Пример #1
  def merge(self, bufr, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0,
            rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0,
            sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0):
    """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
    if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
      buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz]]
      buflist = bufr

    for b in buflist:
      if not(type(b[0]) is Buffer):
        bufr = b[0].buf[0]
        bufr = b[0]

      #assert shape.ttype == GL_TRIANGLES # this is always true of Buffer objects
      assert len(bufr.vertices) == len(bufr.normals)

      if VERBOSE:
        print("Merging", bufr.name)

      original_vertex_count = len(self.vertices)

      for v in range(0, len(bufr.vertices)):
        # Scale, offset and store vertices
        vx, vy, vz = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], bufr.vertices[v])
        self.vertices.append((vx * b[7] + b[1], vy * b[8] + b[2], vz * b[9] + b[3]))

        # Rotate normals
        self.normals.append(rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], bufr.normals[v]))


      ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
      indices = [(i[0] + original_vertex_count, i[1] + original_vertex_count,
                  i[2] + original_vertex_count) for i in bufr.indices]

    self.buf = []
    self.buf.append(Buffer(self, self.vertices, self.tex_coords, self.indices, self.normals))
Пример #2
  def merge(self, bufr, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0,
            rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0,
            sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0):
    """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
    if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
      buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz]]
      buflist = bufr

    for b in buflist:
      if not(type(b[0]) is Buffer):
        bufr = b[0].buf[0]
        bufr = b[0]

      #assert shape.ttype == GL_TRIANGLES # this is always true of Buffer objects
      assert len(bufr.vertices) == len(bufr.normals)

      if VERBOSE:
        print("Merging", bufr.name)

      original_vertex_count = len(self.vertices)

      for v in range(0, len(bufr.vertices)):
        # Scale, offset and store vertices
        vx, vy, vz = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], bufr.vertices[v])
        self.vertices.append((vx * b[7] + b[1], vy * b[8] + b[2], vz * b[9] + b[3]))

        # Rotate normals
        self.normals.append(rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], bufr.normals[v]))


      ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
      indices = [(i[0] + original_vertex_count, i[1] + original_vertex_count,
                  i[2] + original_vertex_count) for i in bufr.indices]

    self.buf = []
    self.buf.append(Buffer(self, self.vertices, self.tex_coords, self.indices, self.normals))
Пример #3
  def draw(self, texID=None, n=None):
    # TODO: shadows Shape.draw.
    if self.exf != 'egg' and self.exf != 'obj':

    # From loaderEgg.draw, probably added by paddy gaunt 15 June 2012
    texToUse = None
    if texID != None:
      texToUse = texID
    elif n != None:
      n = n % (len(self.textureList))
      i = 0
      for t in self.textureList:
        if i == n:
          texToUse = self.textureList[t].texID
        i += 1

    mtrx = Matrix()
    for g in self.vGroup:
      opengles.glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.vGroup[g].vertices);
      opengles.glNormalPointer( GL_FLOAT, 0, self.vGroup[g].normals);

      texture = texToUse or self.vGroup[g].texID
      with Texture.Loader(texture, self.vGroup[g].tex_coords):
        #TODO enable material colours as well as textures from images
        material = self.vGroup[g].material
        if material:
          #opengles.glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, material);
          opengles.glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, material);

        opengles.glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, self.vGroup[g].indicesLen,
                                GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, self.vGroup[g].indices)


    for c in self.childModel:
      relx, rely, relz = c.x, c.y, c.z
      relrotx, relroty, relrotz = c.rotx, c.roty, c.rotz
      rval = rotate_vec(self.rotx, self.roty, self.rotz, (c.x, c.y, c.z))
      c.x, c.y, c.z = self.x + rval[0], self.y + rval[1], self.z + rval[2]
      c.rotx, c.roty, c.rotz = (self.rotx + c.rotx, self.roty + c.roty,
                                self.rotz + c.rotz)
      c.draw() #should texture override be passed down to children?
      c.x, c.y, c.z = relx, rely, relz
      c.rotx, c.roty, c.rotz = relrotx, relroty, relrotz
Пример #4
  def merge(self, bufr, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0,
            rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0,
            sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0, bufnum=0):
    """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
      *x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz*
        Position rotation scale if merging a single Buffer
        Specify the index of Buffer to use. This allows a MergeShape to
        contain multiple Buffers each with potentially different shader,
        material, textures, draw_method and unib
    if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
      buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz, bufnum]]
      buflist = bufr

    # existing array and element buffers to add to (as well as other draw relevant values)
    vertices = [] # will hold a list of ndarrays - one for each Buffer
    normals = []
    tex_coords = []
    indices = []
    shader_list = []
    material_list = []
    textures_list = []
    draw_method_list = []
    unib_list = []
    for b in self.buf: # first of all collect info from pre-existing Buffers
      buf = b.array_buffer# alias to tidy code
      vertices.append(buf[:,0:3] if len(buf) > 0 else buf)
      normals.append(buf[:,3:6] if len(buf) > 0 else buf)
      tex_coords.append(buf[:,6:8] if len(buf) > 0 else buf) #TODO this will only cope with N_BYTES == 32

    for b in buflist:
      if len(b) < 11:
      if b[10] >= len(vertices): #add buffers if needed
        for i in range(b[10] - len(vertices) + 1):
          vertices.append(np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float32'))
          tex_coords.append(np.zeros((0, 2), dtype='float32'))
          indices.append(np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float32'))
          normals.append(np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='float32'))
      if not(type(b[0]) is Buffer): #deal with being passed a Shape
        bufr = b[0].buf[0]
        bufr = b[0]

      n = len(bufr.array_buffer)

      LOGGER.info("Merging Buffer %s", bufr)

      original_vertex_count = len(vertices[b[10]])

      vrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,0:3]))
      vrot[:,0] = vrot[:,0] * b[7] + b[1]
      vrot[:,1] = vrot[:,1] * b[8] + b[2]
      vrot[:,2] = vrot[:,2] * b[9] + b[3]
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] >= 6:
        nrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,3:6]))
        nrot = np.zeros((n, 3))

      vertices[b[10]] = np.append(vertices[b[10]], vrot)
      normals[b[10]] = np.append(normals[b[10]], nrot)
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] == 8:
        tex_coords[b[10]] = np.append(tex_coords[b[10]], bufr.array_buffer[:,6:8])
        tex_coords[b[10]] = np.append(tex_coords[b[10]], np.zeros((n, 2)))

      n = int(len(vertices[b[10]]) / 3)
      vertices[b[10]].shape = (n, 3)
      normals[b[10]].shape = (n, 3)
      tex_coords[b[10]].shape = (n, 2)

      #ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
      faces = bufr.element_array_buffer + original_vertex_count
      indices[b[10]] = np.append(indices[b[10]], faces)

      n = int(len(indices[b[10]]) / 3)
      indices[b[10]].shape = (n, 3)

      shader_list[b[10]] = bufr.shader
      material_list[b[10]] = bufr.material[:]
      textures_list[b[10]] = bufr.textures[:]
      draw_method_list[b[10]] = bufr.draw_method
      unib_list[b[10]] = bufr.unib[:]

    self.buf = []
    for i in range(len(vertices)):
      buf = Buffer(self, vertices[i], tex_coords[i], indices[i], normals[i])
      # add back Buffer details from lists
      buf.shader = shader_list[i]
      buf.material = material_list[i]
      buf.textures = textures_list[i]
      buf.draw_method = draw_method_list[i]
      for j in range(len(unib_list[i])): # have to change elements in ctypes array
        buf.unib[j] = unib_list[i][j]
Пример #5
  def merge(self, bufr, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0,
            rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0,
            sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0):
    """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
    if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
      buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz]]
      buflist = bufr

    buf = self.buf[0].array_buffer # alias to tidy code
    vertices = buf[:,0:3] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
    normals = buf[:,3:6] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
    tex_coords = buf[:,6:8] if len(buf) > 0 else buf #TODO this will only cope with N_BYTES == 32
    indices = self.buf[0].element_array_buffer[:]

    for b in buflist:
      if not(type(b[0]) is Buffer):
        bufr = b[0].buf[0]
        bufr = b[0]

      n = len(bufr.array_buffer)

      if VERBOSE:
        print("Merging", bufr.name)

      original_vertex_count = len(vertices)

      vrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,0:3]))
      vrot[:,0] = vrot[:,0] * b[7] + b[1]
      vrot[:,1] = vrot[:,1] * b[8] + b[2]
      vrot[:,2] = vrot[:,2] * b[9] + b[3]
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] >= 6:
        nrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,3:6]))
        nrot = np.zeros((n, 3))

      vertices = np.append(vertices, vrot)
      normals = np.append(normals, nrot)
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] == 8:
        tex_coords = np.append(tex_coords, bufr.array_buffer[:,6:8])
        tex_coords = np.append(tex_coords, np.zeros((n, 2)))

      n = int(len(vertices) / 3)
      vertices.shape = (n, 3)
      normals.shape = (n, 3)
      tex_coords.shape = (n, 2)

      #ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
      faces = bufr.element_array_buffer + original_vertex_count
      indices = np.append(indices, faces)

      n = int(len(indices) / 3)
      indices.shape = (n, 3)

    self.buf = [Buffer(self, vertices, tex_coords, indices, normals)]
    # add some Buffer details from last one in list
    self.buf[0].shader = bufr.shader
    self.buf[0].material = bufr.material
    self.buf[0].textures = bufr.textures
    self.buf[0].draw_method = bufr.draw_method
    self.buf[0].unib = bufr.unib
Пример #6
  def merge(self, bufr, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0,
            rx=0.0, ry=0.0, rz=0.0,
            sx=1.0, sy=1.0, sz=1.0):
    """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
    if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
      buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz]]
      buflist = bufr

    buf = self.buf[0].array_buffer # alias to tidy code
    vertices = buf[:,0:3] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
    normals = buf[:,3:6] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
    tex_coords = buf[:,6:8] if len(buf) > 0 else buf #TODO this will only cope with N_BYTES == 32
    indices = self.buf[0].element_array_buffer[:]

    for b in buflist:
      if not(type(b[0]) is Buffer):
        bufr = b[0].buf[0]
        bufr = b[0]

      n = len(bufr.array_buffer)

      LOGGER.info("Merging Buffer %s", bufr)

      original_vertex_count = len(vertices)

      vrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,0:3]))
      vrot[:,0] = vrot[:,0] * b[7] + b[1]
      vrot[:,1] = vrot[:,1] * b[8] + b[2]
      vrot[:,2] = vrot[:,2] * b[9] + b[3]
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] >= 6:
        nrot = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], np.array(bufr.array_buffer[:,3:6]))
        nrot = np.zeros((n, 3))

      vertices = np.append(vertices, vrot)
      normals = np.append(normals, nrot)
      if bufr.array_buffer.shape[1] == 8:
        tex_coords = np.append(tex_coords, bufr.array_buffer[:,6:8])
        tex_coords = np.append(tex_coords, np.zeros((n, 2)))

      n = int(len(vertices) / 3)
      vertices.shape = (n, 3)
      normals.shape = (n, 3)
      tex_coords.shape = (n, 2)

      #ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
      faces = bufr.element_array_buffer + original_vertex_count
      indices = np.append(indices, faces)

      n = int(len(indices) / 3)
      indices.shape = (n, 3)

    self.buf = [Buffer(self, vertices, tex_coords, indices, normals)]
    # add some Buffer details from last one in list
    self.buf[0].shader = bufr.shader
    self.buf[0].material = bufr.material
    self.buf[0].textures = bufr.textures
    self.buf[0].draw_method = bufr.draw_method
    self.buf[0].unib = bufr.unib
Пример #7
    def merge(self,
        """merge the vertices, normals etc from this Buffer with those already there
    the position, rotation, scale, offset are set according to the origin of
    the MergeShape. If bufr is not a Buffer then it will be treated as if it
    is a Shape and its first Buffer object will be merged. Argument additional
    to standard Shape:

        Buffer object or Shape with a member buf[0] that is a Buffer object.
        OR an array or tuple where each element is an array or tuple with
        the required arguments i.e. [[bufr1, x1, y1, z1, rx1, ry1....],
        [bufr2, x2, y2...],[bufr3, x3, y3...]] this latter is a more efficient
        way of building a MergeShape from lots of elements. If multiple
        Buffers are passed in this way then the subsequent arguments (x,y,z etc)
        will be ignored.
        if not isinstance(bufr, list) and not isinstance(bufr, tuple):
            buflist = [[bufr, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz, sx, sy, sz]]
            buflist = bufr

        buf = self.buf[0].array_buffer  # alias to tidy code
        vertices = buf[:, 0:3] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
        normals = buf[:, 3:6] if len(buf) > 0 else buf
        tex_coords = buf[:, 6:8] if len(
            buf) > 0 else buf  #TODO this will only cope with N_BYTES == 32
        indices = self.buf[0].element_array_buffer[:]

        for b in buflist:
            if not (type(b[0]) is Buffer):
                bufr = b[0].buf[0]
                bufr = b[0]

            n = len(bufr.array_buffer)

            if VERBOSE:
                print("Merging", bufr.name)

            original_vertex_count = len(vertices)

            vrot = []
            nrot = []
            for v in range(0, n):
                # Scale, offset and store vertices
                vx, vy, vz = rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6],
                                        bufr.array_buffer[v, 0:3])
                    (vx * b[7] + b[1], vy * b[8] + b[2], vz * b[9] + b[3]))
                # Rotate normals
                    rotate_vec(b[4], b[5], b[6], bufr.array_buffer[v, 3:6]))
            vertices = np.append(vertices, vrot)
            normals = np.append(normals, nrot)
            tex_coords = np.append(tex_coords, bufr.array_buffer[:, 6:8])

            n = int(len(vertices) / 3)
            vertices.shape = (n, 3)
            normals.shape = (n, 3)
            tex_coords.shape = (n, 2)

            #ctypes.restype = ctypes.c_short  # TODO: remove this side-effect.
            faces = bufr.element_array_buffer + original_vertex_count
            indices = np.append(indices, faces)

            n = int(len(indices) / 3)
            indices.shape = (n, 3)

        self.buf = []
        self.buf.append(Buffer(self, vertices, tex_coords, indices, normals))