Пример #1
class Movie(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=300)
    rating = Real(help_text="The rating on IMDB.")
    duration = Interval()
    director = ForeignKey(references=Director)
    oscar_nominations = Integer()
    won_oscar = Boolean()
    description = Text()
    release_date = Timestamp()
    box_office = Numeric(digits=(5, 1), help_text="In millions of US dollars.")
    tags = Array(base_column=Varchar())
Пример #2
class Category(Table):
    An category table.

    name = Varchar(length=200)
    slug = Varchar(length=200)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #3
    def test_subtract(self):
        kwargs = {"class_name": "Manager", "tablename": "manager"}

        name_column_1 = Varchar(unique=False)
        name_column_1._meta.name = "name"
        table_1 = DiffableTable(**kwargs, columns=[name_column_1])

        name_column_2 = Varchar(unique=True)
        name_column_2._meta.name = "name"
        table_2 = DiffableTable(**kwargs, columns=[name_column_2])

        delta = table_2 - table_1

        self.assertEqual(delta.alter_columns[0].params, {"unique": True})
        self.assertEqual(delta.alter_columns[0].old_params, {"unique": False})
Пример #4
    def test_drop_column(self, get_migration_managers: MagicMock):
        Test dropping a column with MigrationManager.
        manager_1 = MigrationManager()
        name_column = Varchar()
        name_column._meta.name = "name"
            class_name="Musician", tablename="musician", columns=[name_column]

        self.run_sync("INSERT INTO musician VALUES (default, 'Dave');")
        response = self.run_sync("SELECT * FROM musician;")
        self.assertEqual(response, [{"id": 1, "name": "Dave"}])

        manager_2 = MigrationManager()

        response = self.run_sync("SELECT * FROM musician;")
        self.assertEqual(response, [{"id": 1}])

        # Reverse
        set_mock_return_value(get_migration_managers, [manager_1])
        response = self.run_sync("SELECT * FROM musician;")
        self.assertEqual(response, [{"id": 1, "name": ""}])
Пример #5
class Movie(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=100, required=True)
    rating = Integer()

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #6
    def test_drop_table(self, get_migration_managers: MagicMock):
        self.run_sync("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musician;")

        name_column = Varchar()
        name_column._meta.name = "name"

        manager_1 = MigrationManager(migration_id="1", app_name="music")
            class_name="Musician", tablename="musician", columns=[name_column]

        manager_2 = MigrationManager(migration_id="2", app_name="music")
        manager_2.drop_table(class_name="Musician", tablename="musician")

        set_mock_return_value(get_migration_managers, [manager_1])

        self.assertTrue(not self.table_exists("musician"))


            app_name="music", max_migration_id="2", offset=-1

        self.run_sync("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musician;")
Пример #7
class Ad(Table):
    title = Varchar(length=255)
    slug = Varchar(length=255)
    content = Text()
    created = Timestamp()
    view = Integer(default=0)
    price = Integer()
    room = Integer()
    visitor = Integer()
    address = Varchar(length=255)
    city = Varchar(length=255)
    ad_user = ForeignKey(references=User)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.title])
Пример #8
class Manager(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=50)
    touring = Boolean(default=False)

    def get_readable(cls) -> Readable:
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #9
class Image(Table):
    path = Varchar(length=255)
    ad_image = ForeignKey(references=Ad)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.path])
Пример #10
class Task(Table):
    An example table.

    name = Varchar()
    completed = Boolean(default=False)
Пример #11
class Venue(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=100)
    capacity = Integer(default=0, secret=True)

    def get_readable(cls) -> Readable:
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #12
class Migration(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=200)
    app_name = Varchar(length=200)
    ran_on = Timestamp(default=TimestampNow())

    async def get_migrations_which_ran(cls,
                                       app_name: t.Optional[str] = None
                                       ) -> t.List[str]:
        Returns the names of migrations which have already run, by inspecting
        the database.
        query = cls.select(cls.name, cls.ran_on).order_by(cls.ran_on)
        if app_name is not None:
            query = query.where(cls.app_name == app_name)
        return [i["name"] for i in await query.run()]
Пример #13
class Band(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=50)
    manager = ForeignKey(Manager, null=True)
    popularity = Integer(default=0)

    def get_readable(cls) -> Readable:
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #14
class Movie(Table, db=DB):
    name = Varchar(length=300)
    rating = Real()
    duration = Integer()
    director = ForeignKey(references=Director)
    won_oscar = Boolean()
    description = Text()
    release_date = Timestamp()
    box_office = Numeric(digits=(5, 1))
Пример #15
class Director(Table, help_text="The main director for a movie."):
    class Gender(enum.Enum):
        male = "m"
        female = "f"
        non_binary = "n"

    name = Varchar(length=300, null=False)
    years_nominated = Array(
            "Which years this director was nominated for a best director "
    gender = Varchar(length=1, choices=Gender)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #16
class Question(Table):
    An question table.

    title = Varchar(length=200)
    slug = Varchar(length=200)
    description = Text()
    created_at = Timestamp()
    view = Integer(default=0)
    question_like = Integer(default=0)
    accepted_answer = Boolean(default=False)
    user = ForeignKey(references=User)
    category = ForeignKey(references=Category)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.title])
Пример #17
class Post(Table):
    A simple blog post.

    title = Varchar()
    content = Text()
    published = Boolean(default=False)
    created_on = Timestamp()
Пример #18
class Shirt(Table):
    Used for testing columns with a choices attribute.
    class Size(str, Enum):
        small = "s"
        medium = "m"
        large = "l"

    size = Varchar(length=1, choices=Size, default=Size.large)
Пример #19
class Notification(Table):
    message = Varchar(length=150)
    created = Timestamp()
    is_read = Boolean(default=False)
    sender = ForeignKey(references=User)
    recipient = ForeignKey(references=User)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.message])
Пример #20
class Category(Table):
    An Category table.

    name = Varchar()
    description = Text()

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #21
class Director(Table, help_text="The main director for a movie."):
    name = Varchar(length=300, null=False)
    years_nominated = Array(
            "Which years this director was nominated for a best director "

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.name])
Пример #22
class Topic(Table):
    An Topic table.

    subject = Varchar()
    created = Timestamp()
    category = ForeignKey(references=Category)
    topic_user = ForeignKey(references=BaseUser)

    def get_readable(cls):
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.subject])
Пример #23
class Movie(Table):
    class Genre(int, enum.Enum):
        fantasy = 1
        sci_fi = 2
        documentary = 3
        horror = 4
        action = 5
        comedy = 6
        romance = 7
        musical = 8

    name = Varchar(length=300)
    rating = Real(help_text="The rating on IMDB.")
    duration = Interval()
    director = ForeignKey(references=Director)
    oscar_nominations = Integer()
    won_oscar = Boolean()
    description = Text()
    release_date = Timestamp()
    box_office = Numeric(digits=(5, 1), help_text="In millions of US dollars.")
    tags = Array(base_column=Varchar())
    barcode = BigInt(default=0)
    genre = SmallInt(choices=Genre, null=True)
Пример #24
    def test_create_table_class(self):
        Make sure a basic `Table` can be created successfully.
        _Table = create_table_class(class_name="MyTable")
        self.assertEqual(_Table._meta.tablename, "my_table")

        _Table = create_table_class(class_name="MyTable",
                                    class_kwargs={"tablename": "my_table_1"})
        self.assertEqual(_Table._meta.tablename, "my_table_1")

        column = Varchar()
        _Table = create_table_class(class_name="MyTable",
                                    class_members={"name": column})
        self.assertIn(column, _Table._meta.columns)
Пример #25
    def test_integer_to_varchar(self):
        Test converting an Integer column to Varchar.

        alter_query = Band.alter().set_column_type(old_column=Band.popularity,

            "CHARACTER VARYING",

        popularity = (Band.select(
        self.assertEqual(popularity, "1000")
Пример #26
    def test_add_table(self):
        Test adding a table to a MigrationManager.
        self.run_sync("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musician;")

        manager = MigrationManager()
        name_column = Varchar()
        name_column._meta.name = "name"
            class_name="Musician", tablename="musician", columns=[name_column]

        self.run_sync("INSERT INTO musician VALUES (default, 'Bob Jones');")
        response = self.run_sync("SELECT * FROM musician;")

        self.assertEqual(response, [{"id": 1, "name": "Bob Jones"}])

        # Reverse
        self.assertEqual(self.table_exists("musician"), False)
        self.run_sync("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS musician;")
Пример #27
class BaseUser(Table, tablename="piccolo_user"):
    Provides a basic user, with authentication support.

    id: Serial
    username = Varchar(length=100, unique=True)
    password = Secret(length=255)
    first_name = Varchar(null=True)
    last_name = Varchar(null=True)
    email = Varchar(length=255, unique=True)
    active = Boolean(default=False)
    admin = Boolean(
        default=False, help_text="An admin can log into the Piccolo admin GUI."
    superuser = Boolean(
            "If True, this user can manage other users's passwords in the "
            "Piccolo admin GUI."
    last_login = Timestamp(
        help_text="When this user last logged in.",

    _min_password_length = 6
    _max_password_length = 128

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Generating passwords upfront is expensive, so might need reworking.
        password = kwargs.get("password", None)
        if password:
            if not password.startswith("pbkdf2_sha256"):
                kwargs["password"] = self.__class__.hash_password(password)

    def get_salt(cls):
        return secrets.token_hex(16)

    def get_readable(cls) -> Readable:
        Used to get a readable string, representing a table row.
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.username])


    def update_password_sync(cls, user: t.Union[str, int], password: str):
        A sync equivalent of :meth:`update_password`.
        return run_sync(cls.update_password(user, password))

    async def update_password(cls, user: t.Union[str, int], password: str):
        The password is the raw password string e.g. ``'password123'``.
        The user can be a user ID, or a username.
        if isinstance(user, str):
            clause = cls.username == user
        elif isinstance(user, int):
            clause = cls.id == user
            raise ValueError(
                "The `user` arg must be a user id, or a username."

        password = cls.hash_password(password)
        await cls.update({cls.password: password}).where(clause).run()


    def hash_password(
        cls, password: str, salt: str = "", iterations: int = 10000
    ) -> str:
        Hashes the password, ready for storage, and for comparing during

        :raises ValueError:
            If an excessively long password is provided.

        if len(password) > cls._max_password_length:
            logger.warning("Excessively long password provided.")
            raise ValueError("The password is too long.")

        if salt == "":
            salt = cls.get_salt()
        hashed = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
            bytes(password, encoding="utf-8"),
            bytes(salt, encoding="utf-8"),
        return f"pbkdf2_sha256${iterations}${salt}${hashed}"

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: t.Any):
        Make sure that if the password is set, it's stored in a hashed form.
        if name == "password" and not value.startswith("pbkdf2_sha256"):
            value = self.__class__.hash_password(value)

        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    def split_stored_password(cls, password: str) -> t.List[str]:
        elements = password.split("$")
        if len(elements) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Unable to split hashed password")
        return elements


    def login_sync(cls, username: str, password: str) -> t.Optional[int]:
        A sync equivalent of :meth:`login`.
        return run_sync(cls.login(username, password))

    async def login(cls, username: str, password: str) -> t.Optional[int]:
        Make sure the user exists and the password is valid. If so, the
        ``last_login`` value is updated in the database.

            The id of the user if a match is found, otherwise ``None``.

        if len(username) > cls.username.length:
            logger.warning("Excessively long username provided.")
            return None

        if len(password) > cls._max_password_length:
            logger.warning("Excessively long password provided.")
            return None

        response = (
            await cls.select(cls._meta.primary_key, cls.password)
            .where(cls.username == username)
        if not response:
            # No match found
            return None

        stored_password = response["password"]

        algorithm, iterations, salt, hashed = cls.split_stored_password(

        if (
            cls.hash_password(password, salt, int(iterations))
            == stored_password
            await cls.update({cls.last_login: datetime.datetime.now()}).where(
                cls.username == username
            return response["id"]
            return None


    def create_user_sync(
        cls, username: str, password: str, **extra_params
    ) -> BaseUser:
        A sync equivalent of :meth:`create_user`.
        return run_sync(
                username=username, password=password, **extra_params

    async def create_user(
        cls, username: str, password: str, **extra_params
    ) -> BaseUser:
        Creates a new user, and saves it in the database. It is recommended to
        use this rather than instantiating and saving ``BaseUser`` directly, as
        we add extra validation.

        :raises ValueError:
            If the username or password is invalid.
            The created ``BaseUser`` instance.

        if not username:
            raise ValueError("A username must be provided.")

        if not password:
            raise ValueError("A password must be provided.")

        if len(password) < cls._min_password_length:
            raise ValueError("The password is too short.")

        if len(password) > cls._max_password_length:
            raise ValueError("The password is too long.")

        if password.startswith("pbkdf2_sha256"):
                "Tried to create a user with an already hashed password."
            raise ValueError("Do not pass a hashed password.")

        user = cls(username=username, password=password, **extra_params)
        await user.save()
        return user
Пример #28
class BaseUser(Table, tablename="piccolo_user"):
    Provides a basic user, with authentication support.

    username = Varchar(length=100, unique=True)
    password = Secret(length=255)
    first_name = Varchar(null=True)
    last_name = Varchar(null=True)
    email = Varchar(length=255, unique=True)
    active = Boolean(default=False)
    admin = Boolean(default=False)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Generating passwords upfront is expensive, so might need reworking.
        password = kwargs.get("password", None)
        if password:
            kwargs["password"] = self.__class__.hash_password(password)

    def get_salt(cls):
        return secrets.token_hex(16)

    def get_readable(cls) -> Readable:
        Used to get a readable string, representing a table row.
        return Readable(template="%s", columns=[cls.username])


    def update_password_sync(cls, user: t.Union[str, int], password: str):
        return run_sync(cls.update_password(user, password))

    async def update_password(cls, user: t.Union[str, int], password: str):
        The password is the raw password string e.g. password123.
        The user can be a user ID, or a username.
        if isinstance(user, str):
            clause = cls.username == user
        elif isinstance(user, int):
            clause = cls.id == user  # type: ignore
            raise ValueError(
                "The `user` arg must be a user id, or a username."

        password = cls.hash_password(password)
        await cls.update().values({cls.password: password}).where(clause).run()


    def hash_password(
        cls, password: str, salt: str = "", iterations: int = 10000
    ) -> str:
        Hashes the password, ready for storage, and for comparing during
        if salt == "":
            salt = cls.get_salt()
        hashed = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(
            bytes(password, encoding="utf-8"),
            bytes(salt, encoding="utf-8"),
        return f"pbkdf2_sha256${iterations}${salt}${hashed}"

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: t.Any):
        Make sure that if the password is set, it's stored in a hashed form.
        if name == "password":
            if not value.startswith("pbkdf2_sha256"):
                value = self.__class__.hash_password(value)

        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    def split_stored_password(cls, password: str) -> t.List[str]:
        elements = password.split("$")
        if len(elements) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Unable to split hashed password")
        return elements

    def login_sync(cls, username: str, password: str) -> t.Optional[int]:
        Returns the user_id if a match is found.
        return run_sync(cls.login(username, password))

    async def login(cls, username: str, password: str) -> t.Optional[int]:
        Returns the user_id if a match is found.
        query = (
            .columns(cls.id, cls.password)
            .where((cls.username == username))
        response = await query.run()
        if not response:
            # No match found
            return None

        stored_password = response["password"]

        algorithm, iterations, salt, hashed = cls.split_stored_password(

        if (
            cls.hash_password(password, salt, int(iterations))
            == stored_password
            return response["id"]
            return None
Пример #29
class SessionsBase(Table, tablename="sessions"):
    Use this table, or inherit from it, to create a session store.

    #: Stores the session token.
    token: Varchar = Varchar(length=100, null=False)

    #: Stores the user ID.
    user_id: Integer = Integer(null=False)

    #: Stores the expiry date for this session.
    expiry_date: Timestamp = Timestamp(default=TimestampOffset(hours=1),

    #: We set a hard limit on the expiry date - it can keep on getting extended
    #: up until this value, after which it's best to invalidate it, and either
    #: require login again, or just create a new session token.
    max_expiry_date: Timestamp = Timestamp(default=TimestampOffset(days=7),

    async def create_session(
        user_id: int,
        expiry_date: t.Optional[datetime] = None,
        max_expiry_date: t.Optional[datetime] = None,
    ) -> SessionsBase:
        Creates a session in the database.
        while True:
            token = secrets.token_urlsafe(nbytes=32)
            if not await cls.exists().where(cls.token == token).run():

        session = cls(token=token, user_id=user_id)
        if expiry_date:
            session.expiry_date = expiry_date
        if max_expiry_date:
            session.max_expiry_date = max_expiry_date

        await session.save().run()

        return session

    def create_session_sync(
            user_id: int,
            expiry_date: t.Optional[datetime] = None) -> SessionsBase:
        A sync equivalent of :meth:`create_session`.
        return run_sync(cls.create_session(user_id, expiry_date))

    async def get_user_id(
            token: str,
            increase_expiry: t.Optional[timedelta] = None) -> t.Optional[int]:
        Returns the ``user_id`` if the given token is valid, otherwise

        :param increase_expiry:
            If set, the ``expiry_date`` will be increased by the given amount
            if it's close to expiring. If it has already expired, nothing
            happens. The ``max_expiry_date`` remains the same, so there's a
            hard limit on how long a session can be used for.
        session: SessionsBase = (await cls.objects().where(cls.token == token

        if not session:
            return None

        now = datetime.now()
        if (session.expiry_date > now) and (session.max_expiry_date > now):
            if increase_expiry and (t.cast(datetime, session.expiry_date) - now
                                    < increase_expiry):
                session.expiry_date = (t.cast(datetime, session.expiry_date) +
                await session.save().run()

            return t.cast(t.Optional[int], session.user_id)
            return None

    def get_user_id_sync(cls, token: str) -> t.Optional[int]:
        A sync wrapper around :meth:`get_user_id`.
        return run_sync(cls.get_user_id(token))

    async def remove_session(cls, token: str):
        Deletes a matching session from the database.
        await cls.delete().where(cls.token == token).run()

    def remove_session_sync(cls, token: str):
        A sync wrapper around :meth:`remove_session`.
        return run_sync(cls.remove_session(token))
Пример #30
class BandMember(Table):
    name = Varchar(length=50, index=True)