Пример #1
    def test_compute_output_shape(self, get_circuit, output_dim, input_shape):
        """Test if the compute_output_shape() method performs correctly, i.e., that it replaces
        the last element in the input_shape tuple with the specified output_dim and that the
        output shape is of type tf.TensorShape"""
        c, w = get_circuit
        layer = KerasLayer(c, w, output_dim)

        assert layer.compute_output_shape(input_shape) == (input_shape[0], output_dim)
        assert isinstance(layer.compute_output_shape(input_shape), tf.TensorShape)
Пример #2
    def test_compute_output_shape(self, get_circuit, output_dim):
        """Test that the compute_output_shape method returns the expected shape"""
        c, w = get_circuit
        layer = KerasLayer(c, w, output_dim)

        inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(2, ))
        inputs_shape = inputs.shape

        output_shape = layer.compute_output_shape(inputs_shape)
        assert output_shape.as_list() == [None, 1]