Пример #1
def compute_effsize_from_t(tval, nx=None, ny=None, N=None, eftype='cohen'):
    """Compute effect size from a T-value.

    tval : float
    nx, ny : int, optional
        Group sample sizes.
    N : int, optional
        Total sample size (will not be used if nx and ny are specified)
    eftype : string, optional
        desired output effect size

    ef : float
        Effect size

    See Also
    compute_effsize : Calculate effect size between two set of observations.
    convert_effsize : Conversion between effect sizes.

    If both nx and ny are specified, the formula to convert from *t* to *d* is:

    .. math:: d = t * \\sqrt{\\frac{1}{n_x} + \\frac{1}{n_y}}

    If only N (total sample size) is specified, the formula is:

    .. math:: d = \\frac{2t}{\\sqrt{N}}

    1. Compute effect size from a T-value when both sample sizes are known.

    >>> from pingouin import compute_effsize_from_t
    >>> tval, nx, ny = 2.90, 35, 25
    >>> d = compute_effsize_from_t(tval, nx=nx, ny=ny, eftype='cohen')
    >>> print(d)

    2. Compute effect size when only total sample size is known (nx+ny)

    >>> tval, N = 2.90, 60
    >>> d = compute_effsize_from_t(tval, N=N, eftype='cohen')
    >>> print(d)
    if not _check_eftype(eftype):
        err = "Could not interpret input '{}'".format(eftype)
        raise ValueError(err)

    if not isinstance(tval, float):
        err = "T-value must be float"
        raise ValueError(err)

    # Compute Cohen d (Lakens, 2013)
    if nx is not None and ny is not None:
        d = tval * np.sqrt(1 / nx + 1 / ny)
    elif N is not None:
        d = 2 * tval / np.sqrt(N)
        raise ValueError('You must specify either nx + ny, or just N')
    return convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', eftype, nx=nx, ny=ny)
Пример #2
def compute_effsize(x, y, paired=False, eftype='cohen'):
    """Calculate effect size between two set of observations.

    x : np.array or list
        First set of observations.
    y : np.array or list
        Second set of observations.
    paired : boolean
        If True, uses Cohen d-avg formula to correct for repeated measurements
        (see Notes).
    eftype : string
        Desired output effect size.
        Available methods are:

        * ``'none'``: no effect size
        * ``'cohen'``: Unbiased Cohen d
        * ``'hedges'``: Hedges g
        * ``'glass'``: Glass delta
        * ``'r'``: correlation coefficient
        * ``'eta-square'``: Eta-square
        * ``'odds-ratio'``: Odds ratio
        * ``'AUC'``: Area Under the Curve
        * ``'CLES'``: Common Language Effect Size

    ef : float
        Effect size

    See Also
    convert_effsize : Conversion between effect sizes.
    compute_effsize_from_t : Convert a T-statistic to an effect size.

    Missing values are automatically removed from the data. If ``x`` and ``y``
    are paired, the entire row is removed.

    If ``x`` and ``y`` are independent, the Cohen :math:`d` is:

    .. math::

        d = \\frac{\\overline{X} - \\overline{Y}}
        {\\sqrt{\\frac{(n_{1} - 1)\\sigma_{1}^{2} + (n_{2} - 1)
        \\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n1 + n2 - 2}}}

    If ``x`` and ``y`` are paired, the Cohen :math:`d_{avg}` is computed:

    .. math::

        d_{avg} = \\frac{\\overline{X} - \\overline{Y}}
        {\\sqrt{\\frac{(\\sigma_1^2 + \\sigma_2^2)}{2}}}

    The Cohen’s d is a biased estimate of the population effect size,
    especially for small samples (n < 20). It is often preferable
    to use the corrected Hedges :math:`g` instead:

    .. math:: g = d \\times (1 - \\frac{3}{4(n_1 + n_2) - 9})

    The Glass :math:`\\delta` is calculated using the group with the lowest
    variance as the control group:

    .. math::

        \\delta = \\frac{\\overline{X} -

    The common language effect size is the proportion of pairs where ``x`` is
    higher than ``y`` (calculated with a brute-force approach where
    each observation of ``x`` is paired to each observation of ``y``,
    see :py:func:`pingouin.wilcoxon` for more details):

    .. math:: \\text{CL} = P(X > Y) + .5 \\times P(X = Y)

    For other effect sizes, Pingouin will first calculate a Cohen :math:`d` and
    then use the :py:func:`pingouin.convert_effsize` to convert to the desired
    effect size.

    * Lakens, D., 2013. Calculating and reporting effect sizes to
      facilitate cumulative science: a practical primer for t-tests and
      ANOVAs. Front. Psychol. 4, 863. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863

    * Cumming, Geoff. Understanding the new statistics: Effect sizes,
      confidence intervals, and meta-analysis. Routledge, 2013.

    * https://osf.io/vbdah/

    1. Cohen d from two independent samples.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> import pingouin as pg
    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    >>> y = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> pg.compute_effsize(x, y, paired=False, eftype='cohen')

    The sign of the Cohen d will be opposite if we reverse the order of
    ``x`` and ``y``:

    >>> pg.compute_effsize(y, x, paired=False, eftype='cohen')

    2. Hedges g from two paired samples.

    >>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
    >>> y = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13]
    >>> pg.compute_effsize(x, y, paired=True, eftype='hedges')

    3. Glass delta from two independent samples. The group with the lowest
    variance will automatically be selected as the control.

    >>> pg.compute_effsize(x, y, paired=False, eftype='glass')

    4. Common Language Effect Size.

    >>> pg.compute_effsize(x, y, eftype='cles')

    In other words, there are ~29% of pairs where ``x`` is higher than ``y``,
    which means that there are ~71% of pairs where ``x`` is *lower* than ``y``.
    This can be easily verified by changing the order of ``x`` and ``y``:

    >>> pg.compute_effsize(y, x, eftype='cles')
    # Check arguments
    if not _check_eftype(eftype):
        err = "Could not interpret input '{}'".format(eftype)
        raise ValueError(err)

    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = np.asarray(y)

    if x.size != y.size and paired:
        warnings.warn("x and y have unequal sizes. Switching to "
                      "paired == False.")
        paired = False

    # Remove rows with missing values
    x, y = remove_na(x, y, paired=paired)
    nx, ny = x.size, y.size

    if ny == 1:
        # Case 1: One-sample Test
        d = (x.mean() - y) / x.std(ddof=1)
        return d
    if eftype.lower() == 'glass':
        # Find group with lowest variance
        sd_control = np.min([x.std(ddof=1), y.std(ddof=1)])
        d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / sd_control
        return d
    elif eftype.lower() == 'r':
        # Return correlation coefficient (useful for CI bootstrapping)
        from scipy.stats import pearsonr
        r, _ = pearsonr(x, y)
        return r
    elif eftype.lower() == 'cles':
        # Compute exact CLES (see pingouin.wilcoxon)
        diff = x[:, None] - y
        return np.where(diff == 0, 0.5, diff > 0).mean()
        # Test equality of variance of data with a stringent threshold
        # equal_var, p = homoscedasticity(x, y, alpha=.001)
        # if not equal_var:
        #     print('Unequal variances (p<.001). You should report',
        #           'Glass delta instead.')

        # Compute unbiased Cohen's d effect size
        if not paired:
            # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size
            dof = nx + ny - 2
            poolsd = np.sqrt(
                ((nx - 1) * x.var(ddof=1) + (ny - 1) * y.var(ddof=1)) / dof)
            d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / poolsd
            # Report Cohen d-avg (Cumming 2012; Lakens 2013)
            # Careful, the formula in Lakens 2013 is wrong. Updated in Pingouin
            # v0.3.4 to use the formula provided by Cummings 2012.
            # Before that the denominator was just (SD1 + SD2) / 2
            d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / np.sqrt(
                (x.var(ddof=1) + y.var(ddof=1)) / 2)
        return convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', eftype, nx=nx, ny=ny)
Пример #3
def convert_effsize(ef, input_type, output_type, nx=None, ny=None):
    """Conversion between effect sizes.

    ef : float
        Original effect size.
    input_type : string
        Effect size type of ef. Must be ``'r'`` or ``'d'``.
    output_type : string
        Desired effect size type. Available methods are:

        * ``'cohen'``: Unbiased Cohen d
        * ``'hedges'``: Hedges g
        * ``'eta-square'``: Eta-square
        * ``'odds-ratio'``: Odds ratio
        * ``'AUC'``: Area Under the Curve
        * ``'none'``: pass-through (return ``ef``)

    nx, ny : int, optional
        Length of vector x and y. Required to convert to Hedges g.

    ef : float
        Desired converted effect size

    See Also
    compute_effsize : Calculate effect size between two set of observations.
    compute_effsize_from_t : Convert a T-statistic to an effect size.

    The formula to convert **r** to **d** is given in [1]_:

    .. math:: d = \\frac{2r}{\\sqrt{1 - r^2}}

    The formula to convert **d** to **r** is given in [2]_:

    .. math::

        r = \\frac{d}{\\sqrt{d^2 + \\frac{(n_x + n_y)^2 - 2(n_x + n_y)}

    The formula to convert **d** to :math:`\\eta^2` is given in [3]_:

    .. math:: \\eta^2 = \\frac{(0.5 d)^2}{1 + (0.5 d)^2}

    The formula to convert **d** to an odds-ratio is given in [4]_:

    .. math:: \\text{OR} = \\exp (\\frac{d \\pi}{\\sqrt{3}})

    The formula to convert **d** to area under the curve is given in [5]_:

    .. math:: \\text{AUC} = \\mathcal{N}_{cdf}(\\frac{d}{\\sqrt{2}})

    .. [1] Rosenthal, Robert. "Parametric measures of effect size."
       The handbook of research synthesis 621 (1994): 231-244.

    .. [2] McGrath, Robert E., and Gregory J. Meyer. "When effect sizes
       disagree: the case of r and d." Psychological methods 11.4 (2006): 386.

    .. [3] Cohen, Jacob. "Statistical power analysis for the behavioral
       sciences. 2nd." (1988).

    .. [4] Borenstein, Michael, et al. "Effect sizes for continuous data."
       The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis 2 (2009): 221-235.

    .. [5] Ruscio, John. "A probability-based measure of effect size:
       Robustness to base rates and other factors." Psychological methods 1
       3.1 (2008): 19.

    1. Convert from Cohen d to eta-square

    >>> import pingouin as pg
    >>> d = .45
    >>> eta = pg.convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', 'eta-square')
    >>> print(eta)

    2. Convert from Cohen d to Hegdes g (requires the sample sizes of each

    >>> pg.convert_effsize(.45, 'cohen', 'hedges', nx=10, ny=10)

    3. Convert Pearson r to Cohen d

    >>> r = 0.40
    >>> d = pg.convert_effsize(r, 'r', 'cohen')
    >>> print(d)

    4. Reverse operation: convert Cohen d to Pearson r

    >>> pg.convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', 'r')
    it = input_type.lower()
    ot = output_type.lower()

    # Check input and output type
    for input in [it, ot]:
        if not _check_eftype(input):
            err = "Could not interpret input '{}'".format(input)
            raise ValueError(err)
    if it not in ['r', 'cohen']:
        raise ValueError("Input type must be 'r' or 'cohen'")

    # Pass-through option
    if it == ot or ot == 'none':
        return ef

    # Convert r to Cohen d (Rosenthal 1994)
    d = (2 * ef) / np.sqrt(1 - ef**2) if it == 'r' else ef

    # Then convert to the desired output type
    if ot == 'cohen':
        return d
    elif ot == 'hedges':
        if all(v is not None for v in [nx, ny]):
            return d * (1 - (3 / (4 * (nx + ny) - 9)))
            # If shapes of x and y are not known, return cohen's d
            warnings.warn("You need to pass nx and ny arguments to compute "
                          "Hedges g. Returning Cohen's d instead")
            return d
    elif ot == 'glass':
        warnings.warn("Returning original effect size instead of Glass "
                      "because variance is not known.")
        return ef
    elif ot == 'r':
        # McGrath and Meyer 2006
        if all(v is not None for v in [nx, ny]):
            a = ((nx + ny)**2 - 2 * (nx + ny)) / (nx * ny)
            a = 4
        return d / np.sqrt(d**2 + a)
    elif ot == 'eta-square':
        # Cohen 1988
        return (d / 2)**2 / (1 + (d / 2)**2)
    elif ot == 'odds-ratio':
        # Borenstein et al. 2009
        return np.exp(d * np.pi / np.sqrt(3))
    else:  # ['auc']
        # Ruscio 2008
        from scipy.stats import norm
        return norm.cdf(d / np.sqrt(2))
Пример #4
 def test_check_eftype(self):
     """Test function _check_eftype."""
     eftype = 'cohen'
     eftype = 'fake'
Пример #5
def compute_effsize(x, y, paired=False, eftype='cohen'):
    """Calculate effect size between two set of observations.

    x : np.array or list
        First set of observations.
    y : np.array or list
        Second set of observations.
    paired : boolean
        If True, uses Cohen d-avg formula to correct for repeated measurements
        (Cumming 2012)
    eftype : string
        Desired output effect size.
        Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'r' : correlation coefficient
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve
        'CLES' : Common language effect size

    ef : float
        Effect size

    See Also
    convert_effsize : Conversion between effect sizes.
    compute_effsize_from_t : Convert a T-statistic to an effect size.

    Missing values are automatically removed from the data. If ``x`` and ``y``
    are paired, the entire row is removed.

    If ``x`` and ``y`` are independent, the Cohen's d is:

    .. math::

        d = \\frac{\\overline{X} - \\overline{Y}}
        {\\sqrt{\\frac{(n_{1} - 1)\\sigma_{1}^{2} + (n_{2} - 1)
        \\sigma_{2}^{2}}{n1 + n2 - 2}}}

    If ``x`` and ``y`` are paired, the Cohen :math:`d_{avg}` is computed:

    .. math::

        d_{avg} = \\frac{\\overline{X} - \\overline{Y}}
        {0.5 * (\\sigma_1 + \\sigma_2)}

    The Cohen’s d is a biased estimate of the population effect size,
    especially for small samples (n < 20). It is often preferable
    to use the corrected effect size, or Hedges’g, instead:

    .. math:: g = d * (1 - \\frac{3}{4(n_1 + n_2) - 9})

    If eftype = 'glass', the Glass :math:`\\delta` is reported, using the
    group with the lowest variance as the control group:

    .. math::

        \\delta = \\frac{\\overline{X} - \\overline{Y}}{\\sigma_{control}}

    .. [1] Lakens, D., 2013. Calculating and reporting effect sizes to
       facilitate cumulative science: a practical primer for t-tests and
       ANOVAs. Front. Psychol. 4, 863. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00863

    .. [2] Cumming, Geoff. Understanding the new statistics: Effect sizes,
           confidence intervals, and meta-analysis. Routledge, 2013.

    1. Compute Cohen d from two independent set of observations.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pingouin import compute_effsize
    >>> np.random.seed(123)
    >>> x = np.random.normal(2, size=100)
    >>> y = np.random.normal(2.3, size=95)
    >>> d = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype='cohen', paired=False)
    >>> print(d)

    2. Compute Hedges g from two paired set of observations.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pingouin import compute_effsize
    >>> x = [1.62, 2.21, 3.79, 1.66, 1.86, 1.87, 4.51, 4.49, 3.3 , 2.69]
    >>> y = [0.91, 3., 2.28, 0.49, 1.42, 3.65, -0.43, 1.57, 3.27, 1.13]
    >>> g = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype='hedges', paired=True)
    >>> print(g)

    3. Compute Glass delta from two independent set of observations. The group
       with the lowest variance will automatically be selected as the control.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pingouin import compute_effsize
    >>> np.random.seed(123)
    >>> x = np.random.normal(2, scale=1, size=50)
    >>> y = np.random.normal(2, scale=2, size=45)
    >>> d = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype='glass')
    >>> print(d)
    # Check arguments
    if not _check_eftype(eftype):
        err = "Could not interpret input '{}'".format(eftype)
        raise ValueError(err)

    x = np.asarray(x)
    y = np.asarray(y)

    if x.size != y.size and paired:
        warnings.warn("x and y have unequal sizes. Switching to "
                      "paired == False.")
        paired = False

    # Remove rows with missing values
    x, y = remove_na(x, y, paired=paired)
    nx, ny = x.size, y.size

    if ny == 1:
        # Case 1: One-sample Test
        d = (x.mean() - y) / x.std(ddof=1)
        return d
    if eftype.lower() == 'glass':
        # Find group with lowest variance
        sd_control = np.min([x.std(ddof=1), y.std(ddof=1)])
        d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / sd_control
        return d
    elif eftype.lower() == 'r':
        # Return correlation coefficient (useful for CI bootstrapping)
        from scipy.stats import pearsonr
        r, _ = pearsonr(x, y)
        return r
    elif eftype.lower() == 'cles':
        # Compute exact CLES
        diff = x[:, None] - y
        return max((diff < 0).sum(), (diff > 0).sum()) / diff.size
        # Test equality of variance of data with a stringent threshold
        # equal_var, p = homoscedasticity(x, y, alpha=.001)
        # if not equal_var:
        #     print('Unequal variances (p<.001). You should report',
        #           'Glass delta instead.')

        # Compute unbiased Cohen's d effect size
        if not paired:
            # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Effect_size
            dof = nx + ny - 2
            poolsd = np.sqrt(((nx - 1) * x.var(ddof=1)
                              + (ny - 1) * y.var(ddof=1)) / dof)
            d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / poolsd
            # Report Cohen d-avg (Cumming 2012; Lakens 2013)
            d = (x.mean() - y.mean()) / (.5 * (x.std(ddof=1)
                                               + y.std(ddof=1)))
        return convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', eftype, nx=nx, ny=ny)
Пример #6
def convert_effsize(ef, input_type, output_type, nx=None, ny=None):
    """Conversion between effect sizes.

    ef : float
        Original effect size
    input_type : string
        Effect size type of ef. Must be 'r' or 'd'.
    output_type : string
        Desired effect size type.
        Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve
    nx, ny : int, optional
        Length of vector x and y.
        nx and ny are required to convert to Hedges g

    ef : float
        Desired converted effect size

    See Also
    compute_effsize : Calculate effect size between two set of observations.
    compute_effsize_from_t : Convert a T-statistic to an effect size.

    The formula to convert **r** to **d** is given in ref [1]:

    .. math:: d = \dfrac{2r}{\sqrt{1 - r^2}}

    The formula to convert **d** to **r** is given in ref [2]:

    .. math::

        r = \dfrac{d}{\sqrt{d^2 + \dfrac{(n_x + n_y)^2 - 2(n_x + n_y)}

    The formula to convert **d** to :math:`\eta^2` is given in ref [3]:

    .. math:: \eta^2 = \dfrac{(0.5 * d)^2}{1 + (0.5 * d)^2}

    The formula to convert **d** to an odds-ratio is given in ref [4]:

    .. math:: or = e(\dfrac{d * \pi}{\sqrt{3}})

    The formula to convert **d** to area under the curve is given in ref [5]:

    .. math:: auc = \mathcal{N}_{cdf}(\dfrac{d}{\sqrt{2}})

    .. [1] Rosenthal, Robert. "Parametric measures of effect size."
       The handbook of research synthesis 621 (1994): 231-244.

    .. [2] McGrath, Robert E., and Gregory J. Meyer. "When effect sizes
       disagree: the case of r and d." Psychological methods 11.4 (2006): 386.

    .. [3] Cohen, Jacob. "Statistical power analysis for the behavioral
       sciences. 2nd." (1988).

    .. [4] Borenstein, Michael, et al. "Effect sizes for continuous data."
       The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis 2 (2009): 221-235.

    .. [5] Ruscio, John. "A probability-based measure of effect size:
       Robustness to base rates and other factors." Psychological methods 1
       3.1 (2008): 19.

    1. Convert from Cohen d to eta-square

        >>> from pingouin import convert_effsize
        >>> d = .45
        >>> eta = convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', 'eta-square')
        >>> print(eta)

    2. Convert from Cohen d to Hegdes g (requires the sample sizes of each

        >>> d = .45
        >>> g = convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', 'hedges', nx=10, ny=10)
        >>> print(eta)

    3. Convert Pearson r to Cohen d

        >>> r = 0.40
        >>> d = convert_effsize(r, 'r', 'cohen')
        >>> print(d)

    4. Reverse operation: convert Cohen d to Pearson r

        >>> d = 0.873
        >>> r = convert_effsize(d, 'cohen', 'r')
        >>> print(r)
    it = input_type.lower()
    ot = output_type.lower()

    # Check input and output type
    for input in [it, ot]:
        if not _check_eftype(input):
            err = "Could not interpret input '{}'".format(input)
            raise ValueError(err)
    if it not in ['r', 'cohen']:
        raise ValueError("Input type must be 'r' or 'cohen'")

    if it == ot:
        return ef

    d = (2 * ef) / np.sqrt(1 - ef**2) if it == 'r' else ef  # Rosenthal 1994

    # Then convert to the desired output type
    if ot == 'cohen':
        return d
    elif ot == 'hedges':
        if all(v is not None for v in [nx, ny]):
            return d * (1 - (3 / (4 * (nx + ny) - 9)))
            # If shapes of x and y are not known, return cohen's d
            print("You need to pass nx and ny arguments to compute Hedges g.",
                  "Returning Cohen's d instead")
            return d
    elif ot == 'glass':
        print("Returning original effect size instead of Glass because",
              "variance is not known.")
        return ef
    elif ot == 'r':
        # McGrath and Meyer 2006
        if all(v is not None for v in [nx, ny]):
            a = ((nx + ny)**2 - 2 * (nx + ny)) / (nx * ny)
            a = 4
        return d / np.sqrt(d**2 + a)
    elif ot == 'eta-square':
        # Cohen 1988
        return (d / 2)**2 / (1 + (d / 2)**2)
    elif ot == 'odds-ratio':
        # Borenstein et al. 2009
        return np.exp(d * np.pi / np.sqrt(3))
    elif ot == 'auc':
        # Ruscio 2008
        from scipy.stats import norm
        return norm.cdf(d / np.sqrt(2))
        return None