Пример #1
 def test_scatter_update_1d_batched(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             # Only base batched
             base = math.zeros(spatial(x=4)) + math.tensor([0, 1])
             indices = math.wrap([1, 2], instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 12], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([(0, 1), (11, 11), (12, 12), (0, 1)], spatial('x'), channel('vector')), msg=backend.name)
             # Only values batched
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
             indices = math.wrap([1, 2], instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([[11, 12], [-11, -12]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[1, 11, 12, 1], [1, -11, -12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
             # Only indices batched
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
             indices = math.wrap([[0, 1], [1, 2]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 12], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[11, 12, 1, 1], [1, 11, 12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
             # Everything batched
             base = math.zeros(spatial(x=4)) + math.tensor([0, 1], batch('batch'))
             indices = math.wrap([[0, 1], [1, 2]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([[11, 12], [-11, -12]], batch('batch'), instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[11, 12, 0, 0], [1, -11, -12, 1]], batch('batch'), spatial('x')), msg=backend.name)
Пример #2
    def _stagger_sample(self, box, resolution):
    Samples this field on a staggered grid.
    In addition to sampling, extrapolates the field using an occupancy mask generated from the points.
        :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
        :param resolution: grid resolution
        :return: StaggeredGrid
        resolution = np.array(resolution)
        valid_indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points))
        valid_indices = math.minimum(math.maximum(0, valid_indices), resolution - 1)
        # Correct format for math.scatter
        valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

        active_mask = math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, 1, math.concat([[valid_indices.shape[0]], resolution, [1]], axis=-1), duplicates_handling='any')

        mask = math.pad(active_mask, [[0, 0]] + [[1, 1]] * self.rank + [[0, 0]], "constant")

        if isinstance(self.data, (int, float, np.ndarray)):
            values = math.zeros_like(self.sample_points) + self.data
            values = self.data
        result = []
        ones_1d = math.unstack(math.ones_like(values), axis=-1)[0]
        staggered_shape = [i + 1 for i in resolution]
        dx = box.size / resolution

        dims = range(len(resolution))
        for d in dims: 
            staggered_offset = math.stack([(0.5 * dx[i] * ones_1d if i == d else 0.0 * ones_1d) for i in dims], axis=-1)

            indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points + staggered_offset))
            valid_indices = math.maximum(0, math.minimum(indices, resolution))
            valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)

            values_d = math.expand_dims(math.unstack(values, axis=-1)[d], axis=-1)
            result.append(math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, values_d, [indices.shape[0]] + staggered_shape + [1], duplicates_handling=self.mode))

            d_slice = tuple([(slice(0, -2) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            u_slice = tuple([(slice(2, None) if i == d else slice(1,-1)) for i in dims])
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + d_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
            active_mask = math.minimum(mask[(slice(None),) + u_slice + (slice(None),)], active_mask)
        staggered_tensor_prep = unstack_staggered_tensor(math.concat(result, axis=-1))
        grid_values = StaggeredGrid(staggered_tensor_prep)
        # Fix values at boundary of liquids (using StaggeredGrid these might not receive a value, so we replace it with a value inside the liquid)
        grid_values, _ = extrapolate(grid_values, active_mask, voxel_distance=2)
        return grid_values
Пример #3
 def test_scatter_1d(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=4))
             indices = math.wrap([1, 2], instance('points'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 12], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, [1, 11, 12, 1])
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='add', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, [1, 12, 13, 1])
             # with vector dim
             indices = math.expand(indices, channel(vector=1))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, [1, 11, 12, 1])
Пример #4
 def _grid_sample(self, box, resolution):
 Samples this field on a regular grid.
     :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
     :param resolution: grid resolution
     :return: CenteredGrid
     sample_indices_nd = math.to_int(
         math.round(box.global_to_local(self.sample_points) * resolution))
     sample_indices_nd = math.minimum(
         math.maximum(0, sample_indices_nd), resolution - 1
     )  # Snap outside points to edges, otherwise scatter raises an error
     # Correct format for math.scatter
     valid_indices = _batch_indices(sample_indices_nd)
     shape = (math.shape(
         self.data)[0], ) + tuple(resolution) + (self.data.shape[-1], )
     scattered = math.scatter(self.sample_points,
     return CenteredGrid(data=scattered,
                         name=self.name + '_centered')
Пример #5
 def test_scatter_add_2d(self):
     for backend in BACKENDS:
         with backend:
             base = math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=2))
             indices = math.wrap([(0, 0), (0, 0), (0, 1), (2, 1)], instance('points'), channel('vector'))
             values = math.wrap([11, 11, 12, 13], instance('points'))
             updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='add', outside_handling='undefined')
             math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[23, 1, 1], [13, 1, 14]], spatial('y,x')))
Пример #6
 def _grid_sample(self, box, resolution):
 Samples this field on a regular grid.
     :param box: physical dimensions of the grid
     :param resolution: grid resolution
     :return: CenteredGrid
     valid_indices = math.to_int(math.floor(self.sample_points))
     valid_indices = math.minimum(math.maximum(0, valid_indices), resolution - 1)
     # Correct format for math.scatter
     valid_indices = batch_indices(valid_indices)
     scattered = math.scatter(self.sample_points, valid_indices, self.data, math.concat([[valid_indices.shape[0]], resolution, [1]], axis=-1), duplicates_handling=self.mode)
     return CenteredGrid(data=scattered, box=box, extrapolation='constant', name=self.name+'_centered')
Пример #7
    def grid_scatter(self, bounds: Box, resolution: math.Shape, outside_handling: str):
        Approximately samples this field on a regular grid using math.scatter().

          outside_handling: `str` passed to `phi.math.scatter()`.
          bounds: physical dimensions of the grid
          resolution: grid resolution


        closest_index = bounds.global_to_local(self.points) * resolution - 0.5
        mode = 'add' if self._add_overlapping else 'mean'
        base = math.zeros(resolution)
        if isinstance(self.extrapolation, math.extrapolation.ConstantExtrapolation):
            base += self.extrapolation.value
        scattered = math.scatter(base, closest_index, self.values, mode=mode, outside_handling=outside_handling)
        return scattered
Пример #8
    def _grid_scatter(self, box: Box, resolution: math.Shape):
        Approximately samples this field on a regular grid using math.scatter().

          box: physical dimensions of the grid
          resolution: grid resolution
          box: Box: 
          resolution: math.Shape: 


        closest_index = math.to_int(math.round(box.global_to_local(self.points) * resolution - 0.5))
        if self._add_overlapping:
            duplicates_handling = 'add'
            duplicates_handling = 'mean'
        scattered = math.scatter(closest_index, self.values, resolution, duplicates_handling=duplicates_handling, outside_handling='discard', scatter_dims=('points',))
        return scattered
Пример #9
 def test_scatter_2d_discard(self):
     base = math.ones(spatial(x=3, y=2))
     indices = math.wrap([(-1, 0), (0, 1), (3, 1)], instance('points'), channel('vector'))
     values = math.wrap([11, 12, 13], instance('points'))
     updated = math.scatter(base, indices, values, mode='update', outside_handling='discard')
     math.assert_close(updated, math.tensor([[1, 1, 1], [12, 1, 1]], spatial('y,x')))