Пример #1
 def test_fourier_laplace_2d_periodic(self):
     """test for convergence of the laplace operator"""
     test_params = {
         'size': [16, 32, 40],
         'L': [1, 2,
               3],  # NOTE: Cannot test with less than 1 full wavelength
     test_cases = [
         dict(zip(test_params, v)) for v in product(*test_params.values())
     for params in test_cases:
         vec = math.meshgrid(x=params['size'], y=params['size'])
         sine_field = math.prod(
             math.sin(2 * PI * params['L'] * vec / params['size'] + 1),
         sin_lap_ref = -2 * (
             2 * PI * params['L'] / params['size']
         )**2 * sine_field  # leading 2 from from x-y cross terms
         sin_lap = math.fourier_laplace(sine_field, 1)
         except BaseException as e:
             abs_error = math.abs(sin_lap - sin_lap_ref)
             max_abs_error = math.max(abs_error)
             max_rel_error = math.max(math.abs(abs_error / sin_lap_ref))
             variation_str = "\n".join([
                 f"max_absolute_error: {max_abs_error}",
                 f"max_relative_error: {max_rel_error}",
             raise AssertionError(e, f"{variation_str}\n{params}")
Пример #2
 def test_pad_tensor(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             a = math.meshgrid(x=4, y=3)
             # 0
             p = math.pad(a, {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (0, 1)}, ZERO)
             self.assertEqual((7, 4, 2), p.shape.sizes)  # dimension check
             math.assert_close(p.x[1:-2].y[:-1], a)  # copy inner
             math.assert_close(p.x[0], 0)
             # 1
             p = math.pad(a, {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (0, 1)}, ONE)
             self.assertEqual((7, 4, 2), p.shape.sizes)  # dimension check
             math.assert_close(p.x[1:-2].y[:-1], a)  # copy inner
             math.assert_close(p.x[0], 1)
             # periodic
             p = math.pad(a, {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (0, 1)}, PERIODIC)
             self.assertEqual((7, 4, 2), p.shape.sizes)  # dimension check
             math.assert_close(p.x[1:-2].y[:-1], a)  # copy inner
             math.assert_close(p.x[0].y[:-1], a.x[-1])
             math.assert_close(p.x[-2:].y[:-1], a.x[:2])
             # boundary
             p = math.pad(a, {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (0, 1)}, BOUNDARY)
             self.assertEqual((7, 4, 2), p.shape.sizes)  # dimension check
             math.assert_close(p.x[1:-2].y[:-1], a)  # copy inner
             math.assert_close(p.x[0].y[:-1], a.x[0])
             math.assert_close(p.x[-2:].y[:-1], a.x[-1])
             # mixed
             p = math.pad(a, {'x': (1, 2), 'y': (0, 1)}, combine_sides({'x': PERIODIC, 'y': (ONE, REFLECT)}))
             self.assertEqual((7, 4, 2), p.shape.sizes)  # dimension check
             math.assert_close(p.x[1:-2].y[:-1], a)  # copy inner
             math.assert_close(p.x[0].y[:-1], a.x[-1])  # periodic
             math.assert_close(p.x[-2:].y[:-1], a.x[:2])  # periodic
Пример #3
 def test_gradient_vector(self):
     meshgrid = math.meshgrid(x=4, y=3)
     cases = dict(difference=('central', 'forward', 'backward'),
                  padding=(None, extrapolation.ONE, extrapolation.BOUNDARY,
                           extrapolation.PERIODIC, extrapolation.SYMMETRIC),
                  dx=(0.1, 1),
                      ('x', 'y'),
     for case_dict in [
             dict(zip(cases, v)) for v in product(*cases.values())
         grad = math.gradient(meshgrid, **case_dict)
         inner = grad.x[1:-1].y[1:-1]
         math.assert_close(inner.spatial_gradient[0].vector[1], 0)
         math.assert_close(inner.spatial_gradient[1].vector[0], 0)
                           1 / case_dict['dx'])
                           1 / case_dict['dx'])
         self.assertEqual(grad.shape.vector, 2)
         self.assertEqual(grad.shape.spatial_gradient, 2)
         ref_shape = (4, 3) if case_dict['padding'] is not None else ((
             2, 1) if case_dict['difference'] == 'central' else (3, 2))
         self.assertEqual((grad.shape.x, grad.shape.y), ref_shape)
Пример #4
 def test_downsample2x(self):
     meshgrid = math.meshgrid(x=(0, 1, 2, 3), y=(0, -1, -2))
     half_size = math.downsample2x(meshgrid, extrapolation.BOUNDARY)
     math.print(meshgrid, 'Full size')
     math.print(half_size, 'Half size')
     math.assert_close(half_size.vector[0], wrap([[0.5, 2.5], [0.5, 2.5]], spatial('y,x')))
     math.assert_close(half_size.vector[1], wrap([[-0.5, -0.5], [-2, -2]], spatial('y,x')))
Пример #5
 def test_vector_laplace(self):
     meshgrid = math.meshgrid(x=(0, 1, 2, 3), y=(0, -1))
     cases = dict(padding=(extrapolation.ZERO, extrapolation.ONE, extrapolation.BOUNDARY, extrapolation.PERIODIC, extrapolation.SYMMETRIC),
                  dx=(0.1, 1),
                  dims=(None, ('x',), ('y',), ('x', 'y')))
     for case_dict in [dict(zip(cases, v)) for v in product(*cases.values())]:
         laplace = math.laplace(meshgrid, **case_dict)
Пример #6
 def test_grid_sample(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             grid = math.sum(math.meshgrid(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[0, 3]), 'vector')  # 1 2 3 | 4 5 6
             coords = math.tensor([(0, 0), (0.5, 0), (0, 0.5), (-2, -1)], instance('list'), channel('vector'))
             interp = math.grid_sample(grid, coords, extrapolation.ZERO)
             math.assert_close(interp, [1, 1.5, 2.5, 0], msg=backend.name)
Пример #7
 def test_upsample2x(self):
     meshgrid = math.meshgrid(x=(0, 1, 2, 3), y=(0, -1, -2))
     double_size = math.upsample2x(meshgrid, extrapolation.BOUNDARY)
     same_size = math.downsample2x(double_size)
     math.print(meshgrid, 'Normal size')
     math.print(double_size, 'Double size')
     math.print(same_size, 'Same size')
     math.assert_close(meshgrid.x[1:-1].y[1:-1], same_size.x[1:-1].y[1:-1])
Пример #8
 def center(self):
     local_coords = math.meshgrid(
             dim: math.linspace(0.5 / size, 1 - 0.5 / size, size)
             for dim, size in zip(self.resolution.names,
     points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
     return points
Пример #9
 def test_grid_sample(self):
     for backend in (math.NUMPY_BACKEND, tf.TF_BACKEND,
         with backend:
             grid = math.sum(math.meshgrid(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[0, 3]),
                             'vector')  # 1 2 3 | 4 5 6
             coords = math.tensor([(0, 0), (0.5, 0), (0, 0.5), (-2, -1)],
                                  names=('list', 'vector'))
             interp = math.grid_sample(grid, coords, extrapolation.ZERO)
             math.assert_close(interp, [1, 1.5, 2.5, 0])
Пример #10
 def test_reduction_properties(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             t = math.meshgrid(x=2, y=2)
             self.assertEqual(0.5, t.mean)
             self.assertEqual(0.5, t.std)
             self.assertEqual(1, t.max)
             self.assertEqual(0, t.min)
             self.assertEqual(4, t.sum)
             self.assertEqual(False, t.all)
             self.assertEqual(True, t.any)
Пример #11
 def test_fourier_laplace_2d_periodic(self):
     """test for convergence of the laplace operator"""
     test_params = {
         'size': [16, 32, 40],
         'L': [1, 2, 3],  # NOTE: Cannot test with less than 1 full wavelength
     test_cases = [dict(zip(test_params, v)) for v in product(*test_params.values())]
     for params in test_cases:
         vec = math.meshgrid(x=params['size'], y=params['size'])
         sine_field = math.prod(math.sin(2 * PI * params['L'] * vec / params['size'] + 1), 'vector')
         sin_lap_ref = - 2 * (2 * PI * params['L'] / params['size']) ** 2 * sine_field  # leading 2 from from x-y cross terms
         sin_lap = math.fourier_laplace(sine_field, 1)
         # try:
         math.assert_close(sin_lap, sin_lap_ref, rel_tolerance=0, abs_tolerance=1e-5)
Пример #12
    def center(self):
        Center point of the box or batch of boxes.
        The shape of the location extends the shape of the Box instance by a `vector` dimension.
        :return: Tensor describing the center location(s)



        local_coords = math.meshgrid(
                dim: math.linspace(0.5 / size, 1 - 0.5 / size, size)
                for dim, size in self.resolution.named_sizes
        points = self.bounds.local_to_global(local_coords)
        return points
Пример #13
 def test_slice_by_int_tensor(self):
     indices = math.meshgrid(x=2, y=2)
     sel = indices.x[wrap((1, 0), spatial('x'))]
     math.assert_close((1, 0), sel.vector['x'].y[0])
Пример #14
 def test_slice_by_bool_tensor(self):
     indices = math.meshgrid(x=2, y=2)
     sel = indices.x[wrap((True, False), spatial('x'))]
     self.assertEqual(1, sel.x.size)
Пример #15
 def test_pad_negative(self):
     a = math.meshgrid(x=4, y=3)
     p = math.pad(a, {'x': (-1, -1), 'y': (1, -1)}, ZERO)
     math.assert_close(p.y[1:], a.x[1:-1].y[:-1])