Пример #1
    def decomposition(theta, pauli_word, wires):
        # Catch cases when the wire is passed as a single int.
        if isinstance(wires, int):
            wires = [wires]
        with qml.tape.OperationRecorder() as rec:
            # Check for identity and do nothing
            if pauli_word == "I" * len(wires):
                return []

            active_wires, active_gates = zip(
                *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in zip(wires, pauli_word)
                  if gate != "I"])

            for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
                if gate == "X":
                elif gate == "Y":
                    RX(np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])

            MultiRZ(theta, wires=list(active_wires))

            for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
                if gate == "X":
                elif gate == "Y":
                    RX(-np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])
        return rec.queue
Пример #2
class PauliRot(Operation):
    r"""PauliRot(theta, pauli_word, wires)
    Arbitrary Pauli word rotation.

    .. math::

        RP(\theta, P) = \exp(-i \frac{\theta}{2} P)


    * Number of wires: Any
    * Number of parameters: 2 (1 differentiable parameter)
    * Gradient recipe: :math:`\frac{d}{d\theta}f(RP(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\left[f(RP(\theta +\pi/2)) - f(RP(\theta-\pi/2))\right]`
      where :math:`f` is an expectation value depending on :math:`RP(\theta)`.

    .. note::

        If the ``PauliRot`` gate is not supported on the targeted device, PennyLane
        will decompose the gate using :class:`~.RX`, :class:`~.Hadamard`, :class:`~.RZ`
        and :class:`~.CNOT` gates.

        theta (float): rotation angle :math:`\theta`
        pauli_word (string): the Pauli word defining the rotation
        wires (Sequence[int] or int): the wire the operation acts on


    >>> dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=1)
    >>> @qml.qnode(dev)
    ... def example_circuit():
    ...     qml.PauliRot(0.5, 'X',  wires=0)
    ...     return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> print(example_circuit())
    num_wires = AnyWires
    do_check_domain = False
    grad_method = "A"


        "X": Hadamard._matrix(),
        "Y": RX._matrix(np.pi / 2),
        "Z": np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]),

    def __init__(self, theta, pauli_word, wires=None, do_queue=True):
        super().__init__(theta, pauli_word, wires=wires, do_queue=do_queue)

        if not PauliRot._check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
            raise ValueError(
                f'The given Pauli word "{pauli_word}" contains characters that are not allowed.'
                " Allowed characters are I, X, Y and Z")

        num_wires = 1 if isinstance(wires, int) else len(wires)

        if not len(pauli_word) == num_wires:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The given Pauli word has length {len(pauli_word)}, length {num_wires} was expected for wires {wires}"

    def num_params(self):
        return 2

    def label(self, decimals=None, base_label=None):
        r"""A customizable string representation of the operator.

            decimals=None (int): If ``None``, no parameters are included. Else,
                specifies how to round the parameters.
            base_label=None (str): overwrite the non-parameter component of the label

            str: label to use in drawings


        >>> op = qml.PauliRot(0.1, "XYY", wires=(0,1,2))
        >>> op.label()
        >>> op.label(decimals=2)
        >>> op.label(base_label="PauliRot")

        op_label = base_label or ("R(" + self.parameters[1] + ")")

        if self.inverse:
            op_label += "⁻¹"

        if decimals is not None:
            param_string = f"\n({qml.math.asarray(self.parameters[0]):.{decimals}f})"
            op_label += param_string

        return op_label

    def _check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
        """Check that the given Pauli word has correct structure.

            pauli_word (str): Pauli word to be checked

            bool: Whether the Pauli word has correct structure.
        return all(pauli in PauliRot._ALLOWED_CHARACTERS
                   for pauli in pauli_word)

    def _matrix(cls, *params):
        pauli_word = params[1]

        if not PauliRot._check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
            raise ValueError(
                f'The given Pauli word "{pauli_word}" contains characters that are not allowed.'
                " Allowed characters are I, X, Y and Z")

        theta = params[0]

        interface = qml.math.get_interface(theta)

        if interface == "tensorflow":
            theta = qml.math.cast_like(theta, 1j)

        # Simplest case is if the Pauli is the identity matrix
        if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):

            exp = qml.math.exp(-1j * theta / 2)
            iden = qml.math.eye(2**len(pauli_word))
            if interface == "torch":
                # Use convert_like to ensure that the tensor is put on the correct
                # Torch device
                iden = qml.math.convert_like(iden, theta)
                return exp * iden

            return qml.math.array(exp * iden, like=interface)

        # We first generate the matrix excluding the identity parts and expand it afterwards.
        # To this end, we have to store on which wires the non-identity parts act
        non_identity_wires, non_identity_gates = zip(
            *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in enumerate(pauli_word)
              if gate != "I"])

        multi_Z_rot_matrix = MultiRZ._matrix(theta, len(non_identity_gates))

        # now we conjugate with Hadamard and RX to create the Pauli string
        conjugation_matrix = functools.reduce(
                for gate in non_identity_gates

        return expand(
                qml.math.dot(multi_Z_rot_matrix, conjugation_matrix),

    _generator = None

    def generator(self):
        if self._generator is None:
            pauli_word = self.parameters[1]

            # Simplest case is if the Pauli is the identity matrix
            if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):
                self._generator = [np.eye(2**len(pauli_word)), -1 / 2]
                return self._generator

            # We first generate the matrix excluding the identity parts and expand it afterwards.
            # To this end, we have to store on which wires the non-identity parts act
            non_identity_wires, non_identity_gates = zip(
                *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in enumerate(pauli_word)
                  if gate != "I"])

            # get MultiRZ's generator
            multi_Z_rot_generator = qml.math.diag(

            # now we conjugate with Hadamard and RX to create the Pauli string
            conjugation_matrix = functools.reduce(
                    for gate in non_identity_gates

            self._generator = [
                -1 / 2,

        return self._generator

    def _eigvals(cls, theta, pauli_word):
        if qml.math.get_interface(theta) == "tensorflow":
            theta = qml.math.cast_like(theta, 1j)

        # Identity must be treated specially because its eigenvalues are all the same
        if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):
            return qml.math.exp(-1j * theta / 2) * qml.math.ones(

        return MultiRZ._eigvals(theta, len(pauli_word))

    def decomposition(theta, pauli_word, wires):
        # Catch cases when the wire is passed as a single int.
        if isinstance(wires, int):
            wires = [wires]
        with qml.tape.OperationRecorder() as rec:
            # Check for identity and do nothing
            if pauli_word == "I" * len(wires):
                return []

            active_wires, active_gates = zip(
                *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in zip(wires, pauli_word)
                  if gate != "I"])

            for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
                if gate == "X":
                elif gate == "Y":
                    RX(np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])

            MultiRZ(theta, wires=list(active_wires))

            for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
                if gate == "X":
                elif gate == "Y":
                    RX(-np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])
        return rec.queue

    def adjoint(self):
        return PauliRot(-self.parameters[0],
Пример #3
class PauliRot(Operation):
    r"""PauliRot(theta, pauli_word, wires)
    Arbitrary Pauli word rotation.

    .. math::

        RP(\theta, P) = \exp(-i \frac{\theta}{2} P)


    * Number of wires: Any
    * Number of parameters: 2 (1 differentiable parameter)
    * Gradient recipe: :math:`\frac{d}{d\theta}f(RP(\theta)) = \frac{1}{2}\left[f(RP(\theta +\pi/2)) - f(RP(\theta-\pi/2))\right]`
      where :math:`f` is an expectation value depending on :math:`RP(\theta)`.

    .. note::

        If the ``PauliRot`` gate is not supported on the targeted device, PennyLane
        will decompose the gate using :class:`~.RX`, :class:`~.Hadamard`, :class:`~.RZ`
        and :class:`~.CNOT` gates.

        theta (float): rotation angle :math:`\theta`
        pauli_word (string): the Pauli word defining the rotation
        wires (Sequence[int] or int): the wire the operation acts on
    num_params = 2
    num_wires = AnyWires
    do_check_domain = False
    par_domain = "R"
    grad_method = "A"


        "X": Hadamard._matrix(),
        "Y": RX._matrix(np.pi / 2),
        "Z": np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]),

    def __init__(self, *params, wires=None, do_queue=True):
        super().__init__(*params, wires=wires, do_queue=do_queue)

        pauli_word = params[1]

        if not PauliRot._check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
            raise ValueError(
                'The given Pauli word "{}" contains characters that are not allowed.'
                " Allowed characters are I, X, Y and Z".format(pauli_word)

        num_wires = 1 if isinstance(wires, int) else len(wires)

        if not len(pauli_word) == num_wires:
            raise ValueError(
                "The given Pauli word has length {}, length {} was expected for wires {}".format(
                    len(pauli_word), num_wires, wires

    def _check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
        """Check that the given Pauli word has correct structure.

            pauli_word (str): Pauli word to be checked

            bool: Whether the Pauli word has correct structure.
        return all(pauli in PauliRot._ALLOWED_CHARACTERS for pauli in pauli_word)

    def _matrix(cls, *params):
        theta = params[0]
        pauli_word = params[1]

        if not PauliRot._check_pauli_word(pauli_word):
            raise ValueError(
                'The given Pauli word "{}" contains characters that are not allowed.'
                " Allowed characters are I, X, Y and Z".format(pauli_word)

        # Simplest case is if the Pauli is the identity matrix
        if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):
            return np.exp(-1j * theta / 2) * np.eye(2 ** len(pauli_word))

        # We first generate the matrix excluding the identity parts and expand it afterwards.
        # To this end, we have to store on which wires the non-identity parts act
        non_identity_wires, non_identity_gates = zip(
            *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in enumerate(pauli_word) if gate != "I"]

        multi_Z_rot_matrix = MultiRZ._matrix(theta, len(non_identity_gates))

        # now we conjugate with Hadamard and RX to create the Pauli string
        conjugation_matrix = functools.reduce(
            [PauliRot._PAULI_CONJUGATION_MATRICES[gate] for gate in non_identity_gates],

        return expand(
            conjugation_matrix.T.conj() @ multi_Z_rot_matrix @ conjugation_matrix,

    _generator = None

    def generator(self):
        if self._generator is None:
            pauli_word = self.parameters[1]

            # Simplest case is if the Pauli is the identity matrix
            if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):
                self._generator = [np.eye(2 ** len(pauli_word)), -1 / 2]
                return self._generator

            # We first generate the matrix excluding the identity parts and expand it afterwards.
            # To this end, we have to store on which wires the non-identity parts act
            non_identity_wires, non_identity_gates = zip(
                *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in enumerate(pauli_word) if gate != "I"]

            # get MultiRZ's generator
            multi_Z_rot_generator = np.diag(pauli_eigs(len(non_identity_gates)))

            # now we conjugate with Hadamard and RX to create the Pauli string
            conjugation_matrix = functools.reduce(
                [PauliRot._PAULI_CONJUGATION_MATRICES[gate] for gate in non_identity_gates],

            self._generator = [
                    conjugation_matrix.T.conj() @ multi_Z_rot_generator @ conjugation_matrix,
                -1 / 2,

        return self._generator

    def _eigvals(cls, theta, pauli_word):
        # Identity must be treated specially because its eigenvalues are all the same
        if pauli_word == "I" * len(pauli_word):
            return np.exp(-1j * theta / 2) * np.ones(2 ** len(pauli_word))

        return MultiRZ._eigvals(theta, len(pauli_word))

    def decomposition(theta, pauli_word, wires):
        # Catch cases when the wire is passed as a single int.
        if isinstance(wires, int):
            wires = [wires]

        # Check for identity and do nothing
        if pauli_word == "I" * len(wires):

        active_wires, active_gates = zip(
            *[(wire, gate) for wire, gate in zip(wires, pauli_word) if gate != "I"]

        for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
            if gate == "X":
            elif gate == "Y":
                RX(np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])

        MultiRZ(theta, wires=list(active_wires))

        for wire, gate in zip(active_wires, active_gates):
            if gate == "X":
            elif gate == "Y":
                RX(-np.pi / 2, wires=[wire])

    def adjoint(self):
        return PauliRot(-self.parameters[0], self.parameters[1], wires=self.wires)