def test_Environment_GUI_ClockAdvance(self): """ The test case verifies the requirements ENV000001 and ENV000002 for the Komodo Environment modules GUI. This is a manual test. """ msgTitle = 'test_Environment_GUI_ClockAdvance' #!> STEP: Open the Komodo Environment GUI perseus.gui.stepDialog( 'STEP: Open the Komodo Environment GUI', msgTitle + ' Step') #!> STEP: Select an environment from the "System Name" dropdown list #!+ that corresponds to a clock advance environment. perseus.gui.stepDialog( 'STEP: Select an environment from the "System Name" dropdown list ' 'that corresponds to a clock advance environment.', msgTitle + ' Step') #!> TRACE: ENV000001 self.trace( ['ENV000001', ]) #!> COMMON: verifyEnvironmentDetails Common.verifyEnvironmentDetails(self) #!> STEP: Select "Refresh Screen / GetCurrentStatus" from the actions #!+ menu to refresh the environment information. perseus.gui.stepDialog( 'STEP: Select "Refresh Screen / GetCurrentStatus" from the actions ' 'menu to refresh the environment information.', msgTitle + ' Step') #!> TRACE: ENV000002 self.trace( ['ENV000002', ]) #!> VERIFY: The Komodo Environment GUI refreshes the environment #!+ information. self.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The Komodo Environment GUI refreshes the environment ' 'information.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [01/01]'), []) #!> TRACE: ENV000001 self.trace( ['ENV000001', ]) #!> COMMON: verifyEnvironmentDetails Common.verifyEnvironmentDetails(self) pass
def verifyEnvironmentDetails(klass): """ """ msgTitle = 'verifyEnvironmentDetails' #!> VERIFY: The system name is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system name is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [01/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The system type is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system type is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [02/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The system database name is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system database name is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [03/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The database server name is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The database server name is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [04/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The system geography is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system geography is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [05/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The system time zone is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system time zone is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [06/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The system build number is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The system build number is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [07/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The application server name is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The application server name is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [08/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The Device Presentation Log Directory Path is populated #!+ correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The Device Presentation Log Directory Path is populated ' 'correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [09/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The Device Services Log Directory Path is populated #!+ correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The Device Services Log Directory Path is populated ' 'correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [10/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The login URL is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The login URL is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [11/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The EMR url is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The EMR url is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [12/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The communicator URL is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The communicator URL is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [13/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The ISP user ID is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The ISP user ID is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [14/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The ISP password is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The ISP password is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [15/16]'), []) #!> VERIFY: The RAS certificate is populated correctly. klass.verify( yesNoQuestion( 'VERIFY: The RAS certificate is populated correctly.', perseus.gui.YES, msgTitle + ' Verify [16/16]'), []) pass