Пример #1
 def sigma_bin_walls(sigma, bins):
     import scipy, scipy.cluster, scipy.cluster.vq as vq
     std = np.std(sigma)
     if np.isclose(std, 0): return pimms.imm_array([0, np.max(sigma)])
     cl = sorted(std * vq.kmeans(sigma / std, bins)[0])
     cl = np.mean([cl[:-1], cl[1:]], axis=0)
     return pimms.imm_array(np.concatenate(([0], cl, [np.max(sigma)])))
Пример #2
 def faces(tris):
     'mdl.faces is the triangle matrix for the given retinotopy mesh model mdl.'
     tris = np.asarray(tris, dtype=np.int)
     if tris.shape[0] != 3: tris = tris.T
     if tris.shape[0] != 3:
         raise ValueError('triangle matrix must have 3 rows or columns')
     return pimms.imm_array(tris)
Пример #3
 def visual_coordinates(polar_angles, eccentricities):
     mdl.cortical_coordinates is the coordinate matrix for the given retinotopy mesh model mdl's
     representation of the cortical surface.
     z = eccentricities * np.exp(1j * np.pi/180.0 * (90.0 - polar_angles))
     return pimms.imm_array([z.real, z.imag])
Пример #4
 def colors(cs):
     lblidx.colors is a numpy array of colors for each label or None.
     from neuropythy.graphics import to_rgba
     if cs is None: return None
     # we want to convert to colors
     return pimms.imm_array([to_rgba(c) for c in cs])
Пример #5
 def cortical_coordinates(coords):
     mdl.cortical_coordinates is the coordinate matrix for the given retinotopy mesh model mdl's
     representation of the cortical surface.
     coords = np.asarray(coords)
     if coords.shape[0] != 2: coords = coords.T
     if coords.shape[0] != 2: raise ValueError('coordinate matrix must have 2 rows or columns')
     return pimms.imm_array(coords)
    def generate_DROI_summary(DROI_table, angles=None, eccens=None):
        generate_DROI_summary(table) converts the DROI table into a summary.
        import neuropythy as ny, numpy as np
        if angles is None: angles = VisualPerformanceFieldsDataset.roi_angles
        elif angles in ['fine', 'all']:
            angles = VisualPerformanceFieldsDataset.roi_angles_fine
        # in eccens, by default, we exclude the foveal (0-1 degree) and peripheral (6-7 degree)
        # eccentricity bands.
        if eccens is None:
            eccens = VisualPerformanceFieldsDataset.roi_eccens[1:-1]
        emns = [ee[0] for ee in eccens]
        emxs = [ee[1] for ee in eccens]

        def _dfsel(df, k, ang, emns=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], emxs=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6]):
            tbls = [
                for (mn, mx) in zip(emns, emxs)
            tbls = [tbl[['sid', 'hemisphere', k]] for tbl in tbls]
            tbl = tbls[0]
            for t in tbls[1:]:
                tt = tbl.merge(t, on=['sid', 'hemisphere'])
                tt[k] = tt[k + '_x'] + tt[k + '_y']
                tbl = tt[['sid', 'hemisphere', k]]
            tl = tbl.loc[tbl['hemisphere'] == 'lh']
            tr = tbl.loc[tbl['hemisphere'] == 'rh']
            tt = tl.merge(tr, on='sid')
            tt = tt.sort_values('sid')
            return tt[k + '_x'].values + tt[k + '_y'].values

        dat = {
            para: {
                k: pimms.imm_array([
                    _dfsel(df, k, ang, emns=emns, emxs=emxs) for ang in angles
                for k in
                ['surface_area_mm2', 'mean_thickness_mm', 'volume_mm3']
            for para in [
                'horizontal', 'vertical', 'dorsal', 'ventral', 'hdorsal',
                'hventral', 'dorsal_v1', 'ventral_v1', 'dorsal_v2',
            ] for df in [ny.util.dataframe_select(DROI_table, boundary=para)]
        return pimms.persist(dat)
Пример #7
def to_affine(aff, dims=None):
    to_affine(None) yields None.
    to_affine(data) yields an affine transformation matrix equivalent to that given in data. Such a
      matrix may be specified either as (matrix, offset_vector), as an (n+1)x(n+1) matrix, or, as an
      n x (n+1) matrix.
    to_affine(data, dims) additionally requires that the dimensionality of the data be dims; meaning
      that the returned matrix will be of size (dims+1) x (dims+1).
    if aff is None: return None
    if isinstance(aff, _tuple_type):
        # allowed to be (mtx, offset)
        if (len(aff) != 2                       or
            not pimms.is_matrix(aff[0], 'real') or
            not pimms.is_vector(aff[1], 'real')):
            raise ValueError('affine transforms must be matrices or (mtx,offset) tuples')
        mtx = np.asarray(aff[0])
        off = np.asarray(aff[1])
        if dims is not None:
            if mtx.shape[0] != dims or mtx.shape[1] != dims:
                raise ValueError('%dD affine matrix must be %d x %d' % (dims,dims,dims))
            if off.shape[0] != dims:
                raise ValueError('%dD affine offset must have length %d' % (dims,dims))
            dims = off.shape[0]
            if mtx.shape[0] != dims or mtx.shape[1] != dims:
                raise ValueError('with offset size=%d, matrix must be %d x %d' % (dims,dims,dims))
        aff = np.zeros((dims+1,dims+1), dtype=np.float)
        aff[dims,dims] = 1
        aff[0:dims,0:dims] = mtx
        aff[0:dims,dims] = off
        return pimms.imm_array(aff)
    if not pimms.is_matrix(aff, 'real'):
        raise ValueError('affine transforms must be matrices or (mtx, offset) tuples')
    aff = np.asarray(aff)
    if dims is None:
        dims = aff.shape[1] - 1
    if aff.shape[0] == dims:
        lastrow = np.zeros((1,dims+1))
        lastrow[0,-1] = 1
        aff = np.concatenate((aff, lastrow))
    if aff.shape[1] != dims+1 or aff.shape[0] != dims+1:
        arg = (dims, dims,dims+1, dims+1,dims+1)
        raise ValueError('%dD affine matrix must be %dx%d or %dx%d' % args)
    return aff
Пример #8
 def cleaned_visual_areas(visual_areas, faces):
     mdl.cleaned_visual_areas is the same as mdl.visual_areas except that vertices with visual
     area values of 0 (boundary values) are given the mode of their neighbors.
     area_ids = np.array(visual_areas)
     boundaryNeis = {}
     for (b,inside) in [(b, set(inside))
                        for t in faces.T
                        for (bound, inside) in [([i for i in t if area_ids[i] == 0],
                                                 [i for i in t if area_ids[i] != 0])]
                        if len(bound) > 0 and len(inside) > 0
                        for b in bound]:
         if b in boundaryNeis: boundaryNeis[b] |= inside
         else:                 boundaryNeis[b] =  inside
     for (b,neis) in six.iteritems(boundaryNeis):
         area_ids[b] = np.argmax(np.bincount(area_ids[list(neis)]))
     return pimms.imm_array(np.asarray(area_ids, dtype=np.int))
    def asymmetry(DROI_summary):
        asymmetry is a nested dictionary structure containing the surface-area asymmetry estimates
        for each subject. The value asymmetry[k][a][sno] is the percent asymmetry between the axes
        defined by comparison name k ('HMA' for HM:VM asymmetry, 'VMA' for LVM:UVM asymmetry,
        'HVA_cumulative' for cumulative HM:VM asymmetry, or 'VMA_cumulative' for cumulative LVM:UVM
        asymmetry), subject number sno (0-180 for the HCP subject whose ID is subject_list[sno]),
        and angle-distance a (10, 20 30, 40, or 50 indicating the angle-wedge size in degrees of
        polar angle).

        Asymmetry is defined as (value1 - value2) / mean(value1, value2) where value1 and value2 are
        either the horizontal and vertical ROI surface areas respectively or the lower-vetical
        (dorsal) and upper-vertical (ventral) ROI surface areas respectively. The values reported
        in this data structure are percent asymmetry: difference / mean * 100.
        import neuropythy as ny, six, numpy as np
        quant = 'surface_area_mm2'
        dat = {}
        for (k, (k1, k2)) in zip(['HVA', 'VMA'], [('horizontal', 'vertical'),
                                                  ('dorsal', 'ventral')]):
            for iscum in [True, False]:
                # Grab and prep the data.
                ys1 = np.asarray(DROI_summary[k1][quant])
                ys2 = np.asarray(DROI_summary[k2][quant])
                if not iscum:
                    res = []
                    for ys in (ys1, ys2):
                        (cum, yr) = (0, [])
                        for yy in ys:
                            yr.append(yy - cum)
                            cum = yy
                    (ys1, ys2) = [np.asarray(u) for u in res]
                # Calculate the asymmetries.
                asym = []
                for (y1, y2) in zip(ys1, ys2):
                    mu = np.nanmean([y1, y2], axis=0)
                    dy = y1 - y2
                    asym.append(dy / mu * 100)
                # Append the data
                dat[k + '_cumulative' if iscum else k] = pimms.imm_array(asym)
        return pimms.persist(dat)
Пример #10
 def voxel_to_vertex_matrix(mgh_images):
     See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_vertex_matrix.
     return pimms.imm_array(mgh_images['ribbon'].header.get_vox2ras_tkr())
Пример #11
 def output_indices(ii):
     ii = flattest(ii)
     if (np.issubdtype(ii.dtype, np.dtype('bool').type) or
         np.logical_or(ii == True, ii == False).all()):
         ii = np.where(ii)[0]
     return pimms.imm_array(ii)
Пример #12
 def inverse_transform(transform):
     mdl.inverse_transform is the inverse transform (see RetinotopyMeshModel.transform).
     if transform is None: return None
     return pimms.imm_array(npla.inv(transform))
Пример #13
 def weights(w):
     return None if w is None else pimms.imm_array(w)
Пример #14
 def eccentricity(ec):
     return pimms.imm_array(ec)
Пример #15
 def coordinates(theta, eccentricity):
     x = eccentricity * np.cos(theta)
     y = eccentricity * np.sin(theta)
     return pimms.imm_array(np.transpose([x, y]))
Пример #16
 def surface_area(sa):
     return pimms.imm_array(sa)
Пример #17
 def weights(w): return None if w is None else pimms.imm_array(w)
 def value(self, params):
Пример #18
 def voxel_to_vertex_matrix(images):
     See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_vertex_matrix.
     return pimms.imm_array(images['ribbon'].affine)
Пример #19
 def voxel_to_native_matrix(images):
     See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_native_matrix.
     return pimms.imm_array(np.eye(4))
Пример #20
 def voxel_to_native_matrix(mgh_images):
     See neuropythy.mri.Subject.voxel_to_native_matrix.
     return pimms.imm_array(mgh_images['ribbon'].header.get_affine())
Пример #21
 def sigma_bins(sigma, sigma_bin_walls):
     bins = []
     for (mn, mx) in zip(sigma_bin_walls[:-1], sigma_bin_walls[1:]):
         ii = np.logical_and(mn < sigma, sigma <= mx)
     return tuple(bins)
Пример #22
 def polar_angles(angs):
     'mdl.polar_angles is the vector of polar angle values for the given retinotopy mesh model.'
     return pimms.imm_array(angs)
Пример #23
 def theta(polar_angle):
     return pimms.imm_array(
         np.mod(np.pi / 180.0 * (90 - polar_angle) + np.pi, 2 * np.pi) -
Пример #24
 def eccentricities(eccs):
     'mdl.eccentrities is the vector of eccentricity values for the given retinotopy mesh model.'
     return pimms.imm_array(eccs)
Пример #25
 def polar_angle(pa):
     return pimms.imm_array(pa)
Пример #26
 def visual_areas(labs):
     'mdl.visual_areas is the vector of visual area labels for the given retinotopy mesh model.'
     return pimms.imm_array(labs)
Пример #27
 def sigma(r):
     return pimms.imm_array(r)
Пример #28
 def output_indices(ii):
     ii = flattest(ii)
     if (np.issubdtype(ii.dtype, np.dtype('bool').type)):
         ii = np.where(ii)[0]
     return pimms.imm_array(ii)