Пример #1
    def setUp(self):
        Setup periods to look like this:

        UTC:   |12345678901234567890123|12345678901234567890123|
        GC:    |   <--------->         |  <---------->         |
        Day:   |          <------------|-->       <------------|
        Maint: |                xxxx   |        xxxxxxxx       |
        self.semester = '12A'
        self.ta = SemesterTimeAccounting(self.semester)

        # make some maintenance periods
        self.maintProj = create_maintenance_project()
        # daytime period:
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 20, 13) # EST
        mp1 = create_maintenance_period(dt1, 4.0)
        # TBF: bug?
        mp1.session.project = self.maintProj
        # day & night period
        dt2 = datetime(2012, 3, 21, 5) # EST
        mp2 = create_maintenance_period(dt2, 8.0)
        # TBF: bug?
        mp2.session.project = self.maintProj
        self.maintPeriods = [mp1, mp2]

        # BUG: this observing type missing in scheduler.json fixture
        o = Observing_Type(type = 'commissioning')
Пример #2
class TestSemesterTimeAccounting(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['proposal_GBT12A-002.json', 'scheduler.json']

    def setUp(self):
        Setup periods to look like this:

        UTC:   |12345678901234567890123|12345678901234567890123|
        GC:    |   <--------->         |  <---------->         |
        Day:   |          <------------|-->       <------------|
        Maint: |                xxxx   |        xxxxxxxx       |
        self.semester = '12A'
        self.ta = SemesterTimeAccounting(self.semester)

        # make some maintenance periods
        self.maintProj = create_maintenance_project()
        # daytime period:
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 20, 13) # EST
        mp1 = create_maintenance_period(dt1, 4.0)
        # TBF: bug?
        mp1.session.project = self.maintProj
        # day & night period
        dt2 = datetime(2012, 3, 21, 5) # EST
        mp2 = create_maintenance_period(dt2, 8.0)
        # TBF: bug?
        mp2.session.project = self.maintProj
        self.maintPeriods = [mp1, mp2]

        # BUG: this observing type missing in scheduler.json fixture
        o = Observing_Type(type = 'commissioning')

    def tearDown(self):

        # clean up
        for p in self.maintPeriods:
            s = p.session


    def createTestingSessions(self):
        Create a PHT Session that will be one of the 'testing' 
        types, for this semester, and that does not overlap
        with the Galactic Center.
        # I'm lazy; let's just change the session we've already got
        p = Proposal.objects.all()[0]
        s = p.session_set.all()[0]
        s.observing_type = Observing_Type.objects.get(type = 'testing')
        semester = Semester.objects.get(semester = self.semester)
        s.semester = semester
        s.target.min_lst = 0.0
        s.target.max_lst = hr2rad(5.0)
        s.allotment.allocated_time = 2.5
        return [s]

    def createCarryOverSession(self):
        Creates a PHT Session that will contribute to the carryover:
           * intersects with Galactic Center
           * L band - Low Freq group
           * Grade A
           * Next Semester time to complete

        sem = Semester.objects.get(semester = '12A')
        p = Proposal.objects.all()[0]

        data  = {
            'name' : 'nextSemesterSession'
          , 'pcode' : p.pcode
          , 'grade' : 'A'  
          , 'semester' : sem
          , 'requested_time' : 3.5  
          , 'allocated_time' : 3.5  
          , 'session_type' : 'Open - Low Freq'
          , 'observing_type' : 'continuum' 
          , 'weather_type' : 'Poor'
          , 'repeats' : 2 
          , 'min_lst' : '10:00:00.0' 
          , 'max_lst' : '20:00:00.0' 
          , 'elevation_min' : '00:00:00.0' 
          , 'next_sem_complete' : False
          , 'next_sem_time' : 1.0
          , 'receivers' : 'L'

        adapter = SessionHttpAdapter()
        # just so that is HAS a DSS session.
        adapter.session.dss_session = self.maintProj.sesshun_set.all()[0]
        return adapter.session
    def test_getSemesterDays(self):
        self.assertEqual(182, self.ta.getSemesterDays())
        self.assertEqual(184, self.ta.getSemesterDays(semester = '12B'))
    def test_getGCHrs(self):
        self.assertEqual(6.0, self.ta.getGCHrs(24.0))

    def test_getMaintenancePeriods(self):

        ps = self.ta.getMaintenancePeriods()
        self.assertEqual(2, len(ps))
                       , ps[0].start)

    def test_getTestSessions(self):

        ss = self.ta.getTestSessions()
        self.assertEqual(0, len(ss))
        ss = self.ta.getTestSessions()
        self.assertEqual(1, len(ss))

    def test_getCarryOverSessions(self):

        ss = self.ta.getCarryOverSessions()
        self.assertEqual(0, len(ss))
        s = self.createCarryOverSession()
        ss = self.ta.getCarryOverSessions()
        self.assertEqual(1, len(ss))

    def test_getSessionHours(self):

        s = self.createTestingSessions()[0]
        ts = self.ta.getSessionHours(s)
        exp = Times(total = 2.5
                  , lowFreq = 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(exp, ts.total)          
        self.assertEqual(Times(), ts.gc)          

        # now change it's lst range to intersect
        # with the GC
        s.target.min_lst = hr2rad(10.0)
        s.target.max_lst = hr2rad(20.0)
        ts = self.ta.getSessionHours(s)
        self.assertEqual(exp, ts.total)          
        exp = Times(total = 1.25 
                  , lowFreq = 1.25)
        self.assertEqual(exp, ts.gc)          

    def test_getCarryOver(self):

        # create the input
        s = self.createCarryOverSession()

        # analyze this input
        carryOver = self.ta.getCarryOver([s])

        # check result
        exp = {}
        grades = ['A', 'B', 'C']
        for g in grades:
            exp[g] = {'fixed' : SemesterTimes()
                    , 'times' : SemesterTimes()}
        exp['A']['times'].total.total = 1.0 
        exp['A']['times'].total.lowFreq = 1.0 
        exp['A']['times'].gc.total = 0.5 
        exp['A']['times'].gc.lowFreq = 0.5 

        self.assertEqual(exp, carryOver)

    def test_getNewAstroAvailableTime(self):

        # setup up blank inputs
        grades = ['A', 'B', 'C']
        c = {}
        for g in grades:
            c[g] = {'fixed' : SemesterTimes()
                  , 'times' : SemesterTimes()}
        a = SemesterTimes()          

        # blank inputs should produce blank outputs
        newAv = self.ta.getNewAstroAvailableTime(c, a, ['A'])
        self.assertEquals(SemesterTimes(), newAv)
        newAv = self.ta.getNewAstroAvailableTime(c, a, grades)
        self.assertEquals(SemesterTimes(), newAv)

        # now make it some real numbers to crunch on
        total = 10.0
        gc = 5.0
        totalFixed = 100.0
        for g in ['A', 'B']:
            c[g]['times'].total = Times(total = total
                                      , lowFreq = total)
            #c[g]['times'].total.total = total 
            #c[g]['times'].total.lowFreq = total 
            c[g]['times'].gc = Times(total = gc
                                   , lowFreq = gc)
            #c[g]['times'].gc.total = gc 
            #c[g]['times'].gc.lowFreq = gc 
            c[g]['fixed'].total.total = totalFixed 
            c[g]['fixed'].total.lowFreq = .50 * totalFixed 
            c[g]['fixed'].total.hiFreq1 = .25 * totalFixed 
            c[g]['fixed'].total.hiFreq2 = .25 * totalFixed 

        a = self.ta.calcTotalAvailableHours()

        # just grade A
        newAv = self.ta.getNewAstroAvailableTime(c, a, ['A'])

        # total should go down by total + totalFixed.
        t = Times(total = a.total.total - total - totalFixed
                , lowFreq = a.total.lowFreq - total - (.5*totalFixed)
                , hiFreq1 = a.total.hiFreq1 - (.25*totalFixed)
                , hiFreq2 = a.total.hiFreq2 - (.25*totalFixed)
        self.assertEqual(t, newAv.total)         
        g = Times(total = a.gc.total - gc
                , lowFreq = a.gc.lowFreq - gc
                , hiFreq1 = a.gc.hiFreq1 
                , hiFreq2 = a.gc.hiFreq2 
        self.assertEqual(g, newAv.gc)         

        # now all grades
        newAv = self.ta.getNewAstroAvailableTime(c, a, grades)

        # times should got down twice as much
        t = Times(total = a.total.total - (2 * (total + totalFixed))
                , lowFreq = a.total.lowFreq - (2 * (total + (.5*totalFixed)))
                , hiFreq1 = a.total.hiFreq1 - (2.*(.25*totalFixed))
                , hiFreq2 = a.total.hiFreq2 - (2.*(.25*totalFixed))
        self.assertEqual(t, newAv.total)         
        g = Times(total = a.gc.total - (2*gc)
                , lowFreq = a.gc.lowFreq - (2*gc)
                , hiFreq1 = a.gc.hiFreq1 
                , hiFreq2 = a.gc.hiFreq2 
        self.assertEqual(g, newAv.gc)         

    def test_getPeriodHours(self):

        # day time only period
        mp1 = self.maintPeriods[0]
        hrs = self.ta.getPeriodHours(mp1)
        exp = Times(total = 4.0
             , lowFreq = 2.0
             , hiFreq1 = 1.0
             , hiFreq2 = 1.0
        self.assertEqual(exp, hrs.total)     

        # a little night AND day period
        mp2 = self.maintPeriods[1]
        hrs = self.ta.getPeriodHours(mp2)
        self.assertEqual(8.0, hrs.total.total) 
        self.assertEqual(4.0, hrs.total.lowFreq) 
        self.assertAlmostEqual(2.0, hrs.total.hiFreq1, 3) 
        self.assertAlmostEqual(2.0, hrs.total.hiFreq2, 3) 

        self.assertAlmostEqual(5.3558844564835955, hrs.gc.total, 3) 

    def test_getHrsInGC(self):

        # LST of 17.5 - 18.5 is entirely in GC
        dur = 1.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 11)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        self.assertEqual((dur, 0.0), self.ta.getHrsInGC(dt1, dt2))

        # LST of 12.5 - 13.5 is entirely NOT in GC
        dur = 1.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 6)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        self.assertEqual((0.0, dur), self.ta.getHrsInGC(dt1, dt2))

        # LST of 12.5 - 17.5 overlaps with GC by about 2.5 hrs
        dur = 5.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 6)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        gc, nonGc = self.ta.getHrsInGC(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(gc + nonGc, dur, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(2.50350778689, nonGc, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(2.49649221311, gc, 3)

        # LST of 12.5 - 23.5 encompasses all of GC - 6 hours
        dur = 11.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 6)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        gc, nonGc = self.ta.getHrsInGC(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(gc + nonGc, dur, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(5.9836173979, gc, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(5.0163826021, nonGc, 3)

        # make sure LST wrap around is OK: 18.5 to 2.5
        dur = 12
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 12)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        gc, nonGc = self.ta.getHrsInGC(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(gc + nonGc, dur, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(2.48694527307, gc, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(9.51305472693, nonGc, 3)

    def test_getHrsInDayTime(self):

        # all night time
        dur = 1.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 1)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        day, night = self.ta.getHrsInDayTime(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertEquals(day, 0.0)
        self.assertEquals(night, dur)

        # all day time
        dur = 1.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 13)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        day, night = self.ta.getHrsInDayTime(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertEquals(day, dur)
        self.assertEquals(night, 0.0)

        # small overlap
        dur = 6.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 9)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        day, night = self.ta.getHrsInDayTime(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertEquals(dur, day + night) 
        self.assertEquals(day, 3.61)
        self.assertEquals(night, 2.39)

        # multi-day time range - like a long shutdown
        dur = (24*2.0) + 11.0
        dt1 = datetime(2012, 3, 19, 12)
        dt2 = dt1 + timedelta(hours = dur)
        day, night = self.ta.getHrsInDayTime(dt1, dt2)
        self.assertEquals(dur, day + night) 
        self.assertAlmostEquals(41.348888888888887, day, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEquals(17.6511111111, night, 3)

    def test_calculateTimeAccounting(self):
        Here's where we tie it all together:

        # calculate everything

        # check the buckets
        numDays = 182 #self.ta.numDays
        totalAv = self.ta.totalAvailableHrs
        self.assertEqual(numDays*24, totalAv.total.total)
        self.assertEqual((numDays*24)*(6/24.), totalAv.gc.total)
        # TBF: other totalAv.total fields?

        # there are maint. periods to account for
        hrs = self.ta.maintHrs
        expMntT = Times(total = 12.0
                  , lowFreq = 6.0
                  , hiFreq1 = 3.0
                  , hiFreq2 = 3.0
        self.assertEqual(expMntT, hrs.total)            
        expMntGC = Times(total =  5.355884) # TBF other fields?
        self.assertAlmostEqual(expMntGC.total, hrs.gc.total, 3)

        # no shutdown or testing
        hrs = self.ta.shutdownHrs
        self.assertEqual(Times(), hrs.total)     
        hrs = self.ta.testHrs
        self.assertEqual(Times(), hrs.total)
        # and no carry over
        expCO = {}
        for g in self.ta.grades: 
            expCO[g] = {'fixed' : SemesterTimes()
                     , 'times' : SemesterTimes()
        self.assertEqual(expCO, self.ta.carryOver)               

        # do our internal check

        # check the hours available to astronomy
        expAvT = Times(total = 4356.
                  , lowFreq = 2178.0
                  , hiFreq1 = 1089.0
                  , hiFreq2 = 1089.0
        self.assertEqual(expAvT, self.ta.astronomyAvailableHrs.total) 
        expAvGC = Times(total = 1086.6441)
                             , self.ta.astronomyAvailableHrs.gc.total, 3)

        # Testing, part two!
        # now introduce some 12A testing time 
        ss = self.createTestingSessions()
        # and some carry over
        s = self.createCarryOverSession()

        # and recalculate everything

        # these should not have changed
        totalAv = self.ta.totalAvailableHrs
        self.assertEqual(numDays*24, totalAv.total.total)
        self.assertEqual((numDays*24)*(6/24.), totalAv.gc.total)

        # but now we have testing
        exp = Times(total = 2.5
                  , lowFreq = 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(exp, self.ta.testHrs.total)

        # which lowers our overall available time
        expAvT = expAvT - exp
                       , self.ta.astronomyAvailableHrs.total)           

        # and we've got carry over too!
        expCO['A']['times'].total = Times(total = 1.0
                                        , lowFreq = 1.0)
        expCO['A']['times'].gc = Times(total = 0.5
                                     , lowFreq = 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(expCO['B'], self.ta.carryOver['B']) 
        self.assertEqual(expCO['C'], self.ta.carryOver['C'])  

        # which affects the time we have for NEW astronomy:
        # no Grade B & C carry over means these should be equal
                       , self.ta.newAstroAvailAllGradeHrs)

        t = expAvT - Times(total = 1.0, lowFreq = 1.0)
        newAstro = SemesterTimes(total = t, gc = g)
        self.assertEqual(t, self.ta.newAstroAvailGradeAHrs.total)