Пример #1
def test_expand_dims():
    """Test that dimension expansion works"""
    x = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    xT = qml.proc.TensorBox(x)

    res = xT.expand_dims(axis=1)
    expected = np.expand_dims(x, axis=1)
    assert isinstance(res, AutogradBox)
    assert np.all(res == expected)
Пример #2
    def weighted_random_sampling(qnodes, coeffs, shots, argnums, *args,
        """Returns an array of length ``shots`` containing single-shot estimates
        of the Hamiltonian gradient. The shots are distributed randomly over
        the terms in the Hamiltonian, as per a multinomial distribution.

            qnodes (Sequence[.QNode]): Sequence of QNodes, each one when evaluated
                returning the corresponding expectation value of a term in the Hamiltonian.
            coeffs (Sequence[float]): Sequences of coefficients corresponding to
                each term in the Hamiltonian. Must be the same length as ``qnodes``.
            shots (int): The number of shots used to estimate the Hamiltonian expectation
                value. These shots are distributed over the terms in the Hamiltonian,
                as per a Multinomial distribution.
            argnums (Sequence[int]): the QNode argument indices which are trainable
            *args: Arguments to the QNodes
            **kwargs: Keyword arguments to the QNodes

            array[float]: the single-shot gradients of the Hamiltonian expectation value

        # determine the shot probability per term
        prob_shots = np.abs(coeffs) / np.sum(np.abs(coeffs))

        # construct the multinomial distribution, and sample
        # from it to determine how many shots to apply per term
        si = multinomial(n=shots, p=prob_shots)
        shots_per_term = si.rvs()[0]

        grads = []

        for h, c, p, s in zip(qnodes, coeffs, prob_shots, shots_per_term):

            # if the number of shots is 0, do nothing
            if s == 0:

            # set the QNode device shots
            h.device.shots = [(1, s)]

            jacs = []
            for i in argnums:
                j = qml.jacobian(h, argnum=i)(*args, **kwargs)

                if s == 1:
                    j = np.expand_dims(j, 0)

                # Divide each term by the probability per shot. This is
                # because we are sampling one at a time.
                jacs.append(c * j / p)


        return [np.concatenate(i) for i in zip(*grads)]
Пример #3
    def test_linear(self):
        """Tests gradients with multivariate multidimensional linear func."""
        x_vec = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=(2))
        x_vec_multidim = np.expand_dims(x_vec, axis=1)

        gradf = lambda x: np.array([[2 * x_[0]] for x_ in x])
        f = lambda x: np.sum([x_[0]**2 for x_ in x])

        g = qml.grad(f, 0)
        auto_grad = g(x_vec_multidim)
        correct_grad = gradf(x_vec_multidim)
        np.allclose(auto_grad, correct_grad)
    def test_sin(self, tol):
        """Tests gradients with multivariate multidimensional sin and cos."""
        x_vec = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=(2))
        x_vec_multidim = np.expand_dims(x_vec, axis=1)

        gradf = lambda x: np.array([[np.cos(x[0, 0])], [-np.sin(x[[1]])]], dtype=np.float64)
        f = lambda x: np.sin(x[0, 0]) + np.cos(x[1, 0])

        g = qml.grad(f, 0)
        auto_grad = g(x_vec_multidim)
        correct_grad = gradf(x_vec_multidim)
        assert np.allclose(auto_grad, correct_grad, atol=tol, rtol=0)
Пример #5
    def test_exp(self):
        """Tests gradients with multivariate multidimensional exp and tanh."""
        x_vec = np.random.uniform(-5, 5, size=(2))
        x_vec_multidim = np.expand_dims(x_vec, axis=1)

        gradf = lambda x: np.array([
            [np.exp(x[0, 0] / 3) / 3 * np.tanh(x[1, 0])],
            [np.exp(x[0, 0] / 3) * (1 - np.tanh(x[1, 0])**2)],
        f = lambda x: np.exp(x[0, 0] / 3) * np.tanh(x[1, 0])

        g = qml.grad(f, 0)
        auto_grad = g(x_vec_multidim)
        correct_grad = gradf(x_vec_multidim)
        np.allclose(auto_grad, correct_grad)
    def test_gradient_multivar_multidim(self):
        """Tests gradients of multivariate multidimensional functions."""

        for gradf, f, name in zip(self.grad_mvar_mdim_funcs,
                                  self.mvar_mdim_funcs, self.fnames):
            with self.subTest(i=name):
                for jdx in range(len(x_vals[:-1])):
                    x_vec = x_vals[jdx:jdx + 2]
                    x_vec_multidim = np.expand_dims(x_vec, axis=1)
                    g = qml.grad(f, 0)
                    auto_grad = g(x_vec_multidim)
                    correct_grad = gradf(x_vec_multidim)
Пример #7
class AutogradBox(qml.math.TensorBox):
    """Implements the :class:`~.TensorBox` API for ``pennylane.numpy`` tensors.

    For more details, please refer to the :class:`~.TensorBox` documentation.

    abs = wrap_output(lambda self: np.abs(self.data))
    angle = wrap_output(lambda self: np.angle(self.data))
    arcsin = wrap_output(lambda self: np.arcsin(self.data))
    cast = wrap_output(lambda self, dtype: np.tensor(self.data, dtype=dtype))
    diag = staticmethod(wrap_output(lambda values, k=0: np.diag(values, k=k)))
    expand_dims = wrap_output(
        lambda self, axis: np.expand_dims(self.data, axis=axis))
    ones_like = wrap_output(lambda self: np.ones_like(self.data))
    reshape = wrap_output(lambda self, shape: np.reshape(self.data, shape))
    sqrt = wrap_output(lambda self: np.sqrt(self.data))
    sum = wrap_output(lambda self, axis=None, keepdims=False: np.sum(
        self.data, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims))
    T = wrap_output(lambda self: self.data.T)
    squeeze = wrap_output(lambda self: self.data.squeeze())

    def astensor(tensor):
        return np.tensor(tensor)

    def concatenate(values, axis=0):
        return np.concatenate(AutogradBox.unbox_list(values), axis=axis)

    def dot(x, y):
        x, y = AutogradBox.unbox_list([x, y])

        if x.ndim == 0 and y.ndim == 0:
            return x * y

        if x.ndim == 2 and y.ndim == 2:
            return x @ y

        return np.dot(x, y)

    def interface(self):
        return "autograd"

    def numpy(self):
        if hasattr(self.data, "_value"):
            # Catches the edge case where the data is an Autograd arraybox,
            # which only occurs during backpropagation.
            return self.data._value

        return self.data.numpy()

    def requires_grad(self):
        return self.data.requires_grad

    def scatter_element_add(self, index, value):
        size = self.data.size
        flat_index = np.ravel_multi_index(index, self.shape)
        t = [0] * size
        t[flat_index] = value
        self.data = self.data + np.array(t).reshape(self.shape)
        return self.data

    def shape(self):
        return self.data.shape

    def stack(values, axis=0):
        return np.stack(AutogradBox.unbox_list(values), axis=axis)

    def take(self, indices, axis=None):
        indices = self.astensor(indices)

        if axis is None:
            return self.data.flatten()[indices]

        fancy_indices = [slice(None)] * axis + [indices]
        return self.data[tuple(fancy_indices)]

    def where(condition, x, y):
        return np.where(condition, *AutogradBox.unbox_list([x, y]))
Пример #8
 def expand_dims(self, axis):
     return AutogradBox(np.expand_dims(self.data, axis=axis))