def gen_cell_tuple(para_tuple): index, cell_ragion = para_tuple cell_rect = nonzero_rect.analyze_from_center(cell_ragion) if cell_rect: cell_ragion = Rect.get_ragion(cell_rect, cell_ragion) return (index, cell_ragion) return False
def generate_first_rect(the_ragion): ragion_height, ragion_width = the_ragion.shape centroid = Image.centroid(the_ragion) single_width = int(round(ragion_width*0.16)) single_height = int(round(ragion_height*0.16)) # (single_width, single_height).ppl() return Rect.cal_center_rect(centroid, single_width, single_width, single_height, single_height)
# the_ragion.mean().ppl() # the_ragion.ppl() # thresholded_ragion = Image.threshold_white_with_mean_percent(the_ragion, 0.8) # thresholded_ragion.ppl() # Display.image(thresholded_ragion) file_path = Resource.get_test_path("sample_15_square.jpg") square_ragion = cv2.imread(file_path, 0) # square_ragion.mean().ppl() threshold_value = Ragion.cal_threshold_value(the_ragion, square_ragion, 0.69) thresholded_ragion = Image.threshold_white(the_ragion, threshold_value) # thresholded_ragion = cv2.adaptiveThreshold(the_ragion, 255, # cv2.ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV, blockSize=7, C=2) cell_rect = nonzero_rect.analyze_from_center(thresholded_ragion) if cell_rect: cell_ragion = Rect.get_ragion(cell_rect, thresholded_ragion) # Display.image(cell_ragion) file_path = Resource.get_test_path("sample_19_07_05_image.jpg") the_ragion = cv2.imread(file_path, 0) # the_ragion.mean().ppl() file_path = Resource.get_test_path("sample_19_square.jpg") square_ragion = cv2.imread(file_path, 0) # square_ragion.mean().ppl() threshold_value = Ragion.cal_threshold_value(the_ragion, square_ragion, 0.8) thresholded_ragion = Image.threshold_white(the_ragion, threshold_value) cell_rect = nonzero_rect.analyze_from_center(thresholded_ragion) if cell_rect:
def center_rect_enlarge_search(the_ragion): ''' it has been deprecated, since it will take more time and cannot get the whole rect in some case. ''' ragion_height, ragion_width = the_ragion.shape centroid = Image.centroid(the_ragion) single_width = int(round(ragion_width*0.18)) single_height = int(round(ragion_height*0.18)) # (single_width, single_height).ppl() left_x, top_y, edge_width, edge_height = \ Rect.cal_center_rect(centroid, single_width, single_width, single_height, single_height) right_x = left_x + edge_width - 1 bottom_y = top_y + edge_height - 1 # (left_x, top_y, edge_width, edge_height).ppl() top_nonzero = True bottom_nonzero = True left_nonzero = True right_nonzero = True while(top_nonzero or bottom_nonzero or left_nonzero or right_nonzero): # (left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y).ppl() # (left_nonzero, top_nonzero, right_nonzero, bottom_nonzero).ppl() # cur_rect = Rect.create(left_x, top_y, right_x, bottom_y) # Display.rect(the_ragion, cur_rect) if top_nonzero: top_nonzero = Rect.has_nonzero((left_x, top_y, right_x-left_x+1, 1),the_ragion) if top_nonzero: top_y -= 1 if top_y <= 0: top_nonzero = False top_y = -1 if bottom_nonzero: bottom_nonzero = Rect.has_nonzero((left_x, bottom_y, right_x-left_x+1, 1),the_ragion) if bottom_nonzero: bottom_y += 1 if bottom_y >= ragion_height-1: bottom_nonzero = False bottom_y = ragion_height if left_nonzero: left_nonzero = Rect.has_nonzero((left_x, top_y, 1, bottom_y-top_y+1),the_ragion) if left_nonzero: left_x -= 1 if left_x <= 0: left_nonzero = False left_x = -1 if right_nonzero: right_nonzero = Rect.has_nonzero((right_x, top_y, 1, bottom_y-top_y+1),the_ragion) if right_nonzero: right_x += 1 if right_x >= ragion_width-1: right_nonzero = False right_x = ragion_width final_top = top_y + 1 final_bottom = bottom_y - 1 final_left = left_x + 1 final_right = right_x - 1 return Rect.create(final_left, final_top, final_right, final_bottom)