def _do_flickr(self, subcmd, opts, method, *args): """${cmd_name}: Call the given Flickr API method (for debugging). ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} Examples: pics flickr reflection.getMethods pics flickr reflection.getMethodInfo pics flickr photos.getInfo photo_id=140542114 pics flickr -d photos.recentlyUpdated min_date=2007-02-11 extras=last_update """ api_key = utils.get_flickr_api_key() secret = utils.get_flickr_secret() flickr = simpleflickrapi.SimpleFlickrAPI(api_key, secret) auth_token = flickr.get_auth_token(perms="read") kwargs = dict(a.split('=', 1) for a in args) if opts.format_dates: if method == "photos.recentlyUpdated" and "min_date" in kwargs: d = kwargs["min_date"] if re.match("\d+-\d+-\d+", d): dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d") t = str(int(utils.timestamp_from_datetime(dt))) log.debug("min_date: %r -> %r", kwargs["min_date"], t) kwargs["min_date"] = t if opts.paging: per_page = int(kwargs.get("per_page", 100)) for i, item in enumerate(flickr.paging_call("flickr."+method, **kwargs)): if i and i % per_page == 0: raw_input("Press <Enter> for next page of results...") utils.xpprint(item) else: xml ="flickr."+method, **kwargs) utils.xpprint(xml)
def api(self): if self._api_cache is None: self._api_cache = simpleflickrapi.SimpleFlickrAPI( utils.get_flickr_api_key(), utils.get_flickr_secret()) #TODO: For now 'pics' is just read-only so this is good # enough. However, eventually we'll want separate # `self.read_api', `self.write_api' and # `self.delete_api' or similar mechanism. #TODO: cache this auth token in the pics user data dir self._api_cache.get_auth_token("read") return self._api_cache
def _do_play(self, subcmd, opts): """Run my current play/dev code. ${cmd_usage} ${cmd_option_list} """ if False: api_key = utils.get_flickr_api_key() secret = utils.get_flickr_secret() flickr = simpleflickrapi.SimpleFlickrAPI(api_key, secret) auth_token = flickr.get_auth_token(perms="read") t = time.time() t -= 30 * 24 * 60 * 60.0 t = str(int(t)) utils.xpprint( #flickr.favorites_getList() flickr.photos_recentlyUpdated(min_date=t, extras="date_taken,media,original_format") ) if True: import sqlite3 cx = sqlite3.connect("photos.sqlite3") cu = cx.cursor() cu.executescript(""" -- List of photos in the working copy. CREATE TABLE photos ( id INTEGER UNIQUE, datedir TEXT ); -- List of photos to update. CREATE TABLE updates ( id INTEGER UNIQUE, datedir TEXT ); """) cx.commit() # Gather all the updates to do. for row in [(1,'a'), (2,'b'), (3,'c')]: cu.execute("INSERT INTO updates VALUES (?,?)", row) cx.commit() # Do all the updates. cu.execute("SELECT * from updates") for row in cu: print row cu.close() cx.close()