def parameters(params): ''' rsp.parameters is a pimms.itable object of the divisive normalization parameters (each row of the itable is one parameterization) used in the calculation for the immage array response object rsp. The parameters may be given to a response object as a list of maps or as an itable. ''' if pimms.is_itable(params): return params elif pimms.is_map(params): tbl = pimms.itable(params) # we want this to fail if it can't be transformed to rows try: tbl.rows except: raise ValueError('map could not be cast to itable') return tbl else: tbl = {} try: p0 = params[0] tbl = {k: [v] for (k, v) in p0.iteritems()} for p in params[1:]: if len(p) != len(p0): raise ValueError() for (k, v) in p.iteritems(): tbl[k].append(v) tbl = pimms.itable(tbl) tbl.rows except: raise ValueError( 'parameters must be an itable, a map of columns, or a list of ' + 'parameter maps') return tbl
def v123_table(cache_directory, subjects): ''' dataset.v123_table is a pimms ITable object for the BensonWinawer2018Dataset; the table contains all relevant pRF data for all cortical surface vertices in the 8 subjects included in the paper Benson and Winawer (2018). ''' # First, see if there's a cache file cachefl = os.path.join(cache_directory, 'v123_table.p') if os.path.isfile(cachefl): try: return pimms.load(cachefl) except: msg = 'neuropythy: Could not load existing v123_table cache file: %s' % cache_file warnings.warn(msg) # go through, building up arrays of arrays that we will concatenate at the end data = AutoDict() data.on_miss = lambda:[] # we want it to auto-produce lists... # non-retinotopy props we want to add to the data... props = ['midgray_surface_area', 'pial_surface_area', 'white_surface_area', 'label'] for (sid,sub) in six.iteritems(subjects): for hname in ['lh','rh']: hemi = sub.hemis[hname] for (dskey,dsdata) in six.iteritems(BensonWinawer2018Dataset.prf_meta_data): dsid = 99 if dskey == 'prf' else int(dskey[3:]) # okay, let's get the raw data we need to process... ang = hemi.prop(dskey + '_polar_angle') ecc = hemi.prop(dskey + '_eccentricity') # and the inferred data... iang = hemi.prop('inf-' + dskey + '_polar_angle') iecc = hemi.prop('inf-' + dskey + '_eccentricity') ilbl = hemi.prop('inf-' + dskey + '_visual_area') # process both of these (get x/y basically) (x, y) = as_retinotopy({'polar_angle':ang, 'eccentricity':ecc}, 'geographical') (ix,iy) = as_retinotopy({'polar_angle':iang, 'eccentricity':iecc}, 'geographical') # find the relevant vertices ii = np.where((iecc < 12) & np.sum([ilbl == k for k in (1,2,3)], axis=0))[0] # now add the relevant properties... for p in props: data[p].append(hemi.prop(p)[ii]) for p0 in ['polar_angle', 'eccentricity', 'radius', 'variance_explained']: p = dskey + '_' + p0 data[p0].append(hemi.prop(p)[ii]) for (p,u) in zip(['x', 'y'], [x,y]): data[p].append(u) for p0 in ['_polar_angle', '_eccentricity', '_radius', '_visual_area']: p = 'inf-' + dskey + p0 data['inf' + p0].append(hemi.prop(p)[ii]) for (p0,u) in zip(['inf_x', 'inf_y'], [ix,iy]): data[p0].append(u) # we also want repeated properties for some things extras = {'subject':sid, 'hemi':hname, 'dataset_id':dsid, 'dataset_name':dskey} for (p,v) in six.iteritems(extras): data[p].append(np.full(len(ii), v)) # concatenate everything data = pimms.itable({k:np.concatenate(v) for (k,v) in six.iteritems(data)}) if not os.path.isfile(cachefl): # try to write out the cache file try:, data) except: pass return data
def tess(faces, cortical_coordinates, visual_coordinates, polar_angles, eccentricities, cleaned_visual_areas): 'mdl.tess is the tesselation object for mesh model.' props = pimms.itable({'polar_angle': polar_angles, 'eccentricity': eccentricities, 'visual_area': cleaned_visual_areas, 'cortical_coordinates': cortical_coordinates.T, 'visual_coordinates': visual_coordinates.T}) if isinstance(faces, geo.Tesselation): return faces.copy(properties=props) return geo.Tesselation(faces, properties=props).persist()
def calc_divisive_normalization(labels, saturation_constants_by_label, divisive_exponents_by_label, divisive_normalization_schema='Heeger1992'): ''' calc_divisive_normalization is a calculator that prepares the divisive normalization function to be run in the sco pipeline. It gathers parameters into a pimms itable (such that each row is a map of the parameters for each pRF in the pRFs list), which is returned as the value 'divisive_normalization_parameters'; it also adds a 'divisive_normalization_function' that is appropriate for the parameters given. In the case of this implementation, the parameters saturation_constant and divisive_exponent are extracted from the afferent parameters saturation_constant_by_label and divisive_exponent_by_label, and the function sco.impl.benson17.divisively_normalize_Heeger1992 is used. Required afferent parameters: * labels @ saturation_constants_by_label Must be a map whose keys are label values and whose values are the saturation constant for the particular area; all values appearing in the pRF labels must be found in this map. * divisive_exponents_by_label Must be a map whose keys are label values and whose values are the divisive normalization exponent for that particular area; all values appearing in the pRF labels must be found in this map. Optional afferent parameters: @ divisive_normalization_schema specifies the kind of divisive normalization to perform; currently this must be either 'Heeger1992' or 'naive'; the former is the default. Provided efferent values: @ divisive_normalization_parameters Will be an ITable whose columns correspond to the divisive normalization formula's saturation constant and exponent; the rows will correspond to the pRFs. @ divisive_normalization_function Will be a function compatible with the divisive_normalization_parameters data-table; currently this is sco.impl.benson17.divisively_normalize_Heeger1992. ''' sat = sco.util.lookup_labels(labels, saturation_constants_by_label) rxp = sco.util.lookup_labels(labels, divisive_exponents_by_label) tr = { 'heeger1992': '.divisively_normalize_Heeger1992', 'naive': '.divisively_normalize_naive', 'sfreq': '.divisively_normalize_spatialfreq', 'square': '.divisively_normalize_Heeger1992_square', 'heeger1992_square': '.divisively_normalize_Heeger1992_square' } dns = divisive_normalization_schema.lower() return (_pimms.itable(saturation_constant=sat, divisive_exponent=rxp), (__name__ + tr[dns]) if dns in tr else dns)
def test_itable(self): ''' test_itable() tests pimms itable objects and makes sure they work correctly. ''' class nloc: lazy_loads = 0 def _load_lazy(): nloc.lazy_loads += 1 return pimms.quant(np.random.rand(10), 'sec') dat = pimms.lazy_map({ 'a': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], 'b': pimms.quant(np.random.rand(10), 'mm'), 'c': [ 'abc', 'def', 'ghi', 'jkl', 'mno', 'pqr', 'stu', 'vwx', 'yz!', '!!!' ], 'd': _load_lazy }) tbl = pimms.itable(dat) # make sure the data is the right size for k in tbl.keys(): self.assertTrue(tbl[k].shape == (10, )) self.assertTrue(tbl.row_count == 10) self.assertTrue(len(tbl.rows) == 10) self.assertTrue(len(tbl.column_names) == 4) self.assertTrue(len(tbl.columns) == 4) # Check a few of the entries for (i, ki) in zip(np.random.randint(0, tbl.row_count, 50), np.random.randint(0, 4, 50)): ki = tbl.column_names[ki] self.assertTrue(tbl.rows[i][ki] == tbl[ki][i]) self.assertTrue(nloc.lazy_loads == 1) # see if we can discard stuff self.assertTrue('a' in tbl) self.assertFalse('a' in tbl.discard('a')) self.assertFalse('b' in tbl.discard('b')) self.assertFalse('c' in tbl.discard('b').discard('c')) self.assertTrue('c' in tbl.discard('b').discard('a'))
def test_stimuli(stimulus_directory, max_eccentricity=10.0, pixels_per_degree=6.4, orientations=None, spatial_frequencies=None, contrasts=None, densities=None, base_density=10, base_contrast=0.75, base_spatial_frequency=0.8, base_orientation=0): ''' test_stimuli(stimulus_directory) creates a variety of test png files in the given directory. The image filenames are returned as a list. The images created are as follows: * A blank gray image * A variety of sinusoidal gratings; these vary in terms of: * contrast * spatial frequency * orientation * A variety of modulated sinusoidal gratings; in which the modulated spatial frequency is held at 1 cycle / degree and the modulated contrast is as high as possible; these vary in terms of: * contrast * spatial frequency * orientation * modulated orientation The following options may be given: * max_eccentricity (default: 10.0) specifies the maximum eccentricity in degrees to include in the generated images. * pixels_per_degree (default: 6.4) specifies the pixels per degree of the created images. * orientations (default: None) specifies the orientations (NOTE: in degrees) of the various gratings generated; if None, then uses [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150]. * spatial_frequencies (defaut: None) specifies the spatial frequencies to use; by default uses a set of 5 spatial frequencies that depend on the resolution specified by pixels_per_degree. * contrasts (default: None) specifies the contrasts of the images to make; if None, then uses [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]. ''' import, warnings # Process/organize arguments maxecc = pimms.mag(max_eccentricity, 'deg') d2p = pimms.mag(pixels_per_degree, 'px/deg') sdir = stimulus_directory thetas = np.arange( 0, 180, 22.5) if orientations is None else np.asarray(orientations) sfreqs = (d2p/4) * (2**np.linspace(-4.0, 0.0, 5)) if spatial_frequencies is None else \ pimms.mag(spatial_frequencies, 'cycles/degree') ctsts = [0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0] if contrasts is None else contrasts dnsts = [3, 6, 12, 24, 48] if densities is None else densities cpd0 = pimms.mag(base_spatial_frequency, 'cycles/degree') th0 = pimms.mag(base_orientation, 'deg') * np.pi / 180 ct0 = base_contrast dn0 = base_density # go ahead and setup x and y values (in degrees) for the images dim = np.round(d2p * 2.0 * maxecc) center = 0.5 * (dim - 1) # in pixels # x/y in pixels x = np.arange(0, dim, 1) # x/y in degrees x = (x - center) / d2p # mesh grid... (x, y) = np.meshgrid(x, x) # how we save images flnms = [] fldat = [] def _imsave(nm, im): flnm = os.path.join(sdir, nm + '.png') flnms.append(flnm) return imsave(flnm, im) def _immeta(meta, **kw): meta = pimms.merge(meta, kw) fldat.append(meta) return meta # have to catch the UserWarnings for low contrast images with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning) # Generate the basic sin-grating-based images # First we want varying orientation, all at cpd=1 meta = { 'cpd': cpd0, 'contrast': ct0, 'type': 'sin_orientation', 'theta': th0 } for theta_deg in sorted(thetas): theta = np.pi / 180 * theta_deg im = 0.5 * (1 + np.sin( (np.cos(theta) * x - np.sin(theta) * y) * 2 * np.pi * cpd0)) if ct0 < 1: im = (im - 0.5) * ct0 + 0.5 _imsave('sin[theta=%06.3f]' % theta, im) _immeta(meta, theta=theta) # okay, now for theta=0 and variable cpd for cpd in reversed(sorted(sfreqs)): im = 0.5 * (1 + np.sin( (np.cos(th0) * x - np.sin(th0) * y) * 2 * np.pi * cpd)) if ct0 < 1: im = (im - 0.5) * ct0 + 0.5 # write it out _imsave('sin[cpd=%06.3f]' % cpd, im) _immeta(meta, cpd=cpd, type='sin_frequency') # Now we can look at the requested contrasts for ct in sorted(ctsts): # save the simple grating first im = 0.5 * (1 + np.sin( (np.cos(th0) * x - np.sin(th0) * y) * 2 * np.pi * cpd0)) if ct < 1: im = (im - 0.5) * ct + 0.5 _imsave('sin[contrast=%06.3f]' % ct, im) _immeta(meta, contrast=ct, type='sin_contrast') # Next, plaids; these are relatively easy: x0 = np.cos(th0) * x - np.sin(th0) * y y0 = np.sin(th0) * x + np.cos(th0) * y im0 = 0.25 * (2 + np.sin(x0 * 2 * np.pi * cpd0) + np.sin(y0 * 2 * np.pi * cpd0)) im0 = (im0 - 0.5) / np.max(np.abs(im0 - 0.5)) + 0.5 for ct in sorted(ctsts): if ct == 0: continue if ct < 1: im = (im0 - 0.5) * ct + 0.5 else: im = im0 _imsave('plaid[contrast=%06.3f]' % ct, im) _immeta(meta, contrast=ct, type='plaid_contrast') # okay, now the sum of sixteen gratings const = 2 * np.pi * cpd0 for ct in sorted(ctsts): if ct == 0: continue im0 = np.mean([ 0.5 * (1 + np.sin(const * (np.random.rand() - 0.5 + np.cos(th) * x - np.sin(th) * y))) for th in np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 17)[:-1] ], axis=0) im0 = (im0 - 0.5) / np.max(np.abs(im0 - 0.5)) + 0.5 if ct < 1: im = (im0 - 0.5) * ct + 0.5 else: im = im0 _imsave('circ[contrast=%06.3f]' % ct, im) _immeta(meta, contrast=ct, type='circ_contrast') # Okay, make the noise pattern images dmeta = pyr.pmap(meta).discard('orientation').set('cpd', cpd0) for dn in dnsts: if dn <= 0: continue im = noise_pattern_stimulus(x.shape[0], dn, ct0, cpd0 / 2) _imsave('noise[density=%02d]' % dn, im) _immeta(dmeta, density=dn, type='noise_density') # Make fldat into a pimms itable fldat = [m.set('filename', flnm) for (m, flnm) in zip(fldat, flnms)] tbl = pimms.itable({ k: np.asarray([ff[k] for ff in fldat]) for k in six.iterkeys(fldat[0]) }) return tbl
def test_persist(self): ''' test_persist() tests pimms persist() function. ''' from .lazy_complex import LazyComplex z = LazyComplex((1.0, 2.0)) self.assertFalse(z.is_persistent()) self.assertTrue(z.is_transient()) z.persist() self.assertTrue(z.is_persistent()) self.assertFalse(z.is_transient()) z = LazyComplex((1.0, 2.0)) self.assertFalse(z.is_persistent()) self.assertTrue(z.is_transient()) zp = pimms.persist(z) self.assertTrue(zp.is_persistent()) self.assertFalse(zp.is_transient()) self.assertFalse(z.is_persistent()) self.assertTrue(z.is_transient()) m0 = { 'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': (2, 3, 4), 'c': { 'd': 'abc', 'e': set(['def', 'ghi']), 'f': frozenset([10, 11, 12]) }, 'z': z, 'zp': zp, 'q': (1, 2, [3, 4]), 't': pimms.itable({ 'c1': range(10), 'c2': range(1, 11), 'c3': range(2, 12) }) } m = pimms.persist(m0) self.assertIs(m['b'], m0['b']) self.assertIsNot(m['a'], m0['a']) self.assertTrue(all(ai == bi for (ai, bi) in zip(m['a'], m0['a']))) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_pmap(m['c'])) self.assertIs(m['c']['d'], m0['c']['d']) self.assertTrue(isinstance(m['c']['e'], frozenset)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(m['c']['f'], frozenset)) self.assertTrue( all(ai == bi for (ai, bi) in zip(m['c']['f'], m0['c']['f']))) self.assertTrue(m['z'].is_persistent()) self.assertIs(m['zp'], m0['zp']) self.assertIs(m['q'], m0['q']) self.assertIs(m['q'][2], m0['q'][2]) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_itable(m['t'])) self.assertTrue(m['t'].is_persistent()) m = pimms.persist(m0, depth=1) self.assertIs(m['b'], m0['b']) self.assertIsNot(m['a'], m0['a']) self.assertTrue(all(ai == bi for (ai, bi) in zip(m['a'], m0['a']))) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_pmap(m['c'])) self.assertIs(m['c']['d'], m0['c']['d']) self.assertTrue(isinstance(m['c']['e'], set)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(m['c']['f'], frozenset)) self.assertTrue( all(ai == bi for (ai, bi) in zip(m['c']['f'], m0['c']['f']))) self.assertTrue(m['z'].is_persistent()) self.assertIs(m['zp'], m0['zp']) self.assertIs(m['q'], m0['q']) self.assertIs(m['q'][2], m0['q'][2]) self.assertTrue(pimms.is_itable(m['t'])) self.assertTrue(m['t'].is_persistent())