rest of line, i.e. get rid of comments and other quantities defined in this line
    comment = ''
        tmp = line.partition(SYM_COMMENT)                                       # strip away comment
        line = tmp[0]
        if tmp[-1] != '': comment = SYM_COMMENT+tmp[-1]                         # and store for later

    line = line.replace(' ','').replace('\n', '')                               # do cleanup in this line

    qs = line.partition(quantity+SYM_ASSIGN)
    if SYM_ASSIGN in qs[-1]:
        qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
        #qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
        qs = qs[:2]+qs[2].rpartition(',')+qs[3:]

    qs = list(qs)
    q = qs[2]

    while q.endswith('\t'): q = q[:-1]; comment = '\t'+comment                  # take care of trailing tabulator
    while q.endswith(','): q = q[:-1]                                           # remove trailing ,

    ######## do a cleanup of quantity value q and convert into string, float, int or array, also remember data type of q
    if q.startswith("'") and q.endswith("'"):                                   # quantity q is string in form of 'STRING'
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = 'STRING'

    elif q.startswith('"') and q.endswith('"'):                                 # quantity q is string in form of "STRING"
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = 'STRING'

    elif not is_number(q[0]):                                                      # quantity q is string in form of not beeing a number
        q = q.strip().replace('"','').replace("'", '')
        q_type = 'STRING'

        q_type = 'FLOAT'
        if is_int(q):
            q = int(q)
            q_type = 'INT'
        if type(q) == type('string') and ',' in q:
            q, q_type = string_to_tuple(q)                                          # q is a TULPE_something

        if type(q) == type('string') and q in ['F', 'f']:                            # q is BOOL
            q = False
            q_type = 'BOOL'

        if type(q)== type('string') and q in ['T', 't']:
            q = True
            q_type = 'BOOL'

        if type(q) == type('string'):
            if is_number(q[0]):
                q_type = 'STRING'

    if q_type == False:       # catch if type of q was not recognized
        print('! ERROR: Couldnt identify the data type of the quantity value: '+str(q))
        DEBUG = True
    elif DEBUG:
        print('~ DEBUG: q_type = '+q_type)
    if q_type == 'FLOAT':
        q = float(q)
    elif q_type == 'INT':
        q = int(q)

    ######## if value of quantity has to be changed do:
    if change_quantity_to != None:

        ####### prepare change_quantity_to for string injection
        if q_type == 'STRING':
            if not FILE_IS=='SUBMIT':
                change_quantity_to = "'"+change_quantity_to+"'"

        elif q_type == 'BOOL':
            change_quantity_to = bool(change_quantity_to in ['T', 't', True])
            if change_quantity_to == True:
                change_quantity_to = 'T'
            elif change_quantity_to == False:
                change_quantity_to = 'F'
                print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to should be bool...')
                debug_breakpoint(); return None

        elif q_type == 'FLOAT':
            change_quantity_to = '%e' % change_quantity_to

        elif q_type.startswith('TUPLE'):
            if q_type.endswith('BOOL'):
                if type(change_quantity_to) == type(['list', 'of', 'bool', 'or', 'strings']):
                    for ii, val in enumerate(change_quantity_to):
                        if val in  ['T', 't', True]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = 'T'
                        elif val in  ['F', 'f', False]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = 'F'
                            print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to['+str(ii)+'] should be bool or string representation, but it is '+str(change_quantity_to[ii]))
                            debug_breakpoint(); return None

            change_quantity_to = ','.join([str(t) for t in change_quantity_to])

        if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Would change quantity '+quantity+' from '+str(q)+' to '+str(change_quantity_to))
        qs[2] = str(change_quantity_to)

        ######## further formatting
        new_line = ''.join(qs).replace(SYM_SEPARATOR, SYM_SEPARATOR+' ')+'\t'+comment    # create new line and add comment stripped away before
        if not (FILE_IS == 'SUBMIT' or filename == 'cparam.local'): new_line = '  '+new_line
        new_line = new_line.rstrip()    # clean empty spaces on the right, no one needs that...
        if new_line[-1] != '\n': new_line = new_line+'\n'
        if FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': new_line = new_line.replace('#@', '#@ ').replace('=', ' = ')    # optimizing format of submit script

        if DEBUG:
            print('~ DEBUG: old line: '+str(data_raw[line_matches[0]])[:-1])
            print('~ DEBUG: new line: '+str(new_line)[:-1])

        if not DEBUG:
            ####### do backup of file before changing it
            from shutil import copyfile
            target = join(sim.path, 'pc/backups/'+timestamp())
            mkdir(target); target = join(target, filename)
            copyfile(absolute_filepath, target)

            # replace line in raw data
            data_raw[line_matches[0]] = new_line

            # save on drive
            with open(absolute_filepath, 'w') as f:
                for l in data_raw: f.write(l)

    ######## DONE!
    return q
Пример #5
def get_value_from_file(filename, quantity, change_quantity_to=False, sim=False, filepath=False, DEBUG=False, silent=False):
    """ Use to read in a quantity from
        - *.in
        - *.local
        - submit*, i.e. submit.sh, submit.csh, files, only works if computer is readily specified in pencilnew.io.get_systemid

    Please add further functionallity by yourself!

        filename:   can be "run.in", "start.in", "cparam.local", path to that file is extraced from filepath or sim object
        quantity:   variable to read in from file
        sim:        put simulation object here, file will be found by filename automatically
        filepath:   normally not needed, specify here where to find the file with filename, can be a list of paths if unshure
        DEBUG:      make dry run, tell me what you would do but dont change anything!
        silent:     suppress certain output by setting True

    import os, pencilnew
    import numpy as np
    from os.path import join, abspath, exists, split, isfile
    from pencilnew.math import is_number, is_float, is_int
    from pencilnew.io import timestamp, debug_breakpoint, mkdir

    def string_to_tuple(s):
        q = s.split(',')

        if is_number(q[0]):
            q = np.array([float(t) for t in q])
            q_type = 'TUPLE_FLOAT'
            return q, q_type

        if q[0] == 'T' or q[0] == 'F':
            q = np.array([bool(t=='T') for t in q])
            q_type = 'TUPLE_BOOL'
            return q, q_type

        if type(q[0]) == type('string'):
            q = [t.replace('"','').replace("'", '') for t in q]
            q_type = 'TUPLE_STRING'
            return q, q_type

        print('! ERROR: Could not parse string '+s+' into a tuple!')
        print('! DEBUG_BREAKPOINT AKTIVATED - check out the following variables: string s, tuple q, first entry in tuple q[0]')
        debug_breakpoint(); return None, None

    def tuple_to_string(t, q_type):
        return ','.join([str(a) for a in t])

    ######## prepare filename and quantity
    filename = filename.strip()                                             # get rid of whitespaces
    quantity = quantity.strip()
    q_type = False                                                          # q_type will store the type of the quantity value once found and identified

    split_filename = split(filename)
    if sim == False and split_filename[0] != '' and filepath == False: 
        filepath = split_filename[0]
        filename = split_filename[1]
    ######## find correct file
    # prepare search_path list to search filename in
    if filepath == False:
        if sim == False:
            sim = pencilnew.get_sim()
            filepath = sim.path
        search_paths = [sim.path, join(sim.path, 'src')]                    # add other search paths here!!

    elif type(filepath) == type('string'):
        if filepath.endswith(filename): filepath = filepath[:-len(filename)]    # clean filepath if filename occures to be in there at the end
        search_paths = [abspath(filepath.strip())]                              # correct path format

    elif type(filepath) == type(['list']):
        search_paths = filepath

        print('! ERROR: Filename '+str(filename)+' could not be interprated or found!'); return False

    absolute_filepath = None
    for search_path in search_paths:
        tmp_path = join(search_path, filename)
        if os.path.isfile(tmp_path):
            absolute_filepath = tmp_path

    # Traps the case of not being able to find the file
    if absolute_filepath is None:
        if DEBUG: 
            print('~ DEBUG: File {0} not found in {1}!'.format(filename, search_paths))
        return None
    ######## open file
    # now having absolute filepath to file, lets check that file and find quantity inside!    
    if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Found suiting file {0} in {1}'.format(filename,filepath))
    with open(absolute_filepath, 'r') as f: 
        data_raw = f.readlines()

    ######## find line in file which quantity in
    line_matches = []
    # scan through file for differently for different files
    if filename.endswith('.in') or 'cparam.local' in filename :
        FILE_IS = 'IN_LOCAL'
        SYM_COMMENT = '!'
        SYM_ASSIGN = '='
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ','

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.strip().startswith('&'): continue                           # filter out lines with &something, e.g. &density_run_pars
            if quantity in line.split(SYM_COMMENT)[0]: line_matches.append(ii)

    elif filename.startswith('submit') and filename.split('.')[-1] in ['csh', 'sh']:
        FILE_IS = 'SUBMIT'
        SYM_COMMENT = False
        SYM_ASSIGN = '='
        SYM_SEPARATOR = ','

        for ii, line in enumerate(data_raw):
            if line.replace(' ', '').startswith('#@') and quantity in line: line_matches.append(ii)

        print('! ERROR: Filename unknown! No parsing possible! Please enhance this function to work with '+filename)

    if len(line_matches) > 1: print('! ERROR: Found more than one line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside!'); return None
    if len(line_matches) == 0:
        if silent == False: print('! ERROR: Found no line with keyword "'+quantity+'" inside '+join(filepath, filename)+'!')
        return None

    ######## get line with quantity inside
    line = data_raw[line_matches[0]]

    ######## do separation of quantity from rest of line, i.e. get rid of comments and other quantities defined in this line
    comment = ''
        tmp = line.partition(SYM_COMMENT)                                       # strip away comment
        line = tmp[0]
        if tmp[-1] != '': comment = SYM_COMMENT+tmp[-1]                         # and store for later

    line = line.replace(' ','').replace('\n', '')                               # do cleanup in this line

    qs = line.partition(quantity+SYM_ASSIGN)
    if SYM_ASSIGN in qs[-1]:
        qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
        #qs = qs[:2]+qs[-1].partition(SYM_ASSIGN)
        qs = qs[:2]+qs[2].rpartition(',')+qs[3:]

    qs = list(qs)
    q = qs[2]
    while q.endswith('\t'): q = q[:-1]; comment = '\t'+comment                  # take care of trailing tabulator
    while q.endswith(','): q = q[:-1]                                           # remove trailing ,

    ######## do a cleanup of quantity value q and convert into string, float, int or array, also remember data type of q
    if q.startswith("'") and q.endswith("'"):                                   # quantity q is string in form of 'STRING'
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = 'STRING'

    elif q.startswith('"') and q.endswith('"'):                                 # quantity q is string in form of "STRING"
        q = q[1:-1]
        q_type = 'STRING'

    elif not is_number(q[0]):                                                      # quantity q is string in form of not beeing a number
        q = q.strip().replace('"','').replace("'", '')
        q_type = 'STRING'

    elif is_float(q):
        q = float(q)
        q_type = 'FLOAT'
        if is_int(q):
            q = int(q)
            q_type = 'INT'

    if type(q) == type('string') and ',' in q:
        q, q_type = string_to_tuple(q)                                          # q is a TULPE_something

    if type(q) == type('string') and q in ['F', 'f']:                            # q is BOOL
        q = False
        q_type = 'BOOL'

    if type(q)== type('string') and q in ['T', 't']:
        q = True
        q_type = 'BOOL'

    if type(q) == type('string'):
        if is_number(q[0]):
            q_type = 'STRING'

    if q_type == False:                                                         # catch if type of q was not recognized
        print('! ERROR: Couldnt identify the data type of the quantity value: '+str(q))
        DEBUG = True
    elif DEBUG:
        print('~ DEBUG: q_type = '+q_type)

    ######## if value of quantity has to be changed do:
    if change_quantity_to != False:

        ####### prepare change_quantity_to for string injection
        if q_type == 'STRING':
            if not FILE_IS=='SUBMIT':
                change_quantity_to = "'"+change_quantity_to+"'"

        elif q_type == 'BOOL':
            change_quantity_to = bool(change_quantity_to in ['T', 't', True])
            if change_quantity_to == True:
                change_quantity_to = 'T'
            elif change_quantity_to == False:
                change_quantity_to = 'F'
                print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to should be bool...')
                debug_breakpoint(); return None

        elif q_type == 'FLOAT':
            change_quantity_to = '%e' % change_quantity_to

        elif q_type.startswith('TUPLE'):
            if q_type.endswith('BOOL'):
                if type(change_quantity_to) == type(['list', 'of', 'bool', 'or', 'strings']):
                    for ii, val in enumerate(change_quantity_to):
                        if val in  ['T', 't', True]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = 'T'
                        elif val in  ['F', 'f', False]:
                            change_quantity_to[ii] = 'F'
                            print('! ERROR: There is something deeply wrong here! change_quantity_to['+str(ii)+'] should be bool or string representation, but it is '+str(change_quantity_to[ii]))
                            debug_breakpoint(); return None

            change_quantity_to = ','.join([str(t) for t in change_quantity_to])

        if DEBUG: print('~ DEBUG: Would change quantity '+quantity+' from '+str(q)+' to '+str(change_quantity_to))
        qs[2] = str(change_quantity_to)

        ######## further formatting
        new_line = ''.join(qs).replace(SYM_SEPARATOR, SYM_SEPARATOR+' ')+'\t\t'+comment    # create new line and add comment stripped away before
        if not FILE_IS == 'SUBMIT': new_line = '  '+new_line
        if new_line[-1] != '\n': new_line = new_line+'\n'
        if FILE_IS=='SUBMIT': new_line = new_line.replace('#@', '#@ ').replace('=', ' = ')    # optimizing format of submit script

        if DEBUG:
            print('~ DEBUG: old line: '+str(data_raw[line_matches[0]])[:-1])
            print('~ DEBUG: new line: '+str(new_line)[:-1])

        if not DEBUG:
            ####### do backup of file before changing it
            from shutil import copyfile
            target = join(sim.path, '.pc/backups/'+timestamp())
            mkdir(target); target = join(target, filename)
            copyfile(filepath, target)

            # replace line in raw data
            data_raw[line_matches[0]] = new_line

            # save on drive
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
                for l in data_raw: f.write(l)

    ######## DONE!
    return q
Пример #6
    def copy(self,
        """This method does a copy of the simulation object by creating a new directory 'name' in 'path_root' and copy all simulation components and optionals to his directory.
        This method neither links/compiles the simulation, nor creates data dir nor does overwrite anything.

        Submit Script Rename:
            Name in submit scripts will be renamed if possible! Submit scripts will be identified by submit* plus appearenace of old simulation name inside, latter will be renamed!

            path_root:               Dir to create new sim.-folder(sim.-name) inside. This folder will be created if not existing! Relative paths are thought to be relative to the python current workdir
            name:                    Name of new simulation, will be used as folder name. Rename will also happen in submit script if found. Simulation folders is not allowed to preexist!!
            optionals:               Add list of further files to be copied. Wildcasts allowed according to glob module! Set True to use self.optionals.
            quiet:                   Set True to suppress output.
            rename_submit_script:   Set False if no renames shall be performed in subnmit* files
            OVERWRITE:               Set True to overwrite no matter what happens!
        from os import listdir
        from os.path import exists, join, abspath, basename
        from shutil import copyfile
        from glob import glob
        from numpy import size
        from pencilnew.sim import is_sim_dir
        from pencilnew import get_sim
        from pencilnew.io import mkdir, get_systemid, rename_in_submit_script, debug_breakpoint
        from pencilnew.sim import is_sim_dir

        # set up paths
        if path_root == False or type(path_root) != type('string'):
            print('! ERROR: No path_root specified to copy the simulation to.')
            return False
        path_root = abspath(path_root)  # simulation root dir

        # name and folder of new simulation
        # but keep name of old if sim with old name is NOT existing in NEW directory
        if name == False:
            name = self.name
        if exists(join(path_root, name)) and OVERWRITE == False:
            name = name + '_copy'
            if exists(join(path_root, name)):
                name = name + str(
                          for f in listdir(path_root) if f.startswith(name)]))
                '? Warning: No name specified and simulation with that name already found! New simulation name now '
                + name)
        path_newsim = join(path_root, name)  # simulation abspath
        path_newsim_src = join(path_newsim, 'src')

        path_initial_condition = join(self.path, 'initial_condition')
        if exists(path_initial_condition):
            has_initial_condition_dir = True
            path_newsim_initcond = join(path_newsim, 'initial_condition')
            has_initial_condition_dir = False

        if type(optionals) == type(['list']):
            optionals = self.optionals + optionals  # optional files to be copied
        if optionals == True: optionals = self.optionals
        if type(optionals) == type('string'): optionals = [optionals]
        if type(optionals) != type(['list']):
            print('! ERROR: optionals must be of type list!')

        tmp = []
        for opt in optionals:
            files = glob(join(self.path, opt))
            for f in files:
        optionals = tmp

        ## check if the copy was already created
        if is_sim_dir(path_newsim) and OVERWRITE == False:
            if not quiet:
                    '? WARNING: Simulation already exists. Returning with existing simulation.'
            return get_sim(path_newsim, quiet=quiet)

        ## expand list of optionals wildcasts

        # check existance of path_root+name, a reason to stop to not overwrite anything
        if OVERWRITE == False and exists(path_newsim):
                '! ERROR: Folder to copy simulation to already exists!\n! -> '
                + path_newsim)
            return False

        # check existance of self.components
        for comp in self.components:
            if not exists(join(self.path, comp)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find component ' + comp +
                      ' from simulation ' + self.name + ' at location ' +
                      join(self.path, comp))
                return False

        # check existance of optionals
        for opt in optionals:
            if not exists(join(self.path, opt)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find optinal component ' + opt +
                      ' from simulation ' + self.name + ' at location ' +
                      join(self.path, opt))
                return False

        # create folders
        if mkdir(path_newsim) == False and OVERWRITE == False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation directory ' +
                  path_newsim + ' !!')
            return False

        if mkdir(path_newsim_src) == False and OVERWRITE == False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation src directory ' +
                  path_newsim_src + ' !!')
            return False

        # copy files
        files_to_be_copied = []
        for f in self.components + optionals:
            f_path = abspath(join(self.path, f))
            copy_to = abspath(join(path_newsim, f))
            if f_path == copy_to:
                    '!! ERROR: file path f_path equal to destination copy_to. Debug this line manually!'
            copyfile(f_path, copy_to)

        # Organizes any personalized initial conditions
        if has_initial_condition_dir:
            if mkdir(path_newsim_initcond) == False and OVERWRITE == False:
                    '! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation initial_condition directory '
                    + path_newsim_initcond + ' !!')
                return False

            for f in listdir(path_initial_condition):
                f_path = abspath(join(path_initial_condition, f))
                copy_to = abspath(join(path_newsim_initcond, f))

                if f_path == copy_to:
                        '!! ERROR: file path f_path equal to destination copy_to. Debug this line manually!'
                copyfile(f_path, copy_to)

        # modify name in submit script files
        if rename_submit_script != False:
            if type(rename_submit_script) == type('STRING'):
                print('!! ERROR: Could not understand rename_submit_script=' +

        # done
        return get_sim(path_newsim)
Пример #7
    def __init__(self,
        Read PSTALK files from Pencil Code using IDL.
        Uses IDL<->Python Bridge, this must be activated manually!

            - datadir      specify datadir, default False
            - sim           specify simulation from which you want to read
            - swap_endian   change if needed to True, default False
            - quiet         verbosity, default False


        import numpy as np
        import os
        from os.path import join
        import pencilnew as pcn

        if datadir == False:
            if sim == False:
                sim = pcn.get_sim()
            datadir = sim.datadir

        if quiet == False:
            quiet = '0'
            quiet = '1'

        if swap_endian == False:
            swap_endian = '0'
            swap_endian = '1'

            cwd = os.getcwd()
            from idlpy import IDL

            print('~ reading pstalk in IDL..')

            idl_call = ', '.join([
                'pc_read_pstalk', 'obj=pstalk', 'datadir="' + datadir + '"',
                'quiet=' + quiet, 'swap_endian=' + swap_endian,
                'noutmax=' + str(noutmax)


            print('~ parsing pstalk from IDL to python..')
            ps = IDL.pstalk

            for key in ps.keys():
                setattr(self, key, ps[key].T)

                '! ERROR: no idl<->python bridge found. Try whats written in pstalk-comment to fix that issue.'
            print('! ')
                '! Use something like: (enshure you have IDL 8.5.1 or larger)')
                '! export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$IDL_HOME/lib/bridges:$IDL_HOME/bin/bin.linux.x86_64'
                '! export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib64:$IDL_HOME/bin/bin.linux.x86_64'
            print('! in your .bashrc')
            print('! ')
                '! If you have it already installed, try: from idlpy import IDL and check for errors'
            print('! ')
                '~ BACKUP SOLUTION: reading pstalk via pidly, starting IDL..')

            from pencilnew.backpack import pidly
            IDL = pidly.IDL(long_delay=0.05)  # start IDL engine
            from scipy.io.idl import readsav
            from pencilnew.io import mkdir

            ## read tstalk file
            print('## reading particle stalker file..')
            IDL('pc_read_pstalk, object=pstalk, datadir="' + sim.datadir +
                '"' + ', quiet=' + quiet + ', swap_endian=' + swap_endian)

            print('## transfering pstalk file from IDL to python..')
            mkdir(join(sim.pc_datadir, 'tmp'))
            IDL('save, pstalk, filename="' +
                join(sim.pc_datadir, 'tmp', 'pstalk.sav') + '"')
            ps = readsav(join(sim.pc_datadir, 'tmp', 'pstalk.sav'))('pstalk')

            #from pencilnew.io import debug_breakpoint; debug_breakpoint()

            for key in set(ps.dtype.fields.keys()):
                key = key.lower()
                setattr(self, key, ps[key][0].T)
Пример #8
    def copy(self, path_root='.', name=False,
             optionals=True, quiet=True, rename_submit_script=False, OVERWRITE=False):
        """This method does a copy of the simulation object by creating a new directory 'name' in 'path_root' and copy all simulation components and optionals to his directory.
        This method neither links/compiles the simulation, nor creates data dir nor does overwrite anything.

        Submit Script Rename:
            Name in submit scripts will be renamed if possible! Submit scripts will be identified by submit* plus appearenace of old simulation name inside, latter will be renamed!

            path_root:               Dir to create new sim.-folder(sim.-name) inside. This folder will be created if not existing! Relative paths are thought to be relative to the python current workdir
            name:                    Name of new simulation, will be used as folder name. Rename will also happen in submit script if found. Simulation folders is not allowed to preexist!!
            optionals:               Add list of further files to be copied. Wildcasts allowed according to glob module! Set True to use self.optionals.
            quiet:                   Set True to suppress output.
            rename_submit_script:    Set False if no renames shall be performed in subnmit* files
            OVERWRITE:               Set True to overwrite no matter what happens!
        from os import listdir
        from os.path import exists, join, abspath, basename
        from shutil import copyfile
        from glob import glob
        from numpy import size
        from pencilnew.sim import is_sim_dir
        from pencilnew import get_sim
        from pencilnew.io import mkdir, get_systemid, rename_in_submit_script, debug_breakpoint
        from pencilnew.sim import is_sim_dir

        # set up paths
        if path_root == False or type(path_root) != type('string'):
            print('! ERROR: No path_root specified to copy the simulation to.');
            return False
        path_root = abspath(path_root)          # simulation root dir

        # name and folder of new simulation
        # but keep name of old if sim with old name is NOT existing in NEW directory
        if name == False:
            name = self.name
        if exists(join(path_root, name)) and OVERWRITE == False:
            name = name+'_copy'
            if exists(join(path_root, name)):
                name = name + str(size([f for f in listdir(path_root) if f.startswith(name)]))
            print('? Warning: No name specified and simulation with that name already found! New simulation name now '+name)
        path_newsim = join(path_root, name)     # simulation abspath
        path_newsim_src = join(path_newsim, 'src')

        path_initial_condition = join(self.path, 'initial_condition')
        if exists(path_initial_condition):
            has_initial_condition_dir = True
            path_newsim_initcond = join(path_newsim, 'initial_condition')
            has_initial_condition_dir = False

        if type(optionals) == type(['list']): optionals = self.optionals + optionals          # optional files to be copied
        if optionals == True: optionals = self.optionals
        if type(optionals) == type('string'): optionals = [optionals]
        if type(optionals) != type(['list']): print('! ERROR: optionals must be of type list!')

        tmp = []
        for opt in optionals:
            files = glob(join(self.path, opt))
            for f in files:
        optionals = tmp

        ## check if the copy was already created
        if is_sim_dir(path_newsim) and OVERWRITE == False:
            if not quiet: print('? WARNING: Simulation already exists. Returning with existing simulation.')
            return get_sim(path_newsim, quiet=quiet)

        ## expand list of optionals wildcasts

        # check existance of path_root+name, a reason to stop to not overwrite anything
        if OVERWRITE==False and exists(path_newsim):
            print('! ERROR: Folder to copy simulation to already exists!\n! -> '+path_newsim)
            return False

        # check existance of self.components
        for comp in self.components:
            if not exists(join(self.path, comp)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find component '+comp+' from simulation '+self.name+' at location '+join(self.path, comp))
                return False

        # check existance of optionals
        for opt in optionals:
            if not exists(join(self.path, opt)):
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt find optinal component '+opt+' from simulation '+self.name+' at location '+join(self.path, opt))
                return False

        # create folders
        if mkdir(path_newsim) == False and OVERWRITE==False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation directory '+path_newsim+' !!')
            return False

        if mkdir(path_newsim_src) == False and OVERWRITE==False:
            print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation src directory '+path_newsim_src+' !!')
            return False

        # copy files
        files_to_be_copied = []
        for f in self.components+optionals:
            f_path = abspath(join(self.path, f))
            copy_to = abspath(join(path_newsim, f))
            if f_path == copy_to:
                print('!! ERROR: file path f_path equal to destination copy_to. Debug this line manually!')
            copyfile(f_path, copy_to)

        # Organizes any personalized initial conditions
        if has_initial_condition_dir:
            if mkdir(path_newsim_initcond) == False and OVERWRITE==False:
                print('! ERROR: Couldnt create new simulation initial_condition directory '+path_newsim_initcond+' !!')
                return False

            for f in listdir(path_initial_condition):
                f_path = abspath(join(path_initial_condition, f))
                copy_to = abspath(join(path_newsim_initcond, f))

                if f_path == copy_to:
                    print('!! ERROR: file path f_path equal to destination copy_to. Debug this line manually!')
                copyfile(f_path, copy_to)

        # modify name in submit script files
        if rename_submit_script != False:
            if type(rename_submit_script) == type('STRING'):
                rename_in_submit_script(new_name = rename_submit_script, sim=get_sim(path_newsim))
                print('!! ERROR: Could not understand rename_submit_script='+str(rename_submit_script))

        # done
        return get_sim(path_newsim)
Пример #9
    def resume_from_var(self, sim_source, varno, DEBUG=False):
        Copies everything to resume a run from an older state.

        It uses VAR-file number >varno< as new VAR0 and var.dat.
        Does copy PVAR as well if available.

            sim_source:        simulation from where to copy all the files
            varno:             provide number # of which var-file VAR# should be copied from

        from os import listdir
        from os.path import exists, join, isdir
        import glob
        from pencilnew.math import is_int
        from pencilnew.io import mkdir

        def copyfile(src, dst, DEBUG=False):
            from shutil import copy2
            from os.path import exists

            if not exists(src): return False
            if DEBUG: print('< '+src)
            if DEBUG: print('> '+dst)
            copy2(src, dst)

        src = sim_source.datadir; dst = self.datadir
        if is_int(varno): varno ='VAR'+str(int(varno))

        if not exists(src): print('! ERROR: Source data directory does not exits: '+str(src)); return False
        if not exists(dst): print('! ERROR: Destination data directory does not exits: '+str(dst)); return False
        if not varno in sim_source.get_varlist(): print('! ERROR: Could not find '+varno+' in procX folder of sim_source: '+sim_source.name); return False

        data_folders = [p for p in listdir(src) if isdir(join(src, p))]
        procX_folder = [p for p in data_folders if p.startswith('proc')]
        for p in data_folders: mkdir(join(dst,p))

        # data/
        files = ['def_var.pro', 'dim.dat', 'index.pro', 'move-me.list', 'particles_stalker_header.dat',
                                       'params.log', 'pc_constants.pro', 'pdim.dat', 'pencils.list', 'pvarname.dat', 'svnid.dat', 'var.general', 'variables.pro', 'varname.dat']
        for f in files: copyfile(join(src, f), dst, DEBUG=DEBUG)

        # data/allprocs/
        files = ['grid.dat']
        for f in files: copyfile(join(src, 'allprocs', f), join(dst, 'allprocs/'), DEBUG=DEBUG)

        # data/procX
        files = ['dim.dat', 'grid.dat', 'proc_bounds.dat']
        for X in procX_folder:
            for f in files:
                copyfile(join(src, X, f), join(dst, X), DEBUG=DEBUG)
            copyfile(join(src, X, varno), join(dst, X, 'VAR0'), DEBUG=DEBUG)
            copyfile(join(src, X, 'P'+varno), join(dst, X, 'PVAR0'), DEBUG=DEBUG)
            copyfile(join(src, X, varno), join(dst, X, 'var.dat'), DEBUG=DEBUG)
            copyfile(join(src, X, 'P'+varno), join(dst, X, 'pvar.dat'), DEBUG=DEBUG)

        print('? WARNING: KNOWN ERRORS:')
        print('? RUN MIGHT NOT START BECAUSE data/param.nml can get damaged in a run that crashes. This is not fixed by this routine.')
        print('? SAME FOR: - tstalk.dat')

        return True
def gas_velo_at_particle_pos(varfiles='last4',
    """This script calulates the gas velocity at the particle position and stores this together
  with particle position, containing grid cell idicies, particle velocities, and particle index
  in a gas_velo_at_particle_pos file.

    varfiles:       specifiy varfiles for calculation, e.g. 'last', 'first',
                        'all', 'VAR###', 'last4', 'first3'
    scheme:         possible are:
                        - ngp: nearest grid point
                        - cic: cloud in cell
                        - tsc: triangular shaped cloud
    OVERWRITE:		set to True to overwrite already calculated results

    import pencilnew as pcn
    import pencilnew.io.mkdir as mkdir
    from os import listdir
    from os.path import exists, join, dirname
    import numpy as np

    GAS_VELO_TAG = 'gas_velo_at_particle_pos'

    if sim == False:
        sim = pcn.get_sim()
        if sim == False:
            print('! ERROR: Specify simulation object!')
            return False
    SIM = sim

    if use_IDL:
            '? WARNING: IDL VERSION OF THIS SCRIPT BY JOHANSEN, not recommended for 2D data'
        import pencilnew.backpack.pidly as pidly
        print('## starting IDL engine..')
        IDL = pidly.IDL(long_delay=0.05)  # start IDL engine

        ## skip if nothing is new
        if (not OVERWRITE) and (exists(join(
                SIM.pc_datadir, 'sigma.pkl'))) and (exists(
                    join(SIM.pc_datadir, 'zeta.pkl'))):
            print('~ ' + SIM.name +
                  ' is already calculated and up-to-date! -> skipping it!')

            ## start calculations
            print('~ Calculating gas_velo_at_particle_pos for "' + SIM.name +
                  '" in "' + SIM.path + '"')
            IDL('.COMPILE ' + str(
            files = [
                for i in listdir(join(SIM.pc_datadir, GAS_VELO_TAG))
                if i.startswith(GAS_VELO_TAG) and i.endswith('.sav')
                or i.endswith('.pkl')
            if files == []:
                    '!! ERROR: No calc_gas_speed_at_particle_position-files found for '
                    + SIM.name + '! Use idl script to produce them first!')

        return True

        print('~ Calculating gas_velo_at_particle_pos for "' + SIM.name +
              '" in "' + SIM.path + '"')
        save_destination = join(SIM.pc_datadir, GAS_VELO_TAG)
        varlist = SIM.get_varlist(pos=varfiles, particle=False)
        pvarlist = SIM.get_varlist(pos=varfiles, particle=True)

        for f, p in zip(varlist, pvarlist):
            save_filename = GAS_VELO_TAG + '_' + scheme + '_' + f[3:]
            if not OVERWRITE and exists(save_filename,

            print('## Reading ' + f + ' ...')
            ff = pcn.read.var(datadir=SIM.datadir,
            pp = pc.read.pvar(datadir=SIM.datadir, varfile=p)

            ## remove ghost zones from grid, call the reduced grid the "real grid"
            realgridx = ff.x[ff.l1:ff.l2]
            realgridy = ff.y[ff.m1:ff.m2]
            realgridz = ff.z[ff.n1:ff.n2]
            nx = ff.l2 - ff.l1
            ny = ff.m2 - ff.m1
            nz = ff.n2 - ff.n1

            ## prepare list for all quantities
            l_ipars = pp.ipars  # particle number   KNOWN
            l_px = pp.xp
            l_py = pp.yp
            l_pz = pp.zp  # particle absolut position KNOWN
            l_vx = pp.vpx
            l_vy = pp.vpy
            l_vz = pp.vpz  # particle velocity KNOWN
            l_rix = []
            l_riy = []
            l_riz = [
            ]  # particle untrimmed realgrid index (grid index = l/m/n + readgrid index ???)
            l_ix = []
            l_iy = []
            l_iz = []  # particle grid index (in untrimmed grid)
            l_ux = []
            l_uy = []
            l_uz = []  # underlying gas velocity at position of particle

            ## get index of realgrid cell for each particle
            for i in range(len(l_ipars)):
                l_rix.append(np.abs(realgridx - l_px[i]).argmin())
                l_riy.append(np.abs(realgridy - l_py[i]).argmin())
                l_riz.append(np.abs(realgridz - l_pz[i]).argmin())

            ## convert into untrimmed grid
            l_ix = np.array(l_rix) + ff.l1
            l_iy = np.array(l_riy) + ff.m1
            l_iz = np.array(l_riz) + ff.n1

            ## NGP
            if scheme == 'ngp' or scheme == 'NGP':
                print('## Calculating gas velocities via ' + scheme)
                l_ux = ff.ux[l_iz, l_iy, l_ix]
                l_uy = ff.uy[l_iz, l_iy, l_ix]
                l_uz = ff.uz[l_iz, l_iy, l_ix]

            ## CIC
            if scheme == 'cic' or scheme == 'CIC':
                print('## Calculating gas velocities via ' + scheme)
                for ix0, iy0, iz0, px, py, pz in zip(
                        l_ix, l_iy, l_iz, l_px, l_py,
                        l_pz):  # for each particle
                    if ff.x[ix0] > px:
                        ix0 = ix0 - 1  # ix0 must be left to particle
                    if ff.y[iy0] > py:
                        iy0 = iy0 - 1  # iy0 must be below the particle
                    if ff.z[iz0] > pz:
                        iz0 = iz0 - 1  # iz0 must be under particle

                    ix1 = ix0
                    iy1 = iy0
                    iz1 = iz0  # if a dim. is zero, this is default, else:
                    if nx > 1:
                        ix1 = ix0 + 1
                        dx_1 = 1. / ff.dx  # if a dim is non-zero, ajust ix1 to right cell
                    if ny > 1:
                        iy1 = iy0 + 1
                        dy_1 = 1. / ff.dy  # if a dim is non-zero, ajust iy1 to above cell
                    if nz > 1:
                        iz1 = iz0 + 1
                        dz_1 = 1. / ff.dz  # if a dim is non-zero, ajust iz1 to above cell

                    ux = 0.
                    uy = 0.
                    uz = 0.
                    for ix in [ix0, ix1]:
                        for iy in [iy0, iy1]:
                            for iz in [iz0, iz1]:
                                weight = 1.
                                if nx > 1:
                                    weight = weight * (
                                        1. - abs(px - ff.x[ix]) * dx_1)
                                if ny > 1:
                                    weight = weight * (
                                        1. - abs(py - ff.y[iy]) * dy_1)
                                if nz > 1:
                                    weight = weight * (
                                        1. - abs(pz - ff.z[iz]) * dz_1)

                                ux = ux + weight * ff.ux[iz, iy, ix]
                                uy = uy + weight * ff.uy[iz, iy, ix]
                                uz = uz + weight * ff.uz[iz, iy, ix]

                                if iz0 == iz1: break  # beware of degeneracy:
                            if iy0 == iy1: break  # beware of degeneracy:
                        if ix0 == ix1: break  # beware of degeneracy:


            ## TSC
            if scheme == 'tsc' or scheme == 'TSC':
                for ix0, iy0, iz0, px, py, pz in zip(
                        l_ix, l_iy, l_iz, l_px, l_py,
                        l_pz):  # for each particle
                    ixx0 = ix0
                    ixx1 = ix0  # beware of degeneracy
                    iyy0 = iy0
                    iyy1 = iy0
                    izz0 = iz0
                    izz1 = iz0

                    if nx > 1:
                        ixx0 = ix0 - 1
                        ixx1 = ix0 + 1
                        dx_1 = 1. / ff.dx
                        dx_2 = 1. / ff.dx**2
                    if ny > 1:
                        iyy0 = iy0 - 1
                        iyy1 = iy0 + 1
                        dy_1 = 1. / ff.dy
                        dy_2 = 1. / ff.dy**2
                    if nz > 1:
                        izz0 = iz0 - 1
                        izz1 = iz0 + 1
                        dz_1 = 1. / ff.dz
                        dz_2 = 1. / ff.dz**2

                    ux = 0.
                    uy = 0.
                    uz = 0.
                    for ix in [ix0, ixx0, ixx1]:
                        weight_x = 0.
                        if ix - ix0 == -1 or ix - ix0 == 1:
                            weight_x = 1.125 - 1.5 * abs(
                                px - ff.x[ix]) * dx_1 + 0.5 * abs(
                                    px - ff.x[ix])**2 * dx_2
                        elif nx != 1:
                            weight_x = 0.75 - (px - ff.x[ix])**2 * dx_2

                        for iy in [iy0, iyy0, iyy1]:
                            weight_y = 0.
                            if iy - iy0 == -1 or iy - iy0 == 1:
                                weight_y = 1.125 - 1.5 * abs(
                                    py - ff.y[iy]) * dy_1 + 0.5 * abs(
                                        py - ff.y[iy])**2 * dy_2
                            elif ny != 1:
                                weight_y = 0.75 - (py - ff.y[iy])**2 * dy_2

                            for iz in [iz0, izz0, izz1]:
                                weight_z = 0.
                                if iz - iz0 == -1 or iz - iz0 == 1:
                                    weight_z = 1.125 - 1.5 * abs(
                                        pz - ff.z[iz]) * dz_1 + 0.5 * abs(
                                            pz - ff.z[iz])**2 * dz_2
                                elif nz != 1:
                                    weight_z = 0.75 - (pz - ff.z[iz])**2 * dz_2

                                weight = 1.
                                if nx > 1: weight = weight * weight_x
                                if ny > 1: weight = weight * weight_y
                                if nz > 1: weight = weight * weight_z

                                ux = ux + weight * ff.ux[iz, iy, ix]
                                uy = uy + weight * ff.uy[iz, iy, ix]
                                uz = uz + weight * ff.uz[iz, iy, ix]

                                if izz0 == izz1: break  # beware of degeneracy:
                            if iyy0 == iyy1: break  # beware of degeneracy:
                        if ixx0 == ixx1: break  # beware of degeneracy:


            ## Convert all information into a single record array
            data_set = np.core.records.fromarrays(
                    l_ipars.astype('int'), l_px, l_py, l_pz, l_vx, l_vy, l_vz,
                    l_rix, l_riy, l_riz, l_ix, l_iy, l_iz, l_ux, l_uy, l_uz
                'ipar, ipx, ipy, ipz, vx, vy, vz, rix, riy, riz, ix, iy, iz, ux, uy, uz',
                'int, float, float, float, float, float, float, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, float, float'
            gas_velo_at_particle_pos = np.sort(data_set,
                                               order=['ix', 'iy', 'iz'])

            Nix = int(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['rix'].max() + 1)
            Niy = int(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['riy'].max() + 1)
            Niz = int(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['riz'].max() + 1)

            Npar_arr = np.array([
            #rgrid_edges = (grid.x[1:]-(grid.x[1:]-grid.x[:-1])/2)[2:-2]
            xrange = np.arange(
                float(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['rix'].max()) + 2)
            xrange = xrange - 0.5
            yrange = np.arange(
                float(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['riy'].max()) + 2)
            zrange = np.arange(
                float(gas_velo_at_particle_pos['riz'].max()) + 2)

            Npar_hist, edges = np.histogramdd(Npar_arr.T,
                                              bins=(xrange, yrange, zrange))
            Npar_hist, edges = np.histogramdd(Npar_arr.T, bins=(Nix, Niy, Niz))

            gas_velo_at_particle_pos = {

            print('## Saving dataset into ' + save_destination + '...')
                    'gas_velo_at_particle_pos': gas_velo_at_particle_pos,
                    't': ff.t
        print('## Done!')
Пример #11
def rename_in_submit_script(new_name,
    import os
    from os.path import exists, join, abspath, dirname
    from pencilnew.io import timestamp, get_systemid, mkdir

    if submit_script_path != False:
        path = dirname(abspath(submit_script_path))
        filename = basename(abspath(submit_script_path))

    # locate submit script file if not given
    if submit_script_path == False:
        # get path of simulation folder where submit script should be around
        if sim == False:
            path = '.'
            path = sim.path

        list_of_possible_submit_scripts = [
            f for f in os.listdir(path)
            if f.startswith('submit') and f.split('.')[-1] in ['sh', 'csh']

        # only works if a single submit script could be identified, else prompt error and let the user do it manually
        if len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) == 0:
            print('!! ERROR: Could not find a submit script in ' + str(path))
            return False
        elif len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) > 1:
                '!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script, please specify manually:'
                + str(list_of_possible_submit_scripts))
            return False
            filename = list_of_possible_submit_scripts[0]

    # path to submit script should now be clear, but better check its a string
    if type(path) != type('STRING'):
            '!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script path, please check manually: '
            + str(path))

    path_filename = join(path, filename)

    # open submit script as f and read content into s
    with open(path_filename) as f:
        s = f.read()

    # if the old name is known, we can simply replace that string with the new name
    if old_name != False and type(old_name) == type('STRING'):
        with open(path_filename) as f:
            s = f.read()
            if old_name in s:
                s = s.replace(old_name, new_name)
                print('?? ERROR: Could not find old_name ' + str(old_name) +
                      ' in submit script ' + str(path_filename))
                return False

    # else we need to look for specific identifiers, that differ from queue system and cluster
        # get submit name line identifier
        identify = get_systemid()[2]
        if identify == False:
                '!! ERROR: Could not identify an submit script name identifier, please update pencilnew.io.get_systemid.py by adding your machine.'
        if identify in s:
            if s.count(identify) > 1:
                    'ERROR: Job name identifier has multiple appearences in submit script!'
                return False
            s = s.split('\n')
            for ii, line in enumerate(s):
                if identify in line: break
            s[ii] = identify + ' ' + new_name

            s = '\n'.join(s)

                '!! ERROR: Could not find name identifier in submit script, identifier is '
                + str(identify))

    # s should now be updated, we can save it in now in the file submit_script_path, but let us backup the old one
    # backup
    from shutil import copyfile
    target_dir = join(path, 'pc/backups/')
             join(target_dir, filename + '.BAK' + str(timestamp())))

    # save new submit script
    with open(path_filename, 'w') as f:

    # done
    return True
def rename_in_submit_script(new_name, submit_script_path=False, sim=False, old_name=False):
    import os
    from os.path import exists, join, abspath, dirname
    from pencilnew.io import timestamp, get_systemid, mkdir

    if submit_script_path != False:
        path = dirname(abspath(submit_script_path))
        filename = basename(abspath(submit_script_path))

    # locate submit script file if not given
    if submit_script_path == False:
        # get path of simulation folder where submit script should be around
        if sim == False:
            path = '.'
            path = sim.path

        list_of_possible_submit_scripts = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if f.startswith('submit') and f.split('.')[-1] in ['sh', 'csh']]

        # only works if a single submit script could be identified, else prompt error and let the user do it manually
        if len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) == 0:
            print('!! ERROR: Could not find a submit script in '+str(path)); return False
        elif len(list_of_possible_submit_scripts) > 1:
            print('!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script, please specify manually:'+str(list_of_possible_submit_scripts)); return False
            filename = list_of_possible_submit_scripts[0]

    # path to submit script should now be clear, but better check its a string
    if type(path) != type('STRING'):
        print('!! ERROR: Could not identify submit script path, please check manually: '+str(path))

    path_filename = join(path, filename)

    # open submit script as f and read content into s
    with open(path_filename) as f: s = f.read()

    # if the old name is known, we can simply replace that string with the new name
    if old_name != False and type(old_name) == type('STRING'):
        with open(path_filename) as f:
            s = f.read()
            if old_name in s:
                s = s.replace(old_name, new_name)
                print('?? ERROR: Could not find old_name '+str(old_name)+' in submit script '+str(path_filename))
                return False

    # else we need to look for specific identifiers, that differ from queue system and cluster
        # get submit name line identifier
        identify = get_systemid()[2]
        if identify == False: print('!! ERROR: Could not identify an submit script name identifier, please update pencilnew.io.get_systemid.py by adding your machine.')
        if identify in s:
            if s.count(identify) > 1: print('ERROR: Job name identifier has multiple appearences in submit script!'); return False
            s = s.split('\n')
            for ii, line in enumerate(s):
                if identify in line: break
            s[ii] = identify+' '+new_name

            s = '\n'.join(s)

            print('!! ERROR: Could not find name identifier in submit script, identifier is '+str(identify))

    # s should now be updated, we can save it in now in the file submit_script_path, but let us backup the old one
    # backup
    from shutil import copyfile
    target_dir = join(path, 'pc/backups/'); mkdir(target_dir);
    copyfile(path_filename, join(target_dir, filename+'.BAK'+str(timestamp())))

    # save new submit script
    with open(path_filename, 'w') as f:

    # done
    return True