def __init__(self): app.screen='normal' # TODO check all use app.directional_pad = False LABELS.set_locale(DB["language"]) self.wp_icon = Icon(MIFFILE,16384+14,16384+14) self.blogs = json.loads(DB["blog_list"]) items = [ (b["account"],b["blog"],self.wp_icon) for b in self.blogs ] menu = [(LABELS.loc.wm_menu_exit, self.close_app)] Application.__init__(self, u"Wordmobi", Listbox( items, self.check_update_value )) self._update_menu() # TODO # { # Temporary fix before changing how persistence is treated. # New persistence module must be created to avoid this line and e32db. __changed = False for n in range(len(self.blogs)): if not self.blogs[n].has_key("api_key"): self.blogs[n]["api_key"] = "" __changed = True if __changed: DB["blog_list"]=json.dumps(self.blogs) # # } # self.dlg = None sel_access_point() if not TOUCH_ENABLED: self.bind(key_codes.EKeyRightArrow, self.check_update_value) self.bind(key_codes.EKeyLeftArrow, self.close_app)
def blog_cbk(self): self.lock_ui() if not self.dlg.cancel: DB["blog_list"]=json.dumps(self.dlg.blogs) BLOG.check_persistence(self.dlg.blogs) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh() return True
def twitter_cbk(self): self.lock_ui() if not self.dlg.cancel: DB["twitter_enabled"]= self.dlg.twitter_enabled DB["twitter_user"] = self.dlg.twitter_user DB["twitter_pass"] = self.dlg.twitter_password self.unlock_ui() self.refresh() return True
def proxy_cbk(self): self.lock_ui() if not self.dlg.cancel: DB["proxy_enabled"]= self.dlg.proxy_enabled DB["proxy_addr"] = self.dlg.proxy_address DB["proxy_user"] = self.dlg.proxy_user DB["proxy_pass"] = self.dlg.proxy_password DB["proxy_port"] = utf8_to_unicode( str(self.dlg.proxy_port) ) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh() return True
def get(cls, name): with DB() as db: try: return db['user.%s' % name] except KeyError: u = cls(name) db['user.%s' % name] = u return u
def get(cls, id, name=None): with DB() as db: try: return db['controlpoint.%s' % id] except KeyError: logging.error('new ControlPoint %s %s', id, name) cp = cls(id, name) db['controlpoint.%s' % id] = cp return cp
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr == 'UDN': from persist import DB with DB() as db: try: self.UDN = db['udn.%s' % self._id] except KeyError: self.UDN = db['udn.%s' % self._id] = utils.genUUID() return self.UDN elif attr == 'friendlyName': self.friendlyName = self._id return self.friendlyName return super(BaseDevice, self).__getattr__(attr)
def certificate(type): with DB() as db: try: pem = db['certfile.%s' % type] cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pem) key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pem) except KeyError: cert, key = _gen_certificate(type) pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)\ + crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) db['certfile.%s' % type] = pem return (cert, key)
def language(self): langs = [(LABELS.loc.st_menu_en_us, u"en_us"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_pt_br, u"pt_br"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_es, u"es"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_tr, u"tr"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_it, u"it"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_nl, u"nl"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_de, u"de"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_ro, u"ro"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_zh_cn, u"zh_cn"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_fr, u"fr"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_ru, u"ru"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_id, u"id")] langs.sort() item = popup_menu(map(lambda x:x[0], langs), LABELS.loc.st_pmenu_lang ) if item is not None: loc = langs[item][1] if DB["language"] != loc: LABELS.set_locale(loc) DB["language"] = loc self.refresh() BLOG.refresh() # update global defines self.lang_changed = True
def certificate_file(type): if type in _CERTFILES: return _CERTFILES[type].name with DB() as db: try: pem = db['certfile.%s' % type] except KeyError: cert, key = _gen_certificate(type) pem = db['certfile.%s' % type] = cert.as_pem() + key.as_pem(cipher=None) from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile temp = _CERTFILES[type] = NamedTemporaryFile('w', bufsize=0, suffix='.pem') temp.write(pem) return
def all(cls): with DB(False) as db: return [db[key] for key in db if key.startswith('controlpoint.')]
def all(cls): with DB(False) as db: return [db[key] for key in db if key.startswith('user.')]