def move_up(self):
		if not self.collision:
			#cannot jump in the air
			return False
		subprocess.Popen(["python", self.path + os.sep + "aud" + os.sep + ""])
		(P, Q) = self.collision
		(x, y) = p.vsub(Q, P)
		if self.collision and x <= 0 and abs(x) >= abs(y):
			#surface angle leq 45, can jump
			impDir = p.orthogonal((x, y))
			self.v = p.vadd(self.v, p.fixNorm(impDir, self.maxJump))
			self.collision = False
		return True
	def calibrateParticleEdge(self, wp, P, Q, R):
		if wp.isParticle:
			base = p.vsub(Q, P)
			perPt = p.perPt(P, Q, R)
			#ensure particle not in wall
			(wp.x, wp.y) = p.vadd(perPt, p.fixNorm(p.orthogonal(base), wp.r))