def get_data_table(tableName): conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) tabla = etl.fromdb(conex, "SELECT * FROM " + tableName) etl.tojson(tabla, "./static/data/" + tableName + '.json') conex.close() rv = showjson(str(tableName)) return jsonify(rv)
def get_atributosTable(tableName): conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) query = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME =" + "'" + str( tableName) + "'" atributos = etl.fromdb(conex, query) etl.tojson(atributos, "./static/data/" + tableName + '_atrib.json') conex.close() rv = showjson(str(tableName) + "_atrib") return jsonify(rv)
def get_all_atributos(): conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) listAtrib = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA =" + "'" + str( dDBI["db"]) + "'" allAtributos = etl.fromdb(conex, listAtrib) etl.tojson(allAtributos, './static/data/allAtributos.json' ) #ACA AGREGAR UN IDENTIFICADOR PARA BASE DE DATOS!!!! OJO conex.close() myAtributos = showjson('allAtributos') return jsonify(myAtributos)
def get_all_tables(): conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) listTable = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA =" + "'" + str( dDBI["db"]) + "'" tablas = etl.fromdb(conex, listTable) etl.tojson(tablas, './static/data/tablas.json' ) #ACA AGREGAR UN IDENTIFICADOR PARA BASE DE DATOS!!!! OJO conex.close() aTablas = showjson('tablas') return jsonify(aTablas)
def get_cambiar_valor(cambio): conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) myCambio = cambio.split("_") #0una vez cambiado 1 tabla = etl.fromdb(conex, "SELECT * FROM " + myCambio[3]) tablaCambiada = etl.convert(tabla, str(myCambio[0]), 'replace', str(myCambio[1]), str(myCambio[2])) etl.tojson(tablaCambiada, "./static/data/cambiarValor.json") conex.close() rv = showjson("cambiarValor") return jsonify(rv)
def get_calculos(): data = request.get_json() calculos = data['calculos'] try: table1 = etl.fromjson('./static/data/tabalaElegidaCalculadora.json') campos_y_valores = re.split('\=|\+|\-|\/|\*', calculos) campoElegido = campos_y_valores[0].lstrip().rstrip() campos_a_operar = campos_y_valores[1:] print("Campos a operar:", campos_a_operar) print("calculos", calculos) #get math symbol operaciones = [] for i in calculos: if (i == '+' or i == '-' or i == '/' or i == '*'): operaciones.append(i) #quito espacios for i in range(len(campos_a_operar)): campos_a_operar[i] = campos_a_operar[i].lstrip().rstrip() #Validacion de datos ------------------------------------------------ todosValidados = True i = 0 while (todosValidados and i < len(campos_a_operar)): if campos_a_operar[i].isdigit() == False: todosValidados = validarCampo(table1, campos_a_operar[i]) i += 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if todosValidados: #agrego row for i in range(len(campos_a_operar)): if campos_a_operar[i].isdigit() == False: campos_a_operar[i] = 'row.' + campos_a_operar[i] #formulo el eval operacion_final = "" for i in range(len(operaciones)): operacion_final += campos_a_operar[i] + operaciones[i] operacion_final += campos_a_operar[len(campos_a_operar) - 1] table2 = etl.convert(table1, campoElegido, lambda v, row: eval(operacion_final), pass_row=True) #etl.tojson(table2,"./static/data/calculos.json") etl.tojson(table2, './static/data/tabalaElegidaCalculadora.json') rv = showjson("tabalaElegidaCalculadora") return jsonify(rv) else: return jsonify(False) except: return jsonify(False)
def test_tojson(): # exercise function table = (("foo", "bar"), ("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 2)) f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tojson(table, result = json.load(f) assert len(result) == 3 assert result[0]["foo"] == "a" assert result[0]["bar"] == 1 assert result[1]["foo"] == "b" assert result[1]["bar"] == 2 assert result[2]["foo"] == "c" assert result[2]["bar"] == 2
def test_tojson(): # exercise function table = (('foo', 'bar'), ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 2)) f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) tojson(table, result = json.load(f) assert len(result) == 3 assert result[0]['foo'] == 'a' assert result[0]['bar'] == 1 assert result[1]['foo'] == 'b' assert result[1]['bar'] == 2 assert result[2]['foo'] == 'c' assert result[2]['bar'] == 2
def test_tojson(): # exercise function table = (('foo', 'bar'), ('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 2)) f = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, mode='r') tojson(table, result = json.load(f) assert len(result) == 3 assert result[0]['foo'] == 'a' assert result[0]['bar'] == 1 assert result[1]['foo'] == 'b' assert result[1]['bar'] == 2 assert result[2]['foo'] == 'c' assert result[2]['bar'] == 2
def test_json_unicode(): tbl = ((u'name', u'id'), (u'Արամ Խաչատրյան', 1), (u'Johann Strauß', 2), (u'Вагиф Сәмәдоғлу', 3), (u'章子怡', 4), ) tojson(tbl, 'tmp/test_tojson_utf8.json') result = json.load(open('tmp/test_tojson_utf8.json')) assert len(result) == 4 for a, b in zip(tbl[1:], result): assert a[0] == b['name'] assert a[1] == b['id'] actual = fromjson('tmp/test_tojson_utf8.json') ieq(tbl, actual)
def scrape(): res = requests.get(BASE_URL) doc = html.fromstring(res.content) query = {} for inp in doc.findall('.//form[@name="toetuse_saajad"]//input'): if inp.get('type') == 'submit': continue query[inp.get('name')] = inp.get('value') rows = [] for option in doc.findall('.//select[@id="meede"]/option'): measure = option.get('value') if len(measure): rows.extend(list(scrape_measure(query, measure))) tojson(fromdicts(rows), 'Estonia_scraper_dump.json', sort_keys=True, **JSON_FORMAT)
def make_runlist(): sql = '''select DISTINCT Location.PointID from dbo.WaterLevelsContinuous_Pressure join dbo.Location on Location.PointID = dbo.WaterLevelsContinuous_Pressure.PointID where dbo.Location.LatitudeDD is not null and dbo.Location.PublicRelease=1 group by Location.PointID order by Location.PointID''' table = petl.fromdb(nm_aquifier_connection(), sql) obj = petl.tojson(table, 'record_ids.json', indent=2) print(obj)
def get_query(): tipo_db = request.get_json()["tipo1"] query = request.get_json()["query1"] try: conex = get_conex(dDBI["mod"], dDBI["host"], dDBI["port"], dDBI["user"], dDBI["passwd"], dDBI["db"]) etl_resultado = etl.fromdb(conex, query) etl.tojson(etl_resultado, './static/data/sql_query.json' ) #ACA AGREGAR UN IDENTIFICADOR PARA BASE DE DATOS!!!! OJO aTablas = showjson('sql_query') return jsonify(aTablas) except pymysql.err.OperationalError as e: s = str(e) return jsonify({'query': False, 'err': s}) #False except pymysql.err.InternalError as e: s = str(e) return jsonify({'query': False, 'err': s}) #False except pymysql.err.ProgrammingError as e: s = str(e) return jsonify({'query': False, 'err': s})
def import_write_data(self): petl.tojson(, config.weather_data_store_path) return True
appendsqlite3(moredata, 'test.db', 'foobar') # look what it did from petl import look, fromsqlite3 look(fromsqlite3('test.db', 'select * from foobar')) # tojson table = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 2]] from petl import tojson, look look(table) tojson(table, 'example.json') # check what it did with open('example.json') as f: print # tojsonarrays table = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 2]] from petl import tojsonarrays, look look(table) tojsonarrays(table, 'example.json')
dicts = [{"foo": "a", "bar": 1}, {"foo": "b", "bar": 2}, {"foo": "c", "bar": 2}] table1 = etl.fromdicts(dicts) table1 # tojson() ########## import petl as etl table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 2]] etl.tojson(table1, 'example.json', sort_keys=True) # check what it did print(open('example.json').read()) # tojsonarrays() ################ import petl as etl table1 = [['foo', 'bar'], ['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 2]] etl.tojsonarrays(table1, 'example.json') # check what it did print(open('example.json').read())
def writeDataToJson(path, output): etl.tojson(getTable(path), output)
def post_asignar(): data = request.get_json() table = etl.fromdicts(data) etl.tojson(table, './static/data/tabalaElegidaCalculadora.json') return jsonify(True)