def polyfile_homotopy(self, Uid, msg): from phc_file import rm_exts, phc_start from os import path [poly_id, poly_id_start, poly_data] = msg.split('|') # Generate poly file file_id = "../users/%s/%s" %(Uid, poly_id) exts = ['cmd', 'sol','phc'] rm_exts(file_id,exts) print "msg = %s"% msg # Generate start system file from phc file file_id_start= "../users/%s/%s" %(Uid, poly_id_start) rm_exts(file_id_start, ['cmd']) if not path.isfile(file_id_start+".start"): phc_start(file_id_start) with open('%s.cmd'%file_id_start, 'w') as f: f.write("y\n%s.sol\n%s.start\n0\n0\n0\n0\n"%(file_id, file_id_start)) f.close() return file_id, file_id_start
def polyfile_homotopy(self, Uid, msg): from phc_file import rm_exts, phc_start from os import path [poly_id, poly_id_start, poly_data] = msg.split('|') # Generate poly file file_id = "../users/%s/%s" % (Uid, poly_id) exts = ['cmd', 'sol', 'phc'] rm_exts(file_id, exts) print "msg = %s" % msg # Generate start system file from phc file file_id_start = "../users/%s/%s" % (Uid, poly_id_start) rm_exts(file_id_start, ['cmd']) if not path.isfile(file_id_start + ".start"): phc_start(file_id_start) with open('%s.cmd' % file_id_start, 'w') as f: f.write("y\n%s.sol\n%s.start\n0\n0\n0\n0\n" % (file_id, file_id_start)) f.close() return file_id, file_id_start
def polyclient_newhom(self): # check whether polynomial system is efficient rm_all_exts(self.file_id) newpoly = [self.client_opt, self.client_id, self.client_msg] self.client_msg = self.client_msg.split('|') if len(self.client_msg) == 1: file_id_start = get_file_id(self.client_id, self.client_msg[0]) if not path.isfile(file_id_start + ".start"): phc_start(file_id_start) self.msg = 'homotopy start system generated' else: with open('%s.poly' % self.file_id, 'w') as f: f.write(self.client_msg[2]) f.close() # distribute job to small or large queue worker_ind, deg = self.job_distributor() if worker_ind == 0: phcdb.delpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id) with open('%s.err' % self.file_id, 'r') as f: self.msg = + "received" else: print "**********%s" % deg rm_exts(self.file_id, 'err') with open('%s.sta' % self.file_id, 'w') as f: f.write('submitted') f.close() queue_local.put(newpoly) self.msg = 'homotopy received' # update userstatus to computing phcdb.delpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id) phcdb.newpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id, deg, path.getctime('%s.poly' % self.file_id))
def polyclient_newhom(self): # check whether polynomial system is efficient rm_all_exts(self.file_id) newpoly = [self.client_opt, self.client_id, self.client_msg] self.client_msg = self.client_msg.split("|") if len(self.client_msg) == 1: file_id_start = get_file_id(self.client_id, self.client_msg[0]) if not path.isfile(file_id_start + ".start"): phc_start(file_id_start) self.msg = "homotopy start system generated" else: with open("%s.poly" % self.file_id, "w") as f: f.write(self.client_msg[2]) f.close() # distribute job to small or large queue worker_ind, deg = self.job_distributor() if worker_ind == 0: phcdb.delpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id) with open("%s.err" % self.file_id, "r") as f: self.msg = + "received" else: print "**********%s" % deg rm_exts(self.file_id, "err") with open("%s.sta" % self.file_id, "w") as f: f.write("submitted") f.close() queue_local.put(newpoly) self.msg = "homotopy received" # update userstatus to computing phcdb.delpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id) phcdb.newpoly(self.client_id, self.poly_id, deg, path.getctime("%s.poly" % self.file_id))