Пример #1
def plot_paired(data=None, dv=None, within=None, subject=None, order=None,
                boxplot=True, boxplot_in_front=False, orient='v',
                figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100, ax=None,
                colors=['green', 'grey', 'indianred'],
                pointplot_kwargs={'scale': .6, 'marker': '.'},
                boxplot_kwargs={'color': 'lightslategrey', 'width': .2}):
    Paired plot.

    data : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Long-format dataFrame.
    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependent variable.
    within : string
        Name of column containing the within-subject factor. Note that
        ``within`` must have exactly two within-subject levels
        (= two unique values).
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier.
    order : list of str
        List of values in ``within`` that define the order of elements on the
        x-axis of the plot. If None, uses alphabetical order.
    boxplot : boolean
        If True, add a boxplot to the paired lines using the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.
    boxplot_in_front : boolean
        If True, the boxplot is plotted on the foreground (i.e. above the
        individual lines) and with a slight transparency. This makes the
        overall plot more readable when plotting a large numbers of subjects.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.8
    orient : string
        Plot the boxplots vertically and the subjects on the x-axis if
        ``orient='v'`` (default). Set to ``orient='h'`` to rotate the plot by
        by 90 degrees.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.9
    figsize : tuple
        Figsize in inches
    dpi : int
        Resolution of the figure in dots per inches.
    ax : matplotlib axes
        Axis on which to draw the plot.
    colors : list of str
        Line colors names. Default is green when value increases from A to B,
        indianred when value decreases from A to B and grey when the value is
        the same in both measurements.
    pointplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.pointplot` function.
    boxplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.

    ax : Matplotlib Axes instance
        Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking.

    Data must be a long-format pandas DataFrame.

    Default paired plot:

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> ax = pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                     subject='Subject', dpi=150)

    Paired plot on an existing axis (no boxplot and uniform color):

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 4))
        >>> pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                subject='Subject', ax=ax1, boxplot=False,
        ...                colors=['grey', 'grey', 'grey'])  # doctest: +SKIP

    Horizontal paired plot with three unique within-levels:

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Group == 'Meditation'")
        >>> # df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
                           subject='Subject', orient='h')  # doctest: +SKIP

    With the boxplot on the foreground:

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Control'")
        >>> ax = pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                     subject='Subject', boxplot_in_front=True)
    from pingouin.utils import _check_dataframe, remove_rm_na

    # Update default kwargs with specified inputs
    _pointplot_kwargs = {'scale': .6, 'marker': '.'}
    _boxplot_kwargs = {'color': 'lightslategrey', 'width': .2}
    # Extract pointplot alpha, if set
    pp_alpha = _pointplot_kwargs.pop('alpha', 1.)

    # Calculate size of the plot elements by scale as in Seaborn pointplot
    scale = _pointplot_kwargs.pop('scale')
    lw = plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] * 1.8 * scale  # get the linewidth
    mew = lw * .75  # get the markeredgewidth
    markersize = np.pi * np.square(lw) * 2  # get the markersize

    # Set boxplot in front of Line2D plot (zorder=2 for both) and add alpha
    if boxplot_in_front:
            'boxprops': {'zorder': 2},
            'whiskerprops': {'zorder': 2},
            'zorder': 2,

    # Validate args
    _check_dataframe(data=data, dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject,

    # Remove NaN values
    data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject, data=data)

    # Extract within-subject level (alphabetical order)
    x_cat = np.unique(data[within])

    if order is None:
        order = x_cat
        assert len(order) == len(x_cat), (
            'Order must have the same number of elements as the number '
            'of levels in `within`.'

    # Substitue within by integer order of the ordered columns to allow for
    # changing the order of numeric withins.
    data['wthn'] = data[within].replace(
        {_ordr: i for i, _ordr in enumerate(order)}
    order_num = range(len(order))  # Make numeric order

    # Start the plot
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)

    # Set x and y depending on orientation using the num. replacement within
    _x = 'wthn' if orient == 'v' else dv
    _y = dv if orient == 'v' else 'wthn'

    for cat in range(len(x_cat) - 1):
        _order = (order_num[cat], order_num[cat + 1])
        # Extract data of the current subject-combination
        data_now = data.loc[data['wthn'].isin(_order), [dv, 'wthn', subject]]
        # Select colors for all lines between the current subjects
        y1 = data_now.loc[data_now['wthn'] == _order[0], dv].to_numpy()
        y2 = data_now.loc[data_now['wthn'] == _order[1], dv].to_numpy()
        # Line and scatter colors depending on subject dv trend
        _colors = np.where(
            y1 < y2, colors[0], np.where(y1 > y2, colors[2], colors[1])
        # Line and scatter colors as hue-indexed dictionary
        _colors = {
            subj: clr for subj, clr in zip(data_now[subject].unique(), _colors)
        # Plot individual lines using Seaborn
        sns.lineplot(data=data_now, x=_x, y=_y, hue=subject,
                     palette=_colors, ls='-', lw=lw,
                     legend=False, ax=ax)
        # Plot individual markers using Seaborn
        sns.scatterplot(data=data_now, x=_x, y=_y, hue=subject,
                        palette=_colors, edgecolor='face', lw=mew,
                        sizes=[markersize] * data_now.shape[0],
                        legend=False, ax=ax, **_pointplot_kwargs)

    # Set zorder and alpha of pointplot markers and lines
    _ = plt.setp(ax.collections, alpha=pp_alpha, zorder=2)  # Set marker alpha
    _ = plt.setp(ax.lines, alpha=pp_alpha, zorder=2)  # Set line alpha

    if boxplot:
        # Set boxplot x and y depending on orientation
        _xbp = within if orient == 'v' else dv
        _ybp = dv if orient == 'v' else within
        sns.boxplot(data=data, x=_xbp, y=_ybp, order=order, ax=ax,
                    orient=orient, **_boxplot_kwargs)

        # Set alpha to patch of boxplot but not to whiskers
        for patch in ax.artists:
            r, g, b, a = patch.get_facecolor()
            patch.set_facecolor((r, g, b, .75))
        # If no boxplot, axis needs manual styling as in Seaborn pointplot
        if orient == 'v':
            xlabel, ylabel = within, dv
            ax.set_xlim(-.5, len(x_cat) - .5, auto=None)
            xlabel, ylabel = dv, within
            ax.set_ylim(-.5, len(x_cat) - .5, auto=None)


    # Despine and trim
    sns.despine(trim=True, ax=ax)

    return ax
Пример #2
def plot_paired(data=None, dv=None, within=None, subject=None, order=None,
                boxplot=True, boxplot_in_front=False,
                figsize=(4, 4), dpi=100, ax=None,
                colors=['green', 'grey', 'indianred'],
                pointplot_kwargs={'scale': .6, 'markers': '.'},
                boxplot_kwargs={'color': 'lightslategrey', 'width': .2}):
    Paired plot.

    data : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        Long-format dataFrame.
    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependent variable.
    within : string
        Name of column containing the within-subject factor. Note that
        ``within`` must have exactly two within-subject levels
        (= two unique values).
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier.
    order : list of str
        List of values in ``within`` that define the order of elements on the
        x-axis of the plot. If None, uses alphabetical order.
    boxplot : boolean
        If True, add a boxplot to the paired lines using the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.
    boxplot_in_front : boolean
        If True, the boxplot is plotted on the foreground (i.e. above the
        individual lines) and with a slight transparency. This makes the
        overall plot more readable when plotting a large numbers of subjects.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.8
    figsize : tuple
        Figsize in inches
    dpi : int
        Resolution of the figure in dots per inches.
    ax : matplotlib axes
        Axis on which to draw the plot.
    colors : list of str
        Line colors names. Default is green when value increases from A to B,
        indianred when value decreases from A to B and grey when the value is
        the same in both measurements.
    pointplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.pointplot` function.
    boxplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.

    ax : Matplotlib Axes instance
        Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking.

    Data must be a long-format pandas DataFrame.

    Default paired plot:

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> ax = pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                     subject='Subject', dpi=150)

    Paired plot on an existing axis (no boxplot and uniform color):

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 4))
        >>> pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                subject='Subject', ax=ax1, boxplot=False,
        ...                colors=['grey', 'grey', 'grey'])  # doctest: +SKIP

    With the boxplot on the foreground:

    .. plot::

        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> df = pg.read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Control'")
        >>> ax = pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                     subject='Subject', boxplot_in_front=True)
    from pingouin.utils import _check_dataframe, remove_rm_na

    # Update default kwargs with specified inputs
    _pointplot_kwargs = {'scale': .6, 'markers': '.'}
    _boxplot_kwargs = {'color': 'lightslategrey', 'width': .2}

    # Set boxplot in front of Line2D plot (zorder=2 for both) and add alpha
    if boxplot_in_front:
            'boxprops': {'zorder': 2},
            'whiskerprops': {'zorder': 2},
            'zorder': 2,

    # Validate args
    _check_dataframe(data=data, dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject,

    # Remove NaN values
    data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject, data=data)

    # Extract subjects
    subj = data[subject].unique()

    # Extract within-subject level (alphabetical order)
    x_cat = np.unique(data[within])
    assert len(x_cat) == 2, 'Within must have exactly two unique levels.'

    if order is None:
        order = x_cat
        assert len(order) == 2, 'Order must have exactly two elements.'

    # Start the plot
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)

    for idx, s in enumerate(subj):
        tmp = data.loc[data[subject] == s, [dv, within, subject]]
        x_val = tmp[tmp[within] == order[0]][dv].to_numpy()[0]
        y_val = tmp[tmp[within] == order[1]][dv].to_numpy()[0]
        if x_val < y_val:
            color = colors[0]
        elif x_val > y_val:
            color = colors[2]
        elif x_val == y_val:
            color = colors[1]

        # Plot individual lines using Seaborn
        sns.pointplot(data=tmp, x=within, y=dv, order=order, color=color,
                      ax=ax, **_pointplot_kwargs)

    if boxplot:
        sns.boxplot(data=data, x=within, y=dv, order=order, ax=ax,

        # Set alpha to patch of boxplot but not to whiskers
        for patch in ax.artists:
            r, g, b, a = patch.get_facecolor()
            patch.set_facecolor((r, g, b, .75))

    # Despine and trim
    sns.despine(trim=True, ax=ax)

    return ax
Пример #3
 def test_remove_rm_na(self):
     """Test function remove_rm_na."""
     # With one within factor
     df = pd.DataFrame({'Time': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B'],
                        'Values': [1.52, np.nan, 8.2, 3.4],
                        'Ss': [0, 1, 0, 1]})
     df = remove_rm_na(dv='Values', within='Time', subject='Ss', data=df)
     assert df['Ss'].nunique() == 1
     # With multiple factor
     df = read_dataset('rm_missing')
     stats = remove_rm_na(data=df, dv='BOLD', within=['Session', 'Time'],
     assert stats['BOLD'].isnull().sum() == 0
     assert stats['Memory'].isnull().sum() == 5
     # Multiple factors
     stats = remove_rm_na(data=df, within=['Time', 'Session'],
     assert stats['BOLD'].isnull().sum() == 0
     assert stats['Memory'].isnull().sum() == 0
     # Aggregation
     remove_rm_na(data=df, dv='BOLD', within='Session', subject='Subj')
     remove_rm_na(data=df, within='Session', subject='Subj',
     remove_rm_na(data=df, within='Session', subject='Subj',
     df.loc['Subj', 1] = np.nan
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         remove_rm_na(data=df, within='Session', subject='Subj')
Пример #4
def plot_paired(data=None,
                figsize=(4, 4),
                colors=['green', 'grey', 'indianred'],
                    'scale': .6,
                    'markers': '.'
                    'color': 'lightslategrey',
                    'width': .2
    Paired plot.

    data : pandas DataFrame
        Long-format dataFrame.
    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    within : string
        Name of column containing the within-subject factor. Note that
        ``within`` must have exactly two within-subject levels
        (= two unique values).
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier.
    order : list of str
        List of values in ``within`` that define the order of elements on the
        x-axis of the plot. If None, uses alphabetical order.
    boxplot : boolean
        If True, add a boxplot to the paired lines using the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.
    figsize : tuple
        Figsize in inches
    dpi : int
        Resolution of the figure in dots per inches.
    ax : matplotlib axes
        Axis on which to draw the plot.
    colors : list of str
        Line colors names. Default is green when value increases from A to B,
        indianred when value decreases from A to B and grey when the value is
        the same in both measurements.
    pointplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.pointplot` function.
    boxplot_kwargs : dict
        Dictionnary of optional arguments that are passed to the
        :py:func:`seaborn.boxplot` function.

    ax : Matplotlib Axes instance
        Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking.

    Data must be a long-format pandas DataFrame.

    Default paired plot:

    .. plot::

        >>> from pingouin import read_dataset
        >>> df = read_dataset('mixed_anova')
        >>> df = df.query("Group == 'Meditation' and Subject > 40")
        >>> df = df.query("Time == 'August' or Time == 'June'")
        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> ax = pg.plot_paired(data=df, dv='Scores', within='Time',
        ...                     subject='Subject', dpi=150)

    Paired plot on an existing axis (no boxplot and uniform color):

    .. plot::

        >>> from pingouin import read_dataset
        >>> df = read_dataset('mixed_anova').query("Time != 'January'")
        >>> import pingouin as pg
        >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        >>> fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5, 4))
        >>> pg.plot_paired(data=df[df['Group'] == 'Meditation'],
        ...                dv='Scores', within='Time', subject='Subject',
        ...                ax=ax1, boxplot=False,
        ...                colors=['grey', 'grey', 'grey'])  # doctest: +SKIP
    from pingouin.utils import _check_dataframe, remove_rm_na

    # Validate args

    # Remove NaN values
    data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject, data=data)

    # Extract subjects
    subj = data[subject].unique()

    # Extract within-subject level (alphabetical order)
    x_cat = np.unique(data[within])
    assert len(x_cat) == 2, 'Within must have exactly two unique levels.'

    if order is None:
        order = x_cat
        assert len(order) == 2, 'Order must have exactly two elements.'

    # Start the plot
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)

    for idx, s in enumerate(subj):
        tmp = data.loc[data[subject] == s, [dv, within, subject]]
        x_val = tmp[tmp[within] == order[0]][dv].to_numpy()[0]
        y_val = tmp[tmp[within] == order[1]][dv].to_numpy()[0]
        if x_val < y_val:
            color = colors[0]
        elif x_val > y_val:
            color = colors[2]
        elif x_val == y_val:
            color = colors[1]

        # Plot individual lines using Seaborn

    if boxplot:

    # Despine and trim
    sns.despine(trim=True, ax=ax)

    return ax
Пример #5
def pairwise_ttests(dv=None,
    '''Pairwise T-tests.

    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    between : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the between factor(s).
    within : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the within factor(s).
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier. Compulsory for
        contrast including a within-subject factor.
    data : pandas DataFrame
        DataFrame. Note that this function can also directly be used as a
        Pandas method, in which case this argument is no longer needed.
    parametric : boolean
        If True (default), use the parametric :py:func:`ttest` function.
        If False, use :py:func:`pingouin.wilcoxon` or :py:func:`pingouin.mwu`
        for paired or unpaired samples, respectively.
    alpha : float
        Significance level
    tail : string
        Indicates whether to return the 'two-sided' or 'one-sided' p-values
    padjust : string
        Method used for testing and adjustment of pvalues.
        Available methods are ::

        'none' : no correction
        'bonferroni' : one-step Bonferroni correction
        'holm' : step-down method using Bonferroni adjustments
        'fdr_bh' : Benjamini/Hochberg FDR correction
        'fdr_by' : Benjamini/Yekutieli FDR correction
    effsize : string or None
        Effect size type. Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve
    return_desc : boolean
        If True, append group means and std to the output dataframe
    export_filename : string
        Filename (without extension) for the output file.
        If None, do not export the table.
        By default, the file will be created in the current python console
        directory. To change that, specify the filename with full path.

    stats : DataFrame
        Stats summary ::

        'A' : Name of first measurement
        'B' : Name of second measurement
        'Paired' : indicates whether the two measurements are paired or not
        'Parametric' : indicates if (non)-parametric tests were used
        'Tail' : indicate whether the p-values are one-sided or two-sided
        'T' : T-values (only if parametric=True)
        'U' : Mann-Whitney U value (only if parametric=False and unpaired data)
        'W' : Wilcoxon W value (only if parametric=False and paired data)
        'dof' : degrees of freedom (only if parametric=True)
        'p-unc' : Uncorrected p-values
        'p-corr' : Corrected p-values
        'p-adjust' : p-values correction method
        'BF10' : Bayes Factor
        'hedges' : Hedges effect size
        'CLES' : Common language effect size

    Data are expected to be in long-format. If your data is in wide-format,
    you can use the :py:func:`pandas.melt` function to convert from wide to
    long format.

    If ``between`` or ``within`` is a list (e.g. ['col1', 'col2']),
    the function returns 1) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the
    first column, 2) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the second
    column and 3) the interaction between col1 and col2. The interaction is
    dependent of the order of the list, so ['col1', 'col2'] will not yield the
    same results as ['col2', 'col1'].

    In other words, if ``between`` is a list with two elements, the output
    model is between1 + between2 + between1 * between2.

    Similarly, if `within`` is a list with two elements, the output model is
    within1 + within2 + within1 * within2.

    If both ``between`` and ``within`` are specified, the function return
    within + between + within * between.

    Missing values in repeated measurements are automatically removed using the
    :py:func:`pingouin.remove_rm_na` function. However, you should be very
    careful since it can result in undesired values removal (especially for the
    interaction effect). We strongly recommend that you preprocess your data
    and remove the missing values before using this function.

    This function has been tested against the `pairwise.t.test` R function.

    See Also
    ttest : T-test.
    wilcoxon : Non-parametric test for paired samples.
    mwu : Non-parametric test for independent samples.

    1. One between-factor

    >>> from pingouin import pairwise_ttests, read_dataset
    >>> df = read_dataset('mixed_anova.csv')
    >>> post_hocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between='Group', data=df)

    2. One within-factor

    >>> post_hocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                             subject='Subject', data=df)
    >>> print(post_hocs)  # doctest: +SKIP

    3. Non-parametric pairwise paired test (wilcoxon)

    >>> pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time', subject='Subject',
    ...                 data=df, parametric=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    4. Within + Between + Within * Between with corrected p-values

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                            subject='Subject', between='Group',
    ...                            padjust='bonf', data=df)

    5. Between1 + Between2 + Between1 * Between2

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between=['Group', 'Time'],
    ...                            data=df)
    from pingouin.parametric import ttest
    from pingouin.nonparametric import wilcoxon, mwu

    # Safety checks

    if tail not in ['one-sided', 'two-sided']:
        raise ValueError('Tail not recognized')

    if not isinstance(alpha, float):
        raise ValueError('Alpha must be float')

    # Check if we have multiple between or within factors
    multiple_between = False
    multiple_within = False
    contrast = None

    if isinstance(between, list):
        if len(between) > 1:
            multiple_between = True
            contrast = 'multiple_between'
            assert all([b in data.keys() for b in between])
            between = between[0]

    if isinstance(within, list):
        if len(within) > 1:
            multiple_within = True
            contrast = 'multiple_within'
            assert all([w in data.keys() for w in within])
            within = within[0]

    if all([multiple_within, multiple_between]):
        raise ValueError("Multiple between and within factors are",
                         "currently not supported. Please select only one.")

    # Check the other cases
    if isinstance(between, str) and within is None:
        contrast = 'simple_between'
        assert between in data.keys()
    if isinstance(within, str) and between is None:
        contrast = 'simple_within'
        assert within in data.keys()
    if isinstance(between, str) and isinstance(within, str):
        contrast = 'within_between'
        assert all([between in data.keys(), within in data.keys()])

    # Initialize empty variables
    stats = pd.DataFrame([])
    ddic = {}

    if contrast in ['simple_within', 'simple_between']:
        paired = True if contrast == 'simple_within' else False
        col = within if contrast == 'simple_within' else between
        # Remove NAN in repeated measurements
        if contrast == 'simple_within' and data[dv].isnull().values.any():
            data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv,
        # Extract effects
        labels = data[col].unique().tolist()
        for l in labels:
            ddic[l] = data.loc[data[col] == l, dv].values
        # Number and labels of possible comparisons
        if len(labels) >= 2:
            combs = list(combinations(labels, 2))
            raise ValueError('Columns must have at least two unique values.')
        # Initialize vectors
        for comb in combs:
            col1, col2 = comb
            x = ddic.get(col1)
            y = ddic.get(col2)
            if parametric:
                df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail)
                # Compute exact CLES
                df_ttest['CLES'] = compute_effsize(x,
                if paired:
                    df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                    df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)
            # Compute Hedges / Cohen
            ef = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired)
            stats = _append_stats_dataframe(stats, x, y, col1, col2, alpha,
                                            paired, tail, df_ttest, ef,
            stats['Contrast'] = col

        # Multiple comparisons
        padjust = None if stats['p-unc'].size <= 1 else padjust
        if padjust is not None:
            if padjust.lower() != 'none':
                _, stats['p-corr'] = multicomp(stats['p-unc'].values,
                stats['p-adjust'] = padjust
            stats['p-corr'] = None
            stats['p-adjust'] = None
        # B2: WITHIN1 + WITHIN2 + WITHIN1 * WITHIN2
        if contrast == 'multiple_between':
            # B1
            factors = between
            fbt = factors
            fwt = [None, None]
            # eft = ['between', 'between']
            paired = False
        elif contrast == 'multiple_within':
            # B2
            factors = within
            fbt = [None, None]
            fwt = factors
            # eft = ['within', 'within']
            paired = True
            # B3
            factors = [within, between]
            fbt = [None, between]
            fwt = [within, None]
            # eft = ['within', 'between']
            paired = False

        for i, f in enumerate(factors):
            stats = stats.append(pairwise_ttests(dv=dv,

        # Rename effect size to generic name
        stats.rename(columns={effsize: 'efsize'}, inplace=True)

        # Then compute the interaction between the factors
        labels_fac1 = data[factors[0]].unique().tolist()
        labels_fac2 = data[factors[1]].unique().tolist()
        comb_fac1 = list(combinations(labels_fac1, 2))
        comb_fac2 = list(combinations(labels_fac2, 2))
        lc_fac1 = len(comb_fac1)
        lc_fac2 = len(comb_fac2)

        for lw in labels_fac1:
            for l in labels_fac2:
                tmp = data.loc[data[factors[0]] == lw]
                ddic[lw, l] = tmp.loc[tmp[factors[1]] == l, dv].values

        # Pairwise comparisons
        combs = list(product(labels_fac1, comb_fac2))
        for comb in combs:
            fac1, (col1, col2) = comb
            x = ddic.get((fac1, col1))
            y = ddic.get((fac1, col2))
            if parametric:
                df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail)
                # Compute exact CLES
                df_ttest['CLES'] = compute_effsize(x,
                if paired:
                    df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                    df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)
            ef = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired)
            stats = _append_stats_dataframe(stats, x, y, col1, col2, alpha,
                                            paired, tail, df_ttest, ef,
                                            effsize, fac1)

        # Update the Contrast columns
        txt_inter = factors[0] + ' * ' + factors[1]
        idxitr = np.arange(lc_fac1 + lc_fac2, stats.shape[0]).tolist()
        stats.loc[idxitr, 'Contrast'] = txt_inter

        # Multi-comparison columns
        if padjust is not None and padjust.lower() != 'none':
            _, pcor = multicomp(stats.loc[idxitr, 'p-unc'].values,
            stats.loc[idxitr, 'p-corr'] = pcor
            stats.loc[idxitr, 'p-adjust'] = padjust

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    stats['Paired'] = stats['Paired'].astype(bool)
    stats['Parametric'] = parametric

    # Round effect size and CLES
    stats[['efsize', 'CLES']] = stats[['efsize', 'CLES']].round(3)

    # Reorganize column order
    col_order = [
        'Contrast', 'Time', 'A', 'B', 'mean(A)', 'std(A)', 'mean(B)', 'std(B)',
        'Paired', 'Parametric', 'T', 'U', 'W', 'dof', 'tail', 'p-unc',
        'p-corr', 'p-adjust', 'BF10', 'CLES', 'efsize'

    if return_desc is False:
        stats.drop(columns=['mean(A)', 'mean(B)', 'std(A)', 'std(B)'],

    stats = stats.reindex(columns=col_order)
    stats.dropna(how='all', axis=1, inplace=True)

    # Rename effect size column
    stats.rename(columns={'efsize': effsize}, inplace=True)

    # Rename Time columns
    if contrast in ['multiple_within', 'multiple_between', 'within_between']:
        stats['Time'].fillna('-', inplace=True)
        stats.rename(columns={'Time': factors[0]}, inplace=True)

    if export_filename is not None:
        _export_table(stats, export_filename)
    return stats
Пример #6
def pairwise_ttests(data=None,
    '''Pairwise T-tests.

    data : pandas DataFrame
        DataFrame. Note that this function can also directly be used as a
        Pandas method, in which case this argument is no longer needed.
    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    between : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the between factor(s).
    within : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the within factor(s).
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier. Compulsory for
        contrast including a within-subject factor.
    parametric : boolean
        If True (default), use the parametric :py:func:`ttest` function.
        If False, use :py:func:`pingouin.wilcoxon` or :py:func:`pingouin.mwu`
        for paired or unpaired samples, respectively.
    alpha : float
        Significance level
    tail : string
        Specify whether the alternative hypothesis is `'two-sided'` or
        `'one-sided'`. Can also be `'greater'` or `'less'` to specify the
        direction of the test. `'greater'` tests the alternative that ``x``
        has a larger mean than ``y``. If tail is `'one-sided'`, Pingouin will
        automatically infer the one-sided alternative hypothesis of the test
        based on the test statistic.
    padjust : string
        Method used for testing and adjustment of pvalues.
        Available methods are ::

        'none' : no correction
        'bonf' : one-step Bonferroni correction
        'sidak' : one-step Sidak correction
        'holm' : step-down method using Bonferroni adjustments
        'fdr_bh' : Benjamini/Hochberg FDR correction
        'fdr_by' : Benjamini/Yekutieli FDR correction
    effsize : string or None
        Effect size type. Available methods are ::

        'none' : no effect size
        'cohen' : Unbiased Cohen d
        'hedges' : Hedges g
        'glass': Glass delta
        'r' : Pearson correlation coefficient
        'eta-square' : Eta-square
        'odds-ratio' : Odds ratio
        'AUC' : Area Under the Curve
        'CLES' : Common Language Effect Size
    nan_policy : string
        Can be `'listwise'` for listwise deletion of missing values in repeated
        measures design (= complete-case analysis) or `'pairwise'` for the
        more liberal pairwise deletion (= available-case analysis).

        .. versionadded:: 0.2.9
    return_desc : boolean
        If True, append group means and std to the output dataframe
    interaction : boolean
        If there are multiple factors and ``interaction`` is True (default),
        Pingouin will also calculate T-tests for the interaction term (see

        .. versionadded:: 0.2.9
    export_filename : string
        Filename (without extension) for the output file.
        If None, do not export the table.
        By default, the file will be created in the current python console
        directory. To change that, specify the filename with full path.

    stats : DataFrame
        Stats summary ::

        'A' : Name of first measurement
        'B' : Name of second measurement
        'Paired' : indicates whether the two measurements are paired or not
        'Parametric' : indicates if (non)-parametric tests were used
        'Tail' : indicate whether the p-values are one-sided or two-sided
        'T' : T statistic (only if parametric=True)
        'U-val' : Mann-Whitney U stat (if parametric=False and unpaired data)
        'W-val' : Wilcoxon W stat (if parametric=False and paired data)
        'dof' : degrees of freedom (only if parametric=True)
        'p-unc' : Uncorrected p-values
        'p-corr' : Corrected p-values
        'p-adjust' : p-values correction method
        'BF10' : Bayes Factor
        'hedges' : effect size (or any effect size defined in ``effsize``)

    See also
    ttest, mwu, wilcoxon, compute_effsize, multicomp

    Data are expected to be in long-format. If your data is in wide-format,
    you can use the :py:func:`pandas.melt` function to convert from wide to
    long format.

    If ``between`` or ``within`` is a list (e.g. ['col1', 'col2']),
    the function returns 1) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the
    first column, 2) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the second
    column and 3) the interaction between col1 and col2. The interaction is
    dependent of the order of the list, so ['col1', 'col2'] will not yield the
    same results as ['col2', 'col1'], and will only be calculated if

    In other words, if ``between`` is a list with two elements, the output
    model is between1 + between2 + between1 * between2.

    Similarly, if `within`` is a list with two elements, the output model is
    within1 + within2 + within1 * within2.

    If both ``between`` and ``within`` are specified, the function return
    within + between + within * between.

    Missing values in repeated measurements are automatically removed using a
    listwise (default) or pairwise deletion strategy. However, you should be
    very careful since it can result in undesired values removal (especially
    for the interaction effect). We strongly recommend that you preprocess
    your data and remove the missing values before using this function.

    This function has been tested against the `pairwise.t.test` R function.

    1. One between-factor

    >>> from pingouin import pairwise_ttests, read_dataset
    >>> df = read_dataset('mixed_anova.csv')
    >>> post_hocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between='Group', data=df)

    2. One within-factor

    >>> post_hocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                             subject='Subject', data=df)
    >>> print(post_hocs)  # doctest: +SKIP

    3. Non-parametric pairwise paired test (wilcoxon)

    >>> pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time', subject='Subject',
    ...                 data=df, parametric=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    4. Within + Between + Within * Between with corrected p-values

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                            subject='Subject', between='Group',
    ...                            padjust='bonf', data=df)

    5. Between1 + Between2 + Between1 * Between2

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between=['Group', 'Time'],
    ...                            data=df)

    6. Between1 + Between2, no interaction

    >>> posthocs = df.pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between=['Group', 'Time'],
    ...                               interaction=False)
    from .parametric import ttest
    from .nonparametric import wilcoxon, mwu

    # Safety checks

    assert tail in ['one-sided', 'two-sided', 'greater', 'less']
    assert isinstance(alpha, float), 'alpha must be float.'
    assert nan_policy in ['listwise', 'pairwise']

    # Check if we have multiple between or within factors
    multiple_between = False
    multiple_within = False
    contrast = None

    if isinstance(between, list):
        if len(between) > 1:
            multiple_between = True
            contrast = 'multiple_between'
            assert all([b in data.keys() for b in between])
            between = between[0]

    if isinstance(within, list):
        if len(within) > 1:
            multiple_within = True
            contrast = 'multiple_within'
            assert all([w in data.keys() for w in within])
            within = within[0]

    if all([multiple_within, multiple_between]):
        raise ValueError("Multiple between and within factors are",
                         "currently not supported. Please select only one.")

    # Check the other cases
    if isinstance(between, str) and within is None:
        contrast = 'simple_between'
        assert between in data.keys()
    if isinstance(within, str) and between is None:
        contrast = 'simple_within'
        assert within in data.keys()
    if isinstance(between, str) and isinstance(within, str):
        contrast = 'within_between'
        assert all([between in data.keys(), within in data.keys()])

    # Reorganize column order
    col_order = [
        'Contrast', 'Time', 'A', 'B', 'mean(A)', 'std(A)', 'mean(B)', 'std(B)',
        'Paired', 'Parametric', 'T', 'U-val', 'W-val', 'dof', 'Tail', 'p-unc',
        'p-corr', 'p-adjust', 'BF10', effsize

    if contrast in ['simple_within', 'simple_between']:
        paired = True if contrast == 'simple_within' else False
        col = within if contrast == 'simple_within' else between
        # Remove NAN in repeated measurements
        if contrast == 'simple_within' and data[dv].isnull().values.any():
            # Only if nan_policy == 'listwise'. For pairwise deletion,
            # missing values will be removed directly in the lower-level
            # functions (e.g. pg.ttest)
            if nan_policy == 'listwise':
                data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv,
                # The `remove_rm_na` also aggregate other repeated measures
                # factor using the mean. Here, we ensure this behavior too.
                data = data.groupby([subject, within])[dv].mean().reset_index()
            # Now we check that subjects are present in all conditions
            # For example, if we have four subjects and 3 conditions,
            # and if subject 2 have missing data at the third condition,
            # we still need a row with missing values for this subject.
            if data.groupby(within)[subject].count().nunique() != 1:
                raise ValueError("Repeated measures dataframe is not balanced."
                                 " `Subjects` must have the same number of "
                                 "elements in all conditions, "
                                 "even when missing values are present.")

        # Extract effects
        grp_col = data.groupby(col, sort=False)[dv]
        labels = grp_col.groups.keys()
        # Number and labels of possible comparisons
        if len(labels) >= 2:
            combs = list(combinations(labels, 2))
            combs = np.array(combs)
            A = combs[:, 0]
            B = combs[:, 1]
            raise ValueError('Columns must have at least two unique values.')

        # Initialize dataframe
        stats = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float64,

        # Force dtype conversion
        cols_str = ['Contrast', 'Time', 'A', 'B', 'Tail', 'p-adjust', 'BF10']
        cols_bool = ['Parametric', 'Paired']
        stats[cols_str] = stats[cols_str].astype(object)
        stats[cols_bool] = stats[cols_bool].astype(bool)

        # Fill str columns
        stats.loc[:, 'A'] = A
        stats.loc[:, 'B'] = B
        stats.loc[:, 'Contrast'] = col
        stats.loc[:, 'Tail'] = tail
        stats.loc[:, 'Paired'] = paired

        for i in range(stats.shape[0]):
            col1, col2 = stats.at[i, 'A'], stats.at[i, 'B']
            x = grp_col.get_group(col1).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
            y = grp_col.get_group(col2).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
            if parametric:
                stat_name = 'T'
                df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail)
                stats.at[i, 'BF10'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'BF10']
                stats.at[i, 'dof'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'dof']
                if paired:
                    stat_name = 'W-val'
                    df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                    stat_name = 'U-val'
                    df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)

            # Compute Hedges / Cohen
            ef = np.round(
                compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired), 3)

            if return_desc:
                stats.at[i, 'mean(A)'] = np.round(np.nanmean(x), 3)
                stats.at[i, 'mean(B)'] = np.round(np.nanmean(y), 3)
                stats.at[i, 'std(A)'] = np.round(np.nanstd(x), 3)
                stats.at[i, 'std(B)'] = np.round(np.nanstd(y), 3)
            stats.at[i, stat_name] = df_ttest[stat_name].iat[0]
            stats.at[i, 'p-unc'] = df_ttest['p-val'].iat[0]
            stats.at[i, effsize] = ef

        # Multiple comparisons
        padjust = None if stats['p-unc'].size <= 1 else padjust
        if padjust is not None:
            if padjust.lower() != 'none':
                _, stats['p-corr'] = multicomp(stats['p-unc'].values,
                stats['p-adjust'] = padjust
            stats['p-corr'] = None
            stats['p-adjust'] = None
        # B2: WITHIN1 + WITHIN2 + WITHIN1 * WITHIN2
        if contrast == 'multiple_between':
            # B1
            factors = between
            fbt = factors
            fwt = [None, None]
            # eft = ['between', 'between']
            paired = False
        elif contrast == 'multiple_within':
            # B2
            factors = within
            fbt = [None, None]
            fwt = factors
            # eft = ['within', 'within']
            paired = True
            # B3
            factors = [within, between]
            fbt = [None, between]
            fwt = [within, None]
            # eft = ['within', 'between']
            paired = False

        stats = pd.DataFrame()
        for i, f in enumerate(factors):
            stats = stats.append(pairwise_ttests(dv=dv,

        # Then compute the interaction between the factors
        if interaction:
            nrows = stats.shape[0]
            grp_fac1 = data.groupby(factors[0], sort=False)[dv]
            grp_fac2 = data.groupby(factors[1], sort=False)[dv]
            grp_both = data.groupby(factors, sort=False)[dv]
            labels_fac1 = grp_fac1.groups.keys()
            labels_fac2 = grp_fac2.groups.keys()
            # comb_fac1 = list(combinations(labels_fac1, 2))
            comb_fac2 = list(combinations(labels_fac2, 2))

            # Pairwise comparisons
            combs_list = list(product(labels_fac1, comb_fac2))
            ncombs = len(combs_list)
            # np.array(combs_list) does not work because of tuples
            # we therefore need to flatten the tupple
            combs = np.zeros(shape=(ncombs, 3), dtype=object)
            for i in range(ncombs):
                combs[i] = _flatten_list(combs_list[i], include_tuple=True)

            # Append empty rows
            idxiter = np.arange(nrows, nrows + ncombs)
            stats = stats.append(pd.DataFrame(columns=stats.columns,
            # Update other columns
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Contrast'] = factors[0] + ' * ' + factors[1]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Time'] = combs[:, 0]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Paired'] = paired
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Tail'] = tail
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'A'] = combs[:, 1]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'B'] = combs[:, 2]

            for i, comb in enumerate(combs):
                ic = nrows + i  # Take into account previous rows
                fac1, col1, col2 = comb
                x = grp_both.get_group((fac1, col1)).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
                y = grp_both.get_group((fac1, col2)).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
                ef = np.round(
                    compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired),
                if parametric:
                    stat_name = 'T'
                    df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail)
                    stats.at[ic, 'BF10'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'BF10']
                    stats.at[ic, 'dof'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'dof']
                    if paired:
                        stat_name = 'W-val'
                        df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                        stat_name = 'U-val'
                        df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)

                # Append to stats
                if return_desc:
                    stats.at[ic, 'mean(A)'] = np.round(np.nanmean(x), 3)
                    stats.at[ic, 'mean(B)'] = np.round(np.nanmean(y), 3)
                    stats.at[ic, 'std(A)'] = np.round(np.nanstd(x), 3)
                    stats.at[ic, 'std(B)'] = np.round(np.nanstd(y), 3)
                stats.at[ic, stat_name] = df_ttest[stat_name].iat[0]
                stats.at[ic, 'p-unc'] = df_ttest['p-val'].iat[0]
                stats.at[ic, effsize] = ef

            # Multi-comparison columns
            if padjust is not None and padjust.lower() != 'none':
                _, pcor = multicomp(stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-unc'].values,
                stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-corr'] = pcor
                stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-adjust'] = padjust

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Append parametric columns
    stats.loc[:, 'Parametric'] = parametric

    # Reorder and drop empty columns
    stats = stats[np.array(col_order)[np.isin(col_order, stats.columns)]]
    stats = stats.dropna(how='all', axis=1)

    # Rename Time columns
    if (contrast in ['multiple_within', 'multiple_between', 'within_between']
            and interaction):
        stats['Time'].fillna('-', inplace=True)
        stats.rename(columns={'Time': factors[0]}, inplace=True)

    if export_filename is not None:
        _export_table(stats, export_filename)
    return stats
Пример #7
def pairwise_ttests(data=None, dv=None, between=None, within=None,
                    subject=None, parametric=True, marginal=True, alpha=.05,
                    tail='two-sided', padjust='none', effsize='hedges',
                    correction='auto', nan_policy='listwise',
                    return_desc=False, interaction=True):
    """Pairwise T-tests.

    data : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        DataFrame. Note that this function can also directly be used as a
        Pandas method, in which case this argument is no longer needed.
    dv : string
        Name of column containing the dependant variable.
    between : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the between-subject factor(s).

        .. warning:: Note that Pingouin gives slightly different T and
            p-values compared to JASP posthoc tests for 2-way factorial design,
            because Pingouin does not pool the standard
            error for each factor, but rather calculate each pairwise T-test
            completely independent of others.
    within : string or list with 2 elements
        Name of column(s) containing the within-subject factor(s), i.e. the
        repeated measurements.
    subject : string
        Name of column containing the subject identifier. This is compulsory
        when ``within`` is specified.
    parametric : boolean
        If True (default), use the parametric :py:func:`ttest` function.
        If False, use :py:func:`pingouin.wilcoxon` or :py:func:`pingouin.mwu`
        for paired or unpaired samples, respectively.
    marginal : boolean
        If True, average over repeated measures factor when working with mixed
        or two-way repeated measures design. For instance, in mixed design,
        the between-subject pairwise T-test(s) will be calculated after
        averaging across all levels of the within-subject repeated measures
        factor (the so-called *"marginal means"*).

        Similarly, in two-way repeated measures factor, the pairwise T-test(s)
        will be calculated after averaging across all levels of the other
        repeated measures factor.

        Setting ``marginal=True`` is recommended when doing posthoc
        testing with multiple factors in order to avoid violating the
        assumption of independence and conflating the degrees of freedom by the
        number of repeated measurements. This is the default behavior of JASP.

        .. warning:: The default behavior of Pingouin <0.3.2 was
            ``marginal = False``, which may have led to incorrect p-values
            for mixed or two-way repeated measures design. Make sure to always
            use the latest version of Pingouin.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.2
    alpha : float
        Significance level
    tail : string
        Specify whether the alternative hypothesis is `'two-sided'` or
        `'one-sided'`. Can also be `'greater'` or `'less'` to specify the
        direction of the test. `'greater'` tests the alternative that ``x``
        has a larger mean than ``y``. If tail is `'one-sided'`, Pingouin will
        automatically infer the one-sided alternative hypothesis of the test
        based on the test statistic.
    padjust : string
        Method used for testing and adjustment of pvalues.

        * ``'none'``: no correction
        * ``'bonf'``: one-step Bonferroni correction
        * ``'sidak'``: one-step Sidak correction
        * ``'holm'``: step-down method using Bonferroni adjustments
        * ``'fdr_bh'``: Benjamini/Hochberg FDR correction
        * ``'fdr_by'``: Benjamini/Yekutieli FDR correction
    effsize : string or None
        Effect size type. Available methods are:

        * ``'none'``: no effect size
        * ``'cohen'``: Unbiased Cohen d
        * ``'hedges'``: Hedges g
        * ``'glass'``: Glass delta
        * ``'r'``: Pearson correlation coefficient
        * ``'eta-square'``: Eta-square
        * ``'odds-ratio'``: Odds ratio
        * ``'AUC'``: Area Under the Curve
        * ``'CLES'``: Common Language Effect Size
    correction : string or boolean
        For unpaired two sample T-tests, specify whether or not to correct for
        unequal variances using Welch separate variances T-test. If `'auto'`,
        it will automatically uses Welch T-test when the sample sizes are
        unequal, as recommended by Zimmerman 2004.

        .. versionadded:: 0.3.2
    nan_policy : string
        Can be `'listwise'` for listwise deletion of missing values in repeated
        measures design (= complete-case analysis) or `'pairwise'` for the
        more liberal pairwise deletion (= available-case analysis).

        .. versionadded:: 0.2.9
    return_desc : boolean
        If True, append group means and std to the output dataframe
    interaction : boolean
        If there are multiple factors and ``interaction`` is True (default),
        Pingouin will also calculate T-tests for the interaction term (see

        .. versionadded:: 0.2.9

    stats : :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`

        * ``'A'``: Name of first measurement
        * ``'B'``: Name of second measurement
        * ``'Paired'``: indicates whether the two measurements are paired or
        * ``'Parametric'``: indicates if (non)-parametric tests were used
        * ``'Tail'``: indicate whether the p-values are one-sided or two-sided
        * ``'T'``: T statistic (only if parametric=True)
        * ``'U-val'``: Mann-Whitney U stat (if parametric=False and unpaired
        * ``'W-val'``: Wilcoxon W stat (if parametric=False and paired data)
        * ``'dof'``: degrees of freedom (only if parametric=True)
        * ``'p-unc'``: Uncorrected p-values
        * ``'p-corr'``: Corrected p-values
        * ``'p-adjust'``: p-values correction method
        * ``'BF10'``: Bayes Factor
        * ``'hedges'``: effect size (or any effect size defined in

    See also
    ttest, mwu, wilcoxon, compute_effsize, multicomp

    Data are expected to be in long-format. If your data is in wide-format,
    you can use the :py:func:`pandas.melt` function to convert from wide to
    long format.

    If ``between`` or ``within`` is a list (e.g. ['col1', 'col2']),
    the function returns 1) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the
    first column, 2) the pairwise T-tests between each values of the second
    column and 3) the interaction between col1 and col2. The interaction is
    dependent of the order of the list, so ['col1', 'col2'] will not yield the
    same results as ['col2', 'col1'], and will only be calculated if

    In other words, if ``between`` is a list with two elements, the output
    model is between1 + between2 + between1 * between2.

    Similarly, if ``within`` is a list with two elements, the output model is
    within1 + within2 + within1 * within2.

    If both ``between`` and ``within`` are specified, the output model is
    within + between + within * between (= mixed design).

    Missing values in repeated measurements are automatically removed using a
    listwise (default) or pairwise deletion strategy. However, you should be
    very careful since it can result in undesired values removal (especially
    for the interaction effect). We strongly recommend that you preprocess
    your data and remove the missing values before using this function.

    This function has been tested against the `pairwise.t.test
    R function.

    .. warning:: Versions of Pingouin below 0.3.2 gave incorrect results
        for mixed and two-way repeated measures design (see above warning for
        the ``marginal`` argument).

    .. warning:: Pingouin gives slightly different results than the JASP's
        posthoc module when working with multiple factors (e.g. mixed,
        factorial or 2-way repeated measures design). This is mostly caused by
        the fact that Pingouin does not pool the standard error for
        between-subject and interaction contrasts. You should always double
        check your results with JASP or another statistical software.

    For more examples, please refer to the `Jupyter notebooks

    1. One between-subject factor

    >>> from pingouin import pairwise_ttests, read_dataset
    >>> df = read_dataset('mixed_anova.csv')
    >>> pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between='Group', data=df) # doctest: +SKIP

    2. One within-subject factor

    >>> post_hocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                             subject='Subject', data=df)
    >>> print(post_hocs)  # doctest: +SKIP

    3. Non-parametric pairwise paired test (wilcoxon)

    >>> pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time', subject='Subject',
    ...                 data=df, parametric=False)  # doctest: +SKIP

    4. Mixed design (within and between) with bonferroni-corrected p-values

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', within='Time',
    ...                            subject='Subject', between='Group',
    ...                            padjust='bonf', data=df)

    5. Two between-subject factors. The order of the list matters!

    >>> posthocs = pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between=['Group', 'Time'],
    ...                            data=df)

    6. Same but without the interaction

    >>> posthocs = df.pairwise_ttests(dv='Scores', between=['Group', 'Time'],
    ...                               interaction=False)
    from .parametric import ttest
    from .nonparametric import wilcoxon, mwu

    # Safety checks
    _check_dataframe(dv=dv, between=between, within=within, subject=subject,
                     effects='all', data=data)
    assert tail in ['one-sided', 'two-sided', 'greater', 'less']
    assert isinstance(alpha, float), 'alpha must be float.'
    assert nan_policy in ['listwise', 'pairwise']

    # Check if we have multiple between or within factors
    multiple_between = False
    multiple_within = False
    contrast = None

    if isinstance(between, list):
        if len(between) > 1:
            multiple_between = True
            contrast = 'multiple_between'
            assert all([b in data.keys() for b in between])
            between = between[0]

    if isinstance(within, list):
        if len(within) > 1:
            multiple_within = True
            contrast = 'multiple_within'
            assert all([w in data.keys() for w in within])
            within = within[0]

    if all([multiple_within, multiple_between]):
        raise ValueError("Multiple between and within factors are",
                         "currently not supported. Please select only one.")

    # Check the other cases
    if isinstance(between, str) and within is None:
        contrast = 'simple_between'
        assert between in data.keys()
    if isinstance(within, str) and between is None:
        contrast = 'simple_within'
        assert within in data.keys()
    if isinstance(between, str) and isinstance(within, str):
        contrast = 'within_between'
        assert all([between in data.keys(), within in data.keys()])

    # Reorganize column order
    col_order = ['Contrast', 'Time', 'A', 'B', 'mean(A)', 'std(A)', 'mean(B)',
                 'std(B)', 'Paired', 'Parametric', 'T', 'U-val', 'W-val',
                 'dof', 'Tail', 'p-unc', 'p-corr', 'p-adjust', 'BF10',

    if contrast in ['simple_within', 'simple_between']:
        paired = True if contrast == 'simple_within' else False
        col = within if contrast == 'simple_within' else between
        # Remove NAN in repeated measurements
        if contrast == 'simple_within' and data[dv].isnull().to_numpy().any():
            # Only if nan_policy == 'listwise'. For pairwise deletion,
            # missing values will be removed directly in the lower-level
            # functions (e.g. pg.ttest)
            if nan_policy == 'listwise':
                data = remove_rm_na(dv=dv, within=within, subject=subject,
                # The `remove_rm_na` also aggregate other repeated measures
                # factor using the mean. Here, we ensure this behavior too.
                data = data.groupby([subject, within])[dv].mean().reset_index()
            # Now we check that subjects are present in all conditions
            # For example, if we have four subjects and 3 conditions,
            # and if subject 2 have missing data at the third condition,
            # we still need a row with missing values for this subject.
            if data.groupby(within)[subject].count().nunique() != 1:
                raise ValueError("Repeated measures dataframe is not balanced."
                                 " `Subjects` must have the same number of "
                                 "elements in all conditions, "
                                 "even when missing values are present.")

        # Extract effects
        grp_col = data.groupby(col, sort=False)[dv]
        labels = grp_col.groups.keys()
        # Number and labels of possible comparisons
        if len(labels) >= 2:
            combs = list(combinations(labels, 2))
            combs = np.array(combs)
            A = combs[:, 0]
            B = combs[:, 1]
            raise ValueError('Columns must have at least two unique values.')

        # Initialize dataframe
        stats = pd.DataFrame(dtype=np.float64, index=range(len(combs)),

        # Force dtype conversion
        cols_str = ['Contrast', 'Time', 'A', 'B', 'Tail', 'p-adjust', 'BF10']
        cols_bool = ['Parametric', 'Paired']
        stats[cols_str] = stats[cols_str].astype(object)
        stats[cols_bool] = stats[cols_bool].astype(bool)

        # Fill str columns
        stats.loc[:, 'A'] = A
        stats.loc[:, 'B'] = B
        stats.loc[:, 'Contrast'] = col
        stats.loc[:, 'Tail'] = tail
        stats.loc[:, 'Paired'] = paired

        for i in range(stats.shape[0]):
            col1, col2 = stats.at[i, 'A'], stats.at[i, 'B']
            x = grp_col.get_group(col1).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
            y = grp_col.get_group(col2).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
            if parametric:
                stat_name = 'T'
                df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail,
                stats.at[i, 'BF10'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'BF10']
                stats.at[i, 'dof'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'dof']
                if paired:
                    stat_name = 'W-val'
                    df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                    stat_name = 'U-val'
                    df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)

            # Compute Hedges / Cohen
            ef = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired)

            if return_desc:
                stats.at[i, 'mean(A)'] = np.nanmean(x)
                stats.at[i, 'mean(B)'] = np.nanmean(y)
                stats.at[i, 'std(A)'] = np.nanstd(x, ddof=1)
                stats.at[i, 'std(B)'] = np.nanstd(y, ddof=1)
            stats.at[i, stat_name] = df_ttest[stat_name].iat[0]
            stats.at[i, 'p-unc'] = df_ttest['p-val'].iat[0]
            stats.at[i, effsize] = ef

        # Multiple comparisons
        padjust = None if stats['p-unc'].size <= 1 else padjust
        if padjust is not None:
            if padjust.lower() != 'none':
                _, stats['p-corr'] = multicomp(stats['p-unc'].to_numpy(),
                                               alpha=alpha, method=padjust)
                stats['p-adjust'] = padjust
            stats['p-corr'] = None
            stats['p-adjust'] = None
        # Multiple factors
        if contrast == 'multiple_between':
            # B1: BETWEEN1 + BETWEEN2 + BETWEEN1 * BETWEEN2
            factors = between
            fbt = factors
            fwt = [None, None]
            paired = False  # the interaction is not paired
            agg = [False, False]
            # TODO: add a pool SD option, as in JASP and JAMOVI?
        elif contrast == 'multiple_within':
            # B2: WITHIN1 + WITHIN2 + WITHIN1 * WITHIN2
            factors = within
            fbt = [None, None]
            fwt = factors
            paired = True
            agg = [True, True]  # Calculate marginal means for both factors
            factors = [within, between]
            fbt = [None, between]
            fwt = [within, None]
            paired = False
            agg = [False, True]

        stats = pd.DataFrame()
        for i, f in enumerate(factors):
            # Introduced in Pingouin v0.3.2
            if all([agg[i], marginal]):
                tmp = data.groupby([subject, f], as_index=False,
                tmp = data
            stats = stats.append(pairwise_ttests(dv=dv,
                                 ignore_index=True, sort=False)

        # Then compute the interaction between the factors
        if interaction:
            nrows = stats.shape[0]
            grp_fac1 = data.groupby(factors[0], sort=False)[dv]
            grp_fac2 = data.groupby(factors[1], sort=False)[dv]
            grp_both = data.groupby(factors, sort=False)[dv]
            labels_fac1 = grp_fac1.groups.keys()
            labels_fac2 = grp_fac2.groups.keys()
            # comb_fac1 = list(combinations(labels_fac1, 2))
            comb_fac2 = list(combinations(labels_fac2, 2))

            # Pairwise comparisons
            combs_list = list(product(labels_fac1, comb_fac2))
            ncombs = len(combs_list)
            # np.array(combs_list) does not work because of tuples
            # we therefore need to flatten the tupple
            combs = np.zeros(shape=(ncombs, 3), dtype=object)
            for i in range(ncombs):
                combs[i] = _flatten_list(combs_list[i], include_tuple=True)

            # Append empty rows
            idxiter = np.arange(nrows, nrows + ncombs)
            stats = stats.append(pd.DataFrame(columns=stats.columns,
                                 index=idxiter), ignore_index=True)
            # Update other columns
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Contrast'] = factors[0] + ' * ' + factors[1]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Time'] = combs[:, 0]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Paired'] = paired
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'Tail'] = tail
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'A'] = combs[:, 1]
            stats.loc[idxiter, 'B'] = combs[:, 2]

            for i, comb in enumerate(combs):
                ic = nrows + i  # Take into account previous rows
                fac1, col1, col2 = comb
                x = grp_both.get_group((fac1, col1)).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
                y = grp_both.get_group((fac1, col2)).to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)
                ef = compute_effsize(x=x, y=y, eftype=effsize, paired=paired)
                if parametric:
                    stat_name = 'T'
                    df_ttest = ttest(x, y, paired=paired, tail=tail,
                    stats.at[ic, 'BF10'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'BF10']
                    stats.at[ic, 'dof'] = df_ttest.at['T-test', 'dof']
                    if paired:
                        stat_name = 'W-val'
                        df_ttest = wilcoxon(x, y, tail=tail)
                        stat_name = 'U-val'
                        df_ttest = mwu(x, y, tail=tail)

                # Append to stats
                if return_desc:
                    stats.at[ic, 'mean(A)'] = np.nanmean(x)
                    stats.at[ic, 'mean(B)'] = np.nanmean(y)
                    stats.at[ic, 'std(A)'] = np.nanstd(x, ddof=1)
                    stats.at[ic, 'std(B)'] = np.nanstd(y, ddof=1)
                stats.at[ic, stat_name] = df_ttest[stat_name].iat[0]
                stats.at[ic, 'p-unc'] = df_ttest['p-val'].iat[0]
                stats.at[ic, effsize] = ef

            # Multi-comparison columns
            if padjust is not None and padjust.lower() != 'none':
                _, pcor = multicomp(stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-unc'].to_numpy(),
                                    alpha=alpha, method=padjust)
                stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-corr'] = pcor
                stats.loc[idxiter, 'p-adjust'] = padjust

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Append parametric columns
    stats.loc[:, 'Parametric'] = parametric

    # Reorder and drop empty columns
    stats = stats[np.array(col_order)[np.isin(col_order, stats.columns)]]
    stats = stats.dropna(how='all', axis=1)

    # Rename Time columns
    if (contrast in ['multiple_within', 'multiple_between', 'within_between']
       and interaction):
        stats['Time'].fillna('-', inplace=True)
        stats.rename(columns={'Time': factors[0]}, inplace=True)

    return stats