Пример #1
    def test_context(self):
                class TestLops.test_context

        # missing asterisk :
        phoneticsegments_list = []
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        with self.assertRaises(PhoSegError):
            lops.context(10, "VC")

        # several asterisks :
        phoneticsegments_list = []
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        with self.assertRaises(PhoSegError):
            lops.context(10, "C*VC*")

        # asterisk in position #0 :
        phoneticsegments_list = []
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        with self.assertRaises(PhoSegError):
            lops.context(10, "*VC")

        # empty string but everything's ok :
        phoneticsegments_list = []
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        self.assertEqual(lops.context(10, "V*C"), False)

        # nothing's special, everything's ok :
        phoneticsegments_list = [ps[0] for ps in PhoSegObject(ipa="tapa").get_phonemes()]
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        self.assertEqual(lops.context(1, "CV*C"), True)

        # nothing's special, everything's ok :
        phoneticsegments_list = [ps[0] for ps in PhoSegObject(ipa="tapa").get_phonemes()]
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        self.assertEqual(lops.context(0, "C*VC"), True)

        # nothing's special, everything's ok :
        phoneticsegments_list = [ps[0] for ps in PhoSegObject(ipa="tapa").get_phonemes()]
        lops = LOPhoneticSegments(phoneticsegments_list)
        self.assertEqual(lops.context(3, "CVCV*"), True)
Пример #2
def LATsyllabication(list_of_phonemes):
            Return a list of Syllable objects.
            This function uses the SSP principle.

            list_of_phonemes      : (str) string written with the IPA format.

            basic Latin syllabication :
            * (rule #1) V - CV
            * (rule #2) VC - CV
    if len(list_of_phonemes)==0:
        return []

    lops = LOPhoneticSegments(list_of_phonemes)

    res = []

    # we add at least one syllable :
    res.append( Syllable() )

    last_sonority = -1
    position = "onset" # = onset/nucleus/coda
    for index_p, phon in enumerate(list_of_phonemes):

        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        # <phon> is a vowel :
        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        if phon.is_a_vowel():

            # current position : onset
            # (t*,,) -> (t,i,)
            if position == "onset":
                position = "nucleus"
                res[-1].nucleus.append( phon )

            # current position : nucleus or coda
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,)(,i,)
            # (,a,p*) -> (,a,p)(,i,)
                res.append( Syllable() )
                res[-1].nucleus.append( phon )
                position = "nucleus"

        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        # <phon> is a consonant or a semi-vowel :
        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

            # current position : onset
            # (f*,,) -> (fr,,)          : sonorority is increasing
            # (f*,,) -> (f,,)(t,,)      : sonorority is decreasing or equal
            if position == "onset":
                if phon.get_sonority()>last_sonority:
                    position = "onset"
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

            # current position : nucleus
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,p)
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,)(p,i,)     rule #1 : VCV -> V_CV
            elif position == 'nucleus':
                if phon.is_a_semivowel() or lops.context(index_p, "VC*V"):
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                    position = "coda"
                    res[-1].coda.append( phon )

                # current position : coda
                # (d,i,s*) -> (d,i,s)(p,e,)     : rule #2
                # (,a,f*) -> (,a,f)(r,,)        : sonorority is increasing
                # (,a,f*) -> (,a,ft)            : sonorority is decreasing or equal
                if lops.context(index_p, "VCC*V") or lops.context(index_p, "VCCC*V"):
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                elif phon.get_sonority()>last_sonority:
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )
                    position = "coda"
                    res[-1].coda.append( phon )

        last_sonority = phon.get_sonority()

    return res
Пример #3
def GRCsyllabication(list_of_phonemes):
            Return a list of Syllable objects.
            This function uses the SSP principle.

            list_of_phonemes      : (str) string written with the IPA format.

            Ancient Greek (without correptio attica)  syllabication :
            * (rule #1) V - CV
            * (rule #2) VC - CV
            * (rule #3) VC - CCV ἔσφιγξα = ˈespʰiŋ|ksa, not ˈespʰiŋk|sa
    if len(list_of_phonemes)==0:
        return []

    lops = LOPhoneticSegments(list_of_phonemes)

    res = []

    # we add at least one syllable :
    res.append( Syllable() )

    last_sonority = -1
    position = "onset" # = onset/nucleus/coda
    for index_p, phon in enumerate(list_of_phonemes):

        # "h" is a special sound :
        phon_is_the_h_sound = phon.is_the_h_sound()

        # "j" is a special sound :
        phon_is_the_j_sound = phon.is_the_j_sound()

        # "w" is a special sound :
        phon_is_the_w_sound = phon.is_the_w_sound()

        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        # <phon> is a vowel or a semivowel : (e.g. 'i')
        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        if (phon.is_a_vowel() or phon.is_a_semivowel()) and \
           not phon_is_the_h_sound and \
           not phon_is_the_j_sound and \
           not phon_is_the_w_sound:

            # current position : onset
            # (t*,,) -> (t,i,)
            if position == "onset":
                position = "nucleus"
                res[-1].nucleus.append( phon )

            # current position : nucleus or coda
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,)(,i,)
            # (,a,p*) -> (,a,p)(,i,)
                res.append( Syllable() )
                res[-1].nucleus.append( phon )
                position = "nucleus"

        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
        # <phon> is a consonant or the "h" sound or the "j" sound or the "w" sound :
        #. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
            # current position : onset
            if position == "onset":
                position = "onset"
                res[-1].onset.append( phon )

            # current position : nucleus
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,p)
            # (,a*,) -> (,a,)(p,i,)     rule #1 : VCV -> V_CV
            elif position == 'nucleus':
                if lops.context(index_p, "VC*V"):
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )
                    position = "coda"
                    # no [h], no [j], no [w] in coda :
                    if not phon_is_the_h_sound and \
                       not phon_is_the_j_sound and \
                       not phon_is_the_w_sound:
                        res[-1].coda.append( phon )
                        # [j], [h] can't be in the coda :
                        position = "onset"
                        res.append( Syllable() )
                        res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                # current position : coda
                # (,i,ŋ*) -> (,i,ŋ)(ks,a)       : rule #3 VC - CCV
                # (d,i,s*) -> (d,i,s)(p,e,)     : rule #2 VC - CV
                # (,a,f*) -> (,a,f)(r,,)        : sonority is increasing
                # (,a,f*) -> (,a,ft)            : sonority is decreasing or equal
                if lops.context(index_p, "VCC*CV"):
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                elif lops.context(index_p, "VCC*V"):
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                elif phon.get_sonority() > last_sonority:
                    position = "onset"
                    res.append( Syllable() )
                    res[-1].onset.append( phon )

                    position = "coda"
                    res[-1].coda.append( phon )

        last_sonority = phon.get_sonority()
    # Moving quasi empty syllables having just a 's' sound in the onset to the
    # coda of the prededing syllable.
    # E.g.      : (b,a)(s,,)(t,i,,) -> (b,a,s)(t,i,)
    for index, syllable in enumerate(res):

        if len(syllable.onset) == 1 and \
           syllable.onset[0].is_the_s_sound() and \
           len(syllable.nucleus) == 0 and \
           len(syllable.coda) == 0:

           res[index-1].coda.append( syllable.onset[0] )
           del( syllable.onset[0] )

    # adding the non-empty syllables to the result.
    #  E.g. (b,a,)(,,)(t,i) -> (b,a,)(t,i)
    _res = []
    for syllable in res:
        if len(syllable.onset) != 0 or \
           len(syllable.coda) != 0 or \
           len(syllable.nucleus) != 0:


    return _res