Пример #1
def pairwise_gameshowell(dv=None,
    '''Pairwise Games-Howell post-hoc test.

    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    between: string
        Name of column containing the between factor.
    data : pandas DataFrame
    alpha : float
        Significance level
    tail : string
        Indicates whether to return the 'two-sided' or 'one-sided' p-values
    effsize : string or None
        Effect size type. Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve

    stats : DataFrame
        Stats summary ::

        'A' : Name of first measurement
        'B' : Name of second measurement
        'mean(A)' : Mean of first measurement
        'mean(B)' : Mean of second measurement
        'diff' : Mean difference
        'SE' : Standard error
        'tail' : indicate whether the p-values are one-sided or two-sided
        'T' : T-values
        'df' : adjusted degrees of freedom
        'pval' : Games-Howell corrected p-values
        'efsize' : effect sizes
        'eftype' : type of effect size

    Games-Howell is very similar to the Tukey HSD post-hoc test but is much
    more robust to heterogeneity of variances. While the
    Tukey-HSD post-hoc is optimal after a classic one-way ANOVA, the
    Games-Howell is optimal after a Welch ANOVA.
    Games-Howell is not valid for repeated measures ANOVA.

    Compared to the Tukey-HSD test, the Games-Howell test uses different pooled
    variances for each pair of variables instead of the same pooled variance.

    The T-values are defined as:

    .. math::

        t = \dfrac{\overline{x}_i - \overline{x}_j}{\sqrt{(\dfrac{s_i^2}{n_i}
        + \dfrac{s_j^2}{n_j})}}

    and the corrected degrees of freedom are:

    .. math::

        v = \dfrac{(\dfrac{s_i^2}{n_i} + \dfrac{s_j^2}{n_j})^2}
        {\dfrac{(\dfrac{s_i^2}{n_i})^2}{n_i-1} +

    where :math:`\overline{x}_i`, :math:`s_i^2`, and :math:`n_i`
    are the mean, variance and sample size of the first group and
    :math:`\overline{x}_j`, :math:`s_j^2`, and :math:`n_j` the mean, variance
    and sample size of the second group.

    The p-values are then approximated using the Studentized range distribution
    :math:`Q(\sqrt2*|t_i|, r, v_i)`.

    Note that the p-values might be slightly different than those obtained
    using R or Matlab since the studentized range approximation is done using
    the Gleason (1999) algorithm, which is more efficient and accurate than
    the algorithms used in Matlab or R.

    .. [1] Games, Paul A., and John F. Howell. "Pairwise multiple comparison
           procedures with unequal n’s and/or variances: a Monte Carlo study."
           Journal of Educational Statistics 1.2 (1976): 113-125.

    .. [2] Gleason, John R. "An accurate, non-iterative approximation for
           studentized range quantiles." Computational statistics & data
           analysis 31.2 (1999): 147-158.

    Pairwise Games-Howell post-hocs on the pain threshold dataset.

        >>> from pingouin import pairwise_gameshowell
        >>> from pingouin.datasets import read_dataset
        >>> df = read_dataset('anova')
        >>> pairwise_gameshowell(dv='Pain threshold', between='Hair color',
        >>>                      data=df)
    from pingouin.external.qsturng import psturng

    # Check the dataframe
    _check_dataframe(dv=dv, between=between, effects='between', data=data)

    # Reset index (avoid duplicate axis error)
    data = data.reset_index(drop=True)

    # Extract infos
    ng = data[between].unique().size
    grp = data.groupby(between)[dv]
    n = grp.count().values
    gmeans = grp.mean().values
    gvars = grp.var().values

    # Pairwise combinations
    g1, g2 = np.array(list(combinations(np.arange(ng), 2))).T
    mn = gmeans[g1] - gmeans[g2]
    se = np.sqrt(0.5 * (gvars[g1] / n[g1] + gvars[g2] / n[g2]))
    tval = mn / np.sqrt(gvars[g1] / n[g1] + gvars[g2] / n[g2])
    df = (gvars[g1] / n[g1] + gvars[g2] / n[g2])**2 / \
         ((((gvars[g1] / n[g1])**2) / (n[g1] - 1)) +
          (((gvars[g2] / n[g2])**2) / (n[g2] - 1)))

    # Compute corrected p-values
    pval = psturng(np.sqrt(2) * np.abs(tval), ng, df)
    pval *= 0.5 if tail == 'one-sided' else 1

    # Uncorrected p-values
    # from scipy.stats import t
    # punc = t.sf(np.abs(tval), n[g1].size + n[g2].size - 2) * 2

    # Effect size
    d = tval * np.sqrt(1 / n[g1] + 1 / n[g2])
    ef = convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', effsize, n[g1], n[g2])

    # Create dataframe
    # Careful: pd.unique does NOT sort whereas numpy does
    stats = pd.DataFrame({
        'A': np.unique(data[between])[g1],
        'B': np.unique(data[between])[g2],
        'mean(A)': gmeans[g1],
        'mean(B)': gmeans[g2],
        'diff': mn,
        'SE': se,
        'tail': tail,
        'T': tval,
        'df': df,
        'pval': pval,
        'efsize': ef,
        'eftype': effsize,
    col_round = ['mean(A)', 'mean(B)', 'diff', 'SE', 'T', 'df', 'efsize']
    stats[col_round] = stats[col_round].round(3)
    return stats
Пример #2
def pairwise_tukey(dv=None,
    '''Pairwise Tukey-HSD post-hoc test.

    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    between: string
        Name of column containing the between factor.
    data : pandas DataFrame
    alpha : float
        Significance level
    tail : string
        Indicates whether to return the 'two-sided' or 'one-sided' p-values
    effsize : string or None
        Effect size type. Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve

    stats : DataFrame
        Stats summary ::

        'A' : Name of first measurement
        'B' : Name of second measurement
        'mean(A)' : Mean of first measurement
        'mean(B)' : Mean of second measurement
        'diff' : Mean difference
        'SE' : Standard error
        'tail' : indicate whether the p-values are one-sided or two-sided
        'T' : T-values
        'p-tukey' : Tukey-HSD corrected p-values
        'efsize' : effect sizes
        'eftype' : type of effect size

    Tukey HSD post-hoc is best for balanced one-way ANOVA.
    It has been proven to be conservative for one-way ANOVA with unequal
    sample sizes. However, it is not robust if the groups have unequal
    variances, in which case the Games-Howell test is more adequate.
    Tukey HSD is not valid for repeated measures ANOVA.

    Note that when the sample sizes are unequal, this function actually
    performs the Tukey-Kramer test (which allows for unequal sample sizes).

    The T-values are defined as:

    .. math::

        t = \dfrac{\overline{x}_i - \overline{x}_j}{\sqrt{2 \cdot MS_w / n}}

    where :math:`\overline{x}_i` and :math:`\overline{x}_j` are the means of
    the first and second group, respectively, :math:`MS_w` the mean squares of
    the error (computed using ANOVA) and :math:`n` the sample size.

    If the sample sizes are unequal, the Tukey-Kramer procedure is
    automatically used:

    .. math::

        t = \dfrac{\overline{x}_i - \overline{x}_j}{\sqrt{\dfrac{MS_w}{n_i}
        + \dfrac{MS_w}{n_j}}}

    where :math:`n_i` and :math:`n_j` are the sample sizes of the first and
    second group, respectively.

    The p-values are then approximated using the Studentized range distribution
    :math:`Q(\sqrt2*|t_i|, r, N - r)` where :math:`r` is the total number of
    groups and :math:`N` is the total sample size.

    Note that the p-values might be slightly different than those obtained
    using R or Matlab since the studentized range approximation is done using
    the Gleason (1999) algorithm, which is more efficient and accurate than
    the algorithms used in Matlab or R.

    .. [1] Tukey, John W. "Comparing individual means in the analysis of
           variance." Biometrics (1949): 99-114.

    .. [2] Gleason, John R. "An accurate, non-iterative approximation for
           studentized range quantiles." Computational statistics & data
           analysis 31.2 (1999): 147-158.

    Pairwise Tukey post-hocs on the pain threshold dataset.

        >>> from pingouin import pairwise_tukey
        >>> from pingouin.datasets import read_dataset
        >>> df = read_dataset('anova')
        >>> pairwise_tukey(dv='Pain threshold', between='Hair color', data=df)
    from pingouin.external.qsturng import psturng

    # First compute the ANOVA
    aov = anova(dv=dv, data=data, between=between, detailed=True)
    df = aov.loc[1, 'DF']
    ng = aov.loc[0, 'DF'] + 1
    grp = data.groupby(between)[dv]
    n = grp.count().values
    gmeans = grp.mean().values
    gvar = aov.loc[1, 'MS'] / n

    # Pairwise combinations
    g1, g2 = np.array(list(combinations(np.arange(ng), 2))).T
    mn = gmeans[g1] - gmeans[g2]
    se = np.sqrt(gvar[g1] + gvar[g2])
    tval = mn / se

    # Critical values and p-values
    # from pingouin.external.qsturng import qsturng
    # crit = qsturng(1 - alpha, ng, df) / np.sqrt(2)
    pval = psturng(np.sqrt(2) * np.abs(tval), ng, df)
    pval *= 0.5 if tail == 'one-sided' else 1

    # Uncorrected p-values
    # from scipy.stats import t
    # punc = t.sf(np.abs(tval), n[g1].size + n[g2].size - 2) * 2

    # Effect size
    d = tval * np.sqrt(1 / n[g1] + 1 / n[g2])
    ef = convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', effsize, n[g1], n[g2])

    # Create dataframe
    # Careful: pd.unique does NOT sort whereas numpy does
    stats = pd.DataFrame({
        'A': np.unique(data[between])[g1],
        'B': np.unique(data[between])[g2],
        'mean(A)': gmeans[g1],
        'mean(B)': gmeans[g2],
        'diff': mn,
        'SE': np.round(se, 3),
        'tail': tail,
        'T': np.round(tval, 3),
        # 'alpha': alpha,
        # 'crit': np.round(crit, 3),
        'p-tukey': pval,
        'efsize': np.round(ef, 3),
        'eftype': effsize,
    return stats