def test_confusion_matrix_from_data(self):
        """confusion_matrix_from_data should work for binary and quantitative data"""

        #binary test
        exp = [1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1]
        obs = [1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]
        exp_tp = 6.0
        exp_fp = 3.0
        exp_fn = 2.0
        exp_tn = 2.0
        tp,fp,fn,tn = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)

        #quantitative test
        #results should be indentical to binary test
        #since only presence/absence is considered
        exp = [1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1]
        obs = [13.7,6.5,0,1,0,0,2.3,1,1.0,1.3,1.5,1,0]
        exp_tp = 6.0
        exp_fp = 3.0
        exp_fn = 2.0
        exp_tn = 2.0
        tp,fp,fn,tn = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
    def test_confusion_matrix_from_data(self):
        """confusion_matrix_from_data should work for binary and quantitative data"""

        #binary test
        exp = [1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1]
        obs = [1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0]
        exp_tp = 6.0
        exp_fp = 3.0
        exp_fn = 2.0
        exp_tn = 2.0

        tp,fp,fn,tn = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)

        #quantitative test
        #results should be indentical to binary test
        #since only presence/absence is considered
        exp = [1,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1]
        obs = [13.7,6.5,0,1,0,0,2.3,1,1.0,1.3,1.5,1,0]
        exp_tp = 6.0
        exp_fp = 3.0
        exp_fn = 2.0
        exp_tn = 2.0

        tp,fp,fn,tn = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
    def test_roc_points(self):
        """roc_points should calculate the points for a Receiver Operating Characteristics curve
        #The set up here is a bit elaborate since I generate the test datasets
        #based on the values we need in the confusion matrix.
        #I test the intermediate results though, so any errors should be due 
        #to the actual function, not the test
        tn_obs = 0
        tn_exp = 0

        fp_obs = 1
        fp_exp = 0

        tp_obs = 1
        tp_exp = 1

        fn_obs = 0
        fn_exp = 1

         #point A
        obs = [tp_obs] * 63 + [fp_obs] *28 + [fn_obs] * 37 + [tn_obs]*72
        exp = [tp_exp] * 63 + [fp_exp] *28 + [fn_exp] * 37 + [tn_exp]*72
        trial_a_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_a = (obs,exp)
        #point B
        obs = [tp_obs] * 77 + [fp_obs] *77 + [fn_obs] * 23 + [tn_obs]*23
        exp = [tp_exp] * 77 + [fp_exp] *77 + [fn_exp] * 23 + [tn_exp]*23
        trial_b_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_b = (obs,exp)
        #point c
        obs = [tp_obs] * 24 + [fp_obs] *88 + [fn_obs] * 76 + [tn_obs]*12
        exp = [tp_exp] * 24 + [fp_exp] *88 + [fn_exp] * 76 + [tn_exp]*12
        trial_c_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_c_results = calculate_accuracy_stats_from_observations(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct

        trial_c = (obs,exp)

        trials = [trial_a, trial_b,trial_c]
        #Finally the actual test

        obs_points = roc_points(trials)
        exp_points = [(0.28,0.63),(0.77,0.77),(0.88,0.24)]
    def test_roc_points(self):
        """roc_points should calculate the points for a Receiver Operating Characteristics curve

        #The set up here is a bit elaborate since I generate the test datasets
        #based on the values we need in the confusion matrix.
        #I test the intermediate results though, so any errors should be due
        #to the actual function, not the test

        tn_obs = 0
        tn_exp = 0

        fp_obs = 1
        fp_exp = 0

        tp_obs = 1
        tp_exp = 1

        fn_obs = 0
        fn_exp = 1

         #point A
        obs = [tp_obs] * 63 + [fp_obs] *28 + [fn_obs] * 37 + [tn_obs]*72
        exp = [tp_exp] * 63 + [fp_exp] *28 + [fn_exp] * 37 + [tn_exp]*72
        trial_a_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_a = (obs,exp)

        #point B
        obs = [tp_obs] * 77 + [fp_obs] *77 + [fn_obs] * 23 + [tn_obs]*23
        exp = [tp_exp] * 77 + [fp_exp] *77 + [fn_exp] * 23 + [tn_exp]*23
        trial_b_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_b = (obs,exp)

        #point c
        obs = [tp_obs] * 24 + [fp_obs] *88 + [fn_obs] * 76 + [tn_obs]*12
        exp = [tp_exp] * 24 + [fp_exp] *88 + [fn_exp] * 76 + [tn_exp]*12
        trial_c_results = confusion_matrix_from_data(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct
        trial_c_results = calculate_accuracy_stats_from_observations(obs,exp)
        #Check that this is correct

        trial_c = (obs,exp)

        trials = [trial_a, trial_b,trial_c]

        #Finally the actual test

        obs_points = roc_points(trials)
        exp_points = [(0.28,0.63),(0.77,0.77),(0.88,0.24)]