def importAssetCache(self, cacheXmlLt, cacheErrorCheck = False): """ cacheXmlLt = "R:/data/cache/sq001/sh001/light/char/ben00c_ben/ben00c_ben.xml" """ if os.path.exists(cacheXmlLt): cacheChannels = mc.cacheFile(fileName=cacheXmlLt,q=1,channelName=1) cacheGeos = self.getCacheGeos() cacheGeoDict, cacheChannelsTmp = {}, [] for chn in cacheChannels: for geo in cacheGeos: baseChn = utils.stripNames(utils.convertName(chn, "texture")) baseGeo = utils.stripNames(utils.stripNames(geo, ":"), "|") if baseChn in baseGeo: cacheGeoDict[chn] = geo cacheChannelsTmp.append(chn) continue else: utils.msgWin("Error", "File does not exist : %s"%cacheXmlLt, self.silent) return False if cacheErrorCheck: missedChannels = list(set(cacheChannels).difference(set(cacheGeoDict.keys()))) if len(missedChannels) > 0: msg = "Cache geometry missing\n" msg += "\n".join(missedChannels) utils.msgWin("Error", msg, self.silent) return missedChannels else: return False for chNode in self.getCacheNodes(): mc.delete(chNode) for chn in cacheGeoDict.keys(): deformShp = cacheGeoDict[chn] try: shpSwitch = mc.deformer(deformShp, type="historySwitch") except: continue shpHist = mc.listHistory(deformShp, pdo=1) if shpHist: for hist in shpHist: if mc.nodeType(hist) == "tweak": dblList = mc.listAttr("%s.plist"%hist, m= 1) fltList = mc.listAttr("%s.vlist"%hist, m= 1) dbCon, flCon = False, False if dblList: if len(dblList) > 1: dbCon = True if fltList: if len(fltList) > 1: flCon = True if not(dbCon or flCon): mc.delete(hist) break conns = mc.listConnections("%s.ip[0].ig"%shpSwitch[0], p=1) mc.connectAttr(conns[0], "[0]"%shpSwitch[0]) mc.setAttr("%s.playFromCache"%shpSwitch[0], 1) mc.getAttr("%s.op[0]"%shpSwitch[0], sl = 1) mc.setAttr("%s.playFromCache"%shpSwitch[0], 0) mc.disconnectAttr(conns[0], "[0]"%shpSwitch[0]) switch = mc.rename(shpSwitch[0],'cacheSwitch#') mc.setAttr(switch+'.ihi',0) cacheNode = mc.cacheFile(f = cacheXmlLt, attachFile = True, ia = '%s.inp[0]'%switch, cnm = chn) mc.connectAttr(cacheNode+".inRange", switch + '.playFromCache') utils.msgWin("Message", "Cache loaded successfully for %s"%self.namespace, self.silent) return True
def checkImportErrors(self, silent = True, update = False, refNodes = []): errorLog = [] if self.checkExportErrors(): errorLog.extend(self.exportErrorLog) if not os.path.exists(self.shotCacheXmlAn): utils.msgWin("Error", "XML file does not exist : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlAn, True) errorLog.append("XML file does not exist : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlAn) else: self.readXML() cacheNotFound = [] animFldr = os.path.join(self.shotCacheFldr, "anim") liteFldr = os.path.join(self.shotCacheFldr, "light") if refNodes: asts = refNodes refRes = "texture" else: asts = self.assets.keys() refRes = "rig" for ast in asts: if refRes == "texture": astObj = MayaAsset(ast) if astObj.validAsset: scNamespace = astObj.namespace namespace = utils.convertName(scNamespace, "rig", True) topNode = astObj.topGrp if not mc.objExists(topNode): errorLog.append("Missing reference/assets in scene : %s"%topNode) continue else: continue else: namespace = self.assets[ast]['namespace'] scNamespace = utils.convertName(namespace, "texture", True) topName = self.assets[ast]['name'] topNode = "%s:%s"%(scNamespace, topName) if mc.objExists(topNode): try: refNode = mc.referenceQuery(topNode, rfn = True) except: print "Reference has been cut for : %s"%topNode continue else: errorLog.append("Missing reference/asset in scene : %s"%topNode) continue astObj = MayaAsset(refNode) if not os.path.exists(astObj.assetPath): errorLog.append("Missing High Asset : %s"%astObj.assetPath) utils.msgWin("Error", "Missing High Asset : %s"%astObj.assetPath, True) astType = astObj.assetType cacheName = (utils.convertName(topNode, "rig", False)).replace(":", "_") cacheFldrAn = os.path.join(animFldr, astType, cacheName) cacheFldrLt = os.path.join(liteFldr, astType, cacheName) cacheFile = os.path.join(cacheFldrAn, ""%cacheName) if astObj.getCacheGeos(): if not os.path.exists(cacheFile): cacheFile = os.path.join(cacheFldrLt, ""%cacheName) if not os.path.exists(cacheFile): print "missing", cacheFile cacheNotFound.append(cacheFile.replace("\\", "/")) missedChn = astObj.importAssetCache(cacheFile, True) if missedChn: errorLog.append("Cache Geometry missing for %s"%astObj.namespace) print "\nCache Geometry missing for %s:"%astObj.namespace for chn in missedChn: print "Channel mismatch for %s"%chn print "\n" if cacheNotFound: errorLog.append("\nThe following animation cache files do not exist:\n") utils.msgWin("Error", "\nThe following animation cache files do not exist:\n", True) for cchNotF in cacheNotFound: errorLog.append("%s"%cchNotF) utils.msgWin("Error", "%s"%cchNotF, True) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.shotCacheXmlLt)): lockedFiles = utils.checkLockedFiles(os.path.dirname(self.shotCacheXmlLt), "mc") if lockedFiles: msg = "Following Light cache files are in use. Please close\nallother maya files that might be accessing this cache folder\n" for lckFil in lockedFiles: msg += "%s\n"%lckFil utils.msgWin("Error", msg, True) errorLog.append(msg) if update: if not os.path.exists(self.shotCacheXmlLt): utils.msgWin("Error", "Light XML not found : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlLt, True) errorLog.append("Light XML not found : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlLt) if errorLog: errorLog.append("\nImport Cache Operation Aborted\n") self.importErrorLog = errorLog utils.msgWin("Cache Scene Errors", "\n".join(errorLog), silent) return True else: return False
def getAstCacheFldr(self, shotCacheFldr, typ = "anim"): self.astCacheName = utils.convertName(self.topGrp, "rig").replace(':','_') animCachePath='%s/%s/%s/%s' %(shotCacheFldr,typ,self.assetType,self.astCacheName) return animCachePath