Пример #1
"""Setup and run dustywave calculations."""

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple

import numba
import numpy as np
import phantomsetup
import pint
from numba import float64
from numpy import ndarray

from ..config import EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGUMENTS

units = pint.UnitRegistry(system='cgs')

def setup_calculation(params: Dict[str, Any], run_directory: Path,
                      phantom_dir: Path, hdf5root: Path) -> phantomsetup.Setup:
    """Set up a Phantom dustywave calculation.

        The parameters for this calculation.
        The path to the directory containing the run.
        The path to the Phantom repository.
        The path to the root directory containing the HDF5 library.
Пример #2
def ureg_custom():
    import pint

    ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
    ureg.define("test_unit = 123 kg")
    return ureg
Пример #3
A wrapper for the pint ureg data

# Import some nice unicode features
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pint
import os

# We only want the ureg exposed
__all__ = ["ureg"]

# Find the local path
file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
pint_default_units_path = os.path.join(file_dir, "default_units.txt")

# Build the ureg and set context
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(pint_default_units_path)
# ureg.enable_contexts('chemistry')
Пример #4
def build_units_registry(context):
    """Builds a pint UnitRegistry based on a given PhysicalConstantsContext.

    context : PhysicalConstantsContext
        The context to use for the values.
    import pint

    phys_const = context.raw_codata
    ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(on_redefinition="ignore")

    # Explicitly update relevant 2014 codata

    # Definitions
    ureg.define("avogadro_constant = {} / mol = N_A".format(
        phys_const["avogadro constant"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("boltzmann_constant = {} * joule / kelvin".format(
        phys_const["boltzmann constant"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("speed_of_light = {} * meter / second".format(
        phys_const["speed of light in vacuum"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("hartree_inverse_meter = {} / hartree / m".format(
        phys_const["hartree-inverse meter relationship"]["value"]))

    # Energy
    ureg.define("hartree = {} * joule = E_h = hartree_energy".format(
        phys_const["hartree energy"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("electron_volt = {} * J = eV".format(
        phys_const["electron volt-joule relationship"]["value"]))

    # Constants
    ureg.define("electron_mass = {} * kg".format(
        phys_const["electron mass"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("elementary_charge = {} * coulomb = e".format(
        phys_const["elementary charge"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("plancks_constant = {} * joule * s".format(
        phys_const["planck constant"]["value"]))

    # Distance
    ureg.define("bohr = {} * meter = bohr_radius = Bohr".format(
        phys_const["bohr radius"]["value"]))
    ureg.define("wavenumber = 1 / centimeter")
    ureg.define("Angstrom = angstrom")

    # Masses
        "atomic_mass_unit = {} * kilogram = u = amu = dalton = Da".format(
            phys_const["atomic mass constant"]["value"]))

    # Define relationships
    _const_rename = {
        "inverse meter": "inverse_meter",
        "atomic mass unit": "atomic_mass_unit",
        "electron volt": "electron_volt"

    _nist_units = set()

    for k, v in phys_const.items():

        # Automatically builds the following:
        # electron_volt_to_kelvin = 1.16045221e4 / electron_volt * kelvin
        # hartree_to_atomic_mass_unit = 2.9212623197e-8 / hartree * atomic_mass_unit
        if not (("-" in k) and ("relationship" in k)): continue

        # Rename where needed
        left_unit, right_unit = k.split('-')
        left_unit = _const_rename.get(left_unit, left_unit)

        right_unit = right_unit.replace(" relationship", "")
        right_unit = _const_rename.get(right_unit, right_unit)

        # Inverse is a special case

        if "inverse_meter" == left_unit:
            ratio1 = "* meter"
            ratio1 = "/ " + left_unit

        if "inverse_meter" == right_unit:
            ratio2 = "/ meter"
            ratio2 = "* " + right_unit

        definition = "{}_to_{} = {} {} {}".format(left_unit, right_unit,
                                                  v["value"], ratio1, ratio2)
        # print(definition)

    # Add contexts

    def _find_nist_unit(unit):
        """Converts pint datatypes to NIST datatypes
        for value in unit.to_tuple()[1]:
            if value[1] < 1: continue
            if any(x in value[0] for x in _nist_units):
                return value[0]

        for value in unit.to_tuple()[1]:
            if (value[0] == "meter") and (value[1] == -1):
                return "inverse_meter"

        return None

    def build_transformer(right_unit, default):
        """Builds a transformer that attempts first to use the NIST values exactly and then falls back
        on to canonical Pint tech. The NIST values are not "exact" and will
        fail the triangle rule due to the inherent uncertainties of the values.

        right_unit : str
            The NIST value to convert to
        default : str
            A fall back conversion rule to apply
        def transformer(ureg, val):

            left_unit = _find_nist_unit(val)
            if left_unit is None:
                return val * ureg.parse_expression(default)
                return val * ureg.parse_expression("{}_to_{}".format(
                    left_unit, right_unit))

        return transformer

    # Allows hartree <-> frequency
    c1 = pint.Context("energy_frequency")
    c1.add_transformation("[energy]", "[frequency]",
                          build_transformer("hertz", "1 / plancks_constant"))
    c1.add_transformation("[frequency]", "[energy]",
                          build_transformer("hartree", "plancks_constant"))

    # Allows hartree <-> inverse_length
    c2 = pint.Context("energy_inverse_length")
        "[energy]", "1 / [length]",
        build_transformer("inverse_meter", "hartree_to_inverse_meter"))
        "1 / [length]", "[energy]",
        build_transformer("hartree", "inverse_meter_to_hartree"))

    # Allows hartree <-> mass
    c3 = pint.Context("energy_mass")
    c3.add_transformation("[energy]", "[mass]",
                          build_transformer("kilogram", "hartree_to_kilogram"))
    c3.add_transformation("[mass]", "[energy]",
                          build_transformer("hartree", "kilogram_to_hartree"))

    # Allows hartree <-> temperature
    c4 = pint.Context("energy_temperature")
    c4.add_transformation("[energy]", "[temperature]",
                          build_transformer("kelvin", "hartree_to_kelvin"))
    c4.add_transformation("[temperature]", "[energy]",
                          build_transformer("hartree", "kelvin_to_hartree"))

    # Allows energy <-> energy / mol
    c5 = pint.Context("substance_relation")
    c5.add_transformation("[energy]", "[energy] / [substance]",
                          lambda ureg, val: val * ureg.N_A)
    c5.add_transformation("[energy] / [substance]", "[energy]",
                          lambda ureg, val: val / ureg.N_A)

    # Add the context
    ureg.enable_contexts(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)

    return ureg
Пример #5
def unit_convert(
    """Convert the quantity x to a different set of units. X can be a numpy array
    or pandas series. The from unit is translated into a string that pint
    can recognize by first looking in unit_string_map then looking in
    know aliases defined in this file. If it is neither place it will be given
    to pint as-is. This translation of the unit is done so that data can be read
    in with the original provided units.

        x (float, numpy.array, pandas.series): quantity to convert
        frm (str): original unit string
        to (str): new unit string, or specify "system"
        system (str): unit system to covert to, or specify "to"
        unit_string_map (dict): keys are unit strings and values are
            corresponding strings that pint can recognize.  This only applies to
            the from string.
        ignore_units (list, or tuple): units to not convert
        gauge_pressures (dict): keys are units strings to be considered gauge
            pressures and the values are corresponding absolute pressure units
        ambient_pressure (float, numpy.array, pandas.series): pressure to add
            to gauge pressure to convert it to absolute pressure. The default
            is 1. The unit is atm by default, but can be changed with the
            ambient_pressure_unit argument.
        ambient_pressure_unit (str): Unit for ambient pressure, default is atm,
            and should be a unit recognized by pint
        (tuple): quantity and unit string
    ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(system=system)
    for u in _register_new_units:
    if frm in unit_string_map:
        frm = unit_string_map[frm]
    elif frm in _unit_strings:
        frm = _unit_strings[frm]
    # Now check for gauge pressure
    gauge = False
    if frm in gauge_pressures:
        gauge = True
        frm = gauge_pressures[frm]
    elif frm in _gauge_pressures:
        gauge = True
        frm = _gauge_pressures[frm]
    q = ureg.Quantity
    if (frm in _ignore_units) or (frm in ignore_units):
        return (x, frm)
        except pint.errors.UndefinedUnitError:
                "In unit conversion, from unit '{}' is not defined."
                " No conversion.".format(frm),
            return x, frm
    if to is None:
        y = q(np.array(x), ureg.parse_expression(frm)).to_base_units()
        y = q(np.array(x), ureg.parse_expression(frm)).to(to)
    if gauge:
        # convert gauge pressure to absolute
        y = y + ambient_pressure * ureg.parse_expression(ambient_pressure_unit)
    return (y.magnitude, str(y.units))
Пример #6
 def test_convert(self):
     env = src.calc.Environment()
     ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
     assert src.calc.calculate('3.6{kg} -> {mg}',
                               env) == 3600000.0 * ureg('mg')
    def plot(self):
        # Create base figure
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=self.figuresize, dpi=self.dpi)

        # Setup figure layout
        width = 2 if self.showmap else 1
        # Scale TS Diagram to be double the size of location map
        width_ratios = [1, 3] if self.showmap else None

        # Create layout helper
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, width, width_ratios=width_ratios)

        # Render point location
        if self.showmap:
                    [x[0] for x in self.points],  # Latitudes
                    [x[1] for x in self.points],
                gs[0, 0])  # Longitudes

        # Plot Sound Speed profile
        plt.subplot(gs[:, 1 if self.showmap else 0])
        ax = plt.gca()
        for i, ss in enumerate(self.sspeed):
            ax.plot(ss, self.temperature_depths[i], "-")

        minspeed = np.amin(self.sspeed)
        maxspeed = np.amax(self.sspeed)

            np.amin(self.sspeed) - (maxspeed - minspeed) * 0.1,
            np.amax(self.sspeed) + (maxspeed - minspeed) * 0.1,
        ax.set_xlabel(gettext("Sound Speed (m/s)"), fontsize=14)
        ax.set_ylabel(gettext("Depth (m)"), fontsize=14)
        x_format = tkr.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: "%d" % x)

        if not self.plotTitle:
                gettext("Sound Speed Profile for (%s)\n%s") % (", ".join(
                    self.names), self.date_formatter(self.iso_timestamp)),
            ax.set_title(self.plotTitle, fontsize=15)

        ax.title.set_position([0.5, 1.10])

        self.plot_legend(fig, self.names)

        ylim = ax.get_ylim()
        ax2 = ax.twinx()
        ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
        ax2.set_ylim((ylim * ureg.meters).to(ureg.feet).magnitude)
        ax2.set_ylabel(gettext("Depth (ft)"), fontsize=14)

        # This is a little strange where we want to skip calling the TSP.plot and go straigh
        # to Point.plot
        return super(TemperatureSalinityPlotter, self).plot(fig)
Correctly keeping track of units in calculations can be very difficult,
particularly if there are places where different units can be used. For example,
it is very easy to forget to convert between different units – feet/inches into
meters – or metric prefixes – converting 1 km into 1,000 m, for instance.

This module illustrates how to use the Pint package to keep track of units of
measurement in calculations.
import pint

ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(system="mks")

@ureg.wraps(ureg.meter, ureg.second)
def calc_depth(dropping_time):
    # s = u*t + 0.5*a*t*t
    # u = 0; a = 9.81
    return 0.5 * 9.81 * dropping_time * dropping_time

distance = 5280 * ureg.feet


depth = calc_depth(0.05 * ureg.minute)
print("Depth:", depth)
# Depth 44.144999999999996 meter
Пример #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.path = ''
     self.registry = pint.UnitRegistry()
     self.warned = False
     self.unknown = {}
Пример #10
from discord.ext.commands import CommandNotFound, DisabledCommand, CheckFailure, MissingRequiredArgument, \
    BadArgument, TooManyArguments, UserInputError, CommandOnCooldown, CommandInvokeError

config = ConfigParser()
config.read_file(codecs.open('./config/config.ini', "r", "utf8"))
logger = logging
TOKEN = os.environ['TOKEN']
prefix = config["General"]["prefix"]
version = config["Info"]["version"]
extensions = config["Extensions"]["extensions"]

start = datetime.datetime.now()

bot = commands.Bot(commands.when_mentioned_or(prefix))
bot.registry = pint.UnitRegistry()
bot.quantity = bot.registry.Quantity
bot.paginator = commands.Paginator(prefix='```', suffix='```', max_size=1950)
bot.page = 0

extensions = config["Extensions"]["extensions"]
startup_extensions = []
for ext in extensions.split(', '):

def setup_registry():

Пример #11
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Initialises all the parameters and computes the scaling factors.
        All parameters should be pint Quantities.

                The following are all required:
                    R : Stimulated scattering rate
                    g_C : Polariton-polariton interaction strength
                    gamma_C : Polariton relaxation rate
                    m : Polariton effective mass, in units of the electron mass
                The following are optional:
                    k: Value of dispersive coefficient. If not provided,
                    defaults to hbar**2 / (2 * m)
                    charT: a characteristic time to scale by. If not provded,
                    defaults to (gamma_C) ^ -1
                    charL: a charactersitic length to scale by. If not provided,
                    defaults to ( hbar * charT / (2 * m * gamma_C) )^1/2.
        self.singleComp = True if 'gamma_nl' in kwargs else False

        # Define the output units and actual units of the parameters
        # We'll make them strings to make life easy, and because we want them to
        # be reported int the right way
        self.ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
        m_e = self.ureg.electron_mass.to_base_units().magnitude
        hbar = self.ureg.hbar.to_base_units().magnitude
        self.gOutput = "millieV * micrometer**2"
        self.rOutput = "millieV * micrometer**2 * hbar**-1"
        self.gammaOutput = "picosecond ** -1"
        self.gammaNlBase = "meter**2 * second**-1"
        self.mOutput = "electron_mass"
        self.charLOutput = "micrometer"
        self.charTOutput = "picosecond"
        self.gammaNlOutput = "millieV * micrometer**2 * hbar**-1"
        self.mBase = "gram"
        self.gBase = "gram * meter **4 * second ** -2"
        self.rBase = "meter**2 * second **-1"
        self.gammaBase = "second ** -1"
        self.charLBase = "meter"
        self.charTBase = "second"

        # Read in the keyword arguments
        for (k, v) in kwargs.items():
            setattr(self, k, v.to_base_units().magnitude)

        # Set mass. We read in mass in units of electron mass for convenience,
        # but it must be converted to SI units
        # self.m_scaled = self.m
        # self.m = self.__class__.__m_e * self.m

        # m is now read in as a pint quantity. We don't need to scale it up by
        # the electron mass, but we do need to find the scaled mass
        self.m_scaled = self.m / m_e
        # Read in k or set to default
        self.k = kwargs.get('k', hbar**2 / (2 * self.m))

        # Define our characteristic length, time, and energy scales.
        # If t' is the (nondimensional) time variable used in the
        # nondimensionalised GPE, then t = charT * t'. For example, R' is the
        # stimulated scattering rate used in the normalised GPE, so R = charR *
        # R'. If they are not provided, we will set them to the default, which
        # is the scaling that makes k=1 and gamma'_C = 1.

        self.charT = kwargs.get('charT', 1.0 / self.gamma_C)
        if 'charT' in kwargs.keys():
            self.charT = self.charT.to_base_units().magnitude
        self.charL = kwargs.get('charL',
                                np.sqrt((hbar * self.charT) / (2.0 * self.m)))
        if 'charL' in kwargs.keys():
            self.charL = self.charL.to_base_units().magnitude
        # A characteristic energy
        self.charU = hbar / self.charT
        self.charg = (hbar * self.charL**2) / self.charT
        self.charR = self.charL**2 / self.charT
        self.charGamma = 1.0 / self.charT
        self.charGammaNl = self.charL**2 / self.charT
        # TODO: Check
        self.chark = (hbar * self.charL**2) / self.charT
        # This may not be required - the P term in the GPE is phenomonological,
        # and the experimentalist probably only knows it in terms of Pth
        self.charP = 1.0 / (self.charT * self.charL**2)

        # Scaled parameters - these are the ones to used in the
        # nondimensionalised GPE
        self.g_C_scaled = self.g_C / self.charg
        self.gamma_C_scaled = self.gamma_C / self.charGamma
        self.k_scaled = self.k / self.chark
        self.g_R_scaled = self.g_R / self.charg
        self.gamma_R_scaled = self.gamma_R / self.charGamma
        self.R_scaled = self.R / self.charR
        # Compute threshold pump power for the normalised GPE.
        self.Pth_scaled = ((self.gamma_R_scaled * self.gamma_C_scaled) /
        # Compute threshold pump power for unnormalised GPE. We can get this
        # from the scaled one.
        self.Pth = self.charP * self.Pth_scaled

        if self.singleComp:
            self.gamma_nl_scaled = self.gamma_nl / self.charGammaNl
Пример #12
def analyze(file_name, lis_struct, time, args):
    Analyzes LIS results, looking for events related to ALT,
    and puts events into a dict {file_name -> {event_time -> (event_str)}}.

    :param file_name: (str) name of current JSON file being read
    :param lis_struct: (dict) dict containing item and value pairs
    :param time: (str) time when results were obtained (as contained in JSON file)
    :param args: (dict) switches provided to lisanalyze.py via argparse

    :returns: False

    #global __alias

    # Use "ALT" as the standard name
    for k in lis_struct[time].keys():
        if k in __alias.keys():
            lis_struct[time].update({__alias[k]: lis_struct[time][k]})

    # Basic checks and value-setting
    if "ALT" in lis_struct[time].keys():
        if args.warn and lis_struct[time]["ALT"]["unit"] != __unit:
            print("WARNING: unit mismatch in entry for {}".format(time),
        alt_val = float(lis_struct[time]["ALT"]["lab_value"])
        return None

    # Unit conversion
    if args.convert:
        import pint
        ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
        ureg.define('kat = 1 mol / s')
        ureg.define('U = 1.657e-8 kat')
        factor = (ureg.parse_expression(
        alt_val *= factor

    # Out-of-normal-range warning; provided values take precedence
    if "ref_high" in lis_struct[time]["ALT"].keys():
        if lis_struct[time]["ALT"]["lab_value"] > lis_struct[time]["ALT"][
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "ALT too high (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
        if args.warn:
                "WARNING: higher reference value not provided; falling back to built-in value",
        if alt_val > __alt_ul:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "ALT too high (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
                alt_val, __alt_ul, __unit)
    if "ref_low" in lis_struct[time]["ALT"].keys():
        if lis_struct[time]["ALT"]["lab_value"] < lis_struct[time]["ALT"][
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "ALT too low (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
        if args.warn:
                "WARNING: lower reference value not provided; falling back to built-in value",
        if alt_val < __alt_ll:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "ALT too low (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
                alt_val, __alt_ll, __unit)

    # ALT > 1000 suggests ischemia, viral infection, toxicity (Lange Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 6e, p.531)
    if alt_val > 1000:
        event_time = time
        if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
            __event_dict[file_name] = {}
        if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
            __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
        event_str = "ALT markedly elevated ({} ({})); consider ischemia, infection, toxicity".format(
            alt_val, __unit)

    # AST / ALT > 2 suggests alcoholism (Lange Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 6e, p.531)
    import lisanalyze_ast
    ast_passthrough = lisanalyze_ast.passthrough(file_name, lis_struct, time,
    if ast_passthrough:
        ast, unit = alt_passthrough
        if (ast / alt_val) > 2:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "AST/ALT > 2 (AST: {}, ALT: {}, AST/ALT: {}); consider alcoholic hepatitis".format(
                ast, alt_val, ast / alt_val)

    # AST / ALT > 1 suggests cirrhosis in patients with hepatitis C (Lange Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 6e, p.73)
    import lisanalyze_ast
    ast_passthrough = lisanalyze_ast.passthrough(file_name, lis_struct, time,
    if ast_passthrough:
        ast, unit = alt_passthrough
        if ast > alt_val:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "AST/ALT > 1 (AST: {}, ALT: {}, AST/ALT: {}); possible cirrhosis if patient has hepatitis C".format(
                ast, alt_val, ast / alt_val)

    return False
Пример #13
def analyze(file_name, lis_struct, time, args):
    Analyzes LIS results, looking for events related to sodium,
    and puts events into a dict {file_name -> {event_time -> (event_str)}}.

    :param file_name: (str) name of current JSON file being read
    :param lis_struct: (dict) dict containing item and value pairs
    :param time: (str) time when results were obtained (as contained in JSON file)
    :param args: (dict) switches provided to lisanalyze.py via argparse

    :returns: False

    #global __alias

    # Use "Na" as the standard name
    for k in list(lis_struct[time]):
        if k in __alias.keys():
            lis_struct[time].update({__alias[k]: lis_struct[time][k]})

    # Basic checks and value-setting
    if "Na" in lis_struct[time].keys():
        if args.warn and lis_struct[time]["Na"]["unit"] != __unit:
            print("WARNING: unit mismatch in entry for {}".format(time),
        na_val = float(lis_struct[time]["Na"]["lab_value"])
        return None

    # Unit conversion
    if args.convert:
        lis_struct[time]["Na"]["unit"] = lis_struct[time]["Na"]["unit"].lower(
        ).replace("eq", "mol")
        import pint
        ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
        factor = (ureg.parse_expression(
        na_val *= factor

    # Correction for glucose (Lange Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 6e, p.260)
    if not args.no_correct:
        import modules.analyzers.lisanalyze_glucose as lisanalyze_glucose
        glucose_passthrough = lisanalyze_glucose.passthrough(
            file_name, lis_struct, time, args)
        if glucose_passthrough:
            glucose, unit = glucose_passthrough
            if glucose > 110:
                na_val += (glucose - 110) * 1.6 / 100

    # Out-of-normal-range warning; provided values take precedence
    if "ref_high" in lis_struct[time]["Na"].keys():
        if lis_struct[time]["Na"]["lab_value"] > lis_struct[time]["Na"][
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "Hypernatremia (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
        if args.warn:
                "WARNING: higher reference value not provided; falling back to built-in value",
        if na_val > __na_ul:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "Hypernatremia (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
                na_val, __na_ul, __unit)
    if "ref_low" in lis_struct[time]["Na"].keys():
        if lis_struct[time]["Na"]["lab_value"] < lis_struct[time]["Na"][
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "Hyponatremia (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
        if args.warn:
                "WARNING: lower reference value not provided; falling back to built-in value",
        if na_val < __na_ll:
            event_time = time
            if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
                __event_dict[file_name] = {}
            if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
                __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
            event_str = "Hyponatremia (current value {}; reference value {} ({}))".format(
                na_val, __na_ll, __unit)

    # Panic if Na > 155 mmol/l or Na < 125 mmol/l (Lange Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests, 6e, p.260)
    if na_val > 155:
        event_time = time
        if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
            __event_dict[file_name] = {}
        if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
            __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
        event_str = "Severe hypernatremia ({} ({}))".format(na_val, __unit)
    if na_val < 125:
        event_time = time
        if file_name not in __event_dict.keys():
            __event_dict[file_name] = {}
        if event_time not in __event_dict[file_name].keys():
            __event_dict[file_name][event_time] = []
        event_str = "Severe hyponatremia ({} ({}))".format(na_val, __unit)
    return False
Пример #14
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
    logger.warn('modsim.py depends on Python 3.6 features.')

import inspect
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import sympy

import seaborn as sns
sns.set(style='white', font_scale=1.2)

import pint
UNITS = pint.UnitRegistry()
Quantity = UNITS.Quantity

# expose some names so we can use them without dot notation
from copy import copy
from numpy import sqrt, log, exp, pi
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from time import sleep

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import minimize_scalar
Пример #15
"""Class to extend the HaloMassFunction class to compute the estimated merger rate of primordial black holes in different sized halos."""
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pint
import concentration
import halo_mass_function as hm

#This is a global so that the decorator checking works.
ureg_chk = pint.UnitRegistry()

def ggconc(conc):
    """Utility function that drops out of the NFW profile. Eq. 10 of the attached pdf."""
    return np.log(1 + conc) - conc / (1 + conc)

class NFWHalo(hm.HaloMassFunction):
    """Class to add the ability to compute concentrations to the halo mass function"""
    def __init__(self,
        self.ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
        self.ureg.define("Msolar = 1.98855*10**30 * kilogram")
        #Mpc newton's constant and light speed are already defined.
Пример #16
import pint
import psutil
import pyudev
import six
import stevedore

from ironic_python_agent import encoding
from ironic_python_agent import errors
from ironic_python_agent import netutils
from ironic_python_agent import utils

_global_managers = None
LOG = log.getLogger()

UNIT_CONVERTER = pint.UnitRegistry(filename=None)
UNIT_CONVERTER.define('MB = []')
UNIT_CONVERTER.define('GB = 1024 MB')

NODE = None

def _get_device_vendor(dev):
    """Get the vendor name of a given device."""
        devname = os.path.basename(dev)
        with open('/sys/class/block/%s/device/vendor' % devname, 'r') as f:
            return f.read().strip()
    except IOError:
        LOG.warning("Can't find the device vendor for device %s", dev)
Пример #17
Created on Thu Jun 8 2017

@author: Monroe Weber-Shirk

    Last modified: Fri Aug 11 2017
By: Ethan Keller

Module containing global `pint` unit registry.

The `pint` module supports arithmetic involving *physical quantities*
each of which has a magnitude and units, for example 1 cm or 3 kg.
The units of a quantity come from a `pint` *unit registry*, and it
appears that `pint` supports arithmetic operations only on quantities
whose units come from the same unit registry (an attempt to perform
an operation on quantities whose units come from different unit
registries raises an exception). This module contains a single global
unit registry `unit_registry` that can be used by any number of other

import os
import pint

unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry(system='mks',

    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data/unit_definitions.txt"))
Пример #18
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import uncertainties.unumpy as unp
from uncertainties.unumpy import nominal_values as noms
from uncertainties.unumpy import std_devs as stds
from uncertainties import ufloat
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import scipy.constants as const
import imageio
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
from scipy.signal import argrelmin
from scipy.signal import argrelmax
import pint
import string as str
from tab2tex import make_table
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry(auto_reduce_dimensions = True)
Q_ = ureg.Quantity

#------------------------Verwendete Konstanten--------------------
c = Q_(const.value('speed of light in vacuum'), const.unit('speed of light in vacuum'))
h = Q_(const.value('Planck constant'), const.unit('Planck constant'))
#  c = const.c
#  h = const.h
muB = const.value('Bohr magneton')
gyro_faktor = 2.6752219 #rad/(sT)
max_gradient = -9

gp = const.physical_constants["proton gyromag. ratio"]
print("Gyromagnetischer Faktor eines Protons:", gp)

k = const.physical_constants["Boltzmann constant"]
Пример #19
 def test_make_units(self):
     env = src.calc.Environment()
     ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
     assert src.calc.calculate('3.6 {(kg * m) / s}->{(mg * m)/s}',
                               env) == 3600000.0 * ureg('(mg * m)/s')
Пример #20
                'long_name': 'Data 1 values',
                'units': 'degF'
            'data2': ('time', data2, {
                'long_name': 'Data 2 values',
                'units': 'degC'
        coords={'time': ('time', time, {
            'long_name': 'Time in UTC'

    # But we need the units of the two data variables to be the same.
    # Let's use Pint to fix that.
    desired_temp_unit = 'degK'  # The units we want
    unit_registry = pint.UnitRegistry()  # Set up the regestry object.

    if False:
        # Using the .data_vars method on the Dataset we can get a list of all
        # variables in the object instead of typing their names.
        # Notice the print out is more than the names.
        print('\nxr_ds.data_vars:\n', xr_ds.data_vars)

        # When we convet it to a list it automatically just has variable names.
        print('\nlist(xr_ds.data_vars):\n', list(xr_ds.data_vars))

    # We loop over all the variables in the Dataset. Notice some magic here
    # where the loop knows how to extract the variable names only and sets
    # the var_name for each itteration to the variable name not the full
    # DataArray.
Пример #21
from .object import Object
from ..postgres import ArrayPosition, ArrayPositions, Unnest

import pandas as pd
import ete3
import arrow
import pint
import geopy
import datetime
import version_parser.version as version
import re
import io
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

#This should be fine to live here, but may need to move if this file reloads often
unitregistry = pint.UnitRegistry()
Q_ = unitregistry.Quantity
# Probably move these to a fields.py soon

class VersionParser(version.Version):
    digits = 4
    number_version_pattern = re.compile(r"^(\d{1,%d})$" % (digits * 3, ))

    def __init__(self, raw_version, parse_number=False, *args, **kwargs):
        if not parse_number:
            self.number_version_pattern = re.compile(
            )  #thanks StackOverflow, for this regex that's guaranteed not to match
Пример #22

Aeronautical engineering calculations in Python


# Package version
__version__ = "0.2.dev0"

# Prellocate units module
import pint

units = pint.UnitRegistry()
Пример #23
import pint
u = pint.UnitRegistry()
import numpy as np
import os

c_h = 6.582119569e-34  # J * s
c_e = 1.602176634e-19  # C
c_ϵ_0 = 8.8541878128e-12  # A s / (V m)
c_m_e = 9.1093837015e-31  # kg
c_c_0 = 2.99792458e8  # m/s
c_k_B = 1.38064852e-23  # J / K
c_σ = 5.670374419e-8  # W / m**2 / K**4
c_h = 6.62607015e-34  # J s
c_R = 8.314462618  # J / mol / K
c_NA = 6.02214076e23  # 1 / mol
c_m = 1.6605390666e-27  # kg

u_h = c_h * u.J * u.s
u_e = c_e * u.A * u.s
u_ϵ_0 = c_ϵ_0 * u.A * u.s / (u.V * u.m)
u_m_e = c_m_e * u.kg
u_c_0 = c_c_0 * u.m / u.s
u_k_B = c_k_B * u.J / u.K
u_σ = c_σ * u.W / u.m**2 / u.K**4
u_h = c_h * u.J * u.s
u_R = c_R * u.J / u.mol / u.K
u_NA = c_NA / u.mol
u_m = c_m * u.kg

sun_Ts = 5778.0  # K
Пример #24
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Oct  6 14:51:48 2017

@author: tanner

import pint as pynt

u = pynt.UnitRegistry()

def convertT(temp, unit):
    if unit == 'K':
        return temp
    if unit == 'R':
        temp = temp * u.rankine
        rtemp = temp.to(u.kelvin)
        return rtemp.magnitude
    if unit == 'F':
        tempF = u.Quantity
        fTemp = tempF(temp, u.degF)
        cTemp = fTemp.to(u.kelvin)
        return cTemp.magnitude
    if unit == 'C':
        tempC = u.Quantity
        cTemp = tempC(temp, u.degC)
        kTemp = cTemp.to(u.kelvin)
        return kTemp.magnitude

Пример #25
import numpy as np
import pint
ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
import tools
from generate_table import generate_table

α1, α2_grün, α2_rot = np.genfromtxt(f'data/Prisma.csv',
α1 *= ureg.deg  # Einfallswinkel
α2_grün *= ureg.deg  # Austrittswinkel
α2_rot *= ureg.deg  # Austrittswinkel

# assert all(α1 >= 10 & α1 <= 60)…

def analyze(α2):
    γ = ureg('60 °')  # brechender Winkel; lt. Versuchsanleitung
    n_lit = 1.510 * ureg.dimensionless  # Brechungsindex für Kronglas; aus der Vorbereitungsaufgabe
    δ = (α1 + α2) - γ  # Ablenkung
    assert all(
        δ < ureg('120 °')
    )  # sanity check – siehe Abbildung. Größere Werte ergeben keinen Sinn.
    return δ

δ_grün = analyze(α2_grün)
Пример #26
from carousel.core.exceptions import (DuplicateRegItemError,

warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)
# create default logger from root logger with debug level, stream handler and
# formatter with date-time, function name, line no and basic configuration
LOG_DATEFMT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
LOG_FORMAT = ('\n> %(asctime)s %(funcName)s:%(lineno)d\n> ' +
              '\n'.join(logging.BASIC_FORMAT.rsplit(':', 1)))
logging.basicConfig(datefmt=LOG_DATEFMT, format=LOG_FORMAT)
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# unit registry, quantity constructor and extra units registry definitions
UREG = pint.UnitRegistry()  # registry of units
Q_ = UREG.Quantity  # quantity constructor for ambiguous quantities like degC
UREG.define('lumen = cd * sr = lm')
UREG.define('lux = lumen / m ** 2.0 = lx')
UREG.define('fraction = []')  # define new dimensionless base unit for percents
UREG.define('percent = fraction / 100.0 = pct')  # can't use "%" only ascii
UREG.define('suns = []')  # dimensionless unit equivalent to 1000.0 [W/m/m]

# define PV solar context
_PV = pint.Context('pv')
# define transformation of suns to power flux and vice versa
E0 = 1000.0 * UREG.W / UREG.m / UREG.m  # 1 sun
_PV.add_transformation('[]', '[power] / [area]', lambda ureg, x: x * E0)
_PV.add_transformation('[power] / [area]', '[]', lambda ureg, x: x / E0)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import yaml
import pint
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
import network_data_analysis as nda
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import pn_kc_ggn_plot_mpl as myplot
import neurograph as ng
import timeit
from sklearn import cluster, preprocessing

plt.rc('font', size=11)

_ur = pint.UnitRegistry()
Q_ = _ur.Quantity
datadir = 'D:\\biowulf_stage\\olfactory_network\\'
datadir = '/data/rays3/ggn/olfactory_network/'

# jid = '16034794'
jid = '22295165'
fname = nda.find_h5_file(jid, datadir)

gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=3, ncols=1, height_ratios=[2, 2, 1], hspace=0.05)
fig = plt.figure()
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1], sharex=ax0)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2], sharex=ax0)

axes = [ax0, ax1, ax2]
Пример #28
import pint
from decimal import Decimal
import yaml

u1 = pint.UnitRegistry()
u2 = pint.UnitRegistry()

u1.define('xx = 1*meter')
u2.define('xx = 1*micrometer')

def changesys(new_system, qty):
    orig_units = qty.units
    x = qty.to_base_units()
    x = new_system.Quantity(x.magnitude, x.units)
        x = x.to(str(orig_units))
    except (pint.errors.UndefinedUnitError, pint.errors.DimensionalityError):
    return x

y = changesys(u2, (Decimal(1) * u1.xx))
Пример #29
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
    TMP_PATH = os.path.join(os.getenv('TEMP'), CONFIG.get('temp_files', 'temp_subfolder'))
elif platform.system() == 'Linux':
    TMP_PATH = os.path.join('/var/tmp', CONFIG.get('temp_files', 'temp_subfolder'))
    raise OSError('Could not find a valid temp path.')

COORDS_FILE_PATH = os.path.join(TMP_PATH, 'bus_coords_fromkml.csv')

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
UM = pint.UnitRegistry()
UM.define('percent = 0.01 * dimensionless = pct')
UM.define('none = [generic_length] = unitlength')  # when lengths are set as none, this creates a common basis
UM.define('mt = meter')
PINT_QTY_TYPE = type(1 * UM.m)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
with open(ERROR_STRINGS_PATH, 'r') as ef:
    ERROR_STRINGS = json.load(ef)

# -------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #30
def test_datum_user_unit_registry():
    ureg = pint.UnitRegistry()
    ureg.define('ell = 0.6275 * meter = ell')
    datum = 1
    result = unit_convert(datum, src='ell', dst='m', ureg=ureg)
    np.testing.assert_equal(result, 0.6275)