class Controller(object): def __init__(self, p, t='pid'): self.t = t if t is 'pid': t_w, t_k_p, t_k_i, t_k_d, x_w, x_k_p, x_k_i, x_k_d = p self.t_w = t_w self.x_w = x_w self.t_pid = PID(t_k_p, t_k_i, t_k_d) self.x_pid = PID(x_k_p, x_k_i, x_k_d) elif t is 'net': w = [] end = 0 for a, b in zip(network_topology[:-1], network_topology[1:]): w.append(np.reshape(p[end:end + a * b], (a, b))) end = end + a * b self.c_net = Net(w) def compute(self, s): t = self.t if t is 'pid': t_w, x_w = self.t_w, self.x_w x, _, t, _ = s return t_w * self.t_pid.compute(t,tau) + \ x_w * self.x_pid.compute(x,tau) elif t is 'net': return self.c_net.compute(s)
class AttitudeControl: """ Class implements attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). """ def __init__(self): self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles reference values self.x_mv = 0 # x-position measured value self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.y_mv = 0 # y-position measured value self.y_sp = 0 # y-position set point self.pid_roll = PID(1, 0, 1.45, 1, -1) # roll controller self.pid_pitch = PID(1, 0, 1.45, 1, -1) # pitch controller self.pid_yaw = PID(2, 0, 0, 5, -5) # yaw controller self.vel_msg = Twist() def runPose(self, data): self.vel_msg.linear.x = self.pid_roll.compute(self.x_sp, data.position.x) self.vel_msg.linear.y = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.x_sp, data.position.y) self.vel_msg.angular.z = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z, data.orientation.z)
class HeightControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_ref_filt = 0 # z ref filtered self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() self.euler_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured angular velocities self.dwz = 0 ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(4.0) # 0.5 self.pid_z.set_ki(0.02) # 0.01 self.pid_z.set_kd(0.75) # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(25.0)# 20, 87.2) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.01) # 0.1 self.pid_vz.set_kd(20.0)# 10, 10.89) # Yaw rate params self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(75) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(5) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(15) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_z.set_lim_high(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(350) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-350) # min velocity of a motor self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.gm_attitude_ctl = 0 # flag indicates if attitude control is turned on self.gm_attitude_ctl = rospy.get_param('~gm_attitude_ctl') self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('pose_with_covariance', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavZCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant referent value for motor velocity should be stored in variable mot_speed. # When you implement attitude control set the flag self.attitude_ctl to 1 #self.gm_attitude_ctl = 1 # don't forget to set me to 1 when you implement attitude ctl if not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) else: t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: print dt self.t_old = t #Corrections for HIL self.mot_speed_hover = 427 #self.mot_speed_hover = 280 # prefilter for reference a = 0.1 self.z_ref_filt = (1-a) * self.z_ref_filt + a * self.z_sp vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_ref_filt, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) self.dwz = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.gm_attitude_ctl == 0: # moving masses are used to control attitude # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = Actuators(); mot_speed_msg.header.stamp = t mot_speed1 = self.mot_speed + self.dwz mot_speed2 = self.mot_speed - self.dwz mot_speed3 = self.mot_speed + self.dwz mot_speed4 = self.mot_speed - self.dwz mot_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [mot_speed1, mot_speed2, mot_speed3, mot_speed4] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: # gas motors are used to control attitude # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.z_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.vz_mv = msg.twist.linear.z def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.z_sp = msg.z def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class AttitudeControl: def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll.set_kp(0.02) # 0.001 self.pid_roll.set_ki(0.08) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_roll.set_dead_zone(0.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(0.02) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(0.08) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_pitch.set_dead_zone(0.0) self.joint0 = [0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45] self.joint_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.joint0) self.joint_msg = JointState(); self.joint_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] = 1.494 self.mb = 2.564 self.M = self.mb + 4 * self.Sx = 0.02 self.Sz = 0.02 self.D = 0.424 = 1/2.564 self.Jacobian = numpy.matrix([[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0]]) self.inv_Jacobian = numpy.matrix([[0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0], [0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0]]) self.u_meas = numpy.matrix([[0.0],[0.0],[0.0],[0.0]]) self.dp_ref = numpy.matrix([[0.0], [0.0]]) self.du_ref = numpy.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]]) print self.u_meas ################################################################## ################################################################## self.rate = 20.0 self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 20 Hz self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) rospy.Subscriber('aquashoko_joint_positions', JointState, self.joint_cb) self.pub_joint_references = rospy.Publisher('aquashoko_chatter', JointState, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(AttitudeControlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while rospy.get_time() == 0: print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while not self.start_flag: print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk < 0.0001: #this should never happen, but if it does, set default value of sample time dt_clk = 1.0 / self.rate self.u_meas[0,0] = math.radians((self.joint_pos[0] - self.joint_pos[6]) / 2.0) self.u_meas[1,0] = math.radians((self.joint_pos[3] - self.joint_pos[9]) / 2.0) self.u_meas[2,0] = math.radians((self.joint_pos[1] - self.joint_pos[7]) / 2.0) self.u_meas[3,0] = math.radians((self.joint_pos[4] - self.joint_pos[10]) / 2.0) self.compute_jacobian() self.inv_Jacobian = numpy.linalg.pinv(self.Jacobian) #self.inv_Jacobian = numpy.matrix([[1.0*12.0,1.0*25.0],[1.0*-25.0, 1.0*12.0], [-25.0,0.0],[0.0,-25.0]]) delta_y_ref = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) delta_x_ref = -self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) self.dp_ref[0,0] = delta_x_ref self.dp_ref[1,0] = delta_y_ref self.du_ref = self.inv_Jacobian * self.dp_ref self.joint_ref[1] = math.degrees(self.du_ref[2,0]) + self.joint0[1] self.joint_ref[7] = math.degrees(-self.du_ref[2,0]) + self.joint0[7] self.joint_ref[4] = math.degrees(self.du_ref[3,0]) + self.joint0[4] self.joint_ref[10] = math.degrees(-self.du_ref[3,0]) + self.joint0[10] self.joint_ref[0] = math.degrees(self.du_ref[0,0]) + self.joint0[0] self.joint_ref[6] = math.degrees(-self.du_ref[0,0]) + self.joint0[6] self.joint_ref[3] = math.degrees(self.du_ref[1,0]) + self.joint0[3] self.joint_ref[9] = math.degrees(-self.du_ref[1,0]) + self.joint0[9] #self.joint_ref[2] = self.joint_ref[1] #self.joint_ref[5] = self.joint_ref[4] #self.joint_ref[8] = self.joint_ref[7] #self.joint_ref[11] = self.joint_ref[10] self.joint_msg.header.stamp = self.joint_msg.position = copy.deepcopy(self.joint_ref) self.pub_joint_references.publish(self.joint_msg) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.loop_count = self.loop_count + 1 def compute_jacobian(self): c1 = math.cos(self.u_meas[0,0]) s1 = math.sin(self.u_meas[0,0]) c2 = math.cos(self.u_meas[1,0]) s2 = math.sin(self.u_meas[1,0]) c3 = math.cos(self.u_meas[2,0]) s3 = math.sin(self.u_meas[2,0]) c4 = math.cos(self.u_meas[3,0]) s4 = math.sin(self.u_meas[3,0]) self.Jacobian[0,0] = self.compute_j00_j11(s1, s3, c1) self.Jacobian[1,1] = self.compute_j00_j11(s2, s4, c2) self.Jacobian[0,1] = -1.0 * self.compute_j01_j10_j02_j13(c2, c4) self.Jacobian[1,0] = self.compute_j01_j10_j02_j13(c1, c3) self.Jacobian[0,2] = -1.0 * self.compute_j01_j10_j02_j13(c1, c3) self.Jacobian[1,3] = -1.0 * self.compute_j01_j10_j02_j13(c2, c4) self.Jacobian[0,3] = self.compute_j03_j12(s2, s4) self.Jacobian[1,2] = -1.0 * self.compute_j03_j12(s1, s3) def compute_j00_j11(self, s1,s2, c1): res = * (math.sqrt(2) * s1 * s2 * (8 * * self.Sx + self.mb * (self.D*( + 2 * self.Sx)) / self.M + 4 * c1 * self.Sz) / \ (2 * ( * self.mb + 4 * return res def compute_j01_j10_j02_j13(self, c1,c2): res = (c1 * c2 * * (8 * * self.Sx + self.mb * (self.D*( + 2 * self.Sx))) / \ (math.sqrt(2) * self.M * ( * self.mb + 4 * return res def compute_j03_j12(self, s1,s2): res = (s1 * s2 * * (8 * * self.Sx + self.mb * (self.D*( + 2 * self.Sx))) / \ (math.sqrt(2) * self.M * ( * self.mb + 4 * return res def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def joint_cb(self, msg): self.joint_pos = copy.deepcopy(msg.position) #print self.joint_pos def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class PositionControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time # X controller self.x_sp = 0.0 self.x_mv = 0.0 self.pid_x = PID() self.vx_sp = 0.0 self.vx_mv = 0.0 self.pid_vx = PID() # X controller self.y_sp = 0.0 self.y_mv = 0.0 self.pid_y = PID() self.vy_sp = 0.0 self.vy_mv = 0.0 self.pid_vy = PID() # Z controller self.z_sp = 2.0 # z-position set point self.z_ref_filt = 0 # z ref filtered self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for x controller self.pid_x.set_kp(0.65) # 0.05 self.pid_x.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_x.set_kd(0.03) # 0.07 self.pid_x.set_lim_high(500) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_x.set_lim_low(-500) # max vertical descent speed # Add parameters for vx controller self.pid_vx.set_kp(0.11) # 0.11 self.pid_vx.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vx.set_kd(0) self.pid_vx.set_lim_high(500) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-500) # min velocity of a motor # Add parameters for y controller self.pid_y.set_kp(0.65) self.pid_y.set_ki(0.0) #0.05 self.pid_y.set_kd(0.03) #0.03 self.pid_y.set_lim_high(500) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_y.set_lim_low(-500) # max vertical descent speed # Add parameters for vy controller self.pid_vy.set_kp(0.11) # 0.11 self.pid_vy.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vy.set_kd(0) self.pid_vy.set_lim_high(500) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-500) # min velocity of a motor # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(100) self.pid_z.set_ki(10) self.pid_z.set_kd(100) self.pid_z.set_lim_high(500) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-500) # max vertical descent speed # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(1) #87.2) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0) #10.89) self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(500) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-500) # min velocity of a motor ######################################################### ######################################################### self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('reset_controllers', Empty, self.reset_controllers_cb) self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_y = rospy.Publisher('pid_y', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float64, queue_size=1) self.euler_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('euler_ref', Vector3, queue_size=1) #self.pub_gm_mot = rospy.Publisher('collectiveThrust', GmStatus, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(VpcMmcuavPositionCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 100) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print 'Waiting for pose measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): while not self.start_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print 'Waiting for pose measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.sleep(1.0 / float(self.rate)) ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant referent value for motor velocity should be stored in variable mot_speed. # When you implement attitude control set the flag self.attitude_ctl to 1 #self.gm_attitude_ctl = 1 # don't forget to set me to 1 when you implement attitude ctl t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() if dt > 1.05 / float(self.rate) or dt < 0.95 / float(self.rate): #print dt pass self.t_old = t temp_euler_ref = Vector3() vx_ref = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_sp, self.x_mv, dt) temp_euler_ref.y = self.pid_vx.compute(vx_ref, self.vx_mv, dt) vy_ref = self.pid_y.compute(self.y_sp, self.y_mv, dt) temp_euler_ref.x = self.pid_vy.compute(vy_ref, self.vy_mv, dt) # (m_uav + m_arms)/(C*4) self.mot_speed_hover = math.sqrt(9.81 * (2.083 + 0.208 * 4 + 0.6) / (8.54858e-06 * 4.0)) # prefilter for reference #a = 0.1 #self.z_ref_filt = (1-a) * self.z_ref_filt + a * self.z_sp vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) #print "mot_speed", self.mot_speed ######################################################## ######################################################## # Publish to euler ref self.euler_ref_pub.publish(temp_euler_ref) # gas motors are used to control attitude # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float64(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_y.publish(self.pid_y.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def reset_controllers_cb(self, msg): self.start_flag = False self.pid_x.reset() self.pid_vx.reset() self.pid_y.reset() self.pid_vy.reset() self.pid_z.reset() self.pid_z.ui_old = 22.0 self.pid_vz.reset() rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.x_mv = msg.pose.position.x self.y_mv = -msg.pose.position.y self.z_mv = msg.pose.position.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' #if not self.start_flag: # self.start_flag = True self.vx_mv = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.vy_mv = -msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.vz_mv = msg.twist.twist.linear.z def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y self.z_sp = msg.z def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ #print "CFG callback" if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.x_kp = self.pid_x.get_kp() config.x_ki = self.pid_x.get_ki() config.x_kd = self.pid_x.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.y_kp = self.pid_y.get_kp() config.y_ki = self.pid_y.get_ki() config.y_kd = self.pid_y.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_x.set_kp(config.x_kp) self.pid_x.set_ki(config.x_ki) self.pid_x.set_kd(config.x_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_y.set_kp(config.y_kp) self.pid_y.set_ki(config.y_ki) self.pid_y.set_kd(config.y_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class AttitudeControl: ''' Class implements MAV attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). Two PIDs in cascade are used for each degree of freedom. Subscribes to: /morus/imu - used to extract attitude and attitude rate of the vehicle /morus/mot_vel_ref - used to receive referent motor velocity from the height controller /morus/euler_ref - used to set the attitude referent (useful for testing controllers) Publishes: /morus/command/motors - referent motor velocities sent to each motor controller /morus/pid_roll - publishes PID-roll data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_roll_rate - publishes PID-roll_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch - publishes PID-pitch data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch_rate - publishes PID-pitch_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw - publishes PID-yaw data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw_rate - publishes PID-yaw_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controllers param online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_roll_rate = PID() # roll rate (wx) controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller self.pid_pitch_rate = PID() # pitch rate (wy) controller self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw controller self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate (wz) controller # ################################################################# # ################################################################# # Add your PID params here # Matknuti integrator # P - 7-5, D- 5, P - 5, D - 2.5 self.pid_roll.set_kp(3.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(2.5) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_high(0.3) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_low(-0.3) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(3) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(2.5) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_high(0.3) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_low(-0.3) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(0) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0) # ################################################################# # ################################################################# #self.rate = 100.0 self.rate = 50 self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('mot_vel_ref', Float32, self.mot_vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) self.euluer_mv_pub = rospy.Publisher('euler_mv', Vector3, queue_size=1) # Joint publishers self.pub_joint0_left = \ rospy.Publisher('joint0_left_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_joint1_left = \ rospy.Publisher('joint1_left_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_joint0_right = \ rospy.Publisher('joint0_right_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_joint1_right = \ rospy.Publisher('joint1_right_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.sub_joint0_left = rospy.Subscriber('joint0_left_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.joint0_left_cb) self.sub_joint1_left = rospy.Subscriber('joint1_left_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.joint1_left_cb) self.sub_joint0_right = rospy.Subscriber('joint0_right_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.joint0_right_cb) self.sub_joint1_right = rospy.Subscriber('joint1_right_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.joint1_right_cb) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('/pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavAttitudeCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) # Length of a single manipulator arm self.l = 0.5 # Initial offset from the origin of the manipulator arm to the initial position self.x_offset = 0.515 self.y_offset = 0 # Inizalize refernce filter self.euler_x_old = 0 self.euler_y_old = 0 def initial_position(self): print 'Setting initial position' rospy.sleep(5) q1_initial = 1.0298 q2_initial = -2.0596 initial_joint0_left_msg = Float64() = q1_initial initial_joint1_left_msg = Float64() = q2_initial initial_joint0_right_msg = Float64() = q1_initial initial_joint1_right_msg = Float64() = q2_initial self.pub_joint0_left.publish(initial_joint0_left_msg) self.pub_joint1_left.publish(initial_joint1_left_msg) self.pub_joint0_right.publish(initial_joint0_right_msg) self.pub_joint1_right.publish(initial_joint1_right_msg) rospy.sleep(5) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while rospy.get_time() == 0: print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message - manipulator control' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for the first measurement. (1)' rospy.sleep(0.5) print 'Starting attitude control.' self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock # self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() #rospy.sleep(0.02) if not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for the first IMU measurement.' rospy.sleep(0.5) else: clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk > 1.0 / self.rate + 0.005: self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < 1.0 / self.rate - 0.005: self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk # dt for some reason is 0 sometimes... # Causes zero division error in controllers if dt_clk < 10e-10: dt_clk = 0.05 # First order reference filter - x if abs(self.euler_x_old - self.euler_sp.x) > 0.03: a = 0.99 else: a = 0.9 ref_x = self.euler_x_old + (1-a) * (self.euler_sp.x - self.euler_x_old) self.euler_x_old = ref_x roll_rate_sv = self.pid_roll.compute(ref_x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) print "x_sp ", ref_x, ' x_mv: ', self.euler_mv.x # roll rate pid compute dy_roll = self.pid_roll_rate.compute(roll_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt_clk) # Publish new euler measured values vectorMsg = Vector3() vectorMsg.x = self.euler_mv.x vectorMsg.y = self.euler_mv.y self.euluer_mv_pub.publish(vectorMsg) # First order reference filter - y if abs(self.euler_y_old - self.euler_sp.y) > 0.03: a = 0.99 else: a = 0.9 ref_y = self.euler_y_old + (1-a) * (self.euler_sp.y - self.euler_y_old) self.euler_y_old = ref_y print "y_sp ", ref_y, ' y_mv: ', self.euler_mv.y pitch_rate_sv = self.pid_pitch.compute(ref_y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # pitch rate pid compute dx_pitch = self.pid_pitch_rate.compute(pitch_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt_clk) # Calculating angles - inverse Jacobian dqL = self.get_new_dqL(dx_pitch, -dy_roll, 0.15) dqR = self.get_new_dqR(dx_pitch, -dy_roll, 0.15) # Calculate new joint values joint0_right_command_msg = Float64() = self.q1R + dqR[0] joint1_right_command_msg = Float64() = self.q2R + dqR[1] joint0_left_command_msg = Float64() = self.q1L + dqL[0] joint1_left_command_msg = Float64() = self.q2L + dqL[1] # Publish new joint values self.pub_joint0_right.publish(joint0_right_command_msg) self.pub_joint1_right.publish(joint1_right_command_msg) self.pub_joint0_left.publish(joint0_left_command_msg) self.pub_joint1_left.publish(joint1_left_command_msg) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) ''' Calculate new joint increments for right manipulator. @param dx_pitch @param dy_roll @param limit Limit maximum pitch and roll values @return Tuple containing (dq1R, dq2R) ''' def get_new_dqR(self, dx_pitch, dy_roll, limit): # Add initial offset - right manipulator x_right_target = self.x_offset - dx_pitch y_right_target = self.y_offset - dy_roll #x_right_target = 2*self.x_offset - self.l * (math.cos(self.q1L + self.q2L) + math.cos(self.q1L)) #y_right_target = - self.l * (math.sin(self.q1L + self.q2L) + math.sin(self.q1L)) # Get joint offsets of the right manipulator q1R = self.q1R q2R = self.q2R print '' print 'q1R: ', q1R, ' q2L: ', q2R # Get current position of the right manipulator x_right_curr = self.l * (math.cos(q1R + q2R) + math.cos(q1R)) y_right_curr = self.l * (math.sin(q1R + q2R) + math.sin(q1R)) print 'x_right_target: ', x_right_target, ' y_right_target: ', y_right_target print 'x_right_curr: ', x_right_curr, ' y_right_curr: ', y_right_curr print 'dx: ', - dx_pitch, ' dy: ', - dy_roll dx_right_pitch = x_right_target - x_right_curr dy_right_roll = y_right_target - y_right_curr # Limit dx / dy dx_right_pitch = self.saturation(dx_right_pitch, limit) dy_right_roll = self.saturation(dy_right_roll, limit) print 'dx_new: ', dx_right_pitch, ' dy_new: ', dy_right_roll # New angle increments (right) try: dq1R = math.cos(q1R + q2R) / (self.l * math.sin(q2R)) * (dx_right_pitch) \ + math.sin(q1R + q2R) / (self.l * math.sin(q2R)) * (dy_right_roll) dq2R = - (math.cos(q1R + q2R) + math.cos(q1R)) / (self.l * math.sin(q2R)) * (dx_right_pitch) \ - (math.sin(q1R + q2R) + math.sin(q1R)) / (self.l * math.sin(q2R)) * (dy_right_roll) except ZeroDivisionError: print "ZeroDivisionError" #dq2r - any value dq2r = 0.01 dq1r = dx_right_pitch - math.cos(q2R) / (math.cos(q2R) + 1) * dq2R print 'dq1R: ', dq1R, ' dq2R: ', dq2R print '' return (dq1R, dq2R) ''' Calculate new joint increments for the left manipulator. @param dx_pitch @param dy_roll @return Tuple containing (dq1L, dq2L) ''' def get_new_dqL(self, dx_pitch, dy_roll, limit): # Add initial offset - left manipulator x_left_target = self.x_offset + dx_pitch y_left_target = self.y_offset + dy_roll # Get joint offsets of the left manipulator q1L = self.q1L q2L = self.q2L print '' print 'q1L: ', q1L, ' q2L: ', q2L # Get current (x,y) position of the left manipulator x_left_curr = self.l * (math.cos(q1L + q2L) + math.cos(q1L)) y_left_curr = self.l * (math.sin(q1L + q2L) + math.sin(q1L)) print 'x_left_target: ', x_left_curr, ' y_left_target: ', y_left_target print 'x_left_curr: ', x_left_curr, ' y_left_curr: ', y_left_curr print 'dx: ', dx_pitch, ' dy: ', dy_roll # Calculate distance to the target position dx_left_pitch = x_left_target - x_left_curr dy_left_roll = y_left_target - y_left_curr # Limit dx / dy dx_left_pitch = self.saturation(dx_left_pitch, limit) dy_left_roll = self.saturation(dy_left_roll, limit) print 'dx_new: ', dx_left_pitch, ' dy_new: ', dy_left_roll # New angle increments (left) try: dq1L = ( math.cos(q1L + q2L) / (self.l * math.sin(q2L)) ) * (dx_left_pitch) + \ ( math.sin(q1L + q2L) / (self.l * math.sin(q2L)) ) * (dy_left_roll) dq2L = -( math.cos(q1L + q2L) + math.cos(q1L) ) / (self.l * math.sin(q2L)) * (dx_left_pitch) \ - ( math.sin(q1L + q2L) + math.sin(q1L) ) / (self.l * math.sin(q2L)) * (dy_left_roll) except ZeroDivisionError: print "ZeroDivisionError" # TODO Handle zero division #dq2r - any value dq2r = 0.01 dq1r = dx_right_pitch - math.cos(q2R) / (math.cos(q2R) + 1) * dq2R print 'dq1L: ', dq1L, ' dq2L: ', dq2L print '' return (dq1L, dq2L) def saturation(self, x, limit): if x > limit: return limit if x < (- limit): return -limit return x def mot_vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent motor velocity callback. (This should be published by height controller). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.w_sp = def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def joint0_left_cb(self, msg): self.q1L = msg.process_value def joint1_left_cb(self, msg): self.q2L = msg.process_value def joint0_right_cb(self, msg): self.q1R = msg.process_value def joint1_right_cb(self, msg): self.q2R = msg.process_value def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.roll_r_kp = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kp() config.roll_r_ki = self.pid_roll_rate.get_ki() config.roll_r_kd = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() config.pitch_r_kp = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kp() config.pitch_r_ki = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_ki() config.pitch_r_kd = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(config.roll_r_kp) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(config.roll_r_ki) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(config.roll_r_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(config.pitch_r_kp) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(config.pitch_r_ki) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(config.pitch_r_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class OdomDancer(PathDancerBase): def __init__(self): super(OdomDancer,self).__init__() self.cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.cmd_msg = Twist() self.initialized = False self.initial_orientation = None self.position = (0,0) self.orientation = 0.0 self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber('odometry/filtered/local', Odometry, self.odom_cb) self.vpid = PID(1.0,0.01,0.0) self.wpid = PID(1.0,0.01,0.0) def odom_cb(self, msg): p = msg.pose.pose.position q = msg.pose.pose.orientation x = p.x y = p.y t = np.arctan2(q.z,q.w) * 2 if not self.initialized: self.x0 = x self.y0 = y self.t0 = t self.initialized = True self.position = (x - self.x0, y - self.y0) self.orientation = t - self.t0 def run(self, points): ### SETUP ALIAS NAMES ### l = self.cmd_msg.linear a = self.cmd_msg.angular ### SETUP CONFIGURATION ### r = rospy.Rate(20) # 20 hz dt = 1 / 20. # position_tolerance = 0.1 orientation_tolerance = np.deg2rad(5) while not self.initialized: r.sleep() ### RUN CONTROL LOOP ### for pt in points: print pt ### ADJUST HEADING ### self.wpid.reset() while True: dx,dy = (pt[0] - self.position[0], pt[1] - self.position[1]) theta = np.arctan2(dy,dx) - self.orientation # angular difference theta = np.arctan2(np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)) # lazy normalize delta = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) if theta < orientation_tolerance: # reached goal break w = cap(-0.5, self.wpid.compute(theta, dt), 0.5) a.z = w l.x = 0 self.cmd_pub.publish(self.cmd_msg) r.sleep() ### REACH DESTINATION ### self.wpid.reset() self.vpid.reset() while True: dx,dy = (pt[0] - self.position[0], pt[1] - self.position[1]) theta = np.arctan2(dy,dx) - self.orientation # angular difference theta = np.arctan2(np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)) # lazy normalize delta = np.sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) if delta < position_tolerance: # reached goal break w = cap(-0.5, self.wpid.compute(theta, dt), 0.5) v = cap(-0.5, self.vpid.compute(delta, dt), 0.5) a.z = w l.x = v self.cmd_pub.publish(self.cmd_msg) r.sleep()
class SpheroControl: def __init__(self, velocity_pub): #rospy.init_node('SpheroControl2') self.velocity_pub = velocity_pub #self.sub = rospy.Subscriber('zoom_speed', Twist, self.white_width = 70 self.black_width = 11 self.distance_covered = 0.0 #self.PAS = position_and_speed() self.pid_x = PID(0.55, 0, 0, 1, -1) self.pid_y = PID(0.55, 0, 0, 1, -1) self.old_time = rospy.get_time() #rospy.Rate(20) #rospy.spin() self.firstPass = True def run_y( self, destination, current_position, first_Time, enemy_green_pos, enemy_red_pos, ): velocity = Twist() # d = down - positive x axis # r = right - positive y axis # l = left - negative y axis # u = up - negative x axis """ if direction != self.old_direction: self.old_direction = direction """ #self.is_path_clear(current_position, enemy_green_pos, enemy_red_pos, destination[2]) velocity.linear.y = -120 * self.pid_y.compute( (destination[1]) / 650, current_position[1] / 650) velocity.linear.x = 120 * self.pid_x.compute( (destination[0]) / 650, current_position[0] / 650) if not self.is_path_clear(current_position, enemy_green_pos, enemy_red_pos, destination[2]): velocity.linear.x = 0 velocity.linear.y = 0 if destination[2] == 'u' or destination[2] == 'd': #velocity.linear.x = 0 error = destination[1] - current_position[1] else: #velocity.linear.y = 0 error = destination[0] - current_position[0] ''' if first_Time == True: if destination[2] == 'u': velocity.linear.y=50 elif destination[2] == 'd': velocity.linear.y=-50 elif destination[2] == 'r': velocity.linear.x=50 elif destination[2] == 'l': velocity.linear.x=-50 ''' #print("sphero command y: {}".format(velocity.linear.y)) #print("sphero command x: {}".format(velocity.linear.x)) #print("Distance covered: {}".format(self.distance_covered)) #print() """ if direction == 'forward': velocity.linear.x =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'right': velocity.linear.y =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'left': velocity.linear.y =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'backward': velocity.linear.x =, distance_covered) """ #print("current position y: " + str(current_position[0])) self.velocity_pub.publish(velocity) return error def is_path_clear(self, current_position, enemy_green_pos, enemy_red_pos, direction): clear = True if (direction == "u" or direction == "d"): if ((enemy_green_pos[0] < current_position[0] + 35 and enemy_green_pos[0] > current_position[0] - 35) or (enemy_red_pos[0] < current_position[0] + 35 and enemy_red_pos[0] > current_position[0] - 35)): if direction == "u": if ((enemy_green_pos[1] < current_position[1] - 70 and enemy_green_pos[1] > current_position[1]) or (enemy_red_pos[1] < current_position[1] - 70 and enemy_red_pos[1] > current_position[1])): clear = False if direction == "d": if ((enemy_green_pos[1] < current_position[1] + 70 and enemy_green_pos[1] > current_position[1]) or (enemy_red_pos[1] < current_position[1] + 70 and enemy_red_pos[1] > current_position[1])): clear = False if (direction == "l" or direction == "r"): if ((enemy_green_pos[1] < current_position[1] + 35 and enemy_green_pos[1] > current_position[1] - 35) or (enemy_red_pos[1] < current_position[1] + 35 and enemy_red_pos[1] > current_position[1] - 35)): if direction == "l": if ((enemy_green_pos[0] < current_position[0] - 70 and enemy_green_pos[0] > current_position[0]) or (enemy_red_pos[0] < current_position[0] - 70 and enemy_red_pos[0] > current_position[0])): clear = False if direction == "r": if ((enemy_green_pos[0] < current_position[0] + 70 and enemy_green_pos[0] > current_position[0]) or (enemy_red_pos[0] < current_position[0] + 70 and enemy_red_pos[0] > current_position[0])): clear = False print(clear) return clear """ if direction == 'forward': velocity.linear.x =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'right': velocity.linear.y =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'left': velocity.linear.y =, distance_covered) elif direction == 'backward': velocity.linear.x =, distance_covered) """ print("current position y: " + str(current_position[0])) self.velocity_pub.publish(velocity) return error
class PositionControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade PID control of MAV position and yaw angle. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.y_sp = 0 # y-position set point self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.x_mv = 0 # x-position measured value self.y_mv = 0 # y-position measured value self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_x = PID() # pid instance for x control self.pid_y = PID() # pid instance for y control self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vx_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vy_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vx_mv = 0 # vx velocity measured value self.vy_mv = 0 # vy velocity measured value self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.vx_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.vy_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.vz_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.pid_vx = PID() # pid instance for x-velocity control self.pid_vy = PID() # pid instance for y-velocity control self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw pid self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate pid self.euler_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured angular velocities self.dwz = 0 self.yaw_ref = 0 ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(1.5) self.pid_z.set_ki(0.1) self.pid_z.set_kd(0.1) self.pid_z.set_lim_high(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(40) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.1) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(350) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-350) # min velocity of a motor self.pid_vx.set_kp(0.1) self.pid_vx.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vx.set_kd(0) self.pid_vx.set_lim_high(0.2) self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-0.2) self.pid_vy.set_kp(0.1) self.pid_vy.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vy.set_kd(0) self.pid_vy.set_lim_high(0.2) self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-0.2) self.pid_x.set_kp(0.5) self.pid_x.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_x.set_kd(0) self.pid_x.set_lim_high(5) self.pid_x.set_lim_low(-5) self.pid_y.set_kp(0.5) self.pid_y.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_y.set_kd(0) self.pid_y.set_lim_high(5) self.pid_y.set_lim_low(-5) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(1) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(100) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.t_old = 0 self.x_ref = 0 self.y_ref = 0 self.z_ref = 0 self.x_sp = 0 self.y_sp = 0 self.z_sp = 2 self.yaw_sp = 0 self.pos_ctl = Vector3(1, 1, 1) self.roll_vpc_command = 0 self.pitch_vpc_command = 0 self.yaw_command = 0 self.filter_const_meas = 0.9 self.filter_const_ref = 5.0 # cascade pid control self.thrust_const = 0.000456874 self.vehicle_mass = 34 #30+30 +4 self.mot_speed_hover = math.sqrt( self.vehicle_mass * 9.81 / 4 / self.thrust_const) #432#432#527 # roughly rospy.Subscriber('position', PointStamped, self.pos_cb) rospy.Subscriber('velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('yaw_ref', Float32, self.yaw_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('attitude_rotor_command', Vector3, self.rotor_command_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_y = rospy.Publisher('pid_y', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.euler_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('euler_ref', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavPosCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.rate = 100.0 self.Ts = 1.0 / self.rate self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) self.t_start = self.update_filter_coefficients() rospy.loginfo("Initialized position controller.") def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() self.t_old = t # pt1 filter on reference self.z_ref = self.filter_ref_a * self.z_ref + ( 1.0 - self.filter_ref_a) * self.z_sp vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_ref, self.z_mv, self.Ts) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, self.Ts) self.x_ref = self.filter_ref_a * self.x_ref + ( 1.0 - self.filter_ref_a) * self.x_sp vx_ref = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_ref, self.x_mv, self.Ts) pitch_r = self.pid_vx.compute(vx_ref, self.vx_mv, self.Ts) self.y_ref = self.filter_ref_a * self.y_ref + ( 1.0 - self.filter_ref_a) * self.y_sp vy_ref = self.pid_y.compute(self.y_ref, self.y_mv, self.Ts) roll_r = -self.pid_vy.compute(vy_ref, self.vy_mv, self.Ts) roll_ref = math.cos(self.euler_mv.z) * roll_r + math.sin( self.euler_mv.z) * pitch_r pitch_ref = -math.sin(self.euler_mv.z) * roll_r + math.cos( self.euler_mv.z) * pitch_r # yaw control yaw_rate_sv = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.yaw_sp, self.euler_mv.z, self.Ts) # yaw rate pid compute self.yaw_command = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute( yaw_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.z, self.Ts) mot_speed_msg = Actuators() mot_speed1 = self.mot_speed + self.yaw_command mot_speed2 = self.mot_speed - self.yaw_command mot_speed3 = self.mot_speed + self.yaw_command mot_speed4 = self.mot_speed - self.yaw_command mot_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [ mot_speed1, mot_speed2, mot_speed3, mot_speed4 ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) vec3_msg = Vector3(roll_ref, pitch_ref, 0) self.euler_ref_pub.publish(vec3_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_y.publish(self.pid_y.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) def pos_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.x_mv = msg.point.x self.y_mv = msg.point.y self.z_mv = msg.point.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.vx_mv = self.filter_const_meas * self.vx_mv_old + ( 1 - self.filter_const_meas) * msg.twist.linear.x self.vx_mv_old = self.vx_mv self.vy_mv = self.filter_const_meas * self.vy_mv_old + ( 1 - self.filter_const_meas) * msg.twist.linear.y self.vy_mv_old = self.vy_mv self.vz_mv = self.filter_const_meas * self.vz_mv_old + ( 1 - self.filter_const_meas) * msg.twist.linear.z self.vz_mv_old = self.vz_mv def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y self.z_sp = msg.z def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' #if not self.start_flag: # self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def yaw_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Yaw ref callback. :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.yaw_sp = def rotor_command_cb(self, msg): ''' Vpc output callback, msg.x roll vpc out, msg.y pitch vpc out, msg.z yaw out :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.yaw_command = msg.z def update_filter_coefficients(self): self.filter_ref_a = self.filter_const_ref / (self.filter_const_ref + self.Ts) self.filter_ref_b = self.Ts / (self.filter_const_ref + self.Ts) self.filter_meas_a = self.filter_const_meas / (self.filter_const_meas + self.Ts) self.filter_meas_b = self.Ts / (self.filter_const_meas + self.Ts) def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for yaw and yaw rate controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() config.x_kp = self.pid_x.get_kp() config.x_ki = self.pid_x.get_ki() config.x_kd = self.pid_x.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.y_kp = self.pid_y.get_kp() config.y_ki = self.pid_y.get_ki() config.y_kd = self.pid_y.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() config.filter_ref = self.filter_const_ref config.filter_meas = self.filter_const_meas self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) self.pid_x.set_kp(config.x_kp) self.pid_x.set_ki(config.x_ki) self.pid_x.set_kd(config.x_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_y.set_kp(config.y_kp) self.pid_y.set_ki(config.y_ki) self.pid_y.set_kd(config.y_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) self.filter_const_ref = config.filter_ref self.filter_const_meas = config.filter_meas self.update_filter_coefficients() # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class HeightControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: odometry - used to extract z-position and velocitr of the vehicle pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(50) self.pid_vz.set_ki(40) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0) # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(0.8) self.pid_z.set_ki(0) self.pid_z.set_kd(0) self.t_old = ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_vz.set_lim_up(1400) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(0) # min velocity of a motor self.pid_z.set_lim_up(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.quaternion = numpy.empty((4, ), dtype=numpy.float64) self.velocity_b = numpy.empty((3, ), dtype=numpy.float64) self.velocity_i = numpy.empty((3, ), dtype=numpy.float64) self.attitude_ctl = rospy.get_param( '~attitude_control' ) # flag indicates if attitude control is turned on rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavZCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant reference values for motor velocity should be stored in variable self.mot_speed. hover_0 = 650.95 Ts = - self.t_old self.t_old = #print( Ts.total_seconds()) print(self.z_sp) print(self.z_mv) self.vz_sp = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv) self.mot_speed = self.pid_vz.compute(self.vz_sp, self.vz_mv) + hover_0 #self.mot_speed = hover_0 print("mot_speed ", self.mot_speed) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.attitude_ctl == 0: # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = Actuators() mot_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [ self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: # publish reference motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.z_mv = msg.pose.position.z def odometry_cb(self, msg): ''' Odometry (6DOF - position and orientation and velocities) callback. :param msg: Type Odometry ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.z_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.z # transform linear velocity from body frame to inertial frame self.quaternion[0] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x self.quaternion[1] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y self.quaternion[2] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z self.quaternion[3] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w self.velocity_b[0] = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.velocity_b[1] = msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.velocity_b[2] = msg.twist.twist.linear.z Rib = transformations.quaternion_matrix(self.quaternion) Rv_b = transformations.translation_matrix(self.velocity_b) Rv_i =, Rv_b) self.velocity_i = transformations.translation_from_matrix(Rv_i) self.vz_mv = self.velocity_i[2] def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.vz_mv = msg.twist.linear.z def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.z_sp = msg.z def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class AngleTiltCtl: def __init__(self): self.first_measurement = False self.t = 0 self.t_old = 0 # Initialize subscribers # Pose subscriber self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) # Odometry subscriber self.odometry = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb) # IMU subscriber self.imu = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/Imu', Imu, self.imu_cb) # Pose reference subscriber self.pose_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/pose_ref', Vector3, self.pose_sp_cb) self.angle_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/angle_ref', Vector3, self.angle_sp_cb) # Initialize publishers, motor speed and tilt for roll and pitch self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_tilt0 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_0_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_tilt1 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_2_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_tilt0 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_1_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_tilt1 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus_angle_tilti_3_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) # Publishing PIDs in order to use dynamic reconfigure self.pub_PID_z = rospy.Publisher('PID_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_PID_vz = rospy.Publisher('PID_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_rate_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_rate_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_yaw_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_yaw_rate_PID', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_angles = rospy.Publisher('rpy_angles', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.pub_angles_sp = rospy.Publisher('rpy_angles_sp', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(50) self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_ref_filt = 0 # z ref filtered self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control self.euler_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0) # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) # euler angles referent values self.pose_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 0.0) self.pose_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured angular velocities self.roll_sp_filt, self.pitch_sp_filt, self.yaw_sp_filt = 0, 0, 0 self.dwz = 0 ######################################## # Position control PIDs self.pid_x = PID(4, 1, 2, 0.05, -0.05) self.pid_y = PID(4, 1, 2, 0.05, -0.05) # Define PID for height control self.z_ref_filt = 0 self.z_mv = 0 self.pid_z = PID(4.1, 0.01, 1.5, 4, -4) self.pid_vz = PID(85, 0.1, 15, 200, -200) ######################################## ######################################## # initialize pitch_rate PID controller self.pitch_rate_PID = PID(2, 0.05, 1, 50, -50) self.pitch_PID = PID(75, 0, 1, 150, -150) # initialize roll rate PID controller self.roll_rate_PID = PID(2, 0.05, 1, 0.5, -0.5) self.roll_PID = PID(75, 0, 5, +150, -150) # initialize yaw rate PID controller self.yaw_rate_PID = PID(35, 2, 35, 50, -50) self.yaw_PID = PID(2, 0, 2, 30, -30) def pose_cb(self, msg): """ Callback functon for assigning values from pose IMU :param msg: /morus/pose PoseStamped msg type used to extract pose and orientation of UAV """ # entered subscribed callback func, set first_measurement flag as True self.first_measurement = True self.pose_mv.x = msg.pose.position.x self.pose_mv.y = msg.pose.position.y self.pose_mv.z = msg.pose.position.z self.qx = msg.pose.orientation.x self.qy = msg.pose.orientation.y self.qz = msg.pose.orientation.z self.qw = msg.pose.orientation.w def odometry_cb(self, msg): """ Callback function for assigning values from odometry measurements :param msg: nav_msgs/Odometry, an estimate of position and velocity in free space """ self.lin_x = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.lin_y = msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.lin_z = msg.twist.twist.linear.z # TO DO: transform speeds global speed self.euler_rate_mv.x = msg.twist.twist.angular.x self.euler_rate_mv.y = msg.twist.twist.angular.y self.euler_rate_mv.z = msg.twist.twist.angular.z def pose_sp_cb(self, msg): self.pose_sp.x = msg.x self.pose_sp.y = msg.y self.pose_sp.z = msg.z def angle_sp_cb(self, msg): self.euler_sp.x = msg.x self.euler_sp.y = msg.y self.euler_sp.z = msg.z def imu_cb(self, msg): """ Callback function used to extract measured values from IMU, lin_acc and ang_vel :param msg: :return: """ self.lin_acc_x = msg.linear_acceleration.x ## TO DO: add rest if needed def quat_to_eul_conv(self, qx, qy, qz, qw): """ Convert quaternions to euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) """ # roll (x-axis rotation) sinr = 2. * (qw * qx + qy * qz) cosr = 1. - 2. * (qx * qx + qy * qy) self.roll = math.atan2(sinr, cosr) # pitch (y-axis rotation) sinp = 2. * (qw * qy - qz * qx) sinp = 1. if sinp > 1. else sinp sinp = -1. if sinp < -1. else sinp self.pitch = math.asin(sinp) # yaw (z-axis rotation) siny = 2. * (qw * qz + qx * qy) cosy = 1 - 2. * (qy * qy + qz * qz) self.yaw = math.atan2(siny, cosy) self.euler_mv.x = self.roll self.euler_mv.y = self.pitch self.euler_mv.z = self.yaw def run(self): """ Runs quadcopter control algorithm """ while not self.first_measurement: print("Waiting for first measurement") rospy.sleep(0.5) print("Started angle control") self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # discretization time t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: print(dt) self.t_old = t self.quat_to_eul_conv(self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw) self.hover_speed = math.sqrt(293 / 0.000456874 / 4) # HEIGHT CONTROL: a = 0.2 self.z_ref_filt = (1 - a) * self.z_ref_filt + a * self.pose_sp.z vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_ref_filt, self.pose_mv.z, dt) domega_z = self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) ## ATTITUDE CONTROL: # roll cascade (first PID -> roll ref, second PID -> roll_rate ref) #self.euler_sp.x = -self.pid_y.compute(self.pose_sp.y, self.pose_mv.y, dt) b = 0.5 self.roll_sp_filt = (1 - b) * self.euler_sp.x + b * self.roll_sp_filt roll_rate_ref = self.roll_rate_PID.compute(self.roll_sp_filt, self.euler_mv.x, dt) dwx = self.roll_PID.compute(roll_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt) # pitch cascade(first PID -> pitch ref, second PID -> pitch_rate ref) #self.euler_sp.y = self.pid_x.compute(self.pose_sp.x, self.pose_mv.x, dt) b = 0.5 self.pitch_sp_filt = (1 - b) * self.euler_sp.y + b * self.pitch_sp_filt pitch_rate_ref = self.pitch_rate_PID.compute( self.pitch_sp_filt, self.euler_mv.y, dt) dwy = self.pitch_PID.compute(pitch_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt) # yaw cascade (first PID -> yaw ref, second PID -> yaw_rate ref) a = 0.3 self.yaw_sp_filt = (1 - a) * self.euler_sp.z + a * self.yaw_sp_filt yaw_rate_ref = self.yaw_rate_PID.compute(self.yaw_sp_filt, self.euler_mv.z, dt) dwz = self.yaw_PID.compute(yaw_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt) if VERBOSE: print("Pitch speed: {}\n Roll speed: {}\n, Yaw speed: {}\n". format(dwy, dwx, dwz)) print( "Yaw measured_value:{}\n Yaw_reference_value:{}\n".format( self.euler_mv.z, self.euler_sp.z)) print("Roll measured_value:{}\n, Roll_reference_value:{}\n". format(self.euler_mv.x, self.euler_sp.x)) print("Pitch measured_value:{}\n, Pitch_reference_value:{}\n". format(self.euler_mv.y, self.euler_sp.y)) print("x_m:{}\nx:{}\ny_m:{}\ny:{}\nz_m:{}\nz:{}".format( self.pose_mv.x, self.pose_sp.x, self.pose_mv.y, self.pose_sp.y, self.pose_mv.z, self.pose_sp.z)) samples_0 = numpy.random.normal(self.hoover_speed, 5, size=50000) samples_1 = numpy.random.normal(self.hoover_speed, 5, size=50000) samples_2 = numpy.random.normal(self.hoover_speed, 5, size=50000) samples_3 = numpy.random.normal(self.hoover_speed, 5, size=50000) #motor_speed_1 = self.hover_speed + domega_z + dwz - dwy #motor_speed_2 = self.hover_speed + domega_z - dwz #+ dwx #motor_speed_3 = self.hover_speed + domega_z + dwz + dwy #motor_speed_4 = self.hover_speed + domega_z - dwz #- dwx print(motor_speed_1, motor_speed_2, motor_speed_3, motor_speed_4) #print(self.z_sp, self.z_mv) if abs(roll_rate_ref - self.euler_rate_mv.x) < 10e-3: dwx = 0 self.pub_roll_tilt0.publish(dwx) self.pub_roll_tilt1.publish(-dwx) # publish motor speeds motor_speed_msg = Actuators() motor_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [ motor_speed_1, motor_speed_2, motor_speed_3, motor_speed_4 ] # publish PID data -> could be useful for tuning self.pub_PID_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_PID_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) self.pub_pitch_PID.publish(self.pitch_PID.create_msg()) self.pub_pitch_rate_PID.publish(self.pitch_rate_PID.create_msg()) self.pub_roll_PID.publish(self.roll_PID.create_msg()) self.pub_roll_rate_PID.publish(self.roll_rate_PID.create_msg()) self.pub_yaw_PID.publish(self.yaw_PID.create_msg()) # publish_angles self.pub_angles.publish(self.euler_mv) self.pub_angles_sp.publish(self.euler_sp) self.pub_mot.publish(motor_speed_msg)
class HeightControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.y_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.vz_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller #self.pid_z.set_kp(2) #self.pid_z.set_ki(0.25) #self.pid_z.set_kd(0.5) # Add parameters for vz controller #self.pid_vz.set_kp(87.2) #self.pid_vz.set_ki(0) #self.pid_vz.set_kd(10.89) self.pid_z.set_kp(1.025) self.pid_z.set_ki(0.018) self.pid_z.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(209.79) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0.1) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_z.set_lim_high(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(1475) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-1475) # min velocity of a motor self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.gm_attitude_ctl = 0 # flag indicates if attitude control is turned on self.gm_attitude_ctl = rospy.get_param('~gm_attitude_ctl') self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/sensors/pose1', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/command/motors', MotorSpeed, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavZCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant referent value for motor velocity should be stored in variable mot_speed. # When you implement attitude control set the flag self.attitude_ctl to 1 #self.gm_attitude_ctl = 1 # don't forget to set me to 1 when you implement attitude ctl t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() #if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: # print dt self.t_old = t self.mot_speed_hover = 923.7384 #432#527 # roughly vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.gm_attitude_ctl == 0: # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = MotorSpeed() dx_speed = self.x_sp * self.mot_speed dy_speed = self.y_sp * self.mot_speed mot_speed1 = self.mot_speed - dx_speed mot_speed3 = self.mot_speed + dx_speed mot_speed2 = self.mot_speed - dy_speed mot_speed4 = self.mot_speed + dy_speed mot_speed_msg.motor_speed = [ mot_speed1, mot_speed2, mot_speed3, mot_speed4 ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller #mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) #self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) mot_speed_msg = MotorSpeed() if self.z_sp <= -1.0: self.mot_speed = 0 mot_speed_msg.motor_speed = [ self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.z_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True a = 0.95 self.vz_mv = (1 - a) * msg.twist.linear.z + a * self.vz_mv_old self.vz_mv_old = self.vz_mv def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y self.z_sp = msg.z def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class HorizontalControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: pose - used to extract x any y position of the vehicle euler - used to extract measured yaw velocity - used to extract vx and vy of the vehicle pos_ref - used to set the reference for x and y -position vel_ref - used to set the reference for vx and vy-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: euler_ref - publishes referent value for euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) pid_x - publishes PID-x data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vx - publishes PID-vx data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_y - publishes PID-x data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vy - publishes PID-vx data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.yaw_sp = 0 # referent yaw value self.yaw_mv = 0 # measured yaw value self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.x_mv = 0 # x-position measured value self.pid_x = PID() # pid instance for x control self.vx_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vx_mv = 0 # vx velocity measured value self.pid_vx = PID() # pid instance for x-velocity control self.y_sp = 0 # y-position set point self.y_mv = 0 # y-position measured value self.pid_y = PID() # pid instance for y control self.vy_sp = 0 # vy velocity set_point self.vy_mv = 0 # vy velocity measured value self.pid_vy = PID() # pid instance for y-velocity control ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for vx controller self.pid_vx.set_kp(0.982) self.pid_vx.set_ki(0.20) self.pid_vx.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for x controller self.pid_x.set_kp(0.7) self.pid_x.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_x.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for vy controller self.pid_vy.set_kp(0.982) self.pid_vy.set_ki(0.20) self.pid_vy.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for y controller self.pid_y.set_kp(0.7) self.pid_y.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_y.set_kd(0.000) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_x.set_lim_up(15) # max vx speed self.pid_x.set_lim_low(-15) # min vx speed self.pid_vx.set_lim_up(45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # max pitch angle self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # min pitch angle self.pid_y.set_lim_up(15) # max vy speed self.pid_y.set_lim_low(-15) # min vy speed self.pid_vy.set_lim_up(45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # max roll angle self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # min roll angle self.quaternion = numpy.empty((4, ), dtype=numpy.float64) self.velocity_b = numpy.empty((3, ), dtype=numpy.float64) self.velocity_i = numpy.empty((3, ), dtype=numpy.float64) rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('yaw_ref', Float32, self.yaw_ref_cb) self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_y = rospy.Publisher('pid_y', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.euler_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('euler_ref', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavXYCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting horizontal control." while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for x is stored in self.x_sp. # Measured x-position is stored in self.x_mv. # If you want to test only vx - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vx_sp. # Measured vx-velocity is stored in self.vx_mv # Reference for y is stored in self.y_sp. # Measured y-position is stored in self.y_mv. # If you want to test only vy - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vy_sp. # Measured vx-velocity is stored in self.vy_mv # Measured yaw angle is stored in self.yaw_mv (in rad) # Resultant referent value for roll and pitch (in mobile coordinate system!) # should be stored in variable roll_sp and pitch_sp #x component self.vx_sp = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_sp, self.x_mv) pitch_sp = self.pid_vx.compute(self.vx_sp, self.vx_mv) #y component self.vy_sp = self.pid_y.compute(self.y_sp, self.y_mv) roll_sp = -self.pid_vy.compute(self.vy_sp, self.vy_mv) print("------------------") print('PITCH >>', pitch_sp) ######################################################## ######################################################## euler_sv = Vector3(roll_sp, pitch_sp, self.yaw_sp) self.euler_ref_pub.publish(euler_sv) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_y.publish(self.pid_y.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) def odometry_cb(self, msg): ''' Odometry (6DOF - position and orientation and velocities) callback. :param msg: Type Odometry ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.x_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.x self.y_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.y # transform linear velocity from body frame to inertial frame self.quaternion[0] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x self.quaternion[1] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y self.quaternion[2] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z self.quaternion[3] = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w self.velocity_b[0] = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.velocity_b[1] = msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.velocity_b[2] = msg.twist.twist.linear.z Rib = transformations.quaternion_matrix(self.quaternion) Rv_b = transformations.translation_matrix(self.velocity_b) Rv_i =, Rv_b) self.velocity_i = transformations.translation_from_matrix(Rv_i) self.vx_mv = self.velocity_i[0] self.vy_mv = self.velocity_i[1] qx = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x qy = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y qz = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z qw = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) #self.roll_mv = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) #self.pitch_mv = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.yaw_mv = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y def yaw_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent yaw callback. Received value is used as a referent yaw (heading). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.yaw_sp = def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.x_kp = self.pid_x.get_kp() config.x_ki = self.pid_x.get_ki() config.x_kd = self.pid_x.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.y_kp = self.pid_y.get_kp() config.y_ki = self.pid_y.get_ki() config.y_kd = self.pid_y.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_x.set_kp(config.x_kp) self.pid_x.set_ki(config.x_ki) self.pid_x.set_kd(config.x_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_y.set_kp(config.y_kp) self.pid_y.set_ki(config.y_ki) self.pid_y.set_kd(config.y_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class DroneControl: def __init__(self): # flags self.stop = False self.drone_prepared = False self.ref_set = False self.goto = False # max speed self.max_thrust = 0.0 self.min_thrust = 179.0 self.max_side = 179.0 self.min_speed = 0.0 self.mid_speed = 92.0 self.u = Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.min_thrust, self.mid_speed) self.pid_x = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.min_speed - self.mid_speed) self.pid_y = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.min_speed - self.mid_speed) self.pid_z = PID(1, 0, 0, self.min_thrust, self.max_thrust) self.pid_yaw = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.min_speed - self.mid_speed) self.pose_ref = Quaternion(0., 0., 0., -np.pi/2) self.pose_meas = Quaternion(-1., -1., -1., -1.) # SUBS AND PUBS # position reference self.pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( "drone/pose_ref", Quaternion, self.setpoint_cb) # measured position self.measurement_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( "drone_position", Quaternion, self.measurement_cb) # key listener self.key_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber( "keyboard", Vector3, self.keyboard_cb) self.drone_input = rospy.Publisher( 'control/drone_input', Quaternion) self.control_value = rospy.Publisher( 'control_value', Quaternion, queue_size=10) self.error_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'pose_error', Float64, queue_size=10) # Controller rate self.controller_rate = 10 self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.controller_rate) self.controller_info = rospy.get_param("~verbose", False) def setpoint_cb(self, data): self.pose_ref = data self.ref_set = True def measurement_cb(self, data): self.pose_meas = data if data.z != -1.0 and not self.ref_set: self.ref_set = True self.pose_ref = data def keyboard_cb(self, data): # pressing down => 1. drone ready; 2. drone go to ref # pressing up => stop drone if data.x == 1.0: if self.drone_prepared: self.goto = True else: self.drone_prepared = True elif data.x == -1.0: self.stop = True self.goto = False def controller_dron_comm(self): self.drone_input.publish(Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.max_thrust, self.mid_speed)) rospy.sleep(1) self.drone_input.publish(Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.min_thrust, self.mid_speed)) rospy.sleep(1) def run(self): """ First measurement for first reference. """ while not self.ref_set: print(" - Waiting for first reference.") rospy.sleep(1) self.controller_dron_comm() """ Prepared drone """ while not self.drone_prepared: print(" - Waiting for drone prepared.") rospy.sleep(1) """ Run ROS node - computes PID algorithms for control """ print(" - Starting position control") self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.rate.sleep() t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() if dt < 0.99 / self.controller_rate: continue elif self.pose_meas.z == -1.0: continue if self.goto: self.pose_ref.z += 20 self.goto = False self.t_old = t # HEIGHT CONTROL self.u.z = -self.pid_x.compute(self.pose_ref.z, self.pose_meas.z, dt) + self.u.z # PITCH CONTROL OUTER LOOP # x - position control self.u.x = self.pid_x.compute(self.pose_ref.x, self.pose_meas.x, dt) + self.mid_speed # ROLL CONTROL OUTER LOOP # y position control self.u.y = self.pid_y.compute(self.pose_ref.y, self.pose_meas.y, dt) + self.mid_speed # PITCH AND ROLL YAW ADJUSTMENT roll_sp_2 = math.cos(self.pose_meas.w) * self.u.x + \ math.sin(self.pose_meas.w) * self.u.y self.u.y = math.cos(self.pose_meas.w) * self.u.y - \ math.sin(self.pose_meas.w) * self.u.x self.u.x = roll_sp_2 # YAW CONTROL self.u.w = self.pid_yaw.compute(-np.pi/2, self.pose_meas.w, dt) # Calculate position error error = math.sqrt((self.pose_ref.x - self.pose_meas.x) ** 2 + (self.pose_ref.y - self.pose_meas.y) ** 2 + (self.pose_ref.z - self.pose_meas.z) ** 2) self.error_pub.publish(error) # Print out controller information if self.controller_info: print(dt) print("Comparison x:{}\nx_m:{}\ny:{}\ny_m:{}\nz:{}\nz_m{}\nyaw:{}\nyaw_m:{}".format( self.pose_ref.x, self.pose_meas.x, self.pose_ref.y, self.pose_meas.y, self.pose_ref.z, self.pose_meas.z, self.pose_ref.w, self.pose_meas.w)) print("Current quadcopter height is: {}".format(self.pose_meas.z)) print("Pitch PID output is:{}\n" "Roll PID output is:{}\n" "Yaw PID output is:{}\n" "Error: {}\n".format(self.u.x, self.u.y, self.u.w, error)) if self.stop: self.drone_input.publish(Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.min_thrust, self.mid_speed)) else: self.drone_input.publish(self.u)
from pid import PID import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math test_pid = PID(0, 0, 100, 0.05, 0.8, 0, 10) inp = [math.sin(math.radians(x)) for x in range(0, 359)] out = [test_pid.compute(x)[0] for x in inp] err = [test_pid.compute(x)[1] for x in inp] print("Max Output: %.5f | Max Err: %.5f\n" % (max(out), max(err))) plt.ion() fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(range(0, 359), inp, 'b-', range(0, 359), out, 'r-', range(0, 359), [0 for x in range(0, 359)], 'k--', range(0, 359), err, 'm--') fig.canvas.draw() while True: fig.canvas.draw() plt.pause(0.05)
class AttitudeControl: ''' Class implements MAV attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). Two PIDs in cascade are used for each degree of freedom. Subscribes to: odometry - used to extract attitude and attitude rate of the vehicle mot_vel_ref - used to receive reference motor velocity from the height controller euler_ref - used to set the attitude reference (useful for testing controllers) Publishes: command/motors - reference motor velocities sent to each motor controller pid_roll - publishes PID-roll data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_roll_rate - publishes PID-roll_rate data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_pitch - publishes PID-pitch data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_pitch_rate - publishes PID-pitch_rate data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_yaw - publishes PID-yaw data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_yaw_rate - publishes PID-yaw_rate data - reference value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controllers param online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles reference values self.w_sp = 0 # reference value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_roll_rate = PID() # roll rate (wx) controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller self.pid_pitch_rate = PID() # pitch rate (wy) controller self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw controller self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate (wz) controller self.t_old = ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(80) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(41) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll.set_kp(5.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(80) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(41) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(5.0) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(80) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(40) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(0.4) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0.0) ################################################################## ################################################################## self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(100) # attitude control at 100 Hz rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb) rospy.Subscriber('mot_vel_ref', Float32, self.mot_vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavAttitudeCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() #################################################################### #################################################################### # Add your code for cascade control for roll, pitch, yaw. # reference attitude values are stored in self.euler_sp # (self.euler_sp.x - roll, self.euler_sp.y - pitch, self.euler_sp.z - yaw) # Measured attitude values are stored in self.euler_mv (x,y,z - roll, pitch, yaw) # Measured attitude rate values are store in self.euler_rate_mv (self.euler_rate_mv.x, y, z) # Your result should be reference velocity value for each motor. # Store them in variables mot_sp1, mot_sp2, mot_sp3, mot_sp4 u=self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp.x,self.euler_mv.x) mot_speedr=self.pid_roll_rate.compute(u,self.euler_rate_mv.x) mot_sp1_r=-mot_speedr mot_sp2_r=mot_speedr mot_sp3_r=mot_speedr mot_sp4_r=-mot_speedr u=self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp.y,self.euler_mv.y) mot_speedp=self.pid_pitch_rate.compute(u,self.euler_rate_mv.y) mot_sp1_p=-mot_speedp mot_sp2_p=-mot_speedp mot_sp3_p=mot_speedp mot_sp4_p=mot_speedp u=self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z,self.euler_mv.z) mot_speedy=self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(u,self.euler_rate_mv.z) print("-----------") print("YAW >>> " , mot_speedy ) mot_sp1_y=-mot_speedy mot_sp2_y=mot_speedy mot_sp3_y=-mot_speedy mot_sp4_y=mot_speedy mot_sp1=self.w_sp + mot_sp1_r + mot_sp1_p + mot_sp1_y mot_sp2=self.w_sp + mot_sp2_r + mot_sp2_p + mot_sp2_y mot_sp3=self.w_sp + mot_sp3_r + mot_sp3_p + mot_sp3_y mot_sp4=self.w_sp + mot_sp4_r + mot_sp4_p + mot_sp4_y Ts = - self.t_old self.t_old = print( Ts.total_seconds()) #################################################################### #################################################################### # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = Actuators() mot_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [mot_sp1,mot_sp2,mot_sp3,mot_sp4] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) def mot_vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' reference motor velocity callback. (This should be published by height controller). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.w_sp = def odometry_cb(self, msg): ''' Odometry callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type nav_msgs/Odometry ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.pose.pose.orientation.x qy = msg.pose.pose.orientation.y qz = msg.pose.pose.orientation.z qw = msg.pose.pose.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.twist.twist.angular.x q = msg.twist.twist.angular.y r = msg.twist.twist.angular.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.roll_r_kp = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kp() config.roll_r_ki = self.pid_roll_rate.get_ki() config.roll_r_kd = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() config.pitch_r_kp = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kp() config.pitch_r_ki = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_ki() config.pitch_r_kd = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(config.roll_r_kp) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(config.roll_r_ki) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(config.roll_r_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(config.pitch_r_kp) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(config.pitch_r_ki) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(config.pitch_r_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class AttitudeControl: ''' Class implements MAV attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). Two PIDs in cascade are used for each degree of freedom. Subscribes to: /morus/imu - used to extract attitude and attitude rate of the vehicle /morus/mot_vel_ref - used to receive referent motor velocity from the height controller /morus/euler_ref - used to set the attitude referent (useful for testing controllers) Publishes: /morus/command/motors - referent motor velocities sent to each motor controller /morus/pid_roll - publishes PID-roll data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_roll_rate - publishes PID-roll_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch - publishes PID-pitch data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch_rate - publishes PID-pitch_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw - publishes PID-yaw data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw_rate - publishes PID-yaw_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controllers param online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.euler_sp_old = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.euler_sp_filt = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.euler_rate_mv_old = Vector3() self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_roll_rate = PID() # roll rate (wx) controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller self.pid_pitch_rate = PID() # pitch rate (wy) controller self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw controller self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate (wz) controller self.pid_vpc_roll = PID() self.pid_vpc_pitch = PID() ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll.set_kp(2.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(0) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(0.1) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_high(0.04) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_low(-0.04) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(2.0) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(0) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(0.1) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_high(0.04) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_low(-0.04) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(10) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(6) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(30.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0) # VPC pids, initially 0 so vpc is inactive self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kp(0) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_ki(800) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kd(0) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_lim_high(200) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_lim_low(-200) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kp(0) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_ki(800) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kd(0) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_lim_high(200) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_lim_low(-200) ################################################################## ################################################################## # Filter parameters self.rate_mv_filt_K = 1.0 self.rate_mv_filt_T = 0.0 self.q_left = [2.463 - 1.57, -2.4846 + 1.57, -1.117] self.q_right = [-0.6769896 + 1.57, -2.4846 + 1.57, -1.117] self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 100) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.Ts = 1.0 / float(self.rate) self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('mot_vel_ref', Float64, self.mot_vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) #self.pub_mass0 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_0_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass1 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_1_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass2 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_2_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass3 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_3_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.attitude_pub = rospy.Publisher('attitude_command', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vpc_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_vpc_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vpc_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_vpc_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MmuavAttitudeCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while (rospy.get_time() == 0) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.ros_rate.sleep() rospy.sleep(1.0 / float(self.rate)) # Ramp or filter #self.euler_sp_filt.x = simple_filters.ramp(self.euler_sp_old.x, # self.euler_sp.x, self.Ts, 1.0) #self.euler_sp_filt.y = simple_filters.ramp(self.euler_sp_old.y, # self.euler_sp.y, self.Ts, 1.0) #self.euler_sp_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_sp_filt) self.euler_sp_filt.x = self.euler_sp.x self.euler_sp_filt.y = self.euler_sp.y clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk > (1.0 / self.rate + 0.005): self.count += 1 #print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < (1.0 / self.rate - 0.005): self.count += 1 #print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk # Roll roll_rate_sv = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) # roll rate pid compute roll_rate_output = self.pid_roll_rate.compute( roll_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt_clk) # Pitch pitch_rate_sv = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # pitch rate pid compute pitch_rate_output = self.pid_pitch_rate.compute( pitch_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt_clk) # Yaw yaw_rate_sv = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt_clk) # yaw rate pid compute yaw_rate_output = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute( yaw_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt_clk) # VPC outputs vpc_roll_output = -self.pid_vpc_roll.compute( 0.0, roll_rate_output, dt_clk) vpc_pitch_output = -self.pid_vpc_pitch.compute( 0.0, pitch_rate_output, dt_clk) # Roll and pitch rate outputs are position of the center of the # mass of arms. Here we compute q. # Publish attitude L1 = 0.094 L2 = 0.061 L3 = 0.08 arms_pos = [-roll_rate_output, -pitch_rate_output] #print arms_pos t0 = time.time() q = ArmsKinematics.ik_both_arms(self.q_right, self.q_left, arms_pos, L1, L2, L3) #print time.time() - t0 self.q_right = copy.deepcopy(q[0]) self.q_left = copy.deepcopy(q[1]) q_left = self.q_left q_right = self.q_right attitude_output = Float64MultiArray() = [q_left[0]+1.57, q_left[1]-1.57, q_left[2], \ q_right[0]-1.57, q_right[1]-1.57, q_right[2], yaw_rate_output, \ vpc_roll_output, vpc_pitch_output] self.attitude_pub.publish(attitude_output) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) # Publish VPC pid data self.pub_pid_vpc_roll.publish(self.pid_vpc_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vpc_pitch.publish(self.pid_vpc_pitch.create_msg()) def mot_vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent motor velocity callback. (This should be published by height controller). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.w_sp = def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.euler_rate_mv_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_rate_mv) # Filtering angular velocities self.euler_rate_mv.x = simple_filters.filterPT1( self.euler_rate_mv_old.x, self.euler_rate_mv.x, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) self.euler_rate_mv.y = simple_filters.filterPT1( self.euler_rate_mv_old.y, self.euler_rate_mv.y, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) self.euler_rate_mv.z = simple_filters.filterPT1( self.euler_rate_mv_old.z, self.euler_rate_mv.z, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) # Set old to current self.euler_rate_mv_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_rate_mv) def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.roll_r_kp = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kp() config.roll_r_ki = self.pid_roll_rate.get_ki() config.roll_r_kd = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() config.pitch_r_kp = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kp() config.pitch_r_ki = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_ki() config.pitch_r_kd = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() # VPC pids config.vpc_roll_kp = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_kp() config.vpc_roll_ki = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_ki() config.vpc_roll_kd = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_kd() config.vpc_pitch_kp = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_kp() config.vpc_pitch_ki = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_ki() config.vpc_pitch_kd = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(config.roll_r_kp) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(config.roll_r_ki) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(config.roll_r_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(config.pitch_r_kp) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(config.pitch_r_ki) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(config.pitch_r_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # VPC pids self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kp(config.vpc_roll_kp) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_ki(config.vpc_roll_ki) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kd(config.vpc_roll_kd) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kp(config.vpc_pitch_kp) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_ki(config.vpc_pitch_ki) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kd(config.vpc_pitch_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class AttitudeControl: ''' Class implements MAV attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). Two PIDs in cascade are used for each degree of freedom. Subscribes to: /morus/imu - used to extract attitude and attitude rate of the vehicle /morus/mot_vel_ref - used to receive referent motor velocity from the height controller /morus/euler_ref - used to set the attitude referent (useful for testing controllers) Publishes: /morus/command/motors - referent motor velocities sent to each motor controller /morus/pid_roll - publishes PID-roll data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_roll_rate - publishes PID-roll_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch - publishes PID-pitch data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch_rate - publishes PID-pitch_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw - publishes PID-yaw data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw_rate - publishes PID-yaw_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controllers param online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_roll_rate = PID() # roll rate (wx) controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller self.pid_pitch_rate = PID() # pitch rate (wy) controller self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw controller self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate (wz) controller ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll.set_kp(3.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(1.0) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(2.5) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_high(0.3) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_low(-0.3) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(3.0) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(1.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(2.5) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_high(0.3) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_low(-0.3) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(1.0) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(1.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0) ################################################################## ################################################################## self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 100) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('mot_vel_ref', Float32, self.mot_vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) #self.pub_mass0 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_0_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass1 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_1_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass2 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_2_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) #self.pub_mass3 = rospy.Publisher('movable_mass_3_position_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.attitude_pub = rospy.Publisher('attitude_command', Vector3Stamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MmuavAttitudeCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while (rospy.get_time() == 0) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.ros_rate.sleep() rospy.sleep(1.0/float(self.rate)) if not self.start_flag: "Waiting for the first IMU measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) else: clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk > (1.0 / self.rate + 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < (1.0 / self.rate - 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk # Roll roll_rate_sv = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) # roll rate pid compute roll_rate_output = self.pid_roll_rate.compute(roll_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt_clk) # Pitch pitch_rate_sv = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # pitch rate pid compute pitch_rate_output = self.pid_pitch_rate.compute(pitch_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt_clk) # Yaw yaw_rate_sv = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt_clk) # yaw rate pid compute yaw_rate_output = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(yaw_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt_clk) # Publish mass position #mass0_command_msg = Float64() = dx_pitch #mass2_command_msg = Float64() = -dx_pitch #mass1_command_msg = Float64() = -dy_roll #mass3_command_msg = Float64() = dy_roll #self.pub_mass0.publish(mass0_command_msg) #self.pub_mass1.publish(mass1_command_msg) #self.pub_mass2.publish(mass2_command_msg) #self.pub_mass3.publish(mass3_command_msg) # Publish attitude attitude_output = Vector3Stamped() attitude_output.vector.x = roll_rate_output attitude_output.vector.y = pitch_rate_output attitude_output.vector.z = yaw_rate_output attitude_output.header.stamp = self.attitude_pub.publish(attitude_output) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) def mot_vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent motor velocity callback. (This should be published by height controller). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.w_sp = def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.yaw r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.roll_r_kp = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kp() config.roll_r_ki = self.pid_roll_rate.get_ki() config.roll_r_kd = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() config.pitch_r_kp = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kp() config.pitch_r_ki = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_ki() config.pitch_r_kd = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(config.roll_r_kp) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(config.roll_r_ki) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(config.roll_r_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(config.pitch_r_kp) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(config.pitch_r_ki) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(config.pitch_r_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class HorizontalControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: euler_ref - publishes referent value for euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) pid_x - publishes PID-x data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vx - publishes PID-vx data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_y - publishes PID-x data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) pid_vy - publishes PID-vx data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.yaw_mv = 0 # measured yaw value self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.x_mv = 0 # x-position measured value self.pid_x = PID() # pid instance for x control self.vx_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vx_mv = 0 # vx velocity measured value self.pid_vx = PID() # pid instance for x-velocity control self.y_sp = 0 # y-position set point self.y_mv = 0 # y-position measured value self.pid_y = PID() # pid instance for y control self.vy_sp = 0 # vy velocity set_point self.vy_mv = 0 # vy velocity measured value self.pid_vy = PID() # pid instance for y-velocity control # PID controllers for z-axis and yaw self.z_sp = 1 self.z_mv = 0 self.pid_z = PID() self.yaw_sp = 0 self.pid_yaw = PID() ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for vx controller self.pid_vx.set_kp(0.468) self.pid_vx.set_ki(0.09) self.pid_vx.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for x controller self.pid_x.set_kp(0.8) self.pid_x.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_x.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for vy controller self.pid_vy.set_kp(0.468) self.pid_vy.set_ki(0.09) self.pid_vy.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for y controller self.pid_y.set_kp(0.8) self.pid_y.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_y.set_kd(0.0) ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(0.4) self.pid_z.set_ki(0.05) self.pid_z.set_kd(0.1) # Add parameters for yaw controller self.pid_yaw.set_kp(1) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0) self.pid_x.set_lim_up(5) # max vx speed self.pid_x.set_lim_low(-5) # min vx speed self.pid_vx.set_lim_up(45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # max pitch angle self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # min pitch angle self.pid_y.set_lim_up(5) # max vy speed self.pid_y.set_lim_low(-5) # min vy speed self.pid_vy.set_lim_up(45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # max roll angle self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-45.0 / 180 * math.pi) # min roll angle self.pid_z.set_lim_up(1) self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-1) self.pid_yaw.set_lim_up(1) self.pid_yaw.set_lim_low(-1) rospy.Subscriber('Optitrack', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('Optitrack_vel', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_y = rospy.Publisher('pid_y', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.euler_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1) self.takeoffPub = rospy.Publisher("takeoff", Empty, queue_size=1) self.landPub = rospy.Publisher("land", Empty, queue_size=1) self.resetPub = rospy.Publisher("reset", Empty, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavXYCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.t_start = # Joy stuff self.joyMasterFlag = False rospy.Subscriber("/joy", Joy, self.JoyCallback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting horizontal control." while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # If joystick control is disabled automatic control is on if self.joyMasterFlag == False: ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for x is stored in self.x_sp. # Measured x-position is stored in self.x_mv. # If you want to test only vx - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vx_sp. # Measured vx-velocity is stored in self.vx_mv # Reference for y is stored in self.y_sp. # Measured y-position is stored in self.y_mv. # If you want to test only vy - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vy_sp. # Measured vx-velocity is stored in self.vy_mv # Resultant referent value for roll and pitch (in mobile coordinate system!) # should be stored in variable roll_sp and pitch_sp vx_sp = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_sp, self.x_mv) pitch_sp = self.pid_vx.compute(vx_sp, self.vx_mv) vy_sp = self.pid_y.compute(self.y_sp, self.y_mv) roll_sp = self.pid_vy.compute(vy_sp, self.vy_mv) ######################################################## ######################################################## # Z and YAW controllers thrust_sp = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv) yaw = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.yaw_sp, self.yaw_mv) euler_sv = Twist() # Scaling roll and pitch values to 1 euler_sv.linear.y = roll_sp / 0.785398 euler_sv.linear.x = pitch_sp / 0.785398 euler_sv.linear.z = thrust_sp euler_sv.angular.z = yaw self.euler_ref_pub.publish(euler_sv) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_y.publish(self.pid_y.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) else: self.pid_x.reset() self.pid_y.reset() self.pid_vx.reset() self.pid_vy.reset() self.pid_z.reset() self.pid_yaw.reset() def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.x_mv = msg.pose.position.x self.y_mv = msg.pose.position.y self.z_mv = msg.pose.position.z qx = msg.pose.orientation.x qy = msg.pose.orientation.y qz = msg.pose.orientation.z qw = msg.pose.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) #self.roll_mv = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) #self.pitch_mv = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) #self.yaw_mv = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) self.yaw_mv = msg.pose.orientation.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.vx_mv = msg.twist.linear.x self.vy_mv = msg.twist.linear.y def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.x_kp = self.pid_x.get_kp() config.x_ki = self.pid_x.get_ki() config.x_kd = self.pid_x.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.y_kp = self.pid_y.get_kp() config.y_ki = self.pid_y.get_ki() config.y_kd = self.pid_y.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_x.set_kp(config.x_kp) self.pid_x.set_ki(config.x_ki) self.pid_x.set_kd(config.x_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_y.set_kp(config.y_kp) self.pid_y.set_ki(config.y_ki) self.pid_y.set_kd(config.y_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config def JoyCallback(self, data): self.joyMasterData = data parrotCmdVel = Twist() if data.buttons[4] == 1: self.joyMasterFlag = True else: self.joyMasterFlag = False if self.joyMasterFlag == True: parrotCmdVel.linear.x = data.axes[3] parrotCmdVel.linear.y = data.axes[2] parrotCmdVel.linear.z = data.axes[1] parrotCmdVel.angular.z = data.axes[0] self.euler_ref_pub.publish(parrotCmdVel) if data.buttons[7] == 1: self.takeoffPub.publish(Empty()) self.x_sp = self.x_mv self.y_sp = self.y_mv if data.buttons[6] == 1: self.landPub.publish(Empty()) if data.buttons[8] == 1: self.resetPub.publish(Empty())
class AttitudeControl: ''' Class implements MAV attitude control (roll, pitch, yaw). Two PIDs in cascade are used for each degree of freedom. Subscribes to: /morus/imu - used to extract attitude and attitude rate of the vehicle /morus/mot_vel_ref - used to receive referent motor velocity from the height controller /morus/euler_ref - used to set the attitude referent (useful for testing controllers) Publishes: /morus/command/motors - referent motor velocities sent to each motor controller /morus/pid_roll - publishes PID-roll data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_roll_rate - publishes PID-roll_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch - publishes PID-pitch data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_pitch_rate - publishes PID-pitch_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw - publishes PID-yaw data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_yaw_rate - publishes PID-yaw_rate data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controllers param online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.euler_sp_old = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.euler_sp_filt = Vector3(0, 0, 0) self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.euler_rate_mv_old = Vector3() self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_roll_rate = PID() # roll rate (wx) controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller self.pid_pitch_rate = PID() # pitch rate (wy) controller self.pid_yaw = PID() # yaw controller self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() # yaw rate (wz) controller # Adding VPC controllers for roll and pitch self.pid_vpc_roll = PID() self.pid_vpc_pitch = PID() ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll.set_kp(7.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(0.5) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(190.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(15.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(3.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_high(1450.0) self.pid_roll_rate.set_lim_low(-1450.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(7.0) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(0.5) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(190.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(15.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(3.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_high(1450.0) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_lim_low(-1450.0) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(5.0) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(180.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_lim_high(1450.0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_lim_low(-1450.0) # VPC pids self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kp(0) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kd(0) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_lim_high(0.04) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_lim_low(-0.04) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kp(0) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kd(0) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_lim_high(0.04) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_lim_low(-0.04) # Filter parameters self.rate_mv_filt_K = 1.0 self.rate_mv_filt_T = 0.02 # Reference prefilters self.roll_reference_prefilter_K = 1.0 self.roll_reference_prefilter_T = 0.0 self.pitch_reference_prefilter_K = 1.0 self.pitch_reference_prefilter_T = 0.0 # Offsets for pid outputs self.roll_rate_output_trim = 0.0 self.pitch_rate_output_trim = 0.0 ################################################################## ################################################################## self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 100) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.Ts = 1.0/float(self.rate) self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('mot_vel_ref', Float64, self.mot_vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) rospy.Subscriber('reset_controllers', Empty, self.reset_controllers_cb) self.attitude_pub = rospy.Publisher('attitude_command', Float64MultiArray, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate = rospy.Publisher('pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vpc_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_vpc_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vpc_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_vpc_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(VpcMmuavAttitudeCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while (rospy.get_time() == 0) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #self.ros_rate.sleep() while (not self.start_flag) and (not rospy.is_shutdown()): print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) rospy.sleep(1.0/float(self.rate)) self.euler_sp_filt.x = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_sp_old.x, self.euler_sp.x, self.roll_reference_prefilter_T, self.Ts, self.roll_reference_prefilter_K) self.euler_sp_filt.y = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_sp_old.y, self.euler_sp.y, self.pitch_reference_prefilter_T, self.Ts, self.pitch_reference_prefilter_K) self.euler_sp_filt.z = self.euler_sp.z #self.euler_sp.z = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_sp_old.z, self.euler_sp.z, 0.2, self.Ts, 1.0) self.euler_sp_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_sp_filt) clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk > (1.0 / self.rate + 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < (1.0 / self.rate - 0.005): self.count += 1 print self.count, ' - ', dt_clk if dt_clk < 0.005: dt_clk = 0.01 # Roll roll_rate_sv = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) # roll rate pid compute roll_rate_output = self.pid_roll_rate.compute(roll_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt_clk) + self.roll_rate_output_trim # Pitch pitch_rate_sv = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # pitch rate pid compute pitch_rate_output = self.pid_pitch_rate.compute(pitch_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt_clk) + self.pitch_rate_output_trim # Yaw yaw_rate_sv = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp_filt.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt_clk) # yaw rate pid compute yaw_rate_output = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(yaw_rate_sv, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt_clk) # VPC stuff vpc_roll_output = -self.pid_vpc_roll.compute(0.0, roll_rate_output, dt_clk) # Due to some wiring errors we set output to +, should be - vpc_pitch_output = -self.pid_vpc_pitch.compute(0.0, pitch_rate_output, dt_clk) # Publish mass position #mass0_command_msg = Float64() = dx_pitch #mass2_command_msg = Float64() = -dx_pitch #mass1_command_msg = Float64() = -dy_roll #mass3_command_msg = Float64() = dy_roll #self.pub_mass0.publish(mass0_command_msg) #self.pub_mass1.publish(mass1_command_msg) #self.pub_mass2.publish(mass2_command_msg) #self.pub_mass3.publish(mass3_command_msg) # Publish attitude attitude_output = Float64MultiArray() = [roll_rate_output, pitch_rate_output, \ yaw_rate_output, vpc_roll_output, vpc_pitch_output] self.attitude_pub.publish(attitude_output) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_roll_rate.publish(self.pid_roll_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch_rate.publish(self.pid_pitch_rate.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw_rate.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) # Publish VPC pid data self.pub_pid_vpc_roll.publish(self.pid_vpc_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vpc_pitch.publish(self.pid_vpc_pitch.create_msg()) def mot_vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent motor velocity callback. (This should be published by height controller). :param msg: Type Float32 ''' self.w_sp = def reset_controllers_cb(self, msg): self.start_flag = False self.pid_pitch.reset() self.pid_pitch_rate.reset() self.pid_roll.reset() self.pid_roll_rate.reset() self.pid_yaw.reset() self.pid_yaw_rate.reset() self.pid_vpc_pitch.reset() self.pid_vpc_roll.reset() rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r # If we are in first pass initialize filter if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.euler_rate_mv_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_rate_mv) # Filtering angular velocities self.euler_rate_mv.x = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_rate_mv_old.x, self.euler_rate_mv.x, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) self.euler_rate_mv.y = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_rate_mv_old.y, self.euler_rate_mv.y, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) self.euler_rate_mv.z = simple_filters.filterPT1(self.euler_rate_mv_old.z, self.euler_rate_mv.z, self.rate_mv_filt_T, self.Ts, self.rate_mv_filt_K) # Set old to current self.euler_rate_mv_old = copy.deepcopy(self.euler_rate_mv) def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.roll_r_kp = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kp() config.roll_r_ki = self.pid_roll_rate.get_ki() config.roll_r_kd = self.pid_roll_rate.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() config.pitch_r_kp = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kp() config.pitch_r_ki = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_ki() config.pitch_r_kd = self.pid_pitch_rate.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() # VPC pids config.vpc_roll_kp = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_kp() config.vpc_roll_ki = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_ki() config.vpc_roll_kd = self.pid_vpc_roll.get_kd() config.vpc_pitch_kp = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_kp() config.vpc_pitch_ki = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_ki() config.vpc_pitch_kd = self.pid_vpc_pitch.get_kd() # Rate filter config.rate_mv_filt_K = self.rate_mv_filt_K config.rate_mv_filt_T = self.rate_mv_filt_T # Roll and pitch reference prefilters config.roll_reference_prefilter_K = self.roll_reference_prefilter_K config.roll_reference_prefilter_T = self.roll_reference_prefilter_T config.pitch_reference_prefilter_K = self.pitch_reference_prefilter_K config.pitch_reference_prefilter_T = self.pitch_reference_prefilter_T # Rate output offsets config.roll_rate_output_trim = self.roll_rate_output_trim config.pitch_rate_output_trim = self.pitch_rate_output_trim self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kp(config.roll_r_kp) self.pid_roll_rate.set_ki(config.roll_r_ki) self.pid_roll_rate.set_kd(config.roll_r_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kp(config.pitch_r_kp) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_ki(config.pitch_r_ki) self.pid_pitch_rate.set_kd(config.pitch_r_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # VPC pids self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kp(config.vpc_roll_kp) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_ki(config.vpc_roll_ki) self.pid_vpc_roll.set_kd(config.vpc_roll_kd) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kp(config.vpc_pitch_kp) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_ki(config.vpc_pitch_ki) self.pid_vpc_pitch.set_kd(config.vpc_pitch_kd) # Rate filter self.rate_mv_filt_K = config.rate_mv_filt_K self.rate_mv_filt_T = config.rate_mv_filt_T # Roll and pitch reference prefilters self.roll_reference_prefilter_K = config.roll_reference_prefilter_K self.roll_reference_prefilter_T = config.roll_reference_prefilter_T self.pitch_reference_prefilter_K = config.pitch_reference_prefilter_K self.pitch_reference_prefilter_T = config.pitch_reference_prefilter_T # Rate output offsets self.roll_rate_output_trim = config.roll_rate_output_trim self.pitch_rate_output_trim = config.pitch_rate_output_trim # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class HeightControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.x_sp = 0 # x-position set point self.y_sp = 0 # y-position set point self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.x_mv = 0 # x-position measured value self.y_mv = 0 # y-position measured value self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_x = PID() # pid instance for x control self.pid_y = PID() # pid instance for y control self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vx_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vy_sp = 0 # vx velocity set_point self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vx_mv = 0 # vx velocity measured value self.vy_mv = 0 # vy velocity measured value self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.vx_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.vy_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.vz_mv_old = 0 # vz velocity old measured value self.pid_vx = PID() # pid instance for x-velocity control self.pid_vy = PID() # pid instance for y-velocity control self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.yaw_sp = 0 self.yaw_mv = 0 self.pid_yaw = PID() self.pid_yaw_rate = PID() self.dwz = 0 self.w0 = 923.7384 self.dx_speed = 0 self.dy_speed = 0 ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(1.025) self.pid_z.set_ki(0.018) self.pid_z.set_kd(0.0) # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(209.79) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0.1) self.pid_vx.set_kp(24) self.pid_vx.set_ki(20) self.pid_vx.set_kd(12) self.pid_vx.set_lim_high(0.05 * self.w0) self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-0.05 * self.w0) self.pid_vy.set_kp(24) self.pid_vy.set_ki(20) self.pid_vy.set_kd(12) self.pid_vy.set_lim_high(0.05 * self.w0) self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-0.05 * self.w0) self.pid_x.set_kp(0.0) self.pid_x.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_x.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_x.set_lim_high(0.75) self.pid_x.set_lim_low(-0.75) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(1.86) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(6.5) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(0) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(0) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_z.set_lim_high(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(1475) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-1475) # min velocity of a motor self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.gm_attitude_ctl = 0 # flag indicates if attitude control is turned on self.gm_attitude_ctl = rospy.get_param('~gm_attitude_ctl') self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/sensors/pose1', PoseWithCovarianceStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/arducopter/imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_yaw = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_yaw', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_wz = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/pid_yaw_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/arducopter/command/motors', MotorSpeed, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(20) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for velocity measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # 5 ms sleep ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() #if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: # print dt self.t_old = t self.mot_speed_hover = 923.7384#300.755#432#527 # roughly #height control vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_sp, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) # vx control #vx_ref = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_sp, self.x_mv, dt) self.dx_speed = self.pid_vx.compute(self.vx_sp, self.vx_mv, dt) self.dy_speed = self.pid_vy.compute(self.vy_sp, self.vy_mv, dt) yaw_r_ref = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt) self.dwz = self.pid_yaw_rate.compute(yaw_r_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.gm_attitude_ctl == 0: # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = MotorSpeed() #dx_speed = self.x_sp * self.mot_speed #dy_speed = self.y_sp * self.mot_speed mot_speed1 = self.mot_speed - self.dx_speed + self.dwz mot_speed3 = self.mot_speed + self.dx_speed + self.dwz mot_speed2 = self.mot_speed - self.dy_speed - self.dwz mot_speed4 = self.mot_speed + self.dy_speed - self.dwz if(self.z_mv < 0.14 and self.z_sp == 0): mot_speed_msg.motor_speed = [0,0,0,0] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: mot_speed_msg.motor_speed = [mot_speed1, mot_speed2, mot_speed3, mot_speed4] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) else: # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) self.ros_rate.sleep() # 5 ms sleep # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) #self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_yaw.publish(self.pid_yaw.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_wz.publish(self.pid_yaw_rate.create_msg()) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' self.x_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.x self.y_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.y self.z_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True a = 0.99 self.vx_mv = (1-a)*msg.twist.linear.x + a * self.vx_mv_old self.vx_mv_old = self.vx_mv self.vy_mv = (1-a)*msg.twist.linear.y + a * self.vy_mv_old self.vy_mv_old = self.vy_mv self.vz_mv = (1-a)*msg.twist.linear.z + a * self.vz_mv_old self.vz_mv_old = self.vz_mv def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y #self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.x_sp = msg.x self.y_sp = msg.y self.z_sp = msg.z def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() config.yaw_kp = self.pid_yaw.get_kp() config.yaw_ki = self.pid_yaw.get_ki() config.yaw_kd = self.pid_yaw.get_kd() config.yaw_r_kp = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kp() config.yaw_r_ki = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_ki() config.yaw_r_kd = self.pid_yaw_rate.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) self.pid_yaw.set_kp(config.yaw_kp) self.pid_yaw.set_ki(config.yaw_ki) self.pid_yaw.set_kd(config.yaw_kd) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kp(config.yaw_r_kp) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_ki(config.yaw_r_ki) self.pid_yaw_rate.set_kd(config.yaw_r_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class HeightControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.z_sp = 2 # z-position set point self.z_ref_filt = 0 # z ref filtered self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(10) self.pid_z.set_ki(0.2) self.pid_z.set_kd(10) # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(1) #87.2) self.pid_vz.set_ki(0.0) self.pid_vz.set_kd(0) #10.89) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.pid_z.set_lim_high(5) # max vertical ascent speed self.pid_z.set_lim_low(-5) # max vertical descent speed self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(350) # max velocity of a motor self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(-350) # min velocity of a motor self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.gm_attitude_ctl = 0 # flag indicates if attitude control is turned on self.gm_attitude_ctl = rospy.get_param('~gm_attitude_ctl', 0) self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float32, queue_size=1) self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.pub_gm_mot = rospy.Publisher('collectiveThrust', GmStatus, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(MavZCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag: print 'Waiting for pose measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting height control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant referent value for motor velocity should be stored in variable mot_speed. # When you implement attitude control set the flag self.attitude_ctl to 1 #self.gm_attitude_ctl = 1 # don't forget to set me to 1 when you implement attitude ctl t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() print("Vrijeme je {0}".format(dt)) #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: print dt self.t_old = t self.mot_speed_hover = math.sqrt(293 / 0.000456874 / 4) # prefilter for reference a = 0.1 self.z_ref_filt = (1 - a) * self.z_ref_filt + a * self.z_sp vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_ref_filt, self.z_mv, dt) self.mot_speed = self.mot_speed_hover + \ self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) ######################################################## ######################################################## if self.gm_attitude_ctl == 0: # moving masses are used to control attitude # Publish motor velocities mot_speed_msg = Actuators() mot_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [ self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed, self.mot_speed ] self.pub_mot.publish(mot_speed_msg) gm_force_msg = GmStatus() gm_force_msg.force_M = 4 * self.mot_speed * 0.000456874 * self.mot_speed gm_force_msg.motor_id = 5 self.pub_gm_mot.publish(gm_force_msg) else: # gas motors are used to control attitude # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float32(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.z_mv = msg.pose.position.z def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' #if not self.start_flag: # self.start_flag = True self.vz_mv = msg.twist.linear.z def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vz_sp = msg.z def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.z_sp = msg.z def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
class RealFlight: def __init__(self): self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber("bebop/optitrack/pose", PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) self.vel_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/bebop/optitrack/velocity", TwistStamped, self.vel_cb) self.pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/bebop/pos_ref", Vector3, self.setpoint_cb) self.angle_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("/bebop/angle_ref", Vector3, self.angle_cb) self.pose_pub = rospy.Publisher("/bebop/pose_set", Vector3, queue_size=10) self.rms_pub = rospy.Publisher("/bebop/rms", Float64, queue_size=10) self.vel_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/bebop/cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10) self.twist_msg = Twist() self.sleep_sec = 2 self.first_measurement1 = False self.first_measurement2 = False self.controller_rate = 50 self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.controller_rate) self.euler_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.euler_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.pose_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 1.) self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw = 0., 0., 0., 0. self.p, self.q, self.r, = 0., 0., 0. self.x_mv, self.y_mv, self.z_mv = 0., 0., 0. # Pre-filter constants self.filt_const_x = 0.5 self.filt_const_y = 0.5 self.filt_const_z = 0.1 self.x_filt_sp = 0. self.y_filt_sp = 0. self.z_filt_sp = 0. self.pid_z = PID(4, 0.05, 0.1, MAX_VZ, -MAX_VZ) self.pid_x = PID(0.25, 0.0, 0.1, MAX_TILT, -MAX_TILT) self.pid_y = PID(0.25, 0.0, 0.1, MAX_TILT, -MAX_TILT) self.yaw_PID = PID(1, 0, 0.0, MAX_ROTV, -MAX_ROTV) self.RMS = 0 self.counter = 0 def pose_cb(self, data): """PoseStamped msg""" self.first_measurement1 = True self.x_mv = data.pose.position.x self.y_mv = data.pose.position.y self.z_mv = data.pose.position.z self.qx = data.pose.orientation.x self.qy = data.pose.orientation.y self.qz = data.pose.orientation.z self.qw = data.pose.orientation.w def vel_cb(self, data): """TwistStamped msg""" self.first_measurement2 = True self.vx_mv = data.twist.linear.x self.vy_mv = data.twist.linear.y self.vz_mv = data.twist.linear.z self.p = data.twist.angular.x self.q = data.twist.angular.y self.r = data.twist.angular.z def convert_to_euler(self, qx, qy, qz, qw): """Calculate roll, pitch and yaw angles/rates with quaternions""" # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = self.p q = self.q r = self.r sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def run(self): """ Run ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control """ #while not self.first_measurement1 and not self.first_measurement2: #print(" - Waiting for first measurement.") #rospy.sleep(self.sleep_sec) print(" - Starting position control") self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.rate.sleep() t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() self.t_old = t if dt < 1.0 / self.controller_rate: continue self.convert_to_euler(self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw) # HEIGHT CONTROL self.z_filt_sp = prefilter(self.pose_sp.z, self.z_filt_sp, self.filt_const_z) vz_sp = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_filt_sp, self.z_mv, dt) # PITCH CONTROL OUTER LOOP # x - position control self.x_filt_sp = prefilter(self.pose_sp.x, self.x_filt_sp, self.filt_const_x) pitch_sp = self.pid_x.compute(self.pose_sp.x, self.x_mv, dt) # ROLL CONTROL OUTER LOOP # y position control self.y_filt_sp = prefilter(self.pose_sp.y, self.y_filt_sp, self.filt_const_y) roll_sp = -self.pid_y.compute(self.pose_sp.y, self.y_mv, dt) # PITCH AND ROLL YAW ADJUSTMENT roll_sp_2 = math.cos(self.euler_mv.z) * roll_sp + \ math.sin(self.euler_mv.z) * pitch_sp pitch_sp = math.cos(self.euler_mv.z) * pitch_sp - \ math.sin(self.euler_mv.z) * roll_sp roll_sp = roll_sp_2 # YAW CONTROL error_yrc = self.euler_sp.z - self.euler_mv.z if math.fabs(error_yrc) > math.pi: self.euler_sp.z = (self.euler_mv.z/math.fabs(self.euler_mv.z))*\ (2*math.pi - math.fabs(self.euler_sp.z)) rot_v_sp = self.yaw_PID.compute(self.euler_sp.z, self.euler_mv.z, dt) self.twist_msg.linear.x = pitch_sp / MAX_TILT self.twist_msg.linear.y = -roll_sp / MAX_TILT self.twist_msg.linear.z = vz_sp / MAX_VZ self.twist_msg.angular.z = rot_v_sp / MAX_ROTV self.RMS += math.sqrt((self.pose_sp.x - self.x_mv)**2 + (self.pose_sp.y - self.y_mv)**2 \ + (self.pose_sp.z - self.z_mv)**2) self.counter += 1 if VERBOSE: print( "x_sp: {}\n x_mv: {}\n y_sp: {}\n y_mv: {}\n z_sp: {}\n z_mv: {}\n" .format(self.pose_sp.x, self.x_mv, self.pose_sp.y, self.y_mv, self.pose_sp.z, self.z_mv)) print("Yaw measured: {}\n ".format(self.euler_mv.z)) print("Pitch setpoint: {}".format(pitch_sp)) print("Roll setpoint: {}".format(roll_sp)) print("Yaw setpoint: {}".format(rot_v_sp)) print("lin_vel command: {}".format(self.twist_msg.linear)) print("ang_vel command: {}".format(self.twist_msg.angular)) print("RMS : {}".format(self.RMS / self.counter)) self.vel_publisher.publish(self.twist_msg) self.pose_pub.publish(self.pose_sp) self.rms_pub.publish(Float64(self.RMS)) def angle_cb(self, data): self.euler_sp = Vector3(data.x, data.y, data.z) def setpoint_cb(self, data): self.pose_sp.x = data.x self.pose_sp.y = data.y self.pose_sp.z = data.z
class PositionControl: ''' Class implements ROS node for cascade (z, vz) PID control for MAV height. Subscribes to: /morus/pose - used to extract z-position of the vehicle /morus/velocity - used to extract vz of the vehicle /morus/pos_ref - used to set the reference for z-position /morus/vel_ref - used to set the reference for vz-position (useful for testing velocity controller) Publishes: /morus/mot_vel_ref - referent value for thrust in terms of motor velocity (rad/s) /morus/pid_z - publishes PID-z data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) /morus/pid_vz - publishes PID-vz data - referent value, measured value, P, I, D and total component (useful for tuning params) Dynamic reconfigure is used to set controller params online. ''' def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # indicates if we received the first measurement self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time # Params self.rate = rospy.get_param('~rate', 100) # 0 for simulation, 1 for optitrack self.feedback_source = rospy.get_param('~feedback', 0) print self.feedback_source # Load parameters from yaml file file_name = rospy.get_param('~filename', 'PositionControl.yaml') file_name = RosPack().get_path( 'mmuav_control') + '/config/' + file_name initial_params = yaml.load(file(file_name, 'r')) # (m_uav + m_other)/(C*4*cos(tilt_angle)) self.g = 9.81 self.mot_speed_hover = math.sqrt( self.g * (initial_params['mass']) / (initial_params['rotor_c'] * initial_params['rotor_num'] * math.cos(initial_params['tilt_angle']))) self.Kff_v = initial_params['Kff_v'] self.Kff_a = initial_params['Kff_a'] # Delta omega(rotor speed) = self.z_ff_scaler*sqrt(a) where a is # acceleration from trajectory self.z_ff_scaler = math.sqrt( (initial_params['mass']) / (initial_params['rotor_c'] * initial_params['rotor_num'])) self.pos_sp = Point() self.pos_sp.x = rospy.get_param('~x', 0.0) self.pos_sp.y = rospy.get_param('~y', 0.0) self.pos_sp.z = 1.0 self.pos_mv = Point() self.vel_mv = Vector3() self.orientation_mv = Quaternion() self.orientation_mv_euler = Vector3() self.orientation_sp = Quaternion() self.velocity_ff = Vector3() self.acceleration_ff = Vector3() self.euler_mv = Vector3() # X controller self.pid_x = PID() self.pid_vx = PID() # Y controller self.pid_y = PID() self.pid_vy = PID() # Z controller self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control # YAW self.yaw_sp = 0 # Yaw setpoint propagates through system ######################################################### ######################################################### # Add parameters for x controller self.pid_x.set_kp(initial_params['pid_x']['Kp']) self.pid_x.set_ki(initial_params['pid_x']['Ki']) self.pid_x.set_kd(initial_params['pid_x']['Kd']) self.pid_x.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_x']['limit']['high']) self.pid_x.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_x']['limit']['low']) # Add parameters for vx controller self.pid_vx.set_kp(initial_params['pid_vx']['Kp']) self.pid_vx.set_ki(initial_params['pid_vx']['Ki']) self.pid_vx.set_kd(initial_params['pid_vx']['Kd']) self.pid_vx.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_vx']['limit']['high']) self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_vx']['limit']['low']) # Add parameters for y controller self.pid_y.set_kp(initial_params['pid_y']['Kp']) self.pid_y.set_ki(initial_params['pid_y']['Ki']) self.pid_y.set_kd(initial_params['pid_y']['Kd']) self.pid_y.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_y']['limit']['high']) self.pid_y.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_y']['limit']['low']) # Add parameters for vy controller self.pid_vy.set_kp(initial_params['pid_vy']['Kp']) self.pid_vy.set_ki(initial_params['pid_vy']['Ki']) self.pid_vy.set_kd(initial_params['pid_vy']['Kd']) self.pid_vy.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_vy']['limit']['high']) self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_vy']['limit']['low']) # Add parameters for z controller self.pid_z.set_kp(initial_params['pid_z']['Kp']) self.pid_z.set_ki(initial_params['pid_z']['Ki']) self.pid_z.set_kd(initial_params['pid_z']['Kd']) self.pid_z.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_z']['limit']['high']) self.pid_z.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_z']['limit']['low']) # Add parameters for vz controller self.pid_vz.set_kp(initial_params['pid_vz']['Kp']) self.pid_vz.set_ki(initial_params['pid_vz']['Ki']) self.pid_vz.set_kd(initial_params['pid_vz']['Kd']) self.pid_vz.set_lim_high(initial_params['pid_vz']['limit']['high']) self.pid_vz.set_lim_low(initial_params['pid_vz']['limit']['low']) ######################################################### ######################################################### self.mot_speed = 0 # referent motors velocity, computed by PID cascade self.t_old = 0 self.pub_pid_x = rospy.Publisher('pid_x', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vx = rospy.Publisher('pid_vx', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_y = rospy.Publisher('pid_y', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vy = rospy.Publisher('pid_vy', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_z = rospy.Publisher('pid_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_vz = rospy.Publisher('pid_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.mot_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('mot_vel_ref', Float64, queue_size=1) self.euler_ref_pub = rospy.Publisher('euler_ref', Vector3, queue_size=1) # Set up feedback callbacks if self.feedback_source == 0: rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb, queue_size=1) #rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.vel_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('velocity_relative', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb, queue_size=1) elif self.feedback_source == 1: rospy.Subscriber('optitrack/pose', PoseStamped, self.optitrack_pose_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('optitrack/velocity', TwistStamped, self.optitrack_velocity_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('pose_ref', Pose, self.pose_ref_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('reset_controllers', Empty, self.reset_controllers_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('trajectory_point_ref', MultiDOFJointTrajectoryPoint, self.trajectory_point_ref_cb) #rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb, queue_size=1) #self.pub_gm_mot = rospy.Publisher('collectiveThrust', GmStatus, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(PositionCtlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 100 Hz self.t_start = def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control. ''' while not self.start_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print 'Waiting for pose measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting position control." self.t_old = #self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): while not self.start_flag and not rospy.is_shutdown(): print 'Waiting for pose measurements.' rospy.sleep(0.5) #rospy.sleep(1.0/float(self.rate)) self.ros_rate.sleep() ######################################################## ######################################################## # Implement cascade PID control here. # Reference for z is stored in self.z_sp. # Measured z-position is stored in self.z_mv. # If you want to test only vz - controller, the corresponding reference is stored in self.vz_sp. # Measured vz-velocity is stored in self.vz_mv # Resultant referent value for motor velocity should be stored in variable mot_speed. # When you implement attitude control set the flag self.attitude_ctl to 1 #self.gm_attitude_ctl = 1 # don't forget to set me to 1 when you implement attitude ctl t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() #t = #dt = (t - self.t_old).total_seconds() if dt > 1.05 / float(self.rate) or dt < 0.95 / float(self.rate): #print dt pass self.t_old = t temp_euler_ref = Vector3() # x vx_ref = self.pid_x.compute(self.pos_sp.x, self.pos_mv.x, dt) vx_output = self.pid_vx.compute( vx_ref + self.Kff_v * self.velocity_ff.x, self.vel_mv.x, dt) + self.Kff_a * self.acceleration_ff.x / self.g # y vy_ref = self.pid_y.compute(self.pos_sp.y, self.pos_mv.y, dt) vy_output = self.pid_vy.compute( vy_ref + self.Kff_v * self.velocity_ff.y, self.vel_mv.y, dt) + self.Kff_a * self.acceleration_ff.y / self.g # z vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.pos_sp.z, self.pos_mv.z, dt) self.mot_speed = (self.mot_speed_hover + \ (self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref + self.Kff_v*self.velocity_ff.z, self.vel_mv.z, dt) + \ self.Kff_a*self.z_ff_scaler*self.acceleration_ff.z)) / \ (cos(self.euler_mv.x)*cos(self.euler_mv.y)) """(cos(0.0*self.euler_mv.x)*cos(0.0*self.euler_mv.y))""" #print 1/(cos(self.euler_mv.x)*cos(self.euler_mv.y)) ######################################################## ######################################################## # Publish to euler ref temp_euler_ref.x = -cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*vy_output \ + sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*vx_output temp_euler_ref.y = sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*vy_output \ + cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*vx_output euler_sp = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( (self.orientation_sp.x, self.orientation_sp.y, self.orientation_sp.z, self.orientation_sp.w)) temp_euler_ref.z = euler_sp[2] #euler_ref_decoupled = self.qv_mult((self.orientation_mv.x, #self.orientation_mv.y, self.orientation_mv.z, #self.orientation_mv.w), (temp_euler_ref.y, #temp_euler_ref.x, temp_euler_ref.z)) #temp_euler_ref.x = euler_ref_decoupled[1] #temp_euler_ref.y = euler_ref_decoupled[0] #temp_euler_ref.z = euler_ref_decoupled[2] self.euler_ref_pub.publish(temp_euler_ref) # gas motors are used to control attitude # publish referent motor velocity to attitude controller mot_speed_msg = Float64(self.mot_speed) self.mot_ref_pub.publish(mot_speed_msg) # Publish PID data - could be useful for tuning self.pub_pid_x.publish(self.pid_x.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vx.publish(self.pid_vx.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_y.publish(self.pid_y.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vy.publish(self.pid_vy.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_z.publish(self.pid_z.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_vz.publish(self.pid_vz.create_msg()) def reset_controllers_cb(self, msg): self.start_flag = False self.pid_x.reset() self.pid_vx.reset() self.pid_y.reset() self.pid_vy.reset() self.pid_z.reset() #self.pid_z.ui_old = 22.0 self.pid_vz.reset() #rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.vel_cb) rospy.Subscriber('velocity', TwistStamped, self.vel_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb, queue_size=1) def pose_cb(self, msg): ''' Pose (6DOF - position and orientation) callback. :param msg: Type PoseWithCovarianceStamped ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.pos_mv = msg.pose.position self.orientation_mv = msg.pose.orientation temp_euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( (self.orientation_mv.x, self.orientation_mv.y, self.orientation_mv.z, self.orientation_mv.w)) self.orientation_mv_euler.x = temp_euler[0] self.orientation_mv_euler.y = temp_euler[1] self.orientation_mv_euler.z = temp_euler[2] def vel_cb(self, msg): ''' Velocity callback (linear velocity - x,y,z) :param msg: Type Vector3Stamped ''' #if not self.start_flag: # self.start_flag = True #mv = self.qv_mult((msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, # msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, # msg.pose.pose.orientation.w), (msg.twist.twist.linear.x, # msg.twist.twist.linear.y, msg.twist.twist.linear.z)) """temp_euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion((msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w)) self.orientation_mv_euler.x = temp_euler[0] self.orientation_mv_euler.y = temp_euler[1] self.orientation_mv_euler.z = temp_euler[2] self.vel_mv.x = cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.twist.linear.x \ - sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.y = sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.twist.linear.x \ + cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.z = msg.twist.twist.linear.z self.orientation_mv = msg.pose.pose.orientation """ self.vel_mv.x = cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.x \ - sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.y = sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.x \ + cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.z = msg.twist.linear.z #temp_mv = Vector3() #temp_mv.x = mv[0] #temp_mv.y = mv[1] #temp_mv.z = mv[2] #matrix = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix((msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, # msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, # msg.pose.pose.orientation.w)) #self.vel_mv = msg.twist.twist.linear def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) self.orientation_mv_euler.x = self.euler_mv.x self.orientation_mv_euler.y = self.euler_mv.y self.orientation_mv_euler.z = self.euler_mv.z def optitrack_pose_cb(self, msg): if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True self.pos_mv = msg.pose.position self.orientation_mv = msg.pose.orientation temp_euler = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion( (self.orientation_mv.x, self.orientation_mv.y, self.orientation_mv.z, self.orientation_mv.w)) self.orientation_mv_euler.x = temp_euler[0] self.orientation_mv_euler.y = temp_euler[1] self.orientation_mv_euler.z = temp_euler[2] def optitrack_velocity_cb(self, msg): self.vel_mv.x = cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.x \ - sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.y = sin(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.x \ + cos(self.orientation_mv_euler.z)*msg.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.z = msg.twist.linear.z def qv_mult(self, q1, v1): #v1 = tf.transformations.unit_vector(v1) q2 = list(v1) q2.append(0.0) return tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply( tf.transformations.quaternion_multiply(q1, q2), tf.transformations.quaternion_conjugate(q1))[:3] def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent velocity callback. Use received velocity values when during initial tuning velocity controller (i.e. when position controller still not implemented). :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.vx_sp = msg.x self.vy_sp = msg.y self.vz_sp = msg.z def pose_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Referent position callback. Received value (z-component) is used as a referent height. :param msg: Type Vector3 ''' self.pos_sp = msg.position self.orientation_sp = msg.orientation def trajectory_point_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Callback for one trajectory point with speed and acceleration ''' # translation is vector3, we need point self.pos_sp.x = msg.transforms[0].translation.x self.pos_sp.y = msg.transforms[0].translation.y self.pos_sp.z = msg.transforms[0].translation.z # orientation self.orientation_sp = msg.transforms[0].rotation # velocity and acceleration self.velocity_ff = msg.velocities[0].linear self.acceleration_ff = msg.accelerations[0].linear def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for height and velocity controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.x_kp = self.pid_x.get_kp() config.x_ki = self.pid_x.get_ki() config.x_kd = self.pid_x.get_kd() config.vx_kp = self.pid_vx.get_kp() config.vx_ki = self.pid_vx.get_ki() config.vx_kd = self.pid_vx.get_kd() config.y_kp = self.pid_y.get_kp() config.y_ki = self.pid_y.get_ki() config.y_kd = self.pid_y.get_kd() config.vy_kp = self.pid_vy.get_kp() config.vy_ki = self.pid_vy.get_ki() config.vy_kd = self.pid_vy.get_kd() config.z_kp = self.pid_z.get_kp() config.z_ki = self.pid_z.get_ki() config.z_kd = self.pid_z.get_kd() config.vz_kp = self.pid_vz.get_kp() config.vz_ki = self.pid_vz.get_ki() config.vz_kd = self.pid_vz.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_x.set_kp(config.x_kp) self.pid_x.set_ki(config.x_ki) self.pid_x.set_kd(config.x_kd) self.pid_vx.set_kp(config.vx_kp) self.pid_vx.set_ki(config.vx_ki) self.pid_vx.set_kd(config.vx_kd) self.pid_y.set_kp(config.y_kp) self.pid_y.set_ki(config.y_ki) self.pid_y.set_kd(config.y_kd) self.pid_vy.set_kp(config.vy_kp) self.pid_vy.set_ki(config.vy_ki) self.pid_vy.set_kd(config.vy_kd) self.pid_z.set_kp(config.z_kp) self.pid_z.set_ki(config.z_ki) self.pid_z.set_kd(config.z_kd) self.pid_vz.set_kp(config.vz_kp) self.pid_vz.set_ki(config.vz_ki) self.pid_vz.set_kd(config.vz_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys sys.path.append('..') from cube_system import CubeSystem from pid import PID cs = CubeSystem() cs.current_theta_b = np.deg2rad(-6) controller = PID(-80, -200, -8, 0, 0.02) time_data = [] theta_b_data = [] current_data = [] for time, theta, _, _, _ in cs.simulate(max_time=2, h=0.001, sample_time=0.02): cs.update_BLDC_current(np.clip(controller.compute(theta, time), -10, 10)) time_data.append(time) theta_b_data.append(np.rad2deg(theta)) current_data.append(cs.I_val)'ggplot') plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) plt.plot(time_data, theta_b_data) plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ylabel("theta [degrees]") plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) plt.plot(time_data, current_data) plt.xlabel("Time [s]") plt.ylabel("BLDC Current (A)")
class AngleTiltCtl: def __init__(self): self.first_measurement = False self.t = 0 self.t_old = 0 # Initialize subscribers # Pose subscriber self.pose_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/pose', PoseStamped, self.pose_cb) # Odometry subscriber self.odometry = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/odometry', Odometry, self.odometry_cb) # IMU subscriber self.imu = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/Imu', Imu, self.imu_cb) # Pose reference subscriber self.pose_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/pose_ref', Vector3, self.pose_sp_cb) self.angle_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/angle_ref', Vector3, self.angle_sp_cb) self.tilt_x_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/tilt_x_ref', Float64, self.tilt_sp_x_cb) self.tilt_y_sp = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/tilt_y_ref', Float64, self.tilt_sp_y_cb) self.ref_tilt = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/tilt_ref', Float64, self.ref_tilt_cb) self.vel_ref_sub = rospy.Subscriber('/morus/lin_vel_ref', Vector3, self.vel_ref_cb) # Initialize publishers, motor speed and tilt for roll and pitch self.pub_mot = rospy.Publisher('/gazebo/command/motor_speed', Actuators, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_tilt0 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_0_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_tilt1 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_2_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_tilt0 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_1_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_tilt1 = rospy.Publisher( '/morus/angle_tilt_3_controller/command', Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_tilt_ref = rospy.Publisher("/morus/tilt_ref", Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_tilt_x_ref = rospy.Publisher("/morus/tilt_x_ref_", Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_tilt_y_ref = rospy.Publisher("/morus/tilt_y_ref_", Float64, queue_size=1) self.pub_vel_ref = rospy.Publisher("/morus/pub_lin_vel_ref", Vector3, queue_size=1) self.pub_pose_ref = rospy.Publisher("/morus/pub_pose_ref", Vector3, queue_size=1) # Publishing PIDs in order to use dynamic reconfigure self.pub_PID_z = rospy.Publisher('PID_z', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_PID_vz = rospy.Publisher('PID_vz', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_rate_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_pitch_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pitch_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_rate_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_roll_rate', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_roll_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_yaw_PID = rospy.Publisher('PID_yaw_rate_PID', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_angles = rospy.Publisher('/morus/euler_mv', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.pub_angles_sp = rospy.Publisher('/morus/euler_sp', Vector3, queue_size=1) self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(50) self.z_sp = 0 # z-position set point self.z_ref_filt = 0 # z ref filtered self.z_mv = 0 # z-position measured value self.pid_z = PID() # pid instance for z control self.vz_sp = 0 # vz velocity set_point self.vz_mv = 0 # vz velocity measured value self.pid_vz = PID() # pid instance for z-velocity control self.euler_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0) # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) # euler angles referent values self.pose_sp = Vector3(0., 0., 0.0) self.pose_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.pose_mv_tf = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.vel_mv = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.vel_ref = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # measured angular velocities self.roll_sp_filt, self.pitch_sp_filt, self.yaw_sp_filt = 0, 0, 0 self.dwz = 0 self.tilt_x = 0 self.tilt_y = 0 self.lim_tilt = 0.15 c = 1000 # Position control PIDs -> connect directly to rotors tilt self.pid_x = PID(1.25, 0, 0., self.lim_tilt, -self.lim_tilt) self.pid_vx = PID(1.85, 0, 1.2, 500, -500) self.pid_y = PID(1.25, 0, 0., self.lim_tilt, -self.lim_tilt) self.pid_vy = PID(1.85, 0, 1.2, 500, -500) # Define PID for height control self.z_ref_filt = 0 self.z_mv = 0 self.pid_z = PID(3, 0.01, 1.5, 4, -4) self.pid_vz = PID(85, 0.1, 15, 200, -200) # initialize pitch_rate PID controller self.pitch_rate_PID = PID(4, 0.05, 1, 50, -50) self.pitch_PID = PID(75, 0, 1, 50, -50) # initialize roll rate PID controller self.roll_rate_PID = PID(4, 0.05, 1, 50, -50) self.roll_PID = PID(75, 0, 1, 50, -50) # initialize yaw rate PID controller self.yaw_rate_PID = PID(15, 0.1, 25, 5, -5) self.yaw_PID = PID(95, 0.5, 65, +150, -150) def ref_tilt_cb(self, msg): self.ref_tilt = def vel_ref_cb(self, msg): self.vel_ref.x = msg.x self.vel_ref.y = msg.y self.vel_ref.z = msg.z def pose_cb(self, msg): """ Callback functon for assigning values from pose IMU :param msg: /morus/pose PoseStamped msg type used to extract pose and orientation of UAV """ # entered subscribed callback func, set first_measurement flag as True self.first_measurement = True self.pose_mv.x = msg.pose.position.x self.pose_mv.y = msg.pose.position.y self.pose_mv.z = msg.pose.position.z self.qx = msg.pose.orientation.x self.qy = msg.pose.orientation.y self.qz = msg.pose.orientation.z self.qw = msg.pose.orientation.w def tilt_sp_x_cb(self, msg): self.tilt_x = def tilt_sp_y_cb(self, msg): self.tilt_y = def odometry_cb(self, msg): """ Callback function for assigning values from odometry measurements :param msg: nav_msgs/Odometry, an estimate of position and velocity in free space """ self.vel_mv.x = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.vel_mv.y = msg.twist.twist.linear.y self.vel_mv.z = msg.twist.twist.linear.z self.euler_rate_mv.x = msg.twist.twist.angular.x self.euler_rate_mv.y = msg.twist.twist.angular.y self.euler_rate_mv.z = msg.twist.twist.angular.z def pose_sp_cb(self, msg): self.pose_sp.x = msg.x self.pose_sp.y = msg.y self.pose_sp.z = msg.z def angle_sp_cb(self, msg): self.euler_sp.x = msg.x self.euler_sp.y = msg.y self.euler_sp.z = msg.z def imu_cb(self, msg): """ Callback function used to extract measured values from IMU, lin_acc and ang_vel :param msg: :return: """ self.lin_acc_x = msg.linear_acceleration.x ## TO DO: add rest if needed def quat_to_eul_conv(self, qx, qy, qz, qw): """ Convert quaternions to euler angles (roll, pitch, yaw) """ # roll (x-axis rotation) sinr = 2. * (qw * qx + qy * qz) cosr = 1. - 2. * (qx * qx + qy * qy) self.roll = math.atan2(sinr, cosr) # pitch (y-axis rotation) sinp = 2. * (qw * qy - qz * qx) sinp = 1. if sinp > 1. else sinp sinp = -1. if sinp < -1. else sinp self.pitch = math.asin(sinp) # yaw (z-axis rotation) siny = 2. * (qw * qz + qx * qy) cosy = 1 - 2. * (qy * qy + qz * qz) self.yaw = math.atan2(siny, cosy) self.euler_mv.x = self.roll self.euler_mv.y = self.pitch self.euler_mv.z = self.yaw def run(self): """ Runs quadcopter control algorithm """ while not self.first_measurement: self.tilt_x = 0 self.tilt_y = 0 self.ref_tilt = 0 self.pub_tilt_x_ref.publish(self.tilt_x) self.pub_tilt_y_ref.publish(self.tilt_y) self.pub_pose_ref.publish(self.pose_sp) print("Waiting for first measurement") rospy.sleep(0.5) print("Started angle control") self.t_old = while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # discretization time t = dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() if dt > 0.105 or dt < 0.095: print(dt) if dt < 0.01: dt = 0.01 self.t_old = t self.quat_to_eul_conv(self.qx, self.qy, self.qz, self.qw) self.hover_speed = math.sqrt(293 / 0.000456874 / 4) # HEIGHT CONTROL: a = 0.2 self.z_ref_filt = (1 - a) * self.z_ref_filt + a * self.pose_sp.z vz_ref = self.pid_z.compute(self.z_ref_filt, self.pose_mv.z, dt) domega_z = self.pid_vz.compute(vz_ref, self.vz_mv, dt) # ATTITUDE CONTROL: # roll cascade (first PID -> y ref, second PID -> tilt_roll_rate ref) #b = 0.2 #self.roll_sp_filt = (1 - b) * self.euler_sp.x + b * self.roll_sp_filt roll_rate_ref = self.roll_rate_PID.compute(self.euler_sp.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt) dwx = self.roll_PID.compute(roll_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.x, dt) # pitch cascade(first PID -> pitch ref, second PID -> pitch_rate ref b = 0.3 #self.pitch_sp_filt = (1 - b) * self.euler_sp.y + b * self.pitch_sp_filt pitch_rate_ref = self.pitch_rate_PID.compute( self.euler_sp.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt) dwy = self.pitch_PID.compute(pitch_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.y, dt) #dwy = 0 # yaw cascade (first PID -> yaw ref, second PID -> yaw_rate ref) a = 0.8 self.yaw_sp_filt = (1 - a) * self.euler_sp.z + a * self.yaw_sp_filt yaw_rate_ref = self.yaw_rate_PID.compute(self.yaw_sp_filt, self.euler_mv.z, dt) dwz = self.yaw_PID.compute(yaw_rate_ref, self.euler_rate_mv.z, dt) # POSE CONTROL WITH ROTORS TILT # Global speed -> local speed vel_mv_x_corr = self.vel_mv.x * np.cos( self.yaw) - self.vel_mv.y * np.sin(self.yaw) vel_mv_y_corr = self.vel_mv.x * np.sin( self.yaw) + self.vel_mv.y * np.cos(self.yaw) vel_mv_x_corr = self.vel_mv.x vel_mv_y_corr = self.vel_mv.y pose_sp_x = prefilter(self.pose_mv.x, 0.5, self.pose_sp.x) pose_sp_y = prefilter(self.pose_mv.y, 0.5, self.pose_sp.y) vel_sp_x = self.pid_vx.compute(pose_sp_x, self.pose_mv.x, dt) vel_sp_y = self.pid_vy.compute(pose_sp_y, self.pose_mv.y, dt) # --> added vel_ref to configure inner control loop tilt_x = self.pid_x.compute(vel_sp_x, self.vel_mv.x, dt) tilt_y = self.pid_y.compute(vel_sp_y, self.vel_mv.y, dt) # small addition in order to be still while on ground if self.pose_mv.z < 1.0: tilt_tf_x = 0 tilt_tf_y = 0 if abs(self.euler_sp.z - self.euler_mv.z) > 0.1: tilt_tf_x = np.cos(self.euler_mv.z) * tilt_x + np.sin( self.euler_mv.z) * tilt_y tilt_tf_y = -np.sin(self.euler_mv.z) * tilt_x + np.cos( self.euler_mv.z) * tilt_y else: tilt_tf_x = np.cos(self.euler_sp.z) * tilt_x + np.sin( self.euler_sp.z) * tilt_y tilt_tf_y = -np.sin(self.euler_sp.z) * tilt_x + np.cos( self.euler_sp.z) * tilt_y if VERBOSE: print("Pitch speed: {}\n Roll speed: {}\n, Yaw speed: {}\n". format(dwy, dwx, dwz)) print( "Yaw measured_value:{}\n Yaw_reference_value:{}\n".format( self.euler_mv.z, self.euler_sp.z)) print("Roll measured_value:{}\n, Roll_reference_value:{}\n". format(self.euler_mv.x, self.euler_sp.x)) print("Pitch measured_value:{}\n, Pitch_reference_value:{}\n". format(self.euler_mv.y, self.euler_sp.y)) print("x_m:{}\nx:{}\ny_m:{}\ny:{}\nz_m:{}\nz:{}".format( self.pose_mv.x, self.pose_sp.x, self.pose_mv.y, self.pose_sp.y, self.pose_mv.z, self.pose_sp.z)) motor_speed_1 = self.hover_speed + domega_z + dwz - dwy motor_speed_2 = self.hover_speed + domega_z - dwz + dwx motor_speed_3 = self.hover_speed + domega_z + dwz + dwy motor_speed_4 = self.hover_speed + domega_z - dwz - dwx print( "rotor_front:{}\nrotor_left:{}\nrotor_back:{}\nrotor_right:{}\n" .format(motor_speed_1, motor_speed_2, motor_speed_3, motor_speed_4)) # CONTROL TILT self.pub_roll_tilt0.publish(-tilt_tf_y) self.pub_roll_tilt1.publish(+tilt_tf_y) self.pub_pitch_tilt0.publish(tilt_tf_x) self.pub_pitch_tilt1.publish(-tilt_tf_x) # PLOT TILT #self.pub_roll_tilt0.publish(self.tilt_y) #self.pub_roll_tilt1.publish(-self.tilt_y) #self.pub_pitch_tilt0.publish(self.tilt_x) #self.pub_pitch_tilt1.publish(-self.tilt_x) motor_speed_msg = Actuators() motor_speed_msg.angular_velocities = [ motor_speed_1, motor_speed_2, motor_speed_3, motor_speed_4 ] # publish reference_data self.pub_tilt_x_ref.publish(self.tilt_x) self.pub_tilt_y_ref.publish(self.tilt_y) # publish_angles self.pub_angles.publish(self.euler_mv) self.pub_angles_sp.publish(self.euler_sp) self.pub_vel_ref.publish(Vector3(vel_sp_x, vel_sp_y, vz_ref)) self.pub_pose_ref.publish(self.pose_sp) self.pub_mot.publish(motor_speed_msg)
def startSim(max_iter, state_d, pid_ks): ii = 0 arr = [0]*15 if len(pid_ks) == 3: arr[ii] = pid_ks[0] arr[ii + 1] = pid_ks[1] arr[ii + 2] = pid_ks[2] pid_ks = arr k = np.reshape(np.array(pid_ks), (5, 3)) saver = Saver() collecter1 = [] collecter2 = [] collecter3 = [] collecter4 = [] state = { "vx": 0, "vy": 0, "vz": 0, "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "wx": 0, "wy": 0, "wz": 0, "gamma": 0, # крен "psi": 0, # рыскание "nu": 0 # тангаж } motors = [0, 0, 0, 0] # print(k) i = 0 # -- PIDS -- pid_dy = PID(k[0][0], k[0][1], k[0][2]) pid_dx = PID(k[1][0], k[1][1], k[1][2]) pid_dz = PID(k[2][0], k[2][1], k[2][2]) pid_gamma = PID(k[3][0], k[3][1], k[3][2]) pid_nu = PID(k[4][0], k[4][1], k[4][2]) pid_psi = PID(1, 1, 1) pid_gamma.setLimits(-1, 1) pid_nu.setLimits(-1, 1) while i < max_iter: state = world_physics(getNewState(state, motors)) saver.put(state) P = sv.getFullP(motors) pid_dx.setLimits((-1)*P, P) Ux = (-1)*pid_dx.compute(state_d["x"] - state["x"]) pid_dz.setLimits((-1)*P, P) Uz = pid_dz.compute(state_d["z"] - state["z"]) if P != 0: state_d["gamma"] = np.clip(asin((Uz*cos(state_d["psi"]) + Ux*sin(state_d["psi"])) / P), -1, 1) state_d["nu"] = np.clip(asin((Uz*sin(state_d["psi"]) + Ux*cos(state_d["psi"])) / P), -1, 1) U1 = round(pid_dy.compute(state_d["y"] - state["y"]), 2) U2 = round(pid_gamma.compute(state_d["gamma"] - state["gamma"]), 2)*U1*0.5 U3 = round(pid_nu.compute(state_d["nu"] - state["nu"]), 2)*U1*0.5 U4 = round(pid_psi.compute(state_d["psi"] - state["psi"]), 2)*U1*0.5 motors = [round(U1 - U2 + U4, 2), round(U1 + U3 - U4, 2), round(U1 + U2 + U4, 2), round(U1 - U3 - U4, 2)] collecter1.append(U1) collecter2.append(U2) collecter3.append(U3) collecter4.append(U4) lgg._print("N____________________________", i) lgg._print(motors) lgg._print(state) lgg._print(state_d) lgg._print(U1, U2, U3, U4) lgg._print(Ux, Uz) # input() i += 1 return [saver, collecter1, collecter2, collecter3, collecter4]
class DroneControl: def __init__(self): self.change = [0, 0, 0] # key pressed speed increment self.dx = 3 self.dt = 0 self.t_old = # max speed self.max_thrust = 179 self.max_side = 179 self.min_speed = 0 self.mid_speed = 92 self.u_speed = Quaternion(0., 0., 0., 0.) self.pid_x = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed - self.min_speed) self.pid_y = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed - self.min_speed) self.pid_z = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_thrust - self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed - self.min_speed) self.pid_yaw = PID(1, 0, 0, self.max_side - self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed - self.min_speed) self.ref_set = False self.speed = 0 self.pose_ref = Quaternion(0., 0., 0., 0.) self.pose_meas = Vector3(0., 0., 0.) # initialize subscribers self.pose_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("drone/pose_ref", Quaternion, self.setpoint_cb) self.measurement_subscriber = rospy.Subscriber("drone_position", Vector3, self.measurement_cb) self.drone_input = rospy.Publisher('control/drone_input', Quaternion) # initialize publishers self.control_value = rospy.Publisher('control_value', Quaternion, queue_size=10) self.toggle_speed = rospy.Publisher('toggle_speed', UInt16) self.u = Quaternion(0., 0., 0., 0.) # Controller rate self.controller_rate = 50 self.rate = rospy.Rate(self.controller_rate) def setpoint_cb(self, data): self.pose_ref = data self.speed = data.x self.ref_set = True def measurement_cb(self, data): self.pose_meas = data def compute_PID(self): self.u.x = self.pid_x.compute(self.pose_ref.x, self.pose_meas.x, dt) + self.mid_speed self.u.y = self.pid_y.compute(self.pose_ref.y, self.pose_meas.y, dt) + self.mid_speed self.u.z = self.pid_z.compute(self.pose_ref.z, self.pose_meas.z, dt) + self.mid_speed #self.u.z = self.pid_yaw.compute(self.pose_ref.w, self.pose_meas.w, dt) + self.mid_speed def controller_dron_comm(self): self.drone_input.publish( Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed)) rospy.sleep(1) self.drone_input.publish( Quaternion(self.mid_speed, self.mid_speed, self.max_thrust, self.mid_speed)) rospy.sleep(1) def run(self): """ Run ROS node - computes PID algorithms for z and vz control """ while not self.ref_set: print(" - Waiting for first reference.") rospy.sleep(1) print(" - Starting position control") self.controller_dron_comm() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.rate.sleep() t = old = [self.u.x, self.u.y, self.u.z] for i in range(0, 2): if not self.change[i]: old[i] = self.mid_speed else: old[i] = old[i] + self.change[i] if old[i] > self.max_side: old[i] = self.max_side elif old[i] < self.min_speed: old[i] = self.min_speed old[2] = old[2] + self.change[2] if old[2] < self.min_speed: old[2] = self.min_speed elif old[2] > self.max_thrust: old[2] = self.max_thrust self.dt = (t - self.t_old).to_sec() self.t_old = t self.u_speed.x = old[0] self.u_speed.y = old[1] self.u_speed.z = old[2] self.u_speed.w = old[3] self.drone_input.publish(self.u_speed) self.toggle_speed.publish(self.speed)
class Quad(): def __init__(self, imu, motors, altimeter): self.imu = imu self.altimeter = altimeter self.motors = motors self.pid_alt = PID(1,1,1) self.pid_roll = PID(1,0,1) self.pid_pitch = PID(1,0,1) self.pid_yaw = PID(1,0,1) self.power_precedent = 0. self.setConsigne() self.running = True threading.Thread(target = def getPower(self, option = 'test'): if option == 'test': alt = 1 power = 0.5 else: alt = self.altimeter.getAltitude() power = self.pid_alt.compute(alt, self.alt_c) # print 'power',power,alt return power def getAttitudeRegulation(self, option = 'maintainConsign'): roll, pitch, yaw = self.imu.getEuler() vmin = -0.5 vmax = 0.5 if option == 'maintainConsign': regul_roll = self.pid_roll.compute(roll, self.roll_c) if regul_roll > vmax : regul_roll = vmax if regul_roll < vmin : regul_roll = vmin regul_pitch = self.pid_pitch.compute(pitch, self.pitch_c) if regul_pitch > vmax : regul_pitch = vmax if regul_pitch < vmin : regul_pitch = vmin regul_yaw = self.pid_yaw.compute(yaw, self.yaw_c) if regul_yaw > vmax : regul_yaw = vmax if regul_yaw < vmin : regul_yaw = vmin dmotors = (regul_roll*matRoll + 1) * (regul_pitch*matPitch + 1) * (regul_yaw*matYaw + 1) # print 'attitude',regul_roll,regul_pitch,regul_yaw,dmotors return dmotors else: raise(notimplementederror) def setDistributedPower(self): power = self.getPower() equilibration = self.getAttitudeRegulation() self.distributedPower = equilibration * power # print 'distributedPower', equilibration,power,self.distributedPower self.motors.setMotorsSpeed(self.distributedPower) def setConsigne(self, alt_c = 1, roll_c = 0., yaw_c = 0., pitch_c = 0.): self.alt_c = alt_c self.roll_c = roll_c self.yaw_c = yaw_c self.pitch_c = pitch_c def run(self): self.setConsigne() while self.running: self.setDistributedPower() time.sleep(0.1) def getDistributedPower(self): return self.distributedPower
class PositionControl(object): ''' Constructor for position control. Initializes parameters for PID controller. ''' def __init__(self): self.clock = Clock() self.start_flag1 = False self.start_flag2 = False # Initialize controllers for position and velocity self.pid_x = PID() self.pid_vx = PID() self.pid_y = PID() self.pid_vy = PID() #Initalize controller parameters. self.pid_x.set_kp(0.25) self.pid_x.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_x.set_ki(0) self.pid_vx.set_kp(0.25) self.pid_vx.set_kd(0) self.pid_vx.set_ki(0) self.pid_vx.set_lim_high(0.05) self.pid_vx.set_lim_low(-0.05) self.pid_y.set_kp(0.25) self.pid_y.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_y.set_ki(0) self.pid_vy.set_kp(0.25) self.pid_vy.set_kd(0) self.pid_vy.set_ki(0) self.pid_vy.set_lim_high(0.05) self.pid_vy.set_lim_low(-0.05) # Initialize controller frequency self.rate = 50 self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # Initialize subscribers rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/morus/odometry', Odometry, self.pose_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/morus/pos_ref', Vector3, self.pos_ref_cb) self.euler_pub = rospy.Publisher('/morus/euler_ref', Vector3, queue_size=1) def run(self): while not self.start_flag1 and not self.start_flag2: print 'Waiting for the first measurement / reference' rospy.sleep(0.5) print 'Starting position control.' # Starting reference self.x_ref = 0 self.y_ref = 0 clock_old = self.clock while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() # Calculate dt clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk < 10e-10: dt_clk = 0.05 # Calculate new roll value vx_sp = self.pid_x.compute(self.x_ref, self.x_mv, dt_clk) roll = self.pid_vx.compute(vx_sp, self.vx_mv, dt_clk) # Calculate new pitch value vy_sp = self.pid_y.compute(self.y_ref, self.y_mv, dt_clk) pitch = self.pid_vy.compute(vy_sp, self.vy_mv, dt_clk) print '' print dt_clk print 'x_ref: ', self.x_ref, ' y_ref: ', self.y_ref print 'vx_sp: ', vx_sp, ' vy_sp: ', vy_sp print 'vx_mv: ', self.vx_mv, ' vy_mv: ', self.vy_mv print 'roll: ', roll, ' pitch: ', pitch newMsg = Vector3() newMsg.x = -pitch newMsg.y = roll newMsg.z = 0 self.euler_pub.publish(newMsg) def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def pose_cb(self, msg): self.start_flag1 = True self.x_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.x self.y_mv = msg.pose.pose.position.y self.vx_mv = msg.twist.twist.linear.x self.vy_mv = msg.twist.twist.linear.y def pos_ref_cb(self, msg): self.start_flag2 = True self.x_ref = msg.x self.y_ref = msg.y
class AttitudeControl: def __init__(self): ''' Initialization of the class. ''' self.start_flag = False # flag indicates if the first measurement is received self.config_start = False # flag indicates if the config callback is called for the first time self.euler_mv = Vector3() # measured euler angles self.euler_sp = Vector3(0, 0, 0) # euler angles referent values self.w_sp = 0 # referent value for motor velocity - it should be the output of height controller self.euler_rate_mv = Vector3() # measured angular velocities self.clock = Clock() self.pid_roll = PID() # roll controller self.pid_pitch = PID() # pitch controller ################################################################## ################################################################## # Add your PID params here self.pid_roll.set_kp(5.0) self.pid_roll.set_ki(6.0) self.pid_roll.set_kd(0.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(5.0) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(6.0) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(0.0) self.joint0 = [0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45, 0, -45, -45] self.joint_ref = copy.deepcopy(self.joint0) self.joint_msg = JointState() ################################################################## ################################################################## self.rate = 20.0 self.ros_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) # attitude control at 20 Hz self.t_old = 0 rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, self.ahrs_cb) rospy.Subscriber('euler_ref', Vector3, self.euler_ref_cb) rospy.Subscriber('/clock', Clock, self.clock_cb) self.pub_joint_references = rospy.Publisher('aquashoko_chatter', JointState, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_roll = rospy.Publisher('pid_roll', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pitch = rospy.Publisher('pid_pitch', PIDController, queue_size=1) self.cfg_server = Server(AttitudeControlParamsConfig, self.cfg_callback) def run(self): ''' Runs ROS node - computes PID algorithms for cascade attitude control. ''' while rospy.get_time() == 0: print 'Waiting for clock server to start' print 'Received first clock message' while not self.start_flag: print "Waiting for the first measurement." rospy.sleep(0.5) print "Starting attitude control." self.t_old = clock_old = self.clock #self.t_old = self.count = 0 self.loop_count = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.ros_rate.sleep() clock_now = self.clock dt_clk = (clock_now.clock - clock_old.clock).to_sec() clock_old = clock_now if dt_clk < 0.0001: #this should never happen, but if it does, set default value of sample time dt_clk = 1.0 / self.rate roll_cmd = self.pid_roll.compute(self.euler_sp.x, self.euler_mv.x, dt_clk) pitch_cmd = self.pid_pitch.compute(self.euler_sp.y, self.euler_mv.y, dt_clk) # Publish joint references self.joint_ref[1] = math.degrees(pitch_cmd) + self.joint0[1] self.joint_ref[7] = -math.degrees(pitch_cmd) + self.joint0[7] self.joint_ref[4] = -math.degrees(roll_cmd) + self.joint0[4] self.joint_ref[10] = math.degrees(roll_cmd) + self.joint0[10] self.joint_msg.header.stamp = self.joint_msg.position = copy.deepcopy(self.joint_ref) self.pub_joint_references.publish(self.joint_msg) # Publish PID data - could be usefule for tuning self.pub_pid_roll.publish(self.pid_roll.create_msg()) self.pub_pid_pitch.publish(self.pid_pitch.create_msg()) def ahrs_cb(self, msg): ''' AHRS callback. Used to extract roll, pitch, yaw and their rates. We used the following order of rotation - 1)yaw, 2) pitch, 3) roll :param msg: Type sensor_msgs/Imu ''' if not self.start_flag: self.start_flag = True qx = msg.orientation.x qy = msg.orientation.y qz = msg.orientation.z qw = msg.orientation.w # conversion quaternion to euler (yaw - pitch - roll) self.euler_mv.x = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qx + qy * qz), qw * qw - qx * qx - qy * qy + qz * qz) self.euler_mv.y = math.asin(2 * (qw * qy - qx * qz)) self.euler_mv.z = math.atan2(2 * (qw * qz + qx * qy), qw * qw + qx * qx - qy * qy - qz * qz) # gyro measurements (p,q,r) p = msg.angular_velocity.x q = msg.angular_velocity.y r = msg.angular_velocity.z sx = math.sin(self.euler_mv.x) # sin(roll) cx = math.cos(self.euler_mv.x) # cos(roll) cy = math.cos(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) ty = math.tan(self.euler_mv.y) # cos(pitch) # conversion gyro measurements to roll_rate, pitch_rate, yaw_rate self.euler_rate_mv.x = p + sx * ty * q + cx * ty * r self.euler_rate_mv.y = cx * q - sx * r self.euler_rate_mv.z = sx / cy * q + cx / cy * r def euler_ref_cb(self, msg): ''' Euler ref values callback. :param msg: Type Vector3 (x-roll, y-pitch, z-yaw) ''' self.euler_sp = msg def clock_cb(self, msg): self.clock = msg def cfg_callback(self, config, level): """ Callback for dynamically reconfigurable parameters (P,I,D gains for each controller) """ if not self.config_start: # callback is called for the first time. Use this to set the new params to the config server config.roll_kp = self.pid_roll.get_kp() config.roll_ki = self.pid_roll.get_ki() config.roll_kd = self.pid_roll.get_kd() config.pitch_kp = self.pid_pitch.get_kp() config.pitch_ki = self.pid_pitch.get_ki() config.pitch_kd = self.pid_pitch.get_kd() self.config_start = True else: # The following code just sets up the P,I,D gains for all controllers self.pid_roll.set_kp(config.roll_kp) self.pid_roll.set_ki(config.roll_ki) self.pid_roll.set_kd(config.roll_kd) self.pid_pitch.set_kp(config.pitch_kp) self.pid_pitch.set_ki(config.pitch_ki) self.pid_pitch.set_kd(config.pitch_kd) # this callback should return config data back to server return config