def page(photon, content, sub=None): from os import path from photon.util.locations import search_location, change_location from photon.util.system import get_timestamp, get_hostname settings = photon.settings.get pwd = path.dirname(__file__) out = path.join(settings['web']['output'], sub if sub else '', 'index.html') search_location(out, create_in=path.dirname(out)) if sub: prfx, sub = '../', '— %s' %(sub) else: prfx, sub = './', '' change_location(path.join(pwd, 'static'), path.join(settings['web']['output'], 'static')) template = photon.template_handler( path.join(pwd, 'main.tpl'), fields=dict( hostname=get_hostname(), prfx=prfx, sub=sub, content=content, timestamp=get_timestamp() ) ) template.write(out, append=False)
def page(photon, content, sub=None): ''' Helps creating webpages by placing the **content** into the ``main.tpl`` and write the output to ``web/output/`` **sub/** ``index.html``. ''' settings = photon.settings.get pwd = path.dirname(__file__) out = path.join(settings['web']['output'], sub if sub else '', 'index.html') search_location(out, create_in=path.dirname(out)) if sub: prfx, sub = '../', '— %s' % (sub) else: prfx, sub = './', '' change_location(path.join(pwd, 'static'), path.join(settings['web']['output'], 'static')) template = photon.template_handler(path.join(pwd, 'main.tpl'), fields=dict(hostname=get_hostname(), prfx=prfx, sub=sub, content=content, timestamp=get_timestamp())) template.write(out, append=False)
def __init__(self, defaults, config='config.yaml', verbose=True): super().__init__() self.__verbose = verbose self.__settings = {'locations': get_locations(), 'files': dict()} loaders = [( '!str_join', yaml_str_join, ), ( '!loc_join', yaml_loc_join, )] defaults, sdict = ('startup import', defaults) if isinstance( defaults, dict) else (search_location(defaults), None) if not self.load( 'defaults', defaults, sdict=sdict, loaders=loaders, merge=True): shell_notify('could not load defaults', state=True, more=dict(defaults=defaults, sdict=sdict)) if config: config = search_location(config, create_in='conf_dir') if self.__settings != self.load( 'config', config, loaders=loaders, merge=True, writeback=True): shell_notify('settings config written', more=config, verbose=verbose)
def __init__(self, defaults, config='config.yaml', verbose=True): super().__init__() self.__verbose = verbose self.__settings = { 'locations': get_locations(), 'files': dict() } loaders = [ ('!str_join', yaml_str_join,), ('!loc_join', yaml_loc_join,) ] defaults, sdict = ( 'startup import', defaults ) if isinstance(defaults, dict) else ( search_location(defaults), None ) if not self.load( 'defaults', defaults, sdict=sdict, loaders=loaders, merge=True ): shell_notify( 'could not load defaults', state=True, more=dict(defaults=defaults, sdict=sdict) ) if config: config = search_location(config, create_in='conf_dir') if self.__settings != self.load( 'config', config, loaders=loaders, merge=True, writeback=True ): shell_notify( 'settings config written', more=config, verbose=verbose )
def __init__(self, m, local, remote_url=None, mbranch=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) self.__local = search_location(local, create_in=local) self.__remote_url = remote_url if not mbranch: mbranch = 'master' self.__mbranch = mbranch if self.m( 'checking for git repo', cmdd=dict(cmd='git rev-parse --show-toplevel', cwd=self.local), critical=False, verbose=False ).get('out') != self.local: if not self.remote_url: self.m( 'a new git clone without remote url is not possible.', state=True, more=dict(local=self.local) ) self.m( 'cloning into repo', cmdd=dict( cmd='git clone %s %s' % (self.remote_url, self.local) ) ) self.m( 'git tool startup done', more=dict(remote_url=self.remote_url, local=self.local), verbose=False )
def __init__(self, m, pid, sudo=True, cmdd_if_no_pid=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) pidfile = read_file(search_location(str(pid))) if pidfile and pidfile.strip().isdigit(): pid = int(pidfile) if not isinstance(pid, int): if cmdd_if_no_pid: self.m('running post command', cmdd=cmdd_if_no_pid, critical=True) self.m('could not determine pid%s' % (' from file' if pidfile else '!'), more=dict(pid=pid, pidfile=pidfile), state=True) self.__pid = pid self.__sudo = 'sudo' if sudo else '' self.m('signal tool startup done', more=dict(pid=self.__pid, pidfile=pidfile if pidfile else 'passed directly'), verbose=False)
def stage(self, name, clean=False): ''' Switch stage :param name: Filename of new meta file. |filelocate| * File must not already exist, will be created in 'data_dir' \ from :func:`util.locations.get_locations` * Can also be a full path to place it anywhere desired :param clean: What to do with preexisting meta files? * ``False``: Merge current meta with preexisting one * ``True``: Replace preexisting meta with current one ''' name = search_location(name, create_in='data_dir') if not clean: self.load('stage', name, merge=True) self.__meta['header'].update({'stage': name}) self.log = shell_notify('%s stage' % ('new clean' if clean else 'loaded'), more=dict(meta=name, clean=clean), verbose=self.__verbose)
def stage(self, name, clean=False): ''' Switch stage :param name: Filename of new meta file. |filelocate| * File must not already exist, will be created in 'data_dir' \ from :func:`util.locations.get_locations` * Can also be a full path to place it anywhere desired :param clean: What to do with preexisting meta files? * ``False``: Merge current meta with preexisting one * ``True``: Replace preexisting meta with current one ''' name = search_location(name, create_in='data_dir') if not clean: self.load('stage', name, merge=True) self.__meta['header'].update({'stage': name}) self.log = shell_notify( '%s stage' % ('new clean' if clean else 'loaded'), more=dict(meta=name, clean=clean), verbose=self.__verbose )
def pinit(mname, clean=False, verbose=True): ''' Creates a new Photon instance and stages into common stage directory defined in :ref:`defaults`. It is some subfolder of the httpd-dir, so you can see what's going on while building. :param mname: |mname| :param clean: Starts a new meta file replacing the old one. Used in :func:`prepare` :param verbose: |verbose| :returns: a new :py:class:`photon.Photon` instance with it's :py:class:`settings.Settings` as tuple ''' photon = _pinit(mname, verbose) settings = photon.settings.get if clean: change_location(settings['prepare']['stage_dir'], False, move=True) photon.meta.stage( search_location( 'builder_meta.json', create_in=settings['prepare']['stage_dir'] ), clean=clean ) return photon, settings
def __init__(self, m, pid, sudo=True, cmdd_if_no_pid=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) pidfile = read_file(search_location(str(pid))) if pidfile and pidfile.strip().isdigit(): pid = int(pidfile) if not isinstance(pid, int): if cmdd_if_no_pid: self.m( 'running post command', cmdd=cmdd_if_no_pid, critical=True ) self.m( 'could not determine pid%s' % ( ' from file' if pidfile else '!' ), more=dict(pid=pid, pidfile=pidfile), state=True ) self.__pid = pid self.__sudo = 'sudo' if sudo else '' self.m( 'signal tool startup done', more=dict( pid=self.__pid, pidfile=pidfile if pidfile else 'passed directly' ), verbose=False )
def __init__(self, m, local, remote_url=None, mbranch=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) self.__local = search_location(local, create_in=local) self.__remote_url = remote_url if not mbranch: mbranch = 'master' self.__mbranch = mbranch if self.m('checking for git repo', cmdd=dict(cmd='git rev-parse --show-toplevel', cwd=self.local), critical=False, verbose=False).get('out') != self.local: if not self.remote_url: self.m('a new git clone without remote url is not possible.', state=True, more=dict(local=self.local)) self.m('cloning into repo', cmdd=dict(cmd='git clone %s %s' % (self.remote_url, self.local))) self.m('git tool startup done', more=dict(remote_url=self.remote_url, local=self.local), verbose=False)
def draw_traffic(): from os import path from photon.util.locations import search_location from common import pinit from common.html import page photon, settings = pinit('draw_traffic', verbose=True) traffic = '<small>click to show or hide</small><br />' avail_if = photon.m( 'checking for available interfaces', cmdd=dict( cmd='sudo vnstat --iflist' ) ).get('out', '') interfaces = settings['web']['traffic']['interfaces'] + [settings['fastd'][community]['interface'] for community in settings['fastd'].keys()] for interface in interfaces: if interface in avail_if: if not search_location(path.join(settings['web']['traffic']['dbdir'], interface)): photon.m( 'creating vnstat db for %s' %(interface), cmdd=dict( cmd='sudo vnstat -u -i %s' %(interface) ), verbose=True ) images = '' for flag, itype in settings['web']['traffic']['types']: image = '%s-%s.png' %(interface, itype) photon.m( 'drawing %s graph for %s' %(itype, interface), cmdd=dict( cmd='vnstati -i %s -%s -o %s' %(interface, flag, path.join(settings['web']['output'], 'traffic', image)) ), critical=False ) images += photon.template_handler( IMAGE, fields=dict( interface=interface, itype=itype, image=image ) ).sub traffic += photon.template_handler( IFBLOCK, fields=dict( interface=interface, images=images ) ).sub page(photon, traffic, sub='traffic')
def gen_documentation(): ''' Pulls updates from our repositories containing (Sphinx) documentation, builds them, and on success copies over the generated files. You may or may not see the results on ` <>`_, the mirrored repos are currently: :backend_scripts: :gluon_builder: :gluon_gateway: :photon: ''' photon, settings = pinit('gen_documentation', verbose=True) result = { 'build': {}, 'result': {}, 'update': {} } lroot = search_location( settings['documentation']['local'], create_in=settings['documentation']['local'] ) for name, data in settings['documentation']['repositories'].items(): local = path.join(lroot, name) builddir = path.join(settings['documentation']['builddir'], name) outdir = path.join(settings['documentation']['output'], name) result['update'][name] = photon.git_handler( local, remote_url=data['remote'] )._pull() build = photon.m( 'building documentation for %s' % (name), cmdd=dict( cmd='sphinx-build -a -b html %s %s' % ( path.join(local, data['docpath']), builddir ) ), critical=False ) result['build'][name] = build if build.get('returncode') == 0: change_location(outdir, False, move=True) change_location(builddir, outdir, move=True) result['result'] = photon.m('build for %s successful') photon.m('all done', more=result)
def __init__(self, m, template, fields=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) tfile = search_location(template) self.__template = read_file(tfile) if tfile else template self.__fields = fields self.m('template tool startup done', more=dict(fields=self.__fields, file=tfile), verbose=False)
def draw_traffic(): ''' Draws `vnstat <>`_ Graphs, and glues them into a Webseite. Run only on machines which are connected to the mesh (Gateways, Service-Machines). * If a specified interface does not exist on this machine, it's skipped. * If no vnstat database was found for one interface, it will be created. ''' photon, settings = pinit('draw_traffic', verbose=True) traffic = '<small>click to show or hide</small><br />' avail_if = photon.m('checking for available interfaces', cmdd=dict(cmd='sudo vnstat --iflist')).get('out', '') interfaces = settings['web']['traffic']['interfaces'] + [ settings['fastd'][com]['interface'] for com in settings['common']['communities'] ] for interface in interfaces: if interface in avail_if: if not search_location( path.join(settings['web']['traffic']['dbdir'], interface)): photon.m('creating vnstat db for %s' % (interface), cmdd=dict(cmd='sudo vnstat -u -i %s' % (interface)), verbose=True) images = '' for flag, itype in settings['web']['traffic']['types']: image = '%s-%s.png' % (interface, itype) photon.m('drawing %s graph for %s' % (itype, interface), cmdd=dict(cmd='vnstati -i %s -%s -o %s' % (interface, flag, path.join(settings['web']['output'], 'traffic', image))), critical=False) images += photon.template_handler(IMAGE, fields=dict( interface=interface, itype=itype, image=image)).sub traffic += photon.template_handler(IFBLOCK, fields=dict(interface=interface, images=images)).sub page(photon, traffic, sub='traffic')
def __init__(self, m, template, fields=None): super().__init__() self.m = check_m(m) tfile = search_location(template) self.__template = read_file(tfile) if tfile else template self.__fields = fields self.m( 'template tool startup done', more=dict(fields=self.__fields, file=tfile), verbose=False )
def page(photon, content, sub=None): ''' Helps creating webpages by placing the **content** into the ``main.tpl`` and write the output to ``web/output/`` **sub/** ``index.html``. ''' settings = photon.settings.get pwd = path.dirname(__file__) out = path.join( settings['web']['output'], sub if sub else '', 'index.html' ) search_location(out, create_in=path.dirname(out)) if sub: prfx, sub = '../', '— %s' % (sub) else: prfx, sub = './', '' change_location( path.join(pwd, 'static'), path.join(settings['web']['output'], 'static') ) template = photon.template_handler( path.join(pwd, 'main.tpl'), fields=dict( hostname=get_hostname(), prfx=prfx, sub=sub, content=content, timestamp=get_timestamp() ) ) template.write(out, append=False)
def getpub_ssh(): if not search_location(settings['crypt']['ssh']['prv']): mkprv_ssh() pub = photon.m( 'generating new public ssh key from private', cmdd=dict( cmd='ssh-keygen -f %s -y' % (settings['crypt']['ssh']['prv']), cwd=settings['crypt']['ssh']['folder'] ) ) if not pub.get('returncode') == 0: photon.m('Error creating public ssh key', state=False) if read_file(settings['crypt']['ssh']['pub']) != pub.get('out'): write_file(settings['crypt']['ssh']['pub'], pub.get('out')) photon.m('wrote public ssh key', more=pub) return pub.get('out')
def gen_documentation(): ''' Pulls updates from our repositories containing (Sphinx) documentation, builds them, and on success copies over the generated files. You may or may not see the results on ` <>`_, the mirrored repos are currently: :backend_scripts: :gluon_builder: :gluon_gateway: :photon: ''' photon, settings = pinit('gen_documentation', verbose=True) result = {'build': {}, 'result': {}, 'update': {}} lroot = search_location(settings['documentation']['local'], create_in=settings['documentation']['local']) for name, data in settings['documentation']['repositories'].items(): local = path.join(lroot, name) builddir = path.join(settings['documentation']['builddir'], name) outdir = path.join(settings['documentation']['output'], name) result['update'][name] = photon.git_handler( local, remote_url=data['remote'])._pull() build = photon.m( 'building documentation for %s' % (name), cmdd=dict(cmd='sphinx-build -a -b html %s %s' % (path.join(local, data['docpath']), builddir)), critical=False) result['build'][name] = build if build.get('returncode') == 0: change_location(outdir, False, move=True) change_location(builddir, outdir, move=True) result['result'] = photon.m('build for %s successful') photon.m('all done', more=result)
def gen_expansion_map(): ''' This script generates several expansion-maps. It pulls updates first, generates a map, patches assets, and then copies over the generated files. A common ``app.chache`` file is used for all builds, for speedup reasons. When finished, it leaves the clean repo behind. ''' photon, settings = pinit('gen_expansion_map') # fetch updates from remote repository git = photon.git_handler(settings['expansion']['local'], remote_url=settings['expansion']['remote']) git._pull() for name, sub in settings['expansion']['maps'].items(): # generate map build = photon.m( 'generate %s expansion map' % (name), cmdd=dict( cmd='./mkpoly -f nodelist %s' % (sub['url']), cwd=settings['expansion']['local'], timeout=600, # for initial run, only (to create app.cache) )) if build.get('returncode') == 0: for patch in settings['expansion']['patch']: content = read_file(patch) if not content: # skip empty files continue # set title content = re_sub(r'<title>(.*?)</title>', '<title>%s</title>' % (sub['title']), content) # set description content = re_sub( r'this._div.innerHTML\ =\ \'<h4>(.*?)</h4>\'', 'this._div.innerHTML = \'<h4>%s</h4>\'' % (sub['descr']), content) # set initial position content = re_sub( r'L\.map\(\'map\'\)\.setView\((.*?),\ 10\);', '\'map\').setView([%s, %s], 10);' % (sub['ipos'][0], sub['ipos'][1]), content) # save result photon.m('written %d bytes into %s' % (write_file(patch, content), patch)) # copy generated files & folders search_location(sub['output'], create_in=sub['output']) for folder in ['js', 'css']: change_location(path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], folder), path.join(sub['output'], folder), move=False) for fdoc in ['nodes.geojson', 'index.html', 'LICENSE']: change_location(path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], fdoc), sub['output'], move=False) # reset changed files for reset in settings['expansion']['patch'] + [ path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], 'nodes.geojson') ]: photon.m('clean up %s' % (reset)) git._checkout('-- %s' % (reset))
def gen_expansion_map(): ''' This script generates several expansion-maps. It pulls updates first, generates a map, patches assets, and then copies over the generated files. A common ``app.chache`` file is used for all builds, for speedup reasons. When finished, it leaves the clean repo behind. ''' photon, settings = pinit('gen_expansion_map') # fetch updates from remote repository git = photon.git_handler( settings['expansion']['local'], remote_url=settings['expansion']['remote'] ) git._pull() for name, sub in settings['expansion']['maps'].items(): # generate map build = photon.m( 'generate %s expansion map' % (name), cmdd=dict( cmd='./mkpoly -f nodelist %s' % (sub['url']), cwd=settings['expansion']['local'], timeout=600, # for initial run, only (to create app.cache) ) ) if build.get('returncode') == 0: for patch in settings['expansion']['patch']: content = read_file(patch) if not content: # skip empty files continue # set title content = re_sub( r'<title>(.*?)</title>', '<title>%s</title>' % (sub['title']), content ) # set description content = re_sub( r'this._div.innerHTML\ =\ \'<h4>(.*?)</h4>\'', 'this._div.innerHTML = \'<h4>%s</h4>\'' % (sub['descr']), content ) # set initial position content = re_sub( r'L\.map\(\'map\'\)\.setView\((.*?),\ 10\);', '\'map\').setView([%s, %s], 10);' % ( sub['ipos'][0], sub['ipos'][1] ), content ) # save result photon.m('written %d bytes into %s' % ( write_file(patch, content), patch )) # copy generated files & folders search_location(sub['output'], create_in=sub['output']) for folder in ['js', 'css']: change_location( path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], folder), path.join(sub['output'], folder), move=False ) for fdoc in ['nodes.geojson', 'index.html', 'LICENSE']: change_location( path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], fdoc), sub['output'], move=False ) # reset changed files for reset in settings['expansion']['patch'] + [ path.join(settings['expansion']['local'], 'nodes.geojson') ]: photon.m('clean up %s' % (reset)) git._checkout('-- %s' % (reset))