Пример #1
    def solve(self):  # type: () -> SolverResult
        Finds a set of dependencies that match the root package's constraints,
        or raises an error if no such set is available.
        start = time.time()

                [Term(Constraint(self._source.root, Range()), False)],

        packages_tried = 0
        max_tries = -1
        while True:
            if packages_tried == max_tries:
                raise SolverFailure(
                    "Stopping, {} packages tried.".format(max_tries))
            if not self._run():

            packages_tried += 1

        logger.info("Version solving took {:.3f} seconds.".format(time.time() -
        logger.info("Tried {} solutions.".format(

        return SolverResult(self._solution.decisions,
Пример #2
    def _choose_package_version(self):  # type: () -> Union[Hashable, None]
        Tries to select a version of a required package.

        Returns the name of the package whose incompatibilities should be
        propagated by _propagate(), or None indicating that version solving is
        complete and a solution has been found.
        term = self._next_term_to_try()
        if not term:

        versions = self._source.versions_for(term.package,
        if not versions:
            # If there are no versions that satisfy the constraint,
            # add an incompatibility that indicates that.
                Incompatibility([term], NoVersionsCause()))

            return term.package

        version = versions[0]
        conflict = False
        for incompatibility in self._source.incompatibilities_for(
                term.package, version):

            # If an incompatibility is already satisfied, then selecting version
            # would cause a conflict.
            # We'll continue adding its dependencies, then go back to
            # unit propagation which will guide us to choose a better version.
            conflict = conflict or all([
                iterm.package == term.package
                or self._solution.satisfies(iterm)
                for iterm in incompatibility.terms

        if not conflict:
            self._solution.decide(term.package, version)
            logger.info("selecting {} ({})".format(
                term.package.req.extras_name, str(version)))

        return term.package
Пример #3
    def incompatibilities_for(
        self, package, version
    ):  # type: (Hashable, Any) -> List[Incompatibility]
        Returns the incompatibilities of a given package and version
        dependencies = self.dependencies_for(package, version)
        package_constraint = Constraint(package, Range(version, version, True, True))

        incompatibilities = []
        for dependency in dependencies:
            constraint = self.convert_dependency(dependency)

            if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint):
                constraint = Constraint(package, constraint)

            incompatibility = Incompatibility(
                [Term(package_constraint, True), Term(constraint, False)],

        return incompatibilities
Пример #4
    def _resolve_conflict(
            incompatibility):  # type: (Incompatibility) -> Incompatibility
        Given an incompatibility that's satisfied by _solution,
        The `conflict resolution`_ constructs a new incompatibility that encapsulates the root
        cause of the conflict and backtracks _solution until the new
        incompatibility will allow _propagate() to deduce new assignments.

        Adds the new incompatibility to _incompatibilities and returns it.

        .. _conflict resolution: https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/tree/master/doc/solver.md#conflict-resolution
        logger.info("conflict: {}".format(incompatibility))

        new_incompatibility = False
        while not incompatibility.is_failure():
            # The term in incompatibility.terms that was most recently satisfied by
            # _solution.
            most_recent_term = None

            # The earliest assignment in _solution such that incompatibility is
            # satisfied by _solution up to and including this assignment.
            most_recent_satisfier = None

            # The difference between most_recent_satisfier and most_recent_term;
            # that is, the versions that are allowed by most_recent_satisfier and not
            # by most_recent_term. This is None if most_recent_satisfier totally
            # satisfies most_recent_term.
            difference = None

            # The decision level of the earliest assignment in _solution *before*
            # most_recent_satisfier such that incompatibility is satisfied by
            # _solution up to and including this assignment plus
            # most_recent_satisfier.
            # Decision level 1 is the level where the root package was selected. It's
            # safe to go back to decision level 0, but stopping at 1 tends to produce
            # better error messages, because references to the root package end up
            # closer to the final conclusion that no solution exists.
            previous_satisfier_level = 1

            for term in incompatibility.terms:
                satisfier = self._solution.satisfier(term)

                if most_recent_satisfier is None:
                    most_recent_term = term
                    most_recent_satisfier = satisfier
                elif most_recent_satisfier.index < satisfier.index:
                    previous_satisfier_level = max(
                    most_recent_term = term
                    most_recent_satisfier = satisfier
                    difference = None
                    previous_satisfier_level = max(previous_satisfier_level,

                if most_recent_term == term:
                    # If most_recent_satisfier doesn't satisfy most_recent_term on its
                    # own, then the next-most-recent satisfier may be the one that
                    # satisfies the remainder.
                    difference = most_recent_satisfier.difference(
                    if difference is not None:
                        previous_satisfier_level = max(

            # If most_recent_identifier is the only satisfier left at its decision
            # level, or if it has no cause (indicating that it's a decision rather
            # than a derivation), then incompatibility is the root cause. We then
            # backjump to previous_satisfier_level, where incompatibility is
            # guaranteed to allow _propagate to produce more assignments.
            if (previous_satisfier_level < most_recent_satisfier.decision_level
                    or most_recent_satisfier.cause is None):
                if new_incompatibility:

                return incompatibility

            # Create a new incompatibility by combining incompatibility with the
            # incompatibility that caused most_recent_satisfier to be assigned. Doing
            # this iteratively constructs an incompatibility that's guaranteed to be
            # true (that is, we know for sure no solution will satisfy the
            # incompatibility) while also approximating the intuitive notion of the
            # "root cause" of the conflict.
            new_terms = []
            for term in incompatibility.terms:
                if term != most_recent_term:

            for term in most_recent_satisfier.cause.terms:
                if term.package != most_recent_satisfier.package:

            # The most_recent_satisfier may not satisfy most_recent_term on its own
            # if there are a collection of constraints on most_recent_term that
            # only satisfy it together. For example, if most_recent_term is
            # `foo ^1.0.0` and _solution contains `[foo >=1.0.0,
            # foo <2.0.0]`, then most_recent_satisfier will be `foo <2.0.0` even
            # though it doesn't totally satisfy `foo ^1.0.0`.
            # In this case, we add `not (most_recent_satisfier \ most_recent_term)` to
            # the incompatibility as well, See the `algorithm documentation`_ for
            # details.
            # .. _algorithm documentation: https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/tree/master/doc/solver.md#conflict-resolution
            if difference is not None:

            incompatibility = Incompatibility(
                ConflictCause(incompatibility, most_recent_satisfier.cause))
            new_incompatibility = True

            partially = "" if difference is None else " partially"
            bang = "!"
            logger.info("{} {} is{} satisfied by {}".format(
                bang, most_recent_term, partially, most_recent_satisfier))
            logger.info('{} which is caused by "{}"'.format(
                bang, most_recent_satisfier.cause))
            logger.info("{} thus: {}".format(bang, incompatibility))

        raise SolverFailure(incompatibility)