def build_page_data(ctx): app = page = first_uri, _ = split_sub_uri(app, ctx.uri) pc_data = PieCrustData() pgn_source = ctx.pagination_source or get_default_pagination_source(page) paginator = Paginator(page, pgn_source, page_num=ctx.page_num, pgn_filter=ctx.pagination_filter) assetor = Assetor(page, first_uri) linker = PageLinkerData(page.source, page.rel_path) data = {"piecrust": pc_data, "page": {}, "assets": assetor, "pagination": paginator, "family": linker} page_data = data["page"] page_data.update(copy.deepcopy(page.source_metadata)) page_data.update(page.config.getDeepcopy(app.debug)) page_data["url"] = ctx.uri page_data["timestamp"] = time.mktime(page.datetime.timetuple()) date_format = app.config.get("site/date_format") if date_format: page_data["date"] = page.datetime.strftime(date_format) # TODO: handle slugified taxonomy terms. site_data = build_site_data(page) merge_dicts(data, site_data) # Do this at the end because we want all the data to be ready to be # displayed in the debugger window. if app.config.get("site/show_debug_info") and not app.config.get("baker/is_baking"): pc_data._enableDebugInfo(page, data) return data
def importWebsite(self): ctx = self._open() # Site configuration."Generating site configuration...") site_config = self._getSiteConfig(ctx) site_config.setdefault('site', {}) site_config['site'].update({ 'post_url': '%year%/%month%/%slug%', 'category_url': 'category/%category%' }) site_config_path = os.path.join(, CONFIG_PATH) with open(site_config_path, 'r') as fp: cfg_data = yaml.load(fp, Loader=ConfigurationLoader) cfg_data = cfg_data or {} merge_dicts(cfg_data, site_config) with open(site_config_path, 'w') as fp: yaml.dump(cfg_data, fp, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, Dumper=ConfigurationDumper) # Content for p in self._getPosts(ctx): if p['type'] == 'attachment': self._createAsset(p) else: self._createPost(p) self._close(ctx)
def importWebsite(self): ctx = self._open() # Site configuration."Generating site configuration...") site_config = self._getSiteConfig(ctx) site_config.setdefault('site', {}) site_config['site'].update({ 'post_url': '%year%/%month%/%slug%', 'category_url': 'category/%category%'}) site_config_path = os.path.join(, CONFIG_PATH) with open(site_config_path, 'r') as fp: cfg_data = yaml.load(fp, Loader=ConfigurationLoader) cfg_data = cfg_data or {} merge_dicts(cfg_data, site_config) with open(site_config_path, 'w') as fp: yaml.dump(cfg_data, fp, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True, Dumper=ConfigurationDumper) # Content for p in self._getPosts(ctx): if p['type'] == 'attachment': self._createAsset(p) else: self._createPost(p) self._close(ctx)
def _load(self): if self.paths is None: self._values = self._validateAll({}) return path_times = [os.path.getmtime(p) for p in self.paths] cache_key_hash = hashlib.md5( ("version=%s&cache=%d" % ( APP_VERSION, CACHE_VERSION)).encode('utf8')) for p in self.paths: cache_key_hash.update(("&path=%s" % p).encode('utf8')) cache_key = cache_key_hash.hexdigest() if self.cache.isValid('config.json', path_times): logger.debug("Loading configuration from cache...") config_text ='config.json') self._values = json.loads( config_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) actual_cache_key = self._values.get('__cache_key') if actual_cache_key == cache_key: self._values['__cache_valid'] = True return logger.debug("Outdated cache key '%s' (expected '%s')." % ( actual_cache_key, cache_key)) logger.debug("Loading configuration from: %s" % self.paths) values = {} try: for i, p in enumerate(self.paths): with open(p, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: loaded_values = yaml.load(, Loader=ConfigurationLoader) if loaded_values is None: loaded_values = {} for fixup in self.fixups: fixup(i, loaded_values) merge_dicts(values, loaded_values) for fixup in self.fixups: fixup(len(self.paths), values) self._values = self._validateAll(values) except Exception as ex: raise Exception("Error loading configuration from: %s" % ', '.join(self.paths)) from ex logger.debug("Caching configuration...") self._values['__cache_key'] = cache_key config_text = json.dumps(self._values) self.cache.write('config.json', config_text) self._values['__cache_valid'] = False
def runtest(self): fs = mock_fs() # Website config. config = { 'site': { 'default_format': 'none', 'default_page_layout': 'none', 'default_post_layout': 'none'} } test_config = self.spec.get('config') if test_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_config) fs.withConfig(config) # Input file-system. input_files = self.spec.get('in') if input_files is not None: _add_mock_files(fs, '/kitchen', input_files) # Output file-system. expected_output_files = self.spec.get('out') expected_partial_files = self.spec.get('outfiles') # Bake! from piecrust.baking.baker import Baker with mock_fs_scope(fs): out_dir = fs.path('kitchen/_counter') app = fs.getApp() baker = Baker(app, out_dir) baker.bake() if expected_output_files: actual = fs.getStructure('kitchen/_counter') error = _compare_dicts(expected_output_files, actual) if error: raise ExpectedBakeOutputError(error) if expected_partial_files: keys = list(sorted(expected_partial_files.keys())) for key in keys: try: actual = fs.getFileEntry('kitchen/_counter/' + key.lstrip('/')) except Exception as e: raise ExpectedBakeOutputError([ "Can't access output file %s: %s" % (key, e)]) expected = expected_partial_files[key] # HACK because for some reason PyYAML adds a new line for those # and I have no idea why. actual = actual.rstrip('\n') expected = expected.rstrip('\n') cmpres = _compare_str(expected, actual, key) if cmpres: raise ExpectedBakeOutputError(cmpres)
def _merge_route_configs(values, from_default): actual_routes = values.get('site', {}).get('routes', []) default_routes = from_default.get('site', {}).get('routes', []) for dr in list(default_routes): # copy because we'll trim it as we go. ar = next((i for i in actual_routes if i.get('source') == dr['source']), None) if ar is not None: merge_dicts(ar, dr) default_routes.remove(dr)
def _processThemeLayer(self, theme_values, values): # Generate the default theme model. gen_default_theme_model = bool(try_get_dict_values( (theme_values, 'site/use_default_theme_content'), default=True)) if gen_default_theme_model: logger.debug("Generating default theme content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_theme_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc) # Merge the theme config into the result config. merge_dicts(values, theme_values)
def _processThemeLayer(self, theme_values, values): # Generate the default theme model. gen_default_theme_model = bool( try_get_dict_values( (theme_values, 'site/use_default_theme_content'), default=True)) if gen_default_theme_model: logger.debug("Generating default theme content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_theme_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc) # Merge the theme config into the result config. merge_dicts(values, theme_values)
def _processSiteLayer(self, site_values, values): # Default site content. gen_default_site_model = bool( try_get_dict_values((site_values, 'site/use_default_content'), (values, 'site/use_default_content'), default=True)) if gen_default_site_model: logger.debug("Generating default content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc) dcm = get_default_content_model(site_values, values) merge_dicts(values, dcm) blogsc = try_get_dict_values((site_values, 'site/blogs'), (values, 'site/blogs')) if blogsc is None: blogsc = ['posts'] set_dict_value(site_values, 'site/blogs', blogsc) is_only_blog = (len(blogsc) == 1) for blog_name in reversed(blogsc): blog_cfg = get_default_content_model_for_blog( blog_name, is_only_blog, site_values, values, theme_site=self.theme_config) merge_dicts(values, blog_cfg) # Merge the site config into the result config. merge_dicts(values, site_values)
def _processSiteLayer(self, site_values, values): # Default site content. gen_default_site_model = bool(try_get_dict_values( (site_values, 'site/use_default_content'), (values, 'site/use_default_content'), default=True)) if gen_default_site_model: logger.debug("Generating default content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc) dcm = get_default_content_model(site_values, values) merge_dicts(values, dcm) blogsc = try_get_dict_values( (site_values, 'site/blogs'), (values, 'site/blogs')) if blogsc is None: blogsc = ['posts'] set_dict_value(site_values, 'site/blogs', blogsc) is_only_blog = (len(blogsc) == 1) for blog_name in reversed(blogsc): blog_cfg = get_default_content_model_for_blog( blog_name, is_only_blog, site_values, values, theme_site=self.theme_config) merge_dicts(values, blog_cfg) for route in dcm['site']['routes']: values # Merge the site config into the result config. _merge_route_configs(values, site_values) merge_dicts(values, site_values)
def scm(self): if self._scm is None: cfg = copy.deepcopy(self._global_config.get('scm', {})) merge_dicts(cfg, self.piecrust_app.config.get('scm', {})) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.root_dir, '.hg')): from .scm.mercurial import MercurialSourceControl self._scm = MercurialSourceControl(self.root_dir, cfg) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.root_dir, '.git')): from .scm.git import GitSourceControl self._scm = GitSourceControl(self.root_dir, cfg) else: self._scm = False return self._scm
def _load(self): if self.paths is None: self._values = self._validateAll({}) return path_times = [os.path.getmtime(p) for p in self.paths] cache_key_hash = hashlib.md5( ("version=%s&cache=%d" % (APP_VERSION, CACHE_VERSION)).encode('utf8')) for p in self.paths: cache_key_hash.update(("&path=%s" % p).encode('utf8')) cache_key = cache_key_hash.hexdigest() if self.cache.isValid('config.json', path_times): logger.debug("Loading configuration from cache...") config_text ='config.json') self._values = json.loads( config_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) actual_cache_key = self._values.get('__cache_key') if actual_cache_key == cache_key: self._values['__cache_valid'] = True return logger.debug("Outdated cache key '%s' (expected '%s')." % (actual_cache_key, cache_key)) values = {} logger.debug("Loading configuration from: %s" % self.paths) for i, p in enumerate(self.paths): with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fp: loaded_values = yaml.load(, Loader=ConfigurationLoader) if loaded_values is None: loaded_values = {} for fixup in self.fixups: fixup(i, loaded_values) merge_dicts(values, loaded_values) for fixup in self.fixups: fixup(len(self.paths), values) self._values = self._validateAll(values) logger.debug("Caching configuration...") self._values['__cache_key'] = cache_key config_text = json.dumps(self._values) self.cache.write('config.json', config_text) self._values['__cache_valid'] = False
def _validateAll(self, values): if values is None: values = {} values = merge_dicts(copy.deepcopy(default_configuration), values) return values
def _generateDefaultContentModel(self, values): dcmcopy = copy.deepcopy(default_content_model_base) values = merge_dicts(dcmcopy, values) blogsc = values['site'].get('blogs') if blogsc is None: blogsc = ['posts'] values['site']['blogs'] = blogsc is_only_blog = (len(blogsc) == 1) for blog_name in blogsc: blog_cfg = get_default_content_model_for_blog( blog_name, is_only_blog, values) values = merge_dicts(blog_cfg, values) dcm = get_default_content_model(values) values = merge_dicts(dcm, values) return values
def _prepareMockFs(self): fs = mock_fs() if self.spec.get('no_kitchen', False): fs.withDir('/') return fs # Suppress any formatting or layout so we can compare # much simpler strings. config = { 'site': { 'default_format': 'none', 'default_page_layout': 'none', 'default_post_layout': 'none' } } # Website or theme config. test_theme_config = self.spec.get('theme_config') if test_theme_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_theme_config) fs.withThemeConfig(config) else: test_config = self.spec.get('config') if test_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_config) fs.withConfig(config) # Input file-system. input_files = self.spec.get('in') if input_files is not None: _add_mock_files(fs, '/kitchen', input_files) if self.mock_debug: res = '\nMock File-System:\n' res += 'At: %s\n' % fs.path('') res += '\n'.join(print_fs_tree(fs.path(''))) res += '\n' print(res) return fs
def build_page_data(ctx): app = page = first_uri, _ = split_sub_uri(app, ctx.uri) pc_data = PieCrustData() pgn_source = ctx.pagination_source or get_default_pagination_source(page) paginator = Paginator(page, pgn_source, page_num=ctx.page_num, pgn_filter=ctx.pagination_filter) assetor = Assetor(page, first_uri) linker = PageLinkerData(page.source, page.rel_path) data = { 'piecrust': pc_data, 'page': {}, 'assets': assetor, 'pagination': paginator, 'family': linker } page_data = data['page'] page_data.update(copy.deepcopy(page.source_metadata)) page_data.update(page.config.getDeepcopy(app.debug)) page_data['url'] = ctx.uri page_data['timestamp'] = time.mktime(page.datetime.timetuple()) date_format = app.config.get('site/date_format') if date_format: page_data['date'] = page.datetime.strftime(date_format) #TODO: handle slugified taxonomy terms. site_data = build_site_data(page) merge_dicts(data, site_data) # Do this at the end because we want all the data to be ready to be # displayed in the debugger window. if (app.config.get('site/show_debug_info') and not app.config.get('baker/is_baking')): pc_data._enableDebugInfo(page, data) return data
def _prepareMockFs(self): fs = mock_fs() # Website config. config = { 'site': { 'default_format': 'none', 'default_page_layout': 'none', 'default_post_layout': 'none'} } test_config = self.spec.get('config') if test_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_config) fs.withConfig(config) # Input file-system. input_files = self.spec.get('in') if input_files is not None: _add_mock_files(fs, '/kitchen', input_files) return fs
def _prepareMockFs(self): fs = mock_fs() if self.spec.get('no_kitchen', False): fs.withDir('/') return fs # Suppress any formatting or layout so we can compare # much simpler strings. config = { 'site': { 'default_format': 'none', 'default_page_layout': 'none', 'default_post_layout': 'none'} } # Website or theme config. test_theme_config = self.spec.get('theme_config') if test_theme_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_theme_config) fs.withThemeConfig(config) else: test_config = self.spec.get('config') if test_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_config) fs.withConfig(config) # Input file-system. input_files = self.spec.get('in') if input_files is not None: _add_mock_files(fs, '/kitchen', input_files) if self.mock_debug: res = '\nMock File-System:\n' res += 'At: %s\n' % fs.path('') res += '\n'.join(print_fs_tree(fs.path(''))) res += '\n' print(res) return fs
def _prepareMockFs(self): fs = mock_fs() # Website config. config = { 'site': { 'default_format': 'none', 'default_page_layout': 'none', 'default_post_layout': 'none' } } test_config = self.spec.get('config') if test_config is not None: merge_dicts(config, test_config) fs.withConfig(config) # Input file-system. input_files = self.spec.get('in') if input_files is not None: _add_mock_files(fs, '/kitchen', input_files) return fs
def _combineConfigs(self, theme_values, site_values): # Start with the default configuration. values = copy.deepcopy(default_configuration) if not self.theme_config: # If the theme config wants the default model, add it. theme_sitec = theme_values.setdefault( 'site', collections.OrderedDict()) gen_default_theme_model = bool(theme_sitec.setdefault( 'use_default_theme_content', True)) if gen_default_theme_model: self._generateDefaultThemeModel(values) # Now override with the actual theme config values. values = merge_dicts(values, theme_values) # Make all sources belong to the "theme" realm at this point. srcc = values['site'].get('sources') if srcc: for sn, sc in srcc.items(): sc['realm'] = REALM_THEME # If the site config wants the default model, add it. site_sitec = site_values.setdefault( 'site', collections.OrderedDict()) gen_default_site_model = bool(site_sitec.setdefault( 'use_default_content', True)) if gen_default_site_model: self._generateDefaultSiteModel(values, site_values) # And override with the actual site config values. values = merge_dicts(values, site_values) # Set the theme site flag. if self.theme_config: values['site']['theme_site'] = True return values
def _validateAll(self, values): if values is None: values = {} # Add the loaded values to the default configuration. values = merge_dicts(copy.deepcopy(default_configuration), values) # Figure out if we need to generate the configuration for the # default content model. sitec = values.setdefault('site', {}) if ( ('sources' not in sitec and 'routes' not in sitec and 'taxonomies' not in sitec) or sitec.get('use_default_content')): logger.debug("Generating default content model...") values = self._generateDefaultContentModel(values) # Add a section for our cached information. cachec = collections.OrderedDict() values['__cache'] = cachec cache_writer = _ConfigCacheWriter(cachec) globs = globals() def _visitor(path, val, parent_val, parent_key): callback_name = '_validate_' + path.replace('/', '_') callback = globs.get(callback_name) if callback: try: val2 = callback(val, values, cache_writer) except Exception as ex: raise Exception("Error raised in validator '%s'." % callback_name) from ex if val2 is None: raise Exception("Validator '%s' isn't returning a " "coerced value." % callback_name) parent_val[parent_key] = val2 visit_dict(values, _visitor) return values
def _generateDefaultSiteModel(self, values, user_overrides): logger.debug("Generating default content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc) dcm = get_default_content_model(values, user_overrides) merge_dicts(values, dcm) blogsc = try_get_dict_value(user_overrides, 'site/blogs') if blogsc is None: blogsc = ['posts'] set_dict_value(user_overrides, 'site/blogs', blogsc) is_only_blog = (len(blogsc) == 1) for blog_name in blogsc: blog_cfg = get_default_content_model_for_blog( blog_name, is_only_blog, values, user_overrides, theme_site=self.theme_config) merge_dicts(values, blog_cfg)
def _load(self): # Figure out where to load this configuration from. paths = [] if self._theme_path: paths.append(self._theme_path) if self._path: paths.append(self._path) paths += self._custom_paths # Build the cache-key. path_times = [os.path.getmtime(p) for p in paths] cache_key_hash = hashlib.md5( ("version=%s&cache=%d" % ( APP_VERSION, CACHE_VERSION)).encode('utf8')) for p in paths: cache_key_hash.update(("&path=%s" % p).encode('utf8')) if self._cache_hash_mod: cache_key_hash.update(self._cache_hash_mod.encode('utf8')) cache_key = cache_key_hash.hexdigest() # Check the cache for a valid version. if path_times and self._cache.isValid('config.json', path_times): logger.debug("Loading configuration from cache...") config_text ='config.json') self._values = json.loads( config_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) actual_cache_key = self._values.get('__cache_key') if actual_cache_key == cache_key: # The cached version has the same key! Awesome! self._values['__cache_valid'] = True return logger.debug("Outdated cache key '%s' (expected '%s')." % ( actual_cache_key, cache_key)) # Nope, load from the paths. try: # Theme values. theme_values = None if self._theme_path: logger.debug("Loading theme layer from: %s" % self._theme_path) theme_values = self._loadFrom(self._theme_path) # Site and variant values. site_paths = [] if self._path: site_paths.append(self._path) site_paths += self._custom_paths site_values = {} for path in site_paths: logger.debug("Loading config layer from: %s" % path) cur_values = self._loadFrom(path) merge_dicts(site_values, cur_values) # Do it! values = self._processConfigs(theme_values, site_values) self._values = self._validateAll(values) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) raise Exception( "Error loading configuration from: %s" % ', '.join(paths)) from ex logger.debug("Caching configuration...") self._values['__cache_key'] = cache_key config_text = json.dumps(self._values) self._cache.write('config.json', config_text) self._values['__cache_valid'] = False
def _generateDefaultThemeModel(self, values): logger.debug("Generating default theme content model...") cc = copy.deepcopy(default_theme_content_model_base) merge_dicts(values, cc)
def _load(self): # Figure out where to load this configuration from. paths = [] if self._theme_path: paths.append(self._theme_path) if self._path: paths.append(self._path) paths += self._custom_paths # Build the cache-key. path_times = [os.path.getmtime(p) for p in paths] cache_key_hash = hashlib.md5( ("version=%s&cache=%d" % (APP_VERSION, CACHE_VERSION)).encode('utf8')) for p in paths: cache_key_hash.update(("&path=%s" % p).encode('utf8')) if self._cache_hash_mod: cache_key_hash.update(self._cache_hash_mod.encode('utf8')) cache_key = cache_key_hash.hexdigest() # Check the cache for a valid version. if path_times and self._cache.isValid('config.json', path_times): logger.debug("Loading configuration from cache...") config_text ='config.json') self._values = json.loads( config_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) actual_cache_key = self._values.get('__cache_key') if actual_cache_key == cache_key: # The cached version has the same key! Awesome! self._values['__cache_valid'] = True return logger.debug("Outdated cache key '%s' (expected '%s')." % (actual_cache_key, cache_key)) # Nope, load from the paths. try: # Theme values. theme_values = None if self._theme_path: logger.debug("Loading theme layer from: %s" % self._theme_path) theme_values = self._loadFrom(self._theme_path) # Site and variant values. site_paths = [] if self._path: site_paths.append(self._path) site_paths += self._custom_paths site_values = {} for path in site_paths: logger.debug("Loading config layer from: %s" % path) cur_values = self._loadFrom(path) merge_dicts(site_values, cur_values) # Do it! values = self._processConfigs(theme_values, site_values) self._values = self._validateAll(values) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) raise Exception("Error loading configuration from: %s" % ', '.join(paths)) from ex logger.debug("Caching configuration...") self._values['__cache_key'] = cache_key config_text = json.dumps(self._values) self._cache.write('config.json', config_text) self._values['__cache_valid'] = False
def _load(self): # Figure out where to load this configuration from. paths = [self._theme_path, self._path] + self._custom_paths paths = list(filter(lambda i: i is not None, paths)) # Build the cache-key. path_times = [os.path.getmtime(p) for p in paths] cache_key_hash = hashlib.md5( ("version=%s&cache=%d" % ( APP_VERSION, CACHE_VERSION)).encode('utf8')) for p in paths: cache_key_hash.update(("&path=%s" % p).encode('utf8')) cache_key = cache_key_hash.hexdigest() # Check the cache for a valid version. if self._cache.isValid('config.json', path_times): logger.debug("Loading configuration from cache...") config_text ='config.json') self._values = json.loads( config_text, object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) actual_cache_key = self._values.get('__cache_key') if actual_cache_key == cache_key: # The cached version has the same key! Awesome! self._values['__cache_valid'] = True return logger.debug("Outdated cache key '%s' (expected '%s')." % ( actual_cache_key, cache_key)) # Nope, load from the paths. try: # Theme config. theme_values = {} if self._theme_path: theme_values = self._loadFrom(self._theme_path) # Site config. site_values = {} if self._path: site_values = self._loadFrom(self._path) # Combine! logger.debug("Processing loaded configurations...") values = self._combineConfigs(theme_values, site_values) # Load additional paths. if self._custom_paths: logger.debug("Loading %d additional configuration paths." % len(self._custom_paths)) for p in self._custom_paths: loaded = self._loadFrom(p) if loaded: merge_dicts(values, loaded) # Run final fixups if self._post_fixups: logger.debug("Applying %d configuration fixups." % len(self._post_fixups)) for f in self._post_fixups: f(values) self._values = self._validateAll(values) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) raise Exception( "Error loading configuration from: %s" % ', '.join(paths)) from ex logger.debug("Caching configuration...") self._values['__cache_key'] = cache_key config_text = json.dumps(self._values) self._cache.write('config.json', config_text) self._values['__cache_valid'] = False
def _create_hentry(data): name = _mf2get(data, 'name') summary = _mf2get(data, 'summary') location = _mf2get(data, 'location') reply_to = _mf2get(data, 'in-reply-to') status = _mf2get(data, 'post-status') # pubdate = _mf2get(data, 'published') or 'now' categories = data.get('category') # Get the content. post_format = None content = _mf2get(data, 'content') if isinstance(content, dict): content = content.get('html') post_format = 'none' if not content: logger.error("No content specified!") logger.error(data) abort(400) # Clean-up stuff. # TODO: setting to conserve Windows-type line endings? content = content.replace('\r\n', '\n') if summary: summary = summary.replace('\r\n', '\n') # Get the slug. slug = _mf2get(data, 'slug') or _mf2get(data, 'mp-slug') now = if not slug: slug = '%02d%02d%02d' % (now.hour, now.minute, now.second) # Create the post in the correct content source. # Note that this won't actually write anything to disk yet, we're # just creating it in memory. pcapp = source_name = pcapp.config.get('micropub/source', 'posts') source = pcapp.getSource(source_name) metadata = { 'date': now, 'slug': slug } logger.debug("Creating item with metadata: %s" % metadata) content_item = source.createContent(metadata) if content_item is None: logger.error("Can't create item for: %s" % metadata) abort(500) paths_to_commit = [] # Get the media to attach to the post. photos = None if 'photo' in request.files: photos = [request.files['photo']] elif 'photo[]' in request.files: photos = request.files.getlist('photo[]') photo_urls = data.get('photo') # Create the assets folder if we have anything to put there. # TODO: add proper APIs for creating related assets. if photo_urls or photos: photo_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(content_item.spec) photo_dir += '-assets' try: os.makedirs(photo_dir, mode=0o775, exist_ok=True) except OSError: # An `OSError` can still be raised in older versions of Python # if the permissions don't match an existing folder. # Let's ignore it. pass # Photo URLs come from files uploaded via the media endpoint... # They're waiting for us in the upload cache folder, so let's # move them to the post's assets folder. photo_names = [] if photo_urls: photo_cache_dir = os.path.join(, CACHE_DIR,, 'uploads') p_thumb_size = pcapp.config.get('micropub/resize_photos', 800) for p_url in photo_urls: _, __, p_fn = p_url.rpartition('/') p_cache_path = os.path.join(photo_cache_dir, p_fn) p_asset_path = os.path.join(photo_dir, p_fn)"Moving upload '%s' to '%s'." % (p_cache_path, p_asset_path)) try: os.rename(p_cache_path, p_asset_path) paths_to_commit.append(p_asset_path) except OSError: logger.error("Can't move '%s' to '%s'." % (p_cache_path, p_asset_path)) raise p_fn_no_ext, _ = os.path.splitext(p_fn) if p_thumb_size > 0: from PIL import Image im = im.thumbnail((p_thumb_size, p_thumb_size)) p_thumb_path = os.path.join(photo_dir, '%s_thumb.jpg' % p_fn_no_ext) paths_to_commit.append(p_thumb_path) p_thumb_no_ext = '%s_thumb' % p_fn_no_ext photo_names.append((p_thumb_no_ext, p_fn_no_ext)) else: photo_names.append((p_fn_no_ext, None)) # There could also be some files uploaded along with the post # so upload them right now. if photos: for photo in photos: if not photo or not photo.filename: logger.warning("Got empty photo in request files... skipping.") continue fn = secure_filename(photo.filename) fn = re_unsafe_asset_char.sub('_', fn) photo_path = os.path.join(photo_dir, fn)"Uploading file to: %s" % photo_path) paths_to_commit.append(photo_path) # TODO: generate thumbnail. fn_no_ext, _ = os.path.splitext(fn) photo_names.append((fn_no_ext, None)) # Build the config. do_publish = True post_config = {} if name: post_config['title'] = name if categories: post_config['tags'] = categories if location: post_config['location'] = location if reply_to: post_config['reply_to'] = reply_to if status and status != 'published': post_config['draft'] = True do_publish = False if post_format: post_config['format'] = post_format post_config['time'] = '%02d:%02d:%02d' % (now.hour, now.minute, now.second) # If there's no title, this is a "microblogging" post. if not name: micro_config = pcapp.config.get('micropub/microblogging') if micro_config: merge_dicts(post_config, micro_config) logger.debug("Writing to item: %s" % content_item.spec) paths_to_commit.append(content_item.spec) with source.openItem(content_item, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as fp: fp.write('---\n') yaml.dump(post_config, fp, default_flow_style=False, allow_unicode=True) fp.write('---\n') if summary: fp.write(summary) fp.write('\n') fp.write('<!--break-->\n\n') fp.write(content) if photo_names: fp.write('\n\n') for pthumb, pfull in photo_names: if pfull: fp.write('<a href="{{assets["%s"]}}">' '<img src="{{assets["%s"]}}" alt="%s"/>' '</a>\n\n' % (pfull, pthumb, pthumb)) else: fp.write('<img src="{{assets["%s"]}}" alt="%s"/>\n\n' % (pthumb, pthumb)) if os.supports_fd: import stat try: os.chmod( fp.fileno(), stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP) except OSError: pass autocommit = pcapp.config.get('micropub/autocommit', False) if autocommit: scm = if scm: commit_msg = None if isinstance(autocommit, dict): commit_msg = autocommit.get('message') if not commit_msg: post_title = post_config.get('title') if post_title: commit_msg = "New post: %s" % post_title else: commit_msg = "New post" logger.debug("Commit files: %s" % paths_to_commit) scm.commit(paths_to_commit, commit_msg) return source_name, content_item, do_publish
def test_merge_dicts(local, incoming, expected): local2 = copy.deepcopy(local) merge_dicts(local2, incoming) assert local2 == expected