Пример #1
def rebalance((stack, dictionary)):
    This "rebalances" a dictionary.  It makes it more efficient to access
    commands in the dictionary if you've added a lot of new ones.

    It's a good idea to use this command before creating a pickle to
    save so that the saved pickle's dictionary is already balanced.
    dictionary = fill_tree((), items(dictionary))
    return stack, dictionary
Пример #2
def rebalance((stack, dictionary)):
    This "rebalances" a dictionary.  It makes it more efficient to access
    commands in the dictionary if you've added a lot of new ones.

    It's a good idea to use this command before creating a pickle to
    save so that the saved pickle's dictionary is already balanced.
    dictionary = fill_tree((), items(dictionary))
    return stack, dictionary
Пример #3
def view1(I):
    '''Print the stack to stdout using the pprint module.'''

def nullView(I):
    '''"Do nothing" view.'''

# An initial interpreter to use for spawning worlds.  It has an empty
# stack and whatever commands are defined by default in the library
# module.
ROOT = (), fill_tree((), words)

class World(object):
    Manage an interpreter, a view function, and serialization to a file
    or file-like object.

    This object takes a view function (any callable that accepts an
    interpreter) and optionally an initial interpreter and a save file.
    It creates a Serializer object to save commands and results, and it
    provides a step() method that accepts a command (list of strings) and
    runs it on the interpreter then saves it and calls the view function.

Пример #4
def view1(I):
    '''Print the stack to stdout using the pprint module.'''

def nullView(I):
    '''"Do nothing" view.'''

# An initial interpreter to use for spawning worlds.  It has an empty
# stack and whatever commands are defined by default in the library
# module.
ROOT = (), fill_tree((), words)

class World(object):
    Manage an interpreter, a view function, and serialization to a file
    or file-like object.

    This object takes a view function (any callable that accepts an
    interpreter) and optionally an initial interpreter and a save file.
    It creates a Serializer object to save commands and results, and it
    provides a step() method that accepts a command (list of strings) and
    runs it on the interpreter then saves it and calls the view function.

    def __init__(self, view=nullView, initial=None, save_file=None):