Пример #1
def test_get_unitary_matrix_interface_autograd():
    """Test with autograd interface"""

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)

    def circuit(theta):
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0)
        qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1)
        qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    # set qnode interface
    qnode = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, interface="autograd")

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qnode)

    # set input parameters
    theta = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], requires_grad=True)

    matrix = get_matrix(theta)

    # expected matrix
    matrix1 = np.kron(
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0).matrix, np.kron(qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1).matrix, I)
    matrix2 = np.kron(I, qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2]).matrix)
    expected_matrix = matrix2 @ matrix1

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #2
def test_get_unitary_matrix_CNOT(target_wire):
    """Test CNOT: 2-qubit gate with different target wires, some non-adjacent."""
    wires = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

    def testcircuit():
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, target_wire])

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix()

    # test the matrix operation on a state
    state0 = [1, 0]
    state1 = [0, 1]
    teststate = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state1, state1])

    if target_wire == 0:
        expected_state = reduce(np.kron, [state0, state1, state1, state1, state1])
    elif target_wire == 2:
        expected_state = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state0, state1, state1])
    elif target_wire == 3:
        expected_state = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state0, state1])
    elif target_wire == 4:
        expected_state = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state1, state0])

    obtained_state = matrix @ teststate

    assert np.allclose(obtained_state, expected_state)
Пример #3
def test_get_unitary_matrix_interface_tf():
    """Test with tensorflow interface"""

    tf = pytest.importorskip("tensorflow")

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)

    def circuit(beta, theta):
        qml.RZ(beta, wires=0)
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=1)
        qml.CRY(theta[1], wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    # set qnode interface
    qnode_tensorflow = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, interface="tf")

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qnode_tensorflow)

    beta = 0.1
    # input tensorflow parameters
    theta = tf.Variable([0.2, 0.3])

    matrix = get_matrix(beta, theta)

    # expected matrix
    theta_np = theta.numpy()
    matrix1 = np.kron(qml.RZ(beta, wires=0).matrix, np.kron(qml.RZ(theta_np[0], wires=1).matrix, I))
    matrix2 = np.kron(I, qml.CRY(theta_np[1], wires=[1, 2]).matrix)
    expected_matrix = matrix2 @ matrix1

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #4
def test_get_unitary_matrix_interface_torch():
    """Test with torch interface"""

    torch = pytest.importorskip("torch", minversion="1.8")

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)

    def circuit(theta):
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0)
        qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1)
        qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    # set qnode interface
    qnode_torch = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, interface="torch")

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qnode_torch)

    # input torch parameters
    theta = torch.tensor([0.1, 0.2, 0.3])

    matrix = get_matrix(theta)

    # expected matrix
    matrix1 = np.kron(
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0).matrix, np.kron(qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1).matrix, I)
    matrix2 = np.kron(I, qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2]).matrix)
    expected_matrix = matrix2 @ matrix1

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #5
def test_get_unitary_matrix_input_QNode_wireorder():
    """Test with QNode as input, and nonstandard wire ordering"""
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=5)

    def my_quantum_function():
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.CRZ(0.2, wires=[2, 3])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(my_quantum_function, wire_order=[1, 0, 4, 2, 3])
    matrix = get_matrix()

    CNOT10 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])

    expected_matrix = (
        reduce(np.kron, [I, I, X, I, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [I, I, I, qml.CRZ(0.2, wires=[2, 3]).matrix])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [Y, I, I, I, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [CNOT10, I, I, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [I, Z, I, I, I])

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #6
def test_get_unitary_matrix_invalid_argument():
    """Assert error raised when input is neither a tape, QNode, nor quantum function"""

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qml.PauliZ(0))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Input is not a tape, QNode, or quantum function"):
        matrix = get_matrix()
Пример #7
def test_get_unitary_matrix_Toffoli():
    """Check the Toffoli matrix by its action on states"""
    wires = [0, "a", 2, "c", 4]

    def testcircuit():
        qml.Toffoli(wires=[0, 4, "a"])

    # test applying to state
    state0 = [1, 0]
    state1 = [0, 1]

    teststate1 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state1, state1])
    teststate2 = reduce(np.kron, [state0, state0, state1, state1, state0])

    expected_state1 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state0, state1, state1, state1])
    expected_state2 = teststate2

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix()

    obtained_state1 = matrix @ teststate1
    obtained_state2 = matrix @ teststate2

    assert np.allclose(obtained_state1, expected_state1)
    assert np.allclose(obtained_state2, expected_state2)
Пример #8
def test_get_unitary_matrix_input_QNode():
    """Test with QNode as input"""
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=5)

    def my_quantum_function():
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.CRZ(0.2, wires=[2, 3])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(my_quantum_function)  # default wire_order = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    matrix = get_matrix()

    expected_matrix = (
        reduce(np.kron, [I, I, I, I, X])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [I, I, qml.CRZ(0.2, wires=[2, 3]).matrix, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [I, Y, I, I, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [CNOT, I, I, I])
        @ reduce(np.kron, [Z, I, I, I, I])

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #9
def test_get_unitary_matrix_CRX():
    """Test controlled rotation with non-adjacent control and target wires"""
    testangle = np.pi / 4

    wires = [0, 1, 2]

    def testcircuit():
        qml.CRX(testangle, wires=[2, 0])

    # test applying to state
    state0 = [1, 0]
    state1 = [0, 1]

    # perform controlled rotation
    teststate1 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1])
    # do not perform controlled rotation
    teststate0 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state0])

    expected_state1 = reduce(np.kron, [qml.RX(testangle, wires=1).matrix @ state1, state1, state1])
    expected_state0 = teststate0

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix()

    obtained_state1 = matrix @ teststate1
    obtained_state0 = matrix @ teststate0

    assert np.allclose(obtained_state1, expected_state1)
    assert np.allclose(obtained_state0, expected_state0)
Пример #10
def test_get_unitary_matrix_wrong_function():
    """Assert error raised when input function is not a quantum function"""

    def testfunction(x):
        return x

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testfunction, [0])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Function contains no quantum operation"):
        matrix = get_matrix(1)
Пример #11
    def test_single_qubit_full_fusion(self):
        """Test that a sequence of single-qubit gates all fuse."""
        def qfunc():
            qml.RZ(0.3, wires=0)
            qml.Rot(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, wires=0)
            qml.RX(0.1, wires=0)

        transformed_qfunc = single_qubit_fusion()(qfunc)

        # Compare matrices
        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qfunc, [0])
        matrix_expected = compute_matrix()

        compute_transformed_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(transformed_qfunc, [0])
        matrix_obtained = compute_transformed_matrix()
        assert check_matrix_equivalence(matrix_expected, matrix_obtained)
Пример #12
    def test_single_qubit_fusion_exclude_gates(self):
        """Test that fusion is correctly skipped for gates explicitly on an
        exclusion list."""
        def qfunc():
            # Excluded gate at the start
            qml.RZ(0.1, wires=0)
            qml.RZ(0.1, wires=1)
            qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
            # Excluded gate after another gate
            qml.RZ(0.1, wires=0)
            # Excluded gate after multiple others
            qml.RZ(0.2, wires=1)

        original_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(qfunc)().operations

        transformed_qfunc = single_qubit_fusion(exclude_gates=["RZ"])(qfunc)
        transformed_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(

        names_expected = [
            "RZ", "Rot", "RZ", "CNOT", "Hadamard", "RZ", "Rot", "RZ"
        wires_expected = ([Wires(0)] * 2 + [Wires(1)] + [Wires([0, 1])] +
                          [Wires(0)] * 2 + [Wires(1)] * 2)
        compare_operation_lists(transformed_ops, names_expected,

        # Compare matrices
        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qfunc, [0, 1])
        matrix_expected = compute_matrix()

        compute_transformed_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(
            transformed_qfunc, [0, 1])
        matrix_obtained = compute_transformed_matrix()
        assert check_matrix_equivalence(matrix_expected, matrix_obtained)
    def test_yzy_to_zyz(self, angles):
        """Test that a set of rotations of the form YZY is correctly converted
        to a sequence of the form ZYZ."""
        def original_ops():
            qml.RY(angles[0], wires=0),
            qml.RZ(angles[1], wires=0),
            qml.RY(angles[2], wires=0),

        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(original_ops, [0])
        product_yzy = compute_matrix()

        z1, y, z2 = _yzy_to_zyz(angles)

        def transformed_ops():
            qml.RZ(z1, wires=0)
            qml.RY(y, wires=0)
            qml.RZ(z2, wires=0)

        compute_transformed_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(transformed_ops, [0])
        product_zyz = compute_transformed_matrix()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(product_yzy, product_zyz)
    def test_full_rot_fusion_autograd(self, angles_1, angles_2):
        """Test that the fusion of two Rot gates has the same effect as
        applying the Rots sequentially."""
        def original_ops():
            qml.Rot(*angles_1, wires=0)
            qml.Rot(*angles_2, wires=0)

        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(original_ops, [0])
        matrix_expected = compute_matrix()

        fused_angles = fuse_rot_angles(angles_1, angles_2)
        matrix_obtained = qml.Rot(*fused_angles, wires=0).matrix

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(matrix_expected, matrix_obtained)
Пример #15
def test_get_unitary_matrix_default_wireorder():
    """Test without specified wire order"""

    def testcircuit():

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit)

    matrix = get_matrix()
    expected_matrix = np.kron(X, np.kron(Y, Z))

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
    def test_push_mixed_with_matrix(self, direction):
        """Test that arbitrary gates after controlled gates on controls *and*
        targets get properly pushed."""
        def qfunc():
            qml.CZ(wires=[0, 1])
            qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 0])
            qml.CRY(0.5, wires=[1, 0])
            qml.PhaseShift(0.2, wires=0)
            qml.CRZ(-0.3, wires=[0, 1])
            qml.RZ(0.2, wires=0)
            qml.CRY(0.2, wires=[1, 0])

        transformed_qfunc = commute_controlled()(qfunc)

        original_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(qfunc)().operations
        transformed_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(

        assert len(original_ops) == len(transformed_ops)

        # Compare matrices
        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qfunc, [0, 1])
        matrix_expected = compute_matrix()

        compute_transformed_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(
            transformed_qfunc, [0, 1])
        matrix_obtained = compute_transformed_matrix()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(matrix_expected, matrix_obtained)
Пример #17
def test_get_unitary_matrix_wronglabel():
    """Assert error raised when wire labels in wire_order and circuit are inconsistent"""

    def circuit():

    wires = [0, "b"]

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(circuit, wires)

    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match="Wires in circuit are inconsistent with those in wire_order"
        matrix = get_matrix()
Пример #18
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_tf(self, U, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit operation in Tensorflow is correctly decomposed."""
        tf = pytest.importorskip("tensorflow")

        U = tf.Variable(U, dtype=tf.complex128)

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #19
    def test_single_qubit_fusion_multiple_qubits(self):
        """Test that all sequences of single-qubit gates across multiple qubits fuse properly."""
        def qfunc():
            qml.RZ(0.3, wires="a")
            qml.RY(0.5, wires="a")
            qml.Rot(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, wires="b")
            qml.RX(0.1, wires="a")
            qml.CNOT(wires=["b", "a"])
            qml.PhaseShift(0.3, wires="b")

        transformed_qfunc = single_qubit_fusion()(qfunc)

        original_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(qfunc)().operations
        transformed_ops = qml.transforms.make_tape(

        names_expected = ["Rot", "Rot", "CNOT", "Rot"]
        wires_expected = [
            Wires("a"), Wires("b"),
            Wires(["b", "a"]),
        compare_operation_lists(transformed_ops, names_expected,

        # Check matrix representation
        compute_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qfunc, ["a", "b"])
        matrix_expected = compute_matrix()

        compute_transformed_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(
            transformed_qfunc, ["a", "b"])
        matrix_obtained = compute_transformed_matrix()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(matrix_expected, matrix_obtained)
Пример #20
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_1_cnot(self, U, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit matrix using one CNOT is correctly decomposed."""
        U = _convert_to_su4(np.array(U))

        assert _compute_num_cnots(U) == 1

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)
        assert len(obtained_decomposition) == 5

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #21
def test_get_unitary_matrix_input_tape():
    """Test with quantum tape as input"""
    with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
        qml.RX(0.432, wires=0)
        qml.RY(0.543, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.RX(0.133, wires=1)

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape)

    matrix = get_matrix()

    part_expected_matrix = np.kron(qml.RY(0.543, wires=0).matrix @ qml.RX(0.432, wires=0).matrix, I)

    expected_matrix = np.kron(I, qml.RX(0.133, wires=1).matrix) @ CNOT @ part_expected_matrix

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #22
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_tensor_products(self, U_pair, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit tensor product matrix is correctly decomposed."""
        U = _convert_to_su4(
            qml.math.kron(np.array(U_pair[0]), np.array(U_pair[1])))

        assert _compute_num_cnots(U) == 0

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)
        assert len(obtained_decomposition) == 2

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #23
def test_get_unitary_matrix_multiple_ops():
    """Check the total matrix for a circuit containing multiple gates. Also
    checks that non-integer wires work"""
    wires = ["a", "b", "c"]

    def testcircuit():
        qml.CNOT(wires=["b", "c"])

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix()

    expected_matrix = np.kron(I, CNOT) @ np.kron(X, np.kron(S, H))

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #24
def test_get_unitary_matrix_nonparam_1qubit_ops(op, wire):
    """Check the matrices for different nonparametrized single-qubit gates, which are acting on different qubits in a space of three qubits."""
    wires = [0, 1, 2]

    def testcircuit(wire):

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix(wire)

    if wire == 0:
        expected_matrix = np.kron(op(wires=wire).matrix, np.eye(4))
    if wire == 1:
        expected_matrix = np.kron(np.eye(2), np.kron(op(wires=wire).matrix, np.eye(2)))
    if wire == 2:
        expected_matrix = np.kron(np.eye(4), op(wires=wire).matrix)

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #25
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_tensor_products_torch(
            self, U_pair, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit tensor product in Torch is correctly decomposed."""
        torch = pytest.importorskip("torch")

        U1 = torch.tensor(U_pair[0], dtype=torch.complex128)
        U2 = torch.tensor(U_pair[1], dtype=torch.complex128)
        U = qml.math.kron(U1, U2)

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #26
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_3_cnots(self, U, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit matrix using 3 CNOTs is correctly decomposed."""
        U = _convert_to_su4(np.array(U))

        assert _compute_num_cnots(U) == 3

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)
        assert len(obtained_decomposition) == 10

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        # We check with a slightly great tolerance threshold here simply because the
        # test matrices were copied in here with reduced precision.
        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #27
def test_get_unitary_matrix_input_tape_wireorder():
    """Test with quantum tape as input, and nonstandard wire ordering"""
    with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
        qml.RX(0.432, wires=0)
        qml.RY(0.543, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.RX(0.133, wires=1)

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=[1, 0])
    matrix = get_matrix()

    # CNOT where the second wire is the control wire, as opposed to qml.CNOT.matrix
    CNOT10 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])

    part_expected_matrix = np.kron(I, qml.RY(0.543, wires=0).matrix @ qml.RX(0.432, wires=0).matrix)

    expected_matrix = np.kron(qml.RX(0.133, wires=1).matrix, I) @ CNOT10 @ part_expected_matrix

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)
Пример #28
    def test_two_qubit_decomposition_jax(self, U, wires):
        """Test that a two-qubit operation in JAX is correctly decomposed."""
        jax = pytest.importorskip("jax")

        from jax.config import config

        remember = config.read("jax_enable_x64")
        config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

        U = jax.numpy.array(U, dtype=jax.numpy.complex128)

        obtained_decomposition = two_qubit_decomposition(U, wires=wires)

        with qml.tape.QuantumTape() as tape:
            for op in obtained_decomposition:

        obtained_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(tape, wire_order=wires)()

        assert check_matrix_equivalence(U, obtained_matrix, atol=1e-7)
Пример #29
def test_get_unitary_matrix_MultiControlledX():
    """Test with many control wires"""
    wires = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    def testcircuit():
        qml.MultiControlledX(control_wires=[0, 2, 4, 5], wires=3)

    state0 = [1, 0]
    state1 = [0, 1]

    teststate1 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state1, state1, state1])
    teststate2 = reduce(np.kron, [state0, state1, state0, state0, state1, state0])

    expected_state1 = reduce(np.kron, [state1, state1, state1, state0, state1, state1])
    expected_state2 = teststate2

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(testcircuit, wires)
    matrix = get_matrix()

    obtained_state1 = matrix @ teststate1
    obtained_state2 = matrix @ teststate2

    assert np.allclose(obtained_state1, expected_state1)
    assert np.allclose(obtained_state2, expected_state2)
Пример #30
def test_get_unitary_matrix_interface_jax():
    """Test with JAX interface"""

    jax = pytest.importorskip("jax")
    from jax import numpy as jnp
    from jax.config import config

    remember = config.read("jax_enable_x64")
    config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)

    def circuit(theta):
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0)
        qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1)
        qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(1))

    # set qnode interface
    qnode = qml.QNode(circuit, dev, interface="jax")

    get_matrix = get_unitary_matrix(qnode)

    # input jax parameters
    theta = jnp.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3], dtype=jnp.float64)

    matrix = get_matrix(theta)

    # expected matrix
    matrix1 = np.kron(
        qml.RZ(theta[0], wires=0).matrix, np.kron(qml.RZ(theta[1], wires=1).matrix, I)
    matrix2 = np.kron(I, qml.CRY(theta[2], wires=[1, 2]).matrix)
    expected_matrix = matrix2 @ matrix1

    assert np.allclose(matrix, expected_matrix)