Пример #1
async def test_restart_from_historical():
    If we ask the conversation to start again while we're reading historical events
    we should re-send the most recent page request.

    In this scenario, we start reading the stream at event 10, we receive a
    page with 2 events, we request the next page starting at 12.

    When we restart the conversation, we should again request the page starting at 12.

    conversation_id = uuid.uuid4()
    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream",

    await convo.start(output)

    await reply_to(

    await convo.start(output)

    [first_page, second_page, second_page_again
     ] = [read_as(proto.ReadStreamEvents, m) for m in output.items]

    assert second_page.from_event_number == second_page_again.from_event_number
Пример #2
async def test_should_perform_a_catchup_when_subscription_is_confirmed():
    When we have read all the events in the stream, we should send a
    request to subscribe for new events.

    We should start reading catchup events from the `next_event_number` returned
    by the historical event read.

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)

    await reply_to(
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=42, commit_pos=40)
    [read_historial, subscribe, catch_up] = await output.next_event(3)

    assert read_historial.command == msg.TcpCommand.ReadStreamEventsForward
    assert subscribe.command == msg.TcpCommand.SubscribeToStream
    assert catch_up.command == msg.TcpCommand.ReadStreamEventsForward

    payload = proto.ReadStreamEvents()

    assert payload.event_stream_id == "my-stream"
    assert payload.from_event_number == 17
Пример #3
async def test_subscribe_with_context_manager():
    conversation_id = uuid.uuid4()
    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream", conversation_id=conversation_id)
    await convo.start(output)

    # Create a subscription with three events in it
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)

    for i in range(0, 3):
        await reply_to(convo,
                       event_appeared(event_id=uuid.uuid4(), event_number=i),

    async with (await convo.result) as subscription:
        events_seen = 0
        async for _ in subscription.events:
            events_seen += 1

            if events_seen == 3:

    # Having exited the context manager it should send
    # an unsubscribe message
    [read_historical, subscribe, catch_up, unsubscribe] = output.items

    assert unsubscribe.command == msg.TcpCommand.UnsubscribeFromStream
    assert unsubscribe.conversation_id == conversation_id
Пример #4
async def test_start_read_phase():
    A "catchup" subscription starts by iterating the events in the stream until
    it reaches the most recent event.

    This is the "Read" phase.

    output = TeeQueue()

    conversation_id = uuid.uuid4()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream",

    await convo.start(output)
    [request] = output.items

    body = proto.ReadStreamEvents()

    assert request.command is msg.TcpCommand.ReadStreamEventsForward
    assert body.event_stream_id == "my-stream"
    assert body.from_event_number == 0
    assert body.resolve_link_tos is True
    assert body.require_master is False
    assert body.max_count == 100
Пример #5
async def test_subscription_dropped_mid_stream():
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    empty_page = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder(
    await reply_to(convo, empty_page, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, empty_page, output)
    subscription = convo.result.result()

    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(), output)
    await drop_subscription(convo, output)

    events = [e async for e in subscription.events]
    assert len(events) == 1
Пример #6
async def test_restart_from_catchup():
    If the connection drops during the catchup phase, we need to unsubscribe
    from the stream and then go back to reading historical events starting from
    the last page.

    => Request historical events
    <= Receive 1 event, next_event = 1
    => Subscribe
    <= Confirmed
    => Catch up from 1

    ** Restart **

    => Unsubscribe
    <= Confirmed
    => Read historical from 1
    <= Empty page
    => Subscribe
    conversation_id = uuid.uuid4()
    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream", conversation_id=conversation_id)
    await convo.start(output)
    await output.get()

    page_one = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    await reply_to(convo, page_one, output)

    await output.get()
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)

    first_catch_up = read_as(proto.ReadStreamEvents, await output.get())
    await reply_to(convo, page_one, output)

    # Restart
    await convo.start(output)
    unsubscribe = await output.get()

    assert first_catch_up.from_event_number == 1
    assert unsubscribe.command == msg.TcpCommand.UnsubscribeFromStream

    await drop_subscription(convo, output)
    second_catchup = read_as(proto.ReadStreamEvents, await output.get())

    assert second_catchup.from_event_number == 1
Пример #7
async def test_unsubscription():
    correlation_id = uuid.uuid4()
    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream", conversation_id=correlation_id)
    await convo.start(output)

    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)

    sub = convo.result.result()
    await sub.unsubscribe()

    [read_historical, subscribe, catch_up, unsubscribe] = output.items

    assert unsubscribe.command == msg.TcpCommand.UnsubscribeFromStream
    assert unsubscribe.conversation_id == correlation_id
Пример #8
async def test_paging():
    During the read phase, we expect to page through multiple batches of
    events. In this scenario we have two batches, each of two events.

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)
    await output.get()

    event_1_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_2_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_3_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_4_id = uuid.uuid4()

    first_response = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(
        event_id=event_1_id, event_number=32).with_event(

    second_response = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    await reply_to(convo, first_response, output)
    subscription = await convo.result

    event_1 = await anext(subscription.events)
    event_2 = await anext(subscription.events)
    assert event_1.id == event_1_id
    assert event_2.id == event_2_id

    reply = await output.get()
    body = proto.ReadStreamEvents()
    assert body.from_event_number == 34

    await reply_to(convo, second_response, output)

    event_3 = await anext(subscription.events)
    event_4 = await anext(subscription.events)
    assert event_3.id == event_3_id
    assert event_4.id == event_4_id
Пример #9
async def test_paging_projection():

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)
    await output.get()

    event_1_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_2_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_3_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_4_id = uuid.uuid4()

    first_response = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(
        event_id=event_1_id, event_number=0, link_event_number=32).with_event(
            event_id=event_2_id, event_number=0,

    second_response = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(
        event_id=event_3_id, event_number=0,

    await reply_to(convo, first_response, output)
    subscription = await convo.result

    event_1 = await anext(subscription.events)
    event_2 = await anext(subscription.events)
    assert event_1.id == event_1_id
    assert event_2.id == event_2_id

    reply = await output.get()
    body = proto.ReadStreamEvents()
    assert body.from_event_number == 34

    await reply_to(convo, second_response, output)

    event_3 = await anext(subscription.events)
    event_4 = await anext(subscription.events)
    assert event_3.id == event_3_id
    assert event_4.id == event_4_id
Пример #10
async def test_subscription_failure_mid_stream():
    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    event_id = uuid.uuid4()

    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    subscription = convo.result.result()

    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(event_id=event_id), output)
    await drop_subscription(
        convo, output, msg.SubscriptionDropReason.SubscriberMaxCountReached)

    with pytest.raises(exn.SubscriptionFailed):
        event = await anext(subscription.events)
        assert event.id == event_id

        await anext(subscription.events)
Пример #11
async def test_live_restart():
    If we reset the conversation while we are live, we should first unsubscribe
    then start a historical read from the last read event.

    => Read historial
    <= empty
    => subscribe
    <= confirmed
    => catchup
    <= empty
    <= event 1 appeared
    <= event 2 appeared


    => unsubscribe
    <= dropped
    => Read historical from 2

    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    await convo.start(output)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)

    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(event_number=1), output)
    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(event_number=2), output)


    await convo.start(output)
    await drop_subscription(convo, output)

    [unsubscribe, read_historical] = output.items
    read_historical = read_as(proto.ReadStreamEvents, read_historical)

    assert unsubscribe.command == msg.TcpCommand.UnsubscribeFromStream
    assert read_historical.from_event_number == 2
Пример #12
async def test_subscribes_at_end_of_stream():
    When we have read all the events in the stream, we should send a
    request to subscribe for new events.

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)
    await output.get()

    await reply_to(
        ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().at_end_of_stream().build(), output)

    reply = await output.get()
    payload = proto.SubscribeToStream()

    assert reply.command == msg.TcpCommand.SubscribeToStream
    assert payload.event_stream_id == "my-stream"
    assert payload.resolve_link_tos is True
Пример #13
async def test_historical_duplicates():
    It's possible that we receive the reply to a ReadStreamEvents request after we've
    resent the request. This will result in our receiving a duplicate page.

    In this instance, we should not raise duplicate events.

    => Request historical
    => Request historical
    <= 2 events
    <= 3 events

    Should only see the 3 unique events

    two_events = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    three_events = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    await convo.start(output)
    await convo.start(output)

    await reply_to(convo, two_events, output)
    await reply_to(convo, three_events, output)

    [event_1, event_2, event_3] = await anext(convo.subscription.events, 3)

    assert event_1.event_number == 1
    assert event_2.event_number == 2
    assert event_3.event_number == 3
Пример #14
async def test_end_of_stream():
    During the Read phase, we yield the events to the subscription so that the
    user is unaware of the chicanery in the background.

    When we reach the end of the stream, we should send a subscribe message to
    start the volatile subscription.

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)

    event_1_id = uuid.uuid4()
    event_2_id = uuid.uuid4()

    response = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder(

    await reply_to(convo, response, output)

    subscription = await convo.result

    event_1 = await anext(subscription.events)
    event_2 = await anext(subscription.events)

    assert event_1.stream == "stream-123"
    assert event_1.id == event_1_id
    assert event_1.event_number == 32

    assert event_2.stream == "stream-123"
    assert event_2.id == event_2_id
    assert event_2.event_number == 33
Пример #15
async def test_subscription_duplicates():
    If we receive subscription events while catching up, we buffer them internally.
    If we restart the conversation at that point we need to make sure we clear our buffer
    and do not raise duplicate events.

    => Request historical
    <= Empty
    => Subscribe to stream
    <= Confirmed
    => Request catchup
    <= Subscribed event 2 appeared
    <= Event 1, not end of stream


    => Drop subscription
    <= Dropped
    => Request historical from_event = 1
    <= Receive event 2 at end of stream
    => Subscribe
    <= Confirmed
    => Catchup
    <= Subscribed event 3 appeared
    <= Empty

    Should yield [event 1, event 2, event 3]
    event_1_not_end_of_stream = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    event_2_at_end_of_stream = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(

    output = TeeQueue()
    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    await convo.start(output)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(event_number=2), output)
    await reply_to(convo, event_1_not_end_of_stream, output)

    await convo.start(output)

    await drop_subscription(convo, output)

    second_read_historical = read_as(proto.ReadStreamEvents, output.items[0])

    await reply_to(convo, event_2_at_end_of_stream, output)
    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=10, commit_pos=10)
    await reply_to(convo, event_appeared(event_number=3), output)
    await reply_to(convo, EMPTY_STREAM_PAGE, output)

    [event_1, event_2, event_3] = await anext(convo.subscription.events, 3)
    assert event_1.event_number == 1
    assert event_2.event_number == 2
    assert event_3.event_number == 3

    assert second_read_historical.from_event_number == 2
Пример #16
async def test_should_return_catchup_events_before_subscribed_events():
    It's possible that the following sequence of events occurs:
        * The client reads the last batch of events from a stream containing
          50 events.
        * The client sends SubscribeToStream
        * Event 51 is written to the stream
        * The server creates a subscription starting at event 51 and
          responds with SubscriptionConfirmed
        * Event 52 is written to the stream
        * The client receives event 52.

    To solve this problem, the client needs to perform an additional read
    to fetch any missing events created between the last batch and the
    subscription confirmation.


    In this scenario, we read a single event (1) from the end of the stream
    and expect to create a subscription.

    We receive event 4 immediately on the subscription. We expect that the
    client requests missing events.

    We receive two pages, of one event each: 3, and 4, and then drop the subscription.

    Lastly, we expect that the events are yielded in the correct order
    despite being received out of order and that we have no duplicates.

    convo = CatchupSubscription("my-stream")
    output = TeeQueue()
    await convo.start(output)
    await output.get()

    last_page = (
            event_number=1, type="a").build())

    subscribed_event = event_appeared(event_number=4, type="d")

    first_catchup = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(
        event_number=2, type="b").build())
    second_catchup = (ReadStreamEventsResponseBuilder().with_event(
        event_number=3, type="c").with_event(event_number=4,

    await reply_to(convo, last_page, output)
    assert (await output.get()).command == msg.TcpCommand.SubscribeToStream

    await confirm_subscription(convo, output, event_number=3)
    await reply_to(convo, subscribed_event, output)
    assert (await
            output.get()).command == msg.TcpCommand.ReadStreamEventsForward

    await reply_to(convo, first_catchup, output)
    assert (await
            output.get()).command == msg.TcpCommand.ReadStreamEventsForward

    await reply_to(convo, second_catchup, output)
    await drop_subscription(convo, output)

    events = []
    subscription = await convo.result
    async for e in subscription.events:

    assert len(events) == 4
    [a, b, c, d] = events

    assert a.event_number == 1
    assert b.event_number == 2
    assert c.event_number == 3
    assert d.event_number == 4