Пример #1
def track_sequence_of_pieri_systems():
    Makes a sequence of Pieri systems
    and runs the path trackers on one path.
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    nbrows, nbcols, pvts = ask_inputs()
    answer = raw_input('Double indexing of variables ? (y/n) ')
    linear = (answer != 'y')
    dim = nbrows - nbcols
    planes = random_planes(nbrows, nbcols, pvts)
    start = start_pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, pvts, planes, linear)
    startsols = solve_pieri_system(start)
    newpvts = update_pivots(nbrows, pvts)
    planes.append(random_matrix(nbrows, dim))
    target = pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, newpvts, planes, linear)
    sols = track(target, start, startsols)
    print '-> the solutions after track :'
    for sol in sols:
        print sol
    while True:
        answer = raw_input('Continue to next level ? (y/n) ')
        if(answer != 'y'):
            pvts = [piv for piv in newpvts]
            newpvts = update_pivots(nbrows, pvts)
            if(pvts == newpvts):
                print '-> no extension of pivots possible: no next level'
            start = start_pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, pvts, planes, linear)
            print '-> the new start system :'
            for pol in start:
                print pol
            startsols = extend_solutions(sols, nbrows, pvts)
            print '-> the extended solutions :'
            for sol in startsols:
                print sol
            planes.append(random_matrix(nbrows, dim))
            target = pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, newpvts, planes, linear)
            print '-> the new target system :'
            for pol in target:
                print pol
            sols = track(target, start, startsols)
            print '-> the solutions after track :'
            for sol in sols:
                print sol
    answer = raw_input('Write system and solutions to file ? (y/n) ')
    if(answer == 'y'):
        write_to_file(target, sols, nbrows, nbcols)
Пример #2
def track_sequence_of_pieri_systems():
    Makes a sequence of Pieri systems
    and runs the path trackers on one path.
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    nbrows, nbcols, pvts = ask_inputs()
    answer = raw_input('Double indexing of variables ? (y/n) ')
    linear = (answer != 'y')
    dim = nbrows - nbcols
    planes = random_planes(nbrows, nbcols, pvts)
    start = start_pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, pvts, planes, linear)
    startsols = solve_pieri_system(start)
    newpvts = update_pivots(nbrows, pvts)
    planes.append(random_matrix(nbrows, dim))
    target = pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, newpvts, planes, linear)
    sols = track(target, start, startsols)
    print '-> the solutions after track :'
    for sol in sols:
        print sol
    while True:
        answer = raw_input('Continue to next level ? (y/n) ')
        if (answer != 'y'):
            pvts = [piv for piv in newpvts]
            newpvts = update_pivots(nbrows, pvts)
            if (pvts == newpvts):
                print '-> no extension of pivots possible: no next level'
            start = start_pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, pvts, planes, linear)
            print '-> the new start system :'
            for pol in start:
                print pol
            startsols = extend_solutions(sols, nbrows, pvts)
            print '-> the extended solutions :'
            for sol in startsols:
                print sol
            planes.append(random_matrix(nbrows, dim))
            target = pieri_system(nbrows, nbcols, newpvts, planes, linear)
            print '-> the new target system :'
            for pol in target:
                print pol
            sols = track(target, start, startsols)
            print '-> the solutions after track :'
            for sol in sols:
                print sol
    answer = raw_input('Write system and solutions to file ? (y/n) ')
    if (answer == 'y'):
        write_to_file(target, sols, nbrows, nbcols)
def findEmbeddings_dist(syst,  interval):
    global prevSystem
    global usePrev
    global prevSolutions
#    i = 0
    y1_left,  y1_right, y4_left,  y4_right = interval
#    print fileNamePref
    while True:
        if prevSystem and usePrev:
            sols = track(syst, prevSystem, prevSolutions, tasks=tasks_num)
            sols = solve(syst, verbose=0, tasks=tasks_num)

        result_real = []
        for sol in sols:
            soldic = strsol2dict(sol)
            if is_real(sol, tolerance) and soldic['y1'].real>=y1_left and soldic['y1'].real<=y1_right and soldic['y4'].real>=y4_left and soldic['y4'].real<=y4_right:

        num_real = len(result_real)
        if num_real%2==0 and len(sols)==numAll:
            prevSystem = syst
            prevSolutions = sols
        return num_real
Пример #4
def cheater(mdim, pdim, qdeg, start, startsols):
    Generates a random Pieri problem of dimensions (mdim,pdim,qdeg)
    and solves it with a Cheater's homotopy, starting from
    the Pieri system in start, at the solutions in startsols.
    dim = mdim * pdim + qdeg * (mdim + pdim)
    planes = [random_complex_matrix(mdim + pdim, mdim) for _ in range(0, dim)]
    pols = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, qdeg, planes)
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    print('cheater homotopy with %d paths' % len(startsols))
    sols = track(pols, start, startsols)
    for sol in sols:
    verify(pols, sols)
Пример #5
def solve_real(mdim, pdim, start, sols):
    Solves a real instance of Pieri problem, for input planes
    of dimension mdim osculating a rational normal curve.
    On return are the planes of dimension pdim.
    from phcpy.schubert import real_osculating_planes
    from phcpy.schubert import make_pieri_system
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    oscplanes = real_osculating_planes(mdim, pdim, 0)
    target = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, 0, oscplanes, False)
    rtsols = track(target, start, sols)
    inplanes = [array(plane) for plane in oscplanes]
    outplanes = [solution_plane(mdim + pdim, pdim, sol) for sol in rtsols]
    return (inplanes, outplanes, target, rtsols)
Пример #6
def cheater(mdim, pdim, qdeg, start, startsols):
    Generates a random Pieri problem of dimensions (mdim,pdim,qdeg)
    and solves it with a Cheater's homotopy, starting from
    the Pieri system in start, at the solutions in startsols.
    dim = mdim*pdim + qdeg*(mdim+pdim)
    planes = [random_complex_matrix(mdim+pdim, mdim) for _ in range(0, dim)]
    pols = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, qdeg, planes)
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    print('cheater homotopy with %d paths' % len(startsols))
    sols = track(pols, start, startsols)
    for sol in sols:
    verify(pols, sols)
Пример #7
def solve_real(mdim, pdim, start, sols):
    Solves a real instance of Pieri problem, for input planes
    of dimension mdim osculating a rational normal curve.
    On return are the planes of dimension pdim.
    from phcpy.schubert import real_osculating_planes
    from phcpy.schubert import make_pieri_system
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    oscplanes = real_osculating_planes(mdim, pdim, 0)
    target = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, 0, oscplanes, False)
    rtsols = track(target, start, sols)
    inplanes = [array(plane) for plane in oscplanes]
    outplanes = [solution_plane(mdim+pdim, pdim, sol) for sol in rtsols]
    return (inplanes, outplanes, target, rtsols)
Пример #8
def test(precision="d"):
    Tests the numerical computation of a tropism.
    pols = ["x + x*y + y^3;", "x;"]
    from phcpy.solver import solve

    start = [
        "x + (-5.89219623474258E-02 - 9.98262591883082E-01*i)*y^2"
        + " + ( 5.15275165825429E-01 + 8.57024797472965E-01*i)*x*y;",
        "x+(-9.56176913648087E-01 - 2.92789531586119E-01*i);",
    startsols = solve(start, silent=True)
    print "computed", len(startsols), "start solutions"
    from phcpy.tuning import order_endgame_extrapolator_set as set

    if precision == "d":
        from phcpy.trackers import standard_double_track as track
    elif precision == "dd":
        from phcpy.trackers import double_double_track as track
    elif precision == "qd":
        from phcpy.trackers import quad_double_track as track
        print "wrong level of precision"
    sols = track(pols, start, startsols)
    print "the solutions at the end :"
    for sol in sols:
        print sol
    if precision == "d":
        print "size of the tropisms container :", standard_size()
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = standard_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
    elif precision == "dd":
        print "size of the tropisms container :", dobldobl_size()
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = dobldobl_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
        print "size of the tropisms container :", quaddobl_size()
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = quaddobl_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
    print "the winding numbers :", wnd
    print "the directions :"
    for dir in dirs:
        print dir
    print "the errors :", errs
Пример #9
    def find_more_points(self, num_points, return_complex=False):
        We find additional points on the variety.
        points = []
        failure = 0
        while (len(points) < num_points):
            phcsystem = self._system()
            phcsolutions = track(phcsystem, self._startsystem, self._startsol)

            #  Parsing the output of solutions
            for sol in phcsolutions:
                solutiondict = strsol2dict(sol)

                point = [solutiondict[variable] for variable in self.varlist]
                if return_complex:
                    closeness = True
                    for component in point:
                        # choses the points we want
                        if self._is_close(component.imag) \
                                and self._in_bounds(component.real):
                            # sometimes phcpy gives more points than we
                            # ask, thus the additional check
                            if component == point[-1] \
                                    and closeness \
                                    and len(points) < num_points:
                                        component.real for component in point
                                assert len(points) <= num_points
                                failure = 0
                            closeness = False
                            failure = failure + 1
            if self._failure <= failure:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "equation has too many complex solutions in a row")

        self.points = points + self.points
Пример #10
def osculating_input(mdim, pdim, qdeg, start, startsols):
    Generates real mdim-planes osculating a rational normal curve
    and solves this Pieri problem using the system in start,
    with corresponding solutions in startsols.
    target_planes = real_osculating_planes(mdim, pdim, qdeg)
    # print 'real osculating planes :', target_planes
    target_system = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, qdeg, target_planes, False)
    print('the start system of length %d :' % len(start))
    for pol in start:
    print('the target system of length %d :' % len(target_system))
    for pol in target_system:
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    target_solutions = track(target_system, start, startsols)
    for sol in target_solutions:
    verify(target_system, target_solutions)
Пример #11
def test_standard_polyhedral_homotopy():
    Test on jumpstarting a polyhedral homotopy
    in standard precision.
    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_syscon_clear_standard_system
    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_syscon_clear_standard_Laurent_system
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    qrt = random_trinomials()
    mixvol = mixed_volume(qrt)
    print('the mixed volume is', mixvol)
    (rqs, rsols) = random_coefficient_system()
    print('found %d solutions' % len(rsols))
    newton_step(rqs, rsols)
    print('tracking to target...')
    pqr = permute_standard_system(qrt)
    qsols = track(pqr, rqs, rsols)
    newton_step(qrt, qsols)
Пример #12
def osculating_input(mdim, pdim, qdeg, start, startsols):
    Generates real mdim-planes osculating a rational normal curve
    and solves this Pieri problem using the system in start,
    with corresponding solutions in startsols.
    target_planes = real_osculating_planes(mdim, pdim, qdeg)
    # print 'real osculating planes :', target_planes
    target_system = make_pieri_system(mdim, pdim, qdeg, target_planes, False)
    print('the start system of length %d :' % len(start))
    for pol in start:
    print('the target system of length %d :' % len(target_system))
    for pol in target_system:
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    target_solutions = track(target_system, start, startsols)
    for sol in target_solutions:
    verify(target_system, target_solutions)
Пример #13
def test_standard_polyhedral_homotopy():
    Test on jumpstarting a polyhedral homotopy
    in standard precision.
    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_syscon_clear_standard_system
    from phcpy.phcpy2c3 import py2c_syscon_clear_standard_Laurent_system
    from phcpy.trackers import track
    qrt = random_trinomials()
    mixvol = mixed_volume(qrt)
    print('the mixed volume is', mixvol)
    (rqs, rsols) = random_coefficient_system()
    print('found %d solutions' % len(rsols))
    newton_step(rqs, rsols)
    print('tracking to target...')
    pqr = permute_standard_system(qrt)
    qsols = track(pqr, rqs, rsols)
    newton_step(qrt, qsols)
Пример #14
def test(precision='d'):
    Tests the numerical computation of a tropism.
    pols = ['x + x*y + y^3;', 'x;']
    from phcpy.solver import solve
    start = ['x + (-5.89219623474258E-02 - 9.98262591883082E-01*i)*y^2' \
         + ' + ( 5.15275165825429E-01 + 8.57024797472965E-01*i)*x*y;', \
        'x+(-9.56176913648087E-01 - 2.92789531586119E-01*i);']
    startsols = solve(start, verbose=False)
    print('computed', len(startsols), 'start solutions')
    from phcpy.tuning import order_endgame_extrapolator_set as set
    if precision == 'd':
        from phcpy.trackers import standard_double_track as track
    elif precision == 'dd':
        from phcpy.trackers import double_double_track as track
    elif precision == 'qd':
        from phcpy.trackers import quad_double_track as track
        print('wrong level of precision')
    sols = track(pols, start, startsols)
    print('the solutions at the end :')
    for sol in sols:
    if precision == 'd':
        print('size of the tropisms container :', standard_size())
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = standard_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
    elif precision == 'dd':
        print('size of the tropisms container :', dobldobl_size())
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = dobldobl_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
        print('size of the tropisms container :', quaddobl_size())
        (wnd, dirs, errs) = quaddobl_retrieve(len(sols), len(pols))
    print('the winding numbers :', wnd)
    print('the directions :')
    for dir in dirs:
    print('the errors :', errs)
def findEmbeddings(syst):
    global prevSystem
    global usePrev
    global prevSolutions
    i = 0
    while True:
        if prevSystem and usePrev:
            sols = track(syst, prevSystem, prevSolutions, tasks=tasks_num)
            sols = solve(syst, verbose=0, tasks=tasks_num)

        result_real = []
        for sol in sols:
            soldic = strsol2dict(sol)
            if is_real(sol, tolerance):
        num_real = len(result_real)
        if num_real%4==0 and len(sols)==numAll:
            prevSystem = syst
            prevSolutions = sols
            return num_real
        elif numAllowedMissing and len(sols)==numAll:
            print 'The number of real embeddings was not divisible by 4. ', 
            return num_real
        elif numAllowedMissing and len(sols)>=numAll-numAllowedMissing:
            print 'Continuing although there were '+str(numAll-len(sols))+' solutions missing. ', 
            return num_real
            usePrev = False
            i += 1
#            print 'PHC failed, trying again: '+str(i)
        if i>=3:
            print 'PHC failed 3 times', 
            return -1
Пример #16
Illustration of a mixed volume computation, polyhedral
homotopies and the path tracking in double precision.
First we construct a random coefficient start system,
computing the mixed volume and running polyhedral homotopies.
Then we use the constructed start system g and corresponding
start solutions sols to solve the original system f.
Finally, we verify the solutions with one Newton step
on each computed solution, in double double precision.
f = ['x^3*y + x*y^2 - 8;', 'x*y - 3;']
print 'the polynomials in the target system :'
for pol in f:
    print pol
from phcpy.solver import mixed_volume as mv
from phcpy.solver import random_coefficient_system as rcs
print 'the mixed volume :', mv(f)
(g, gsols) = rcs()
print 'the polynomials in the start system :'
for pol in g:
    print pol
print 'number of start solutions :', len(gsols)
from phcpy.trackers import standard_double_track as track
fsols = track(f, g, gsols)
from phcpy.solver import newton_step
for sol in fsols:
    print sol
print 'one Newton step in double double precision...'
nsols = newton_step(f, fsols, precision='dd')
for sol in nsols:
    print sol
Пример #17
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys
import ast
import os
from phcpy.trackers import track
    from phcpy import _number_of_cores_ as tasks_num
    tasks_num = 2

syst2 = ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[1])
#syst = ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[2])
#sols = ast.literal_eval(sys.argv[3])
pref = sys.argv[3]

filePrev = sys.argv[2]

with open(filePrev, 'r') as fPrev:
    syst, sols = [ast.literal_eval(line) for line in fPrev]

file = open(
    os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/../tmp/' + pref +
    'track.txt', 'w')
sol = track(syst2, syst, sols, tasks=tasks_num)
