Пример #1
def parseJoint(joint):



    jointdict = {a: joint.attrib[a] for a in joint.attrib}
    pose = parsePose(joint.find('origin'))
    jointdict['parent'] = joint.find('parent').attrib['link']
    jointdict['child'] = joint.find('child').attrib['link']
    axis = joint.find('axis')
    if axis is not None:
        jointdict['axis'] = gUtils.parse_text(axis.attrib['xyz'])
    limit = joint.find('limit')
    if limit is not None:
        jointdict['limits'] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(limit.attrib[a]) for a in limit.attrib}
    for category in ('dynamics', 'calibration', 'safety_controller', 'mimic'):
        data = joint.find(category)
            jointdict[category] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(data.attrib[a]) for a in data.attrib}
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # no such category
    return jointdict, pose
Пример #2
def parseJoint(joint):



    jointdict = {a: joint.attrib[a] for a in joint.attrib}
    pose = parsePose(joint.find('origin'))
    jointdict['parent'] = joint.find('parent').attrib['link']
    jointdict['child'] = joint.find('child').attrib['link']
    axis = joint.find('axis')
    if axis is not None:
        jointdict['axis'] = gUtils.parse_text(axis.attrib['xyz'])
    limit = joint.find('limit')
    if limit is not None:
        jointdict['limits'] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(limit.attrib[a]) for a in limit.attrib}
    for category in ('dynamics', 'calibration', 'safety_controller', 'mimic'):
        data = joint.find(category)
            jointdict[category] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(data.attrib[a]) for a in data.attrib}
        except AttributeError:
            pass  # no such category
    return jointdict, pose
Пример #3
def parseLink(link, sourcefilepath=None):
    """This function parses the link from the given link dict object.

    :param link: The link you want to

    #print(link.attrib['name'] + ', ', end='')
    newlink = {a: link.attrib[a] for a in link.attrib}

    link_name = link.attrib['name']

    parseInertial(newlink, link)
    #no_visual_geo = parseVisual(newlink, link)
    #no_collision_geo = parseCollision(newlink, link)
    #handle_missing_geometry(no_visual_geo, no_collision_geo, newlink)
    #parse visual and collision objects
    for objtype in ['visual', 'collision']:
        newlink[objtype] = {}
        i = 0
        for xmlelement in link.iter(objtype):
                elementname = xmlelement.attrib['name']
            except KeyError:
                elementname = objtype + '_' + str(i) + '_' + newlink['name']
                i += 1
            newlink[objtype][elementname] = {a: xmlelement.attrib[a] for a in xmlelement.attrib}
            dictelement = newlink[objtype][elementname]
            dictelement['name'] = elementname
            dictelement['pose'] = parsePose(xmlelement.find('origin'))
            geometry = xmlelement.find('geometry')
            if geometry is not None:
                dictelement['geometry'] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib[a]) for a in geometry[0].attrib}
                dictelement['geometry']['type'] = geometry[0].tag
                if geometry[0].tag == 'mesh':
                    dictelement['geometry']['filename'] = geometry[0].attrib['filename']
                    if sourcefilepath:
                        dictelement['geometry']['sourcefilepath'] = sourcefilepath
                        dictelement['geometry']['scale'] = gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib['scale'])
                    except KeyError:
                        dictelement['geometry']['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            material = xmlelement.find('material')
            if material is not None:
                dictelement['material'] = {'name': material.attrib['name']}
                # We don't need to do the following, as any material with color or texture
                # will be parsed in the parsing of materials in parseModel
                # This might be necessary if there are name conflicts etc.
                #color = material.find('color')
                #if color is not None:
                #    dictelement['material']['color'] = parse_text(color.attrib['rgba'])
    #element_order['viscol'][link_name] = viscol_order
    if newlink == {}:
        print("\n### WARNING:", newlink['name'], "is empty.")
    return newlink
Пример #4
def parseJoint(joint):
    newjoint = {a: joint.attrib[a] for a in joint.attrib}
    pose = parsePose(joint.find('origin'))
    newjoint['parent'] = joint.find('parent').attrib['link']
    newjoint['child'] = joint.find('child').attrib['link']
    axis = joint.find('axis')
    if axis is not None:
        newjoint['axis'] = gUtils.parse_text(axis.attrib['xyz'])
    limit = joint.find('limit')
    if limit is not None:
        newjoint['limits'] = {a: gUtils.parse_text(limit.attrib[a]) for a in limit.attrib}
    return newjoint, pose
Пример #5
def parsePose(origin):
    """This function parses the robot models pose and returns it as a dictionary.

    :param origin: The origin blender object to parse the pose from.
    :type orign: blender object.
    :return: dict -- The origins pose.

    pose = {}
    if origin is not None:
            pose['translation'] = gUtils.parse_text(origin.attrib['xyz'])
        except KeyError:
            pose['translation'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            pose['rotation_euler'] = gUtils.parse_text(origin.attrib['rpy'])
        except KeyError:
            pose['rotation_euler'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pose['translation'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pose['rotation_euler'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    return pose
Пример #6
def parsePose(origin):
    """This function parses the robot models pose and returns it as a dictionary.

      origin: The origin blender object to parse the pose from.

      : dict -- The origins pose.

    pose = {}
    if origin is not None:
            pose['translation'] = gUtils.parse_text(origin.attrib['xyz'])
        except KeyError:
            pose['translation'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            pose['rotation_euler'] = gUtils.parse_text(origin.attrib['rpy'])
        except KeyError:
            pose['rotation_euler'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pose['translation'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        pose['rotation_euler'] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    return pose
Пример #7
def parseLink(link, urdffilepath):
    """Parses a URDF link xml definition.

      link(xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree): xml representation of the link
      urdffilepath(str): path of originating urdf file (for filename handling)

      : dict -- model representation of the link

    newlink = {a: link.attrib[a] for a in link.attrib}
    newlink['children'] = []
    inertial = parseInertial(link)
    if inertial:
        newlink['inertial'] = inertial

    for objtype in ['visual', 'collision']:
        log('   Parsing ' + objtype + ' elements...', 'DEBUG')
        newlink[objtype] = {}
        for xmlelement in link.iter(objtype):
            # generate name for visual/collision representation
            if 'name' not in xmlelement.attrib:
                elementname = objtype + '_' + str(len(newlink[objtype])) + '_' + newlink['name']
                elementname = xmlelement.attrib['name']

            # assign values to element dictionary
            elementdict = {a: xmlelement.attrib[a] for a in xmlelement.attrib}
            elementdict['name'] = elementname
            elementdict['pose'] = parsePose(xmlelement.find('origin'))

            # gather material
            material = xmlelement.find('material')
            if material is not None:
                elementdict['material'] = material.attrib['name']

            # objects without geometry skip the last part
            geometry = xmlelement.find('geometry')
            if geometry is None:
                newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

            # gather geometry information for visual/collision
            elementdict['geometry'] = {
                a: gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib[a]) for a in geometry[0].attrib
            elementdict['geometry']['type'] = geometry[0].tag

            # gather mesh information
            if geometry[0].tag == 'mesh':
                # interpret filename
                filename = geometry[0].attrib['filename']
                filepath = path.normpath(path.join(path.dirname(urdffilepath), filename))
                    "     Filepath for element "
                    + elementname
                    + ': '
                    + path.relpath(filepath, start=urdffilepath),

                # Remove 'urdf/package://{package_name}' to workaround the lack of rospack here,
                # assuming the urdf file is in the 'urdf' folder and meshes are in the 'meshes'
                # folder at the same level.
                if 'package://' in filepath:
                    filepath = re.sub(r'(.*)urdf/package://([^/]+)/(.*)', '\\1\\3', filepath)
                elementdict['geometry']['filename'] = filepath

                # read scale
                if 'scale' in geometry[0].attrib:
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = gUtils.parse_text(
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

    if newlink == {}:
        log("Link information for " + newlink['name'] + " is empty.", 'WARNING')
    return newlink
Пример #8
def importUrdf(filepath):
    """Parses the URDF representation of the model and builds a model dictionary from it.
    The URDF file is opened from the filepath. If it does not exist, an empty dictionary is

      filepath: str

      dict -- model representation of the URDF file

    model = {}

    log("Parsing URDF model from " + filepath, 'INFO')

    if not path.exists(filepath):
        log("Could not open URDF file. File not found: " + filepath, 'ERROR')
        return {}

    # load element tree from file
    tree = ET.parse(filepath)
    root = tree.getroot()
    model['name'] = root.attrib['name']
    if 'version' in root.attrib:
        model['version'] = root.attrib['version']

    links = {}
    log("Parsing links...", 'INFO')
    for link in root.iter('link'):
        log(" Adding link {}.".format(link.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
        links[link.attrib['name']] = parseLink(link, filepath)
    model['links'] = links

    joints = {}
    log("Parsing joints...", 'INFO')
    for joint in root.iter('joint'):
        # this is needed as there are "joint" tags e.g. in transmission
        if joint.find('parent') is not None:
            # parse joint from elementtree
            log(" Adding joint {} ...".format(joint.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
            newjoint, pose = parseJoint(joint)
            model['links'][newjoint['child']]['pose'] = pose
            joints[newjoint['name']] = newjoint

            # add parent-child hierarchy to link information
            parentlink = model['links'][newjoint['parent']]
            childlink = model['links'][newjoint['child']]
            childlink['parent'] = newjoint['parent']
                "   ... and connected parent link {} to {}.".format(
                    parentlink['name'], childlink['name']
    model['joints'] = joints

    # find any links that still have no pose (most likely because they had no parent)
    for link in links:
        if 'pose' not in links[link]:
            links[link]['pose'] = parsePose(None)

    log("Parsing materials...", 'INFO')
    materials = {}
    for material in root.iter('material'):
        color = material.find('color')

        # add only materials with specified color
        if color is not None:
            log(" Adding material {}.".format(material.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
            newmat = {a: material.attrib[a] for a in material.attrib}
            newmat['diffuse'] = gUtils.parse_text(color.attrib['rgba'])
            newmat['specular'] = (1., 1., 1.)

            # duplicates are overwritten, but not silent
            if newmat['name'] in materials:
                log(" Overwriting duplicate material {}!".format(newmat['name']), 'WARNING')
            materials[newmat['name']] = newmat
    model['materials'] = materials

    return model
Пример #9
def parseLink(link, urdffilepath=None):
    """Parses a URDF link xml definition.

      link: link to be parsed
      urdffilepath: path of originating urdf file (for filename handling) (Default value = None)


    newlink = {a: link.attrib[a] for a in link.attrib}
    newlink['children'] = []
    log('Parsing link ' + newlink['name'] + '...', 'INFO')
    inertial = parseInertial(link)
    if inertial:
        newlink['inertial'] = inertial
    # TODO delete me?
    #no_visual_geo = parseVisual(newlink, link)
    #no_collision_geo = parseCollision(newlink, link)
    #handle_missing_geometry(no_visual_geo, no_collision_geo, newlink)
    #parse visual and collision objects
    for objtype in ['visual', 'collision']:
        log('Parsing ' + objtype + ' elements...', 'INFO')
        newlink[objtype] = {}
        for xmlelement in link.iter(objtype):
                elementname = xmlelement.attrib['name']
            except KeyError:
                elementname = objtype + '_' + str(len(
                    newlink[objtype])) + '_' + newlink['name']
            newlink[objtype][elementname] = {
                a: xmlelement.attrib[a]
                for a in xmlelement.attrib
            elementdict = newlink[objtype][elementname]
            # TODO delete me?
            elementdict['name'] = elementname
            elementdict['pose'] = parsePose(xmlelement.find('origin'))
            geometry = xmlelement.find('geometry')
            if geometry is not None:
                elementdict['geometry'] = {
                    a: gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib[a])
                    for a in geometry[0].attrib
                elementdict['geometry']['type'] = geometry[0].tag
                if geometry[0].tag == 'mesh':
                    # interpret filename
                    filename = geometry[0].attrib['filename']
                    filepath = path.normpath(
                        path.join(path.dirname(urdffilepath), filename))
                        'filepath for element ' + elementname + ': ' +
                        filepath, 'DEBUG')
                    # Remove 'urdf/package://{package_name}' to workaround the lack of rospack here, assuming the
                    # urdf file is in the 'urdf' folder and meshes are in the 'meshes' folder at the same level.
                    if 'package://' in filepath:
                        filepath = re.sub(r'(.*)urdf/package://([^/]+)/(.*)',
                                          '\\1\\3', filepath)
                    elementdict['geometry']['filename'] = filepath
                    # read scale
                        elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = gUtils.parse_text(
                    except KeyError:
                        elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

            material = xmlelement.find('material')
            if material is not None:
                elementdict['material'] = material.attrib['name']
    #element_order['viscol'][link_name] = viscol_order
    if newlink == {}:
        # TODO convert to log?
        print("\n### WARNING:", newlink['name'], "is empty.")
    return newlink
Пример #10
def importUrdf(filepath):
    """This function parses the whole URDF representation of the model and builds the model dictionary from it.
    The created model is stored in the model value of the parser and the URDF file is specified by the filepath
    given to the Parser.

    :return: Nothing.



    model = {}
    # TODO delete me?
    #element_order = {'links': [], 'joints': [], 'viscol': {}, 'materials': []}
    log("Parsing URDF model from " + filepath, "INFO")
    # TODO filepath consistency?
    tree = ET.parse(filepath)
    # TODO comment needed?
    root = tree.getroot()  #[0]
    model["name"] = root.attrib["name"]
    if 'version' in root.attrib:
        model["version"] = root.attrib['version']

    # parse links
    links = {}
    log("Parsing links...", "INFO")
    for link in root.iter('link'):
        links[link.attrib['name']] = parseLink(link, filepath)
        # TODO delete me?
        #viscol_order = {'visual': [], 'collision': []}
    model['links'] = links

    # parse joints
    joints = {}
    log("Parsing joints...", "INFO")
    for joint in root.iter('joint'):
        # this is needed as there are "joint" tags e.g. in transmission
        if joint.find('parent') is not None:
            newjoint, pose = parseJoint(joint)
            # TODO delete me?
            model['links'][newjoint['child']]['pose'] = pose
            joints[newjoint['name']] = newjoint
    model['joints'] = joints

    # find any links that still have no pose (most likely because they had no parent)
    for link in links:
        if 'pose' not in links[link]:
            links[link]['pose'] = parsePose(None)

    # write parent-child information to links
    log("Writing parent-child information to links...", "INFO")
    for j in model['joints']:
        joint = model['joints'][j]
        parentlink = model['links'][joint['parent']]
        childlink = model['links'][joint['child']]
        childlink['parent'] = joint['parent']

    # parse materials
    log("Parsing materials..", 'INFO')
    materiallist = []
    for material in root.iter('material'):
        newmaterial = {a: material.attrib[a] for a in material.attrib}
        color = material.find('color')
        if color is not None:
            newmaterial['color'] = gUtils.parse_text(color.attrib['rgba'])
            materiallist.append(newmaterial)  # simply overwrite duplicates
    for m in materiallist:
        materials.createMaterial(m['name'], tuple(m['color'][0:3]), (1, 1, 1),
    model['materials'] = {m['name']: m for m in materiallist}
    # TODO delete me?
    return model
Пример #11
def parseLink(link, urdffilepath):
    """Parses a URDF link xml definition.

      link(xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree): xml representation of the link
      urdffilepath(str): path of originating urdf file (for filename handling)

      : dict -- model representation of the link

    newlink = {a: link.attrib[a] for a in link.attrib}
    newlink['children'] = []
    inertial = parseInertial(link)
    if inertial:
        newlink['inertial'] = inertial

    for objtype in ['visual', 'collision']:
        log('   Parsing ' + objtype + ' elements...', 'DEBUG')
        newlink[objtype] = {}
        for xmlelement in link.iter(objtype):
            # generate name for visual/collision representation
            if 'name' not in xmlelement.attrib:
                elementname = objtype + '_' + str(len(newlink[objtype])) + '_' + newlink['name']
                elementname = xmlelement.attrib['name']

            # assign values to element dictionary
            elementdict = {a: xmlelement.attrib[a] for a in xmlelement.attrib}
            elementdict['name'] = elementname
            elementdict['pose'] = parsePose(xmlelement.find('origin'))

            # gather material
            material = xmlelement.find('material')
            if material is not None:
                elementdict['material'] = material.attrib['name']

            # objects without geometry skip the last part
            geometry = xmlelement.find('geometry')
            if geometry is None:
                newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

            # gather geometry information for visual/collision
            elementdict['geometry'] = {
                a: gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib[a]) for a in geometry[0].attrib
            elementdict['geometry']['type'] = geometry[0].tag

            # gather mesh information
            if geometry[0].tag == 'mesh':
                # interpret filename
                filename = geometry[0].attrib['filename']
                filepath = path.normpath(path.join(path.dirname(urdffilepath), filename))
                    "     Filepath for element "
                    + elementname
                    + ': '
                    + path.relpath(filepath, start=urdffilepath),

                # Remove 'urdf/package://{package_name}' to workaround the lack of rospack here,
                # assuming the urdf file is in the 'urdf' folder and meshes are in the 'meshes'
                # folder at the same level.
                if 'package://' in filepath:
                    filepath = re.sub(r'(.*)urdf/package://([^/]+)/(.*)', '\\1\\3', filepath)
                elementdict['geometry']['filename'] = filepath

                # read scale
                if 'scale' in geometry[0].attrib:
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = gUtils.parse_text(
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

    if newlink == {}:
        log("Link information for " + newlink['name'] + " is empty.", 'WARNING')
    return newlink
Пример #12
def importUrdf(filepath):
    """Parses the URDF representation of the model and builds a model dictionary from it.
    The URDF file is opened from the filepath. If it does not exist, an empty dictionary is

      filepath: str

      dict -- model representation of the URDF file

    model = {}

    log("Parsing URDF model from " + filepath, 'INFO')

    if not path.exists(filepath):
        log("Could not open URDF file. File not found: " + filepath, 'ERROR')
        return {}

    # load element tree from file
    tree = ET.parse(filepath)
    root = tree.getroot()
    model['name'] = root.attrib['name']
    if 'version' in root.attrib:
        model['version'] = root.attrib['version']

    links = {}
    log("Parsing links...", 'INFO')
    for link in root.iter('link'):
        log(" Adding link {}.".format(link.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
        links[link.attrib['name']] = parseLink(link, filepath)
    model['links'] = links

    joints = {}
    log("Parsing joints...", 'INFO')
    for joint in root.iter('joint'):
        # this is needed as there are "joint" tags e.g. in transmission
        if joint.find('parent') is not None:
            # parse joint from elementtree
            log(" Adding joint {} ...".format(joint.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
            newjoint, pose = parseJoint(joint)
            model['links'][newjoint['child']]['pose'] = pose
            joints[newjoint['name']] = newjoint

            # add parent-child hierarchy to link information
            parentlink = model['links'][newjoint['parent']]
            childlink = model['links'][newjoint['child']]
            childlink['parent'] = newjoint['parent']
                "   ... and connected parent link {} to {}.".format(
                    parentlink['name'], childlink['name']
    model['joints'] = joints

    # find any links that still have no pose (most likely because they had no parent)
    for link in links:
        if 'pose' not in links[link]:
            links[link]['pose'] = parsePose(None)

    log("Parsing materials...", 'INFO')
    materials = {}
    for material in root.iter('material'):
        color = material.find('color')

        # add only materials with specified color
        if color is not None:
            log(" Adding material {}.".format(material.attrib['name']), 'DEBUG')
            newmat = {a: material.attrib[a] for a in material.attrib}
            newmat['diffuse'] = gUtils.parse_text(color.attrib['rgba'])
            newmat['specular'] = (1., 1., 1.)

            # duplicates are overwritten, but not silent
            if newmat['name'] in materials:
                log(" Overwriting duplicate material {}!".format(newmat['name']), 'WARNING')
            materials[newmat['name']] = newmat
    model['materials'] = materials

    return model
Пример #13
def parseLink(link, urdffilepath):
    """Parses a URDF link xml definition.

      link(xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree): xml representation of the link
      urdffilepath(str): path of originating urdf file (for filename handling)

      : dict -- model representation of the link

    newlink = {a: link.attrib[a] for a in link.attrib}
    newlink['children'] = []
    inertial = parseInertial(link)
    if inertial:
        newlink['inertial'] = inertial

    for objtype in ['visual', 'collision']:
        log('   Parsing ' + objtype + ' elements...', 'DEBUG')
        newlink[objtype] = {}
        for xmlelement in link.iter(objtype):
            # generate name for visual/collision representation
            if 'name' not in xmlelement.attrib:
                elementname = objtype + '_' + str(len(
                    newlink[objtype])) + '_' + newlink['name']
                elementname = xmlelement.attrib['name']

            # assign values to element dictionary
            elementdict = {a: xmlelement.attrib[a] for a in xmlelement.attrib}
            elementdict['name'] = elementname
            elementdict['pose'] = parsePose(xmlelement.find('origin'))

            # gather material
            material = xmlelement.find('material')
            if material is not None:
                elementdict['material'] = material.attrib['name']

            # objects without geometry skip the last part
            geometry = xmlelement.find('geometry')
            if geometry is None:
                newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

            # gather geometry information for visual/collision
            elementdict['geometry'] = {
                a: gUtils.parse_text(geometry[0].attrib[a])
                for a in geometry[0].attrib
            elementdict['geometry']['type'] = geometry[0].tag

            # gather mesh information
            if geometry[0].tag == 'mesh':
                # interpret filename

                filename = geometry[0].attrib['filename']

                # Some URDFs use rospack "package://" or "urdf/package://"
                # We'll assume the package root is in Phobos models dir
                filename = filename.split('package://')[-1]
                phobos_models = bUtils.getPhobosPreferences().modelsfolder
                filepath = path.join(phobos_models, filename)
                elementdict['geometry']['filename'] = filepath
                    "Filepath for {element} mesh: {path}".format(
                        element=elementname, path=filepath), 'DEBUG')

                # read scale
                if 'scale' in geometry[0].attrib:
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = gUtils.parse_text(
                    elementdict['geometry']['scale'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
            newlink[objtype][elementname] = elementdict

    if newlink == {}:
        log("Link information for " + newlink['name'] + " is empty.",
    return newlink