Пример #1
 def extl(self, v):
     Casts input argument as a list and ensures it is at least as long as levels
     :param v: Some variable
     :return: List of values for variable v; at least as long as self.levels
     return tolist(v) * int(np.ceil(len(self.levels) / len(tolist(v))))
Пример #2
 def _deleted_axes_protection(self, method=None):
     """Checks whether axes have been deleted by Qt and sets self.axes to None if they have"""
     except RuntimeError:
         m = ' ({})'.format(method) if method is not None else ''
             'Warning: Qt has deleted the axes; figure had a residual reference to a bad Qt object.{}'
         self.axes = None
Пример #3
 def _cleanup_legend_labels(handles, labels):
     nlab = len(np.atleast_1d(labels))
     if labels is not None and nlab == 1:
         labels = tolist(labels)*len(handles)
     elif labels is not None and nlab == len(handles):
         labels = tolist(labels)
         handles = [item for item in handles if hasattr(item, 'name') and item.name() is not None]
         labels = [item.name() for item in handles]
     return handles, labels
Пример #4
 def _setup_scatter_symbol_pen(brush_edges, linewidths):
     """Sets up the pen for drawing symbols on scatter plot"""
     sympen_kw = [{'color': cc} for cc in brush_edges]
     if linewidths is not None:
         n = len(brush_edges)
         if (len(tolist(linewidths)) == 1) and (n > 1):
             # Make list of lw the same length as x for cases where only one setting value was provided
             linewidths = tolist(linewidths) * n
         for i in range(n):
             sympen_kw[i]['width'] = linewidths[i]
     return [pg.mkPen(**spkw) for spkw in sympen_kw]
Пример #5
 def test_tolist(self):
     ar = np.array([1, 2, 3])
     a2 = np.zeros((3, 3))
     bo = True
     li = [1, 2, 3]
     no = None
     sc = 0
     st = 'blah'
     tu = (1, 2)
     for thing in [ar, a2, bo, li, no, sc, st, tu]:
         assert isinstance(tolist(thing), list)
         assert isinstance(tolist(thing) + [1, 2, 3], list)
Пример #6
    def _set_up_imange_extent(self, x, **kwargs):
        Handles setup of image extent, translate, and scale
        origin = kwargs.pop('origin', None)

        if origin in ['upper', None]:
            x = x[::-1]
            extent = kwargs.pop('extent',
                                None) or (-0.5, x.shape[1] - 0.5,
                                          -(x.shape[0] - 0.5), -(0 - 0.5))
            extent = kwargs.pop('extent', None) or (-0.5, x.shape[1] - 0.5,
                                                    -0.5, x.shape[0] - 0.5)

        if len(np.shape(x)) == 3:
            x = np.transpose(x, (2, 0, 1))
            x = np.array(
                    clip=kwargs.pop('clip', False),
                    ncol=kwargs.pop('N', 256),
                )).T.reshape([4] + tolist(x.shape))

        super(AxesImage, self).__init__(np.transpose(x))
        self.translate(extent[0], extent[2])
        self.scale(int(round((extent[1] - extent[0]) / self.width())),
                   int(round((extent[3] - extent[2]) / self.height())))
Пример #7
 def handle_info(handles, comment=None):
     """For debugging: prints information on legend handles"""
     if comment is not None:
     for i, handle in enumerate(tolist(handles)):
         printd('  {i:02d} handle name: {name:}, class: {cls:}, isVisible: {isvis:}'.format(
             name=getattr(handle, 'name', None),
             cls=getattr(handle, '__class__', ' not found '),
             isvis=getattr(handle, 'isVisible', None),
Пример #8
def color_map_translator(x, **kw):
    Translates colors for a matplotlib colormap and a dataset, such as would be used for scatter, imshow, contour, etc.

    :param x: numeric scalar or iterable
        Data to be mapped. Very boring if scalar.

    :param cmap: string
        Color map nape, passed to matplotlib.cm.get_cmap()

    :param norm: matplotlib normalization class
        Defaults to new instance of mpl.colors.Normalize

    :param vmin: numeric
        Lower limit passed to new Normalize instance if norm is None; ignored if norm is provided.

    :param vmax: numeric
        Lower limit passed to new Normalize instance if norm is None; ignored if norm is provided.

    :param clip: bool
        Passed to Normalize if a new Normalize instance is created. Otherwise, not used.

    :param ncol: int
        passed to Colormap to set number of colors

    :param alpha: float:
        opacity from 0 to 1 or None

    :return: list
        List of pyqtgraph-compatible color specifications with length matching x
    norm = kw.pop('norm', None)
    if norm is None:
        printd('  norm was None, normalizing...')
        norm = Normalize(vmin=kw.pop('vmin', None),
                         vmax=kw.pop('vmax', None),
                         clip=kw.pop('clip', False))
    comap = matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(kw.pop('cmap', None),
                                   lut=kw.pop('ncol', 256))
    colors = comap(norm(np.atleast_1d(x)))
    return [
        color_translator(color=color, alpha=kw.get('alpha', None))
        for color in tolist(colors)
Пример #9
 def add_subplot(self, nrows, ncols, index, **kwargs):
     """Imitation of matplotlib.figure.Figure.add_subplot"""
     check_unimplemented_keywords(['projection', 'polar'],
     row = int(np.floor((index - 1) / ncols))
     if row > (nrows - 1):
         raise ValueError(
             'index {} would be on row {}, but the last row is {}!'.format(
                 index, row, nrows - 1))
     col = (index - 1) % ncols
     ax = Axes(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, index=index, **kwargs)
     self.layout.addItem(ax, row + 1, col)
     self.axes = ax if self.axes is None else tolist(self.axes) + [ax]
     self.fig_colspan = max([ncols, self.fig_colspan])
     return ax
Пример #10
    def __call__(self, handles=None, labels=None, **kw):
        Adds a legend to the plot axes. This class should be added to axes as they are created so that calling it acts
        like a method of the class and adds a legend, imitating matplotlib legend calling.
        printd('  custom legend call')
        self.leg = self.ax.addLegend()
        # ax.addLegend modifies ax.legend, so we have to put it back in order to
        # preserve a reference to pgmpl.axes.Legend.
        self.ax.legend = self

        handles = tolist(handles if handles is not None else self.get_visible_handles())

        for handle, label in zip(*self._cleanup_legend_labels(handles, labels)):
            if self.supported(handle):
                self.leg.addItem(handle, label)


        return self
Пример #11
    def _prep_scatter_colors(n, **kwargs):
        Helper function to prepare colors for scatter plot

        :param n: int
            Number of colors to prepare

        :param kwargs: keywords for controlling color, like

        :return: tuple
            list of colors for primary usage (maybe for face, line, etc.)
            list of colors for edges
        edgecolors = kwargs.pop('edgecolors', None)
        c = kwargs.pop('c', None)
        # Translate face colors
        if c is None:
            # All same default color
            brush_colors = [color_translator(color='b')] * n
        elif is_numeric(tolist(c)[0]):
            brush_colors = color_map_translator(c, **kwargs)
            # Assume that c is a list/array of colors
            brush_colors = [color_translator(color=cc) for cc in tolist(c)]

        # Translate edge colors
        brush_edges = [color_translator(color='k')] * n if edgecolors is None \
            else [color_translator(color=ec, alpha=kwargs.get('alpha', None)) for ec in tolist(edgecolors)]

        # Make the lists of symbol settings the same length as x for cases where only one setting value was provided
        brush_colors = tolist(brush_colors) * n if (len(
            tolist(brush_colors)) == 1) and (n > 1) else brush_colors
        brush_edges = tolist(brush_edges) * n if (len(
            tolist(brush_edges)) == 1) and (n > 1) else brush_edges

        return brush_colors, brush_edges