Пример #1
def downsample2x(tensor, interpolation='linear', axes=None):
    if struct.isstruct(tensor):
        return struct.map(lambda s: downsample2x(s, interpolation, axes),

    if interpolation.lower() != 'linear':
        raise ValueError('Only linear interpolation supported')
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    if axes is None:
        axes = range(rank)
    tensor = math.pad(
        tensor, [[0, 0]] +
        [([0, 1] if
          (dim % 2) != 0 and _contains_axis(axes, ax, rank) else [0, 0])
         for ax, dim in enumerate(tensor.shape[1:-1])] + [[0, 0]], 'replicate')
    for axis in axes:
        upper_slices = tuple([(slice(1, None, 2) if i == axis else slice(None))
                              for i in range(rank)])
        lower_slices = tuple([(slice(0, None, 2) if i == axis else slice(None))
                              for i in range(rank)])
        tensor_sum = tensor[(slice(None), ) + upper_slices +
                            (slice(None), )] + tensor[(slice(None), ) +
                                                      lower_slices +
                                                      (slice(None), )]
        tensor = tensor_sum / 2
    return tensor
Пример #2
def laplace(tensor,
    Spatial Laplace operator as defined for scalar fields.
    If a vector field is passed, the laplace is computed component-wise.

    :param use_fft_for_periodic: If True and padding='circular', uses FFT to compute laplace
    :param tensor: n-dimensional field of shape (batch, spacial dimensions..., components)
    :param padding: 'valid', 'constant', 'reflect', 'replicate', 'circular'
    :param axes: The second derivative along these axes is summed over
    :type axes: list
    :return: tensor of same shape
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    if padding is None or padding == 'valid':
        pass  # do not pad tensor
    elif padding in ('circular', 'wrap') and use_fft_for_periodic:
        return fourier_laplace(tensor)
        tensor = math.pad(
            _get_pad_width_axes(rank, axes, val_true=[1, 1], val_false=[0, 0]),
    # --- convolutional laplace ---
    if axes is not None:
        return _sliced_laplace_nd(tensor, axes)
    if rank == 2:
        return _conv_laplace_2d(tensor)
    elif rank == 3:
        return _conv_laplace_3d(tensor)
        return _sliced_laplace_nd(tensor)
Пример #3
def _gradient_nd(tensor, padding, relative_shifts):
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    tensor = math.pad(tensor, _get_pad_width(rank, (-relative_shifts[0], relative_shifts[1])), mode=padding)
    components = []
    for dimension in range(rank):
        lower, upper = _dim_shifted(tensor, dimension, relative_shifts, diminish_others=(-relative_shifts[0], relative_shifts[1]))
        components.append(upper - lower)
    return math.concat(components, axis=-1)
Пример #4
def _divergence_nd(tensor, relative_shifts):
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    tensor = math.pad(tensor, _get_pad_width(rank, (-relative_shifts[0], relative_shifts[1])))
    components = []
    for dimension in range(rank):
        lower, upper = _dim_shifted(tensor, dimension, relative_shifts, diminish_others=(-relative_shifts[0], relative_shifts[1]), components=rank - dimension - 1)
        components.append(upper - lower)
    return math.sum(components, 0)
Пример #5
def upsample2x(tensor, interpolation='linear'):
    if struct.isstruct(tensor):
        return struct.map(lambda s: upsample2x(s, interpolation), tensor, recursive=False)

    if interpolation.lower() != 'linear':
        raise ValueError('Only linear interpolation supported')
    dims = range(spatial_rank(tensor))
    vlen = tensor.shape[-1]
    spatial_dims = tensor.shape[1:-1]
    rank = spatial_rank(tensor)
    tensor = math.pad(tensor, _get_pad_width(rank), 'replicate')
    for dim in dims:
        lower, center, upper = _dim_shifted(tensor, dim, (-1, 0, 1))
        combined = math.stack([0.25 * lower + 0.75 * center, 0.75 * center + 0.25 * upper], axis=2 + dim)
        tensor = math.reshape(combined, [-1] + [spatial_dims[dim] * 2 if i == dim else tensor.shape[i + 1] for i in dims] + [vlen])
    return tensor
Пример #6
def downsample2x(tensor, interpolation='linear'):
    if struct.isstruct(tensor):
        return struct.map(lambda s: downsample2x(s, interpolation),
                          tensor, recursive=False)

    if interpolation.lower() != 'linear':
        raise ValueError('Only linear interpolation supported')
    dims = range(spatial_rank(tensor))
    tensor = math.pad(tensor,
                      [[0, 0]]
                      + [([0, 1] if (dim % 2) != 0 else [0, 0]) for dim in tensor.shape[1:-1]]
                      + [[0, 0]], 'replicate')
    for dimension in dims:
        upper_slices = tuple([(slice(1, None, 2) if i == dimension else slice(None)) for i in dims])
        lower_slices = tuple([(slice(0, None, 2) if i == dimension else slice(None)) for i in dims])
        tensor_sum = tensor[(slice(None),) + upper_slices + (slice(None),)] + tensor[(slice(None),) + lower_slices + (slice(None),)]
        tensor = tensor_sum / 2
    return tensor