Пример #1
    def test_frame_algo(self):
        model = self.model
        data = model.createData()

        q = pin.neutral(model)
        v = np.random.rand((model.nv))
        frame_id = self.frame_idx

        J1 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(model, data, q, frame_id)
        J2 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(model, data, q, frame_id, pin.LOCAL)

        self.assertApprox(J1, J2)
        data2 = model.createData()

        pin.computeJointJacobians(model, data2, q)
        J3 = pin.getFrameJacobian(model, data2, frame_id, pin.LOCAL)
        self.assertApprox(J1, J3)

        dJ1 = pin.frameJacobianTimeVariation(model, data, q, v, frame_id,

        data3 = model.createData()
        pin.computeJointJacobiansTimeVariation(model, data3, q, v)

        dJ2 = pin.getFrameJacobianTimeVariation(model, data3, frame_id,
        self.assertApprox(dJ1, dJ2)
Пример #2
def invgeom(h = 0.2, lx = 0.1946, ly=0.16891, leg_dir = [+1,+1,-1,-1]):
    #Inputs to be modified by the user
    feet_position_ref =     [np.array([lx,   ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([lx,  -ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([-lx,   ly, 0.0191028]),np.array([-lx,  -ly, 0.0191028])]
    base_orientation_ref = pin.utils.rpyToMatrix(0,0,0) 
    com_ref = np.array([0,0,h])
    FL_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('FL_FOOT')
    FR_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('FR_FOOT')
    HL_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('HL_FOOT')
    HR_FOOT_ID = robot.model.getFrameId('HR_FOOT')
    BASE_ID =  robot.model.getFrameId('base_link')
    foot_ids = np.array([FL_FOOT_ID, FR_FOOT_ID, HL_FOOT_ID, HR_FOOT_ID])
    q = np.array([ 0., 0.,0.235,  0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ,  1.   ,  
                0.1  , +0.8 * leg_dir[0] , -1.6 * leg_dir[0] , 
               -0.1  , +0.8 * leg_dir[1],  -1.6 * leg_dir[1] ,  
                0.1  , -0.8 * leg_dir[2] , +1.6 * leg_dir[2] ,
               -0.1  , -0.8 * leg_dir[3] , +1.6 * leg_dir[3]])
    dq = robot.v0.copy()
    for i in range(100):
        #Compute fwd kin

        ### FEET
        Jfeet = []
        pfeet_err = []
        for i_ee in range(4):
            idx = int(foot_ids[i_ee])
            pos = rdata.oMf[idx].translation
            ref = feet_position_ref[i_ee]

        ### CoM
        com = robot.com(q)
        Jcom = robot.Jcom(q)
        e_com = com_ref-com

        ### BASE ROTATION
        idx = BASE_ID
        rot = rdata.oMf[idx].rotation
        rotref = base_orientation_ref
        Jwbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(robot.model,robot.data,q,idx,pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[3:]
        e_basisrot = -rotref @ pin.log3(rotref.T@rot)

        #All tasks
        J = np.vstack(Jfeet+[Jcom,Jwbasis])
        x_err = np.concatenate(pfeet_err+[e_com,e_basisrot])
        residual = np.linalg.norm(x_err)
        if residual<1e-5:
            print (np.linalg.norm(x_err))
            print ("iteration: {} residual: {}".format(i,residual))
            return q
    return q * np.nan
 def compute_jacobian(self, q):
         computes the jacobian in the world frame
         Math : J = R(World,Foot) * J_(Foot frame)
         Selection of the required portion of the jacobian is also done here
     jac = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.pin_robot.model,
                                    self.pin_robot.data, q,
     jac = self.pin_robot.data.oMf[self.frame_end_idx].rotation.dot(
     return jac
    def compute_relative_velocity_between_frames(self, q, dq):
            computes the velocity of the end_frame with respect to a frame
            whose origin aligns with the root frame but is oriented as the world frame
        # TODO: define relative vel with respect to frame oriented as the base frame but located at root frame
        ## will be a problem in case of a back flip with current implementation.

        frame_config_root = pin.SE3(
            np.zeros((3, 1)))
        frame_config_end = pin.SE3(
            np.zeros((3, 1)))

        vel_root_in_world_frame = frame_config_root.action.dot(
            pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.pin_robot.model, self.pin_robot.data,
                                     q, self.frame_root_idx)).dot(dq)[0:3]
        vel_end_in_world_frame = frame_config_end.action.dot(
            pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.pin_robot.model, self.pin_robot.data,
                                     q, self.frame_end_idx)).dot(dq)[0:3]

        return np.subtract(vel_end_in_world_frame, vel_root_in_world_frame).T
Пример #5
    def compute_jacobian(self, finger_id, q0):
        Compute the jacobian of a finger at configuration q0.

            finger_id (int): an index specifying the end effector. (i.e. 0 for
                             the first finger, 1 for the second, ...)
            q0 (np.array):   The current joint positions.

            An np.array containing the jacobian.
        frame_id = self.tip_link_ids[finger_id]
        return pinocchio.computeFrameJacobian(
    def id_joint_torques(self, q, dq, des_q, des_v, des_a, fff, cnt_array):
        This function computes the input torques with gains
            q : joint positions
            dq : joint velocity
            des_q : desired joint positions
            des_v : desired joint velocities
            des_a : desired joint accelerations
            fff : desired feed forward force
        assert len(q) == self.nq
        self.J_arr = []

        tau_id = self.compute_id_torques(des_q, des_v, des_a)

        ## creating QP matrices
        N = int(len(self.eff_arr))

        for j in range(N):
            self.J_arr.append(pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.pinModel, self.pinData, des_q,\
                     self.pinModel.getFrameId(self.eff_arr[j]), pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED).T)

        tau_eff = np.zeros(self.nv)
        for j in range(N):
            if fff[(j * 3) + 2] > 0:
                tau_eff += np.matmul(
                    np.hstack((fff[j * 3:(j + 1) * 3], np.zeros(3))))

        tau = (tau_id - tau_eff)[6:]

        tau_gain = -self.kp * (np.subtract(q[7:].T, des_q[7:].T)) - self.kd * (
            np.subtract(dq[6:].T, des_v[6:].T))

        return tau + tau_gain.T
Пример #7
 def calcDiff(self, q):
     J = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q,
     r = self.residual(q)
     Jlog = pin.Jlog6(self.deltaM)
     return 2 * J.T @ Jlog.T @ r
Пример #8
    def kinInv_3D(self, q, qdot, solo, feet_traj):
        from numpy.linalg import pinv

        K = self.getParameter('kinv_gain')  # Convergence gain

        # unactuated, [x, y, z] position of the base + [x, y, z, w] orientation of the base (stored as a quaternion)
        # qu = q[:7]
        # [v_x, v_y, v_z] linear velocity of the base and [w_x, w_y, w_z] angular velocity of the base along x, y, z axes
        # of the world
        # qu_dot = qdot[:6]

        qa_dot_ref = np.zeros(
            (12, 1))  # target angular velocities for the motors

        if self.flag_q_ref:
            self.q_ref = solo.q0.copy()
            self.flag_q_ref = False

        # Compute/update all the joints and frames
        pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, self.q_ref)
        pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

        # Get the frame index of each foot
        ID_FL = solo.model.getFrameId("FL_FOOT")
        ID_FR = solo.model.getFrameId("FR_FOOT")
        ID_HL = solo.model.getFrameId("HL_FOOT")
        ID_HR = solo.model.getFrameId("HR_FOOT")

        # Get the current position of the feet
        xyz_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation
        xyz_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation
        xyz_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation
        xyz_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation

        # Desired foot trajectory
        xyzdes_FL = feet_traj[0]
        xyzdes_FR = feet_traj[1]
        xyzdes_HL = feet_traj[2]
        xyzdes_HR = feet_traj[3]

        # Calculating the error
        err_FL = (xyz_FL - xyzdes_FL)
        err_FR = (xyz_FR - xyzdes_FR)
        err_HL = (xyz_HL - xyzdes_HL)
        err_HR = (xyz_HR - xyzdes_HR)

        # Computing the local Jacobian into the global frame
        oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
        oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
        oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
        oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

        # Getting the different Jacobians
        fJ_FL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(
            solo.model, solo.data, self.q_ref,
            ID_FL)[:3, -12:]  # Take only the translation terms
        oJ_FL3 = oR_FL.dot(
            fJ_FL3)  # Transformation from local frame to world frame
        oJ_FLxyz = oJ_FL3[0:3, -12:]  # Take the x,y & z components

        fJ_FR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, self.q_ref,
                                          ID_FR)[:3, -12:]
        oJ_FR3 = oR_FR.dot(fJ_FR3)
        oJ_FRxyz = oJ_FR3[0:3, -12:]

        fJ_HL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, self.q_ref,
                                          ID_HL)[:3, -12:]
        oJ_HL3 = oR_HL.dot(fJ_HL3)
        oJ_HLxyz = oJ_HL3[0:3, -12:]

        fJ_HR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, self.q_ref,
                                          ID_HR)[:3, -12:]
        oJ_HR3 = oR_HR.dot(fJ_HR3)
        oJ_HRxyz = oJ_HR3[0:3, -12:]

        # Displacement error
        nu = np.hstack([err_FL, err_FR, err_HL, err_HR])
        nu = np.matrix(nu)
        nu = np.transpose(nu)

        # Making a single x&y&z-rows Jacobian vector
        J = np.vstack([oJ_FLxyz, oJ_FRxyz, oJ_HLxyz, oJ_HRxyz])

        # Computing the velocity
        qa_dot_ref = -K * pinv(J) * nu
        q_dot_ref = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), qa_dot_ref))

        # Computing the updated configuration
        self.q_ref = pin.integrate(solo.model, self.q_ref,
                                   q_dot_ref * self.getParameter('dt'))
        qa_ref = self.q_ref[7:].reshape(12, 1)

        # Return configuration of the robot
        q_dot_ref = np.squeeze(np.array(q_dot_ref))
        err = np.linalg.norm(nu)

        return self.q_ref, q_dot_ref, err
Пример #9
DT = 1e-2  # Integration step.
q0 = np.matrix([[
    0., 0., 0., 1., 0.18, 1.37, -0.24, -0.98, 0.98, 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.13, 0.,
    0., 0., 0.

q = q0.copy()
herr = []  # Log the value of the error between tool and goal.
# Loop on an inverse kinematics for 200 iterations.
for i in range(200):  # Integrate over 2 second of robot life
    pio.framesForwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data,
                                q)  # Compute frame placements
    oMtool = robot.data.oMf[
        IDX_TOOL]  # Placement from world frame o to frame f oMtool
    oRtool = oMtool.rotation  # Rotation from world axes to tool axes oRtool
    tool_Jtool = pio.computeFrameJacobian(
        robot.model, robot.data, q, IDX_TOOL)  # 6D jacobian in local frame
    o_Jtool3 = oRtool * tool_Jtool[:3, :]  # 3D jacobian in world frame
    o_TG = oMtool.translation - oMgoal.translation  # vector from tool to goal, in world frame

    vq = -pinv(o_Jtool3) * o_TG

    q = pio.integrate(robot.model, q, vq * DT)


q = q0.copy()
herr = []
for i in range(1000):  # Integrate over 2 second of robot life
    pio.framesForwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data,
Пример #10
    def compute(self, q, dq):
        ### FEET
        Jfeet = []
        afeet = []
        pfeet_err = []
        vfeet_ref = []
        pin.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q, dq,
        pin.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)

        for i_ee in range(4):
            idx = int(self.foot_ids[i_ee])
            pos = self.rdata.oMf[idx].translation
            nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
            ref = self.feet_position_ref[i_ee]
            vref = self.feet_velocity_ref[i_ee]
            aref = self.feet_acceleration_ref[i_ee]

            J1 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q,
                                          idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
            e1 = ref - pos
            acc1 = -self.Kp_flyingfeet * (pos - ref) - self.Kd_flyingfeet * (
                nu.linear - vref) + aref
            if self.flag_in_contact[i_ee]:
                acc1 *= 0  # In contact = no feedback
            drift1 = np.zeros(3)
            drift1 += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
            drift1 += self.cross3(nu.angular, nu.linear)
            acc1 -= drift1



        ### BASE POSITION
        idx = self.BASE_ID
        pos = self.rdata.oMf[idx].translation
        nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        ref = self.base_position_ref
        Jbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q,
                                          idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[:3]
        e_basispos = ref - pos
        accbasis = -self.Kp_base_position * (
            pos - ref) - self.Kd_base_position * nu.linear
        drift = np.zeros(3)
        drift += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        drift += self.cross3(nu.angular, nu.linear)
        accbasis -= drift

        ### BASE ROTATION
        idx = self.BASE_ID

        rot = self.rdata.oMf[idx].rotation
        nu = pin.getFrameVelocity(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        rotref = self.base_orientation_ref
        Jwbasis = pin.computeFrameJacobian(self.robot.model, self.robot.data,
                                           q, idx, pin.LOCAL_WORLD_ALIGNED)[3:]
        e_basisrot = -rotref @ pin.log3(rotref.T @ rot)
        accwbasis = -self.Kp_base_orientation * rotref @ pin.log3(
            rotref.T @ rot) - self.Kd_base_orientation * nu.angular
        drift = np.zeros(3)
        drift += pin.getFrameAcceleration(self.rmodel, self.rdata, idx,
        accwbasis -= drift

        J = np.vstack(Jfeet + [Jbasis, Jwbasis])
        acc = np.concatenate(afeet + [accbasis, accwbasis])

        x_err = np.concatenate(pfeet_err + [e_basispos, e_basisrot])
        dx_ref = np.concatenate(
            vfeet_ref +
            [self.base_linearvelocity_ref, self.base_angularvelocity_ref])

        invJ = self.dinv(J)  #or np.linalg.inv(J) since full rank

        ddq = invJ @ acc
        self.q_cmd = pin.integrate(self.robot.model, q, invJ @ x_err)
        self.dq_cmd = invJ @ dx_ref

        return ddq
Пример #11
 def calcDiff6d(self, q):
     J = pin.computeFrameJacobian(robot.model, robot.data, q,
     r = self.residual6d(q)
     Jlog = pin.Jlog6(self.deltaM)
     return 2 * J.T @ Jlog.T @ r
Пример #12
def c_walking_IK(q, qdot, dt, solo, t_simu):

    qu = q[:
           7]  # unactuated, [x, y, z] position of the base + [x, y, z, w] orientation of the base (stored as a quaternion)
    qa = q[7:]  # actuated, [q1, q2, ..., q8] angular position of the 8 motors
    qu_dot = qdot[:
                  6]  # [v_x, v_y, v_z] linear velocity of the base and [w_x, w_y, w_z] angular velocity of the base along x, y, z axes of the world
    qa_dot = qdot[6:]  # angular velocity of the 8 motors

    qa_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular positions for the motors
    qa_dot_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular velocities for the motors

    # Insert code here to set qa_ref and qa_dot_ref

    from numpy.linalg import pinv

    global q_ref, flag_q_ref, T, dx, dz

    if flag_q_ref:
        q_ref = solo.q0.copy()
        flag_q_ref = False

    # Initialization of the variables
    K = 100.  #Convergence gain
    T = 0.3  #period of the foot trajectory
    xF0 = 0.19  #initial position of the front feet
    xH0 = -0.19  #initial position of the hind feet
    z0 = 0.0  #initial altitude of each foot
    dx = 0.05  #displacement amplitude by x
    dz = 0.1  #displacement amplitude by z

    # Get the frame index of each foot
    ID_FL = solo.model.getFrameId("FL_FOOT")
    ID_FR = solo.model.getFrameId("FR_FOOT")
    ID_HL = solo.model.getFrameId("HL_FOOT")
    ID_HR = solo.model.getFrameId("HR_FOOT")

    # function defining the feet's trajectory
    def ftraj(t, x0, z0):  #arguments : time, initial position x and z
        global T, dx, dz
        x = []
        z = []
        if t >= T:
            t %= T
        x.append(x0 - dx * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t / T))
        if t <= T / 2.:
            z.append(z0 + dz * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / T))
        return np.matrix([x, z])

    # Compute/update all the joints and frames
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

    # Get the current height (on axis z) and the x-coordinate of the front left foot
    xz_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation[0::2]
    xz_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation[0::2]
    xz_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation[0::2]
    xz_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation[0::2]

    # Desired foot trajectory
    xzdes_FL = ftraj(t_simu, xF0, z0)
    xzdes_HR = ftraj(t_simu, xH0, z0)
    xzdes_FR = ftraj(t_simu + T / 2, xF0, z0)
    xzdes_HL = ftraj(t_simu + T / 2, xH0, z0)

    # Calculating the error
    err_FL = xz_FL - xzdes_FL
    err_FR = xz_FR - xzdes_FR
    err_HL = xz_HL - xzdes_HL
    err_HR = xz_HR - xzdes_HR

    # Computing the local Jacobian into the global frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(
        solo.model, solo.data, q_ref,
        ID_FL)[:3, -8:]  #Take only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  #Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLxz = oJ_FL3[0::2, -8:]  #Take the x and z components

    fJ_FR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_FR)[:3,
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRxz = oJ_FR3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HL)[:3,
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLxz = oJ_HL3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HR)[:3,
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRxz = oJ_HR3[0::2, -8:]

    # Displacement error
    nu = np.vstack([err_FL, err_FR, err_HL, err_HR])

    # Making a single x&z-rows Jacobian vector
    J = np.vstack([oJ_FLxz, oJ_FRxz, oJ_HLxz, oJ_HRxz])

    # Computing the velocity
    qa_dot_ref = -K * pinv(J) * nu
    q_dot_ref = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), qa_dot_ref))

    # Computing the updated configuration
    q_ref = pin.integrate(solo.model, q_ref, q_dot_ref * dt)
    qa_ref = q_ref[7:]

    #solo.display(q) # display the robot in the viewer Gepetto-GUI given its configuration q


    # End of the control code

    # Parameters for the PD controller
    Kp = 10.
    Kd = 0.3
    torque_sat = 3  # torque saturation in N.m
    torques_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # feedforward torques

    # Call the PD controller
    torques = PD(qa_ref, qa_dot_ref, qa, qa_dot, dt, Kp, Kd, torque_sat,

    # torques must be a numpy array of shape (8, 1) containing the torques applied to the 8 motors

    return torques, q_list
Пример #13
def c_walking_IK_bezier(q, qdot, dt, solo, t_simu):

    qu = q[:
           7]  # unactuated, [x, y, z] position of the base + [x, y, z, w] orientation of the base (stored as a quaternion)
    qa = q[7:]  # actuated, [q1, q2, ..., q8] angular position of the 8 motors
    qu_dot = qdot[:
                  6]  # [v_x, v_y, v_z] linear velocity of the base and [w_x, w_y, w_z] angular velocity of the base along x, y, z axes of the world
    qa_dot = qdot[6:]  # angular velocity of the 8 motors

    qa_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular positions for the motors
    qa_dot_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # target angular velocities for the motors

    # Insert code here to set qa_ref and qa_dot_ref

    global q_ref, flag_q_ref, T

    if flag_q_ref:
        q_ref = solo.q0.copy()
        flag_q_ref = False

    # Get the frame index of each foot
    ID_FL = solo.model.getFrameId("FL_FOOT")
    ID_FR = solo.model.getFrameId("FR_FOOT")
    ID_HL = solo.model.getFrameId("HL_FOOT")
    ID_HR = solo.model.getFrameId("HR_FOOT")

    # Compute/update all the joints and frames
    pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref)
    pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

    # Get the current height (on axis z) and the x-coordinate of the front left foot
    xz_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].translation[0::2]
    xz_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].translation[0::2]
    xz_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].translation[0::2]
    xz_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].translation[0::2]

    # Desired foot trajectory
    xzdes_FL = ftraj_Front(t_simu)
    xzdes_HR = ftraj_Hind(t_simu)
    xzdes_FR = ftraj_Front(t_simu + T / 2)
    xzdes_HL = ftraj_Hind(t_simu + T / 2)

    # Calculating the error
    err_FL = xz_FL - xzdes_FL
    err_FR = xz_FR - xzdes_FR
    err_HL = xz_HL - xzdes_HL
    err_HR = xz_HR - xzdes_HR

    # Computing the local Jacobian into the global frame
    oR_FL = solo.data.oMf[ID_FL].rotation
    oR_FR = solo.data.oMf[ID_FR].rotation
    oR_HL = solo.data.oMf[ID_HL].rotation
    oR_HR = solo.data.oMf[ID_HR].rotation

    # Getting the different Jacobians
    fJ_FL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(
        solo.model, solo.data, q_ref,
        ID_FL)[:3, -8:]  #Take only the translation terms
    oJ_FL3 = oR_FL * fJ_FL3  #Transformation from local frame to world frame
    oJ_FLxz = oJ_FL3[0::2, -8:]  #Take the x and z components

    fJ_FR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_FR)[:3,
    oJ_FR3 = oR_FR * fJ_FR3
    oJ_FRxz = oJ_FR3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HL3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HL)[:3,
    oJ_HL3 = oR_HL * fJ_HL3
    oJ_HLxz = oJ_HL3[0::2, -8:]

    fJ_HR3 = pin.computeFrameJacobian(solo.model, solo.data, q_ref, ID_HR)[:3,
    oJ_HR3 = oR_HR * fJ_HR3
    oJ_HRxz = oJ_HR3[0::2, -8:]

    # Displacement error
    nu = np.vstack([err_FL, err_FR, err_HL, err_HR])

    # Making a single x&z-rows Jacobian vector
    J = np.vstack([oJ_FLxz, oJ_FRxz, oJ_HLxz, oJ_HRxz])

    # Computing the velocity
    qa_dot_ref = -K * pinv(J) * nu
    q_dot_ref = np.concatenate((np.zeros([6, 1]), qa_dot_ref))

    # Computing the updated configuration
    q_ref = pin.integrate(solo.model, q_ref, q_dot_ref * dt)
    qa_ref = q_ref[7:]

    )  # display the robot in the viewer Gepetto-GUI given its configuration q

    # End of the control code

    # Parameters for the PD controller
    Kp = 10.
    Kd = 0.3
    torque_sat = 2.5  # torque saturation in N.m
    torques_ref = np.zeros((8, 1))  # feedforward torques

    # Call the PD controller
    torques = PD(qa_ref, qa_dot_ref, qa, qa_dot, dt, Kp, Kd, torque_sat,

    # torques must be a numpy array of shape (8, 1) containing the torques applied to the 8 motors

    return torques, qa_ref, qa_dot_ref
Пример #14
DT = 1e-2  # Integration step.
q0 = np.matrix([[
    0., 0., 0., 1., 0.18, 1.37, -0.24, -0.98, 0.98, 0., 0., 0., 0., -0.13, 0.,
    0., 0., 0.

q = q0.copy()
herr = []  # Log the value of the error between gaze and ball.
# Loop on an inverse kinematics for 200 iterations.
for i in range(200):  # Integrate over 2 second of robot life
    pio.framesForwardKinematics(robot.model, robot.data,
                                q)  # Compute frame placements
    oMgaze = robot.data.oMf[
        IDX_GAZE]  # Placement from world frame o to frame f oMgaze
    oRgaze = oMgaze.rotation  # Rotation from world axes to gaze axes oRgaze
    gaze_Jgaze = pio.computeFrameJacobian(
        robot.model, robot.data, q, IDX_GAZE)  # 6D jacobian in local frame
    o_Jgaze3 = oRgaze * gaze_Jgaze[:3, :]  # 3D jacobian in world frame
    o_GazeBall = oMgaze.translation - ball  # vector from gaze to ball, in world frame

    vq = -pinv(o_Jgaze3) * o_GazeBall

    q = pio.integrate(robot.model, q, vq * DT)


q = q0.copy()
herr = []  # Log the value of the error between tool and goal.
herr2 = []  # Log the value of the error between gaze and ball.
# Loop on an inverse kinematics for 200 iterations.