def getData(self, **kwargs): """ Gets the file/directory from the specified location, zips and/or encodes it and sends it to the client """ for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'path': str_fileToProcess = v if k == 'is_zip': b_zip = v if k == 'cleanup': b_cleanup = v if k == 'd_ret': d_ret = v #Zipping if b_zip: self.dp.qprint("Zipping target '%s'..." % str_fileToProcess, comms='status') str_dirSuffix = "" # Ensure that directory paths end in '/' if os.path.isdir( str_fileToProcess) and str_fileToProcess[-1] != '/': str_dirSuffix = '/' d_fio = zip_process(action='zip', path=str_fileToProcess, arcroot=str_fileToProcess + str_dirSuffix) d_ret['zip'] = d_fio d_ret['status'] = d_fio['status'] d_ret['msg'] = d_fio['msg'] d_ret['timestamp'] = '%s' % if not d_ret['status']: self.dp.qprint( "An error occurred during the zip operation:\n%s" % d_ret['msg'], comms='error') self.ret_client(d_ret) return d_ret str_fileToProcess = d_fio['fileProcessed'] str_zipFile = str_fileToProcess d_ret['zip']['filesize'] = self.getSize(str_fileToProcess) self.dp.qprint("Zip file: " + Colors.YELLOW + "%s" % str_zipFile + Colors.PURPLE + '...', comms='status') try: #Reading from file d_ret = self.readData(str_fileToProcess, d_ret) finally: #Cleanup by deleting temporary files if b_cleanup: if b_zip: self.dp.qprint("Removing '%s'..." % (str_zipFile), comms='status') if os.path.isfile(str_zipFile): os.remove(str_zipFile) return d_ret
def getData(self, **kwargs): """ Gets the file/directory from the specified location, zips and/or encodes it and sends it to the client """ for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k== 'path': str_fileToProcess= v if k== 'is_zip': b_zip= v if k== 'cleanup': b_cleanup= v if k== 'd_ret': d_ret= v #Zipping if b_zip: self.dp.qprint("Zipping target '%s'..." % str_fileToProcess, comms = 'status') str_dirSuffix = "" # Ensure that directory paths end in '/' if os.path.isdir(str_fileToProcess) and str_fileToProcess[-1] != '/': str_dirSuffix = '/' d_fio = zip_process( action = 'zip', path = str_fileToProcess, arcroot = str_fileToProcess + str_dirSuffix ) d_ret['zip'] = d_fio d_ret['status'] = d_fio['status'] d_ret['msg'] = d_fio['msg'] d_ret['timestamp'] = '%s' % if not d_ret['status']: self.dp.qprint("An error occurred during the zip operation:\n%s" % d_ret['msg'], comms = 'error') self.ret_client(d_ret) return d_ret str_fileToProcess = d_fio['fileProcessed'] str_zipFile = str_fileToProcess d_ret['zip']['filesize'] = self.getSize(str_fileToProcess) self.dp.qprint("Zip file: " + Colors.YELLOW + "%s" % str_zipFile + Colors.PURPLE + '...' , comms = 'status') try: #Reading from file d_ret = self.readData(str_fileToProcess, d_ret) finally: #Cleanup by deleting temporary files if b_cleanup: if b_zip: self.dp.qprint("Removing '%s'..." % (str_zipFile), comms = 'status') if os.path.isfile(str_zipFile): os.remove(str_zipFile) return d_ret
def storeData(self, **kwargs): """ Stores the file/directory at the specified location """ for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'file_name': fileName = v if k == 'file_content': fileContent = v if k == 'Path': unpackPath= v if k == 'is_zip': b_zip= v if k == 'd_ret': d_ret= v try: with open(fileName, 'wb') as fh: try: fh.write(fileContent) except Exception as err: self.qprint(err) fileSize = self.getSize(fileName) finally: if b_zip: d_fio = zip_process( action= 'unzip', path= unpackPath, payloadFile = fileName ) d_ret['unzip'] = d_fio d_ret['status'] = d_fio['status'] d_ret['msg'] = d_fio['msg'] d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(os.stat(fileName).st_size) os.remove(fileName) # pudb.set_trace() d_ret['write']['file'] = fileName d_ret['write']['status'] = True d_ret['write']['msg'] = 'File written successfully!' # d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(fileSize) # d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(os.stat(fileName).st_size) d_ret['write']['timestamp'] = '%s' % d_ret['status'] = True d_ret['msg'] = d_ret['write']['msg'] return d_ret
def storeData(self, **kwargs): """ Stores the file/directory at the specified location """ for k,v in kwargs.items(): if k == 'file_name': fileName = v if k == 'file_content': fileContent = v if k == 'Path': unpackPath= v if k == 'is_zip': b_zip= v if k == 'd_ret': d_ret= v try: with open(fileName, 'wb') as fh: try: fh.write(fileContent) except Exception as err: self.dp.qprint(err) finally: if b_zip: d_fio = zip_process( action= 'unzip', path= unpackPath, payloadFile = fileName ) d_ret['unzip'] = d_fio d_ret['status'] = d_fio['status'] d_ret['msg'] = d_fio['msg'] d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(self.getSize(fileName)) os.remove(fileName) # pudb.set_trace() d_ret['write']['file'] = fileName d_ret['write']['status'] = True d_ret['write']['msg'] = 'File written successfully!' # d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(fileSize) # d_ret['write']['filesize'] = "{:,}".format(os.stat(fileName).st_size) d_ret['write']['timestamp'] = '%s' % d_ret['status'] = True d_ret['msg'] = d_ret['write']['msg'] return d_ret