class maximum_results(defs.option): """The maximum number of search results.""" label = 'Maximum number of results' rtype = types.intrange(5, 5000, 5) default = 500
class width(defs.option): """The starting width in pixels.""" default = 800 rtype = types.intrange(0, 2800, 25) label = 'Width'
class height(defs.option): """The starting height in pixels.""" default = 600 rtype = types.intrange(0, 2800, 25) label = 'Height'
class position(defs.option): """The character position of the line""" rtype = types.intrange(0, 240, 1) default = 78
class sidebar_width(defs.option): """The width of the sidebar.""" default = 200 rtype = types.intrange(75, 1800, 25) hidden = True
class marker_size(defs.option): """Marker size""" rtype = types.intrange(8, 32, 1) default = 14
class space_indent_width(defs.option): """With of space indents, if not using tabs.""" rtype = types.intrange(1, 16, 1) default = 4
class tab_width(defs.option): """Width of tabs""" rtype = types.intrange(1, 16, 1) default = 4
class position(defs.option): """The character position of the line""" rtype = types.intrange(0, 240, 1) default = 78 sensitive_attr = 'edge_line__show_edge_line' label = 'Edge marker position'
class marker_size(defs.option): """Marker size""" rtype = types.intrange(8, 32, 1) default = 14 sensitive_attr = 'folding__use_folding' label = 'Fold margin width'