Пример #1
def form_none(mongo_results=instantiate_mongo(False).find({"": ""}), nav_caption=""):
	Flask callback function for all requests
	path_to_url: /mnt/projects/userrig/solexa/.. -> rpd/userrig/runs/solexaProjects/..
	result = ""
	result += ("<script>$(function(){$('.nav_caption').replaceWith('" \
		+ '<span class="nav_caption">' + nav_caption + "</span>" + "');});</script>")
	analysis_none = 0
	analysis_started = 0
	analysis_failed = 0
	analysis_success = 0
	for record in mongo_results:
		result += "<tr class='run_row'>"
		result += ("<td>" + str(record["run"]) + "</td>")

		if len(str(record["timestamp"])) == 13:
			result += ("<td>" + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(
				record["timestamp"] / 1000).isoformat()).replace(":", "-") + "</td>")
			result += ("<td>" + str(record["timestamp"]) + "</td>")

		result += "<td>"
		if "analysis" in record:

			if "Status" in record["analysis"][-1]:
				if record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "STARTED":
					analysis_started += 1
					result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_STARTED</div>" 
#                elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"].find("FAILED") != -1:
				elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "FAILED":
					analysis_failed += 1
					result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_FAILED</div>" 
				elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "SUCCESS":
					analysis_success += 1
					result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_SUCCESS</div>" 
					result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_SEQRUNFAILED</div>"
				result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_NONE</div>"

			result += """
			<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact analysis_table'>
				<tbody class='analysis_tbody'>
			analysis_counter = len(record["analysis"])
			for analysis in record["analysis"]:
				analysis_counter -= 1
				if analysis_counter == 0:
					result += "<tr class='analysis_last_row'>"
					result += "<tr>"
				result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("analysis_id", analysis) + "</td>")
				result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("end_time", analysis) + "</td>")
				result += ("<td><a href='" + path_to_url(
					merge_cells("out_dir", analysis)).replace("//", "/").replace(":/", "://") \
					+ "'>" + merge_cells("out_dir", analysis).replace("//", "/") + "</a></td>")
				result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("Status", analysis) + "</td>")
				result += "<td>"

				if "per_mux_status" in analysis:
					result += """
					<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact mux_table'>
						<tbody class='mux_tbody'>
					for mux in analysis["per_mux_status"]:
						result += "<tr>"
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("mux_id", mux) + "</td>")
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("ArchiveSubmission", mux) + "</td>")
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("DownstreamSubmission", mux) + "</td>")
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("StatsSubmission", mux) + "</td>")
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("Status", mux) + "</td>")
						result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("email_sent", mux) + "</td>")
						result += "</tr>"
					result += "</tbody></table>"
#                    result += "<span class='label label-pill label-default'>NONE</span>"
					result += """
					<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact invisible'>
					result += "</tbody></table>"

				result += "</td>"
			result += "</tbody></table>"
			analysis_none += 1
			result += "<span class='label label-pill label-default'>NONE</span>"
		result += "</td>"
		result += "</tr>"
		result += "</tr>"

		result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_none').attr('data-badge', '" \
			+ str(analysis_none) + "');});</script>")
		result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_started').attr('data-badge', '" \
			+ str(analysis_started) + "');});</script>")
		result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_failed').attr('data-badge', '" \
			+ str(analysis_failed) + "');});</script>")
		result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_success').attr('data-badge', '" \
			+ str(analysis_success) + "');});</script>")

	return render_template("index.html", result=Markup(result))
Пример #2
def main():
    """main function
    stats_upload_script = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "bcl_stats_upload.py"))
    assert os.path.exists(stats_upload_script)
    archive_upload_script = os.path.abspath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "sra_fastq_upload.py"))
    assert os.path.exists(archive_upload_script)

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
                        help="Use MongoDB test server")
    default = 14
        help="Number of days to look back (default {})".format(default))
    parser.add_argument('-n', "--dry-run", action='store_true', help="Dry run")
                        help="Increase verbosity")
                        help="Decrease verbosity")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Repeateable -v and -q for setting logging level.
    # See https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/3nctlm/what_python_tools_should_i_be_using_on_every/
    # and https://gist.github.com/andreas-wilm/b6031a84a33e652680d4
    # script -vv -> DEBUG
    # script -v -> INFO
    # script -> WARNING
    # script -q -> ERROR
    # script -qq -> CRITICAL
    # script -qqq -> no logging at all
    logger.setLevel(logging.WARN + 10 * args.quiet - 10 * args.verbose)

    if not is_production_user():
        logger.warning("Not a production user. Skipping sending of emails")

    connection = mongodb_conn(args.testing)
    if connection is None:
    db = connection.gisds.runcomplete
    epoch_present, epoch_back = generate_window(args.win)
    num_emails = 0
    results = db.find({
        "analysis": {
            "$exists": True
        "timestamp": {
            "$gt": epoch_back,
            "$lt": epoch_present
    logger.info("Found %s runs", results.count())

    if is_devel_version() or args.testing:
        mail_to = 'veeravallil'  # domain added in mail function
        #mail_to = '*****@*****.**'
        mail_to = '*****@*****.**'

    for record in results:
        run_number = record['run']
        for (analysis_count, analysis) in enumerate(record['analysis']):
            analysis_id = analysis['analysis_id']
            per_mux_status = analysis.get("per_mux_status", None)
            if per_mux_status is None:

            for (mux_count, mux_status) in enumerate(per_mux_status):
                if args.dry_run:
                        "Skipping analysis %s run %s MUX %s"
                        " with email_sent %s", analysis_id,
                        run_number, mux_status['mux_id'],
                        mux_status.get('email_sent', None))

                if mux_status.get('email_sent', None):

                # for all others: send email and update db

                email_sent_query = "analysis.{}.per_mux_status.{}.email_sent".format(
                    analysis_count, mux_count)
                mux_id = mux_status['mux_id']
                out_dir = analysis['out_dir']

                if mux_status.get('Status', None) == "FAILED":
                    logger.info("bcl2fastq for MUX %s from %s failed. ",
                                mux_status['mux_id'], run_number)
                    subject = 'bcl2fastq: ' + mux_id
                    body = "bcl2fastq for {} from {} failed.".format(
                        mux_id, run_number)
                    body += "\n\nPlease check the logs under {}".format(
                        out_dir + "/logs")
                    send_mail(subject, body, mail_to, ccaddr="rpd")
                    num_emails += 1
                    update_mongodb_email(db, run_number, analysis_id,
                                         email_sent_query, True)

                elif mux_status.get('Status', None) == "SUCCESS":
                    muxdir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'out',
                    summary = path_to_url(
                        os.path.join(muxdir, 'html/index.html'))
                    body = "bcl2fastq for {} from {} successfully completed.".format(
                        mux_id, run_number)
                    body += "\n\nA summary can be found at {}".format(summary)
                    body += "\n\nFastQ files are located in {}".format(muxdir)
                    body += "\n\nData can also be downloaded from GIS-SRA (once archival is complete)"

                    confinfo = os.path.join(out_dir, 'conf.yaml')
                    if not os.path.exists(confinfo):
                            "conf info '%s' does not exist"
                            " under run directory.", confinfo)

                    subject = 'bcl2fastq'
                    if args.testing:
                        subject += ' testing'
                    if is_devel_version():
                        subject += ' devel'
                    subject += ': ' + mux_id
                    send_mail(subject, body, mail_to,
                              ccaddr="rpd")  # mail_to already set

                    if not args.testing and not is_devel_version():
                        requestor = get_requestor(mux_id, confinfo)
                        if requestor is not None:
                            #requestor = "rpd"
                            #subject += " (instead of requestor)"
                            #send_mail(subject, body, requestor, ccaddr="rpd")
                            send_mail(subject, body, requestor)

                    num_emails += 1
                    update_mongodb_email(db, run_number, analysis_id,
                                         email_sent_query, True)

    # close the connection to MongoDB
    logger.info("%d emails sent", num_emails)
Пример #3
def form_none(
        mongo_results=instantiate_mongo(False).find({"": ""}), nav_caption=""):
	Flask callback function for all requests
	path_to_url: /mnt/projects/userrig/solexa/.. -> rpd/userrig/runs/solexaProjects/..
    result = ""
    result += ("<script>$(function(){$('.nav_caption').replaceWith('" \
     + '<span class="nav_caption">' + nav_caption + "</span>" + "');});</script>")
    analysis_none = 0
    analysis_started = 0
    analysis_failed = 0
    analysis_success = 0
    for record in mongo_results:
        result += "<tr class='run_row'>"
        result += ("<td>" + str(record["run"]) + "</td>")

        if len(str(record["timestamp"])) == 13:
            result += ("<td>" + str(
                datetime.fromtimestamp(record["timestamp"] /
                                       1000).isoformat()).replace(":", "-") +
            result += ("<td>" + str(record["timestamp"]) + "</td>")

        if "raw-delete" in record:
            result += "<td>" + merge_cells("Status",
                                           record["raw-delete"]) + "</td>"
            result += "<td>" + "</td>"

        result += "<td>"
        if "analysis" in record:

            if "Status" in record["analysis"][-1]:
                if record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "STARTED":
                    analysis_started += 1
                    result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_STARTED</div>"
#                		elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"].find("FAILED") != -1:
                elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "FAILED":
                    analysis_failed += 1
                    result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_FAILED</div>"
                elif record["analysis"][-1]["Status"] == "SUCCESS":
                    analysis_success += 1
                    result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_SUCCESS</div>"
                    result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_SEQRUNFAILED</div>"
#			else:
#				result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_NONE</div>"

            result += """
			<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact analysis_table'>
				<tbody class='analysis_tbody'>
            analysis_counter = len(record["analysis"])
            for analysis in record["analysis"]:
                analysis_counter -= 1
                if analysis_counter == 0:
                    result += "<tr class='analysis_last_row'>"
                    result += "<tr>"
                result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("analysis_id", analysis) +
                result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("end_time", analysis) +
                result += ("<td><a href='" + path_to_url(
                 merge_cells("out_dir", analysis)).replace("//", "/").replace(":/", "://") \
                 + "'>" + merge_cells("out_dir", analysis).replace("//", "/") + "</a></td>")
                result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("Status", analysis) + "</td>")
                result += "<td>"

                if "per_mux_status" in analysis:
                    result += """
					<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact mux_table'>
						<tbody class='mux_tbody'>
                    for mux in sorted(analysis["per_mux_status"],
                        result += "<tr>"
                        result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("mux_id", mux) +
                        result += ("<td>" +
                                   merge_cells("ArchiveSubmission", mux) +
                        result += ("<td>" +
                                   merge_cells("DownstreamSubmission", mux) +
                        result += ("<td>" +
                                   merge_cells("StatsSubmission", mux) +
                        result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("Status", mux) +
                        result += ("<td>" + merge_cells("email_sent", mux) +
                        result += "</tr>"
                    result += "</tbody></table>"
                    #                    result += "<span class='label label-pill label-default'>NONE</span>"
                    result += """
					<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact invisible'>
                    result += "</tbody></table>"

                result += "</td>"
            result += "</tbody></table>"
            analysis_none += 1
            result += "<div class='hidden'>FINAL_NONE</div>"
            result += "<span class='label label-pill label-default'>NONE</span>"

#		result += "<td>"
#		if "raw-delete" in record:
#			result += """
#			<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-fixed table-compact raw_delete_table'>
#				<thead>
#					<tr>
#						<th>START_TIME</th>
#						<th>END_TIME</th>
#						<th>STATUS</th>
#					</tr>
#				</thead>
#				<tbody class='raw_delete_tbody'>
#					<tr>
#			"""
#			result += "<td>" + record["raw-delete"]["start_time"] + "</td>"
#			result += "<td>" + record["raw-delete"]["end_time"] + "</td>"
#			result += "<td>" + merge_cells("Status", record["raw-delete"]) + "</td>"
#			result += "</tr></tbody></table>"
#		result += "</td>"

        result += "</td>"
        result += "</tr>"
        result += "</tr>"

        result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_none').attr('data-badge', '" \
         + str(analysis_none) + "');});</script>")
        result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_started').attr('data-badge', '" \
         + str(analysis_started) + "');});</script>")
        result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_failed').attr('data-badge', '" \
         + str(analysis_failed) + "');});</script>")
        result += ("<script>$(function(){$('#analysis_success').attr('data-badge', '" \
         + str(analysis_success) + "');});</script>")

    return render_template("index.html", result=Markup(result))
Пример #4
def main():
    """main function
    stats_upload_script = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "bcl_stats_upload.py"))
    assert os.path.exists(stats_upload_script)
    archive_upload_script = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "sra_fastq_upload.py"))
    assert os.path.exists(archive_upload_script)

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('-t', "--testing", action='store_true',
                        help="Use MongoDB test server")
    default = 14
    parser.add_argument('-w', '--win', type=int, default=default,
                        help="Number of days to look back (default {})".format(default))
    parser.add_argument('-n', "--dry-run", action='store_true',
                        help="Dry run")
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
                        help="Increase verbosity")
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='count', default=0,
                        help="Decrease verbosity")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    # Repeateable -v and -q for setting logging level.
    # See https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/3nctlm/what_python_tools_should_i_be_using_on_every/
    # and https://gist.github.com/andreas-wilm/b6031a84a33e652680d4
    # script -vv -> DEBUG
    # script -v -> INFO
    # script -> WARNING
    # script -q -> ERROR
    # script -qq -> CRITICAL
    # script -qqq -> no logging at all
    logger.setLevel(logging.WARN + 10*args.quiet - 10*args.verbose)

    user_name = getpass.getuser()
    if user_name != "userrig":
        logger.warning("Not a production user. Skipping sending of emails")

    connection = mongodb_conn(args.testing)
    if connection is None:
    db = connection.gisds.runcomplete
    epoch_present, epoch_back = generate_window(args.win)
    num_emails = 0
    results = db.find({"analysis" : {"$exists": True},
                       "timestamp": {"$gt": epoch_back, "$lt": epoch_present}})
    logger.info("Found %s runs", results.count())

    if is_devel_version() or args.testing:
        mail_to = 'veeravallil'# domain added in mail function
        #mail_to = '*****@*****.**'
        mail_to = '*****@*****.**'

    for record in results:
        run_number = record['run']
        for (analysis_count, analysis) in enumerate(record['analysis']):
            analysis_id = analysis['analysis_id']
            per_mux_status = analysis.get("per_mux_status", None)
            if per_mux_status is None:

            for (mux_count, mux_status) in enumerate(per_mux_status):
                if args.dry_run:
                    logger.warning("Skipping analysis %s run %s MUX %s"
                                   " with email_sent %s",
                                   analysis_id, run_number, mux_status['mux_id'],
                                   mux_status.get('email_sent', None))

                if mux_status.get('email_sent', None):

                # for all others: send email and update db

                email_sent_query = "analysis.{}.per_mux_status.{}.email_sent".format(
                    analysis_count, mux_count)
                mux_id = mux_status['mux_id']
                out_dir = analysis['out_dir']

                if mux_status.get('Status', None) == "FAILED":
                    logger.info("bcl2fastq for MUX %s from %s failed. ",
                                mux_status['mux_id'], run_number)
                    subject = 'bcl2fastq: ' + mux_id
                    body = "bcl2fastq for {} from {} failed.".format(mux_id, run_number)
                    body += "\n\nPlease check the logs under {}".format(out_dir + "/logs")
                    send_mail(subject, body, mail_to, ccaddr="rpd")
                    num_emails += 1
                    update_mongodb_email(db, run_number, analysis_id, email_sent_query, True)

                elif mux_status.get('Status', None) == "SUCCESS":
                    muxdir = os.path.join(out_dir, 'out', mux_status.get('mux_dir'))
                    summary = path_to_url(os.path.join(muxdir, 'html/index.html'))
                    body = "bcl2fastq for {} from {} successfully completed.".format(
                        mux_id, run_number)
                    body += "\n\nA summary can be found at {}".format(summary)
                    body += "\n\nFastQ files are located in {}".format(muxdir)
                    body += "\n\nData can also be downloaded from GIS-SRA (once archival is complete)"
                    confinfo = os.path.join(out_dir, 'conf.yaml')
                    if not os.path.exists(confinfo):
                        logger.fatal("conf info '%s' does not exist"
                                     " under run directory.", confinfo)

                    subject = 'bcl2fastq'
                    if args.testing:
                        subject += ' testing'
                    if is_devel_version():
                        subject += ' devel'
                    subject += ': ' + mux_id
                    send_mail(subject, body, mail_to, ccaddr="rpd")# mail_to already set

                    if not args.testing and not is_devel_version():
                        requestor = get_requestor(mux_id, confinfo)
                        if requestor is not None:
                            #requestor = "rpd"
                            #subject += " (instead of requestor)"
                            #send_mail(subject, body, requestor, ccaddr="rpd")
                            send_mail(subject, body, requestor)

                    num_emails += 1
                    update_mongodb_email(db, run_number, analysis_id, email_sent_query, True)

    # close the connection to MongoDB
    logger.info("%d emails sent", num_emails)
Пример #5
def main():
    """main function

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
    parser.add_argument('-d', "--bcl2fastq-dir", required=True,
                        help="bcl2fastq directory (containing a conf.yaml)")
    parser.add_argument('--no-mail', action='store_true',
                        help="Don't send email on detected failures")
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0,
                        help="Increase verbosity")
    parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action='count', default=0,
                        help="Decrease verbosity")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Repeateable -v and -q for setting logging level.
    # See https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/3nctlm/what_python_tools_should_i_be_using_on_every/
    # and https://gist.github.com/andreas-wilm/b6031a84a33e652680d4
    # script -vv -> DEBUG
    # script -v -> INFO
    # script -> WARNING
    # script -q -> ERROR
    # script -qq -> CRITICAL
    # script -qqq -> no logging at all
    logger.setLevel(logging.WARN + 10*args.quiet - 10*args.verbose)

    assert os.path.isdir(args.bcl2fastq_dir)
    conf_file = os.path.join(args.bcl2fastq_dir, 'conf.yaml')
    if not os.path.exists(conf_file):
        logger.fatal("Expected config file missing: %s", conf_file)
    with open(conf_file) as fh:
        bcl2fastq_cfg = yaml.safe_load(fh)

    run_num = bcl2fastq_cfg["run_num"]
    machine_type = get_machine_type_from_run_num(run_num)

    project_dirs = []
    for _, mux_info in bcl2fastq_cfg["units"].items():
        d = os.path.join(args.bcl2fastq_dir, "out", mux_info['mux_dir'])
        if not os.path.exists(d):
            logger.warning("Ignoring missing directory %s", d)

    if len(project_dirs) == 0:
        logger.error("Exiting because no project directories where found in %s", args.bcl2fastq_dir)
    qcfails = run_qc_checks(project_dirs, machine_type)

    if qcfails:
        subject = "bcl2fastq QC checks failed for {} ({}):".format(
            run_num, args.bcl2fastq_dir)
        body = "The following " + subject
        for f in qcfails:
            body += "\n- {}".format(f)
        body += "\nPlease double-check here: {}\n".format(
        body += "QC_FAILED"# signal for callers
        print(subject + "\n" + body)

        if not args.no_mail:
            email_qcfails(subject, body)
        print("QC checks completed. No tests failed")
        print("QC SUCCESS")# signal for callers