(tt - lastMsg) > 200)): lastMsg = tt lastData = copy.copy(data) try: #U.toLog(2, u"sending url: "+unicode(data)) U.sendURL({"sensors": data}) except Exception, e: U.toLog(-1, u"in Line '%s' has error='%s'" % (sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno, e), permanentLog=True) time.sleep(0.05) quick = U.checkNowFile(G.program) U.makeDATfile(G.program, data) U.echoLastAlive(G.program) tt = time.time() NSleep = int(sensorRefreshSecs) * 2 if tt - lastregularCycle > sensorRefreshSecs: regularCycle = True lastregularCycle = tt for n in range(NSleep): if quick: break readParams() time.sleep(0.5) quick = U.checkNowFile(G.program) if tt - lastRead > 5:
if ( ( deltaN > deltaX[devId] ) or ( tt - G.lastAliveSend > abs(G.sendToIndigoSecs) ) or ( quick ) ) and ( \ ( doAverage == 0 and tt - minSendDelta > G.lastAliveSend ) or avsend ) : sendURLnow = True lastValue[devId] = values #print " sending",avsend, deltaN ,deltaX[devId], tt - G.lastAliveSend ,tt - minSendDelta , G.sendToIndigoSecs if sendURLnow: ##print data U.sendURL(data) loopCount +=1 U.makeDATfile(G.program, data) quick = U.checkNowFile(G.program) U.echoLastAlive(G.program) if loopCount %40 ==0 and not quick: tt= time.time() if tt - lastRead > 5.: readParams() lastRead = tt if not quick: time.sleep(loopSleep) if rebootCount >20: U.restartMyself(reason="badsensor") except Exception, e: U.toLog(-1, u"in Line '%s' has error='%s'" % (sys.exc_traceback.tb_lineno, e))